৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১৮

"Blue wave or no, Trumpism lives on. And it continues to be America's loudest voice."

An L.A. Times editorial. Excerpt:
Many Americans had believed that Trump’s election two years ago was a brief deviation from the norm that would be reversed once rational voters saw what he was like in office. The [midterm election] returns were a depressing wake-up call to the true extent of division in the country. In fact, tens of millions of people turned out to vote in favor of Trumpism....

That message is horrendous. It is a message suffused with alt-right, racist ideology.... It is a message that manifests itself in shocking policies....

The battle to quiet Trump and Trumpism did not end on Tuesday. It will be a long slog, and the voters who spoke up in opposition Tuesday will have to keep speaking for at least another two years — loudly, courageously, unmistakably.
I'd say it's not enough to speak up in opposition — however long and loud. You need to respond convincingly on the issues, especially the issue of illegal immigration. It's not enough to say Trump's message is crude and inhumane and horrible. You need your own answer to the question, an answer that can be stated clearly and that will appeal to enough people (so it can't be open borders or don't do anything new).

৩৭৫টি মন্তব্য:

375 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
rhhardin বলেছেন...

Combine illegal immigration and #MeToo. That plays well with women.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Illegal immigrants are the voice of women.

wild chicken বলেছেন...

But Trump's views on immigration were commonplace among Democrats what, 15 years ago? Why the sea change? And it was ok then but immoral now?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

It is a message that manifests itself in shocking policies....

What shocking policies?

Tim বলেছেন...

Trump has made the Left even crazier than anyone thought they could be. And it will get worse.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

So sad to see how far the LA Times has fallen. I grew up reading daily.

Or is it I’m now been red pilled and see reality.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

"rational voters saw what he was like in office."

Rational voters? The only thing I see is that the guy is accomplishing what he said he would do.

The coastal elite crowd is the irrational. We were on a national suicide course with Obama.

And I further note that we saved billions by pulling out of Paris. What's rational about burning money in order to feel good?

Anne in Rockwall, TX বলেছেন...

Off topic, but uh-oh. RBG was just hospitalized after breaking three ribs in a fall.

sparrow বলেছেন...

The division will not be healed by those calling us racists for disagreeing,

Kevin বলেছেন...

It's not enough to say Trump's message is crude and inhumane and horrible.

People standing on their own moral high ground see no need for further argument -- everyone else appears beneath them.

Once white Democrats picked up the hammer of yelling, "RAAAAACISM!", everything looked like a nail. They can't even stop themselves from calling the most pro-Israel US President an anti-semite when it suits their cause.

HT বলেছেন...

"It's not enough to say Trump's message is crude and inhumane and horrible. You need your own answer to the question, an answer that can be stated clearly and that will appeal to enough people (so it can't be open borders or don't do anything new)."

Exactly right.

Kevin বলেছেন...

People standing on their own moral high ground see no need for further argument -- everyone else appears beneath them.

To wit, all of Inga's arguments break down to "you people are despicable!"

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Kavanaugh pushed her.

stevew বলেছেন...

Trump spoke about this during the press conference yesterday. He said he does not oppose immigration, in fact thinks we need more to fill open jobs and further fuel our economic growth. It is illegal immigration that he opposes. He also talks about being a nationalist, by which he means acting in favor of what he believes is in the nation's best interest. His critics twist this and say he is a white nationalist, possessing all the negative, mostly racist, characteristics that that includes. He rebuts that his approval ratings among blacks and hispanics are at or near all time highs - for any Republican POTUS, ever.

What his critics need to do, IMHO, is argue against the truth of what and who he is. To do otherwise is to appear unhinged and undermine and and all criticism.

Anne in Rockwall, TX বলেছেন...

OMG rhhardin! You owe me a keyboard.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

topic, but uh-oh. RBG was just hospitalized after breaking three ribs in a fall.

Holy shit! Things could get even more crazy!

mccullough বলেছেন...

The economy is doing well for everyone. Unemployment is low, GDP is up. Real wages are up for all income levels.

This doesn’t matter to the white upper class worldview of the LA Times or The NY Times or their loyal readers. Things have been very good for them for the past 25 years regardless of who is president. They live in nice areas, kids go to nice schools, and they will never join the military. There jobs are immune from competition from immigration - legal and illegal. Their private schools or well funded suburban white schools or city magnet schools aren’t struggling to educate lower income immigrant kids. If anything, the love the lawn boys and nannies cheap services. They would never hire lower-income blacks or whites.

So these folks, who have outsized influence in our society, fixate on boutique issues like transgenderisn and global warming. They accuse middle and lower income white people of racism, which is how they @check their own privilege.”

They are worried about random school shootings because that incredibly rare event might kill their child like a kightning strike.

The much more prevalent violence in urban areas is of no concern to them. Poor blacks are an abstraction. They only think about them when their is a prominent incident of white police brutality. Then they signal their virtue.

They deserve Trump. These pampered, privileged, country-club Caucasians. Hopefully Trump drives them to insanity. Their therapists love Trump. He’s great for business. So do the makers of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety pills.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

we shot them playing baseball
we disrupted their dinners
we broke their ribs when they did yard work
we hit them with bicycle locks
we hounded them out of their speaking engagements
we shut down their social media
we kicked them in the face for their pro-life views
we accused them of rape, rancor, Russians and racism

...fuck, we even put hexes on them.

'No good deed goes unpunished', I guess

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

The battle to quiet Trump and Trumpism did not end on Tuesday. It will be a long slog, and the voters who spoke up in opposition Tuesday will have to keep speaking for at least another two years — loudly, courageously, unmistakably.
What do they think that Trump supporters will doing for at least another two years?
The LA Times, like every other liberal media outlet in our democracy, does not believe that half of American citizens should should be represented.

holdfast বলেছেন...

Illegal immigrants, raping and killing the Americans that actual Americans just can’t be bothered to rape and kill.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Ginsberg had a little whoopsie today. Broken ribs but not life threatening. That is how it starts though.

Trump may get 5 Justices.

CJinPA বলেছেন...

You need your own answer to the question, an answer that can be stated clearly and that will appeal to enough people (so it can't be open borders or don't do anything new)

Wasn't this the motive for "Comprehensive Immigration Reform," implement amnesty and pay lip service to borders? I agree Dems *should* offer more on immigration, but do they really have to, when all of the other forces - establishment GOP, media, powerful activist groups, etc. - prefer the "don't do anything new" approach?

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

I was informed yesterday via Facebook that if I don't support people illegally crossing borders to escape violence than I'm no longer allowed to celebrate Thanksgiving/watch the Sound of Music.

These people have graduate degrees and consider themselves the Smart Ones. How can they be such complete flaming morons?

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

Off topic, but uh-oh. RBG was just hospitalized after breaking three ribs in a fall.

Here we go. You know how it goes about the very elderly and hospitalizations.

MBunge বলেছেন...

Do you ever look back at some historical fiasco and wonder "How the hell did people let it get to that?" This is how. Arrogant elites who no longer pay attention to reality. The secret super-power of democracy is that it provides a way to check and correct feckless elites without, you know, anyone getting murdered. But what has been a long and slow degradation of democratic limitations has gone into hyperdrive under Trump.

This will not end well.


Chuck বলেছেন...

Althouse, there are a whole lot of Republicans who are concerned about solving immigration problems, enforcing existing laws, and enacting new laws to crack down on illegal immigration. Many of them have been leaving Congress in the Era of Trump. Not one of them favors "open borders." Most of them go so far as to oppose any pathway to citizenship for any illegals.

You say, "You need your own answer to the question, an answer that can be stated clearly and that will appeal to enough people (so it can't be open borders or don't do anything new)."

But lots of Republicans can do that. And following your prescription, they can do it more "clearly," and they can do it in a way that appeals to more people, and especially in a way that is not as ignorant, unfactual and chauvinistic as how Trump does it.

Here again I see you appealing to a form of "clear" articulation, and there is no one in public life who uses language less clearly, or more recklessly, than Donald Trump.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

maybe Paul Ryan pushed granny off the cliff.

there's video of him doing it before.

chuck বলেছেন...

Journalism is the first refuge of a scoundrel.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

depressing wake-up call to the true extent of division in the country. In fact, tens of millions of people turned out to vote in favor of Trumpism....

Depressing? I guess it depends on your point of view and your inability to accept that perhaps....just perhaps...not everyone shares YOUR point of view.

Wake up call. I doubt he can hear it with his head so far up his own butt.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Ginsberg had a little whoopsie today. Broken ribs but not life threatening.

Jerry Nadler is working on a video showing Kavanaugh pushed her.

By nightfall seven other women will report being pushed by Kavanaugh in high school and college.

chuck বলেছেন...

> You know how it goes about the very elderly and hospitalizations.

Yes, and just yesterday after Schumer and Nadler planted their flag, I was thinking that all we needed was for Ginsburg to break a hip and all H*ell would break loose. But I thought it impolitic to mention that, many of us have experience with this scenario.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Press = Enemy of the People.

Right Man বলেছেন...

This kind of news analysis began with the Daily Show. No facts or specifics are needed. Just play something out of context and then have John Stewart smirk. No explanations are necessary.
" a message suffused with alt-right, racist ideology that manifests itself in shocking policies"
Since I am unaware that I am backing shocking racist policies, is it too much to ask for one example?

Leland বলেছেন...

I am rational, and I don't want to give Democrats more power to falsely accuse people of serious crimes based on flimsy accounts and admitted lies. And when I see thousands of people burning the US flag while claiming to want asylum in the US, and waving a foreign flag of a country that claim to be fleeing; I don't see them as refugee's. I see them as invaders trying to cross our border. The primary purpose of any military is to protect the national borders.

Indeed, if you want to convince me these people are refugee's, tell me why Mexico, who offered them asylum, isn't good enough? Don't call me racists for thinking Mexico is a fine country capable of supporting these people that invaded their territory.

rcocean বলেছেন...

If the open borders types really wanted an Amnesty Bill, they'd start enforcing the immigration laws and then when we'd stopped illegal immigration, would say "OK, its time for amnesty".

Instead its ALWAYS a Con. All the immigration enforcement provisions are window dressing. They know Amnesty if forever, and the immigration provisions can be nullified to by lack of funding.

CF: The Wall.

M Jordan বলেছেন...


Read your comment aloud to my wife. More insight in it than a hundred pundits typing furiously for a hundred days.

Darrell বলেছেন...

It's Trump's fault. Lefties are OK with losing as long as the victor does exactly the same things they would do.

Got it. Lefties B Crazy.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

Of course, I wish Althouse were right, but --

"It's not enough to say Trump's message is crude and inhumane and horrible."

Well, it is, in many districts and states. Particularly where college-educated women give priority to "women's rights" against the neanderthal GOP.

"You need your own answer to the question, an answer that can be stated clearly and that will appeal to enough people."

Hill already had a majority of the popular vote. Dems only needs to turn a few more states and districts.

"(so it can't be open borders or don't do anything new)"

Sure it can. In fact, the courts are trying to prevent Trump from undoing DACA, with full Dem support.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

No, America's loudest voice is that of the shrieking Progs. We Trump people are actually pretty quiet.

rcocean বলেছেন...

John McCain lied about Amnesty all his political career. He only became honest at the end, when he stated in his last book that he is favor of open borders and unlimited immigration.

There was NEVER a desire to "build the dang fence" or enforce the law. It was all a Maverick LIE.

Lee Moore বলেছেন...

a depressing wake-up call to the true extent of division in the country

"progress" (noun) - the result of an election in which the Democrats are all conquering (even by 50.01 - 49.99)

"division" (noun) - any other kind of election result

Ignorance is Bliss বলেছেন...

Annie C said...

Off topic, but uh-oh. RBG was just hospitalized after breaking three ribs in a fall.

Best wishes to RBG for a speedy recovery.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Althouse nailed this one.

Jess বলেছেন...

It's understandable the upper echelon of the federal government, and the media, not having a clue of what concerns the people that don't have armed security, despise traffic, are ignored by bureaucrats, are irritated by inflation, don't like unbridled illegal entry by foreigners, and are appalled by the violence. They live in a world that doesn't exist for the majority of those that pay the taxes.

It's hard to understand those lower in the organizations being supportive of the things that remove liberty, destroy personal wealth, and allow bureaucrats to dictate daily life. They are either complicit, or astoundingly ignorant of how their actions cause so much harm.

Also, neither don't realize their urban environment only exists because of those that live in what they call "fly over country". Irritating these people can lead to drastic consequences; especially when their existence is threatened by those that ignore them.

Henry বলেছেন...

CJinPA said...
I agree Dems *should* offer more on immigration, but do they really have to, when all of the other forces - establishment GOP, media, powerful activist groups, etc. - prefer the "don't do anything new" approach?

Illegal immigration is structural problem with no clear solution.

Trump dominates the debate by claiming a clear solution. That fact that his clear solution (the wall) doesn't even touch the actual structural problem doesn't stop his claim from standing out from anyone who advocates for the difficult task of reform.

BTW, what happened to the caravan?* I was told that George Soros's nighttime bus service was going to get them to the border before the election.

*2,000 made it Mexico City on November 5.

M Jordan বলেছেন...

I wish no ill on RGB but why doesn’t she retire? Is the job that cushy, that rewarding, that a bent over old woman has to stay on until she dies? I asked the same of Paul Ryan and his speakership, and of Hillary, Joe Biden, and dozens of others who refuse to leave the public stage.

D.C. life must be the best living by a mile.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

It's not enough to say Trump's message is crude and inhumane and horrible. You need your own answer to the question, an answer that can be stated clearly and that will appeal to enough people (so it can't be open borders or don't do anything new).

You missed a step. You have to persuade rational adults that there's any "there, there" in your hysterical claims about Trump's words or actions. You've already got the sort of people who will uncritically accept retarded hysterical question-begging shit like this in the bag...

"That message is horrendous. It is a message suffused with alt-right, racist ideology.... It is a message that manifests itself in shocking policies...."

...so offering an alternative based on those same beyond-stupid bullshit premises is just going to be more preaching to the choir.

What the "you" in question here has to do is reform his idiotic world-view from the ground up. He has to understand that the people he disagrees with are not, as a matter of fact, "nazis" or "white supremacists", or whatever other cartoon characters populate his stunted and deformed weltanschauung. Only then could he devise and offer a realistic alternative.

Unfortunately, I don't think anybody who could write the nonsense quoted above is anywhere near being able to do that.

chickelit বলেছেন...

@Ingachuck'stoothlessARM: That is a hilarious avatar! Bravo!

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

RBG is in the hospital - right after Trump took the midterms.

That's the Midas Touch.

Leland বলেছেন...

Althouse nailed this one.

I agree.

I can only add, though it is covered by "open borders", that threatening ICE employees and suggesting it should be disbanded isn't an option either. I wonder why Democrats don't understand how abolishing ICE sounds to average Americans. We should keep the TSA and make air travel a pain, but we should get rid of border security and just allow anyone and anything to come in at anytime. If the federal government isn't interested in protecting borders; then why have a federal government at all? You can't control commerce without something like ICE.

Vance বলেছেন...

Look at that list posted earlier. How can the left or the Chuck's claim any sort of moral superiority on anything?

Trump is crude, a boor? Maybe in the past, sure. But how does that compare to "Let me beat you to death because you disagree with me!" which is what today's left stands for? I mean, look at the elections: Brown, a wife beater and Democrat, elected. Menendez, a corrupt pedophile, reelected. I don't know about Eliason, whether he was elected or not, but a woman abuser nonetheless. That crazy woman who married her own brother to cheat the system, elected. All Democrats, and all far, far worse than anything Trump or Judge Moore have ever been accused of. Even the accusations against Kavanaugh weren't as bad as what Democrats actually ran, and actually elected, without any hint of shame.

Truly, if you want to beat, rape, or hurt women, run as a Democrat--it's a status symbol!

And then they claim some sort of moral superiority? Heck, the real reason they want unlimited illegal immigration is so Democrats can rape the poor underage children and the women. That makes more sense than anything they claim in public.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Something I noticed. When black Democrats lose elections -- Gillum and Abrams, for instance -- it's racism straight up. When black Republicans lose -- James in Michigan and Mia Love (apparently) in Utah -- it's that black people don't belong in the Republican party. Funny how that works.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"TW, what happened to the caravan?* I was told that George Soros's nighttime bus service was going to get them to the border before the election."

What difference does it make if they get here after the election?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The Alt-right and the Antfia left are two sides of the same coin.

Guess which side has more members?

It's not racist to want our immigration laws upheld, and tightened. The fact that the D-hack press confuse the desire to control immigration with racism is 100% dishonest.

Other nations have strict immigration requirements and laws. WE can too. and that does not make us racist.

Leland বলেছেন...

The battle to quiet Trump and Trumpism did not end on Tuesday.

See, the LA Times just wants to shut us up. Remember that when they claim to champion free speech.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Michigan leftists ARE racist. John James should have won against that old corrupt hag Debbie Stebenow.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

D.C. life must be the best living by a mile.

Posted something like this yesterday:

Dianne Feinstein - 85
Chuck Grassley - 85
Nancy Pelosi - 78
Orrin Hatch - 84
Bernie Sanders - 77
Patrick Leahy - 78

Fucking go home and spend time with your families.
Stop running for re-election.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

A caravan of people, from anywhere, marching toward our border with the intent of marching right over the border, into our nation - that IS an invasion.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Broken ribs are painful. RBG will more than likely need to be kept on some heavy pain meds. I don't wish that on anyone. I hope she is comfortable.
I also think she should resign. She's obviously too frail.

Hagar বলেছেন...

If you were a resident of Honduras, or wherever, you must necessarily have concluded that whatever those crazy gringos say officially, they must really want you to come to the U.S. anyway, since they do not turn away illegal border crossers at the border, but just hand them a notice to show up in court in a couple of years and a list of agencies that will help them find a place to stay, welfare services, and possibly even a nice job to tide them over in the meantime. And they also hear that they don't really have to eventually appear in court, if they don't want to.

This crap originates with our own loony lefties inside the U.S. They are the ones who refuse to comply with any Constitutional provision or legislative statute they do not like.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

We have a Trumpist Great Horn-ed Owl who(!) sits on a pole in the evenings and leaves Mourning Dove feathers around every morning(!).

buwaya বলেছেন...

The "loudest voice" thing is where the madness of this piece comes through.
Political rage is one thing, but an inability to perceive where the message machines stand is delusion.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

The problem--the reason an ethically and intellectually sloven a creature such as Trump was elected, the reason he still appeals to many people--is that the Democrats have no message, no response to Trump's crude appeals, nothing to offer the electorate except, "Not Trump!"

The Democrats need to cast out the hideous legion of gnomes at the head of their party--the Pelosis, the Bidens, the Clintons, the Clintons (gotta say it twice!), and so on--and reassess who they really want to be and what they can offer the electorate that is more compelling than "Not Trump!"

buwaya বলেছেন...

And this is not today's propaganda line either.
There is a little story behind this piece I'm sure.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

LA times encouraging more violence.

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

From the AP:

"Ginsburg has had a series of health problems. She broke two ribs in a fall in 2012. She has had two prior bouts with cancer and had a stent implanted to open a blocked artery in 2014. She also was hospitalized after a bad reaction to medicine in 2009."

Anyone see a trend?

dreams বলেছেন...

At yesterday's press conference Trump tried to talk about how he was willing to work with Nancy Pelosi but the media didn't want to hear it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Cook - the democrats have lies and BS talking points.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

"Anyone see a trend?"

You're trending the same way. We all are.

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

Robert Cook, I appreciate your candor and thoughtful comment.

Kevin বলেছেন...

A caravan of people, from anywhere, marching toward our border with the intent of marching right over the border, into our nation - that IS an invasion.

Berlin 1944

Nachtrichtenreporter Acosta: "Mein Fuhrer, the Allied troops cannot be an invasion force because they're in the middle of the English Channel!"

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"You have to persuade rational adults that there's any 'there, there' in your hysterical claims about Trump's words or actions."

Ha! Rational adults already know it. The problem is, rational adults are not a majority anywhere.

Caligula বলেছেন...

"depressing wake-up call to the true extent of division in the country. In fact, tens of millions of people turned out to vote in favor of Trumpism..."

Impotent rage may be depressing to those who are expressing it, but, somewhat less than depressing to those who are the target of this rage.

So much of this outrage at Trump seems driven by emotions and not reason. "I don't like that crude, crude man!" is somewhat less than a reasoned argument against his presidency.

And, "He represents a threat of fascism!" directed against a constitutionally elected president falls somewhat flat when you can't seem to recognize the clear and present danger of threatening street mobs, such as the one that apparently threatened Tucker Carlson yesterday.

Rage, rage, rage because your fellow citizens didn't vote as you think they should have? It's a good thing indeed that your rage remains mostly impotent, for if it were not it might be necessary to do something about it other than laugh at it.

Kevin বলেছেন...

The media's lies will continue until the President's behavior improves.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Nachtrichtenreporter Acosta: 'Mein Fuhrer, the Allied troops cannot be an invasion force because they're in the middle of the English Channel!'"

Hmmm...so a ragtag band of poor men, women and children fleeing violence in their own lands is equivalent to the invading Allies in WWII?

It's obvious Trump supporters have a distorted view of the world, but this is hallucination!

buwaya বলেছেন...

The Democrats are the party of the governing system Cook, and of the cultural caste that runs everything. They cannot do anything but defend that from challengers.

Power is zero sum. If you are at the top your entire politics is about staying there. Their message, sans Trump, would be "Not X", for whatever X is that presents the next challenge.

Hagar বলেছেন...

"Med lov skal landet byggjast og ikkje med ulov øydast."

"With law the land shall grow and not with anarchy laid waste."

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chuck: Althouse, there are a whole lot of Republicans who...[have given lip service to]...solving immigration problems, enforcing existing laws, and enacting new laws to crack down on illegal immigration.


Many of them have been leaving Congress in the Era of Trump.

After years in public office where they did jack squat about immigration. (Trump's fault for using his time-travel elevator to put inflammatory divisive racist vibes into the space-time continuum, retroactively poisoning the debate, I guess.)

Not one of them favors "open borders."

Not one of them favors de jure open borders. De facto is working just fine for their donors and hence for them.

Most of them go so far as to oppose any pathway to citizenship for any illegals [when they run for office].

FTFY, too. ("Go so far"! Quel courage! Lol.)

Yeah, right Chuck. If only their pesky ferociously complaining constituents hadn't interfered with their passing another massive amnesty (after which they'd yet again forget all about the enforcement provisions, aka "Comprehensive Immigration Reform"), they would all have *totally* maintained opposition to a "pathway to citizenship" for the amnestied millions.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

It's sad but perhaps predictable that the media and Dems don't seem capable of reflecting on their own behavior and actually question themselves in any way. Many of them still seem to be unwaveringly convinced of their own moral superiority and righteousness.

The reason they won't and can't construct a persuasive argument that could convince the deplorables to turn on Trumpism is because in order to do so they would actually have to analyze and articulate their own positions objectively. Obviously it's easier to categorize anything that isn't you're position as evil/racist/sexist/xenophobic/homophobic/white nationalist fear mongering ect. It requires no effort, no analysis, and no questioning of oneself.

But pieces like these clearly aren't for persuasion. They're not written for Trump voters. They probably written as salves for disheartened anti-Trump crowd, assuring them that they're still morally superior to Trump voters by just declaring it without any analysis. If you find it predictable, dull, and implausible you're not the audience.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

When I think of Trumpism, I think of appointing conservative judges, negotiating better trade deals, promoting pro-growth policies and a strong military.
When the editors at the LA Times think of Trumpism, they think of a combination 4th Reich and handmaid's tale taking place during ecological collapse while the Russians invade.
I think my definition is much more reasonable. Their definition is cuckoo.

Koot Katmandu বলেছেন...

"It's not enough to say Trump's message is crude and inhumane and horrible" I guess I do not see or hear what you do? What do you hear that is inhumane and horrible? He is going to stop the people from illegally crossing the border as any leader should. Separating families? Bah PDT is correct and O was doing that long ago on the border. How many citizens are separated from their kids every day in the US when they are incarcerated?

John বলেছেন...

and a strong military.

Wasn't he in favor of reducing our foreign military obligations? German, Japan, Taiwan, S. Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc. are more than rich enough to tend to their defense needs. Without those obligations wouldn't our military be much smaller?

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

Leland said,

"I am rational, and I don't want to give Democrats more power to falsely accuse people of serious crimes based on flimsy accounts and admitted lies. And when I see thousands of people burning the US flag while claiming to want asylum in the US, and waving a foreign flag of a country that claim to be fleeing; I don't see them as refugee's. I see them as invaders trying to cross our border. The primary purpose of any military is to protect the national borders."

If you're so rational, did it not occur to you to question whether claims or images purporting to show such behavior by members of the caravan were factual? They're not.

gahrie বলেছেন...

Hmmm...so a ragtag band of poor men, women and children fleeing violence in their own lands is equivalent to the invading Allies in WWII?

A bum breaking into your house, eating your food and sleeping in your bed is not the same thing as a man breaking into your house and murdering you...but both are crimes and problems.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

"The battle to quiet Trump and Trumpism did not end on Tuesday."

The editor changed "silence" to "quiet".

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

What a load of elistist self righteous crap.

“The battle to quiet Trump and Trumpism did not end on Tuesday. It will be a long slog, and the voters who spoke up in opposition Tuesday will have to keep speaking for at least another two years — loudly, courageously, unmistakably”

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

The last time I heard a pundit say that most Americans support a "path to citizenship" for illegals I took the time to look at the actual survey questions. The question that got over 50% "yes" was "Do you support a path to citizenship that includes requiring immigrants return to their home country and apply to immigrate to the US?"
No deal like that will ever happen, and never could have happened. The Dems would have never agreed to it.

Anne in Rockwall, TX বলেছেন...

Hmmm...so a ragtag band of poor men, women and children fleeing violence in their own lands is equivalent to the invading Allies in WWII?

Dear lord, Cookie. This is not Battlestar Gallactica.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

@ Kevin

The media's lies will continue until the President's behavior improves.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

No one is saying invasion as is in WWII. That's silly strawman building.

An invasion can be many things. Illegal entrance across a border can also mean "an invasion."

yet again the left are dishonest.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Robert Cook: Hmmm...so a ragtag band of poor men, women and children fleeing violence in their own lands is equivalent to the invading Allies in WWII?

It's just so charming and refreshing, your child-like ability to become engrossed in the completely concrete and literal here-and-now, your inability to take two steps back to get any perspective or connect any dots, your refusal to sully and complicate immediate perceptions with longer-term observation and higher abstract thinking...

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

The New Yorker cover with Trump trick-or-treating was pretty funny.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Power is zero sum.

That just means that it all happens in a lower dimension, by at least one.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

Speaking of DC. I threw up in my mouth a little pulling the lever for my US Congressman J Sensenbrenner the other day.

How old is Jim? WTFC. He's been in DC in that position since 1979. So at term end its over 40 years. Wayyy tooo loong!

Now what do I hear about Sessions? He wants to run for his Senate position again!

Trump should push for term limits. And push HARD. He would go down as the greatest President ever.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

So I guess the left didn't win *enough* for civility to return?

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

If they are just "fleeing violence", why come all the way to the US? They have already fled from their home countries to Mexico.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

So, Cookie, give us the innocent explanation for why the ragtag band fleeing violence in their own country rejected Mexico's offer of asylum, considering that accepting it is required by all international refugee laws? You know, the international laws that lefties believe should override all national laws.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

When will the "enemy of the people" start reporting on all of the rioting,violence, malicious mischief, and mayhem of the Conservatives who've lost the House and political power?


Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

Are we saying now that Mexico is now too violent and we now need to import the entire population of Mexico into the US as well?

This is going to be a bad news for all my friends and family that vacation in Mexico.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Don’t worry, lefties have an penchant for calm, rational discussion. This misunderstanding will be fixed in a trice (whatever that is)

Fox News host Tucker Carlson was at his desk Wednesday evening, less than two hours before his 8 p.m. live show, when he suddenly started receiving multiple text messages. There was some sort of commotion happening outside his home in Northwest D.C. "I called my wife," Carlson told The Washington Post in a phone interview. "She had been in the kitchen alone getting ready to go to dinner and she heard pounding on the front door and screaming. ... Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door.". - Washington Post

These are definitely the people I look to when I think about who should get control of the awesome power of the United States Government.

Temujin বলেছেন...

I have misplaced my pants said:

These people have graduate degrees and consider themselves the Smart Ones. How can they be such complete flaming morons?

You answered your own question. There is ample evidence, coming from multiple directions daily, that our schools & universities are cranking out generations of degreed morons. The only thing that seems to increase from a university education these days is self-esteem.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Are we saying now that Mexico is now too violent and we now need to import the entire population of Mexico into the US as well?

It’s complicated, they have to leave because of massive violence, but none of the “refugees” are ever violent, so the best thing to do is to let everybody in and don’t worry, because none of them will ever be violet. See how that works? The violent people who show up in the asylum apps NEVER try to illegally cross the border. It’s just common sense. Why would they?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"That message is horrendous. It is a message suffused with alt-right, racist ideology.... It is a message that manifests itself in shocking policies...."

And you can't beat it with Oprah and the Psychic Friends Network.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

It’s almost as if AntiFa considers Tucker Carlson to be an “enemy of the people” That term upsets the left because they had thought they had copyrighted it and nobody else could use it. It has a very specific meaning.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Ken B বলেছেন...

Althouse is right.

Of course Trump is a bit deficient in making his case. He's clear on what he advocates, which his critics are not ( AA's point), but Reagan made an effort to convince people about his policies, and Trump rarely does. He needs to, it’s part of the job.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

RBG is close to withering away. The 6th SCOTUS pro constitutional vote cometh. The 5th vote has already emboldened Trump's approach to challenging the Deep State Coup De'tat forces. Trump majority in the Senate goes from 48 votes to 54 votes in January. The result is a media now fighting Trump's Presidency to the death.

Leland বলেছেন...

If you're so rational, did it not occur to you to question whether claims or images purporting to show such behavior by members of the caravan were factual?

Cookie, if you are going down that road; then yeah, I question Politifacts claims. RealClearPolitics says they get it right about 84% of the time.

There is an image of the migrants burning the US flag, and while Snopes (Politifact just ignores it like it doesn't exist and debunks two other false claims) wants to claim it was a hundred miles away from there the caravan was that day, the DailyMail provided far more coverage of the caravan at that location.

And they are still carrying the Honduran flag, even wrapping themselves in it, while claiming to seek asylum from Honduras.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...


Thanks! I didnt want the gang to miss the Little Green Monster!
I'm working on my embroidery for the next one.
In the meantime, remember: April Is Coming

cubanbob বলেছেন...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
I was informed yesterday via Facebook that if I don't support people illegally crossing borders to escape violence than I'm no longer allowed to celebrate Thanksgiving/watch the Sound of Music.

These people have graduate degrees and consider themselves the Smart Ones. How can they be such complete flaming morons?"

Just for shits and giggles ask them if the are fine with unlimited immigration for people in their spheres of occupation or profession.

Trump just for fun ought to propose unlimited immigration for people in the spheres of occupation and profession that the practitioners are largely Left leaning. Just two simple requirements, be proficient in English and have five years experience. Let the fun begin.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

One-year mortality among elderly people after hospitalization due to fall-related fractures: comparison with a control group of matched elderly.

Fall-related fractures among the elderly represent an important public health problem. Severe fractures have been related to increased risk of death. In order to investigate the mortality profile of elderly individuals with severe fractures, 250 patients aged 60 years and over, hospitalized due to fall-related fractures and 250 elderly without fractures living in the local community were followed-up for one year. They were matched according to sex, age, time of hospitalization and neighborhood. Deaths were identified using probabilistic linkage of the research dataset and the local mortality registry. The one-year cumulative mortality was 25.2% in the case of individuals with severe fractures and 4% for those individuals without. The mortality distribution was not homogeneous across the follow-up period. Two-thirds of deaths among the elderly individuals hospitalized due to fracture occurred within the first 3 months, whereas mortality among those individuals without fractures took place later. Heart disease, pneumonia, GI bleeding, sepsis, and pulmonary embolism, diabetes and stroke were important causes of one-year mortality.

That’s 60 and older. RBG is well beyond that mark.

Henry বলেছেন...

tim in vermont said...
What difference does it make if they get here after the election?

My exact point!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

If we take the claims of the caravan at face value that they are fleeing violence, Robert, why shouldn’t we assume that a group of people coming from an area rife with violence doesn’t likely contain a fair number of violet people? Is there some kind of magic semi permeable membrane around the group that only allows non violent people to enter it? Remember that these people claim that they come from an area so full of violent people that they must be given asylum.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

My exact point

Democrats. were the ones shitting pickles that they might get here before the election.

Drago বলেছেন...

Since when is a group, estimated to be upwards of 20,000,000 people, referred to as a ragtag bunch?

Btw, did you know that each caravan-er is an almost certain school valedictorian / Nobel Prize winning / Congressional Medal of Honor Winning / Business entrepreneur?

Its absolutely true according to the entirety of the lefty/LLR universe.

buwaya বলেছেন...

The problem with attempts at a mass breach of US borders us not that the US can't handle a column or two of these people. The risk rather is of this sort of incident leading to a genuine mass movement among all the populations in the same boat. There are hundreds of millions in Mexico and to its south that would undertake such a journey, if given decent odds for success. They are kept in check mainly by fear of failure.

When something like a mass breach happens there is a high likelihood of it generating a cascade, encouraging an exponentially larger number to make the attempt.

There are several cases of such cascades. East Germany/Hungary/Czechoslovakia in 1989 for instance. The collapse of the Berlin wall actually began on the Austro-Hungarian border in August 1989, when hundreds of East Germans in Hungary made a successful crossing as the Hungarian border guards turned a blind eye. This escalated rapidly.

The ultimate reason for such occurences is the joint one of a large dissatisfied population, as has long existed south of the border, and a collapse of will in the governments keeping them in check. The USG, the actual government structure, is, to say the least, ambivalent about its dedication to maintaining the borders. As also the US governing caste. When the US is hit with breaches by hundreds of thousands the US will will crack, guaranteed. Everything is in place in order to permit a mass movement of peoples.

As for how to get here - again there are examples. The Cuban mass movement of 1980 came about due to the temporary relaxation of Cuban government movement controls. Other Latin American countries have enormously better shipping and travel facilities than Cubans did in 1980.

And last, the reason there is such a huge population ready and able to overwhelm the borders isn't because they are more miserable now than before. It is rather that these populations are better informed and indeed better off than ever, and better aware of their options and above all of what they have to gain. Its the same thing re Africans going to Europe.

robother বলেছেন...

Apropos Ann's last point, the Soros funded AntiFas who threatened Tucker Carlson last night, were chanting "No wall, no borders, no USA at all." Out of the mouths of babes you can hear the real position of the Democrats/Anti-Trump Republicans.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

The reason he still appeals to many people--is that the Democrats have no message, no response to Trump's crude appeals, nothing to offer the electorate except, "Not Trump!"

That is true.

However, the Democrats cannot be honest about their message because it is not supported by the American people.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

If they decline asylum in Mexico and decline to apply for refugee status in a supportive Mexico, then we owe them nothing. They just want to get into the country and start working, and expect to do so after a short wait. And if they drag a nephew or cousin’s kid, or some waif they found along the road, they will have an even shorter wait.

Henry বলেছেন...

Democrats. were the ones shitting pickles that they might get here before the election.

Not that I noticed in my Democratic stronghold. That seems like projection.

Democrats were flummoxed on how Trump used the caravan to shift election coverage onto immigration. I'll grant you that. But the only people I ever saw predicting that the caravan was going to make it to the U.S. border by election day were the ones that posited a conspiracy to move them secretly using secret money.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

Do we know for sure that leftists haven't conspired with Disney to create an animatronic version of RBG? We'll know for sure when she reaches age 130.

Henry বলেছেন...

estimated to be upwards of 20,000,000 people

The entire population of Honduras is 9M. What in the world are you talking about?

Kevin বলেছেন...

Republicans are asked daily to consider whether they’re supporting a racist authoritarian.

Every day they must look at the media’s latest evidence and consider their support.

There is no such activity happening on the left. No one is asking them to consider whether they are wrong.

The idea Hillary is guilty and Kavanagh isn’t never must be considered.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

I know it's important to Dems to get RBG back in her seat no matter what, but I don't believe the rumors that doctors have brought in Norman Bates to consult.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Three or more rib fractures also doubles your risk of death


Now that the Senate is out of reach for them, they will not be able to pack the courts for a while. That was a big election, getting bigger.

etbass বলেছেন...

In The Washington Post, Ed Rogers writes that by most measures,

Republicans beat the odds of history and nearly everyone’s expectations for the 2018 midterms. “The instant analysis is clear: Democrats may have won the House, but Trump won the election.” President Trump and his allies “have an appeal that the elites in New York and Hollywood cannot dismiss or combat.”

JAORE বলেছেন...

"RBG was just hospitalized after breaking three ribs in a fall.

Holy shit! Things could get even more crazy!"

I don't down play the seriousness of such an injury at her age. My Aunt Liddy broke a hip at 84. She went from the life of the party, to hospitalized, to death in three days.

But (the Notorious) RBG is a tough old bird. She's had cancer twice and a blocked artery over the past couple of decades.

She has vowed not to retire while Trump is in office, though I wish she would. In any event I wish her a full and speedy recovery.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Democrats were flummoxed on how Trump used the caravan to shift election coverage onto immigration.

I will offer the two options, he’s either playing 11 dimensional chess or he is pointing out the obvious, that this is a crisis brewing and it is created by current conditions which the Democrats refuse to change.

buwaya বলেছেন...

The problem with emotionalism, as with "Sound of Music", is that there is no argument against it other than an opposite emotionalism, and that is both natural and not a good place. For a mild example of a counter-emotional argument read "Camp of the Saints", which has indeed been a prophetic work, down to precise patterns of incidents that seemed absurd in the 1970s but are commonplace today.

The truth, both objective and emotional, is somewhere between "Camp of the Saints" and "Sound of Music". These people aren't the utterly un-relatable alien hordes of "Camp of the Saints", but they are actual people in vast numbers, which are hugely troublesome as people always are. You don't need demonic hordes to destroy your way of life, or existence, hordes of sympathetic people will do almost as well.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Judging by the political ads I saw this election and the success of Democrats where they had it, you don't need any solutions at all. You just need to make the opponent look as ugly as possible, even if it's ridiculous on its face. Hate is like a bolder hanging on a precipice. It just needs a little push, and then there is no stopping it.

Here in Nevada, Heller the Republican lost to the Democrat Rosen. Rosen aired ads using false charges that a judge had previously determined worthy of litigation. Rosen just did it anyway, calculating it was worth it. Now she is a Senator, so I guess it was.

The negative stuff is often very specific, while the positive stuff is rare and very general cliche stuff. Real solutions and concrete suggestions are the rarest thing of all in political ads.

buwaya বলেছেন...

20 million people is a reasonable figure for a first cut, consider what will happen in Mexico during a cascade situation, and add in everyone from Guatemala to Venezuela, plus the Caribbean.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Trump offered them a deal. They didn’t want it.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

But Trump's views on immigration were commonplace among Democrats what, 15 years ago? Why the sea change?

Their black slaves have been uppity lately. Time to get a new, more compliant crop of slaves, brownish rather than black.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

But (the Notorious) RBG is a tough old bird. She's had cancer twice and a blocked artery over the past couple of decades.

You know that you are just making further arguments that she is circling the drain. I am not hoping for her death, trying to magically bring it about by typing these words, or anything, but seriously, from the article I linked above.

Pre-existing cardiopulmonary disease, more than doubles the risk of death. Come up with any more examples of her toughness and you may as well push her into the grave yourself.


I really am not rooting for her to die. I don’t have any idea of what a shift in the court of that magnitude would mean, but seriously, there is no point being in denial about it. We almost had a 6-3 liberal court and that would have been a time of trial for the US. What I worry about is conservative activism as much as I worry about liberal. activism.

Henry বলেছেন...

@tim -- A third option is the simplest. Illegal immigration is a wedge issue that is highly motivating to Trump's supporters. From Trump's point-of-view, whether or not there is a crisis brewing was beside the point. Trump seized on the caravan as a rhetorical device.

Lee Moore বলেছেন...

tim in vermont : Now that the Senate is out of reach for them, they will not be able to pack the courts for a while.

Arizona and Florida are not yet outside the margin of steal. A hand recount in Florida can certainly be made to cough up enough extra Dem votes to satisfy the Florida Supreme Court. And the Arizona race is in court already. So you can pencil in 52 R seats. The other two will be a great battle.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I love that both Obama last week and Acosta yesterday tell us that the caravan is thousands or hundreds of miles away, so what's the problem? Is there a more disingenuous argument than that?

The hurricane is miles away, so what's the problem.
The missile is miles away, so what's the threat?

These people are not stupid enough really believe that is a valid point, so who do they think is?

Quaestor বলেছেন...

RBG was just hospitalized after breaking three ribs in a fall.

Woman. Eve. Rib. Am I off course to see a mythic-level punishment in progress?

elkh1 বলেছেন...

It takes two sides to divide. If the writer abhors division, shouldn't xe tell the losing side to join Trump?

Xe would be more credible if xe had criticized Antifa (I didn't read the article). The terrible Trumpians never tried to beat down a TV personality's door to threaten him and his family, nor have they mobbed individuals in restaurants. More Antifa, more Trumpians. Deal with it.

Henry বলেছেন...

20 million people is a reasonable figure for a first cut, consider what will happen in Mexico during a cascade situation, and add in everyone from Guatemala to Venezuela, plus the Caribbean.

You really need to go full Fuegian. Add in the entire population of South American and you get up to 600 Million!

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

So much for environmentalism.

johns বলেছেন...

Trump should visit RBG in the hospital.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Eliminating birthright citizenship will take a Constitutional Amendment - at any rate because so many people think it is enshrined in the marvellous 14th Amendment.
Anything else, from closing the borders tight to throwing them wide open is subject to Congressional legislation.
Call or write your Congress critter!

Dave D বলেছেন...

" I asked the same of Paul Ryan and his speakership, and of Hillary, Joe Biden, and dozens of others who refuse to leave the public stage."

Ryan and Goudy walked away voluntarily. It can be done if you are not a power hungry hag/dirty old man looking to keep power.

"Michigan leftists ARE racist. John James should have won against that old corrupt hag Debbie Stebenow."

A actually, the real reason that "do nothing" Debbie and "crazy eyes, Grnholm clone" Whitmer won here in Michigan is because legalized pot was on the ballot. I firmly believe that! James is wonderful candidate who deserves much better than a bunch of druggies screaming for legal pot and voting for free cash and prizes. A real shame.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Is there a more disingenuous argument than that?

I am reminded of that famous myth of the the Sperm Whale and the Bowl of Petunias.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

To be honest, I'm a little worried about the state of things if/when RBG passes. If you think things were uncivil during the Kavanaugh hearings, I think you ain't seen nothin yet. There's a real potential for some violent chaos on the part of the left I think.

But would Trump be magnanimus in replacing RBG even after all the biterness and acrimony of Kavanaugh? Would he choose to not roil things any more than they already have been and nominate a percieved centrist like Merrick Garland?

Or would he go with a conservative?

Trump likes a fight, but then again maybe he might decide it gin up too much chaos for the country to handle and would drive some more squishy people way from him?

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

"Trump should visit RBG in the hospital."

And then if she takes a turn for the worse?

Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

It's not enough to say that Trump's rhetoric is cruel and inhumane and horrible.... You have to call him racist, a Nazi, a white supremacist. You have to call for his murder, say someone needs to do something, make a movie about assassinating him. It's not enough to vote against his policies, you've got to threaten his supporters, get in their faces, hound them and harass them out of the public square. It's not enough to silence Trump supporters, you have to ban them from speaking out, burn their books, mob their gatherings and attack them. It's not enough to beat Trump supporters, you have to arrest them, round them up and exterminate them.
This is your Democrat party, America.

Tom Grey বলেছেন...

Dems DO have a clear message:
"Open borders, let ALL who want to come to America come.
Or else you're a racist." << They're just dishonest about actually admitting this is true.

Therefore, I'm a racist.
America, like every civilized country, needs borders.

The USA has some 3.8 million square miles, with 330 million people. So about 100 people per square mile. Hmm, maybe the USA should do an incursion/ defensive invasion of Mexico at the border and occupy about 50 square miles to set up a US-Mexican refugee center in Mexico, for the 5,000 refugees.

I'm pretty sure Mexico would enforce more of its own draconian border laws rather than accept "temporary" US occupation of a refugee camp. But maybe it would be ok, 5 miles deep into Mexico, 10 miles along the border, growing as the population grows, creating a refugee city. This could perhaps be with very low taxes and the US providing police and criminal justice punishment, but that's all for "gov't" services, the rest to be done by voluntary agencies.

The US did something not so different in WW II, sending thousands of Japanese Americans to US concentration camps (not death camps like Hitler had).

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

" number of violet people? "

You purpist! You Anti-Violite!

Onward Miss Beauregarde!!!!

Quaestor বলেছেন...

What I worry about is conservative activism as much as I worry about liberal activism.

Conservative activism.

I can't put my finger on it, but there is definitely a logical mistake at work here.

Doug বলেছেন...

M Jordan said...
I wish no ill on RGB but why doesn’t she retire?

She wanted to serve under President Shrillary!, and then retire.
Oooh ... burn!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Illegal immigration is a wedge issue that is highly motivating to Trump's supporters.

And not problematic at all to his opponents. Estimates run as high as 30,000,000 illegal aliens in the United States. So the trick is the get your population engineering project designed to create a permanent Democratic majority moving along without raising any alarm from the people you are trying to replace on account of they won’t vote the way you want them to.

Fabi বলেছেন...

Get well soon, RBG. Take all the time needed for your recovery. A few years away from the office will do wonders.

CJinPA বলেছেন...

Henry said

Illegal immigration is structural problem with no clear solution.

I disagree. Establishing and enforcing borders is the most fundamental responsibility of any national government, one that has been successfully carried out by nations for centuries.

Obviously, there is no "easy" solution, but there are clear solutions. Physical barriers, plus patrols, plus employer sanctions would do most of it. A wall would help, but the *will* is what is lacking.

Think of it this way: If the problem was millions of French-speaking, Republican-voting, white Canadians pouring over the northern border, settling in areas that Canadians think rightfully belong to Canada, and altering the electorate to guarantee Republicans a growing voting block (where persuading the electorate is less important than replacing it), the roles would be reversed, and you'd see liberals up in arms and conservatives pretending borders are just too complex to enforce.

Bill, Republic of Texas বলেছেন...


Great comment.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

”What I worry about is conservative activism as much as I worry about liberal. activism.”

That’s why, IMO, it’s important to stick to what’s written, to the best of their abilities. Liberals don’t even try.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

You seem like an intelligent guy Henry, but I have to think you are being contrarian just for the sake of it. Sure it would be nice if the Democrats would accede to something like e-Verify to maybe disincentivize illegal migrants, but it isn’t going to happen. It also helps if you live in an affluent community, the kind heavily populated with Hillary supporters, and you know that illegal immigration makes keeping your property manicured, your house cleaning done, you restaurants staffed with the invisible help cheap that keeps them going any your neighborhood nice, all the while not having to worry about anybody taking YOUR job.

Maybe even you have a string of polo ponies? Need a lot of illegals to make that, if not affordable to the many, at least of a bearable cost. Best though to hide inside of a gated community so that you aren’t exposed to deplorables in their pickup trucks or the consequences of open borders.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Henry said....”Illegal immigration is structural problem with no clear solution.”

I actually think there is any easy solution. Those who are here get to stay but no more come illegally (meaning a vigourous enforcement of existing laws) It’s called a compromise, but neither side will take it.

Rick বলেছেন...

Nonapod said...
To be honest, I'm a little worried about the state of things if/when RBG passes. If you think things were uncivil during the Kavanaugh hearings, I think you ain't seen nothin yet. There's a real potential for some violent chaos on the part of the left I think.

Good. Dems only win elections because they successfully mislead the public about their true beliefs and priorities. The more high profile numbnuttery the better.

Rick বলেছেন...

I actually think there is any easy solution. Those who are here get to stay but no more come illegally (meaning a vigourous enforcement of existing laws) It’s called a compromise, but neither side will take it.

We're already living under this compromise. The fact that you and so many others think the result is a problem shows it's not an "easy solution".

Doug বলেছেন...

The Democrats need to cast out the hideous legion of gnomes at the head of their party--the Pelosis, the Bidens, the Clintons, the Clintons (gotta say it twice!), and so on--and reassess who they really want to be and what they can offer the electorate that is more compelling than "Not Trump!"

Nah ... those will do just fine.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I don’t understand, Rick. How are we preventing new illeagals from coming?

BTW, for the record I hate the idea of people benefiting from their illegal actions, but a compromise entails accepting something you don’t like.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

The Democrats ...the hideous legion of gnomes

so we've gone from Underpants Gnomes to Depends Gnomes???

Quaestor বলেছেন...

I really am not rooting for her to die.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg has had a full and rewarded life. She has enjoyed degrees of power and priveledges far beyond the expectations of most Americans, and perhaps not sufficiently merited. Ginsberg has been a leftish seat-warmer (quite a struggle for someone barely able to maintain room temperature) for more than a decade, and in her tenure has not distinguished herself as either a scholar or as a persuasive rhetorician. As a Justice of the Court, she has been more of a cipher than an intellect. Over the last decade, her greatest judiciary accomplishment has been to remain awake during orals.

RBG needs to clear the decks for a younger and more lively Justice. She can do the sensible thing and retire, or she can die. I hope she doesn't die. Nothing decent will be served by the miles of black crêpe and the oceans of glycerine tears the usual suspects will spread and shed upon her overdue demise.

Skippy Tisdale বলেছেন...

Will the LA Times Editorial Board ever finish masturbating?

Doug বলেছেন...

Would he choose to not roil things any more than they already have been and nominate a percieved centrist like Merrick Garland?

I actually think that would be a very Trumpian move. Nominate Garland, and watch the dems destroy themselves. Femlibs would go apeshit at the thought of getting snookered out of one of the "womyn" seats on the SCOTUS. And Obama acolytes would HAVE to vote for his confirmation.

Trump: The Great Compromiser, and Destructor of the democrat Party!

Henry বলেছেন...

CJinPA said...
Obviously, there is no "easy" solution, but there are clear solutions. Physical barriers, plus patrols, plus employer sanctions would do most of it. A wall would help, but the *will* is what is lacking.

Original Mike said...
I actually think there is any easy solution. Those who are here get to stay but no more come illegally (meaning a vigourous enforcement of existing laws) It’s called a compromise, but neither side will take it.

Rick said...
We're already living under this compromise. The fact that you and so many others think the result is a problem shows it's not an "easy solution".

That didn't take long ;)

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Also for the record, vigourous enforement means the wall, e-verify, no citizenship, voter roll scrub of illegals, no welfare, and probably some other stuff that doesn’t come to mind right now.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

"Will the LA Times Editorial Board ever finish masturbating?"

...from my cold, dead hands!

Quaestor বলেছেন...

There's a real potential for some violent chaos on the part of the left I think.

Good. I haven't shot anybody in weeks.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

...from my cold, dead hands!

You can stroke over-boiled linguini for as long as you want, but...

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

The problem with the Left is that it is ideologically bankrupt. Marxism is dead, & the post-Marxist stuff just doesn't have the intellectual heft needed to under-gird a mass politically movement, mostly because post-Marxism has no way of adjudicating competing moral claims (which is what "intersectionality" attempts to do).

The Right, on the other hand, is still going on about the same stuff it's been going on about for 100 years. There are certainly differences in emphases on the more recent Right, e.g. Frederich Hayek is now more important than Russell Kirk in understanding the modern Right. But, even so, it's not like Kirk is just left out in the cold. If you spouted "Kirkean" to a modern Rightie, he would just nod in agreement with most of it.

The Left, on the other hand, is just a mess, trying its damnedest to make post-modernist philosophies which are essentially descriptive into political ideologies which are proscriptive. It just isn't working.

Michael McNeil বলেছেন...

Democrats were flummoxed on how Trump used the caravan to shift election coverage onto immigration.

It astonishes me that anyone could think that that — a focus on immigration — wasn't the likely outcome once the caravan got launched amidst huge publicity, particularly as every Democrat basically welcomed them in, and Trump loudly said NO. How could that not happen, on the eve of an election in which Trump and Trumpism is the issue? Democrats knew that they were raising up immigration as an issue just as the election approached — they just thought (crazily) they'd win the PR media battle. Now they're “flummoxed”? Sure, by the results.

buwaya বলেছেন...

I am thinking logistics Henry.
But I doubt it will take 20 million, or one million.
Even a hundred thousand will put the US in a terminal political crisis, and launch a thousand ships.
Not long after people will just be walking past the empty immigration desks at airports.

gahrie বলেছেন...

I actually think there is any easy solution. Those who are here get to stay but no more come illegally (meaning a vigourous enforcement of existing laws) It’s called a compromise, but neither side will take it

We already made that deal in the 1980's under Reagan...the Democrats simply ignored it.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Would he choose to not roil things any more than they already have been and nominate a percieved centrist like Merrick Garland?
See, this is where evil DJT would nominate Garland, get the Dems all excited, and then withdraw the nomination a few days later, saying that his people had received several anonymous sexual assault complaints about Garland.
Instead, since Kavanaugh has been thoroughly investigated already, he will appoint Kavanaugh to a second justice position. Yep, he gets two votes.
Also, at the swearing in, both Trump & Kavanaugh will sport Hitler mustaches and speak using ridiculous sounding German accents.

victoria বলেছেন...

Love the LA Times. They say it like it is, with no fear.

Vicki from Pasadena

Rick বলেছেন...

Original Mike said...
I don’t understand, Rick. How are we preventing new illegals from coming?

We're not but that is not the point. The point is that we will continue not to prevent illegals from coming if we make the compromise you advocate. We know this with certainty because we made this exact compromise in 1986 yet you are still identifying the lack of enforcement. If that compromise had the effect you present we would not be having the discussion.

Michael McNeil বলেছেন...

Love the LA Times. They say it like it is, with no fear.

Oh, yeah — they have so much to “fear”, them and all those other brave members of the “Resistance.” In their (and Vicki's) own minds.

CJinPA বলেছেন...

That didn't take long

You went out on a limb and it broke. Doesn't take long.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


Love the LA Times. They say it like it is, with no fear.

Oh, yeah, what courage. I'm sure they've barricaded their offices waiting for the Trump admin Secret Police to come & have them join Jim Acosta in the press gulag in Death Valley.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Yeah - Vicki from Pasadena - it's funny how leftists don't feel any fear. Could it be that it's leftwing mobs who do the attacking? and the media are fine with it and inspire it to happen.

Rick বলেছেন...

Could it be that it's leftwing mobs who do the attacking?

Physical attacks aren't that big a deal. The left's job discrimination / blacklisting is the big problem (along with their desire to politicize everything).

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

The democrat media is desperate to put some more dollars in the racist, sexist, ist card because that is all they know. Trump and his supporters don’t take those cards anymore. They won’t quit, they cannot. They will continue to support mobs, antifa trying to break into people’s homes, getting them fired, ostracized and ultimately force a red star on all republicans s chests, because they are the party of the communist, the kkk, the Jim Crow, slavery and most of the evils of this world.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Conservative activism.

Well, there is social conservative activism, isn't here?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@vicki, the slut from Pasadena, if mobs showed up on the front lawns of LA Times editors and banging on the front door the way they showed up at Tucker Carlson's last night, those editors would be pissing their pants.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

@vicki, the slut from Pasadena, if mobs showed up on the front lawns of LA Times editors and banging on the front door the way they showed up at Tucker Carlson's last night, those editors would be pissing their pants.

No. They would be calling it a constitutional crisis and demanding that Congress take action.

You don't need to call vickie a slut. There is plenty of evidence that she is a standard lefty idiot, but not a slut. That attack distracts from your point.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Off topic, but uh-oh. RBG was just hospitalized after breaking three ribs in a fall.”

“Best wishes to RBG for a speedy recovery.”

Amen to that. There should be more here like you Iggy.

Hagar বলেছেন...

The existing immigration law is not enforceable - certainly not over the adamant opposition by the Democrat Party. It was written way back (1953?) when immigration was not a problem and Congress did not pay much attention.
Today, when every tenth person you see on the street may be an illegal alien - and many from lands where the U.S. is considered The Great Satan and public enemy #1 - it is past time to pay attention and pass some legislation that makes sense and is enforceable.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Francisco, apparently I hit my fed-up point before you did. I really don’t care about civility anymore. Vicki the slut needs to understand that the crap she and her Antifa buddies dish out can come back just as hard.

glenn বলেছেন...

When the WAPO described John McCain’s funeral as a gathering of the resistance this was one of the first comments. I neglected to save the commenters screen name but he or she said it way better than I ever could.

“The people in that cathedral gave us $20T in debt, $800B trade deficits, 9/11, repeated wars in foreign lands, the hollowing out of our industrial base, disrespect for our institutions, disrespect for us as a people, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, a foreign invasion never before seen in our history and racial tensions as bad as they have been in a long time. Screw em.”

All the cries of racism, and alt-right etc are just people trying to get off the hook for the stuff in that post. And Trump is a symptom not a cause.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Hillary lost and it's all one giant constitutional crisis.

Maddow, the hack(D), is now inspiring mobs because Sessions is stepping down.

n.n বলেছেন...

Immigration should not exceed the rate of assimilation and integration before Planned Parenthood.

There can be a good neighbor policy to normalize emigration reform that mitigates the risk of collateral damage at both ends of the bridge (e.g. refugee crises, selective-child) and throughout ("trail of tears").

Obamacare, including progressive costs, shared/shifted responsibility, should be reviewed for enabling obfuscation of high costs of medical products in a regulated (e.g. single-payer) market.

Also, diversity or color judgments (e.g. racism, sexism) is one step forward, two steps backward. And political congruence ("=") or selective exclusion only serves to exacerbate the forward-looking collateral damage and progressive corruption.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

All the endless butt-hurt requires the hack-D press to get the mobs out in protest with their extra-fascist antifa pussy hat hate.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Lolol the LA Times is saying it from behind their wall.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

"And it continues to be America's loudest voice"

Louder even than NBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, AP, NYT, LAT, I could go on all day....

Francisco D বলেছেন...

@Francisco, apparently I hit my fed-up point before you did.

I struggle with several of the usual suspects here, but suspect that their goal is to annoy, disrupt and invite ad hominem attacks. They are like children babbling in class to disrupt others' discussion.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

The sudden left-wing love for Jeff(erson) Sessions is hilarious.

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