November 5, 2018

"Why is (almost) nobody talking about Trump-Russia collusion? I'm ok either way, I just would like to know..."

"... why it was the #1 most important story in the world for so long and now it's not."

Tweets Sharyl Attkisson.


Howard said...

it a nuthing burger just like i said from beginning

Hunter said...


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Maybe because the investigation isn’t over yet.

Arashi said...

Because the only collusion was betweeen the Hillary camp and the Russians, aided and abetted by the Democrats?

Achilles said...

Obvious answers are obvious.

The whole country knows it was a hoax.

If Mueller had something he would have dropped it in November.

Achilles said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
Maybe because the investigation isn’t over yet.

It is just incredible what a disingenuous and ridiculous fool you are.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

LOL - the investigation isn't over yet.

Never will be. It will end with a whimper, sometime after new distractions and lies can be arranged.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jobs not mobs.

Dave Begley said...

Because it is a total crock designed to drag down the Trump presidency and distract voters.

Ann Althouse said...

"Maybe because the investigation isn’t over yet."

Then why were they all talking about it before, when it was also not over yet?

tim maguire said...

Another one we all know the answer to--Mueller must be shunted off the stage of world events because he isn't going to deliver the goods. Memory holed the cool kids are calling it.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Maybe because the investigation isn’t over yet.

Okay, now re-read the entire post, not just the headline. I know it's like two whole sentences, but you can take your time. We'll wait.

Now, does your answer seem intelligent, in light of the post's second sentence?

Bay Area Guy said...

4 days before the 1992 Election, Former Special Counsel, Lawrence Walsh, indicted Reagan's Secretary of Defense. This stopped all momentum for George HW Bush, and definitely sealed the election for Billy Jeff Clinton.

26 years later -- to Mueller's credit, he has not done this.

To his discredit, he hasn't wrapped this goofy thing up a year ago.

Ann Althouse said...

Let's just wait for the results of the investigation. That's what I wanted to do. I didn't see many people taking that approach.

For me, it goes along with the idea that after the election, you accept the results and give the new office holders support as they try to do the difficult work of running the county.

But those who lost the election deprived Trump of that kind of normal support.

buwaya said...

Not useful under the circumstances.
The correct way to analyze these things is to assume the MSM is a centrally directed propaganda system. Given that, no narrative line is independent of a political purpose, no piece of news generates itself. All is directed towards a goal, and if it does not serve, it is ignored. If there is no news that will serve, something will be generated.

Hence Mueller and co. When it served, it was seemingly all-important, and when it didn't it wasn't.

There HAS been news on this front, but it has been ignored.

Dave Begley said...

I will be excited for a new AG. Hillary and all those Dems need to be indicted for this hoax and her email server. New story at Yahoo news about how Iran cracked the CIA's computer system early in the Obama years. Many of our foreign agents were killed. This happened under Brennan.

I've said from the day I learned about Hillary's private server and her inadequate security that the Iranians, Chinese, Russians, Indians, Paks and North Koreans had all of her emails. And those emails detail her bribery scheme. She was totally compromised. Subject to real impeachment if she would have been elected.

Achilles said...


The democrats and their stupid tools like Inga want to pretend they are not perpetrators of an obvious hoax.

Dave Begley said...

I want to see NBC consultant John Brennan and Hillary apologist answer tough questions from Chuck Todd about how our computer systems were compromised and about all the agents who were killed on his watch.

What a dick.

buwaya said...

It is absurd to assume goodwill and fair play and due process and integrity in anything to do with US politics. This is a war with no rules and ever loosening limits.

The only appropriate state of mind is complete cynicism.

wendybar said...

Because it was all a lie. Just like most of he things Democrats are running on.

Francisco D said...

Maybe because the investigation isn’t over yet.

In other words, the investigation will continue until someone in the Trump inner circle is found guilty of something.

If idiots like Inga did not exist, we would have to invent them.

Limited blogger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dave said...

"For me, it goes along with the idea that after the election, you accept the results and give the new office holders support as they try to do the difficult work of running the county."

This is right. It agrees with an older position of yours: let the public vote on Hillary. Unless there is a very, very good reason, I support deferring to the electorate and not allowing the government itself to interfere. Liberals all throughout the W terms assured me a number of times that using the power of government against your political enemies was an abuse and a criminal one at that.

paminwi said...

Remember, DOJ says findings are not supposed to be presented to the public if political in nature for 30 days before an election. I am guessing we will hear a lot after the midterms tomorrow.

Jim at said...

This stopped all momentum for George HW Bush, and definitely sealed the election for Billy Jeff Clinton.

Ross Perot sunk HW's chances long before that.

Achilles said...

buwaya said...
It is absurd to assume goodwill and fair play and due process and integrity in anything to do with US politics. This is a war with no rules and ever loosening limits.

The only appropriate state of mind is complete cynicism.

Mueller is not posting "results" before the election because he is trying to duck back into the weeds.

You don't see Brennan or Clapper on TV anymore.

I would not be surprised to find out they are squirreled away in a foreign country without extradition.

They are going to pin it all on Hillary.

Notice she is still out there making stupid and racist comments because she is stupid and racist and tone deaf.

It will be fun watching Obama throw her under the bus.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Achilles said...

Jim at said...
This stopped all momentum for George HW Bush, and definitely sealed the election for Billy Jeff Clinton.

Ross Perot sunk HW's chances long before that.

HW sunk HW's chances long before that.

If he wasn't a globalist tool and led Reagan's party he would be been fine.

But he was a globalist tool.

Ross Perot was the first step to Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But those who lost the election deprived Trump of that kind of normal support.”

Trump isn’t a normal President. How can normal people support him? I think we’ll clearly see that normal American don’t, tomorrow.

gspencer said...

"most important story in the world for so long and now it's not"

So was the elimination of ICE. Or Feminist Ford. Or Emoluments. Or the census question on citizen status.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Then why were they all talking about it before, when it was also not over yet?”

Because it was fresh news then. News cycles are short. It doesn’t mean that when we hear the results of the Mueller investigation that it won’t roar back into the news. I predict it will.

Etienne said...

Special prosecutor for life.

Millions of dollars, charged to the national debt.

Ops-Normal, Defcon 5, Pay your taxes.

n.n said...

The November surprise is that the economy has improved, emigration reform to reduce the separation of babies from their ineligible mothers and/or fathers, winding down global wars and adventures, numerous failed warlock trials, reduced diversity (and half-breeds) and more Americans, and revelations of collusion with a unicorn.

traditionalguy said...

After the great Kavanaugh debacle, the Dem Propaganda Machine lost is mojo. That and Trump has the proof of the great coup d'etat by Obama, and he is holding it instead of declasifying it the better to use as leverage against the British sons of bitches who were at the heart of it.

stevew said...

Given all the early focus and regularly released TRUTH leaks and bombs it seems reasonable to argue that the silence of the last couple months indicates the investigation has concluded and failed to find anything incriminating Trump and his campaign.

Birkel said...

Royal ass NPC Inga will not and cannot be dissuaded.
She also cannot pass a Turing test.

n.n said...

complete cynicism

Citizens beware of overlapping and converging special and peculiar interests.

Leland said...

Trump isn’t a normal President.

Well, he has done more for the American economy and helping Americans find jobs than his recent predecessors.

I also note nobody but Republicans are still talking about the Kavanaugh hearing. The Judiciary Committee released their report. There is still no evidence to support Blasey Ford's claim in regards to Kavanaugh. There are two men that came forward suggesting they made be the culprit, but not a lot of reason to believe them either. The most interesting part, in regards to Ford, is the revelation she helped coach an FBI agent on taking a polygraph (she testified as if she had never seen one before and was nervous about how they worked). That same FBI agent contacted Leland (no relation) and suggested she clarify her remarks, which is known as witness tampering and has been referred for legal review. Oh, and two other women admitted lying about their allegations.

I guess Democrats are not talking about Kavanaugh because that investigation isn't over yet too.

Darrell said...

Normal people support Trump.
We've seen hundreds of thousands (in aggregate) of them with Trump's MAGA rallies.
Wild-eyed Leftist idiots don't.
We see them shitting on the sidewalk.

n.n said...

Normal people support Trump.

Cautiously optimistic. It's not over.

Darrell said...

Be prepared for the usual Democrat fraud tomorrow night.
Their trunks are already loaded with ballots.
And that vote counting software that spits out a predetermined win that is entered up front has already been installed.

Howard said...

emotional cripples support Trump and in this day and age, that is considered "Normal"

Qwinn said...

Inga says they talked about it before because it was "fresh news".

Fresh news for 18 straight months.

Every day.

To the exclusion of almost everything else.

With embarrassingly few new revelations along the way, just the hysterical repetition of the original narrative.

Fresh. News.

Chuck said...

If nobody is talking about it, and if there is no substantive news, then why is Sharyl Atkisson Tweeting about it?

I like a lot of the replies she's getting. Mueller hasn't announced anything; Congress is not in session so not making news. We have an election just days away. Trump isn't talking about it; he isn't even talking about the manifestly good economy, for which he ordinarily loves to take credit. Trump thinks it is too boring now, to talk about the economy. Trump is interested in ginning up the TrumpBase enthusiasm; he wants to talk about "Justice Kavanaugh and the Caravan."

I can answer the question I posed at the outset; Sharyl Atkisson is Tweeting about it, and Althouse is using her blog as a megaphone for that Tweet, because they think that the whole Russian Collusion story is a non-issue. It's only substance is as an anti-Trump story. And who knows, they may be right? I don't know.

But then, why Tweet about it?

Because this is an opportune time to try to advance the cause that Russian Collusion is really nothing at all, even in the absence of any news. By Tweeting that no one is talking about right now.

It's a funny thing. Right now, nobody seems to be talking about the Oscars, or the Masters Tournament, or the Stanley Cup playoffs, or snow, or the trial of the Parkland High School shooter, or Memorial Day, or tax season. Why is that?

Chuck said...

Hey Achilles are you still standing by your prediction that Republicans hold a majority in the House and that they take 60 Senate seats?

I want some of that action!

Birkel said...

That's a lot of words from NPChuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, on a subject he is criticizing others for mentioning.

Just type "Does not compute."

Birkel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Qwinn said...

In fact, the very few instances of actual "fresh news" I recall during those 18 months all served to undermine the narrative. Things like the Stroczk texts, the FISA warrant shenanigans, etc. Which all got surprisingly little coverage other than on Fox and talk radio.

And, in fact, anyone notice how little the media cares about the fresh news of the 2 Kavanaugh accusers admitting they lied?

Cause, ya know, it's all about the "fresh news".

Birkel said...

Type your projections NPChuck.

WK said...

What? Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!

Maillard Reactionary said...

Hey Howard, do you know any Trump supporters? I know quite a few and they are not emotional cripples at all, unlike the little lefty college snowflakes and sexually frustrated Mom's-basement-dwelling no-hopers who blame him and his supporters for their miserable self-chosen lives. They include small business people, teachers, nurses, engineers (quite a few engineers), and veterans of our wars. Things they have in common: they don't whine, and they don't snipe at others from the shadows.

You need to get out more, son.

Jaq said...

It's been winding down for weeks. They have never had any issues with making announcements right before an election if it helps Democrats. Cap Weinberger, Stevens...

pacwest said...

"It's only substance is as an anti-Trump story."

I'm thinking there is some substance to the story because a previous administration and a candidate for the Presidency perpetrated a fraud on the American people. But that's just me.

Leland said...

There hasn't been any substantive news on Russian collusion with Trump ever.

rehajm said...


Jaq said...

Mueller hasn't been replacing people who leave.

Howard said...

Phidippus: Yeah, all my good friends voted for Trump and they are nothing like you cucks. For one, they don't have that deeply rooted psychological hole in their soul that drives them to claim they are "normal"

Birkel said...

If the Senate majority expands and Sessions is removed, I expect Mueller to hurriedly close shop. An AG providing oversight to Rosenstein will fire Rosenstein and issue indictments on the Russia hoax conspiracy.

The institutions of Justice and the FBI can only be redeemed with a thorough purge of corruption.

rehajm said...

Attkisson and Kim Strassel have been relentless in their reporting on the corrupt Mueller investigation. If there were a journalism award for outstanding investigative reporting they would get it.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Because no longer is useful for us. New plan is to getting Moose and Squirrel.

MBunge said...

"But then, why Tweet about it?"

Even as a diversion, this is just dense. It's an election season. Candidates, political pundits, and the media talk about a whole bunch of things without any breaking news to justify it. Democrats spent a good 16 or 18 months screaming daily about President Trump being a traitor who stole the election with Russian assistance. Why have they stopped talking about it while trying to win control of the House and Senate? If Donald Trump can say "Vote Republican to stop the migrant caravan" why can't Democrats say "Vote for us to impeach Donald Trump?"


cubanbob said...

My wife is of the opinion that after the election and the Republicans maintain the Senate (and possibly pick up a few more seats) that Trump will finally fire Sessions and Rosenstein and probably nominate FL AG Pam Bondi for US AG.

Darrell said...

Sharyl Attkisson is just pointing out that the whole thing was bullshit--made up out of whole cloth.

God Bless her.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Inga@1:15 Agreed, Trump is not a normal president. He has proven himself a great man and the first pro-American president since Ronald Reagen. He has faced unprecedented opposition, domestic and foreign, since he announced his candidacy, and he has persisted and prevailed.
God bless Donald Trump and God bless America.

wholelottasplainin said...

Chuck said:

"Trump isn't talking about it; he isn't even talking about the manifestly good economy, for which he ordinarily loves to take credit."

Way to go, Chuck! You just added another voice to yesterday's media echo chamber, which claimed exactly...the....same....thing.

But anyone who tunes into Trump's rallies knows he STRESSES the great economy in EVERY speech. EVERY ONE.

tcrosse said...

Hillary still owes us a concession speech.

Ken B said...

The Russians bought CNN off.

Ken B said...

Althouse 12:54
This is it exactly. They lose and suddenly they are the “resistance “ . This isn’t just stupid and self aggrandizing, though it is, it's also the complete rejection of democracy and constitutionality. It is the denial to others of the right to disagree.

Drago said...

Dick Durbin cuckholster Chuck: "..he isn't even talking about the manifestly good economy, for which he ordinarily loves to take credit.."

Trump spends time at each rally to discuss in line by line fashion the economy, how his policies have led to economic success, and what is at risk to that economic success if LLR Chucks dem allies win.

One would have to be a deaf moron leftist to claim Trump doesnt talk about the economy...because he most certainly does.

So here we are again, with "mr reality"/self-annointed insider and totally, totally LLR Chuck being in pitch perfect harmony with easily disproved and moronic lefty talking points of the day.

Isnt it fascinating and inexplicable how that keeps happening over and over and over and.......

Ken B said...

Althouse 12:54
This is it exactly. They lose and suddenly they are the “resistance “ . This isn’t just stupid and self aggrandizing, though it is, it's also the complete rejection of democracy and constitutionality. It is the denial to others of the right to disagree.

Achilles said...

Chuck said...
Hey Achilles are you still standing by your prediction that Republicans hold a majority in the House and that they take 60 Senate seats?

I want some of that action!

My positions are already up.

Darrell said...

Chuck stipulated that he lies--whatever it takes to destroy Trump.

What a cocksucker.

Ken B said...

“News cycles are short”
It's been almost 2 years! It was talked about nonstop for, what, 23 months. You really need to do better Inga.

exhelodrvr1 said...

It's a rhetorical question. Except for Chuck, who always gets those wrong.

Drago said...

Mike Bunge, you would have better luck asking logical political questions of a masked antifa hooligan in the middle of burning down a bank than asking them of our LLR Chuck.

In Chucks defense its not easy to hear the questions when Dick Blumenthal has him by the ears...

Achilles said...

Chuck said...
If nobody is talking about it, and if there is no substantive news, then why is Sharyl Atkisson Tweeting about it?

If it would help democrats to talk about it the media would talk about it.

The conclusions are so obvious as to preclude discussion.

I like a lot of the replies she's getting. Mueller hasn't announced anything; Congress is not in session so not making news. We have an election just days away. Trump isn't talking about it; he isn't even talking about the manifestly good economy, for which he ordinarily loves to take credit. Trump thinks it is too boring now, to talk about the economy. Trump is interested in ginning up the TrumpBase enthusiasm; he wants to talk about "Justice Kavanaugh and the Caravan."

He talks about the economy all the time.

The media and cucks like you don't want to talk about the economy.

Because it would not help democrats.

Democrats do not want our country to do well. They have always wanted to turn it into Mexico.

It is just clear now what the choice is.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck always gets so very very giddy at the prospect of democrat political and policy victories.

Almost as if he is deeply and emotionally invested in the dems success.

I am quite certain the germans have a word for that.

Achilles said...

Jobs not Mobs is resonating to the point twitter is censoring it.

Just watch.

JML said...

"rehajm said...Germans?"

Forget it, he's rolling...

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I like the new moniker for our very own LifeLong Incel.

NPChuck. Has a nice ring to it. Althouse's living meme.

I approve, and will incorporate it to the mockery of the spergy little pretend Republican.

Bob Loblaw said...

Trump isn’t a normal President. How can normal people support him?

The opposition party could have said the same about every president elected in American history. How can you define "normal people" in a way that doesn't include literally half the country?

Eventually we'll have another Democratic president. If Republicans riot on inauguration day, if they gin up all kinds of phony investigations based on hit pieces paid for by Repulbicans, if they obstruct judicial appointments by making serious but baseless accusations, if they harass Democrats in restaurants, tell anyone who listens he's "not my president", and physically attack people wearing items of clothing with the new president's slogan...

You'll know who to blame. You, Inga. Blame yourself when this happens, because you and people like you have myopically changed the rules of engagement, and not for the better. Did you learn nothing from Harry Reid's change to the filibuster?

You're old enough to know better.

paminwi said...

cubanbob: I think your wife is correct in that after the midterms Sessions is dead meat. New AG will be able to get rid of Rosenstein then and not have Trump be blamed. Then, the AG can tell Mueller he has 30 days to file charges. He's had more than enough time to figure this out. For goodness sake, he still won't sentence Flynn. He's gotten what 5 delays? That's ridiculous and needs to be finished. Then Trump can pardon him because those charges were bogus bullshit.

Darrell said...

Maybe Mueller can file charges against a Russian company that actually existed prior to the 2016 election.

Jaq said...

Hemingway said that there is no need to bet on war.

Amadeus 48 said...

Mollie Hemingway asked a similar question at The Federalist a few days ago, namely, why have the media and the Democrats dropped their investigations into the claims against Brett Kavanaugh? I guess, like OJ Simpson, they are on a constant quest to find the truth, but don't ask them what they have done lately. Or maybe the whole thing was just intended to block Kavanaugh from getting on the court, and it was really just payback for Merrick Garland.

Jaq said...

"Trump isn’t a normal President. How can normal people support him?"

Democrats are such conformists.

I'm Full of Soup said...

So, in LLR Chuck's world, when we point out that Dems are full of soup, it is ridiculous unless the media is already talking about the issue.

Therefore, according to LLR Chuck, we can never bring up that Obama was woefully wrong when he said the new normal GDP was 2% or less, or that Al Gore said New Jersey would be under water by now or that Obama said manufacturing jobs would ever come back to America or that the media made up the term "funemployment" when a Dem was in the White House or etc? Unless, of course, the media is already talking about these things.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Trump isn’t a normal President. How can normal people support him?"

I am not stipulating that James Comey is a normal person in any sense, but I have always been appalled at his behavior in his meetings with Trump, as reported in the memos he himself prepared.

James Comey was a terrible public servant.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

That Merrick Garland gamble was as ballsy as anything I have ever seen. We could be looking at 6-3 liberal court right now.

Drago said...

Bob Loblaw: "Did you learn nothing from Harry Reid's change to the filibuster?
You're old enough to know better."

Leftists and NPC LLR's are never old enough to know better. For them history begins anew each day. Sometimes each hour. In Ingas and NPChuck's case, literally every 15 minutes.

It is not possible to be a leftist or a lefty allied LLR if you allow yourself to remember the previous events and positions.

That sort of rigor would only get in the way of their mindless pursuit of power.

Drago said...

tim in vermont: "That Merrick Garland gamble was as ballsy as anything I have ever seen."

McConnell is irritating in many ways, but his standing "O" for that strategic move was well deserved.

Bobb said...

Obviously, other fake news is doing better in Democrat focus groups.

Drago said...

NPChuck gets antsy when he finds himself drifting too far away from his Dem Talking Points Life Line.

narayanan said...

Inga...Allie Oop said... Maybe because the investigation isn’t over yet.

Technically how many election cycles can Mueller carry on through?
is it ended after election in 2024? or after Trump dies?
Can Congress pull the plug or their hands tied?

Jim at said...

Trump isn’t a normal President. How can normal people support him?

Whenever I'm looking for a hot take on normal people, I always go to Jill Stein voters.

narayanan said...

Thanks AJ lynch - did not know "funemployment" was urban word.

Explains Ocasio-Cortez street wisdom - pointing out people working multiple jobs when asked about 'funemployment" is down.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Bob Woodward said he spent two years looking closely at the collusion allegations and found no evidence of it. He added that if there was evidence it would be found in Russia.

That revelation got zero mentions - not a one - on CNN.

Maybe Mueller will find something but it's risible - that means to cause laughter - that people who for nearly two years were claiming there was collusion now say they are being quiet to let him finish the job.

320Busdriver said...

Because Trump hates brown people, Duh!

I'm Full of Soup said...


Funemployment is not related to Crazy Eyes Ocasio. It was a term coined by the media back in the Obama days when unemployment % was 8% or 9% or 10%. The idea was when you got laid off there were no jobs so you may as well have fun collecting unemployment and go on a trip or something. IOW they were pitching the idea that the Obama economy was a good thing if you were jobless.

Chuck said...

Birkel said...
Type your projections NPChuck.

I want to get paid for my predictions. I proposed a wager on Achilles' prediction. That's what I want. A wager, on what he predicted.

bagoh20 said...

Apparently, half the country is not "normal". Would a "normal" person believe and say such a thing, or does that sound like some kind of a nutjob?

R C Belaire said...

On a somewhat related topic, when will Trump fire Sessions/Rosenstein/Mueller? Tuesday night around midnight, or perhaps wait until Wednesday morning?

Darrell said...

Chuckhead, betting here is prohibited.

You should be thankful for that--given that you would have lost big to me.
But I suspect you wouldn't have paid anyway.

bagoh20 said...

The best proof that there is not a real Trump/Russia scandal is that none of the media can find proof of it and are only hoping that Mueller will, but if he had, it would have leaked by now. Any reporter or news organization that found proof would be a Pulitzer hoisting hero of historical proportions, yet nothing in two years of searching, because there is nothing.

Chuck said...

Darrell said...
Chuck stipulated that he lies--whatever it takes to destroy Trump.

What I wrote is that I am not part of Trump's team. I'm not here to help. I want to smear Trump, because I think he is such a hateful asshole.

I never, ever, ever, not once indicated in any way that I would "lie" to get Trump. And I wouldn't, ever. Trump's not worth that much to me. So you're wrong, as usual, and as usual you won't -- you can't -- quote me indicating that I proposed to "lie" to destroy Trump.

And I voted for Trump! I thought that Supreme Court nominees chosen by the Federalist Society were about a million times preferable to nominees chosen by the Clintons.

Bob Loblaw said...

The best proof that there is not a real Trump/Russia scandal is that none of the media can find proof of it and are only hoping that Mueller will, but if he had, it would have leaked by now.

True. DoJ leaks like a sieve. I wouldn't be surprised to find reporters know things before Mueller does.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

The question is why aren't the Democrats and the media - but I repeat myself - raising the issue? For nearly two years it was a constant drumbeat of "collusion and treason, collusion and treason."

Yet here we have an election that, in part, can send a message to these alleged traitors that they will be held accountable. But the messengers are silent.

Why? This "Mueller is doing his job" response is hooey. And you know it.

Chuck said...

Darrell said...
Chuckhead, betting here is prohibited.

You should be thankful for that--given that you would have lost big to me.
But I suspect you wouldn't have paid anyway.

I'm 2-0 on Althouse.blogspot wagers. My liquor cabinet would be so surprised to learn that "betting here is prohibited." I'm shocked, shocked to learn that there is gambling in the Casino. Round up the usual suspects.

Arashi said...

NPChuck - So what did The Donald do? Drop by and piss in your cornflakes? Drive off the road and kill your dog? Steal your SignificantOther?

If you are going to hate someone - do it becuase that person actually did something to you personally.

So what is it - what did he do to you personally to enrage you so?

narayanan said...

Funemployment is not related to Crazy Eyes Ocasio

AJLynch - you are missing my point about her mal-education

"Crazy Eyes Ocasio" was in school In 2008, Ocasio-Cortez was a sophomore at Boston University, During college, she was an intern in the immigration office of U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy. She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011 with a bachelor's degree in economics and international relations.

Don't you think her professors at Boston University would have thought it cute to use and explain the word ?

Birkel said...

All I know is Trump cannot win Michigan in 2016.
NPChuck told me so and I believe it's programming.

Darrell said...

If you had any honor you would go here for the next three days and make a free vote. Today, you should also buy some votes--you should get two votes for $1 today. Don't donate if you don't see 2 for 1. $25 should do it. I was diagnosed with Lupus in 2003 and that did me in financially. Your betting taunts bothered me tremendously. My predictions were borne out. If you donate to WW, and use your free vote for the next two days, I will never bring it up again.

narayanan said...

I have met young people who believe "minimum wage laws" allow(!! not force) their employers "to get away with" paying less than what they are worth??!!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

NPChuck said "I want to get paid for my predictions."

Whoah, its like the singularity. NPChuck is turning just like the homeless man's Al Sharpton, E-begging for reparations for his spewing of lefty talking points dripping with Asbergers.

Sorry, NPChuck, you honky bitch, The Homeless Man's Al Sharpton is way ahead of you in line, you jive cracker.

narayanan said...

Chuck wants to smear Trump
= usually unsubstantiated charge or accusation against a person

he also says >>> I never, ever, ever, not once indicated in any way that I would "lie" to get Trump.

which is it lawyer from MI?

Amadeus 48 said...

Whenever I think of Russian collusion, I immediately flash back to the POTUS telling Medvedev on an open mic that he should tell Vladimir that the POTUS will have more flexibility [on European missile defense] after he is re-elected. Good times. Good times. Now, THAT was collusion with the Russians.

Of course, the POTUS was Obama.

Chuck said...

narayanan said...
Chuck wants to smear Trump
= usually unsubstantiated charge or accusation against a person

he also says >>> I never, ever, ever, not once indicated in any way that I would "lie" to get Trump.

which is it lawyer from MI?

I strictly limit myself to "substantiated" charges and accusations against Trump. But thanks for asking!

Arashi said...

NPChuck should take his comedy stylings on the road - he could be a hit in all the best blue places in the US.

Amadeus 48 said...

I am channeling Steve Uhr from another thread today, where he called for an end to name-calling in these comments. There is no reason to call Chuck "Chucklehead". You can agree or disagree with him, but nothing he says is chuckleheaded.

In fact I can't think of anything he has ever said that was chuckleheaded, except when he called a bunch of people here vile names and suggested that they perform acts that are anatomically impossible (unless you make some concessions to self-abuse).

So, we can lift the tone (if not the substance) of these comments.

Rusty said...

"So what is it - what did he do to you personally to enrage you so?"
He can't be bribed in the usual polical way and that infuriates the LLRs and never Trumpers. The flow of graft has been interupted.

Kevin said...

"Trump isn’t a normal President."

Any TRUE President would have been accepted.

Arashi said...

Rusty - ah, so 'pissed in corn flakes' it is.

Mike Sylwester said...

Everyone who studies the Russiagate hoax should listen to the recent interview of George Papadopoulos

Birkel said...

NPChuck's programming will not allow him to like Trump.
Every Trump accomplishment is a gift from LLRs.
Every word Trump speaks is doubleplusungood.
Every judge Trump nominates is a Federalist Society act.

Trump does good stuff?
Does not compute.
404 Error.

Sebastian said...

"why it was the #1 most important story in the world for so long and now it's not"

Just apply the Universal Theory of Progressive Instrumentalism. Stories are important as long as they are useful, and then they're not.

The collusion story might become important again, of course--it's all contingent, especially on whether the Dems don't have anything better at hand, but evidence is irrelevant.

narciso said...

well going after chuck, is like chasing womprats,

so all of the players like halper, downer, mifsuf et al had as much ties to Russian intelligence apparat, if you go back a year and a half even effendi khashoggi frequented Timofeev's valdai club, the ones that are the incriminating tie to carter page, who still hasn't been indicted and of course, they have ties to mi 6 and whatever they are calling Italian foreign intelligence these days,

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

NPChuck: "What I wrote is that I am not part of Trump's team."

What you wrote was you are here to smear Trump in order to help drive down his aporoval numbers (yes, your delusions of grandeur are that hilariously bad) so it will make it easier to impeach Trump.


That is, when you arent posting racist attacks on black Cabinet members.

Gahrie said...

I want to smear Trump, because I think he is such a hateful asshole.

In other words: "I'm going to be an asshole, because I think Trump is an asshole."

Darrell said...

As of 5:31PM, Chuck still hasn't voted for US Navy Vet Janae Sergio at

Even the free vote.

Maybe if she had served in the Iranian Navy. . .

Mike Sylwester said...

A transcript of the recent interview of George Papadopoulos

Mike Sylwester said...

Mueller Expected to Make Moves After Midterms — Here's What He Could Do, by Chuck Ross

narciso said...

are you her agent, one recalls Lawrence walsh indicted alan fiers, head of the central American taskforce to flip on other administration officials,

MountainMan said...

“Attkisson and Kim Strassel have been relentless in their reporting on the corrupt Mueller investigation. If there were a journalism award for outstanding investigative reporting they would get it.”

There is: the Pulitzer Prize has a category for Investigative Reporting. But neither will get it. And I agree their reporting has been exceptional.

iowan2 said...

Mueller is finished. Has been for a while. Well, at least the 2 reports are written. One if the Dems regain the House. That is filled with all sorts of verbiage about the "norms" and "Standards" that were violated at will. The "missteps", and "unforced errors" of the most egregious type, while not technically a violation of the law, demonstrate a person that fails to meet the high standards we have come accustomed to for the person operating out of the Oval Office. This report will be the outlined used by the House to open a dozen investigations, and allow crazy Maxine to subpoena President Trumps tax returns from when he turned 18
The other, for the House staying in Republican control, will point out that while he could document no crimes, all circumstantial evidence points to something amiss happening, but evidence rests out of reach in Russia. That report will be sealed for 50 years, and the new AG will go along with it 'for the purpose of setting a new tone, enabling the reunification of the nation'.

Tommy Duncan said...

The Russia, Russia, Russia narrative is no longer useful, so the rule below applies:
David Burge
‏ @iowahawkblog

"Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving."

MountainMan said...

I would think defining a “normal” President would be just as difficult - and silly - as trying to define “normal” climate.

Stephen said...

The obvious reason is because the Fitzgerald investigation is on election hiatus--we've heard nothing about any aspect of the investigation for the past six weeks or so. Probably that's been to Trump's benefit, but we won't know until we see what comes out on that subject in the coming months.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All the good journalists have been pushed out of the democrat media industrial complex.

Because - democrat media industrial complex.

rehajm said...

The Pulitzer is for pro leftie journalism. They aren’t eligible.

Narayanan said...

Chuck ...

•substantiated• >>>
How, by whom, what rules of evidence and procedures?

Pookie Number 2 said...

Inga: Trump isn’t a normal President. How can normal people support him?

I don’t intend this as a personal attack on Inga, but it is certain that a Democrat with all of Trump’s flaws would be warmly embraced by virtually all of his currently frenzied opponents.

FullMoon said...

Spaeking of BS accusations, there is this:
The section on Dr. Ford’s allegations offers a bit more detail on the two men who, seperately, contacted the committee claiming they might have had some sort of contact with Dr. Ford at a party like the one she described. Both the names have been redacted:

(Sept. 24, Sept. 25): stated that after graduating from high school in Hampton, Virginia in 1982, he made several trips to D.C. that summer. During one of the trips, he attended a house party where he kissed and made out with a woman he met who he believes could have been Dr. Ford. said that based on old photographs of Justice Kavanaugh he has seen on the news, he believes the two of them share a similar appearance.

(Sept. 26): stated that when he was a 19 year-old college student, he visited D.C. over spring break and kissed a girl he believes was Dr. Ford. He said that the kiss happened in the bedroom of a house which was about a 15-to 20 minute walk from the Van Ness Metro, that Dr. Ford was wearing a swimsuit under her clothing, and that the kissing ended when a friend jumped on them as a joke. said that the woman initiated the kissing and that he did not force himself on her.

As the report notes, both of these descriptions seem to match Dr. Ford’s description in some ways but both are describing consensual kissing, which is definitely not what she was describing. It always struck me as odd that someone would come forward and claim they were the person who Ford remembers as having sexually assaulted her 35 years ago. In any case, their claims didn’t matter because, as the report states, “The witnesses that Dr. Ford identified as individuals who could corroborate her allegations failed to do so, and in fact, contradicted her.”

Phil 314 said...

“Trump isn’t a normal President. How can normal people support him?”

Obama wasn’t a normal President and yet many normal people voted for him

tcrosse said...

Obama wasn’t a normal President and yet many normal people voted for him

And then they turned around and voted for Trump.

Howard said...

Trump is Normal... Abby Normal

Drago said...

Howard: "Trump is Normal... Abby Normal"

Damn your eyes!

hstad said...

Ann Althouse said..."...Let's just wait for the results of the investigation. That's what I wanted to do. I didn't see many people taking that approach...."

AA - that's nice!

Let's see the Clinton Special prosecutor started his investigation in 1994 and delivered the final report in 2002, exonerating Clinton. Now Mueller started his investigation in 2016 - 2017, don't remember [don't care]. So by the Clinton standard we'll have to wait until 2024. Yeah, that's a great use of our time and taxpayers money.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Mollie Hemingway asked a similar question at The Federalist a few days ago, namely, why have the media and the Democrats dropped their investigations into the claims against Brett Kavanaugh? I guess, like OJ Simpson, they are on a constant quest to find the truth, but don't ask them what they have done lately. Or maybe the whole thing was just intended to block Kavanaugh from getting on the court, and it was really just payback for Merrick Garland.”

One big reason that they may want the Kavenaugh accusations dropped is that, more and more, it looks like everything from the Ford allegations forward was a setup, or just lonely women trying to get attention. Three referrals to the DoJ so far, for lying to Congress, including the Creepy Porn Lawyer, his client, who claimed gang rapes, and one woman who has no evidence of ever being in the same state as Kavenaugh. But the big one is Ford. Turns out that she wrote her letter to her CA Congress person, and probably Feinstein, visiting her BFF (Monica Lee McLean) in Delaware (so much for fearing to fly), where McLean had retired from the DoJ in 2016. She had spent > 20 years there as an attorney. Turns out that her last job was as the information officer/spokeswoman for former SDNY USA Preet Bahara, appointed to that post by Obama after his predecessor, Loretta Lynch moved up to AG. Bahara also had close ties to Comey, from when they tried to gain control of the DoJ under one of the Bushes. He also jailed fellow Indian Dinish D’Sousa for the sin of making a movie critical of St Obama. Bahara was the only Obama appointed USA who refused to submit his resignation, and had to be fired. Also notable is that Ford taught McLean how to cheat on lie detector tests, which very likely means that she lied to keep her job as a DoJ lawyer, and thanks to Ford, got away with it.

Making things even sketchier, the attorney who sat by Ford in the Senate hearing, on the opposite side from McLean, was one of her attorneys, David Laufman, formerly Department of Justice, National Security Division, Deputy Asst. Attorney General in charge of counterintelligence, cyber security, counterespionage and export controls. He was forced out of that high ranking job at the DoJ earlier this year after having been in the approval chain for the four fraudulently obtained FISA warrants on Carter Page. Her other attorney, sitting just beyond Laufman, was Michael R Bromwich, who coincidentally also represents fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whose $70k conference room table was used to plan the infamous “insurance policy”, etc.

As I said, it looks more and more like a setup.

Humperdink said...

Inga said: "“Trump isn’t a normal President. How can normal people support him?”

I own a small business. Our distribution business sells to other small businesses. They are all Trump supporters. All of them. To state they are not normal is telling.

Howard said...

1% of the population is not normal, it's a tail

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

we have that on good authority.
He caught Assange giving Donny 2-Scoops Jr. the 'Keys To The Crypt' or some such thing.
Caught. Red handed.

Narayanan said...

Normal depends on what you consider is the norm or standard.

To a leftist/statist ... Normal (which perforce must include them high enough in the hierarchy) means ... A person who cannot earn enough for support her his living and needs handouts.

Inga will correct me if I'm mistaken.

dwick said...

Sometimes I wonder if Althouse (or Meade) don't write the Chuck and Inga comments here themselves (or pay someone to write them) to goose the discussion along and up the comment count. But today's Chuck and Inga contributions take the cake for peak LOL oblivity... geesh!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...



Unknown said...

It's gone because it's complete bullshit. It only gives the democrats cover to set up investigations and speeches. No real teeth to any of it. Bullshit.

Yancey Ward said...

We've known since the joke indictments of the Russian companies for buying Facebook ads and the joke indictments of the GRU agents that the Russian Collusion story was horseshit. If there were any evidence of it, it would have been front page of the NYTimes in multiple ways in just the last month and everyone with a room temperature IQ knows it.

Matt Sablan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Comanche Voter said...

You can say the same thing about the Trump Russia story as Gertrude Stein once said about Oakland, California. "There is no there there."

Or you can say of Mueller that he is like the little boy digging in a room full of horseshit, because "there must be a pony in there." Well--maybe, but if there is he's not found it yet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This just in: Governor Walker to be indicted over false Jane Doe allegations and fabricated leftwing lies. Because democrat party leaders are corrupt.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Russia investigation is like Julie Swetnick.

Inga believes!

Larry J said...

If they had some actual evidence against Trump, it would've been released in time to swing the election. The fact that they have some out and admitted they have nothing means they'll wait until after the election. It reminds me of how the board that determines whether the country is in a recession or not waited until days after the 1992 election to day we weren't. This was after Clinton and Gore had run around all year talking about the "Worst economy in 50 year." It was a lie all along, but that board wasn't going to call them on it.

mockturtle said...

It sounds like the Dems are saying they will resume the investigation if they win the House. This along with other threats, like Maxine Waters as chair of the Financial Services Committee as well as Pelosi back as Speaker. IOW, they're doing their best to drum up Republican votes.

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