November 18, 2018

Trump gives a Schitt.


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Drago said...

Inga: "Would a normal human being even think a modern American woman approves of FGM?"

Inga is still unwilling to state simply that FGM is wrong.

We all know why she won't.

In fact, Inga will expend thousands of words saying....stuff...without ever stopping to write a handful of words that directly express that sentiment.

She dare not offend islamic supremacists.


For any reason.

narciso said...

Well it's easy to say 'orange man bad' that's considered brave, but denouncing antisemitism in Corbyn's labour party.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago loves him some Saudi Muslims, never mind that they drown women family members in the family pool by putting weights on their ankles"

Here's a pic of obama bowing to the Saudi King.

I would criticize obama for doing this, but the lefties have told me that any criticism of obama bowing in subservience to the Saudi's is racist.

Drago said...

I have to admit I was a bit surprised seeing the Mexican citizens of Tijuana turning out to protest and attack the caravan of mostly single, military age males that the lefties assured us did not exist.

Apparently, the "non-existence" of this mostly single, military age males caravan was never shared with the citizens of Tijuana.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Inga is still unwilling to state simply that FGM is wrong.

Well we know that Drago doesn't think that orchiectomy is wrong as his comments here essentially prove that Trump has removed them.

gadfly said...

Bobby Three Sticks was confirmed by the Senate when he was appointed FBI Director in 2001 by GeeDubYa. He is a lifetime Republican.

Robert Cook said...

"Wow. He continues to amaze."

Yes. And appall.

"We're going to have the best climate!"

alanc709 said...

Well, the first half of the comments were worth reading, until the asylum let the lunatics out again.

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