"If I walk in with my best sale-rack clothes, they laugh & take a picture of my backside. Dark hates light — that’s why you tune it out. Shine bright & keep it pushing."
Tweeted Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. I'm reading the tweet in "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wore clothing, a journalist tweeted a photo, and the Internet pounced" which is in The Washington Post, where the slogan is "Democracy Dies in Darkness," which seems to be paraphrasable as "Dark hates light." I think Ocasio-Cortez responded quite nicely. I even like "Shine bright & keep it pushing" — which made me, an old Boomer, think of 2 of my all-time favorites, John Lennon and Curtis Mayfield ...
Well, we all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun...
Keep on pushing... I can't stop now, move up a little higher, some way, somehow...
She's become a figure of ridicule on the right for her "ideas," but she's a politician, not a thinker, and an effective one. She's got charm.
Humblebrag on her backside.
A phrase I've never used before....
PS - My wife thinks she is "very attractive" but I'm all meh. Is this another "pretty to woman" woman?
Lefties setting her up for a fall. It’s their time, dammit.
"Instant Karma" is a classic, and IMHO one of the few bright Phil Spector influenced productions. "Swinging through the sixties" podcast recently reviewed the new White Album re-release, and played the un-amped Lennon vocals on IK. Spector really ramped up the echo, and made the song.
They didn’t take a picture of her backside. Nevertheless, she handled it well. She is persuading me that she is a nicer person than Hillary.
"...I even like "Shine bright & keep it pushing" — which made me, an old Boomer, think of 2 of my all-time favorites, "
Sorry Ann you didn't show us light ,you showed us the basement.
She is persuading me that she is a nicer person than Hillary.
The lowest of bars.
Not a fan of her politics, but the people obsessivly attacking her ought to look back at their own jokes about how Trump was living rent free in the minds of his critics.
She's still a Commie who wants to institute a Stalinist reign of Terror, but I can see you are willing to overlook that because she has a twat. You go, girls!
“Totally, you know, absolutely, like, you know, conservatives terrible and like Trump awful, so, like, this was totally awesome, socialism great, like absolutely if baristas hang and yell together we’ll like totally win, and it’ll be like great, and so will we.”
Sorry. I am boycotting Occasio-Cortez stories. Too much hype. The right is as guilty as the left.
"She's still a Commie who wants to institute a Stalinist reign of Terror, but I can see you are willing to overlook that because she has a twat. You go, girls!"
I've always wondered...does your scalp sweat wearing a tinfoil hat?
"they laugh & take a picture of my backside. "
Maybe she has good hips or something. I myself can spot the gender of distant pedestrians with no trouble, that I put down to hips and the slight shading differences above and below breasts.
I noticed recently that "pounced" is a favored verb of media describing anyone who attacks one of their favored people or positions. It's a little goofy. Maybe it's supposed to imply some sort of vicious assault but instead it just makes me think of kittens.
Ocasio-Cortez Derangement Syndrome.
The wolves are crying wolf.
"PS - My wife thinks she is "very attractive" but I'm all meh."
Ambiguity alert.
Does this Democratic-Socialism make my ass look fat?
Hustler can do a spread of Girls of the 2019 Congress, like the Girls of Flight MH370 spread.
Sometimes getting to the bottom of these things is a pain because $1 to read on, better
than the $10 so there's that. But I think I've figured out there was a pic of her rear and she used the moment to note her sale-rack attire that was a nice cya counter to those claiming she was wearing some pricey duds in prior interview.
Way back in the when I had a just out of law school future ex brother in law show up in DC still wearing cowboy boots. Five months later he's geting out of a cab and I didn't recognize him for a sec. My sister had him looking like a serious downtown attorney.
Prettier than Pelosi.
Nicer than Hilary.
Smarter than Waters.
No wonder they’re clamoring for her.
She’s going to be known as a clothes horse.
Robert, she is bringing awareness to the workers of Queens. Change must come slow if we’re to have a hand in the future.
This week’s meeting on Tuesday. Readings room’s booked solid on Wednesdays.
‘Reform or Revolution’
Give her a few months. She'll be showered with designer clothes and never run out of clothes; even if she changed clothes twice each day. After that time, she'll fit right in with the rest of Congress, which represents people they don't understand, don't want to know, and hope will continue paying their salary.
Althouse said...
"I even like 'Shine bright & keep it pushing' — which made me, an old Boomer, think of 2 of my all-time favorites, John Lennon and Curtis Mayfield..." 'Keep on pushing... I can't stop now, move up a little higher, some way, somehow...'"
Ian Astbury and the Cult said it too...
Sweet soul sister
Keep on pushing till the dawn, well
Sweet soul sister
Forever dancing on and on
Sweet Soul Sister
All the hip young things trying to make a scene
Living out forbidden dreams
Star spangled banner flutters in the sky
Time hustles those who wait to die
Come on little honey
Come on now, please
Come on little honey and dance with me
Oh, she's a Dior girl, twisting round the world
Midnight crush boogie scene
Firm fixed expression, sensual, tender, smooth
Sexual panther, beautifully cool
Come on little honey
Come on now, please
Come on little honey and dance with me
Not predicting anything - I'm terrible at predicting - but what chance does she have of instituting her vision of moral and ethical economics in the US?
Wait. Eddie Scarry's tweet clearly says "Hill staffer sent me."
A journalist didn't take a picture of her rear (unless he lied about how he got the picture.) That came from a "Hill staffer."
Also: Why are they saying "unusual level of scrutiny?" Does no one remember the level of scrutiny given to Christine O'Donnell, Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin's clothing?
The WaPo points out people were being unfair by noting that her childhood home wasn't in the neighborhood she claimed. That's... called journalism. Yeah, there's been the standard attacks on her that both sides lob at the other side's younger members, but... they're standard, ordinary and not that different from what I've seen. I haven't seen people get away with saying they want to hate f--- her yet, so, she's at least not gotten to what we normally expect to be said about attractive Republican women. So, I'm thinking this is a bit overblown -- or perhaps, the WaPo is just unaware of exactly what terrible things are routinely said about female politicians they don't care about.
I'm so happy you people have the Female Che Guava to hate on. Cheaper than Prozac
Hey, she hasn't helped murder people -- she's no Che Guevara. That's just insulting to her, whatever her politics.
It wasn’t long ago she was tweeting the brand of lipstick she was wearing. Now she’s all grown up.
Since she was able to find an 'affordable" place to sleep since she got to Washington, she's been a victim of everything from everybody.
Her two minute floor speeches are going to be glorious; if she ever gets past the "two minutes then shut up, you brown woman!" rule.
I can't believe anyone would find her attractive. She has Sanpaku Eyes. If you aren't familiar with that, it means that if your eyes have exposed white above or below the iris, it says things about your mental state. Sanpaku Below means an additive, sensuous, or gluttonous personality, and especially in women means "down to fuck." You'll see women use this with their eyes all the time when they are trying to be perceived as "crazy-sexy." I could cite thousands of examples from film and photographs from the last 120 years.
This woman has primarily Sanpaku Above from what I've seen. This means psychopath, murderer, violently insane. The primary example everyone uses is Charles Manson. I wouldn't get near her at all, and you couldn't pay me to be alone with her, ever.
Interesting seeing how power is transferred to the next generation of Democrats.
Doesn't look like a smooth transfer, but so much of it is theater, it is hard to tell what is scripted and what is not.
I'd guess that the stranglehold that the boomers have on political power is coming unravelled in the next few years. Chaotically.
It is not a picture of her "backside" it is a picture of her back side. Her tweet implies there is a sexual component to the photo that is not there.
Has she selected an outfit for her inauguration yet?
Howard said...
I'm so happy you people have the Female Che Guava to hate on"
Very clever Howard. Guavas are green on the outside and red on the inside. As for hate, all decent people hate nazi's and Communists. Don't you?
Didn't Romney and McCain's wives both get scrutiny about what they were wearing -- and they weren't even running for office? I mean, I could have sworn they did; people paid attention to Michelle Obama's wardrobe too, if I recall.
The selective outrage that, "Hey. We like this person; she should not be criticized as others have been," is just silly. Especially since a Hill staffer (presumably someone on her side, by the way), TOOK THAT PICTURE.
Men are bemused by feminism. Women are there to look good.
Apparently both sides are happy with this except in the rhetoric.
You don't see guys trying to look good. Suit and tie at most.
I generally don't care what congress creatures look like or dress like, male or female. I mean... I guess I might find it a bit concerning if they showed up nude or cosplaying Overwatch characters or festooned in full body tatoos. But other than that I'm more interested in what they do and don't do and what they claim they stand for.
But of course a lot of people seem to care a great deal about superficial things like that. Those people vote for people like Cortez because she's young and somewhat attractive.
Blogger Kevin said...
Prettier than Pelosi.
Nicer than Hilary.
Smarter than Waters.
No wonder they’re clamoring for her"
Kevin thats not nice. To be fair to Pelosi judging from photos she was pretty attractive when she was young so comparing a young woman to an old woman in the looks department isn't fair. Nicer than Hillary is pretty much applicable to anyone who hasn't been convicted of a felony. Smarter than Waters is something else. I'm not sure just how stupid Waters really is versus her willful acting stupidity is. She has a constituency that loves her theatrics and antics and believes the idiocies she spouts.
Check out Rosa DeLauro from Connecticut if you want to get a laugh!!!
She's cute--sort of like an adorable puppy. And she's about as wise as that adorable puppy. She's going to be caught piddling on the floor of the House before all this is over.
Real dignity would have been to ignore it and to not have time for that silliness because she is an adult and a serious person. But, she's not and she's not.
Kevin thats not nice.
So not as pretty as Pelosi in her prime.
Nicer than Hillary, but who isn’t.
Might not be smarter than Waters.
Is that how you’re scoring it at home?
After all, Brooks assures us the left is a meritocracy, so it should be clear why its people are getting ahead.
I don't agree with Ocasio-Cortez ideology at all. I think giving her so much attention will only strengthen her, and not marginalize her. Her ideas about policy suck, but her political instincts are good. I think the quickest way to make her President is for others to continue giving her the attention that she wants. There are 435 Representatives, and about 350 of them are routinely ignored.
Her response was the smartest thing I've seen from her.
Kinda like Trump tweets. It keeps the spotlight on longer than necessary.
FWIW I don't get the "how pretty" label she's been given. Of course I feel the same about the drooling over Mrs. Carlos Danger. But then "Beauty is in the eye..."
So how about Pink Floyd?
"Shine On You Crazy Demagogue"
Someone should find out which Hill Staffer took the Sexist Picture of her backside and make sure that staffer is fired.
She's not pretty. She's young. Older people often mix up the two.
I suspect being a frosh Representative going to be a bit of a let down for her. She'll write her big speech that includes her plan to fix *everything* wrong with the country only to find out that she can only read it into the Congressional Record at 2 AM on a Wednesday.
And it's going to be disappointing when Congress doesn't respond to her speech with; "OMG! This solves all our problems! Why didn't we think of this?! Let's adopt it right away!".
Then she'll be notified that she's been assigned a seat on the Federal Fish Hatcheries Oversight Committee.....
@ Test Tube. Just like the cowardly schlesinger liberals gave way the the boomer liberals, the cowardly boomer liberals are giving way to the far left liberals. When a sly fox meets a dumb raging lion, the sly fox with his fancy words(propaganda) now being impotent just slithers away.
Expat(ish): PS - My wife thinks she is "very attractive" but I'm all meh. Is this another "pretty to woman" woman?
I remember a stand-up comic a couple decades ago saying that about Meryl Streep:
"Women are all like, 'She's so pretty!' and men say, 'What are you talking about? She looks like Snoopy!'"
Her backside is her good side. I'm guessing, based on her face.
Ocasio-Cortez has already succeeded in making herself a celebrity and no doubt will elicit more press coverage than any other freshman congressman [or freshperson congressperson] on record.
She could become friends with Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, and figure out whether your Cortez should go first or second, hyphen optional.
She's pissing off Nancy Pelosi and helping to divide the Democrat Party. What's not to like about that?
Cubanbob: your people lost... Not my issue. Obviously less brave and dedication than the commies. Sad. Your welcome to come here amongst the undefeated for our protection.
PM said...
She's pissing off Nancy Pelosi and helping to divide the Democrat Party. What's not to like about that?
Indeed. She also unseated in the primary Joe Crowly, career machine Dem, and current chair of the House Dem Caucus. She's not just a lewk slayer, but a giant slayer.
"Dark hates light — that’s why you tune it out. Shine bright & keep it pushing"
My first thought:
Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. Matthew 5:15
Clearly she is bringing the message from on high...she is THE ONE!
Get it right, Howard. "She Guevara".
Robert Cook said...
"I've always wondered...does your scalp sweat wearing a tinfoil hat?"
Well, looks like I pissed Cookie off. So, Cookster, are you mad because I said something mean about your precious little pet Socialist? Or because I compared your idol Stalin to this silly little twit?
"The bigger the cushion, the better ..." -- Spinal Tap.
Because statism is always symbolized by "the light"? Weird.
"Maybe she has good hips or something. I myself can spot the gender of distant pedestrians with no trouble, that I put down to hips and the slight shading differences above and below breasts."
I think that makes two breast-shading comments in two days - new record?
I think that makes two breast-shading comments in two days - new record?
It's an interestest effect worth noticing, a kind of nature's amplification.
You can't see the breasts but rather the difference a slight angle change in the fabric makes in illumination reflection from a coat. It may be the evolutionary point of breasts when you're not pregnant. Threat or woman identification at a distance.
What rank is she on the list of 2020 Dem hopefuls?
Thomas Wictor has what he calls a Judas Goat theory.
There's a lot to it on various political and non political things.
Applied to AOC the idea is that djt helped her win to get a powerful, senior incumbent out.
AOC will be junior stupid and ineffective. That will leave the seat vulnerable to a repo in 2 years.
Ditto the Colorado never trumper incumbent wh ask pdt to stay away.
John Henry
Acosta (divorced) and Ocasio go on date to next dinner / press at WH
"Well, looks like I pissed Cookie off. So, Cookster, are you mad because I said something mean about your precious little pet Socialist? Or because I compared your idol Stalin to this silly little twit?"
Ha! Don't flatter yourself. I'm amused, as I often am by the truly silly comments made here, as your comment surely was.
Limited blogger said...
What rank is she on the list of 2020 Dem hopefuls?
Her ranking is N/A. She won't be old enough to run for president until 2028.
Ocasio-Cortez was photographed a couple months back wearing a designer outfit and expensive shoes, sitting on the stoop of a brownstone. People were joking about whether she was posing for a record album cover and the sort of songs that might be on the album. I contributed "Sound of Socialism" as kind of folkie thing.
Here's an article with that picture and the $3,500 outfit:
Ocasio-Cortez Wears $3,500 Outfit to Pose With Construction Workers
From Page Six, July 1, 2018:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is being hailed as the new face of the Democratic Party after vanquishing Queens party boss Joe Crowley in Tuesday’s primary, but one former co-worker isn’t jumping on her bandwagon.
Most of the staff at Flats Fix, the East 16th Street taco and tequila bar, say nice things about Sandy, as they knew her for the four years she worked there, until she quit six months ago to run for Congress.
But one waitress has a bad memory of working with Ocasio-Cortez, 28, as Ocasio-Cortez tended bar during the very busy Cinco de Mayo celebration in 2017.
At the end of the night, when it came time to split the $560 in tips she had gotten at the bar, Ocasio-Cortez gave the waitress only $50. After the waitress complained to her manager, her take was doubled to $100, a source said.
“It says so much about her character,” said my source. “From that point on, I wouldn’t talk to her. I couldn’t look at her.
So this is what socialism is all about!
Blogger Jupiter said...
Get it right, Howard. "She Guevara".
Cortez the Killer
probably more like Che Givenchy, eddie scarry is someone I don't have the time for,
She's probably gay.
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