It's incredibly difficult to figure out how to do this, and it's especially hard when quite a few people want the accused taken down whether the accusations are true or not, and they can and do intimidate those who want to put the accuser to the test. Christine Blasey Ford testified in a supportive environment, and those who hope she's wrong were afraid do anything to test her credibility.
But Trump isn't one to be intimidated, and he is plunging in, attacking the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford. I'm reading "Trump Taunts Christine Blasey Ford at Rally" (NYT):
Playing to the crowd of thousands gathered to cheer him on [at a rally in Mississippi], the president pretended to be Dr. Blasey testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday. “Thirty-six years ago this happened. I had one beer, right? I had one beer,” said Mr. Trump, channeling his version of Dr. Blasey. His voice dripping with derision, he then imitated her being questioned at the hearing, followed by her responses about what she could not recall about the alleged attack."Dripping with derision"? "Pretended to be" her — but did he imitate her voice and mannerisms? I don't see video of this at the NYT, and I haven't tracked it down myself, so I don't know if that is accurate. Is Trump showing people the way to challenge an accuser or engaging in antics that no one else should attempt and that Trump alone seems able to get away with?
“How did you get home? I don’t remember. How’d you get there? I don’t remember. Where is the place? I don’t remember. How many years ago was it? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. What neighborhood was it in? I don’t know. Where’s the house? I don’t know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it? I don’t know,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd applauded. “But I had one beer. That’s the only thing I remember.”
I suspect the latter. But there's one thing he's plainly done wrong. Christine Blasely Ford did not wonder if it was upstairs or downstairs. She clearly testified that it happened upstairs. You're critiquing someone else's presentation of the facts. You'd better get your own in order!
ADDED: Here's how WaPo presents the "imitation" in video (along with other Trump imitations):
So there you can see that Trump absolutely does not attempt to copy Ford's voice. It's full-on Trump voice. He does not use any mannerisms to depict Ford. It's all in words, the text you see above. WaPo's other examples are all different, not much of a pattern. There's the problematic gesturing while copying the words of a disabled reporter, but really nothing else. The rest is just dramatic speaking and gesturing. He is mocking people, but there should be mockery in politics — not mockery of anyone's disability or possible victimhood — but mockery of the arguments and statements that you're trying to refute.
1 – 200 of 322 Newer› Newest»Trump's not against her, he's against decisions with no evidence, and making it in this case.
That it won'e play well with soap opera women is possibly true, unless soap opera women see the derision coming their way.
Ford lost her shield of innocence many days ago. She deserves to be treated as a criminal liar at this point.
Scott Adams relays that Ford's internet presence is wiped so thoroughly that only Google could have done it. That suggests Ford is less beautiful than is being assumed, innocence-wise. Even soap opera women don't like a witch.
The President’s comments are just examples of FAIR cross of an attempted rape victim. Think Atticus Finch.
But now we find out CBF clearly lied. Her six year long boyfriend wrote a letter to the Senate stating that CBF coached a friend on how to take a polygraph. That is contra to her sworn testimony to the Senate. LIAR.
CBF and the other two women need to prosecuted in federal court for perjury. Especially the woman who alleged gang rape.
This shit has got to stop. There must be consequences.
Here in Omaha we had the Franklin Credit Union scandal where a woman alleged she had sex with our then police chief. She went to the stste pen. Alisha Owens is her name.
Pul-leeze. Trump hasn't done anything worse than any of the crooked Democrats are doing to Kavenaugh without proof. This is so stupid. The woman lied. I'm sick and tired of the crying from the left. We finally have a President with BALLS.
I suspect the latter. But there's one thing he's plainly done wrong. Christine Blasely Ford did not wonder if it was upstairs or downstairs. She clearly testified that it happened upstairs. You're critiquing someone else's presentation of the facts. You'd better get your own in order!
@Althouse, it’s sort of a nit. My question to you is why didn’t she use the powder room downstairs? Those big colonial-style two story homes in that area of Bethesda all have powder rooms on the main level, why did she go upstairs if not to have a drunken make-out session with some guy?
And Trump isn’t speaking to you; he’s rallying his base.
If true, that’s real obstruction of justice. A person’s background is fair game for cross examination. Also conspiracy to obstruct justice. Lawyer Katz may well be involved.
But now we find out CBF clearly lied. Her six year long boyfriend wrote a letter to the Senate stating that CBF coached a friend on how to take a polygraph. That is contra to her sworn testimony to the Senate. LIAR.
It seems likely that the boyfriend's sworn affidavit was sent to Grassley before her testimony. Why else would Rachel Mitchell have specifically asked her if she ever coached anyone on the polygraph?
For me, this whole thing stunk from the beginning.
CBF = Christine Brazen Fraud
And a blog hostess who lets her commentators call Brett Kavanaugh a rapist when Christine Blasey Ford does not allege that she was raped has no business calling out Donald Trump over a not.
Find one thing inconsistent in rhetoric, therefore the whole is inconsistent. Hmm.
It’s actually a good tactic. Enumerate someone’s inconsistencies in a story, throw in something opposite, and see what happens. By focusing on the one item that is incorrect in a rebuttal, it highlights the fact that the other things are indefensible.
In Trump’s impromptu Q&A today, I heard him use the phrase “Say it” to prompt the next question. It’s the same response I have here wrt to this search and destroy mission...
Say it!
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus
Except that she has lied about:
1. fear of flying
2. claustrophobia
3. her therapist's notes
4. and more to come
I watched Trump do that It was a change. he directly attacker Ford. He must have gotten the info that showed she lied And based on that what she did was evil.
But there's one thing he's plainly done wrong. Christine Blasely Ford did not wonder if it was upstairs or downstairs. She clearly testified that it happened upstairs. You're critiquing someone else's presentation of the facts. You'd better get your own in order!
Sure, Althouse, that was a mistake. That's how President Hillary hot elected, Trump made too many mistakes.
Perhaps instead, this is the Sherlock Holmes trick:
--We have your fingerprints on the murder weapon.
--Impossible, I wore gloves!
He's been tender of her so far. So nice. Sounds like the time has come, as Dalton said in Roadhouse, to not be nice.
About now, Ford and the enablers and co-conspirators should be wondering what they have gotten themselves into. Especially Katz. That woman is too ugly to live. DiFi at least has the excuse of being 100 years old.
--Aha, BL! You misstepped! She's only 85!
Did I?
Impeach NOWWWWW!!!!!
Anybody have link to this latest PDJT speech? He really is can't-miss TV.
Trump's timing on this is interesting because his instincts on this kind of thing have such a good track record. Like Althouse, I tend to think this is a mistake, but maybe he has the timing right. We will know in a month.
Yep, Trump fighting fire with a large flame thrower. And he has more where that came from.
Interesting that on Horny Joe this morning, they have switched gears to Kavy's judicial temperament .... for defending himself. MSLSD must have reached the conclusion this sexual assault thingy will not hold water.
An unofficial and statistically questionable sample of local women's opinions shows near complete disbelief of CBF, her accusations, and her story. Note that I live in eastern MA so my opinion sample includes many centrist and left leaning people.
Basically, what stlcdr said.
Also, for rhhardin :
That it won'e play well with soap opera women is possibly true, unless soap opera women see the derision coming their way.
My extremely intelligent mother is, sadly, a soap opera woman, and she sees right through Ford. Sometimes they like to watch a bad girl/nasty woman, eg the homewrecker, get her comeuppance.
Judging by comments from the women I know, Ford's sentence by women in the court of public opinion will be brutal.
To determine the true rulers of a society, you must only ask yourself who is it that you are not permitted to criticise. That seems to be the totally manufactured hurt child/woman persona actress emoting on stage. It is also continuously that totally phony, half African, Muslim Brother who still running the Obama Government.
Women are not that dumb. That is Trump's secret.
“Christine Blasely Ford did not wonder if it was upstairs or downstairs.L
As has been observed before, President Trump does this often and does this on purpose.
The media will focus on this one trivial discrepancy: meanwhile, the whole statement gets played over and over and over.
He’s a genius. Unstable, sure, but a genius.
It's hard to guess when Trump makes a misstep. They all seem like missteps until the next poll comes out. My twitter feed thinks he had knowledge of the statement by Ford's old boyfriend that she regularly flew for pleasure, did not fear small spaces or need escape routes, and that she coached at least one person in how to take a lie-detector test (1 & 3 are checkeable).
If the letter from the ex boyfriend is accurate, its going to be brutal for Dr. Ford. Not only did she lie about the lie detector test during the hearing, but just the idea that she is an expert on beating lie detector tests raises doubts about her whole story. And then there is all the other stuff about the flying, and the doors, etc.. Will people still give her the benefit of the doubt?
Trump’s audience is the senators from Maine, Alaska, West Virginia, and North Dakota, all of whom are vulnerable to motivated voters. The soon-to-be-ex-senator from Arizona is a lost cause.
Just an observation of the NAFTA press conference and now this: Trump seems to be getting his stride in this new President game he is in. He appears very formidable. The press seems especially outmatched. He has zero fear of them and bats them around like a cat bats a half-dead mouse. Again, just a sense from watching.
Now Kavanaugh is guilty of covering up the Vince Foster murder:
I couldn’t make this up, but those of you who enjoy conspiracies should read it. Basically they blame Kavanaugh for FBI witness intimidation on the “premature verdict of suicide.” Of course the FBI worked for Bill Clinton in those days, but a minor point.
The Dems laundered a $1 million bribe thru GoFundMe for Ford.
What in the hell are you talking about, prof?
This bitch took a bribe and lied that she was raped by an innocent man.
Vince Foster and Buddy the dog had the same fate, to judge from the expressions of regret.
When anything touches on your Marxist feminist ideology, prof, you turn into a monstrous rotten bitch.
Kavanaugh put ice in his beer.
The man can burn as far as I'm concerned.
"But there's one thing he's plainly done wrong. Christine Blasely Ford did not wonder if it was upstairs or downstairs. She clearly testified that it happened upstairs. You're critiquing someone else's presentation of the facts. You'd better get your own in order!"
Evidently now the facts regarding Ford's story matter to Althouse.
Maybe now Althouse will get to some of the other parts of Ford's story where Ford's "presentation of the facts" doesn't agree with Ford's own other versions that she previously has presented.
Because, as far as I can tell, Ford still hasn't got her own facts "in order."
Slow Train Coming.
I am Laslo.
With all the news of the unraveling of CBF story, DiFi should turn around and vote yes for Kavanaugh to help heal the wound she caused. She is losing in her re-election bid anyway.
Ya I know this will never happen.
Mr Kavanaugh was then a cocky 30 year-old from the affluent WASP suburbs of Northwest Washington, very much the country club boy with a high sense of his status, and Georgetown Prep and Yale Law School behind him, though only with a humdrum Cum Laude. If anybody was going to wind up my hard-scrabble, salt-of-America witness, it was this child of privilege.
LOL. It’s not like Bill and Hillary Clinton could be behind any of the shit he faced, it must have been this cocky Republican!
If there were a fake rape industrial complex designed to prevent conservatives on the sc, and they invented a story designed to implicate the candidate without sacrificing the perpetrators to perjury, it would look exatly like this.
She deserves to be respeted telling her story. Now that we’ve heard it she deserves to be mocked.
The sad thing is that in a few years (2 or 6), Trump won't be President. Who will call out BS like this then? President Pence? President Cruz?
We know nothing about Ford except what her handlers want us to know. Nothing. The professional internet scrubbing and refusal to produce the therapist notes (if they exist -- there is reason to believe she gave her summaries of parts of those notes to the Post, not the notes themselves) are major tells that there are things she really does not want anyone to know. It is trickling out. So far, she has been left alone and nothing she has said has been tested in any meaningful way. Even the superficial tests reveal she has been less than truthful, to be charitable. Trump gave voice to what a lot of people are thinking but can't/won't say.
The Dems laundered a $1 million bribe thru GoFundMe for Ford.
If anyone is looking for a reason why Prof Ford would lie there's a million reasons right there.
Didn't her lawyers say they were working pro bono? So why does she need a million dollar fund? Maybe in case she gets sued for libel …?
I am beginning to think Sweat-Nick is a double agent for the Republicans.
Ford coa ched a lifelong friend by the name of McLean about taking a polygraph. Same person is ex-FBI under McCabe and SDNY. McCabe’s attorney (Bromwich) represents Ford as well. And, letter to Feinstein written at McLean’s beach house on July 26 in Delaware. Coincidence much?
By now even the Dems seem to be admitting that the only crime Brett Kavanaugh has committed is fighting back. He was pinned down as a sacrificial victim. Any fighting back is deemed cheating. And a cheater cannot be a Justice. Which is the same argument that has been used against the Jews for 1500 years. They are back to the Pogroms.
The stupid strategy of the Dems is totally open to ridicule. Kavanaugh was obviously briefed on what was happening to him. The briefing seems to have have been by Mad Dog Mattis.
What difference does it make at this point? I said before the election that I didn’t care if he knocked down the White House and. built condos on Lafayette Square, I didn’t really mean it at the time, but after this, i sorta do.
The “one beer” is total bullshit. Trump knows what buttons to push.
"Trump seems to be getting his stride in this new President game he is in. "
I noticed this as well. If he can get through the midterms without a threat of impeachment, it's game over for the Dems.
I watched a bit of his rally lay night. He's hilarious.
Trump is funny. SNL should ask him to host every week.
So if we take Ford's amnesia based testimony with her claims she is afraid of flying (but flies frequently) and her coaching people to pass a lie detector (she has a PhD in Psychology and should know these things) one can see she may very well be a Munchhausen. She loves the victim limelight.
As for Trump's comments, it's a free country, as Democrats do this all the time.
The professional internet scrubbing and refusal to produce the therapist notes (if they exist -- there is reason to believe she gave her summaries of parts of those notes to the Post, not the notes themselves) are major tells that there are things she really does not want anyone to know.
Yes on the internet scrubbing. That was very suspicious from the beginning, especially when Palo Alto U. and Stanford took her name off their faculty list BEFORE she went public.
No on the notes. She gave the notes to the WaPo, not a summary. Remember that she stated the therapist was wrong in writing that there were 4 boys in the room. Why would she summarize incorrectly and cast doubt on her own story?
It sounds like we need a criminal FBI investigation.
I gave up thinking I have any idea what Trump should or shouldn't say and do back when Ted Cruz, the last man standing, was about to fall.
Meanwhile, Mueller is “winding down” his probe, just in time to release his findings late this month, no doubt, in such a way as to make it impossible to counter in time. I am pretty sure that he will find a way, like what happened with Cohen, to get others to “confess” to crimes by Trump on pain of crushing legal debt.
No fair mocking a woman who takes a bribe for a fake rape charge, says Althouse.
After all, Althouse was tripped up by some male teacher in high school.
High School Never Ends.
But Trump isn't one to be intimidated, and he is plunging in, attacking the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford. I'm reading "Trump Taunts Christine Blasey Ford at Rally" (NYT):
Thereby preventing the NYT, WaPo, et al from memholing this [insert many obscenities here] disgrace.
You're critiquing someone else's presentation of the facts. You'd better get your own in order!
Not only is your advice something you should have taken on board long ago, this dares the entire factless torch-and-pitchfork brigade to challenge him on it.
I have always come to this blog for the wealth of opinion and thought of its commenters. Increasingly, I come to witness a well-educated (allegedly) woman make a fool of herself when it comes to women and gays.
Trump is definitely getting the hang of the job though. It’s a hard job and it takes time.
It struck me as odd he'd add the upstairs downstairs mistake. I assume he was on a roll. Curious if that was in the prepared remarks. But yes.
Upstairs is one of the few things that have remained consistent.
I heard about this last night before I saw it. I expected much worse. I agree with your characterization, Althouse. You've got it exactly right. Trump being sloppy and reckless again.
I don't care about Trump, of course. The problem is that Trump's doing stuff like this won't help the Kavanaugh confirmation.
Of course, Althouse, your readers are pointing out how dishonest Ford has been. And what manipulative liars the Democrats are. Those observations are correct; you've made many of those observations yourself. But Trump, as usual, is incompetent in the effort.
Trump mocks everyone. Like SNL, it’s his superpower.
To not mock CBF because she claims to be a victim of sexual assault would be to create an exception which ultimately undermines his ability to mock.
It would make his mockery into something specifically-used and easily attacked going forward.
Like SNL has become.
Trump is simply stating what dozens of my friends have been saying for days now. These are people who I had no idea of their political leanings, until now. This is Trump's genius. He says what normal people are thinking. That's how he got elected.
I expect more to come out on the two front door issue in the FBI report. Pretty easy to check if someone was running a medical practice from the second apartment/office she constructed. Feinstein now saying she doesn't want the report to be made public. That's the tip-off.
But back to Trump. We all should know by now that you question is methods at your own peril.
Women lie their asses off, don't they?
"Trump is funny. SNL should ask him to host every week.
Darn, beat me too it.
Compare this post to the SNL post.
SNL mocks Kavanaugh the accused - hey, that's funny & edgy. Hah, hah, hah!
Trump mocks Ford the accuser - get your facts straight!
Can you say goose and gander?
Poultry equivalence, baby!
But Trump, as usual, is incompetent in the effort.
That’s like Crack’s comment that the Beatles were lousy musicians.
*Still* taking the performer in the center ring of the circus seriously? Our hostess's continued obdurate gullibility on the subject of CBF is a wonder to behold.
"It's incredibly difficult to figure out how" to treat the accusations of real victims of sexual assault with the seriousness they deserve, while protecting the victims of false accusations? Yes, trying sexual assault is inherently difficult. The great and good enthusiastically promoting, and taking seriously, obviously malicious and batshit claims is kinda setting back any progress we may have made on that score.
It's incredibly difficult to figure out how to do this
Not for attorneys who actually practice law and spend time in a courtroom.
How do you impeach the credibility of a complaining witness? Like Trump did. You recite all of the contradictions, all of the memory lapses and "I don't knows."
The most outrageous lie women tell is that they don't lie.
"You're critiquing someone else's presentation of the facts. You'd better get your own in order!""
Overall, was what he said valid? Seems to be. So he is 90% correct, instead of 100%.
He was FAR more accurate than the NYT in the picture he presented of her testimony. That should be the main point.
The most outrageous lie women tell is that they don't lie.
The most outrageous lie women tell is that they don't fart.
“Ford coached a friend on taking polygraphs” - Fox News
You mean she lied to the Senate?
Yes we know that Trump can be obnoxious , but the big news yesterday was Grassley making public a letter from a former CBF boyfriend. We learn from the letter that CBF knew a lot about lie detectors and lied about such knowledge when cross examined at the senate hearing. But alas we also learned from the letter that CBF is a whore. While single she lived six years with this guy and then they broke up when he found out she was cheating on him. What a paragon of feminism!
I think they fully expected Kavanaugh to cave before their stories could be closely examined. But they burned his. bridges behind him, he can’t cave, they left him no escape. A serious tactical error. Now he has to fight through this as best he can and restore what he can of his good name.
Is It really cruel neutrality that leads us to believe Kavanaugh’s testimony can be openly mocked but Ford’s can’t?
CTH digs into the details of who Ford's polygraph friend, Monica McLean, is.
“I think they fully expected Kavanaugh to cave before their stories could be closely examined.”
Not Kavanaugh, Senate Republicans.
In order to survive the Leftwing onslaught against standards, against decency, against honesty, against due process, and against one's reputation - if perceived to present an obstacle towards achieving a political end -- ya gotta become more like Trump.
Those are the new rules of the game. They bring a political knife, you bring a political gun.
Thank you Dems.
I said to my husband that Trump shouldn't have said that. Husband said that Trump was just saying what we're all thinking. Which is true - her story has problems. And we're not allowed to talk about them because she was a 'victim'.
Sitting in doctor waiting room having to listen to CBS This Morning.Ugh. Everything about evil, soulless Trump. No mention of CBF boyfriend letter or other facts wrecking her story.
At The Conservative Treehouse last night, commenters in the discussion thread were developing an interesting story. In my own words, the gist is as follows.
The Judiciary Committee's rules require that at least two Democrats be present for a quorum. Last Friday, the Democrats intended to boycott the voting session in order to prevent a quorum.
However, Senator Flake's last-minute compromise lured a couple of Democrat Senators into the room. As soon as they were in the room, Senator Grassley called the session to order, counted the two Democrat Senators as present and declared that a quorum was present.
Flake voted for Kavanaugh. By means of this gambit, the Committee managed to advance the nomination from the committee to the Senate floor.
Flake's compromise required an FBI investigation. However, the FBI already has been investigating the relevant characters for quite a long time. Only a couple more days were necessary to complete the investigation formally.
In particular, the FBI has had the letter from Christine Ford's former boyfriend, in which he said that she had coached another woman about how to beat a polygraph test.
The Republicans too had that letter. During the hearings, the Repulicans' questioner asked Ford whether she ever had helped anyone beat a polygraph test, and Ford denied that she had done so.
Thus the Republicans had caught Ford committing perjury, and the FBI already had the necessary evidence to prove her former boyfriend's accusation. In particular, the FBI already had questioned the other woman, who confirmed that Ford had coached her.
Probably the FBI investigation, which began weeks ago, had collected also other information that incriminates Ford on perjury on other points.
Now that the FBI's investigation is complete after only a couple days, the Committee's Democrats have been informed that Ford's credibility will be devastated if the FBI report is released to the public. The Committee's Democrats have been advised to go along with keeping the entire FBI report secret.
In the meantime, however, the Republicans already have begun to leak tidbits of the FBI report -- such as the letter from Ford's former boyfriend -- to the public.
As a further subtext to all of this, the FBI is scared to death of Trump right now. The trigger was Trump declassifying all of the stuff that they wanted kept secret. He is playing Rosenstein like a violin.
Trump is acting like he has the world by the balls. I suspect he does.
Trump: The Asshole Abides.
mccullough said...
Trump is funny. SNL should ask him to host every week.
Close, he's witty, which is much more presidential.
"She deserves to be treated as a criminal liar at this point."
Has she been proven to be lying?
tim in vermont said...
I think they fully expected Kavanaugh to cave before their stories could be closely examined. But they burned his. bridges behind him, he can’t cave, they left him no escape. A serious tactical error. Now he has to fight through this as best he can and restore what he can of his good name.
Two miscalculations - First, the charge is so bad that there is no way for Kavanaugh to bow out - he has to stand and fight. Second: Trump! Any other republican president would have caved, but not Trump (heh!). BTW, the *reason* I voted for Trump was judges.
Also, the way the Dems and media handled this, it was all so nakedly political as to be shockingly offensive to so many. Remember how this all started - with the 'white power sign' from his law clerk - the 1/2 Mexican / 1/2 Jewish lady? And then the ambush from a Parkland father? Its been a circus from the start!
This polygraph issue is very interesting. It looks like the Republicans set the trap. They must have had the letter from the ex before she testified or they wouldn't have asked those questions.
Then she pretended not to know nothing about no lie detector. It just looked like a toaster.
So excited said / she said. The tie breaker will go to her friend. I assume the FBI talked to the friend.
I also assume Trump knows what's in the FBI report. I think that explains his change in strategy.
But too many assumptions. Especially about the FBI doing their job.
Why do lawyers defend scumbags.
You want to convict somebody against their best possible defense, not against no defense.
Going to this case, the way you prevent a defense is not supply any surrounding facts for a defense to work with.
And it's not a court so no rules apply.
Trump will not be hurt by it or hardly anything else he might say because with the Democrats and the media, he has nothing to lose. Furthermore, any argument that his may rhetoric may be ginning up the ire of the lunatic Dems. very much reminds me of that argument that we should not antagonize the terrorists who hate us and want to kill us because it may make them hate us and want to kill us. His fighting back, even if sometimes dirty, fortifies him with many of us who are sick of having to fight with one hand tied behind our backs due to identity politics. I did not vote for Trump, by the way, and was briefly a Never Trumper. My vote, in Mississippi, was not important so I voted libertarian just to try and help give that party some credence. If I had thought he had any chance of losing to Hillary in that state, I would have voted for him. I'm somewhat surprised at how good of a job he has done especially with the pathetic distractions.
The wymenz must not be mocked.
"We finally have a President with BALLS."
It doesn't take balls for a rich, powerful man--aside from his being the President, the most powerful government official in the world--to mock a not-rich, not-powerful woman claiming to have been sexually abused by a privileged teen=age drunken lout.
It takes the biggest asshole in America.
Oops. Should be:
Ex said/she said.
No, Cookie, you're the biggest asshole in America.
You're a commie. You live to incite hatred between men and women, blacks and whites, etc.
All in the interest of the great revolution.
You're an irredeemably vicious low life commie.
" The Committee's Democrats have been advised to go along with keeping the entire FBI report secret."
I think it be made public. The radical Dems on the committee (Harris/Book'em) will not be able to hold their fire. The R's will either leak it or just present it.
"Why do lawyers defend scumbags."
That's our legal system, and you can be thankful for it. Who defines who's a scumbag? What if you, one day, were accused of a terrible crime? Many in the public would consider you a scumbag. Should no lawyer agree to represent you?
Imagine what Trump'll do to her when he finds out that, according to an ex-boyfriend who went with her for six years, he (the BF) personally witnessed her coaching someone on polygraph tests (i.e., she lied in Senate hearing); she flew in planes all the time, including prop planes; the gal she was coaching for the polygraph and who was a Holton-Arms buddy/alumna is now an FBI agent operating out of DC at whose home Christine apparently was (Rehoboth, DE) when she wrote The Letter....
Or when he finds out the two-door escape hatch routine was claptrap.
Seems as if Christine may have told one or two teeny weeny lies in her Senate performance. Well, oops.
ST, you're off you're meds again, I see.
The liberal media had been despairing, over Trump's self-discipline in staying quiet in the Kavanaugh fight. This is what they wanted, and the story is leading the news today.
And I have trouble with the Trump fans' cheering Trump's supposed straight talking about what I think we would agree with Ford's testimonial lapses and errors. And lies? Yeah, I think I'd agree that she has lied.
But just days ago, Trump was calling her "very credible." Trump said he "thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me, very fine woman..."
Really, I wouldn't mind a bit if Trump effectively attacked Christine Blasey Ford. What I mind is Trump's weird, twisted, inconsistent, sloppy reckless messaging on the subject. Just shut the fuck up, Mr. President, until we can get Judge Kavanaugh confirmed. You need a deal with Flake, Collins, Murkowski, Manchin and Donnelly. And you need that deal this week. You don't need your base on this one.
"neutrality" = double standard
damn she is really going to the mat for this 'useful idiot' perjurer.
Feminist Stockholm Syndrome?
think outside the 'box'
Commie scumbag white guys like Cookie live under the delusion that the great sexual hysteria purge will never get around to them.
Solzhenitzn wrote at length about this delusion.
Not that a commie scumbag has the ability to learn.
The “one beer” was the first item that caught my ear when the CBF story came out.
I thought “Cmon, hasn’t every teen used that line with their parents when talking about the party over at Jimmy’s house.”
As usual, Cookie is off base.
CBF has the entire Dem slime team, million of dollars, and 99% of the press on her side. She is hardly a not-rich, not-powerful woman. In fact, up until yesterday she might have been the most powerful woman on earth.
"Is It really cruel neutrality that leads us to believe Kavanaugh’s testimony can be openly mocked but Ford’s can’t?"
There's a difference between a public figure being mocked by a tv comedy show, and a public figure being mocked by the President of the U.S.
Mid-Life Lawyer said...
Trump will not be hurt by it or hardly anything else he might say because with the Democrats and the media, he has nothing to lose...
Who cares, about Trump? It's the Kavanaugh confirmation that matters.
Just as the Dems felt it would be good to have old, white men question CBF before the midterms in the #metoo era, so was it dangerous for them to make a naked, public attack on a Supreme Court nominee to the point of denying him a presumption of innocence. That only works if the accuser’s facts can’t be checked.
Having her testify opened her to cross-examination. Calling for the FBI was a delay tactic in the face of Flake voting yes. They’re left arguing judicial temperament as the stories from the parade of women continue to collapse.
This wasn’t just about Kavanaugh. Believe all women established the means to defeat Trump in 2020. He knows this, which is why he’s now mocking their collective claims and dismantling their strategy.
Could be the first time many of the NYT readers became aware of the holes in her fairy tale. The papers I've read keep promoting her credible performance. Trump wins again.
Following up my own comment at 7:10 AM
President Trump was aware of that whole situation. He knew that the FBI began investigating Christine Ford a long time ago and had collected plenty of information incriminating her in perjury.
That is why Trump was happy to declare publicly that Ford's testimony was "compelling" and that the FBI should investigate her accusations for a week.
As soon as Ford had denied during the hearings that she ever had coached anyone how to beat a polygraph, Trump knew that Ford had committed perjury. Trump knew also that the FBI already had plenty of evidence to destroy her credibility on many points.
In this situation, Trump has played a peace-making role that is just an act.
Read the history of the Judenrat, Cookie.
Your tactics only forestall the inevitable... for you... for a while.
@Chuck. This message wasn't to the base. This message was to Tester, Manchin and Heidi Hide. Air Force One will be circling your respective states for the next month. Your only shot at reelection is to confirm.
I appreciate your concern, ST, unwarranted though it may be.
"Has she been proven to be lying?"
Has she been proven to be telling the truth?
Before the public questioning of Ford began, the FBI already had collected lots of information about Ford's airplane travels. The Republicans' questioner had all that information and confidently questioned Ford about her airplane travel.
Ford might have fallen also for that perjury trap but she had enough good sense to admit during this questioning that she actually had flown often.
In general, the Republicans' questioner was well informed about findings of the FBI investigation, which already had begun quite a while before.
I don't expect you to have a conscience, Cookie.
You're evil. Your pretense of supporting elections and free speech is just that.
Like all commies, you affect it as a facade and you would drop it the moment you attain power.
I'm just telling you what really motivates you so that you'll know that at least one person out there knows you're a complete fucking liar and underhanded schemer.
I'm not trying, really, to convince you. You're an enemy who must eventually be fought in the streets.
I'm on to you liar. That's all you need to know.
“There's a difference between a public figure being mocked by a tv comedy show, and a public figure being mocked by the President of the U.S.”
That’s only true when we have tv comedy shows willing to mock both sides.
We now have the president’s voice against the partisan media cacophony. That voice is needed to balance the public debate. It’s probably the only one strong enough to break through.
Now CBS has Chelsea Clinton on for an interview to trash Kavanaugh. I can’t take much more. Hope my wife comes out shortly so I can get out of here.
"Trump is simply stating what dozens of my friends have been saying for days now. These are people who I had no idea of their political leanings, until now. This is Trump's genius. He says what normal people are thinking. That's how he got elected."
This is true. At my workplace, where non-liberals keep their heads down while liberals talk loudly, people are coming out of the woodwork. This Kavanaugh thing is the last straw for many people. I have colleagues here who's politics I never knew until now.
A couple of days ago, there were a couple of liberals talking about Judge K and voicing contempt for Republicans. I walked over and asked them to be quiet or take their conversation outside. They agreed. I've never done that before. Later, a coworker came up to me and thanked me. He would probably be considered a moderate and doesn't agree with the Judge's judicial philosophy. But he is furious at how the Judge is being treated, and how the Dems are throwing away due process.
A sign of the times. There is hope.
Thank God for defense attorneys - the Duke lacrosse team were all a bunch of privileged, scumbags rapists too - until the allegations were shown to be false. Of course, those men paid a huge price anyway. BTW, I'm not a criminal defense attorney.
I don't think Trump being an ass hurts Trump. But it may hurt Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh didn't take many pains to be polite to Democratic party Senators, but he did take pains to avoid attacking Dr. Ford. Kavanaugh had broad support from establishment Republicans going into the hearings, but the more he is tied to Trump, the less the establishment will defend him.
As for Trump? What does he care about Kavanaugh? To Trump, Kavanaugh is just another Flynn, Priebus, or Tillerson. He has binders full of Kavanaughs.
These comments are all about appearances, of course. But I will state one weakness in Kavanaugh's resume that is being exposed here. Kavanaugh has advanced his career through the Republican establishment. Despite his intellect and accomplishments, it is increasingly improbable to consider him as an independent mind. This idea that judges be independent is not just a cynical fiction. Yes, no lawyer is promoted to a judgeships without the backing of a party. But, we can ask that a lawyer proposed for a judgeship offer more than a party's position. As much as any SCOTUS nominee in recent memory, Kavanaugh is a political creature.
I expect Kagan and Sotomayer to be offered as counter-examples and that is fair. All SCOTUS nominees are political. The question has always been to the extent they are something more than that.
Chuck is the canary in this coal mine.
Actually, we don't know anything about which floor the alleged assault occurred on. Finished basements are a common thing on the east coast, the only points of reference we have are a bathroom, stairs and a bedroom. The living room/entrance/dining room part of the story has been inconsistent. And in an unfamiliar house a rec room could look like a under furnished living room. (Or if I was pulling together an amalgam of personal memories, "rowdy boys on stairs" fits perfectly with "basement rec room".)
It seems increasingly likely that Kavanaugh is completely innocent of Ford's charges.
Should that indeed turn out to be the case, Cookie, the NYT, WaPo, et al, should be very, very uncomfortable looking at themselves in the mirror.
Should be.
You care about Trump Chuck. He lives inside your head every second of your life.
"It takes the biggest asshole in America."
Yes, but he's our asshole, and we love him for it.
We tried non-assholes before. They lost with dignity and politeness.
Has she been proven to be lying?
Testimony of her ex boyfriend that she coached him on how to beat a lie detector notwithstanding, you tell me how she could get a PhD in psych without any exposure to the theory behind lie detectors.
You don’t want him on the court, we get it, but maybe you should examine your own motivated thinking just as a way to improve your credibility and thus your value to your movement.
tim in vermont said...
"That’s like Crack’s comment that the Beatles were lousy musicians."
It is dumbfounding, how things stick to me, that I never said: Quincy Jones said The Beatles were lousy musicians, and - if you want to argue the point with Quincy Fucking Jones - be my guest.
Crack's comment, on that, is "You'll Lose."
Team America of course presaged the whole Trump admin. He is successful the same way that Limbaugh became hugely popular. Say what people are thinking but have no idea that their neighbors are thinking the same thing. I don’t know of any women other than hard core liberals who wouldn’t admit it for partisan reasons anyway, who believe Ford.
She has no evidence and she has lied. That’s not the same as dismissing her story out of hand.
Has she been proven to be lying?
Wait, now the left is all fastidious about proof and evidence? I thought all you needed was a "credible" witness. lolz.
You are right Crack. Of course. Sorry for the shorthand, but if Jones thinks the Beatles where lousy musicians, one has to wonder about his metric, notes per minute?
DiFi now says we need to investigate Kavanaugh’s judicial philosophy. That’s what the hearings were for!
Same as one has to wonder about Chuck’s metric for what makes an effective politician.
Dem staffers have been seen scurrying to the office of RBG with life support equipment. Ventilators, feeding tubes (paper, not plastic) and a solar powered defibrillator. (sarc alert)
Just imagine how successful Trump could have been in life if only he'd listened to Chuck.
Gilbert Pinfold said...
Ford coached a lifelong friend by the name of McLean about taking a polygraph. Same person is ex-FBI under McCabe and SDNY. McCabe’s attorney (Bromwich) represents Ford as well. And, letter to Feinstein written at McLean’s beach house on July 26 in Delaware. Coincidence much?
They need to call McLean in to testify. And Bromwich is the revolving door, Deep State personified.
Apple Objects to Monitor’s Fees in E-Books Antitrust Case
Andrew Zajac, November 29, 2013
Apple Inc. said a monitor appointed by a judge to oversee antitrust compliance in its electronic books price-fixing case is charging too much money. “Of all known past Apple matters,” no lawyer has had a higher rate than Michael Bromwich’s proposed hourly fee of $1,100, the world’s most valuable technology company said in a Nov. 27 filing in federal court in Manhattan.
I wondered at the time why CBF was asked about polygraphs. Mitchell knew the true answer. Perfect perjury trap!
Yes, but he's our asshole, and we love him for it.
Yes, after the nice guy lost we were looking for one to work for us, instead of all of them working for the opposition.
I expect Kagan and Sotomayer to be offered as counter-examples and that is fair.
Right, double standard are there because.... reasons.
we've got to find a way to challenge accusers, even though it is important to protect real victims and to encourage them to come forward.
1) Treat the allegation as serious.
2) Investigate it to find out the facts.
3) Once you find out the facts, you can move forward against the accused, or not, depending on what the facts tell you.
4) If it turns out the allegation is fraudulent, you treat that in a serious fashion as well. You charge the person who made the false allegation with a crime.
Vince Foster and Andrew McCabe in one story. This is a fucking potboiler!
When I first saw the headline in news reports, I thought, dude can't help himself. But now that there's context...eesh, anything to keep K off the court. But with a vote coming, will Flake use this to sell K down the river?
"DiFi now says we need to investigate Kavanaugh’s judicial philosophy."
I heard that report yesterday and laughed. DiFiChi now wants to erase Ballsey Ford from the face of the earth. It is a good thing the goal posts are planted in soft manure.
Deep Runner said...
... will Flake use this to sell K down the river?
Me thinks that Flake was aptly named.
Take rape allegations seriously like you take mugging allegations seriously.
"It takes the biggest asshole in America."
So pointing out the holes in her testimony makes someone an asshole? Her testimony is immune from scrutiny?
The SnoozeHour spent more time last night on Right Dead Fred than the 1200 killed in Indonesia or BK.
They've moved on.
Kavanaugh covered up Foster’s murder according to Pritchard, who was referenced by DiFi, and Ken Starr’s recent book about how Bill was evasive on the story and Hillary memory just completely failed her.
DiFi says Kavanaugh “leaked grand jury information” because he called a reporter and asked them why they lied about what they were asked. Can you “leak” to a witness who was there? The funny thing is that they guy claims that it was clear to everybody who was at the scene where Foster’s body was found believed it was a homocide and that he had been shot in the neck. No suicide risks spending their remaining days as a vegetable by not taking the best shot they could, through the brain.
The amazing thing to me is that CBF and Katz thought they could get away with this. Times have changed. CBF goes to prison and Katz gets disbarred.
How could Katz be so stupid to float that afraid to fly lie?
Chuck wrote -
"I don't care about Trump, of course."
Just let that sink in for a minute.
Your headline for all this is "Trump makes a misstep"?! C'mon, that headline has even less beef than the NYT. Your headline should more reasonably be "Trump nails it! Media Take Notice"
Misstep? Sloppy? Yes, let's review everything he said for accuracy.
One Beer declaration True
Can't remember hwo she got there? True
Can't remember how she got home? True
Can't remember where the place is? True
Can't remember how many years ago was it? True
Can't remember what neighborhood it was in? True
Can't remember upstatirs or downstairs? False
He gets people repeating six facts about this lying piece of garbage by putting in one "falsehood."
Trump wins. Again.
Why don't activist, feminist women aspire to strength? Promoting the timidity and delicacy of women and running to the authorities with specious, backhanded complaints — what lowly, destructive activism!
But it works, because you, and the Left believe:
but there should be mockery in politics — not mockery of anyone's disability or possible victimhood
Victimhood is power in today's politics.
The Dems wanting to keep the FBI report confidential doesn't necessarily indicate a finding favorable to Kavanaugh. The Dems want to keep a lot stuff the FBI has done from the public.
The credibility of the FBI is at an all time low. No one who dislikes the result of this investigation will believe it wasn't fixed by the other side. And why should they?
It is becoming apparent that this attack on Kavanaugh was prepared well in advance of Blasey Ford's letter and by agencies far above her pay grade.
Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
MS-"In general, the Republicans' questioner was well informed about findings of the FBI investigation, which already had begun quite a while before."
I noticed that Grassley and others kept mentioning that the Democrats had an opportunity to interview all the witnesses, but they refused to participate. Maybe they were being set up for this moment as this information was available but they chose to run their scam blind because of effect. Feinstein wants to keep everything confidential. I heard a Republican Senator say something to the effect: "That the Democrats are playing a game , but they are going to be surprised because Republicans can play the same game." He indicated that they (R) have something "up their sleeve". It looks like the Republicans have most of the cards. Don't go wobbly on us now.
Why don't activist, feminist women aspire to strength?
I think the whole feminist project is a plot to exploit the “mommy issues” of the American male. Every man has them to some extent. Either they had a doting mother who used them as a substitute lover fucking him up, a mother who got it just right, in which case their mommy feelings work in a healthy relationship, or they rejected their sons to some degree or another, leaving deep scars. Motherhood evolved in mammals 230 million years ago, it goes pretty deep. Althouse pretends it’s about “logic” and it is, just not the kind of “logic” that she claims it is.
Althouse's "misstep" is a pretty good pun.
One thing no one picked up on is short stairwell. Is that 2 steps or 6? Split level house?
Logic is the Feminists’ red cape, mommy issues is their sword.
@Tim -- single standard. "To what extent do I trust this person, once established in a lifetime appointment, to think independently?"
Roberts and Kagan in particularly reached the Supreme Court by route of their party power positions. They are both better examples of what I'm talking about than Sotomayor who's background is less Washington D.C. than theirs.
In contrast, consider Clarence Thomas, a completely independent thinker.
Sure Henry, what is the gravitational constant in your universe?
Althouse, how else was our President to get Ford's lies out to those whose opinions come from the Post and the Times? His trivial mix up ensured the press coverage.
During the 2016 campaign Trump figured out that for every Conservative that didn't like him there were a few hundred thousand wavering Democrats that were listening to him.
For every well educated stately woman of stature and opinion who wants Ford handled with respect and velvet gloves, there are a few hundred thousand women who have heard a manipulative woman put on a show of emotion to get her way and won't give Ford an inch.
By the way, I thought Repressed Memory Syndrome was discredited. I guess it is too good of a story to not use when you need to destroy someone.
Oh no! Now the crazy people who are constantly insulting Trump and calling him a rapist will be even madder!
Over the last couple of weeks, Christine Ford has alleged that people have made death threats against her. It is a federal crime to threaten a witness.
1) Treat the allegation as serious.
2) Investigate it to find out the facts. This should be relatively easy, as this was alleged to have happened a couple of weeks ago. Were these death threats made my e-mail? Made by phone? Run it down.
3) It's entirely possible that people have threatened to kill Ford. If so, that's a crime, and it should be punished.
4) It's also possible that Ford has made up or exaggerated the accusation in order to get sympathy. And she has used the accusation to raise over $700,000 for herself. If it's a false accusation, that's highly relevant to the Kavanaugh hearing. Also, these death threats might have indirectly led to retaliation (i.e. the ricin attack on the President, the Secretary of Defense, and Senator Cruz).
Either way, the alleged death threats made against Ford need to be investigated. Indeed, threatening to kill a witness is a far more serious allegation than an accusation of what seems, at best, to be a misdemeanor from over three decades ago.
So why isn't it being investigated? Indeed, why aren't Democrats yelling about this? Their witness has been threatened with death! And yet they don't seem worked about that. Or if they are, I missed it.
tim in vermont said...
Why don't activist, feminist women aspire to strength?
As a professional woman, it really bothers me when I see these women fall back to the 'frail woman' status and complain about meany, bully men. Sure men can be mean - so stand up to them! I do.
You know what would be truly marvelous? If this Kavanaugh situation causes the death of Vince Foster to be re-investigated. If Dems want to bring up Foster, then lets take another look.
I remember reading the books by Chris Ruddy and by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard years ago. I'm still not convinced it was a suicide. Even if it was, there were some very peculiar discrepancies that were never resolved. I remember there was one witness who was being stalked, and was petrified.
This is all wishful thinking. But it would be great to reopen all the Clinton scandals of the 90's one last time, and bring some closure to the corruption. If Trump chose Kavanaugh to bring the death of Vince Foster, the Ken Starr investigation, etc. back into the open, he truly is a genius.
they don't seem worked up about that.
Wow, the most consistent beatdown of a blogpost I have witnessed in ten years. The clicks will eventually decline as the hostess continues to post ridiculous opinions that are so one sided.
Monica McLean: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
1. She Went to Holton Arms, the Same High School as Ford
2. Ford Allegedly Coached McLean While She Was Interviewing for Jobs with the FBI and the US Attorney’s Office
3. McLean Worked for the Department of Justice for 24 Years, Leaving Just Before Trump Took Office
4. A Man Named Geral Sosbee Says McLean Helped the FBI in a Bizarre Cover-Up
5. McLean Now Works as an Independent Consultant in Washington DC
Just,as with Seth rich he stays dead:
Apparently she was bhaaras spokesperson
"'It takes the biggest asshole in America.'
"Yes, but he's our asshole, and we love him for it."
Who's we, kimosabe?
"We tried non-assholes before. They lost with dignity and politeness."
Who? I can't think of any recent presidents who were not assholes, or criminals, each in his own way.
Cook: There's a difference between a public figure being mocked by a tv comedy show, and a public figure being mocked by the President of the U.S.
Ah yes, "punching down". Another one of those myriad phrases in the lefty dictionary synonymous with "shut up", and meant to express righteous outrage at the very idea of anyone defending himself or another target against lefty attacks.
It doesn't take balls for a rich, powerful man--aside from his being the President, the most powerful government official in the world--to mock a not-rich, not-powerful woman claiming to have been sexually abused by a privileged teen=age drunken lout.
Yeah, that's what this is all about. Lol. Says Cookie the perennial sneering know-it-all teenager at the adults' dinner party, who sees through all the establishment bullshit that everybody else is buying into, maaaaaaaaan.
5. McLean Now Works as an Independent Consultant in Washington DC
That's usually code for unemployed. (not always - but usually)
The desire to keep Roe has clouded people's judgment. Funny, I don't think 5 votes are there even after Kavanaugh joins the SCOTUS.
If we get an AG, people are going to be indicted. My prediction is that CBF totally rats out lawyers Debra Katz and Michael Bromowitz. People are going to jail. Mark my words. Provided, however, Sessions must be out as AG.
"The clicks will eventually decline as the hostess continues to post ridiculous opinions that are so one sided."
Nobody comes here because they respect the opinions of a third rate affirmative action hire at a middling public law school. They come for the commenters, to make fun of a few libtard punching bags, and to mock Althouse when she posts retarded opinions or cries at dinner parties if there is a Libertarian there.
The only reason she has any prominence at all is that for some reason Glenn Reynolds linked to her, and she had a comments section before he did. That is it.
She can have the clicks, but I doubt many people are going out of there way to use the amazon portal. Her and Meade gave up on pimping it and will be forced to live off her ill deserved taxpayer funded pension.
To determine the true rulers of a society, you must only ask yourself who is it that you are not permitted to criticize
Which today is "victims".
Trump’s soliloquy on Ford’s facts shows them to be suspect. The convenient one beer memory loss on those points is proof she is an actress with a script. She nailed the wounded victim persona as if she was hypnotized. That is great acting. But her script is terrible. And the early draft is still a secret.
Althouse has been mocking Trump since the day he entered national politics as a candidate, calling him “Lord Mud Pant. Rad mold punt, Damp old runt, Torn lump dad.” And that was well before Trump had done anything for which he was later reviled. Althouse’s girlish taunts — which I suspect only she believes had comic merit, were aimed at mocking him and motivated by her desire to make a candidate seem unfit for office.
Now we see an Althouse afraid to come up with any way to criticize an accuser of President Trump - with the exception of providing a forum for commenters to bring for the truth. It’s a bit of a repeat of Althouse coming around to seeing the good in Trump. But I’m waiting for Althouse to show any sign that she’s not in lockstep with CBF’s goal.
"Should that indeed turn out to be the case, Cookie, the NYT, WaPo, et al, should be very, very uncomfortable looking at themselves in the mirror."
You presume too much. I have not stated here (or anywhere) that I know what happened way back when, as I don't. I think Kavanaugh was a privileged teenage drunken punk, and I think Ms. Ford experienced some sort of sexual encounter that was, from her perspective, coerced, that is, an assault. Beyond that, I don't know what happened or who was involved. I believe Ms. Ford is convinced it was Kavanaugh, but, of course, eye witness testimony is the least reliable evidence there is.
Blogger Gahrie said...
To determine the true rulers of a society, you must only ask yourself who is it that you are not permitted to criticize
Which today is "victims".
"Survivors" is the current term of art.
This could be a tell that Trump has been briefed on the actual location of the attempted rape, and knows it happened downstairs.
@Robert Cook,
"Who's we, kimosabe?"
Trump supporters.
"Who? I can't think of any recent presidents who were not assholes, or criminals, each in his own way."
I was thinking of nominees, like Dole, Romney, and McCain (who minimized his assholishness when running against Obama).
Nice gig if you can get it. You do t know when, where, who, how something happened, but because you are a woman you are correct. Rich Lowry seems to have been correct AtticusFinch was on the wrong side. Sexist rape enabled hat he was.
Monica L. McLean is the person CBF allegedly coached on taking a polygraph.
From The Conservative Treehouse:
Ms. Monica Lee McLean and Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford are life-long friends; obviously they have known each other since their High School days at Holton-Arms; and both lived in California after college. Their close friendship is also cited by Ms. Fords former boyfriend of six years.
Ms. Monica McLean retired from the FBI in 2016; apparently right after the presidential election. Her current residence is listed at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware; which aligns with public records and the serendipitous printed article.
Now, where did Ms. Blasey-Ford testify she was located at the time she wrote the letter to Dianne Feinstein, accusing Judge Brett Kavanaugh?
It was Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.
Curiouser and curiouser
There's the problematic gesturing while copying the words of a disabled reporter … He is mocking people, but there should be mockery in politics — not mockery of anyone's disability … but mockery of the arguments and statements that you're trying to refute.
Maybe I missed a comment but I’ve scanned them once and I’m surprised someone hasn’t already pointed this out: The MSM false narrative that Trump mocked a disabled reporter or a disabled ANYONE has been thoroughly debunked. You have to look for it but even a cursory bit of research gets you outside the bubble. It just goes to show how lies can sometimes win over truth when it comes to opinion formation. Some excerpts from a Google search on the subject:
The incident in question is Trump supposedly mocking New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski … Video from 2015 seems to indicate that Trump was indeed cruelly imitating the man … truth is, Trump has often used those same convulsive gestures to mimic the mannerisms of people, including himself, who are rattled and exasperated … And here's another point: Why have we seen no images of Kovaleski moving the way Trump is moving? In every video and photograph of Kovaleski we've seen, he is calmly standing still with his right arm held firm against his chest. He's not waving his arms uncontrollably … Why would Trump imitate a man who has difficulty moving at least one of his limbs by madly thrashing his own?
"Who? I can't think of any recent presidents who were not assholes, or criminals, each in his own way."
They're all a bunch of big phonies, right, Holden?
Ah yes--as Althouse says--That name calling "was not bemusement. That was such strong contempt that I would not say his name. I felt that he was a buffoon and that it was wrong for him to hog attention when we had serious work to do picking from one of the real candidates."
Thanks, but I'll take Dogbert with the swami hat.
He's making the points the MSM-Democrat party refuse to make.
No memory of any details, except that she says she's 100% sure it was Kavanaugh who rubbed himself on her. As a teenager. While drinking. But the when, where, who else was there- nothing. No recollection, or no confirmation of her statement. There are, however, refuting statements.
And those therapy notes- not available to anyone except WAPO who is sitting on them.
Her once regular social media contributions, gone.
Her opinions online, gone.
You do not destroy a person's life over this. Someone should be attacking her credibility at this point. If we had real reporters in this country, this story would not have lived 24 hours. This is the worst kind of sham. This is a screaming mob calling for someone's head based on a feeling- no real evidence- just a feeeeeling. She is not credible in any way. She is a sympathetic and yes, perhaps a pathetic figure, but not credible in this claim. People should be pointing this out. Trump did- in his own particular style.
I think Kavanaugh was a privileged teenage drunken punk
But not privileged over a Holton-Arms girl.
Back to this "never" coaching someone for a polygraph test:
If Mitchel had a piece of paper claiming the direct opposite and naming names, why no redirect? If Ford had been challenged -- not threatened, the poor dear, but presented with contradictory evidence -- it might have changed the tenor of the whole discussion. Would that have been unfair?
I'm not a trained litigator, but I've done a lot of interviews. When you call people on their bullshit (in a nice way, of course) they tend to curb their excessive statements. Often they even apologize. This is my truth.
Trump isn’t W or Romney. Of course he’s going to take digs at Ford now that he knows her story is falling apart. He’ll be tweeting it out today.
She has a problem telling the truth. Lies about fear of flying. Lies about the “second escape front door” lies about the polygraph.
Trump is going to demand to see her therapists notes. On Twitter. “She gave them to the Fake News Washington Post but she won’t give them to the FBI.”
I think Kavanaugh was a privileged teenage drunken punk
The class warfare rhetoric is being wheeled out in a last desperate effort to prop up this bullshit narrative. Some Daily Telegraph editor put out a petter the other day attacking Kavanaugh as "privileged."
Blasey Ford is a perjurer and now we have to show that Kavanaugh was "privileged."
Notwithstanding her father was president of the country club.
Leftwinger meme: Don't you DARE touch the holy and precious left wing BABY-TALKER 11th hour liar.
You can drag Paula Jones and Jauntia Brokerick through the mud - but a leftwing liar is HOLY AND PRECIOUS .
...a public figure being mocked by a tv comedy show...
SNL hasn't been a comedy show for quite some time.
“I heard that report yesterday and laughed. DiFiChi now wants to erase Ballsey Ford from the face of the earth. It is a good thing the goal posts are planted in soft manure.”
Feinstein whiffs her own defeat in the fall. Her political demise would be just one small step backwards for an old woman but one huge step back for the power of women in government.
Robert Cook said...
"She deserves to be treated as a criminal liar at this point."
Has she been proven to be lying?
This is not a legal proceeding. Its spears, pitchforks, and flaming torches. The playing field is created by DiFi, and Schummer.
Nobody comes here because they respect the opinions of a third rate affirmative action hire at a middling public law school. They come for the commenters, to make fun of a few libtard punching bags, and to mock Althouse when she posts retarded opinions or cries at dinner parties if there is a Libertarian there.
I have more respect for her than that but her biases are pretty obvious after you have been here for a while.
The commenters are why I come.
It was interesting when Patterico went nuts after Trump was elected, the commenters who disagreed left or were abused like I was when any disagreement with him was called a "lie."
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