October 4, 2018

Trust the FBI! The FBI is the expert authority! Bring in the FBI! FBI!! FBI!!... ... The FBI did it wrong!

So annoying.

They cried out over and over for the FBI. The FBI was called in because it was supposedly neutral and expert and the proper authority. Then, when they didn't like what they got, they immediately flipped to saying the FBI didn't do it right.

I've seen this kind of game play before, and I when I see it, I get out my old Russ Feingold video:

"The game's not over until we win!"


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tim in vermont said...
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Jim at said...

Sometimes the cover up is worse than the crime.

Yeah. Especially when there's no fucking crime.

tim in vermont said...

The Chuggernauts page is an anti-Kavanaugh thing, BTW.

Yancey Ward said...

More likely, it meant very wet flatulence. I grew up in the age of "Up on a ladder when you hear something splatter....."

Jim at said...

I am a year younger than Kavanaugh, so both of us grew up in the pretty much the same American culture, though his world was more suburban and wealthy than my boon-dock's lower middle class one was. The idea that the phrases in a high school yearbook meant anal sex and three-ways seemed pretty damned unlikely to me.

I'm a year older. And there is simply no way any of this crap would've showed up in my yearbook. Zero. Zip. Nada.

Amadeus 48 said...

But they didn’t interview Ford again. She has a new floor plan she wants to show them. Also she has three friends from the beach that she told all about this in the ‘80s sometime, and she had forgotten all about them until they called her last week.
Sen Flake is concerned.

walter said...

Yes tim,
It seems they didn't look too hard.
Even drinking game sites are biased.
Then there's: https://twitter.com/guypbenson/status/1047930830012796928/photo/1

tim in vermont said...

The FBI interviewed all the alleged party attendees—Ford’s lifelong female friend Leland Ingham Keyser, Kavanaugh friend P.J. Smyth, and alleged accomplice Mark Judge. Keyser had previously said she recalls no party at which Kavanaugh was present and does not know Kavanaugh. Schumer and Feinstein gave no indication Keyser has changed her story.

The FBI also interviewed Chris Garrett, a person Ford went out with around the time of the alleged assault in 1982 and Ford’s only known social connection to Kavanaugh and Judge. The FBI also interviewed Tim Gaudette, who hosted a July 1, 1982, party that has been the focus of much speculation. Schumer and Feinstein gave no indication those interviews turned up groundbreaking information.
. - Weekly Standard

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ABA committee re-affirms Judge Kavanaugh's high rating.

The rogue person at the ABA who issued his own personal negative rating for Kavanaugh was bogus and not official or done by the committee and the media ran with it.

I heard CBS run with it on the radio after the truth was known.

Shame shame shame on the media.

Listen to Mitch McConnell's press conference today. It was good.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The latest leftwing lie (media coordinated lie) is that the FBI didn't interview anyone.

Fuck off.

Yancey Ward said...

I propose that from now on that "Fuck Off" be changed on Althouse to "Go Boof Yourself".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Except - according to the Democrats, the FBI and Peter Stroke, Boof means gang rape.

Seeing Red said...

They lowered the bar and will have to live by the consequences. No more beer.

Big Mike said...

Copied from Instapundit:

“I’m amazed at the progressives who argue that Kavanaugh should not have expressed anger that he has been accused of being a rapist, and that he shouldn’t have lashed out at such accusations even if they are entirely false. If being accused of being a rapist isn’t a big deal, then rape isn’t a big deal.”

Francisco D said...

My (liberal Democrat) fiancé told me I was boofing in my sleep last night.

I asked her if she was sore.

"Why would I be sore?", she asked. "It must have been something you ate last night."

I am confused.

tim in vermont said...

There is a new review of Judge's book in the New York Times, and even they found beach week pretty tame, as Judge said that it was easy to "hook up" but that didn't mean sex because the girls were conservative and "like siblings."

I guess that Judge has a time machine to plant exculpatory (sorry Christine) evidence in the past, just like Stewie might have done.

gilbar said...

I want to thank the Nation's protestors for clarifying things for me today
I'd been thinking that they were saying that they believed all womyn's accusations, which made me think of Juanita B, and such.
But they hung a giant sign in DC today, that stated:

So, they're NOT saying that you should believe ANY accusation; they're saying that:

If YOU Believe a womyn's accusation; then she is a survivor; and Thus, Should be BELIEVED
So if you believe a womyn's story, then you SHOULD believe her story...
If (on the other hand), she makes false accusations (that is, one against Democrats) then she's Lying

It's good to have that clarified, thanx!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So annoying.

Not anywhere as annoying as your comfort with a black-out drunk and probable belligerent rapist on the court.

His outbursts with Klobuchar show any normal person he's not fit for the role. He thinks the SCOTUS is about him.

Republicans have no capacity for public service and their dysfunction has now completely permeated the court.

Michael K said...

Now that Ritmo is here, I can go back to the biography of Robespierre.

de Gaulle was getting dull. I'll get back to it.

Go for it Ritmo ! Show us what that abbreviated education taught you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Copied from Instapundit:

“I’m amazed at the progressives who argue that Kavanaugh should not have expressed anger that he has been accused of being a rapist, and that he shouldn’t have lashed out at such accusations even if they are entirely false. If being accused of being a rapist isn’t a big deal, then rape isn’t a big deal.”

He's a belligerent, sanctimonious drunk. He asked Senator Klobuchar if she blacked out while taking care of her alcoholic father. What a sad excuse of a man. Being an entitled, blackout drunk is problematic enough. He might be pissed because admitting what he knew was obvious about him implies that he could have drunkenly aggressed upon a woman without realizing or remembering it. But that's his problem. He didn't want to answer the question that he knows (and all his friends know) we know about him, and aggressively turned it on someone else as if being a blackout drunk was everyone's problem. It isn't.

He is incapable of taking responsibility, or honestly just answering a question. Unfit for the court.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Drugs and heavy drinking are all good on team D.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Show us what that abbreviated education taught you.

Not sure how baccalaureates and doctorates are "abbreviated," but I did make sure to not be a narrow fool, like you.

For instance, I learned that I can ask Dr. Butthurt K. a question about any American's civic responsibility. Such as this:

How is it appropriate for a judicial nominee to refuse to answer whether he's blacked out when drinking to belligerent excess as he was known to do, and ask the senator that question instead?

See? Dr. Butthurt K. is incapable of answering questions, as well. But somehow he thinks that he is the better educated one.

As he demonstrates, you can teach a monkey to use a typewriter. But it will all be gibberish.

K. can't answer a simple question involving whether a potential rapist is put in charge of deciding 320 million people's rights.

Pretty astounding. But that's the kind of intellectual irresponsibility you get when you outsource the raising of your kids to a wetnurse/nursemaid.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sometimes I think that if I upset Dr. Butthurt K. too much he'll sic his nursemaid on me.

It's really hard to take seriously a guy who resorts to getting his nursemaid to go after you.

Birkel said...

I wonder how Democrats will feel when they realize they pulled a loss out of the jaws of victory.

I predict assassinations.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Birkel is disappointed in the Democrats. Why can't they figure out that blackout drunk rapist judges are exactly what keeps this country together?

Damn Democrats.

Michael K said...

Failed molecular biology student Ritmo is at it again.

Kav is going to be confirmed and the left is going down badly in the election.

I hope you and your idiot leftist crazies are happy.

Birkel said...

Now that middle class wage growth is over 3% I predict Democrats will double down on crazy.

Similarly, I predict if the sun rises tomorrow Democrats will amp up the crazy.

bagoh20 said...

It looks like the Dems are gonna have to go back to winning elections and passing laws that are constitutional. Sounds like a very American strategy. I'm all for that.

tim in vermont said...

The change is particularly striking when comparing women in the two parties. Of all the cohorts measured by the [NPR] poll (including Independent men and women), Democratic women are the only group to display less enthusiasm for the midterms this week than they did in July. Meanwhile, Republican women seem invigorated. I - Right-Wing Rag Slate

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Julie Swetnick must be sued into the ground.

Drago said...

Birkel: "Now that middle class wage growth is over 3% I predict Democrats will double down on crazy."

Un-possible! PPPT assured us all that could never happen!

Of course, he gave that assurance at the same time he was blaming midwestern home average square footage and lightbulbs for the human feces on SF streets so, uh, one has to take his assertions with small pyramid sized amount of salt.

Oops! I wrote "salt"! I have reliably informed by the lefties that word is a white supremacy whistle and is usually a "tell" of a prolific gang rapist....as well as someone who cheats at Parcheesi!

Birkel said...

Remember when the ok sign became a white power thing?

Yeah, that wasn't crazy at all.

DeepRunner said...

"Over? Did you say over? Nothin's over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!"


"Forget it, he's rolling."

"And it ain't over now! 'Cause when the going gets tough....the tough get going. Who's with me?"

Fitting, sorta.

FullMoon said...

Just when things couldn't get any worse:


FullMoon said...

This is getting serious:


Bay Area Guy said...

Under no circumstance would I sleep with Julie Swetnick. The crazy just oozes out of her. She'd be like Glenn Close in that movie, Fatal Erection.

Quaestor said...

"I think of a man, then I take away reason and accountability."

This line was written for Jack Nicholson to make his character, Melvin Udall, into the misogynistic creep the very sympathetic but fragile (i.e. no goddamned testosterone) homosexual artist (is there any other kind?) and the very sympathetic but fragile single mother (is there any other kind?) redeem into a suitably leftish kind of guy with the suitably leftish assumptions about women being all strong and truth-telling and gay men being all wise and creative.

None of the false accusers of Brett Kavanaugh will be called to account for their lies and subsequent harm they have inflicted on the Kavanaugh family. James L. Brooks had no idea he was being prophetic.

Dave said...

Them Democrats are inside Republican's OODA loop when it comes to lying. Theys are always one lie ahead of they.

--Deplorable Dialectical Dave

mccullough said...

Klobuchar said on tv her dad was a drunk. What a nice daughter.

She also said she drinks but doesn’t have a drinking problem. More bullshit. She’s a lush like her old man. That’s why Kavanaugh was taking digs at her. They all know Blackout Amy.

Sheldon Whitehouse is also a lush. He looks like Ted Kennedy’s understudy.

narciso said...

Yes Sheldon was very much a jackalope from those who knew him them, he was a,ruthless prosecutor a la Spitzer or bhaara.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You done with your temper tantrum there, yet, mccullough?

Sounds like you have some personal experience of your own with drinking problems. Don't worry, your favorite Judge Blackout Brett does, too.

Together you can forget his horrible judicial opinions and all the rights he'll take away from you. Just drink away your reading of them.

Too bad the two of you don't have a mean old scary pope to whom to give your rights away, any longer. It's just all for naught, these days.


HT said...

"Trust the FBI! The FBI is the expert authority! Bring in the FBI! FBI!! FBI!!... ... The FBI did it wrong!
So annoying."

Kind of like how Republicans are so over the FBI these days, except when an artificially abridged report comes out, then they're all, FBI, kewl.

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