"'I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message — we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support — because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic,' she said.... Mrs. Clinton’s remarks to The Guardian drew criticism and a dose of surprise from an array of scholars, pro-immigration advocates and pundits on both the left and right, some of whom were so perplexed by the comments that they wondered aloud whether Mrs. Clinton had perhaps misspoken. Mrs. Clinton, many said, has a long history of supporting refugees — a track record seemingly at odds with her recent remarks. Her immigration platform in the 2016 presidential election boasted that 'we embrace immigrants, not denigrate them.'"
The NYT reports.
Doesn't this make Hillary a racist — according to the logic of the Democratic Party?
Maybe this is the idea: It is racist, but there are so many racists, that if the less-racist party does not appeal to racists, the more-racist party will win, so it's crucial for progressive parties in Europe and the Democratic Party in the United States to be racist enough to defeat the more virulent racists. It's not racism for the sake of racism, but a pragmatic use of racism as a means to an end that is not racism at all. Some people are just cruel, but the good people have to be cruel to be kind.
"Indeed, Mrs. Clinton’s assessment represented a stark reminder of the sort of politics she and her husband were long identified with: pragmatic and canny in the view of moderates but, to progressives, nothing less than craven accommodation to the nationalism she purportedly wants to tame."
The Clintons. Ever Clintonian.
Maybe she is running in 2020 after all. Bring it on, baby.
Of course Hillary wanted Europe to take immigrants. The way she and Barack totally screwed up the Middle East and Africa, they had to go somewhere.
"if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic"
You know, like, cuz the racist deplorables would like to keep their country and all? Cuz they think a whole bunch of refugees actually aren't? Cuz they think a whole bunch of migrants are up to no good, like, you know, homophobic antisemites?
Import enough Muslims, and there goes your body politic.
Hillary has grandkids. She realizes that a Muslim take over of Europe and the US is very bad for them.
Merkel has no kids. She’ll be dead when the kids today will be fighting for their lives because of her idiocy.
because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic
Yep, that's the only adverse consequence to unlimited immigration. /s
Hillary hasn't changed. She's still a globalist who supports Open borders and the destruction of Europe 1.0 by importing Muslims and 3rd worlders - she's just saying its bad politics to be too open about it.
The Clinton's did that in the 1990's. They mouthed all the conventional rhetoric about "fixing our immigration laws" and "illegal immigration is bad". And then once it become politically possible, they threw off the mask.
Notice that the entire media machine are pimping her. Almost like a coordinated effort.
What about all her slut shaming of all the women who accused Bill of sexual misconduct.
Doesn't that fact alone disqualify her?
BTW- Her husband, the rapist, he used to talk about securing the border. He never did.
The Clintons are good a talking... erasing history.
Why do people always get fooled by these flip-flopping Pols?
Its like Mitt Romney, he's a big supporter of Amnesty and open borders and always was.
But in 2008 he threw some "severally conservative" anti-Amnesty rhetoric at the Boobs, and they believed him. In 2009, he went back to supporting Amnesty. Then in 2012 became "Mr Border Security" and then in 2012 flopped back to supporting Amnesty.
Hillary is an honest Pol compared to Mitt.
She must get by the primary voters - who are sick of her. Why she will skip whole early states who dislike her. Remember - it's hers to steal. What will she do without DEbbie Wassermann this time? Oh right - she has the media this time. The Whole media - even republican Joe Scarborough.
That is why she and her surrogates, in the media and elsewhere, are out there slime-ing all the potential competition.
Her Private Server while head of the STATE DEPT should have landed her with some jail time. Instead - hey look! Ivanka has a private e-mail account that proves Hillary is innocent. The meme.
It's all a game, and we are being played. Rachel Maddow got the memo.
Everything she says is crap.
That's quite a roundabout way to say the far right is right.
From insty:
"IF YOU DON’T LIKE MY PRINCIPLES, DON’T WORRY, I HAVE OTHER ONES: Poor Hillary finds a new “reason” for her loss every week. What she *still* fails to understand is that those “deplorable gun-and-bible clinging” people know a bullshit artist when they hear one. Now she’s triangulating to the right, admitting that maybe open borders and welfare for all isn’t a hot idea:
It’s almost like Claire McCaskill (Loser, Mo.) running on the “I’m not one of the crazy ones” platform. Too late, my dear."
Hillary is Clarie McCaskill - minus the charm. BUT - Hillary does have the Democrat Media Industrial Complex in her corner this time. The pimping will be hard, and coordinated.
I just wish that Granny would Canny it. Along with the O's.
@rcocean: “Hillary is an honest Pol compared to Mitt.”
Sadly true. Mitt’s dad was a dick as well but not to Mitt’s level. I hope to God Mitt’s sons never go into politics or they may break the dick meter. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree but when it’s on a hill, it rolls downward. And Trump is not a mere hill but a mountain.
That is a great encapsulation of Washington, D.C. thought processes, ma'am!
Good video, great song, funny low budget visuals, and a young and cute Carlene Carter to top it off.
Much better than the stuff about that awful lady, whatzername, who’s running for President again.
Like Obama's views on same-sex marriage, Hillary's views on immigration have evolved. The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward Clintonian self-interest.
The future of the Democrat Party belongs to the woman with an IT guy who plead the 5th over his help setting up HER-> Private Server. Used to hide secret deals.
Mr. Bryan Pagliano.
Ever notice how the media have ZERO interest in Bryan Pagliano? No curiosity whatsoever? What say you Joe Scarborough?
Clinton IT staffer pleads 5th 125 consecutive times
Clintons have no long term principles only a long term lust for power.
And it has the added value of being true . . .
The statement means Hillary is running, and that she realizes since she can’t outflank the crowded Democratic field on the Left, she better break Right. Bill Clinton had the political chops and charm to pull off a move like this, but not Hillary. Plus the media is well further Left today and in no mood to cover for triangulation.
You need a Private Server to help hide facts that might prove distasteful to most Americans. Not the corrupt media, however.
"The New York Times reported in 2015 that "shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, [former President Bill] Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock." In total, $145 million went to the Clinton Foundation from interests linked to Uranium One, which was acquired by the Russian government nuclear agency Rosatum.'
Ever notice that the Media, still, to this day, despite all of Hillary's whining to the contrary - never ask Hillary a single tough question about her Private Server.
> an array of scholars
I am surely not alone in thinking "idiots" when I see the word "scholars". Crazy times we live in.
Trump's New AG should re-open Hillary Private Server-Gate.
Adam Schiff(D) and the entire democrat media are painting the picture that "Going after a rival" (Rival = Hillary) isn't lawful.
Total bullshit.
Prole - right now the media are obeying the talking points and marching orders they've been given. Happy to oblige. It's pimp Hillary time at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and ABC. all the way.
Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Ever notice that the Media, still, to this day, despite all of Hillary's whining to the contrary - never ask Hillary a single tough question about her Private Server.
[Extra blank lines deleted]
11/23/18, 9:20 AM
What the hell are you talking about? Where have you been?
Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Her Private Server while head of the STATE DEPT should have landed her with some jail time. Instead - hey look! Ivanka has a private e-mail account that proves Hillary is innocent. The meme.
11/23/18, 9:04 AM
Maybe spend less time dickin' and more time thinkin'.
Sadly true. Mitt’s dad was a dick as well but not to Mitt’s level. I hope to God Mitt’s sons never go into politics or they may break the dick meter. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree but when it’s on a hill, it rolls downward. And Trump is not a mere hill but a mountain.
Yeah, I was reading Buchanan's book on the '68 election and an oral history of the Nixon White House, and George Romney comes off as a flip-flopping, pompous backstabber who was always attacking anyone to his Right.
Just like his son.
If the Deep State can harass Trump over a false accusation concocted by THE CLINTONS for the very purpose of revenge, Certainly the DOJ can and should re-open Hillary's use and set-up of a Private Server while Head of the State Dept. The people of the US deserve justice.
The only reason it doesn't happen is because too many people would profit with Hillary at the helm. The rice bowls need filling.
It's all about big insider donor money - and Podesta re-emergence.
Well that's no surprise. After all, she was the one who called black kids "super predators" and made sure to legislate against them thusly.
She's a political bisexual - all over the fucking map. I'd advise her to pick a direction and go with that but since she admitted a couple years ago to having no political talent anyway I don't see what the point would be.
Maybe she can go to Europe and work with Steve Bannon on his right-wing nationalist consultation tour. They both have about an equivalent level of charisma/political charm and fixation on inane and useless policy details involving horrible legislation that no one cares for anyway.
There's actually a way (or maybe a couple) of getting to the root of the problem that's causing all the Mid-East migration but Republicans don't want anything to do with it.
Make Hillary's sailing smooth again.
Hillary's political career is over, and all she has left is ironic pontificating. If someone didn't realize her political aspirations weren't based on any moral code, they just need to compare her recent comments to her past comments. She's an opportunist, and will do anything for power.
"Doesn't this make Hillary a racist — according to the logic of the Democratic Party?"
No, though the left is just as racist as the right, Democrats believe that they are inherently not racist and it is not possible for Democrats to be racist no matter what the say or do. Racism,sexism, homophobia, etc have all been mastered as a cudgels to attack their political opponents and only their opponents, not their allies.
Hillary is the herpes of politics. Just an open sore that won't heal.
She is for immigration control as long as it isn't in the USA (can't ignore all those potential Democrats.) Her chief worry is not what these illegals will do but she worries about the Right getting more votes.
Gad... her hypocrisy knows no bounds.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
"There's actually a way (or maybe a couple) of getting to the root of the problem that's causing all the Mid-East migration but Republicans don't want anything to do with it."
That is cause it IS Mid-East migration in Europe, not USA. Same as South American illegals are not Europe's problem. It's ours.
Of course it is racist. I have become convinced that the only way to deal with the democrat party is force them to live up to their rhetoric.
To be fair, high level Dems (Schemer, Obama etc) have done "pragmatic" 180's on illegal immigrants/undocumented immigrants/migrants.
But yes, Hil seemingly moderating on the issue (she will revise it again, I'm sure) is unexpected.
Maybe it's the "Chardonnay".
She might find the Occasional Cortex crew chasing her down.
"...nothing less than craven accommodation to the nationalism she purportedly wants to tame."
Why does nationalism need to be tamed? Why is nationalism inherently bad?
We're encouraged to value all cultures. Doesn't globalism erode the distinct nature of the world's cultures? What's the point of multiculturalism if there is only one culture?
The Clintons. Ever Clintonian.
Varium et mutabile semper femina.
The collective coordinated talking point "RIVAL" is the pro-Clinton machine threatening Trump to make certain no one touches Hillary, and keeps her off the hook. Under weak Sessions, he did just that. Now, the pro-Clinton brigade know that might not hold. So - the coordinated talking point is now full meme ahead.
"Can't go after rival." RIVAL = Hillary.
Now the collective left are worried that a new AG might actually uphold the law and re-open Hillary's use of a Private Server while head of the State Dept. That is why the media and Adam Shifty-D are pounding the "Don't you DARE go after a RIVAL" Is there a clause or a law that says Hillary skates because RIVAL? No. It's a BS talking point. Nothing more.
Please, leftwing coordination team - explain why Hillary is off limits from the law?
Because rival, is not a good enough explanation.
Americans should demand justice.
Stronger Apart
"There's actually a way (or maybe a couple) of getting to the root of the problem that's causing all the Mid-East migration"
I for one am waiting to be enlightened. What way(s)?
That is cause it IS Mid-East migration in Europe, not USA.
Yeah but it's not EUROPE that bombs them every chance they get with neocon leaders and Exxon-Mobil bribing them to further bake the planet's already parched desert regions.
MeToo - re-living Bill over and over. Come on, voters -the media will help cover it all up. Just as before.
"Bill Clinton has a list of accusers, including one who accused him of rape. Juanita Broaddrick, who has multiple people who corroborate her version of events after the fact, had an encounter with then Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton. She says he invited himself up to her hotel room under the guise of avoiding a gaggle of reporters in the lobby while they spoke about how she could volunteer on his campaign. Instead, this is what she told NBC News happened,
Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip … He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. And then he forces me down on the bed. And I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him ‘No,’ that I didn’t want this to happen but he wouldn’t listen to me. … It was a real panicky, panicky situation. I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to ‘Please stop.’ And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip. … When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment and he walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses. And before he goes out the door he says ‘You better get some ice on that.’ And he turned and went out the door.”
She didn't come forward because like many women attacked by Harvey Weinstein, she was afraid. And who can blame her? And unlike now, where so many are clamoring to show their support for victims of Harvey Weinstein, she knew no one would believe her.
Paula Jones was not quite as afraid and decided to sue the then Governor of Arkansas for sexual harassment after he allegedly dropped his pants and propositioned her. Well she eventually sued him after her name was dropped in a David Brock story about Arkansas State troopers procuring women for the then Governor. Jones sued for sexual harassment but the judge said she couldn't show damages from the Governor's piggish behavior. Eventually the case settled for $850,000 with no admission of guilt by Clinton.
Kathleen Willey wanted to know if she could transition from her non paying job at the White House to something with a salary. As she met with President Bill Clinton in the Oval office, a man she had known for years since she and her husband worked on his 1992 campaign, she got something much different. She says the POTUS kissed her, grabbed her breasts and genitals and put her hand on his aroused penis. She says she thought about slapping is but didn't because you didn't slap the President of the United States. She did not come forward until being subpoenaed in the Paula Jones case."
It's also not Europe that's meddling in Mid-East affairs often enough to make tyrannical leadership and war a constant backdrop feature. There would still be some of that without us but we can't seem to help finding newer and more involved ways of propping up more and more tyrants whose war machines we love to supply. Trump flat-out admits that he doesn't care how many U.S.-employed journalists his Saudi Arabian prince murders, as long as he keeps buying our war toys and killing innocent Yemenis with them.
Can’t wait for the day she says something and no one knows about it.
"Doesn't this make Hillary a racist — according to the logic of the Democratic Party?"
It no more makes her racist than President Obama's sometime opposition to same-sex marriage made him a homophobe.
Sure, you'll get some charged-up youngsters on the left who'll be upset. But she knows she stands to win more on the middle than she'll lose on the left by staking out a sensible position on immigration.
I don't mean to suggest she's that calculating; I'm sure she's entirely sincere.
The idea that Hillary would be serious about protecting the border is laughable. She just needs enough fakery for voters to drag her old lying corrupt money-grubbing carcass across the finish line.
Earth to Hillary: The Deplorables that elected Bill are never going to take you back...
If RBG can continue to serve as a Supreme Court Justice, I see no reason why Hillary cannot continue on as a Presidential candidate. It is her true vocation. I think many here will agree with me when I say that she was a better Presidential candidate than Secretary of State. Her candidacy served to midwife the emergence of the two unlikeliest Presidents in my lifetime. If Ocasio-Cortez ever hopes to achieve the Oval Office, she has to run against Hillary.
Hillary can’t out-Lib the Libs, but if she can win the nomination they’ll vote for her anyway.
Because Trump.
The Deplorables that elected Bill are never going to take you back...
True. Especially now that the Oval Office has housed an even bigger racist than she could ever hope to be.
Hillary will run as the candidate who will address the border in a non-racist way.
Compassionate border control. Suburban soccer moms will love it.
The real Narcissistic loony tune refuses to go away. New attempt to warm hearts: Send surrogates in media to proselytize the "don't you DARE go after RIVAL, Trump" meme, and run to the right. Are you fooled?
How do Tijuana residents categorize the over 75% single males of military age with hundreds of gang mambers and criminals?
Well, precisely as you would expect.
“This is an invasion!” shouted Luis Alexis Mendoza, 30, a bespectacled carpenter who was among scores of protesting Tijuana residents staging an anti-caravan demonstration Sunday that culminated in a standoff with riot police on the street where more than 2,000 Central Americans were being housed in a sports facility. “We demand respect! We demand that our laws be followed.”
He and others denounced caravan members — mostly Honduran nationals — as “criminals,” “bums,” and “freeloaders,” among other negative characterizations used to describe the Central Americans.
Protesters sang the Mexican national anthem and waved Mexican flags in a loud display of nationalism and anti-caravan sentiment."
arrrrgggghhhh mateys the she-beast returns from the briny deep, all hands on deck me hearties!!!!!!!!!!!!
The message for the migrant caravan was clear from marchers on Sunday in Tijuana, Mexico: We don't want you here.
"We want the caravan to go; they are invading us," said Patricia Reyes, a 62-year-old protester, hiding from the sun under an umbrella. "They should have come into Mexico correctly, legally, but they came in like animals."
Mexican Protesters In Tijuana Demand Caravan Migrants Be Deported
A few hundred Tijuanenses gathered in the city's high-end Rio area to protest the groups migrating from Central American countries.
Demonstrators held signs reading "No illegals," "No to the invasion" and "Mexico First." Many wore the country's red, white and green national soccer jersey and vigorously waved Mexican flags. The crowd often slipped into chants of "Ti-jua-na!" and "Me-xi-co!" They sang the national anthem several times.
Just who do these brown Mexican nationals think they are, daring to disagree with white dudes in America like PPPT and Craig?
I mean, the nerve, right?
She (and the Obama foreign policy team) broke Libya, and the people of that country (and neighboring countries) have since been fleeing to Italy and beyond. She railed at any American citizen who saw what was going on in Europe, saw our own borders, and recognized this for what it was: an uncontrolled over-migration (some would say- invasion- and both are correct), and upon hearing the worried calls of her own citizens, declared them racist and deplorable.
She thinks we have no memory. Seems to me it was only a week or two ago she was singing a different tune (I'd have to look it up). I have no problem with people coming around to reality, albeit slower than a senior citizen on LSD, but I don't believe any change by a Clinton would be anything but an attempt at a strategic placement on the record.
She's running, steadily and somewhat stealthily. And she's hoping (like all Democrats) that there are more 19 year olds than 49 year olds.
Hillary is clearly contemplating another run which should make the Democratic Party anxious. She is one giant ball of ambition who maintains paranoid delusion that she was screwed out of the Presidency twice.
For all her flaws, she can still command the most money and media attention. She is a terrible candidate and there is no reason to think the third time will be any different.
As for why Hillary is definitely running, one way or the other, besides her knowing that she can hack the dems nominating process and knowing the lefties will do what they are told, we have this most important fact of all:
"Donations to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation dropped sharply in 2017, the third consecutive year of declining revenues for the foundation, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports.
According to its 2017 990 tax form, which the foundation provided to the Democrat-Gazette, contributions to the foundation totaled $26.6 million in 2017, down from $62.9 million in 2016, $108.9 million in 2015, and $172.6 million in 2014."
Hillary is no longer in a position to trade American Foreign Policy and help set American foreign policy in favor of her Russian benefactors and give away American commodities for payoffs so, lets face it, $26.6 Million per year just ain't gonna cut if for Bill and Hil and Chelsea's inevitable campaign.
Hillary is Trump's RIVAL, and therefore immune from the laws all other Americans face.
Get on board the Schiffty-D/MSM Democrat Media Industrial Complex talking point express.
Blogger Drago said...
Just who do these brown Mexican nationals think they are, daring to disagree with white dudes in America like PPPT and Craig?
I mean, the nerve, right?
11/23/18, 10:40 AM
I love that you're obsessed with me. It's cute. But I don't want to hear about the details of how you 'manifest' your obsession, nutso.
Drago - that donations are down is all the more reason for Hillary Rodham and the Haiti wrecking ball crew to re-insert themselves. Those coffers need a re-fill. Chelsea needs a new wardrobe.
“It's also not Europe that's meddling in Mid-East affairs often enough to make tyrannical leadership and war a constant backdrop feature.”
Sure. ‘Cause little brown people have no self-interest and no agency to act upon it. Every prog knows that!
PPPT: "Yeah but it's not EUROPE that bombs them every chance they get with neocon leaders and Exxon-Mobil bribing them to further bake the planet's already parched desert regions."
Yeah, Exxon-Mobil is bribing the Saudi's.....because, what? Exxon-Mobil has so much money the Saudi's and others over there need that cash?
Too funny. Exxon-Mobil is only the 5th largest oil company in the world. And guess who the 4 bigger ones are?
1) Saudi - Aramco, so yeah, I guess they need number 5's cash....LOL
2) Sinopec - state-owned Chinese oil company in Beijing and the second largest oil company in the world with an annual revenue of 455.499 billion dollars. Big pal of Iran this one...
3) China National Petroleum Corporation - Big collaborators with Putin and Iran and other ME sheikdoms
4) Petro China - Petro China is an establishment of the Chinese National Petroleum Corporation established in 1999. Like its mother company, Petro China is owned by the government with its headquarters in Beijing.
5) and, finally, ExxonMobil! Apparently, the root of all evil!
BTW, you'll never see anyone in Hollywood talking about the massive pollution, far far worse than the more stellar pollution performance of American companies, of the Chinese companies. Because China controls Hollywood now.
The lefties in Hollywood even let the Chinese modify scripts!!
It's like its the 30's all over again with Hollywood lefties and the Soviets in the middle of starving millions!!
The Clintons: how can we miss them when they won't go away?
LLR Craig/Chuck: "I love that you're obsessed with me."
I find you obsession with my obsessions overly obsessive.
And not in a good way.
LLR Craig/Chuck: "But I don't want to hear about the details of how you 'manifest' your obsession, nutso."
Fine. We'll keep it at a jovial, cocktail hour conversational level.
Not getting a warm reception on twitter for their stadium tour.
I don't know about deer. But Hillary on the ice, hell any Clinton, easy call.
Cracker Emcee: "Sure. ‘Cause little brown people have no self-interest and no agency to act upon it. Every prog knows that!"
The lefties have the US and conservatives and republicans as the First Mover for all events on earth at all times.
If a butterfly falls in a forest in Central Africa you can be assured that it was caused by a Trump tweet.
A good example on this blog of this phenomenon is how everytime there is an islamic supremacist atrocity Inga shows up to blame it on US Christians. The more the islamic supremacists enslave thousands, lop the heads off of women, men and children, burn gays alive in cages and throw them off roofs, the guiltier the westerners become in Inga's eyes.
And in that, Inga is quite representative of the left writ large.
"We came, we saw, he died." *cackle cackle*
Exxon-Mobil is only the 5th largest oil company in the world. And guess who the 4 bigger ones are?
Apparently companies that would be less competitive if the U.S. didn't decide to abandon its long history as a research, technology and innovation leader and continued to invest in developing new energy sources rather than whatever rallies Trump's base of hedge fund investors and coal miners.
But nice try. How typically Republican't of you to assume that Chinese and Saudi state companies should be leading the cartel "market" for non-innovation that you want America to follow.
Well the former was deriving their crude from Sudan although they have ventured big into Iran, as they has concessions in Iraq, allegedly they have provided CS 27 nuclear capable missiles to the kingdom.
Democrats can't find a candidate who can beat Trump and someone without all that gross money-grubbing baggage?
Are y'all that swayed by the control the media have over your brains, oh leftists?
Do Rachel Maddow, the on-air cast at MSNBC, and Joy Behar have that much power over your choices?
It's funny - but democrats seem easily cowed by bogus talking points and coordinated media memes. When will you learn to think for yourselves?
It really does amuse me, the endless sources of tyranny, violence and primitivism that constitute the supposedly shiny gems of the world that Drag O thinks American leadership should follow. Apparently America should choose its energy sources and industries to cater to based on what state companies in Saudi Arabia and China are able to nationalize, monopolize and create a cartel out of. That's leadership!
Dude, just go live there if that's how you feel. An American energy policy decided by the whims of the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Well, we now certainly know how much Drag O hates or refuses to believe in American innovation!
It's really no surprise that he's that opposed to innovation and development. Just didn't realize how much he hated his country.
Build the wall. And lock her up.
Democrats cannot be racist just as blacks cannot be racist. By definition.
Jersey Fled's long, sad history of all the oppressive discrimination he suffered at the hands of black cops and black judges and black employers and black politicians is noted. Let's all take a moment and play a nice little tiny violin for him.
It's the left want us dependent on foreign energy sources.
Cheap Chinese solar panels, oil from the Sauds.
We can make our own and harvest our own energy and somehow all the left want to do is cripple ourselves for the greater good of the bogus carbon credit.
I'll say the obvious. In the west being pro-immigrant is racist.
I. In Europe and America, people who are pro-immigration almost always have a disdain for, but more often a hatred of, the greater part of the white population. Hate and dislike are a stronger motivation than 'giving,' thus the advocacy of large scale immigration is just another kind of racism.
II. I have seen multiple waves of immigration in my life. And the story is always kind of the same. In the beginning the new immigrants are grateful and happy and if you are open to immigrants at this stage it can enormously enrich your life. Then as more and more people from that ethnic group arrive the group starts to self-segregate and separate themselves from the white population. Further they develop or adopt narratives that they are being held back and being discriminated against. (This change in perceptions occurs even if it radically defies objective reality. That is this happens even when the newly arrived group is doing better than the average American.)
Thus large-scale immigration is objectively racist. Regardless of the motivation of those that promote immigration, immigration creates a dramatically ramped up racism originating in the immigrants that makes whatever racism that existed prior to it in the native population seem like a tiny thing. (And further I don't think we have yet seen the full price of this objectively increasing racism.)
Apparently companies that would be less competitive if the U.S. didn't decide to abandon its long history as a research, technology and innovation leader and continued to invest in developing new energy sources
They also killed the guy who invented the 200-mpg carburetor.
What long sad history? When have I ever posted anything about my being oppressed by blacks? You just made it up. You are simply a liar.
Right tell me another one:
PPPT wrote many many words when all he had to do was say: gee, I didn't know that ExxonMobil was only the 5th largest oil company in the world and the companies that are bigger are owned by the very people I claimed were being bribed by ExxonMobil.
It will be interesting to see how PPPT reacts now that the definitely brown, definitely not Americans, definitely not republican's, citizens of Mexico are all saying that everything PPPT has been lying about regarding the migrants in Mexico have been just that: lies.
And fun of course.
Always fun.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "It's the left want us dependent on foreign energy sources.
Cheap Chinese solar panels, oil from the Sauds."
There was a relatively recent interview with Rob Reiner where he claimed, laughably, that he knew nothing about Chinese money and influence in Hollywood and how the ChiComs get to dictate scripts and plotlines.
Too too funny.
Almost as funny as watching the entirety of the lefty elite standing as one to praise and worship at the feet of convicted child sodomizer Roman Polanski.
Steve Bannon at Oxford Union
Just state it more clearly: Clinton is running in 2020, and is already positioning herself in opposition to all the candidates that are likely to run in the Democratic primaries. Watch and learn.
I don’t think that a Trump DoJ is going to seriously go after Crooked Hillary. Part of it is the precedent. But I also think that Trump sees not indicting her as a spoiler move, just like his offering Pelosi the votes to get her Speaker’s gavel back. The Republicans really, really want Pelosi as Speaker, so that they can run against her in 2020. And probably want Clinton as at least a spoiler, if not the Dem nominee in 2020. If nothing else, both of their replacements could be more younger, more photogenic, more charismatic, etc. After all, Clinton was robbed of the Presidency. Doesn’t she deserve another shot at it? Even if that means 4 more years of Trump? But she was robbed... As they say, pass the popcorn.
Positioning herself for a third run for President. Throwing a bone to the rust belt, one that she intends to take back once elected. Remember she has had a dream of a world with no borders, a world where she and Bill can siphon off all the wealth the entire earth has to offer. No recognition of the fact that nationalists might be primarily concerned with protecting their own jobs and wages from cheaper competition or that they might legitimately prefer to keep some vestige of the culture they grew up in. No recognition of the huge social welfare and infrastructure costs to be born by those racist nationalist taxpayers. No recognition of the difficulty of assimilation of huge masses of so-called immigrants No, those nationalists could not possibly have any legitimate concerns other than "racism". Maybe she'll drown in her chardonnay and spare us from witnessing the third attempt. Hillary, the gift that keeps on giving.
That said, UT USA John W. Huber is apparently scheduled to testify before Congress on Dec 5. So far, it isn’t clear what he will be testifying about. Originally, it was believed that he was doing a lot of the heavy lifting with the FISAgate investigation. But more recently, the suggestion is that he has been concentrating on investigating the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play scandal. We shall see.
PPPT wrote many many words when all he had to do was say: gee...
Gee... the lengths Drag O will go to argue for an anti-innovation, pro-foreign cartel American energy policy.
Gee, indeed.
Any other Saudi Arabian and PRC practices, policies and industries you'd like to emulate here in America, Drag O? Or just their energy policy?
Hillary's running? Great news for Jill Stein.
Oh, I'm sure those black racists sound like a real problem then, Jersey Fled.
The problem with educated/well off elites forcing the import of large number of unskilled non-acculturated (and in many cases barbaric) immigrants/refugees is that you have to put them somewhere and, of course, they put them with the workers/less affluent. To the extent there is crime, rape, grooming of young girls and other unpleasantness (an increase of which is absolutely inevitable) when you do this, the workers and less affluent will have to deal with it. I remember some in Europe saying that any elitist pushing for this type of immigration should be willing to take into their own home a refugee family, financially support them and ensure that they comply with the laws, learn/adopt the language and culture and become part of the society inviting them. To an extent the elites are not willing to do this they are not to be trusted.
The problem with unchecked immigration is two-fold. 1) We are importing poverty and educational failure. If you want to see America’s future, look no further than my home state of California, which is a generation ahead of the rest of the country in experiencing the effects of unchecked low-skilled immigration. 2) The lesson from the last 20 years of immigration policy is that lawlessness breeds more lawlessness. Once a people or a government decides to normalize one form of lawbreaking, other forms of lawlessness will follow until finally the rule of law itself is in profound jeopardy. If ever there were a lawless usurpation of the federal government’s power over immigration, the open revolt "Sanctuary Entities" is it. These two reasons embody the examples of historical governmental failures whose consequences are chilling.
Normalizing lawlessness is a problem. That's why the DOJ better stay away from Hillary, the rival. Because, rival. Not because of her lawlessness. no - because rival.
Pelosi is "thiiisss close" to opening up her abode to "migrants".
When I rented a room from a homeowner years ago, he (via his Catholic church) decided to house an illegal immigrant couple, wife quite pregnant. Would have been nice if he had told me beforehand. So..there they were..no English skills. Me with thousands of dollars in electronic gear in house.
She decided she wanted to go back to Mexico, husband "borrowed" homeowner's truck to take her back and decided to stay.
Hey..coulda been worse.
Virgil Hilts said...
I remember some in Europe saying that any elitist pushing for this type of immigration should be willing to take into their own home a refugee family, financially support them and ensure that they comply with the laws, learn/adopt the language and culture and become part of the society inviting them. To an extent the elites are not willing to do this they are not to be trusted.
Trump should et the caravan into the US, but build the refugee camps in Malibu, Marin Co., Telluride, Aspen, The Hamptons and both Hyde Parks.
Yancey Ward said: "Clinton is running in 2020, and is already positioning herself in opposition to all the candidates that are likely to run in the Democratic primaries."
Leftists of all stripes are more or less trapped: the "resistance" makes no sense unless their argument is that Clinton is the one and only legitimate president right now. Where are they going to go, after two years of marching to reinforce that narrative? She probably won't even run in the traditionsl sense - just announce that she'll accept nomination if she's needed.
Careful Drago, Bitchmo the supreme street fighting machine may threaten to beat you (he kicks peoples asses two at a time you know.). None of his empty threats change the fact that if he slit his wrists, nobody would find the body for weeks. Stench and late payment of rent at his hovel are already the status quo you see.
Racism means hate is driven out of race. The Clinton have hate and contempt for us all.
Diversity politics and a clear and progressive anti-nativism.
Immigration should not exceed the rate of assimilation and integration before Planned Parenthood (i.e. selective-child and dysfunctional orientations).
There needs to be emigration reform to reduce the collateral and persistent damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout.
Occasional Cortex could bring some "migrants" on as roommates to help split the rent at her DC pad. A little commune of sorts
Visiting the folks and just read this in the paper. Grabbed phone to check Althouse and bam there it is. My thoughts exactly. How does Hillary get away with it?
Build the wall. And lock her up.
WE can't. Hillary is a RIVAL - so therefor above the law. It's an impeachable offense to go after a Rival. (Rival = Hillary) (Hillary = Rival)
The talking points have gone out. The media happy to disseminate, and doing so at a rapid pace. Adam Schitt leading the charge.
In Russia's case Gazprom was headed by the head energy minister, rosneft the competitor is headed by a senior ex KGB officer, sachin, interestingly that deal fell about because they had a qatari investment fund handle it with a little known Italian bank and another party,
Trump would probably prefer to run against Hillary in 2020 rather than having her sending dispatches from jail. Apparently she's learned nothing from 2016 so she'll make a fine opponent.
Put cameras in OC's pad/commune and make it a reality show.
She'll be loaded.
With immigration, like almost everything else, the dose makes the poison.
The media want a slot at the Clinton gravy trough.
Or this is Killery’s last desperate attempt to appear like a Dem politician rather then a muderous traitor that the acting attorney General is about to prove.
Nice to have Professional Government Welfare Check Casher Mommy Jeans show up to inject its own special brand of hatred and misery onto the thread. ;-)
You mad again, bro? Is today going to be another sit by yourself since you have no friends or family, drinking cheap booze and posting 70 comments on a thread? We will be treated to your homophobic and transphobic slurs today, or just your empty threats to kick people's asses?
Will we get manic Bitchmo today, running his cunt mouth from behind the safety of his keyboard? Did the comments that no one would find your rotting corpse for several weeks hit a little too close to home for ya?
I sure hope so.
Social Justice adventures, resource claims, elective regime changes, gerrymandering the vote, rabid diversity, a clear and progressive anti-nativism, and premature evacuation and withholding security forces on the ground (i.e. having the baby and aborting her too), are first-order forcings of Catastrophic Anthrogenic Immigration Reform and the direct and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout. The normalization of high-density population centers, redistributive change schemes, and planned parenthood including selective-child policy and dysfunctional orientations, only serve to exacerbate the not so "hidden" causes over the half last century or so.
Once a people or a government decides to normalize one form of lawbreaking, other forms of lawlessness will follow until finally the rule of law itself is in profound jeopardy.
Yep. Rules for all or rules for none.
The left won't like rules for none.
We can expect more think pieces in the NYT by social scientists explaining what's the
psychological, socialogical, or genetic matter with all those people who don't like Hillary. I mean, how could any normal person not?
Hillary will skip early voting primary states.
Media to cooperate in the hounding of new AG to feel pressured to NOT go after Hillary and her use of a private server while head of the State Dept. BECAUSE RIVAL.
This all goes hand in hand with Ivanka and Colin Powel's use of private e-mail for communications - not illegal. It is illegal to set up and use a Private Server - WHILE HEAD OF THE STATE DEPT.
Media and Clinton surrogates will slime all other candidates. Slow drip. IE: Latest is Elizabeth Warren. DNA test much worse than a Private Server, or Bill's sex crimes. Ignore those. Voters are stupid. DNA test = crime. Bleach bit - A-OK! (Right Rachel Maddow?)
Hillary moves to the right which will make Joe Scarborough happy. Doing it now.
Just look at Hillary's lifetime of public Service. Why - she's managed to become very wealthy - and what exactly did she accomplish? Can anyone name something?
Rachel Maddow and NYT will insist she's already won the next election. Never mind that in the privacy of the voting booth - people don't like her and a growing sense of frustration will leave Rachel disappointed, again.
I was waiting for Government Welfare Check Casher Mommy Jeans to comment so I could reply but I'm not seeing any more of its comments.
It's always nice to have right-wing social injustice warriors attempt to false virtue signal using words like "homophobic/transphobic" and then "cunt" in the same breath. ;-)
The problem is not migration, per se, but specifically a clear and progressive anti-nativism, diversity (i.e. color judgments), political congruence (or politically profitable), social justice, redistributive and retributive change, exponential leverage, planned parenthood (i.e. selective-child and dysfunctional orientations), and mass emigration forced by domestic and foreign shit-shows and persistent shit-holes, which have caused direct and collateral damage at both ends of the bridge and throughout for nearly a century, and accelerating in the last several decades.
All I want for Christmas is for Hillary and Barack to "put a sock in it" and stay absolutely quiet for about 20 years,or until I die--whichever comes first.
Ah,Nick Lowe,"Cruel to be Kind", much rather listen to *that* than anything that opportunistic bitch has to say.
Impossible for them to do so:
PPPT: "It's always nice to have right-wing social injustice warriors attempt to false virtue signal using words like "homophobic/transphobic" and then "cunt" in the same breath. ;-)"
Clintons have always been such assholes. They decide what their issue position is long after it is obvious what the majority of the voters think.
My guess is that Hillary is sensing that generally Catholic Hispanic immigrants will be voting pro-life.
They are trying to steal the immigration issue from Trump WITHOUT alienating their core Hispanic servile voters.
She didn't mention American immigration policy, at least the blurb I read. Just Europe.
Also note, the Guardian didn't seem to push her on the issue. There is no Jim Acosta on the Right...not one that Hillary will submit to.
If you want press conferences to disappear, elect Hillary. She's more close mouthed than Obama.
Who believes her anymore?
She must be speaking to Bill again.
Hispanics are no longer deeply religious Catholics and they don't vote Republican. They may some day far far in the future when they are the majority ethnic voting bloc and they decide, afterall, that strong borders are important to keep out the next majority voting bloc.
Clintonian triangulation. She gets to be on every side of every issue.
Media are fine with it and will treat her like a child. That's what she wants. That's what she will get.
She is also above the law.
Maybe Hillary and Trump should be more concerned with these guys. So much about MS 13...
Is there a flavor of criminal you are OK with, Inga? Best check with Rachel on that one.
MS-13 gangs = good - no problem, figment of imagination.
White supremacist gangs = super-plus bad, and Trump's fault.
Are you OK with Hillary's crimes? Do her high level crimes bother you? Better go check with Rachel first. So you can form an opinion.
"Doesn't this make Hillary a racist — according to the logic of the Democratic Party?"
"Logic"? Of the Democratic Party?
Or as Instapundit would probably put it, "No, it doesn't because shut up."
Bimbo, maybe you should calm down. Your Hillary obsession makes you sound a little nutso.
Law enforcement goes after criminals - good. More please.
So someone on the NYTimes wants Clinton back in the WH. Why else is she getting any press?
I think Hillary was trying to tell the EU globalists that unchecked immigration in the EU must slow down so as to constrain right-wing "populists". Doing so will keep the globalists in power. And what about the immigrants denied access to the EU? Hillary doesn't say it directly but I believe her plan will be to put those wannabe refugees (oops, immigrants) on board Carnival cruise ships and transport them to NY Harbor and Boston Harbor en masse where they will be welcomed with open arms and welfare checks. With Hillary in the White House, the Federal government will assume the financial burden of these many millions of people and continue to maintain that burden even after those millions are bused into the sparsely populated red states who didn't vote for her in 2016. Hey, the Egyptians, Romans and Russians did it, why not Hillary!? The poor schlubs trying to access the US through the southern border should book a cruise line ticket to New York instead.
She likes refugees so much that she made millions of them by exacerbating the civil war in Syria by sending in arms to one side and overthrowing Gaddafi in Libya. If one person is the most responsible for Merkel losing her job, and the destabilization of Europe, e.g. Brexit, it's Hillary.
If Inga Stasi thinks that you're nutso, you're probably on the right track. New York Times and the Guardian brought up Hillary. Both are part of the same left that speaks for Democrats. Your problem is with them, Inga, not some anonymous blog commenter.
Aryan Nation, prison gang, drugs. not political operators. Think Hells Angels, not KKK. To be honest, I don't think that it is accurate to call the Aryan Nation "white supremacists." More like white separatists. There motivation is drugs & money, not racial superiority.
"We came! We saw! He died! And millions of refugees are unleashed on Europe, tens of thousands drowned in the Mediterranean! Bwa ha ha haha ha!"
Because Aryan Nation exists, any reasonable controls on immigration are still unthinkable!
Leftist media promotes Hillary endlessly.
Leftist talking heads continuously seek out Hillary for comment and interviews.
Leftist media organs continuously report on Hillary's every utterance.
Leftist politicians consistently praise Hillary and comment on Hillary.
Leftist show hosts constantly request Hillary as a guest and praise her.
Leftist media reports continue to "spontaneously" spring up regarding Hillary and 2020.
Inga's assessment: the right wing bloggers on Althouse are obsessed with Hillary.
Because, of course that's her assessment.
You know that it would be untrue, you know that she's a liar
And when she tries to say to you: it was Merkel who lit that fire
Cmon euros, douse the fire
Don't go roiling Yankee ire
Or you'll see Trump re-hirrrrrred
How do you reconcile this with your post the other day saying that on immigration, the Democrats can’t just condemn but must come up with solutions? Sounds like damned if you do damned if you don't.
Ivanka is not the head of any offical department. So she's not allowed to talk to anyone. Forbidden. Right? That's what the collective pro-Hillary media are saying.
And - Ivanka's use of e-mail to talk to people in government (how dare she!) washes Hillary clean. Because the media say so.
Lots of people use e-mail to communicate. Private e-mail.
Not very many people hire an IT guy (who ends up pleading the 5th) to build a PRIVATE SERVER to front a major Department of the US Government to keep eyeballs out of secret deals. And then delete subpoenaed e-mails.
But the pro-Hillary hack press have their marching orders.
their lips are moving, then they are lying, Hillary was a party to the toppling of Mubarak and qadaffi, bin ali is more an open question, which led to the great influx into southern and central Europe,
Someone needs to check Monica's checking account. It might have had a huge infusion of cash.
Monica does her 'tell all' to immunize that.
She is tacking right on immigration.
The attack on Ivanka to try to pretend 'everyone illegally has a private server and destroys evidence'.
She is trying to immunize herself for 2020.
Can't someone get some holy water and garlic for this person?
Maybe Hillary and Trump should be more concerned with these guys. So much about MS 13...
As usual, Inga jumps into the thread to change the subject.
Or maybe it's just a bitch when the talking points she's handed don't line up with the Althouse post topics?
one of her lieutenants, susan rice is pushing prince ahmed, older brother to the previous crown prince, having learned no lessons from the exercise, unless it's to priviledge iran and Qatar,
Inga, we're still waiting for Trump to be impeached for using an unsecured cell phone.
in this light, It makes sense, actually it makes no strategic sense,
I do not understand how Hillary got to be so wealthy. Graft is the obvious answer. She never erected anything, let alone buildings like Trump did.
Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform and a "trail of tears" from Obama/Clinton's unsecured social justice adventures and elective wars, created and progressed, in Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Ukraine, Niger, Somalia, Afghanistan, Libya, etc.
Europe has a diversity or racism problem forced by left-wing special and peculiar domestic and foreign interests designed to cover-up the collateral damage from social justice adventures, including redistributive and retributive change, and to gerrymander the vote and disenfranchise Europeans. The rise of anti-nativism and normalization of planned parenthood, including selective-child and dysfunctional orientations, has produced clear and progressive consequences for Europeans, Americans, Canadians, etc. The Africans of all colors/diversities, have suffered under a persistent and insidious social justice and rabid diversity for over half a century.
Come on lads, put your back into it, cannonade! Hard to starboard!
Mister Sanders, prepare for boarding, ready grapples, MEN! The she-beast gets mean when she fight, SHE'S INTO THE MERLOT LADS, ARRRGGGGHHHHH
Carrying over from the evening thread:
From the other thread - via Earnest Prole
Monica Lewinsky reveals for the first time that Bill Clinton urged her to LIE under oath and then called her in for one last tryst before ditching her - which led her to consider suicide
I know - lets give these two money grubbers more power... again.
Sad that the democrats made these two liars their 2016 candidates. Two for one.
Looks like they will do it again in 2020.
Can't wait to see her in a MAGA hat.
Lewis Wetzel said...
"Aryan Nation, prison gang, drugs. not political operators. Think Hells Angels, not KKK."
Think Muslims. Another group that licenses and encourages its members to prey upon non-members.
All my lefty/dem FB friends seem to come out and howl whenever there is a story about Hill running in 2020. I think if she runs in 2020, she will not get close to the nomination. She's done. Put a fork in her.
rightguy: "All my lefty/dem FB friends seem to come out and howl whenever there is a story about Hill running in 2020."
Like that would ever stop Hillary from running and hacking the dem nominating process to win.
There are going to be about 30 dem candidates and all Hillary has to do is threaten to dish the dirt her team collected from all their illegal NSA database queries and those candidates will suddenly "evolve" into wanting to spend more time with their families and endorsing Hillary.
Not to mention the promise of a sweet sweet Clinton Foundation gig after its all said and done.
Maybe so, Drago. But they won't have Blabbermouth Schwartz rigging the process at the level of the DNC this time around. And she has already had her turn(s). We'll see.
Water is necessary for survival, yet turns deadly if either quantity or quality is ignored.
Politics can make the simplest problems insurmountable. Is that a choice we make?, as a group?, as individuals?
Chickenlittle: "...She never erected anything..."
It's certainly been a long time at best.
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HIllary Clinton on Rachel Maddow show again.
For the offical 2020 pimping and erasing of her crimes.
Inga on board.
Rachel uninterested in her private server or Bill's sex abuse.
I do not understand how Hillary got to be so wealthy. Graft is the obvious answer. She never erected anything, let alone buildings like Trump did.
You were ahead with the not understanding part; no need to add to that. Trump never built a damn thing, just put his name on it - like feces on a wall. And he sure is getting the Russian government their graft. His so-called "wealth" was built through elaborate tax evasion schemes that allowed his daddy to funnel something like $430 billion to him. Make money laundering great again.
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