November 9, 2018

"Rick Scott Cites Rampant Fraud in Florida, as Senate and Governor Races Tighten."

The NYT reports.
Mr. Scott’s campaign and the National Republican Senatorial Committee, according to court records, asked for emergency hearings to force Brenda C. Snipes, the elections supervisor of Broward County, to publicly release vote totals, and to require Susan Bucher, the elections supervisor of Palm Beach County, to allow campaign representatives to witness the review of potentially defective ballots.

Dr. Snipes, who like Ms. Bucher is an elected official, had told reporters on Thursday afternoon that she could not say how many votes were left to count. “I think we had over 58 percent of our voters voted, and each voter received a ballot package of either five or six pages,” she said when asked about why counting was taking so long. “It’s volume that causes this.”

Her performance is of particular concern to Republicans because a court ruled in May that her office had illegally destroyed some ballots from a 2016 congressional race. As a result, the office has been under state monitoring....


Narayanan said...

Republican wait until now?
DOJ could've been calling on election day?! Should've been.

richlb said...

Maybe THIS was the reason to remove Sessions.

David Begley said...

The Dems are now trying to steal an election and they aren’t even subtle about it. The attitude is, “Yeah, try and stop me.”

We are fast descending into lawlessness. See, e.g., the armed attack on Tucker Carlson’s house and the cops failure to do any thing.

But I think we should thank these dopes. When Scott gets to the Senate, he needs to stop this crap. Job one is to prevent non-citizens from voting because millions are doing so right now. It’s not voter surpression to enforce the law.

AllenS said...

"the office has been under state monitoring"

How about Federal monitoring. State monitoring appears to be the problem.

Mark said...

Ballot problems in Florida, what a surprise.

If the Republicans don't win, maybe they can go all Algore on it. Rick Scott is about as terrible as Al, bet it will look the same on him.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"We are fast descending into lawlessness. See, e.g., the armed attack on Tucker Carlson’s house and the cops failure to do any thing."

Also, the antifa actions in Portland, and the cops failure to do anything.

wendybar said...

I am not surprised. Isn't it funny how a "teacher" found a ballot box in a storage area?? Yeah, nothing fishy there!!!

AllenS said...

Alfranken became a MN senator after a woman found uncounted ballots in the trunk of her car.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Cops are "good union boys" at the core. Every recent upheaval they're ordered to stand down.
You are responsible for your own safety. Still dog eat dog ain't it. Teachers had you fooled.
Lawyers too!

Jaq said...

New York Times and the networks will be flying air cover.

BUMBLE BEE said...

OK everybody... check your car trunks!

tim maguire said...

The fruit of easy-access absentee balloting and advance voting. Of course you're going to see more shenanigans when there's so much more opportunity and time to prepare.

rehajm said...
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rehajm said...

The Rules say:

A concession may not be declined or withdrawn.

It's the rules of golf of the R&A and the United States Golf Association but you can't fall over in Florida without hitting a golf course, so they should still apply,,,

Unknown said...

What about AZ? Sinema wins?

AllenS said...

According to RealClearPolitics, with 100% counted, it's Sinema 49.1 McSally 48.6

Jaq said...

Delegitimize your opponents as actual Nazis and anything is justified.

tim maguire said...

Wendy bar, and did you notice how many times in the story she emphasized that she didn't open the box? That was a point she really really wanted us to get.

Jess said...

What amazes me is that she's still in charge. Broward County is either very corrupt, or populated by garden vegetables.

Michael P said...

The Daily Beast let the mask slip in a headline about this. They said that the GOP was upset about "new ballots" in Broward County, which is exactly the problem.

rhhardin said...

Democrats always win recounts.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Funny how all the uber-corrupt places are Democrat-controlled strongholds. What a strange coincidence.

Jaq said...

I voted in Palm Beach County. I had to show an ID and used a paper ballot which I fed into a scanner myself. Not sure what these votes are. It would be nice to hear some details. I don't expect to. This seems like straight out theft. But hopefully there is a chain of custody.

We have lots of new residents who likely never experienced honest elections and don't expect or desire them. I will keep an open mind though.

Jaq said...

BTW, Florida is as crazy as they say.

Danno said...

Tim, so your new moniker will be Tim in Florida?

Humperdink said...
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Guildofcannonballs said...

Scott and Desantis don't even like milkshakes right, so who cares if their's get stole n' junk?

Those right-wing Nazi voters deserve disenfranchisement because because because.

Jason said...

How can there be a chain of custody if a schoolteacher found them in a storage area?

Jaq said...

No, I don't live here year round.

I would like to hear tthe basis of Scott's accusation though.

FIDO said...

Haven't seen Althouse weigh in on the legalities of this one or even to give us her opinion.

Humperdink said...

1972 Olympic US-Soviet Union gold medal basketball game. A last second attempt by the Soviets fails. US wins 50-49 over the Commie-Pinkos.

Wait, stop the presses, with a few seconds puts back on the clock, the Commies are awarded a second in-bounds attempt. It fails, the US wins 50-49.

Not so fast Tonto, the Soviets are awarded a third in-bounds attempt. They score and win 51-50. Announcer Frank Gifford: "Now it's really over".

Every time I see a Broward County, Chicago, Philly, Cleveland or Minnesota, I am reminded of this game.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why is Brenda Snipes still in charge? She's been sued for fraud and vote cheating in the past.

David Begley said...


And our team has refused to accept the silver medals. All of them sit in a safety deposit box.

Darrell said...

Destroy the Rs.
Double-count the Ds.
Even before we drink our tea.

Jersey Fled said...

Wasn't the Bush-Gore Supreme Court decision basically that at some point you have to stop counting? if I show up at my polling place the day after the election, guess what. I don't get to vote. Boxes of ballots found in closets with no clear chain of custody are ripe for fraud. How do we know that the Democrats were not out all night collecting more votes? They should not be counted.

campy said...

"When Scott gets to the Senate, he needs to stop this crap."

That'll be difficult from the visitors gallery. Which is the only place he'll see the US senate from.

Danno said...

Tim, I presume you have Florida residency (and a FL domicile) so you can vote there, so that is why I asked.

Bad Lieutenant said...

The impending civil war should include the detail that the perpetrators of these offenses are captured and decisively interrogated for the details of their crimes and the names of their co-conspirators

JAORE said...

If the left takes the vote in Florida it's just a preview of what is to come. There will be 1,500,000 +- newly voting felons in 2020. The transition to blue will be complete.

Jersey Fled said...

BTW if Ginsburg dies, Trump should simply leave her seat open. No confirmation hassles and and he still has a 5 - 3 majority.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

WE are watching fraud unfold before our very eyes.
How come much larger states can get their vote totals in on time?

This is all ripe for fraud.

Darrell said...

The impending civil war should include the detail that the perpetrators of these offenses are captured and decisively interrogated for the details of their crimes and the names of their co-conspirators

Nah. Chipper/shredders. Zoo animals.

dreams said...

They're stealing the election in Florida just like they tried to in 2000, Democrats are crooks.

Browndog said...

As with Arizona, you can now see that voting by mail is just another tool to facilitate institutional voter fraud on a massive scale. It should have been clear from the start.

As to Florida, let's not forget the huge influx of socialist Puerto Ricans after the hurricane.

gilbar said...

it's interesting; the democrats have announced that after further votes were found, in All 50 States... Every republican senator has been voted out of office.

republicans complained that Many of those senators weren't even up for reelection; but democrats pointed out that EVERY Vote Must be Counted; whether or not it was legally cast

Darrell said...

Decertify the Democratic Party.

Paco Wové said...

Wasn't somebody referring to the U.S. as the world's biggest banana republic recently?

wendybar said...

Who needs Russian Collusion, when you just need to find a couple of ballot boxes after the fact???

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why do Democrats ‘always manage to pick up votes after the fact?’

Isn't that odd?

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Statistically it is highly unlikely that one party would most always gain votes, in found ballots, recounted ballots, reporting errors, etc. Occam's razor.... human intervention.

gspencer said...

Florida, a sunny place for shady people.

Danno said...

Now that Al Franken isn't in the Senate, he probably has time to deliver marked ballots to other states.

Larry J said...

Democrats stealing elections. It's who they are. It's what they do. When they were stopped from stealing the presidential election in 2000, they screamed bloody murder. Stopping a theft is not a theft but you'd never know it to hear them. They think it's their birthright or something. It's easier to understand Democrats when you see them as a large organized crime ring that does politics as a means to an end.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Nah. Chipper/shredders. Zoo animals.

AFTER their confessions are recorded and verified.

gilbar said...

Diogenes of Sinope said...
Statistically it is highly unlikely that one party would most always gain votes, in found ballots, recounted ballots, reporting errors, etc. Occam's razor.... human intervention.

toss a coin 500 times, and it comes up Heads, 500 times; what does that tell you about the coin?
EVERY time there is a recount, demos pick up votes; what does that tell you about demos?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Yeah yeah yeah. Waah waah waah. What are we, what is the President, what is anybody going to do about it but watch and bitch?

cacimbo said...

According to Rubio FL law requires polling stations to report the number of mail in ballots left to count 30 minutes after polls close. Days later they still have not provided that basic information. So they already broke the law, yet no mention of that fact in NYTimes article and NPR is reporting that Scott's allegations are made with "no evidence". Fake news once again at work for dems.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Video of ballots being moved in private cars

Castro would be proud.

Humperdink said...

Odd the Commie-Pinko Dems continue to fight tooth and claw against voter ID, isn't it?

Browndog said...

Democrats steal elections, republicans observe and complain.

One party seizes power, affording them the ability to steal even more elections on a grander scale--the other....moves on to the next election cycle.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

To repeat what has already been posted here, early voting, walk up registration and provisional ballots are an invitation to cheating. Democrats know they are fighting evil so why wouldn't some leftists cheat? Some argue it is immoral not to.

tim maguire said...

I saw a mention a while back about the ratio of Republican vs. Democratic victories in races decided by less than 1%. I recall it being damning.

Some think tank or media outlet should do a survey of elections across the country and compared initial vote tally to final vote tally in these races. Especially interesting would be how often the lead changed and in what direction.

I bet that would be damning as well.

iowan2 said...

From memory of the Bush v Gore fiasco. I think the Sec of State sends the final result to the Florida House of Representatives for their approval to Send it to the Senate in DC. This seems like the fire break designed specifically for this kind of shit show. The House refuses to certify and the House Votes on who to send to DC. The Dems will scream like banshees, but it has the advantage of being 100% legal. It is a political solution to a political problem and the Voters can adjudicate the conflict in 2 years.

Amadeus 48 said...

Seen it all before. It’s the GOP’s fault for letting it be close. What kind of campaign did McSally run? How could that Sinema lady be anything but a joke? Scott had a tough row to hoe, but he had to have known that Broward is as crooked as it gets. Next stop, Georgia governor’s race.
We never learn. When you have your enemy down, kill him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

They stopped counting in Montana as soon as Tester pulled ahead.

Jersey Fled said...

Nelson has to be in on it too. I always heard he was an honest man. If he even had the character of Richard Nixon he would re-concede and end this.

CWJ said...

This is all so depressing. Not least are the denials of fraud by our local commenters.

MikeR said...

Nah. Voter fraud doesn't happen. I've heard.
The very perception that this is happening is as damaging to our republic as anything Donald Trump can do.

robother said...

We have seen this pattern repeating everywhere. In Montana, it was Missoula County (heavily Blue) that somehow couldn't finish counting until all the other county totals were in. In Arizona and Florida, same thing: large urban deep Blue counties lag behind until the rest of the state is in, and they know what number they have to beat. The recount in Minnesota that resulted in Al Franken, same thing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Media: "You cannot prove it"

LilyBart said...

"count all the votes" appears to be code for "we need to 'find' more votes to count, these elections don't win themselves!"

cubanbob said...

Funny how Miami-Dade which has a huge spic population but is albeit still Democrat controlled can manage ontime and reasonably honest elections but next door Broward largely populated by former New Yorkers and other Northeasterners always has a problem with elections when things don't look good for Democrats. It's a typical Democrat in Florida shitshow.
I suspect the votes for both Gillum and Nelson are sketchy for this reason alone, all of the state constitutional amendments related to limiting taxation passed yet the proponents of higher taxation and spending supposedly won? The same voter who voted for Gillum and Nelson also voted to curb taxes, really?

LilyBart said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...Media: "You cannot prove it"

Because they know they can get way with it.

I would think that everyone would want to, as much as possible, work to preserve to integrity of the system. But apparently not. But what happens when the normal people, people like me, lose any confidence in the elections? And they need to think about that - because we ARE losing faith in the election system.

Lipperman said...

As of 8:00 AM CST, there is no mention of the 'found' ballots on the landing page at, yet this crime in progress is front&center on

chuck said...

It would be much easier to assume good faith incompetence if Democrats didn't have a history of shameless vote fraud.

Hagar said...

Whenever Democrats protest that there is no significant voter fraud, I remember that after the 1960 election they assured us that we should not worry about the Kennedy brothers - including young Teddy - having met with Sam Giancana and his lieutenants at Frank Sinatra's place in Hollywood because all they were meeting about was to arrange for voter fraud for the upcoming election in Illinois, and we should not worry about that either, since Kennedy would have won the election even without Illinois.
Nothing to see here; just move along people!

Seeing Red said...


I complained I felt left out. My vote only counted once and I think that FLA number was 7 times.

Why isn’t the FLA NG there to protect integrity?

mockturtle said...

The answer is not for the GOP to imitate the tactics of the Left. The answer is to use the law to its fullest extent in investigating and prosecuting them.

William said...

Well, Florida has taken a huge step forward in voter reform. Now that felons can vote, we will no longer be troubled by these close elections. Parole officers can act as ward heelers and produce the required number of voters. Parolees are remarkably inexpensive to bribe so it will save the Florida taxpayer a lot of money in the long run.

William said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hiawatha biscayne said...

they wrote the book on it. since tammany hall.

Bay Area Guy said...

I was very surprised in 2000 that Bush was able to prevail in Fla over Gore by 580+ votes, after multiple lawsuits. But the Dems are much worse now, as is the media. Scott & DeSantis are gonna need some Trump-like moxy to fend off the fraud.

It'd be nice if there were a few honest Dems to temper the crazy ones. But don't hold your breath on that.

Andrew said...

On the subject of Arizona, how could so many people vote for Sinema? How can anyone vote for someone who explicitly holds you and your entire state in contempt?

The closeness of the midterms really troubles me. Trump has given me some hope, but he can't do this job alone. This country is in so much trouble.

Howard said...

Collusion! Election tampering! Special Investigator! ironical deja view

mockturtle said...

Andrew, there are two answers to your question.
1. While AZ is a typically red state, the left holds the Flagstaff and Tucson areas and increasingly in Maricopa county.
2. McSally ran a lackluster campaign while Sinema's was very effective [if misleading] so voters who didn't know anything about either candidate would likely vote for Sinema by virtue of the well-produced ads.

The number of precincts reporting is not the same as the number of votes counted. The mail-in ballots--which were 80% of the total votes cast--were counted [and are still being counted] after the polls closed.

Howard said...

Blogger rhhardin said...

Democrats always win recounts.

Except George W who ended up setting every part of the Middle East on fire except the place 911 terrorists were from and torched $11 Trillion. Therefore, it's a feature, not a bug

Howard said...

IOW: Arizona is increasing it's average IQ and Sinema ran a better campaign.

mockturtle said...

Howard, it would indeed be interesting to know--and report--the average IQ of all Democratic voters vs. the average of all Republican voters. You might wish not to know.

rcocean said...

This is why cleaning up the electoral rolls, preventing illegals from voting, preventing Democrat snowbirds from double voting, etc. is so important.

IMO they should go back to the old system and get rid of early voting and voting by mail - unless you have a valid excuse to do so.

Its ridiculous that in 2018, we're waiting 40 hours for someone to count the votes! The whole thing can be computerized, even if you have a mail in paper ballot. Feed them into a scanning machine.

rcocean said...

The Democrats are always pushing for EVERYONE to vote (even felons), no safeguards against illegals voting or other voter fraud, automatic registration at DMV, and early voting and vote by mail.

The R's should have pushed back on all this, but of course never did. Result: Every close election ends with the D Candidate mysteriously "Finding" enough votes to win.

rcocean said...

Given some of Sinema's comments about Arizona and other things, I was sure she would lose.

This is really bad for the R's and shows the Democrats are slowing taking over the entire Mountain West (except for Utah). Colorado and NM gone. Nevada almost gone. Arz and Montana teetering on the edge.

This used to be the most Republican part of the USA under Reagan.

Leland said...

Remember when Trump was being told he needed to just accept the results of elections on election night?

Hagar said...

Someone on Bret Baier pointed out that in the previous notorious vote re-count cases, the parties have been fighting over hundreds of votes, but in the present controversies it is about thousands and maybe tens of thousands, and he thinks that is too heavy a lift - even for the Democrats in Florida.

Come to think of it, aren't these mail in votes - like from "snowbird" residents of New York, perhaps?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Isn't it curious that race tightening only goes in one direction.

paminwi said...

I was a poll worker for years in Madison.
There has been a phenomenal growth in absentee ballots.
The Madison City Clerk allows what we call here "the chief inspector" (the person in charge at each polling location)to take the absentee ballots for their polling location home the night before an election. My chief inspector said she had them in the trunk of her car from about 4:00pm the night before the Presential election.
Talk about the ability to tamper with ballots!
I complained. Crickets.

Scott M said...

The answer is not for the GOP to imitate the tactics of the Left. The answer is to use the law to its fullest extent in investigating and prosecuting them.

That's the correct answer, but it's not necessarily the answer that works in the real world.

Jaq said...

If Russia can steal an election with 50K in Facebook ads, I think that it is not unreasonable to demand transparency.

Andrew said...

Thank you, mockturtle.

narciso said...

Yes the blank ballots are in sealed bags that can't be opened without replacing and marking the seals, the dem observers likely pushed for provisional ballots in case of any discrepancy

CWJ said...


"Its ridiculous that in 2018, we're waiting 40 hours for someone to count the votes! The whole thing can be computerized, even if you have a mail in paper ballot. Feed them into a scanning machine."

Agreed. That's one of several fraud/tampering indicators. We use the scanning machine system here in our corner of Missouri. Both an automated count and a paper ballot to boot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

but "Hillary is a satan." Nobody saw that facebook ad- but it really flipped a lot of people against her. She was considered awesome before that.

Jaq said...

We use scanning machines in Palm Beach County. That's why I don't understand this.

Jaq said...

"The governor filed a lawsuit late Thursday claiming Palm Beach County’s Supervisor of Elections Susan Bucher isn’t following the law in duplicating damaged ballots and ballots with over-votes. During a press conference in Tallahassee on Thursday night, the governor charged that “unethical liberals” are seeking to “steal” the election." - palm beach post.

No scope for fraud there!

Qwinn said...

"If it's not close they can't cheat" is no longer operative. Honestly. I don't think it ever really was.

Jaq said...

Jaq said...

I hate reading the Palm Beach Post, but I guess I am going to have to.

MadTownGuy said...

No mention of the extra ballots from Milwaukee County?

Jaq said...

"More than 24,900 Broward residents voted for Florida governor but not for U.S. senator, a figure far larger than the margin now separating the two Senate candidates, according to county results updated Thursday evening. The Sun Sentinel found similar discrepancies in other statewide races, where the ballots counted suggest that thousands of voters made the unlikely choice to vote on lower-profile races and bypass the Senate race — a marquee contest and the first one on the ballot." Sun Sentinel (Broward County)

dreams said...

The Democrats couldn't get away with this cheating if we had an unbiased media.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"good-faith incompetence" is the most noble behavior we can hope for from Dems?

Static Ping said...

As I understand it, Arizona is just processing through the votes. They started with the areas that lean Sinema and there are still McSally areas to be counted. There is nothing necessarily shady going on here.

Florida... is Florida. The basic rule is you need to report how many votes were tallied by such and such a time. Broward is refusing to do so and just keeps reporting more and more votes. The best case scenario is gross incompetence and illegal activity. The worst case scenario is grand fraud. This is shady even in the best case scenario.

narciso said...

Ok so in 98, they voted more for a local race, where the late Neil Roger's was tipping the balance then the governors.

Jaq said...

Next step is for partisan Democrats to divine the intent of the people who didn't vote on the Senate race! It does look like there was a problem there, since it was only Broward where people didn't vote for the Senate.

I will have to break out my "Honk if you voted for Gore! It's the big button in the middle of the steering wheel!"

narciso said...

No they are violating the law in both cases.

Seeing Red said...

ore than 24,900 Broward residents voted for Florida governor but not for U.S. senator, a figure far larger than the margin now separating the two Senate candidates, according to county results updated Thursday evening. The Sun Sentinel found similar discrepancies in other statewide races, where the ballots counted suggest that thousands of voters made the unlikely choice to vote on lower-profile races and bypass the Senate race — a marquee contest and the first one on the ballot." Sun Sentinel (Broward County)

Shades of 2000. Back then there were more votes for senator than president. Yes you have a right not to vote for an office.

Jaq said...

McConnell should say that nobody gets seated if any evidence is destroyed.

Jaq said...

They should have SMOD on the ballot every race.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

they are manufacturing D-votes before the re-count. How many will the manufacture during the re-count?

Vance said...

Howard is in here gloating at his party's vote fraud. Doesn't care one whit that his party is openly cheating.

Like in Arizona, the Democrat precinct people are destroying McSally votes and throwing them away without counting them. Howard thinks that is great!

dreams said...
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dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

This is straight up fraud on a grand scale- there really is no other explanation given the circumstances. The reason the law requires the counties to post the numbers of unprocessed ballots, late arriving mail-ins and provisionals, 30 minutes after the closing of the polls should be fucking obvious to everyone, but I will explain it anyway. It serves as a check on vote fraud. It is designed to prevent any county from adding ballots after other counties have reported the actual vote totals- in other words, it helps prevent fraud from people who know what number has to be beaten to change the outcome of the election. With such a reporting requirement- you aren't allowed to wait to get to get the vote totals the morning after the election date and then add enough ballots to change the result- you have to post the total numbers of such uncounted ballots before the bulk of the ballot results are in.

Additionally, such ballots once counted (but not processed) and reported have a strict chain of custody and security controls to prevent the numerated ballots themselves from being altered as they are later processed in the days following the election.

Here is what Broward and Palm Beach County officials did and are doing- they deliberately evaded the reporting requirements at 7:30 p.m. on election night- no one knew the total number of such uncounted ballots, and they did this because they didn't know how the rest of the state voted yet. It would have done them no good to report at 7:30 p.m., let's say 50,000 such votes (a typically high number for such an election for counties that size) if Scott or DeSantis won the traditional night of vote count by 60,000 and 80,000 votes respectively- there is no way to legitimately overcome those margins with that number of uncounted votes in those counties- to do so fraudulently requires you to alter/fabricate the 100,000 reported number of uncounted ballots with obviously fraudulent vote ratios for those offices. Also, they didn't know if the number required wouldn't be twice or three times that required. The reporting rules were supposed to force one to commit to a number before you know what number might be needed to change the outcome statewide.

This is why Broward and Palm Beach County didn't report and haven't reported yet the numbers of such ballots- they still don't know what number they are shooting for because all the other counties in the state still have such ballots themselves they are counting right now, but those other counties have reported the numbers of ballots they have to process, just not the processed result yet. It is quite likely that the rest of the state will, by next Tuesday, have added to Scott and DeSantis' margins by up to 30K votes each. So Broward and Palm Beach County have to continue to refuse to disclose the remaining number, unlike every other county in the state who did obey the law.

The continuing refusal to disclose the number of ballots remaining to be counted is as close to iron-clad evidence you are going to get right now that it is vote fraud. Add in to that the counties waiting until the middle of the night to post the additional votes in two separate batches just adds to the evidence of fraud along with the refusal to allow party representatives to monitor the activities.

Mark Nielsen said...

rcocean: "This is really bad for the R's and shows the Democrats are slowing taking over the entire Mountain West (except for Utah). Colorado and NM gone. Nevada almost gone. Arz and Montana teetering on the edge."

I promise you that Idaho will hold out even longer than Utah.

Qwinn said...

My question is, when it has become so obvious how far they're willing to go to cheat (no limit, at all), why should we trust the vote count we got the night of the election either? Cause what's going on now looks to me like "Oops, we underestimated how many fake ballots we'd need, let's correct that."

Yancey Ward said...

I have a great deal more faith in the Arizona situation because the counties did report the numbers of uncounted ballots pretty early on Wednesday, and the explanations for those totals do make a great deal of sense given Arizona's procedures. So far, the additional results haven't been hugely out of line with the totals tabulated on Tuesday evening, but there is still some suspicion to be allayed. The totals from yesterday- where Pima County finished their count and Maricopa counted about 1/4 of the additional vote- favored Sinema in a way that more or less mirrored Sinema's edge in those counties on Tuesday evening, and in the case of Maricopa- Sinema's edge in the early vote that was posted immediately after the polls closed (the early votes Maricopa had counted in the days leading up to Tuesday). According to Maricopa officials- the remaining vote to be counted- about 350K- are the early votes turned in on Tuesday by people walking into the polls. That number should favor McSally by anywhere from 3-5%- her margin on votes that were taken on Tuesday. In addition, Pinal County, a county McSally won handily on Tuesday, still has 30,000 votes to count that should give McSally another 3K votes in margin, so I would expect the 9K margin of Sinema to shrink significantly, and if Tuesday's results are mirrored in today's count, it is likely that McSally overtakes Sinema once again.

buster said...

Does Broward County ever have problems counting votes on time when there is no close race for an important office?

Yancey Ward said...

Qwinn, that is an excellent question. I don't trust it.

buster said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anthony said...

Sinema will win.

Well, I should say "win". Maricopa County is still "counting".

Jaq said...

Florida Supreme Court no longer the partisan shit show that it was in 2000, it’s evenly split


Florida Supreme Court in 2018 under Chief Justice Charles Canady.
Name[14] Appointed Chief Justice Term expires Mandatory retirement Appointing Governor
Barbara J. Pariente December 10, 1997 2004–2006 2019 January 8, 2019 Lawton Chiles, Democrat
R. Fred Lewis December 7, 1998 2006–2008 2019 January 8, 2019 Lawton Chiles, Democrat
Peggy A. Quince December 8, 1998 2008–2010 2019 January 8, 2019 Lawton Chiles, Democrat / Jeb Bush, Republican[15]
Charles T. Canady August 28, 2008 2010–2012
2018–present 2023 June 22, 2029 Charlie Crist, Republican
Ricky Polston October 1, 2008 2012–2014 2023 November 24, 2030 Charlie Crist, Republican
Jorge Labarga January 2, 2009 2014–2018 2023 January 3, 2028 Charlie Crist, Republican
C. Alan Lawson December 31, 2016 — 2019 May 12, 2036 Rick Scott, Republican

At least one can hope. The 2000 Democrat court found that “shall” actually meant “shall not” in one case involving the Secretary of State.

Yancey Ward said...

Broward and Palm Beach seem to have stopped dropping vote totals overnight since Scott called them out publicly- it is likely that they have stopped the fraud for the moment because they are being watched now.

It will be interesting to see if Scott's margin climbs back across the 0.25% threshold for a manual recount. That is where the chaos will really take off- once you are into manual recounts, the counters will then be able to "divine" intent, and I guarantee you the officials in Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach County will do what they did in 2000- apply biased standards on such intent- at that point, no margin under 150K is safe. I suspect that if this goes to a manual recount, the Florida legislature will be forced to decide the result.

Qwinn said...

And I don't believe Inga's or Howard's or any of our resident lefties' protestations on this either. They know it's fraud. They are complicit.

Fuck you. War.

Yancey Ward said...

This sort of thing in Florida makes me wonder whether or not states themselves should construct electoral college systems for their counties in state-wide elections. It would greatly minimize the incentive to cheat like this, even in large counties.

narciso said...

They will find a way to cheat. I don't think they can do the Intent because there are no chads.

Yancey Ward said...

As for Montana- I followed the count there, too, on Tuesday night, and I still would like an explanation for what happened. Missoula County and Gallatin County, the biggest Democratic counties, and pretty much every single county that Tester carried on Tuesday stopped reporting and/or counting a couple of hours after the polls closed at about 50% reporting level, and didn't resume reporting until about 4 a.m. E.S.T on Wednesday morning, long after every single county Rosendale won had finished their count and reported it. On its face, it did look like they waited until they knew what number had to be made for Tester to win.

I am not saying the result was fraudulent, but that delay in reporting, and its ridiculous ratio of Tester counties to Rosendale counties that stopped counting and reporting for multiple hours is suspicious and needs an explanation that makes some rational sense.

Jaq said...

They don’t have the Florida Supreme Court on board with the fraudsters. this time, like they did in 2000. They were the biggest part of the clown show.

John Scott said...

Seeing Red,

I would think part of the discrepancy can be attributed to African-Americans turning for the governor's race, but not caring one iota about who wins the senate seat.

Yancey Ward said...

One reform I would like to see in mail-in voting is this- move the deadline to get such a ballot submitted to a week before the actual election and reporting of results.

Also, I think given the scope for fraud in such systems- the ballot itself will have to contain the voters' names and addresses explicitly on the ballot pages themselves- not just the envelope. I know this breaks the secrecy of the ballot box, but it would prevent people from voting multiple times because it would leave a trail of such fraud as long as the ballots themselves aren't destroyed. I have seen abundant anecdotal evidence that people get multiple ballots mailed to them, and it becomes increasingly hard to maintain the belief that this isn't intentional on the part of the local election officials.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Agreed Yancy. one person - one ballot and we should be able to follow the ballot.
It's time for a national change to the way we vote. Whenever the race is close, the left win. and it sure smells. Every single time. There is no way that makes sense in a world of probability. and none of us know why or how and we are told to shut up - because racist.

Nobody is disenfranchised from voting. If anything, it's the opposite.

We must fix our elections. Nobody seems to want to take that on. With all our technology someone should be able to fix it. Peter Theil?

Yancey Ward said...

I would, personally, do away with mail-in balloting, but I would extend in-person balloting to several consecutive days in November- 7 days, let's say, with a complete embargo on counting until the polls have closed. Add to that paper ballots sequentially numbered and location identified, and photo-identification at the point of getting the ballot in one's hands.

At the point of registration- photo ID along with a certified birth document, or grant of naturalized citizenship.

mockturtle said...

My Canadian neighbor [winter variety] told me they are mailed a form prior to election day which they must present when they go to vote. This sounds like a good alternative to either. It should help prevent illegal voting, too, as currently there is no ID required to vote in the US.

mockturtle said...

WA state has all mail-in voting.

Qwinn said...

Wow. Just saw a now-deleted tweet from a FL Congresswoman along the lines of "FL isn't over! We have lots of unsigned absentee ballots! But we can fix that!" Two days after the legal deadline for correcting unsigned ballots had passed.

Open. Fraud.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Colorado is all mail-in balloting.

The D's win here and once they win, nobody is looking for more votes to manufacture. No need.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Qwinn - got a link?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We've moved in the wrong direction and it's all part of the left's big plan.

Voting was actually much better before the left rigged it.

Now we have an even greater pile of hot garbage to fix. Getting back to one-person/ one vote - with a valid ID, to start, would be a start.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

Donald J. Trump
3 hrs ·
‪As soon as Democrats sent their best Election stealing lawyer, Marc Elias, to Broward County they miraculously started finding Democrat votes. Don’t worry, Florida - I am sending much better lawyers to expose the FRAUD!‬

Qwinn said...

Will link when I get home, too much of a pain on phone.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

NPR assures me that there is no voter fraud to speak of.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The entire Democrat press assures us we cannot prove of the vote fraud - so therefore it is a crazy conspiracy. But please, ignore all the democrat votes that show up after the fact. and please ignore the fact that zero of those votes are for any R.

Leland said...

My Canadian neighbor [winter variety] told me they are mailed a form prior to election day which they must present when they go to vote.

They'll just mail 2 (or more) forms to the socialists. It's a pretty easy cheat.

Darrell said...

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
6m6 minutes ago

Mayor Gillum conceded on Election Day and now Broward County has put him "back into play." Bill Nelson conceded Election - now he's back in play!? This is an embarrassment to our Country and to Democracy!

Jaq said...

The problem is that Democrat lawyers are in the room with the cheaters and Republicans are at the courthouse stamping their feet.

Jaq said...

The judges are better two, since Jeb and Scott have had a chance to appoint a lot of them. In 2000 they were almost all Democrats.

Nelson said on the news that Republicans are disrupting the Democrat process. Ok, I may have fudged that quote a tiny bit.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"A refrain the media is using, almost as if it was texted to them by their Democrat Handlers, is that the allegations of vote fraud and rampant violations of election law are "conspiracy theories" which are "based on nothing."

Well, nothing against the written law, which the media would know if it could do anything but sit on Twitter all fucking day long and perform analingus on Democrats."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Update: The media will soon tell us that criticizing a criminal now in open contempt of a judge's order is to engage in "conspiracy theories" over "nothing at all.""

narciso said...

Turns out she mixed bad provisional ballots with good ones.

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