November 7, 2018

Trump holds a lively press conference.


johns said...

Acosta's refusal to give up the microphone is being spun by NBC as "White House aide grabs and tries to physically remove a microphone from CNN Correspondent Jim Acosta..." My understanding is that when you have asked your question, an aide takes the mic back to rush to the next questioner. Acosta grabbed it and refused to let go. When the aide realized he was not letting go, she let go and turned around to look for instructions.

johns said...

Acosta's repeated questions in the face of Trump's telling him that he had had his question shows how Acosta feels that it is his show

dreams said...
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Chest Rockwell said...

My first thought is why doesn't Trump simply ban / replace Acosta. Then I realize that he makes Trump look good by comparison.

Achilles said...

Keep these people on camera.

Force America to see who they are.

Achilles said...

Chest Rockwell said...
My first thought is why doesn't Trump simply ban / replace Acosta. Then I realize that he makes Trump look good by comparison.

One wonders when the leftists will figure that out.

iowan2 said...

I guess article two powers are subservient to a citizen pitching fit like a toddler

iowan2 said...

Norms and traditions, nothing more important than norms and traditions

Nonapod said...

Trump making some lemonade out of the dull lemons that were the election results.

Acosta certainly has become the colicky whipping boy for Trump, squeeling and whining on queue. It's milding entertaining I suppose. Acosta makes CNN (and to a lesser extent the whole Dem-Media complex) look like the clownshow it truly is.

Chest Rockwell said...

I suspect this sort of behavior to become common place when first House session convenes, not only among the media, but also among the various newly minted congress people. Maybe they'll throw in plenty of fucks and fucking's to emphasize their points. We can't be that far from transgressing those norms is my guess.

I had a good laugh when I heard the various talking heads claiming that the Dem takeover of the House would herald a return to civility. I even hear various LLR's saying they voted Dem for that reason.

Well, good luck with that. I fully expect the Democratic political and media appendages to go Full Retard. It will be interesting to see how Trump responds.

iowan2 said...

What's Acosta supposed to do. He's the man, he has the microphone. A girl isn't going to tell him what to do. Geesh!

YoungHegelian said...

"Orange Man Bad"

---- Mollie Hemingway.

Dave Begley said...

The more Trump calls these clowns on the carpet the better he does.

How does the term "nationalist" transmorph into "white nationalist?"

A nationalist advances the interests of the entire nation and its citizens. That includes all races.

bagoh20 said...

There was a time a couple years ago when this would have made Acosta a raging racist, but suddenly he's a raging journalist with uber courage. He too must be a Sparticai. And they call Trump the clown. Trump was like the teacher at preschool there. Some of those kids needed a time out, or better a spanking.

Temujin said...

On a daily basis, do they not realize how they (the media) look to the majority of Americans? My wife- who is so centrist, cartographers use her to find the universal center, road pavers use her to note where the yellow line goes, candle makers use her for wick placement- she cannot even watch them any longer. She cannot even take it.

They're in such a negative Q rating they won't see zero again in a generation.

CNN? People laugh out loud at their presence at airports. It's bizarre that they even continue to play journalists.

Mountain Maven said...

Trump, the hired gun, doing his job.

Jaq said...

The French have a completely different take

Trump extends a hand toward the Democrats....

They are not as invested in the game as the US media.

Henry said...

That guy sure loves campaigning.

Good thing we're not Britain. He'd be dissolving parliament every 3 months.

robother said...

The Acosta freedom.

stevew said...

I saw much of that while waiting for a chair to open up at the barber. Delicious. Trump is exactly right to call Acosta's behavior rude. Did you see how Trump walked away from the podium while Acosta whined and refused to relinquish the floor? Brilliant. I would agree that Acosta behaves as if he is the show; his questions have a question mark at the end of them but they are really just talking points and opinions - Democrat ones besides.

Earnest Prole said...

The key moment was when he said he’d rather have a Democratic majority than a slim Republican majority in the House.

YoungHegelian said...

C'mon! Both Trump & Acosta both know they're "putting on a show" by now. Trump makes hay with his supporters by showing them what shits & rude, obnoxious "enemies of the people" the press are, with Acosta as Exhibit A.

Acosta is the virile martyr of the Fourth Estate, speaking Truth to Power, before an audience that actually believes that one day Trump may just do him & them physical harm.

It's as predictable as an episode of the Road Runner vs Wile E. Coyote.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The "freedom of the press" guaranteed by the first amendment referred to physical printing presses. The use of "press" to refer to a job or an industry only dates from the 1840s. "Journalists" are granted no special privileges in the constitution, they have the same freedoms as any other citizen. The proper job of newspapermen is covering art fairs and water department meetings, not setting or judging public policy.

I Callahan said...

The key moment was when he said he’d rather have a Democratic majority than a slim Republican majority in the House.

Someone else who falls for the trolling that the president so magnificently engages in. Even our hostess has caught on, yet NeverTrumpers keep trying to kick that field goal before Lucy removes the ball...

Larry J said...

If I were another reporter in there and Acosta was hogging the time - especially with stupid questions he knows Trump isn't going to answer - I'd be pissed. A presidential press conference like this only lasts a limited time so many reporters never have the chance to ask a question. Here come Acosta acting like he's the only one there that matters, meaning even fewer other reporters get their chance. The guy's an asshole.

I Callahan said...

It's as predictable as an episode of the Road Runner vs Wile E. Coyote.

And neither one of those two ever gave up...

JohnAnnArbor said...

Has it ever not been lively, in one way or another?

How many "press availabilities" would Mrs. Clinton have had by now? And, of those, how many would have been stage-managed, with no surprises possible?

grackle said...

My first thought is why doesn't Trump simply ban / replace Acosta. Then I realize that he makes Trump look good by comparison.

Astute, very astute.

Trump is open and entertaining in these pressers. After 8 years of the laughably dull, sickeningly obsequious Obama petting sessions from the adoring MSM Trump gets credit from me for at least livening them up.

grackle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the aide was Accosted
she should have gone full Michelle Fields

bleh said...

The "freedom of the press" guaranteed by the first amendment referred to physical printing presses. The use of "press" to refer to a job or an industry only dates from the 1840s. "Journalists" are granted no special privileges in the constitution, they have the same freedoms as any other citizen. The proper job of newspapermen is covering art fairs and water department meetings, not setting or judging public policy.

That's always been my understanding. Simply, the "press" means the act of publishing. Even you and I commenting of this blog without government interference is an example of "the freedom ... of the press."

Matt Sablan said...

So, I watched the Acosta moment. The aide reaches for the microphone, he pulls away. Then he touches her, maybe pushes or slaps her arm.

He should be gone. If I were Trump, I'd have told him violence, especially against women, was not allowed, and had him escorted out.

Matt Sablan said...

I hope when someone asks Trump if he plans to moderate his policy, he just looks at the House and says no, I won. Yeah, it loses the spark since it is after the midterm, but it'll be a nice echo.

Earnest Prole said...

Someone else who falls for the trolling that the president so magnificently engages in.

It’s anything but trolling. Trump laid out a politically sophisticated explanation of the difficulty of moving Republican legislation in the House with a one- or two-seat majority, and the reality that anything that did make it through would be crushed by a Democratic filibuster in the Senate. And the truth is that House Republicans didn’t have much more legislation left in them anyway, once they passed the tax cut. Trump says it’s time for Nancy to decide if she’ll play ball.

wildswan said...

That's my man. While I was lying around exhausted, Trump was up firing the Attorney General and holding a press conference in which he biffed and bopped the press and all conventional wisdom "I want a Democratic House [instead of a RINO House]. During Lincoln's Civil War, Lincoln had inferior generals in the eastern part of the war near DC for most of the war and they lost Bull Run, Second Manassas, Fredericksburg, Antietam, Chancellorsville for us. We the people won in the end because Lincoln wouldn't give in and the pro-Union, anti-slavery people never gave up following him. What an example.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I wish like hell that Trump had been able to finance that single press conference out of his own pocket just so he could give Acosta the death-stare like Ronald Reagan and yell


CWJ said...

My wife and I saw the last of this over lunch. It was incredibly revealing. First up for us was the NPR woman who seamlessly turned "nationalist" into supporting white nationalism. We both approved of the way Trump not only clarified the distinction, but forcefully declared the question itself to be racist as posed. After it was over, and they turned it over to the talking heads, my wife said, "Wait. I just saw this. That's not what he was saying." They had their spin all cued up, and they were not going to change a word despite reality.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Given the current nuttiness on the Left, if the GOP sponsors a congressional resolution congratulating Israel on the 70th anniversary of its founding, the House Dems will counter with a resolution demanding that American Jews be rounded up and sent to concentration camps.

Seeing Red said...

Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., revealed plans for House Democrats to investigate and impeach Justice Brett Kavanaugh for alleged perjury and investigate and impeach President Donald Trump for alleged treasonous collusion with Russia.

Seeing Red said...

Not even 24 hours.

Ken B said...

Just ban CNN from the conference. They are not a constitutional entity. They are a private company trying to make a buck. There are other such companies that cannot get into the pressers. Make room for one.

If I set up KENBNN I won’t get a pass to get in. You need a pass. Not everyone gets one. No one is entitled to a pass. Let someone else have CNN's.

Ken B said...

“You said you were a nationalist. As in national socialist. But the Nazis weren’t socialist, they were just called socialist. By themselves. And their voters. Where was I? Oh, yes, so you describe yourself as a Nazi, but you misspelt it. Why do you hate so much?”

Ken B said...

Seeing Red
To Mr Nadler I say, start tomorrow. Please.

Drago said...

Jim Acosta held on tighter to that microphone harder than LLR Chuck clings to Dick Durbins legs.

And Acosta pushing the female staffer is jyst icing on the cake.

narciso said...

the important part of the press conference:

Kevin said...

the aide was Accosted
she should have gone full Michelle Fields

Miss Piggy Karate chop: “Hai Yah!”

langford peel said...

President Trump unfortunately is not a white Nationalist. Eventually we will have someone who will honestly address the fact that the white minority must vote their own interests just the way the blacks, Latinos, women and gays do as dictated by the policies of progressives for the past fifty years.

Any white man would be a fool to vote for the Democrats. Now there are plenty that do but they are like the self hating Jews who led their lantzman to the gas chambers. There is already a de facto winnowing between the parties. It will only become more apparent over time.

President Trump is merely reflects an historical truism. Keep attacking and telling us that we should be ashamed of being white and how all white men are evil and see what happens.

langford peel said...

White supremcy is what built this country and is its only hope fur the future.

Otherwise you get Hati or Detroit.

You can not deny historical fact.

langford peel said...

But let's put it to the test.

Maxine Waters for Speaker of the House!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I think Acosta should be sent to cover some foreign news. Maybe get on the beat in Turkey, do some deep digging at the Saudi Embassy there. I would cheer if he was cut up into little pieces and never seen again, what a pompous piece of shit.

Democrats get a pass on roughing up women, be it Jim Acosta or Keith Ellison.

langford peel said...

Democratic women love to be abused by liberal men. See Mary Jo. Monica. That stupid mud shark who was fucking Keith Ellison.

Not one feminist will have jack shit to say about Acosta. Not even Chuck.

Molly said...

Has anyone put this together: The Ssenate is slightly more Republican, but much more pro-Trump: Arizona Tennessee, as Rep "keeps" but strong movements in the proTrump direction. So now that Trump needs a Senate confirmation for AG, he has a much more pro-Trump Senate to provide that confirmation.

So Trumps jubilation about the election may be most easily explained as : "Now I have a D -proof senate, and I can nominate anyone I want as AG (and perhaps for other confirmable positions. So let's get started"

HT said...

rambling racoon
denture clenching
questionable things vs illegal things
Democrats stick together, that’s good.
Tremendous fighting would ensue.
She didn’t do the trick.
We’re looking at that. Why “we?” Again, the wees.
If there’s nothing, why fire Sessions? There’s nothing, what does it matter.
The CNN guy is getting his goat! Getting him mad. CNN guy was obnoxious sure, but it brought out the same in the president.
War in the White House! “Democrat Party,” ass. Fake president.

Drago said...

I would be hard pressed to identify a set of circumstances more perfectly aligned with LLR Chuck's secret wishes and deepest desires: Having his hand on a microphone, acting as a direct lefty talking point conduit for the dems, in front of Trump, while shoving a female White House staffer.

Literally a LLR Chuck dream come true.


PM said...

Watched the entire 1.5 hrs. Thought he did good, almost charming, job. He's so New York.

William said...

Almost immediately after the Trump presser, Nancy Pelosi held her press conference. She doesn't benefit from the comparison, I defy anyone to listen to her for more than a minute without suffering from eye glaze. There's a certain amount of suspense in wondering whether she'll have a coughing fit or an episode of vertigo, but overall she's remarkably dull and uninspiring. The reporters asked her a few desultory questions in a dutiful way, but they were all slumped in their chairs, fighting off ennui. The cable stations cut away after a bit.

madAsHell said...

Trump can keep his temper under control. I would have thrown the damn lecture on Acosta.

I loved the exchange after Acosta refused relinquish the microphone:

"I've worked with Jim Acosta, and found him to be a diligent journalist."

"I'm not a big fan of yours either."

Drago said...

Leftists now officially approve of male journalists showing women staffers who's the boss.

It will be fascinating to see how LLR Chuck comes to Acosta's defense.

I can't wait.

William said...

Trump called on Acosta. He knew what he was doing. Acosta can reliably be depended to grandstand. Some of the other reporters occasionally ask legitimate questions in a respectful way, but not Acosta. If you want to run against the biased media, you want him at your presser. He's a nearly perfect foil. The Margaret Dumont of the press pool.

narciso said...

n other news:

CWJ said...

"The CNN guy is getting his goat! Getting him mad. CNN guy was obnoxious sure, but it brought out the same in the president."

I don't think this plays out as well as you think HT. Mad, if it was comparable to what he showed with the NPR woman, is exactly what should have been the case.

Robert Cook said...

"The 'freedom of the press' guaranteed by the first amendment referred to physical printing presses. The use of 'press' to refer to a job or an industry only dates from the 1840s. 'Journalists' are granted no special privileges in the constitution, they have the same freedoms as any other citizen. The proper job of newspapermen is covering art fairs and water department meetings, not setting or judging public policy."

Oh, please. Don't make yourself look foolish. "Freedom of the press" means, in the first amendment, just what it means in today's parlance: the freedom of journalists to freely report and comment on the events of the day is guaranteed. (What does "freedom" for "physical printing presses" even mean?) Judging public policy is precisely a proper role for journalists, as well as and to scrutinize and criticize our elected representatives. This is exactly why their freedom to do is is protected by the first and primary amendment of the Bill of Rights. (Why, by the way, would a journalist cover water department meetings except to collect and report what they are doing...except in the service of overseeing their activities and performance?)

Every citizen has the same right to scrutinize the President, judge public policy, and express their criticism of government; journalists are citizens who do this. Anyone with a press--or blog--can be a journalist. (This doesn't mean all journalists are equally competent; as with everything else, those who excel are few, those who are mediocre are legion.)

Jaq said...

I don't think this plays out as well as you think HT.

HT likely thought that the Kavanaugh hearings were a big win for liberals. BTW, spellcheck still refuses to acknowledge the name of our newest SCOTUS justice. Bitter clinger probably is the person who has to manually approve updates.

Jaq said...

The first time I took positive notice of Trump was when he took on that heckler who had press credentials from Univision.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Boy! That was lively!

Did he make ya excited, Ann?!


Jaq said...

Fascists are to commies as Macy's is to Gimbal's. Commies hate the competition in the totalitarian space. Those of us who believe in human freedom think it's like the Irish Catholics v the Irish Protestants. Outsiders couldn't tell them apart without a scorecard. Commies believe that totalitarianism is the only viable form of government so they simply refuse to believe that there are people who believe in such an absurd idea as limited government, so they lump us in with fascists, who are the communists fraternal twins. Did anybody else notice that all Russian and China had to do to convert to fascism from communism was change the letterhead and some job titles?

Jaq said...

pppt still drowning his sorrows. All the Dems had to do to have a blue wave was not act crazy, and they failed at that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Acosta reminds me of a naughty 4 year old.

Poor CNN - Trump is taking away their "free press"

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

PPPT is still reeling from the Kavanaugh liars being exposed and admitting they lied.

Thats gotta hurt.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The press is free to harass Trump.
CNN does so - then whines on Q when they are called on it.

Babies. Leftwing Hillary-Lost eternally butt hurt babies.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

"Poor CNN - Trump is taking away their "free press"'

Apparently Acosta will be unable to be a reporter unless he gets to tramp around the White House smacking around female staffers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ot: Note how Maxine Waters is threatening revenge.

That's the modern left. They seek revenge on the American people. Sociopaths are revenge seekers.
The left want to punish punish punish and harass.

All over Hillary losing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The sociopath left have the audacity to compare Trump to the mob.

Jaq said...

The key moment was when he said he’d rather have a Democratic majority than a slim Republican majority in the House.

By "he" do you mean Paul Ryan?

Larry J said...

Nazis versis communists are a distinction with minor differences. In the end, they’re both totalitarian systems that featured mass murder, secret police, concentration camps, slave labor, and all powerful leaders who caused millions of deaths.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Anyone notice how fixated the Republiclones are on pain? Drecko and Tiny Tim seem to really be going on about pain. Pain this, pain that. Real hard-core sadomasochists, they are.

Maybe it's because the only thing their leaders can inflict on the country is pain. That, and the fact that they're just basic bootlickers. Cucks and subs that long for nothing more than a chance for Don Drumpf to kick them in their tiny balls.

They would love that. They fantasize about it.

Back in the day we had a name for weirdos like them: Freaks.

Now we can just call them Republicreeps.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's the modern left. They seek revenge...

It seems to be a pattern that Trump is very fond to participate in, so let him have it!

Republicans are going to be outlawed. They will be Pelosied.

They're going to have the gavel thrown at them!


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


CWJ said...

"Did anybody else notice that all Russian and China had to do to convert to fascism from communism was change the letterhead and some job titles?"

Now that's worth repeating - and a good laugh.

CWJ said...

Ritmo, how long did it take you to think that one up?

James K said...

Judging public policy is precisely a proper role for journalists

No, they of course have the right to do so. But they are no more qualified than anyone else. In fact, probably less, because most of them are pretty ignorant of basic economics, law, science, and general knowledge needed for an informed opinion about policies.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Sanders spanks Acosta, takes away his press pass. The first amendment doesn't mean that Jim Acosta gets to come rough up women, although I'm sure CNN will start squealing like a stuck pig.

Trump tricks the leftards of the media once again.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I got bored with all the c-words you can enjoin onto the "Republican" suffix: Republicucks, Republikooks, Republiclones, Republicrazies, Republicunts, Republican'ts, and Republicultists. All valid and completely accurate and descriptive. But after a while it becomes boring pointing out how boring and slavish and unhinged they are. Need to pop-culture and hip hop it up. So I moved back a letter, to "b." After all, they really are a bunch of bitches, wouldn't you admit? Just total followers and sniveling bastards.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Bitchmo, you still mad, bro?

Where's your blue wave? Why you mad? The blue piss puddle doesn't seem to be making you very happy.

You get Nancy Pelosi back, why you mad bro?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is PMS/PMJ a woman?

Seriously, I've never heard anyone nastier who was more confused about their own gender.

PMS is too nasty to be a real woman, except maybe a Republican woman. But if it's a man I get the sense that it once had gonads, until they were caught in a vice.

It just strikes me as someone who foams at the mouth and goes through life in a stupor of hate brought on by extreme, never-ending gonad pain. I can imagine it trying to make conversation at a party, and everyone else getting up and walking away. It has about as much charm as Multiple Miggs from next-door to Hannibal Lecter's cell.

CWJ said...

"Every citizen has the same right to scrutinize the President, judge public policy, and express their criticism of government"

And every President, also a citizen, has the right to say "Bite Me" in the face of nonstop dishonest gotcha questions. I was just happy to see one do it.

You know, it would have been interesting to see how effectively "Mr. Cool" would have handled nonstop dishonest gotcha questions had he had to field them for the first 2 years of his presidency.

Jaq said...

Fascists have better tailors. That seems to be the salient difference. Both ideologies would easily accept Ritmo's idea of "fair trials" for example.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

PMS/PMJ is reminder to everyone, to keep your Republicrank on a leash. At least from the hours of 5 AM to 7 PM.

They tend to go to bed early, so after 7 PM your republicooze can be unleashed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

PMS/PMJ is a real Republicrotch.

A tried and true, true-blue, Republicrotch.

Born to sniff its master's phallus.

That's PMS/PMJ. Ready to maul anyone except its master, DJT. And DJT gets to have his leg humped by PMJ/PMS.

Very energetic!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Remember to spay and/or neuter your Republican!

Yes, they will go crazy as you try to get them to the vet. But afterward they will behave so much better.

It's a very important part of housebreaking your Republicretin.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Bitchmo, you trying to misgender me? Why you so mad?

Why would you think you have the right to criticize my gender identification? You are such a bigot.

I know your mad, bro, but that doesn't give you the right to start flashing your bigotry. You demean the existence of people who are gender fluid. You are literally a Nazi.

Shame on you, bitchmo. Nancy Pelosi does not approve. Bigot.

CWJ said...

Oh! I forgot. That would have required "Mr. Cool" to take regular unscripted unposed unteleprompted press conferences.

CWJ said...

"Fascists have better tailors."

Agreed. But if italy had gone Commie, that would have flipped in a heartbeat.

Earnest Prole said...

By "he" do you mean Paul Ryan?

Republicans would have held the House if so many of them hadn't believed the media bullshit and retired.

Drago said...

Those LLR Chuck-approved lefty hack "journalists" sure seemed awfully angry today.

Awfully awfully angry.

Almost as upset as LLR Chuck...

Hmmmm, another LLR Chuck/lefty reaction overlap.


Gk1 said...

The best part is CNN can just replace this retard with another and no one would notice much of a difference. Watch the rest of the press nervously look at each other and decide if they want to boycott future press conferences over this hot dogging piece of shit.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Trump is open and entertaining in these pressers. After 8 years of the laughably dull, sickeningly obsequious Obama petting sessions from the adoring MSM Trump gets credit from me for at least livening them up.”

What is wrong with you people? Trump looked like he was damn close to having a mental breakdown.

The Vault Dweller said...

Blogger Earnest Prole said...
By "he" do you mean Paul Ryan?

Republicans would have held the House if so many of them hadn't believed the media bullshit and retired.

I think there is something to this. I'm not gauaranteeing it, but it was like 45 or something members who retired. If that number had only been like 5, then that is 40 members with much better name recognition, probably much better fund raising capability, and just more political campaign experience that would have been running. If a dozen or more seats hadn't flipped that could have meant the house didn't flip.

The other thing to note is that the members that have left were probably the more, if not anti-trump at least trump-wary members. After the performance of Donald Trump in yesterday's election, almost all new members are going to trust in Trump a lot more. Trump really has an opportunity to reshape, for the long-term, the Republican party. If the Republicans become a more, while not labor, but a more worker/jobs/economy oriented party, with a good dose of sercurity mindedness, that doesn't cross over into military adventurism, they will be well suited to do well long into the future. And by the benefit of acting first, they can get a first-mover's benefit and kind of leave the democrats with whatever is left over.

Jaq said...

What is wrong with you people? Trump looked like he was damn close to having a mental breakdown.

You absolutely certain it’s us that’s wrong? Are you sure you weren’t looking in a mirror. He looked like he was having fun to me.

Rabel said...

"Trump can keep his temper under control."

There was a moment there that was the closest I've ever seen him to actually being angry. That little walkaway he did was a technique he picked up somewhere. He was aware of where he was emotionally and took it under control.

He's sharper than he gets credit for. A lot sharper.

iowan2 said...

"Freedom of the press" means, in the first amendment, just what it means in today's parlance: the freedom of journalists to freely report and comment on the events of the day is guaranteed.

Try thinking about this stuff before you spout off. Per the Constitution of the United States, there is no such thing as a journalist. So the idiocy of you inserting a class of people in the Constitution, where none exists, just exposes the lie, that you have thought your logic through
The constitution prohibits the govt from interfering with the physical dissemination of information. Every person on the planet is a 'journalist. They have free speech rights, no more no less than anyone else. You like Acosta get this simple distinction wrong.
The constitution itself along with the bill of rights, are proof of Divine guidance in the construction of the document. To protect the presses, and not the people running them, is uncommon brilliance. If you would take the time to study it, and admire it, instead of attempting to use it, in stupid attempts to push a leftist ideology, you would be a better person for it.

wholelottasplainin said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Trump is open and entertaining in these pressers. After 8 years of the laughably dull, sickeningly obsequious Obama petting sessions from the adoring MSM Trump gets credit from me for at least livening them up.”

What is wrong with you people? Trump looked like he was damn close to having a mental breakdown.

If being close to losing his temper is "having a mental breakdown". then you, the ever-intemperate Inga had that breakdown loooong ago.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Inga: "What is wrong with you people? Trump looked like he was damn close to having a mental breakdown."

Democrats now officially cool with Ellison the girl beater, Acosta the young women shover, Menendez the underage teen traffic-ed prostitutes visitor, etc.

All coming after the dems literally, literally, falsely accused Kavanaugh of being a ring leader of a gang rape crew operating in MD for years, in public, with hundreds of witnesses.

They literally made that claim and said they believed it!

On top of the lefties going all in on insulting the appearance of a wounded hero Navy SEAL candidate's appearance....due to his losing an eye in combat.

There was an entire audience of "inga's" who thought that was hilarious. Hilarious.

I can't wait for the dems to try and impeach Kavanaugh. That's going to be awesome.

Drago said...

And don't get me started on the MN dem gal who actually married her brother when she came to the states.

Nothing to see here folks.

Nothing to see....

wholelottasplainin said...

So, the WH has revoked Acosta's credentials "until further notice".

I wonder how much CNN will continue to pay him, now that he's pissed in his own whiskey and deprived himself and his network of his precious "access".

If they had any sense, CNN would send him out to cover dumpster fires and the like in the DC area.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Awww, how cute. Look at how disturbed and profane the angry little gender-confused "mom Jeans" gets. Lashing out like the mean little Republicriminal that he/she/it is.

A walking poster child for spaying/neutering your Republicretins, everybody! Do your job and get them fixed!

No one wants more of that little thing going without a home. Keep the distressed population of mini "mom Jeanses" from getting culled and just get them fixed instead.

John Pickering said...

Iowan2 promotes ignorance among Ann's non-elite white readers by saying that press in the 18th C and in the Constitution meant the printing press, and not the working press, which are journalists, and the publishers who pay them, is wrong. Please you readers who think that, look it up. There have been writers and journalists who have been attacked and assaulted for hundreds of years, if not thousands going to Socrates. The organized, working, commercial press consisting of independent writers and editors and publishers is exactly what the First Amendment is referring to.
I used to think this goes to how Ann does her readers a disservice by denying them the benefits of her reading but now I think she's really just an anarchist who loves seeing a clown in the White House. Everything else bores her.

iowan2 said...

Rabel said...
"Trump can keep his temper under control."

There was a moment there that was the closest I've ever seen him to actually being angry. That little walkaway he did was a technique he picked up somewhere. He was aware of where he was emotionally and took it under control.

He's sharper than he gets credit for. A lot sharper.

The left has been dealing with President Trump now for more that 2 years. They still refuse to understand, or try to understand what they are dealing with.
President Trump knows that anger is losing control. That's why he gets under his enemies skin. It gives him an advantage. Himself? Sure he gets mad, but today, you saw how he reacts, contains himself, pauses, gathers, then resets, goes forward. This is a learned response, but by now, in his 70's, it's intuitive. Reacting without thought.
The left keeps lying to themselves that they are the smart one, and President Trump is the idiot. Here's praying to God the left never finds the ability to be honest with themselves.

iowan2 said...

Pickering, your doing the same shit. Inserting a class of people into the constutution that does not exist. Journalist cannot be defined by the govt. It the govt defines it, the govt controls it. Chew on that.

Drago said...

JP: "There have been writers and journalists who have been attacked and assaulted for hundreds of years, if not thousands going to Socrates."

There have even been politicians who have been attacked rapid followers of left wing "journalists" in this nation.

Quite recently really.

Although that incident has been thoroughly scrubbed from our history. Like, with a cloth. And down the lefty memory hole it goes....

Matt Sablan said...

I don't know what world people are living in when they say Acosta did not inappropriately touch that woman. At 1:30 or so, you can see him collapse her arm at the elbow; watch her back legs and you can see she gets moved so much she comes off balance.

Matt Sablan said...

Again: It may have been an accident. But, it is the sort of accident you apologize for, not that you gaslight people by pretending it didn't happen.

Drago said...

Mathew, all you have is clear video evidence for what you say.

What the left has is the correct political viewpoints.

I hope this clears it up for you.

Drago said...

So, for the Arizona Senate race, here's a fun game: Try and pick the correct year, make and model of car in which the dems will "discover" approximately 16,497 ballots for Synema!

A good time can be had by all.

BJM said...

Acosta walked right into Trump's trap. The WH could have cut the mic, handed out another and Acosta would be left standing there with his dick in his hand. He was played.

Comanche Voter said...

Jim Acost Her---laying hands on that young intern was a strategic mistake. He probably manhandled her worse than Kavanaugh's alleged incident. So he got slapped down--good and hard. Couldn't have happened to a bigger jerk.

grackle said...

This blog must be going downhill. It used to attract a better class of troll. Readers, all we seem to get lately are Barney Fife-types huffing and puffing some banal schoolyard vulgarities and taunts.

Surely there is a champion among the frequenters of, say, reddit or 4chan that could grace us with a higher grade of antagonism and thus rescue us all from the current boring, unimaginative poser. More Elvis Presley, please, and less Liberace.

Saint Croix said...

I don't know what world people are living in when they say Acosta did not inappropriately touch that woman.

An "inappropriate touch" is liberal-speak for sex harassment. Liberals are jumping up and down and denying that Acosta is harassing this woman for sex.

And he's not, of course. She's a beautiful intern, and Jim Acosta doesn't even seen her. He's not paying attention to her. He'c caught up with his manly confrontation with Trump and this little girl is trying to take his microphone away. Dr. Freud would say, "oh, that's suggestive." Anyway, you can't have my microphone, girl, I don't even see you.

Trump is having a lot of fun accusing Acosta of an "inappropriate touch" and also he loves the word "intern." I think he's read Rules for Radicals. "Make them play by their own rules."

Saint Croix said...

It will be interesting when a pro-life journalist (there's got to be one, right?) asks a Democrat President a pro-life question.

"Unborn children are classified as non-persons, as sub-human, as property, by your administration and by the unelected branch of your government. They are killed in a medical procedure so horrific and awful we routinely censor abortion photographs on network television. Will you recognize the humanity of an unborn child? Will you nominate a Supreme Court Justice who knows what a person is?"

And when an intern tries to take the microphone, maybe the journalist refuses to give it up.

Whose side do you take then?

AllenS said...

It's been quite apparent for a long time that Acosta needs an attitude adjustment.

alanc709 said...

Is there anyone on this forum who thinks PPPT is remotely intelligent or entertaining?

AllenS said...

Not me.

iowan2 said...

alanc, It's not fair for me to say. I can't get past the first few words, then scroll pass anything with that name. Call me a bigot (the left already does) because I have pre-judged the content if his character.

Robert Cook said...

"Try thinking about this stuff before you spout off. Per the Constitution of the United States, there is no such thing as a journalist. So the idiocy of you inserting a class of people in the Constitution, where none exists, just exposes the lie, that you have thought your logic through"

Perhaps you haven't read the First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

This is an explicit reference to the function of journalism--the collection of information about events of the day and the dissemination of that information, along with commentary and criticism about how government acts with regard to those events of the day...not to the physical presses that print the papers.

"The constitution prohibits the govt from interfering with the physical dissemination of information." Every person on the planet is a 'journalist. They have free speech rights, no more no less than anyone else. You like Acosta get this simple distinction wrong."

You don't read well. That's exactly what I said. Journalists are just citizens who perform the function of journalism. Anyone can be a journalist, but only a relative few actually pursue this absolutely crucial function of society.

"The constitution itself along with the bill of rights, are proof of Divine guidance in the construction of the document. To protect the presses, and not the people running them, is uncommon brilliance. If you would take the time to study it, and admire it, instead of attempting to use it, in stupid attempts to push a leftist ideology, you would be a better person for it."

1. There is no divine being, and so, no "divine guidance." They used their brains and what they had learned from living under the tyranny of the king, as well as their knowledge of the tendencies of governments that had brought many down, prominently among them, Rome.

2. To reiterate the idiocy that the first amendment protects "presses, and not the people running them" impeaches you as a source of intelligent thought. I ask again: what does that even mean?

Chuck said...

I find myself in agreement with one of my favorite reporters, Chris Wallace of Fox News, in that Jim Acosta's pressuring the President was unprofessional for a member of the White House press corps.

But now the problem is that the White House through Sarah Huckabee Sanders says that the reason that they pulled Jim Acosta's press badge is because he "placed his hands on a young woman who was just doing her job." And in trying to back herself up, she has this morning relied on video that was doctored and posted by the infamous InfoWars, in which frames were frozen, repeated and sped up to try to make the incidental contact between Acosta and the intern, which was initiated by the intern, look much more dramatic than it was.

Acosta says flatly that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is lying. CNN backs up Acosta and says that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was lying. I agree with Acosta and CNN on that, and insofar as Sarah Huckabee Sanders has now claimed that the InfoWars video proves her point and the White version of why Acosta's press badge was suspended, I think that there is no doubt about the fact that she is essentially lying.

Acosta was unprofessional, for a matter of about a minute in the press conference. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is lying about the basis for suspending Acosta's press badge. She didn't claim to suspend Acosta for being unprofessional or for badgering the President. She suspended him for allegedly "placing his hands on" the intern/aide, which is a lie.

I hope the entire White House press corps continually pressures her on this until she is backed off of that lie. I also hope that they tailor their questions to standard courtesy better than Acosta did. But when, in a press conference, the President shuts down a reporter, the response that I hope for is that each successive reporter who is called on will repeat the previous question or refuse to ask any questions until the last one is answered.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Acosta gang raped me.

AllenS said...

Someone made a video of the incident just for you, Chuck.


Anonymous said...

Refresh my memory - wasn't Chuck in full-on Indignant-Chuck Mode(tm) about Corey what's-his-name's brutal assault on Michelle what's-her-name?

Guess the criteria for Brutal Assault have been modified since then. Or maybe the real horrors of pushing or touching just pale in comparison to the brutality of TRUMP OR A TRUMP MINION LYING!!!! A claim not ordinarily subject to proof in this type of situation, but in this case we have Amazing Chuck's mind-reading apparatus at our disposal. A powerful yet highly-specific instrument, that only registers any instance of the endemic political bullshitting all around us if it's Trump-associated. (Which it then amplifies and identifies as dishonesty in pol-speak totally unprecedented in the history of the Republic.)

Chuck said...

AllenS said...
Someone made a video of the incident just for you, Chuck.


Yeah, that looks like the InfoWars-adopted video. It is, right?

Nobody needed to "make a video just for me." I have seen it multiple times, in real time at speed and unedited.

Here is Fox News doing a bit on the incident. Chris Stirewalt, who seems to me to be a sensible guy most of the time -- and who regards Jim Acosta as having been unprofessional in this case -- talks over this replay of the video.

Jim Acosta, beyond any doubt, does NOT place his hands on the intern. The intern reaches across Acosta's left arm, and Acosta's right hand is holding a microphone. That hand is not and could not be on the intern while it is holding a microphone.


Chuck said...

Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
Refresh my memory - wasn't Chuck in full-on Indignant-Chuck Mode(tm) about Corey what's-his-name's brutal assault on Michelle what's-her-name?

No, I never called it anything like a "brutal assault" on Michelle Fields by Corey Lewandowski.

What I went full-on for, was the fact that Lewansowski lied when he said he had never met Michelle (and of course never touched her), and the fact that Trump jumped in on the controversy by saying that he trusted Corey and that Michelle must have made it up, because Secret Service was all around.

The video showed that Lewandowski did grab her exactly as she and other reporters described. Lewandowski lied. And Trump misled.

And honestly, when it came to the flatly incredible stories about Justice Kavanaugh in his confirmation hearing, I thought of the Florida incident. Because Trump was saying much the same about Kavanaugh's accusers. And while Kavanaugh was of course deserving of a defense (a much better-articulated defense than the clumsy one that Trump was giving), Trump's involvement didn't help. Trump is the psycho who keeps crying "wolf," as it were, if we can regard bushing off allegations of assault as "crying wolf." From his ex-wife Ivanka's testimony under oath, to the dozens of women who have since accused Trump of inappropriate touching, to Lewandowski, to Kavanaugh. Trump is such a crappy witness/defendant.

Basil Duke said...

alanc707 - Not in the slightest. He fancies himself a rare and biting wit, but he's just a manic poop flinger. Seems to have quite a bit of free time, though.

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