October 6, 2018

We went down to the University of Wisconsin Library Mall because we saw the announcement from our local socialists: "We must show the ruling class we are not going anywhere."

"If Kavanaugh is approved tomorrow it will only be the beginning of sustained mass movement that will come for more than the rapists and misogynists they put and hold in power. Down with Trump, down with Kavanaugh, down with the GOP, down with the patriarchy and down with capitalism!"

There are a lot of people milling around downtown Madison. It's a Farmers' Market day on the square. It's a big football Saturday, and the game's not until this evening. And there was the big annual Marijuana Harvest Festival right on Library Mall.

And this is what the Socialist flooding of the street looked like.


It's not as if anyone was gravitating toward the Democratic Party. People cut a wide swath around this table:


That's the Socialist crowd in the background. A few feet away the mall was teeming:


The Libertarians were there, hoping to divert the marijuana-oriented passers-by:


It wasn't hard to see what they had to offer:



mccullough said...

The Socialists run out of Toilet Paper. And there’s more rape in Venezuela than the US. And murder.

mccullough said...

Now that pot is basically legal, the Libertarians can dissolve.

Darrell said...

I stopped reading the alerts from the local Socialists.
I just text "whereUR?" and fire off a mortar round in that direction.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I think it’s occured to Democrats not waste our breaths and hold our fire until it counts. These protests are now just wasted energy, save it up.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... *chuckle*... *snort*... *tears*.....

Lucid-Ideas said...

In a perfect world the libertarian tent, complete with billy-bong-thornton-uber-mega-dub, would be right next to the socialists, preferably with a strong and favorable wind in that direction.

Provides an answer to the "jesus will these people ever chill?" Question

Yes. They chillin now. Finally.

alan markus said...

That picture of those people walking past the Dane County Dem table is the perfect image for the "WalkAway" movement that seems to be gaining momentum (and I think it will really pick up speed after today's win - best motivator there is). The Dems are getting their own "Tea Party" treatment.

Yesterday someone here mentioned seeing it on Facebook - I checked it out - 174K followers, testimonies from people who were reliable Dem voters who feel they have been left behind by the party and are going to vote Republican.

Darrell said...

Hey, Madison Socialies!

George Soros is just paying for 1000 in DC. There won't even be any pizza.

Roughcoat said...

Is marijuana legal in Wisconsin?

Darrell said...

The real rapes occurred at Occupy (Wall Street).

Find those fuckers and kick them to touch.

alan markus said...

Because the suspect is not a Georgetown Prep alumnus or a Republican federal judge, however, feminists (and Inga & the Madison Socialist Alternative) will not care about this crime.

Etienne said...

What's wrong with America isn't the money system, it's the class of people we elect to print it.

Ken B said...

Ignoring the political booths is a good plan.
Listening to an old favorite right now, The Plow That Broke The Plains by Virgil Thomson

Etienne said...

Fuck me in the heart!

Not even a food truck or taco trailer.

Quayle said...

Ann, comedy gold.

OnlyInCA said...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said…
"I think it’s occured to Democrats not waste our breaths and hold our fire until it counts. These protests are now just wasted energy, save it up."

Oh don’t do that when you were s-o-o-o close! Just crank it up to 12 and I know it will work next time. LOL.

Tank said...

Looks cold. It was 90 here today, and icky.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Ann, comedy gold.”

Yes, she has to get back in her conservative vommenters good graces, this is a fun way of doing it.

No, I won’t correct my spelling error.

Clyde said...

You could probably weed out the crazies there. All of those butthurt anti-Kavanaugh people just need to, contra Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA), pick the bong up! And mellow the fuck out.

alan markus said...

This arrest was reported Sept. 27, the same day as the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where Christine Ford Blasey testified, so we can understand why feminists (and Inga & the Madison Socialist Alternative) didn’t have time to notice it. Also, because Jacobi Bellazin probably isn’t a Republican, feminists (and Inga & the Madison Socialist Alternative) don’t care.

Clyde said...

Etienne said...
Fuck me in the heart!

Not even a food truck or taco trailer.

See, a capitalist would have a food truck or a taco trailer there to feed the dopers when they get the munchies.

Darrell said...

Inga would have been there but the fire brigade wouldn't come and remove her picture window to get her out.

traditionalguy said...

Will the Mobocracy shut down campus. I hope Soros ltets the riot wait until after the game.

tcrosse said...

Do these Socialists believe that the Proletariat is the only true revolutionary class, or have the proles been supplanted by the Lumpenintelligentsia? Most of the campus socialists I've known have very little understanding of Marxism-Leninism. It's as if their "Socialism" were a pose.

traditionalguy said...

Will the Mobocracy shut down campus. I hope Soros lets the riot wait until after the game.

narciso said...

there's also the matter of tariq Ramadan, the grandson of hasan al banna, the founder of the ilkwan, properly credentialed salafi proselytizer and alas multiple rapist, he will be detained in france, a while longer and he'll likely get 30 years, oh btw, Hillary fast tracked his visa, to visit the states,

narciso said...

they are considered more enlightened then us, no?


Jaq said...

They are going to chase Trump supporters down wherever they find them!

I hear that there are lot of them in rural areas! You guys should head out, but remember to wear blaze orange so that nobody mistakes you for a deer or a bear or something,

Michael K said...

If only they will keep it up until November 6. Then they can go home or wherever they hang out.

Bay Area Guy said...

"If Kavanaugh is approved tomorrow it will only be the beginning of sustained mass movement that will come for more than the rapists and misogynists they put and hold in power."

Lie. Bill Clinton was a rapist with a lotta power, while his politically savvy wife enabled him. And these leftists supported both.

Jaq said...



Jaq said...

I recommend blaze orange pussy hats.

Ralph L said...


No Seat? = ChapShorts

Boxty said...

I forgot why I was boycotting Wisconsin cheese until I read that the Madison City Council voted to remove the Memorial for Confederate soldiers buried at Forest Hill Cemetary. Such ghoulish behavior. At least I have another reason to continue the boycott.

chickelit said...

But they went down to the demonstration to get their fair share of abuse saying, "We're gonna blog your frustration - If we don't they're gonna blow a fifty-and-over fuse"

rehajm said...

If Republicans are your problem Socialists aren’t your solution...

DanTheMan said...


That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works...

Jaq said...

Kind of weird that they are only mad at the GOP. Democrats are capitalists too, last I checked. It's almost as if it were some kind of ... naah! Couldn't be.

Francisco D said...

I have a cousin at that protest.

She has lived in Madison for 40 years and spends her time at various protests. She has a professional degree, but has not worked in over 35 years because of emotional disability. Taxpayers cover her living expenses.

Her loyal Democrat family in NW Illinois is embarrassed by her. They cut her off after their mother passed and she demanded to be the executor. She is suing them although they have provided financial support for her all these years.

She is the face of The Resistance.

Fernandinande said...

"The Rise of the Lumpenintelligentsia"

Steve Sailer • September 28, 2014 • 1,400 Words • 181 Comments

"The rise of the lumpenintelligentsia is a major development of Internet Age journalism. Below from Salon is a self-portrait by somebody named Daisy Hernandez of a modern Salon-type scribe in all her self-absorption, racism, sexism, wounded amour propre, dimwittedness, and general cluelessness."

Them ones?

Jim at said...

She is the face of The Resistance.

It appears you misspelled 'ass.'

DanTheMan said...

>>She has a professional degree, but has not worked in over 35 years because of emotional disability. Taxpayers cover her living expenses.

You are related to Nancy Pelosi?

gspencer said...

All of this is the Undercard. Just wait for the Main Event - when one of the 4 lefties vacates his/her seat.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“I think it’s occured to Democrats not waste our breaths and hold our fire until it counts. These protests are now just wasted energy, save it up.”

As I so trenchantly observed, White middle-class progs would rather emote than govern.

chickelit said...

We never said goodbye to the summer of 2018 -- fifty years after that terrible summer of 1968. But next year will bring another semi-centennial of events like Woodstock and walking on the Moon.

rcocean said...

So MJ is legal in Wisconsin?

And looks like everyone got the Althouse memo on Shorts.

I wonder how many "Socialist Party" meetings are funded by Billionaires like Soros front groups and non-profits.

Trumpit said...


Every time you Trumptard jackasses leave a deplorable comment, you will get shocked in the hindquarter. So it is written.

narciso said...

so you switched from Lawrence of arabia to benny hill, tcrosse, as your icon?

Jaq said...


Sorry, I know you guys hate the NYT, but it's better than The Onion, and almost as good aa Scrappleface. I figure I get my $2 a week's worth in laughs alone. If you are counting articles, don't waste a click on the above op ed, but basically she is mad at Susan Collins because she votes with Trump 79% of the time. The whole column is just a wail of pain.

tcrosse said...


A section of the intelligentsia regarded as making no useful contribution to society, or as lacking taste, culture, etc. Also more generally: the intelligentsia collectively, regarded as worthless or powerless.

1930s. From lumpen- + intelligentsia.

Drago said...

"Every time you Trumptard jackasses leave a deplorable comment, you will get shocked in the hindquarter. So it is written."

Best Trumpit post ever.

rcocean said...

Look up the publishers/editors/execs of CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, NPR, Wapo, NYT, WSJ, Fox, CNN, Facebook, Apple, Google, Microsoft.

That's the REAL ruling class.

Jaq said...

Strumpit, that was over the top. You let the mask slip just a bit.

chickelit said...

Best Trumpit post ever.

I still like the one about Trumpit buying IN-N-OUT burgers to feed to seagulls -- despite being vegan. You can't make that shit up!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

turn right for liberty. indeed.

turn left for swetnick

tcrosse said...

so you switched from Lawrence of arabia to benny hill, tcrosse, as your icon?

That was Conrad Veidt as Jaffar in The Thief of Baghdad (1940). Benny Hill is more suited to these times.

Wince said...

I appreciate the people rallying or tabling for causes they believe in.

The major party types always strike me as seat warmers looking for cushy jobs.

Original Mike said...

Blogger tim in vermont said...”I recommend blaze orange pussy hats.”

I recommend tan-colored hats with a big, white bouncy bobble on top.

Dave Begley said...

"It's a big football Saturday...."

Correction: It's a blowout, beatdown football Saturday against the winless Huskers."

Crimso said...

Sure looks like they're not going anywhere. Fast.

Original Mike said...

”It's a big football Saturday...."

Darn. Looks like it’s on BTN. We can’t get it at the lake house.

Mary Beth said...

Best Trumpit post ever.

You all bother to read the posts?

Paul said...

The socialist are now saying they will attack Trump supporters anywhere they find them..

PLEASE COME TO TEXAS SNOWFLAKES... And try that shit with us.

I voted for Trump cause Hillary was a POS and there was no real alternative. But it's been two years and Trump is doing surprisingly well. Thus I am now in his camp... and I was even given a red Trump MAGA hat just a month ago.... Tempting..

Lewis Wetzel said...

The ruling class is the class that rules; members of the ruling class tell other people what to do. They sit in judgement on the actions of others and the works of others.
There is not a socialist in the world who does not want to be in the ruling class. For most of them, they feel entitled by birth and education to be members of the ruling class.

buwaya said...

Benny Hill is suited to all times.
Just not some places.

buwaya said...

There is a book in Trumpit.
Either it shall be written by someone else (I am taking notes for my novel; there are exorcisms in it), or it will be one of "those", self published on Amazon. Now, some sell remarkably well. One was nominated for a Hugo a few years back.

Unknown said...

One man in shorts, lots in jackets--what was the temperature?

tcrosse said...

The socialist are now saying they will attack Trump supporters anywhere they find them.

The socialists will rise up in their dozens to flood the streets and sweep the nation.

steve uhr said...

It looks like Roberts will be the new swing vote on the Court. He will probably move somewhat to the left. I anticipate a lot of venum directed his way by commenters over the next few years.

William said...

Remember Cyrus Vance. He was the Manhattan DA who declined to pursue charges against Harvey Weinstein despite the fact that the police had Harvey on tape and the offense wasn't thirty six years old. . Harvey had contributed $10,000 to Vance's re-election. I don't know why Vance needed the money because he runs unopposed. Anyway, Vance didn't pursue charges and Harvey went on to work his magic with other girls at other places in other times.....I bring up Cyrus Vance because, so far as I know, he has never been confronted in restaurants or had demonstrators camped outside his office. There are many anti-Kavanaugh demonstrators in NYC, but they seem selective in their protests.......I don't think you gain support for your cause when you're this overtly biased.

William said...

Nobody in Hollywood should speak out against Kavanaugh. They're like Catholic prelates who preach sermons advocating a ban on pornographers. They've lost the moral standing to address such issues.

William said...

Ditto wcith news organizations, although I would like to hear Tom Brokaw's opinion on the Kavanaugh case. He had one credible accuser. There wasn't a cascade after she made the accusation. Some of the female staffers at NBC went bail for him. NBC has apparently let him keep his emeritus status as a broadcaster, but I haven't seen him commenting on the Kavanaugh case.

Mark said...

They're like Catholic prelates who preach sermons advocating a ban on pornographers.

?? Ask a million Catholic churchgoers and you will not find one who has ever heard such a sermon.

Clyde said...

Drago said...
"Every time you Trumptard jackasses leave a deplorable comment, you will get shocked in the hindquarter. So it is written."

Best Trumpit post ever.

Low bar.

Drago said...

Clyde: "Low bar."

There's a bar?

Browndog said...

Moonbats are on the steps of the Supreme Court chanting "hey,hey,ho, ho, Kavanaugh has got to go"......as he's being sworn in.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Yeah....that't the ticket. Every liberal loonie toon and screeching feminist harpy should get out in the streets and throw a giant communal temper tantrum. Break some windows. Throw some (literal) shit around.

That'll make us sorry you didn't get your way. Yup. That'll make us all wish we had listened to you and gave you everything your little shriveled hearts desired.

Nope. Just kidding. We aren't sorry in the least. :-D

Drago said...

Nicholas Fandos Verified account

Follow Follow @npfandos
While White House staff and his own are celebrating in private rooms around the Senate, Mitch McConnell is still on the Senate floor advancing more Trump nominees.
1:25 PM - 6 Oct 2018

So. Much. Winning.

Drago said...

steve uhr: "It looks like Roberts will be the new swing vote on the Court. He will probably move somewhat to the left. I anticipate a lot of venum directed his way by commenters over the next few years."

Judge Roberts was also called a nazi, woman hater and fascist.

His wife and children were attacked as well.

But we get it.

History began anew for you today.

Hang in there tiger. Another nazi traitor will be along shortly to replace RBG....

bgates said...

I think it’s occured to Democrats not waste our breaths and hold our fire until it counts.

OK, but there's going to be an election between now and the start of the next Congressional charity baseball game.

Jupiter said...

Browndog said...
"Moonbats are on the steps of the Supreme Court chanting "hey,hey,ho, ho, Kavanaugh has got to go"......as he's being sworn in."

No doubt they hope to restore his judicial temperament.

Jupiter said...

Paul said...
"The socialist are now saying they will attack Trump supporters anywhere they find them ... I was even given a red Trump MAGA hat just a month ago.... Tempting.."

Yeah, I've been meaning to start wearing one. Got to get a CC holster first.

CWJ said...

“I think it’s occured to Democrats not waste our breaths and hold our fire until it counts. These protests are now just wasted energy, save it up.”

Coming from dozens o' comments per post Inga, that some funny stuff right there.

CWJ said...

steve Uhr,

Someone else noted that E. Kagan was bemoaning the loss of a swing vote and unpredictability on the court. Thus inadvertently confirming that she doesn't see herself in that role, or even unpredictable in her decisions. Funny how it's always a nominal Republican who has to be the swing vote.

Q said...

"You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You'd better free your mind instead

But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow"

Big Mike said...

In Madison, I was under the impression that the Socialists are the ruling class.

Big Mike said...

@CWJ, perhaps Kagan is the one who needs to "evolve" in the direction of the center?

Big Mike said...

@Jupiter, make sure you have the permit before you get the holster!

If you have the hand strength, the Kahr is a good CC pistol. Very light, very narrow, very concealable.

steve uhr said...

CWJ - of the last 19 Justices, 15 have been appointed by republicans. Hence, one would expect most swing voters to be in that group.

CWJ said...

steve uhr,

In light of Kagan's inadvertant admissions, I think you know that it's matter of judicial philosophy, not playing the odds. But if you're comfortable with a spurious statistical argument, have at it.

Achilles said...

steve uhr said...
CWJ - of the last 19 Justices, 15 have been appointed by republicans. Hence, one would expect most swing voters to be in that group.

Well, that...

and democrats never nominate anyone who could remotely be considered a "swing" vote and only nominate pure ideologues who know how they are going to vote and are just looking for justification.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Coming from dozens o' comments per post Inga, that some funny stuff right there.”

I’m not protesting, I’m commenting. I won’t be rude to you but your comment deserves it.

Gotagonow said...

I went to the UW. I've seen larger gatherings for the folk dancing club.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Madison City Council voted to remove the Memorial for Confederate soldiers buried at Forest Hill Cemetary. Such ghoulish behavior.

Just trying to cover up their ugly history, Democrats having been responsible for the Confederacy, the ensuing civil war in an attempt to preserve slavery, and subsequent creation of the Ku Klux Klan, lynchings, Jim Crow, separate but equal, standing in the school house door...

CWJ said...


I take your point, but your describing it as "our" breath rather than "their" or "the protesters" breath laid you wide open to my characterization.

Regardless, it's still pretty funny.

Steven said...

What we need to do is open up some labor camps in Alaska, and have these socialists be whisked away to them after midnight knocks on their doors.

After all, it would only be giving them what they're demanding.

CWJ said...


And coming on the tail end of weeks, yes weeks, of outrageous outrage, it's hilarious to suggest that NOW, of all times and not before, Democrats have learned to "hold their fire."

ccscientist said...

Down with capitalism? Can these idiots even define their terms? Do they realize that their hipster friends who own an art gallery are capitalists? They borrowed money from a bank to open their gallery. They hired employees. They reinvest the profits. They set their own prices and negotiate with suppliers. What else is it but that?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
I think it’s occured to Democrats not waste our breaths and hold our fire until it counts."

Yeah, the pussy hat brigade are such stoics!

The comedy never ends here.

walter said...

That guy's the Matthew Lesko of pot.

Ambrose said...

"We must show the ruling class we are not going anywhere." If only the Tsar knew what was happening to his Supreme Court.

LordSomber said...

That guy's the Matthew Lesko of pot.

I thought the same thing.
Reminds me of a college-age idiot trying to convince me about global warming whilst wearing 'panda headgear.'

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Reading through the comments on here and how unhinged and crude and hostile and belligerent they are to Inga, one realizes exactly why they represent a minority opinion in America and the planet.

They do what power-hungry scoundrels so undeserving of power always do: They gang up. They gang rape. They threaten mass violence (Achilles does this regularly). And they give in to their justified fear that unless they keep anyone else from having power, they will be rightly removed from it.

This is why Republicans hate democracy. They can't stand it.

They know how unpopular they and their agenda are.

JAORE said...

I read the post twice and you never finished the story. Did they, or did they NOT, bring down Judge K?

Jaq said...

Why do lefties insist on the bullhorns? What was the remark, "You are raising your voice where you should be strengthening your argument."

FIDO said...

I find Ganja man the most colorful and interesting part of the whole article. It is like at the gym: if you are going to go, go hard!

He is all in and I appreciate the dedication.

Granted, I don't care about his argument, but HE is just fine.

FIDO said...

As far as that socialist gathering...when you take out the significant others and besties who are going along 'because I want to sleep with Kelly and if I go, she might FINALLY change her mind about me', then the number of true believers dwindles even more.

Granted, this is a snapshot. Maybe they had a MASSIVE crowd later. However...to most people who did not hear Ford's incredibly persuasive husband, her tale was not particularly compelling.

mikee said...

Socialists: "We aren't going anywhere."
Comedy, in its most pure form, distilled through complete lack of self awareness.

Jupiter said...

Big Mike said...
"@Jupiter, make sure you have the permit before you get the holster!"

Oh, I've had the permit for years. If you're going to own handguns at all, here in Pyongyang on the Willamette, you need a CC permit. They find BB gun under a magazine in your car and no CCP, they'll toss you in prison. It's a hassle to CC, though, and I never really felt the need. But I would not go anywhere East of Garfield Street wearing a MAGA hat without a gun.

steve said...

Spent 6.5 years at UW. Those pics remind me why I'm not nostalgic for that school.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

We're not going anywhere -- fast

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