November 2, 2018

The Department of Homeland Security issues a statement of "the facts surrounding the 'caravans' en route to the U.S. Southwest border."

Link. Excerpt:
[O]ver 270 individuals along the caravan route have criminal histories, including known gang membership. Those include a number of violent criminals – examples include aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, armed robbery, sexual assault on a child, and assault on a female. Mexican officials have also publicly stated that criminal groups have infiltrated the caravan. We also continue to see individuals from over 20 countries in this flow from countries such as Somalia, India, Haiti, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh....

On October 30, Mexico’s Interior Minister Navarrete Prida speaking on Radio Enfoque (Focus) 100.1 FM, confirmed that some criminal groups have infiltrated the caravan: “I have videos from Guatemala that show men dressed in identical clothing, sporting the same haircuts, handing out money to women to persuade them to move to the front of the caravan…We know, for a fact, that some members of the caravan threatened [Mexican] Migration Institute personnel and we have images showing many of them preparing Molotov cocktails.”...

[R]eports on the ground from our foreign partners suggest that approximately 50 percent are single adults. However, the Guatemalan Intel Minister said that the caravan is employing tactics to push women and children to the front to act as human shields as the caravan pushes against its military forces....
Also dated November 1st, there's this new statement from The White House, "Confronting the Urgent Crisis at Our Border." It ends:
DEMOCRATIC OBSTRUCTION: Democrats have blocked all efforts to secure our southern border and protect our communities.

Democrats defend loopholes that enable the release of illegal aliens and further this crisis.

Every single Senate Democrat supports an open-borders bill that would effectively grant amnesty to any alien within 100 miles of the border as long as they arrive with a minor.

Democrats have opposed legislation to crack down on sanctuary cities, be tougher on aliens who reenter after deportation, keep out alien gang members, and fully fund a border wall.

Earlier this year, 90 percent of House Democrats failed to take a stand and vote in favor of a resolution to support the brave men and women of ICE.


rhhardin said...

It's a little early to be preparing molotov cocktails. You've got to carry the things.

Freder Frederson said...

There's at least one huge whopper of a lie in the statement:

Current estimates indicate that the caravan could arrive between four days and two weeks (from October 31) depending on the mode of transportation and whether they make any prolonged stops.

They are 900 miles from the U.S. border and walking. Unless they find motorized transport, in two weeks they will still be at the very least, 600 miles away.

MacMacConnell said...

None of these fucker qualify for amnesty, they have already refused it from Mexico.

Robert Cook said...

"Earlier this year, 90 percent of House Democrats failed to take a stand and vote in favor of a resolution to support the brave men and women of ICE."

Shameful! That they failed to support the brave men and women pulling children away from their mothers.

Robert Cook said...

When the government issues a statement declaring the "facts" about something, one can be certain they're feeding us distortions, half-truths, lies, and bullshit.

Do they have names, photos, and details to back up their alleged facts?

Shouting Thomas said...

Do they have names, photos, and details to back up their alleged facts?

Emptying out the prisons and flooding the country with criminals was one of Stalin's favorite strategies. Cookie, the same.

Northern Mexico has been embroiled in a brutal gang war for over a decade. Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador sport the highest murder rates in the world. Gang violence is the arbiter of the simplest disputes.

Cook knows this. He's a Stalinist. What do you expect from a Stalinist? Cook wants to flood the U.S. with criminals, rapists and gang bangers.

Jeff said...

Over 270 individuals along the caravan route have criminal histories, including known gang membership.
The same was true of the route I used to commute into Chicago. So what?

rhhardin said...

We don't want them even if they're all great people. They're illegal.

Shouting Thomas said...

A very good movie about Evgenia Ginzburg, a literature professor who did 10 years in the GULAG.

The Stalinist strategy in the prison camps was to police the political prisoners with the craziest hardened murderers.

Henry said...

rhhardin said...
It's a little early to be preparing molotov cocktails. You've got to carry the things.


The White House got their message wrong. It should have been "Confronting the Urgent Crisis at Mexico's Border with Guatemala."

It certainly behooves the U.S. to work with Mexico on this crisis on Their Border. But until George Soros's secret nighttime trucking company moves those refugees another 1700 miles, it's not Our Border.

Anonymous said...

Clown show. Breathlessly reporting on a group of people as if it were some uncontrollable natural event approaching. Oh noes, where will it hit? What can we do to prepare? Do our planned methods of dealing with it have the approval of CNN and the hysterical catlady demographic? (Mornin', Freder and Robert!)

Wouldn't be a problem in a sane country: Didn't take Mexico's offer of asylum? Then you're not a refugee. You can walk through Mexico but can't find your way to a consulate or embassy to inquire about immigrating legally? Well, have a nice day and enjoy your return trip home.

Henry said...

Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador sport the highest murder rates in the world. Gang violence is the arbiter of the simplest disputes.

Yes. Thus refugees.

This report isn't much of a surprise, frankly. Of course a refugee population of thousands will contain criminals.

When some percentage of this caravan gets to the U.S. border, it is good to know that we know who not to let it, correct?

Anonymous said...

Cookie: Shameful! That they failed to support the brave men and women pulling children away from their mothers.

I appreciate your consistency in supplying the necessary juvenile commentary on the subject. Saves me the trouble of having to consult twitter and facebook.

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Henry said...

As for the press release. It's littered with inconsistencies and cherry-picked statistics. It's embarrassing propaganda. It's the kind of thing Russians produce for Facebook.

Why should we be panicky?

approximately 50 percent are single adults

Why is this a crisis?

FY18 is the highest number of family unit apprehensions on record

Notice the category change?

And anyone who takes a minute to look at the U.S. Border Patrol's actual statistics knows that FY18 does not have an abnormally high number of apprehensions. The propaganda ministry has cherry-picked one stat.

Unaccompanied minor apprehensions were much higher in 2014 and about the same in 2016.

An additional look at the Border Patrol's own statistics shows that the increase in family units is largely due to refugees from Guatemala and Honduras, two countries which are legitimately in crisis.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

When some percentage of this caravan gets to the U.S. border, it is good to know that we know who not to let it, correct?

Yes it's good to know that we don't want any of them. If they want asylum they should apply in Mexico. If they meet the asylum standards then the US, Canada, South America and Europe should take in their fair share.

Jersey Fled said...

When we enforce our border laws, we decide who to let in. When we dont, they get to decide who gets in.

Don B. said...

Here are the molotov cocktails. Guatemala's Prensa Libre has had pretty good coverage.

TreeJoe said...

Freder Federson said,

""Current estimates indicate that the caravan could arrive between four days and two weeks (from October 31) depending on the mode of transportation and whether they make any prolonged stops.""

They are 900 miles from the U.S. border and walking. Unless they find motorized transport, in two weeks they will still be at the very least, 600 miles away."

When an analyst prepares a report for defense purposes, you have to create multiple reasonable scenarios.

I genuinely don't understand the estimate unless it presumes significant motorized transport - but that could be by train, bus, truck, etc.

Nonetheless, two weeks and 900 miles assumes an average distance of no less than 65 miles a day. Unless there's a high probability transportation unit in there that is going to move many hundreds of miles over one or several days that seems unrealistic.

Then again, I'm not a forecaster of foreign national movement.

Henry said...

If they want asylum they should apply in Mexico. If they meet the asylum standards then the US, Canada, South America and Europe should take in their fair share.

This is legally impossible, of course. U.S. law doesn't allow it.

Gahrie said...

Yes. Thus refugees.

Refugees who have been offered refuge and turned it down.

Henry said...

Alternate title: "The Department of Homeland Security issues press release justifying The Department of Homeland Security"

Henry said...

Refugees who have been offered refuge and turned it down.

Exactly. In Mexico. Perhaps the U.S. could offer intel and diplomatic support to Mexico, where the crisis is. I think that would be a good idea.

Jaq said...

They seem to be getting "motorized support" but I am not among the conspiracy theorists here. We have seen the like before and it was spontaneous. Remember 1989 when a rumor spread in the workers' paradise states on the sunny side of the "Iron Curtain" that you could get to the West and the borders were flooded? It brought down the Soviet Union.

Jaq said...

Blogger Henry said...
Alternate title: "The Department of Homeland Security issues press release justifying The Department of Homeland Security"

That's a pretty bullet-proof defense mechanism you have for your beliefs there Henry. Congratulations. Keep that kind of stuff up and you will never have to consider any of the evidence offered by people with whom you disagree.

Oso Negro said...

These people are military geniuses! If only Xerxes had thought to put women and children at the front of his column!

Jaq said...

This is legally impossible, of course. U.S. law doesn't allow it.

Well, more likely they would be overlooking the opportunity to exploit a juicy loophole.

Jaq said...

Exactly Oso! Who needs to build a fucking wooden horse!

Gahrie said...

Members of the caravan are filing court cases claiming that Trump is violating their Constitutional rights.

How the Hell do illegal immigrants not even in the U.S. or at the border have Constitutional rights? Or standing for that matter?

Henry said...

tim in vermont...
It can't be facts all the time. No one bothers.

Jaq said...

How the Hell do illegal immigrants not even in the U.S. or at the border have Constitutional rights? Or standing for that matter?

It says right in the Constitution, "Hawaiian judges shall be responsible for foreign policy."

Jaq said...

It's a little early to be preparing molotov cocktails. You've got to carry the things.


What they are carrying with them is the willingness to use them. Discarded bottles and siphoned gasoline can be sourced as needed. It's not like a cruise missile where they are some kind of budget item that has to account for each use.

Henry said...

What they are carrying with them is the willingness to use them.

Yes. In Mexico. Where they are right now.

The Crack Emcee said...

What Are We Going To Do With The Butthole Surfer’s Mexican Caravan?


Bill, Republic of Texas said...

This is legally impossible, of course. U.S. law doesn't allow it.

What are you on about? Refugees are regulated under treaties not national law. Refugees must make a claim for asylum in the first country they reach that is safe for them (a refugee from Soviet Union would not have to apply for asylum in Bulgaria etc).

The claim is made and then reviewed. If they are true refugees, every country is required to take in their fair share.

Jaq said...

Emptying out the prisons and flooding the country with criminals was one of Stalin's favorite strategies. Cookie, the same.

You should have seen Miami in 1980 when Castro emptied his prisons. But I don't think that there is anything like that going on here. As I have said this is likely spontaneous but obviously presents a great opportunity for "evil doers."

Jaq said...

Yes. In Mexico. Where they are right now.

One of the distinguishing features of Democrats is their faith that the future will never come. "No payments 'til after Christmas!" Right now our lax border security, lax enforcement of immigration laws, and gaping loopholes in our asylum rules is attracting illegal aliens like bugs to a klieg light in a swamp.

Jaq said...

The most important thing for Henry is that nobody think about this until AFTER the mid-terms.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Criminals, perverts, violence, carrying with them possible diseases..... all in one lovely package and the caravan just keeps rolling along. Moving moving moving RawHIDE~!~~

And no one (other than Trump) seems interested in stopping the invasion or taking any responsiblity.

Just remember folks.......nature abhors a vacuum.

bbkingfish said...

Ebola. It's getting closer.

My name goes here. said...

This is legally impossible, of course. U.S. law doesn't allow it.

You mean they cannot stop at any of the 6 US Consulates they have to walk past and ask for asylum? Asking for a friend.

Henry said...

Bill said ...

What are you on about? Refugees are regulated under treaties not national law. Refugees must make a claim for asylum in the first country they reach that is safe for them (a refugee from Soviet Union would not have to apply for asylum in Bulgaria etc).

We have some muddling of terms, including on my part. Asylum happens inside the U.S. Refugee status happens outside the U.S.

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Fredo insists: They are 900 miles from the U.S. border and walking. Unless they find motorized transport, in two weeks they will still be at the very least, 600 miles away.

Several forms of transport have been provided to this caravan including trains and buses. They are not walking the entire distance. For the photo session, of course...

Henry said...

My name goes here said...
You mean they cannot stop at any of the 6 US Consulates they have to walk past and ask for asylum?

They can ask for asylum at a consulate. They cannot get asylum at a consulate.

mockturtle said...

Shouting Thomas observes: Emptying out the prisons and flooding the country with criminals was one of Stalin's favorite strategies. Cookie, the same.

And don't forget Castro.

mockturtle said...

Rhhardin asserts: We don't want them even if they're all great people. They're illegal.

Exactly! Legality is the overriding principle, not the quality of the migrants. This sort of invasion makes mockery of those who went to the trouble to enter the US by the rules.

Anonymous said...

Henry: Why should we be panicky?

I don't know, Henry. Why *are* you running around frantically shouting "don't panic! don't panic!" just because other people don't share your panglossian views on the superlative efficacy of U.S. immigration controls, or the political irrelevance of these sorts of orchestrated clown shows?

Jaq said...

They can ask for asylum at a consulate. They cannot get asylum at a consulate.

Right. If they obeyed the laws and followed the treaties, they won't be guaranteed entry into the US. So their hand is forced, don't you see?

Jaq said...

The problem with refugee status, and why it is unacceptable, is that it doesn't guarantee the opportunity to enter the US, skip your hearing, and be integrated into the illegal community in the US. So you can see Henry's point, right? Refugee status is utterly unacceptable!

Jaq said...

Who is going to take care of my polo ponies if we don't allow massive illegal immigration? Uppity American citizens who would demand stuff like health benefits? Are there no emergency rooms? Uppity citizens who would demand time and a half for overtime? What is this? Communism? Uppity citizens who expect paid vacations? I am not running a Club Med here! At least not for the help!

Don' even get me started on the edge to edge landscaping in my gated community!

mockturtle said...

Again, back in the 60's it was often the goal of protesters/marchers/rioters to incite hostility in law enforcement. It was considered a coup to get a photo op of police brutality. A young photographer we met in Berkeley showed us a shot he captured of a police baton literally parting the hair of a protester. I'm sure it ended up on the front page somewhere. You can be sure that the caravan will be trying their best to make any degree of deterrent look like 'fascism' for the cameras.

This is not a spontaneous event but a carefully produced and directed one.

Henry said...

Why *are* you running around frantically shouting "don't panic! don't panic!"

For the most part I've really tried to be as boring as possible.

Jaq said...

Massive illegal immigration is one of the policies of the elite that harms the working class. Democrats and Republicans are both in on it. Ryan and his Chamber of Commerce cronies and Pelosi and her sanctuary cities. This is why Trump must be destroyed. He is far from perfect, but he's the only guy fighting for people who show up and work for an living.

Seeing Red said...

Emptying out the prisons and flooding the country with criminals was one of Stalin's favorite strategies. Cookie, the same.

Mariela Boat Lift so did Castro. 1980?

Cookie doesn’t remember.

Anonymous said...

Henry: For the most part I've really tried to be as boring as possible.

True, nice effort, but the emotions are showing through.

Birkel said...

Nobody is worried specifically about this group.
The millions more observing what happens are worrisome.

And anybody who cannot predict the result if this lot are allowed to pass, is a liar.
Henry is a liar.

NC William said...

The "emergency" is not the caravan per se. That can be handled, and seemingly, resources are being tasked by the federal government to do just that.

Rather, the "emergency" is that one political party and its supporters, including those here in this comments section, wish for there to be effectively no limits on immigration, negating this country's right to decide who may enter and reside here. No other country in the world is deprived of the right to make this decision.

The caravan is simply a newsworthy event which highlights the fact of this contextual emergency.

mockturtle said...

Venezuela is watching. Waiting.

iowan2 said...

Robert Cook said...
When the government issues a statement declaring the "facts" about something, one can be certain they're feeding us distortions, half-truths, lies, and bullshit.

Do they have names, photos, and details to back up their alleged facts?

Questioning the integrity of the brave men and women that risk their lives everyday so you can sleep sound and night.

Henry said...
Alternate title: "The Department of Homeland Security issues press release justifying The Department of Homeland Security"

I've been lectured by my betters for 2 years I cannot question the honesty of our govt institutions. Tearing down those grand agencies that work tirelessly for my safety, is working to destroy the very core of our democracy.

Christ, the double standards have gone past comedic, to full idiocy.

chickelit said...

Henry and Robert Cook are pretending to be our betters, lecturing us.

Kudos to Crack for that BH link. I didn’t know he was a Gibbytarian.

chickelit said...

It’s quite easy to believe the worst about the left regarding illegal immigration since they absolutely refuse to take it seriously, going so far as to deny it exists. If Trump prevails next Tuesday there will be ample opportunity to berate the left for their collective failure.

Robert Cook said...

"What Are We Going To Do With The Butthole Surfer’s Mexican Caravan?"

Loooovvvve the 1980s-era Butthole Surfers! Every record up to and including their artistic peak--LOCUST ABORTION TECHNICIAN--was pure gold!

gilbar said...

World Class Liar Freder Frederson said...
There's at least one huge whopper of a lie in the statement:
They are 900 miles from the U.S. border and walking. Unless they find motorized transport, in two weeks they will still be at the very least, 600 miles away.

Here's a picture of them 'walking', which i'm Sure you've seen many times

Was there Anything, you've Ever said; that wasn't a lie Freder?

Oso Negro said...

@ Crack Emcee - Wow! Demonstrating great cultural range there with knowledge of obscure white punk bands of the 1980s. :)

rcocean said...

Wonder wny no one from the MSM reported on the Caravan and looked for criminals, former deportees, or non-Central Americans.

How incurious. But when it came to "babies at the border" - 1,000 journalists were working 24/7 to make Trump look bad.

rcocean said...

BTW, the Caravan was offered refugee status in Mexico, and turned it down.

How they can be considered Refugees from anything is beyond me.

Maybe, Jeff Flake can explain it.

rcocean said...

The MSM has got there "Babies at the Border in Danger" stories ready to go.

Also ready, "Trump's Army troops shoot Freedom loving Refugees"

Freeman Hunt said...

Aren't we just going to meet the caravan with a lot of people (border patrol and military) and buses and pack everyone off for processing in a friendly, efficient manner?

Freeman Hunt said...

I see this whole thing as a moderate logistics challenge. Enlist the help of people who plan traffic flow in and out of stadiums.

Freder Frederson said...

"Was there Anything, you've Ever said; that wasn't a lie Freder?"

You really should wait a couple weeks to call me a liar. Or you will look really stupid if novemder14 comes and goes and they are still 500+ miles from the U.S. border

John Pickering said...

Gosh, how frightened is Ann? More than 200 people in the caravan have criminal histories! Send the Marines! And the US Army. It's an invasion! Be very afraid, and shoot rock throwers! Rocks are like rifles, the cowardly president says. How scared the non-elite whites have become, cowering before the caravan, too afraid to even open the front door way up there in Wisconsin.

Son of man,
You cannot say, or guess, for you know only
A heap of broken images, where the sun beats,
And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief,
And the dry stone no sound of water.

Jupiter said...

If I understand Henry's position, it is that a) this is Mexico's problem, not ours, and b) we therefore need to change our laws so that it becomes our problem.

Is that about right, Henry? Or, could it possibly be, that you have a well-reasoned and coherent position on the matter, but you know that most Americans would find both you and your opinion loathsome were you to state it openly?

gahrie said...

How scared the non-elite whites have become, cowering before the caravan

Why does the Left persist in promoting the idea that the only reason you can oppose something is out of fear? I don't fear homosexual marriage, I don't fear illegal immigrants, I don't fear tax and spend Progressives...I just oppose them.

gahrie said...

Aren't we just going to meet the caravan with a lot of people (border patrol and military) and buses and pack everyone off for processing in a friendly, efficient manner?

The problem is, "processing" for the most part consists of allowing them to enter the United States after they pinky swear to show up for their deportation hearings.

mockturtle said...

Was there Anything, you've Ever said; that wasn't a lie Freder?

Now, now, gilbar! Fredo isn't necessarily a liar. He's just misinformed, as is anyone who believes the MSM propaganda. A fool, most likely. A liar, maybe not.

mockturtle said...

So Pickering quotes T.S. Eliot. Is November, perhaps, 'the cruellest month'?

Seeing Red said...

180 of them can go to GTMO. We have space.

Jeff said...

More than 200 people in the caravan have criminal histories!
That's not what the press release says. It says there are criminals along the route of the caravan, not within the caravan itself. When you go to watch a parade in person, you're "along the route" of the parade. But you're not part of the parade itself. This is just more weasel-word bullshit of the kind we expect from bureaucrats.

Freder Frederson said...

"e's just misinformed, as is anyone who believes the MSM propaganda. A fool, most likely. A liar, maybe not."

I'll wait a couple weeks to call you misinformed.

I'm willing to bet,how about you. How far away on November 14?

Seeing Red said...

Wait, PR has space, too.

Send them to a territory.

Crimso said...

"Be very afraid, and shoot rock throwers!"

To be clear, you don't think it is wise to shoot someone who is committing assault with a deadly weapon?

mockturtle said...

Fredo writes: I'm willing to bet,how about you. How far away on November 14?

What I was calling misinformed was your assertion that these people are walking the entire distance. This is patently false.

Robert Cook said...

"Why does the Left persist in promoting the idea that the only reason you can oppose something is out of fear? I don't fear homosexual marriage, I don't fear illegal immigrants, I don't fear tax and spend Progressives...I just oppose them."

Why do you oppose homosexual marriage?

John Pickering said...

No, Crimso, it's not wise to direct the military to shoot people throwing rocks. It was wise for Mexico not to shoot them, just as it's not wise when the Israelis shoot rock throwing Palestinians. It's a matter of proportion: the armed might of the US military versus a caravan of poor people who are coming to throw themselves at the mercy of US laws. The non-elite white people in the US like Ann who are afraid of the caravan are just showing how low their morale has sunk, how morally bereft they have become, skulking behind their locked front doors. Such a comedown for a people, some of whose ancestors went to war to free the Negro slaves and defeat Nazi tyranny.

Robert Cook said...

"'Be very afraid, and shoot rock throwers!'

"To be clear, you don't think it is wise to shoot someone who is committing assault with a deadly weapon?"

A rock can be but is not usually a deadly weapon, especially if thrown from a distance, and more especially if thrown at armed soldiers or police officers wearing protective clothing and helmets and bearing plastic shields.

Howard said...

Blogger Freeman Hunt said...

Aren't we just going to meet the caravan with a lot of people (border patrol and military) and buses and pack everyone off for processing in a friendly, efficient manner?

Yes, but ideologues on both sides are currently indulging in violent fantasy blood lust. By the time they get to the border, it will be a non-event.

Jupiter said...

Blogger gahrie said...

"Why does the Left persist in promoting the idea that the only reason you can oppose something is out of fear? I don't fear homosexual marriage, I don't fear illegal immigrants, I don't fear tax and spend Progressives...I just oppose them."

Well, OK. Me, I fear them. The homo marriage not so much. I think Homo marriage is basically Special Olympics. Except that it has been shoved down our throats by a tyrannical judiciary, and they do not seem to think it has gone down far enough. I have spent enough time in southern Mexico to know that importing Central Americans now is ten times worse than importing Sicilians was in 1900, for the same reason. Tax and spend Progressives are a threat to my family, but again, it is less the policies they promote than the tyrannical zeal with which they are prepared to enforce them that frightens me.

Back in the 70's, I used to sit looking up at the cross on top of Skinner's Butte here in Eugene, and reflect on the fact that there was at least one Soviet nuke targeted to go off 1000 feet above it. According to The Atlantic, which at that time was a fairly reliable source of information. That bomb never went off, but the cross is gone, the Atlantic is run by lying vermin and I feel a deeper dread now than I did then. Tell me again, which side won the Cold War? Why are the Commies running the town I grew up in? How are we going to prevent these assholes from destroying our children's lives?

gahrie said...

A rock can be but is not usually a deadly weapon, especially if thrown from a distance, and more especially if thrown at armed soldiers or police officers wearing protective clothing and helmets and bearing plastic shields.

Next you'll be telling us that there is a Constitutional right to throw rocks at police, and that this right is shared by people who aren't citizens and don't live here.

gahrie said...

a caravan of poor people who are coming to throw themselves at the mercy of US laws.

Where's that one? The only one I know of is full of people demanding admittance to the United States and claiming Constitutional rights to do so. You know the one that has already turned down offers of refuge.

gahrie said...

Why do you oppose homosexual marriage?

For the same reason that homosexuals opposed civil unions....words have meanings.

Howard said...

words are vapor. saying words have meaning is soap opera femininity logic. action is the only meaning in this universe

Birkel said...

I oppose the goals of this caravan because there are millions of people watching who would prefer to live illegally in the United States than stay where they are. I do not want to revert to the worldwide mean.

The United States does not need those millions of extra people.

Freder Frederson said...

What I was calling misinformed was your assertion that these people are walking the entire distance. This is patently false.

So you dismiss the point I was making (that the caravan might be at the U.S. border as early as Sunday as patently absurd) to ding me for not properly modifying walking.

Seems a bit dishonest to me. But then of course you were defending Trump as a truth teller because you asserted he really did mean to say that the U.S. is the only country in the world that grants birth right U.S. citizenship.

mockturtle said...

But then of course you were defending Trump as a truth teller because you asserted he really did mean to say that the U.S. is the only country in the world that grants birth right U.S. citizenship.

I did no such thing. But take a look at the countries that DO grant birthright citizenship. Any you would care to emigrate to?

DavidD said...

Freeman Hunt said...
“I see this whole thing as a moderate logistics challenge. Enlist the help of people who plan traffic flow in and out of stadiums.”

Better yet , tell ’em we’re sending the BMV down there to process them....

Jim at said...

depending on the mode of transportation

And Freder says: "Unless they find motorized transport"

Yet somehow, Trump's statement is a lie.

Try not to contradict yourself with your own stupidity.

Also, they've been on trucks. You might even take a look yourself to see.

Freder Frederson said...

depending on the mode of transportation

Like I said, I'm willing to bet anyone here that the caravan will be nowhere near the U.S. border by November 14 (the outside estimate that Homeland Security gave).

If I am wrong, I will admit you were right. I doubt you will do the same.

And is anyone here willing to defend Sunday as an arrival time? What will your excuse be on Sunday: "well, we were assuming they would learn how to fly or at least their order for 6000 pairs of rocket skates from Acme would have been delivered."

Vance said...

So all the leftists in this thread are " We must admit all of these people, including the violent criminals, and you are a bigot if you don't want your daughter or wife raped and murdered by these people we could easily keep out!"

Yeah, that's a winning argument.

You leftists really don't get that you are defending a convoy of violent, militant people who are openly coming to hate Americans. Why on earth should we allow in people who hate Americans and America? This isn't some cavern of poor helpless types looking for a new life... this is a caravan filled with anti-American criminals, violent thugs. And that's what you want to let pour into this country unimpeded.

gahrie said...

words are vapor. saying words have meaning is soap opera femininity logic

Words are the tools of communication. If words have no fixed meaning then communication is impossible. How do I understand you opinion if I don't know what a "soap opera" or "femininity" is?

Bay Area Guy said...

If this caravan were headed to, say, San Francisco, Beverly Hills, New York City or even Oakland, CA - Democrat politicians would be a tad more vocal in their opposition, perhaps approaching Sen. McCaskill-level criticism.

Nobody wants them in this country. They should apply for US citizenship like all LEGAL immigrants have done and continue to do.

Jaq said...

Remember when the Democrats used to claim to represent "non-elite whites"?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Re: my comment at 8:19

Told you so!!. Minutemen to appear at border

When the government doesn't protect its borders, protect its citizens and even actively works against those citizens....not to mention calling us names for wanting protection and enforcement of the creates a vacuum.

The people will rightly conclude that "we are on our own" and will take measures into their own hands.

Not advocating. Merely pointing out the uncomfortable facts of life.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Tim in Vermont@8:15AM "... this is likely spontaneous..." Sure, just like the dance mania of the 13th century. Just a couple of poor mother's with their starving children decided that the only way they could survive in the world is if they started walking a couple of thousand miles to get to the USA. And they told two friends, and they told two friends, and they told two friends, and so on, and so on and so on and so... much bullshit.

mockturtle said...

DBQ links: Told you so!!. Minutemen to appear at border

I like the hat! I also have to objection to citizens stepping into said 'vacuum' to enforce the law.

mockturtle said...

To many Americans living near the border, however, their expected presence will not be welcomed.

Not so sure about that. Unless the article is referring to drug runners.

Jaq said...

It started with a guy on the radio, a talk show. I am sure that Robert Cook thinks that the tens of thousands of Eastern Europeans who formed a flash mob and brought down the Berlin Wall were part of an evil capitalist conspiracy too.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Mockturtle: I also have to objection to citizens stepping into said 'vacuum' to enforce the law.

Agreed. Very little good will come of this.

Yes. Some people will be able to maintain sensibility, however the potential for vigilantism and mayhem on all sides increases when there is an abandonment of leadership and control by the trained authorities. Especially when the abandonment is on such a massive scale and on a NATIONALLY important issue.

However, as I said, when the people feel abandoned by their government or that there is not any control by the "powers that be", expect that vacuum WILL be filled.

Ignoring the problem of illegal immigration and the invasion of the country by illegal aliens has led us to this juncture.

I hope it isn't too late.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Tim in Vermont@5:16PM "It started with a guy on the radio.." Oh, so in other words, Yes, it is not an organic movement of people fleeing. It is a manufactured and sustained by someone- let's find out first before we yield national sovereignty for the feels.

Also, the fall of the Berlin Wall was precipitated by the nation of Hungary which removed all barbed wire and obstacles, allowing thousands of thousands of East Germans to escape. Czechoslovakia followed by dismantling their border defenses and the East German government responded by allowing their citizens to emigrate there. This provoked the mass demonstrations of Germans determined to take back their country from the filthy communist party scum that had kept it prisoner for 45 years

Robert Cook said...

"Next you'll be telling us that there is a Constitutional right to throw rocks at police, and that this right is shared by people who aren't citizens and don't live here."

Yes, you're right. That's what I will be telling you next.

What a dope.

Milwaukie Guy said...

Borderer regiments.

Robert Cook said...

"For the same reason that homosexuals opposed civil unions....words have meanings."

A nonsensical non-answer.

Joe said...

One thing that is missing from the several reports I've read are the logistics of the caravan. How are they eating? Going to the bathroom? Where are they sleeping? Who is keeping them organized? Who are their leaders? In other words, what the logistics of the caravan itself.

(There was a report that tourist buses have "volunteered" to help. To whom? And who is actually paying for the gas and lost revenue?

I don't care about conspiracy theories, just wondering what is actually happening.)

Jaq said...

You may not agree with that answer, but it is far from nonsensical. You might make an effort to understand it,but we all know that the standard procedure is to reject first, ask rhetorical questions later.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

DBQ, it was a typo. What I meant to say was that I have NO objection to citizens stepping in to the said 'vacuum' to enforce the law. ;-)

This is an orchestrated invasion meant to force Trump to use stern tactics to deter it, causing the usual outcry of 'Fascist!'. And, while I hope 'vigilantes' [the true meaning of the word is not necessarily bad] won't be necessary, I applaud the willingness of citizens trying to do what our government cannot or will not.

Freder Frederson said...

I see no one took me up on my bet.

There must be a limit where even you realize that the bullshit Homeland Security is spewing and you are parroting is nonsense.

Freder Frederson said...

This is an orchestrated invasion meant to force Trump to use stern tactics to deter it, causing the usual outcry of 'Fascist!'. And, while I hope 'vigilantes' [the true meaning of the word is not necessarily bad] won't be necessary, I applaud the willingness of citizens trying to do what our government cannot or will not.

Well, when you applaud of tactics right out of the fascist playbook, you shouldn't be surprised to be called a Fascist. Just like Michael K referring to people as "useless mouths".

mockturtle said...

In the immortal words of Rahm Emanuel, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste".

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