Their signs read “Words matter” and “President Hate is not welcome in our state.” Though some people in Pittsburgh have pushed back on the idea that Mr. Trump has fomented an atmosphere of social division, many protesters had no doubt of what one called “the dotted line” between presidential rhetoric and violence....
Senator Chuck Schumer of New York and Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leaders, [declined to accompany the President'.
“This is not about a conflict of schedule,” Ms. Pelosi said in an interview. “It is about leaving the people the peace that they need to bury the dead and mourn the loss. I don’t think it would have been welcome for us to go there. I think that when invited, we should respond. When told not to come, we should not... I don’t know that the president understands that his words weigh a ton, and when he says some of the things he says, they fall on ears that are more fragile,” Ms. Pelosi added.
October 30, 2018
"Trump Arrives in Pittsburgh as Many Make Clear His Visit Isn’t Welcome."
NYT headline.
I can't find the Civility BS tag.
The pre-printed protest signs were a nice touch!
Mean girls at the NYT say so.
"Some say."
Ok, Pelosi says don't go if not welcome. Since in any town at least one person does not welcome Trump (or any other politician), then all the pols can stay home and never show up after a hurricane or a mass shooting. On a practical note, how does Nancy suggest a politician (or trump since this only applies to him) discover if he is welcome or not?
Perhaps it could be pointed out to the protesters that it is normal for a president to come pay respects after such a shooting, and it is they who are disturbing the event, not Trump.
Well Ms. Pelosi, what was that big shindig Obama had in Arizona? Everyone remembers that Representative who got shot, but she lived too. However, others didn't survive that shooting and their family wasn't given peace to bury their dead. Civility BS indeed.
Speaking of, I wonder how many of the Benghazi surviving family wish Hillary had just given them peace rather than lie to them?
A murderous loner who hates Jews and dislikes Trump - a President who loves Israel and has a Jewish daughter.
I cant wait to see what LLR Chucks NeverTrump heroes have to say about all this....after cashing their latest round of checks from their big lefty/dem benefactors.
My fragile ears are about to have to listen to Speaker Pelosi for the next two years. I don't know if I can make it.
Alternate Headline:
"Ignoring the cries of Hate, Trump tries to heal the country's wounds"
As I asked R/V a day or so ago, who's playing politics over the bodies of the dead? It's not the President.
The Fragile Eared Tard is not extinct!
Hey Nancy, remember Paul Wellstone?
And if Trump had declined to visit, does anyone really think the same critics would not have criticized that decision?
These people are fucking nuts.
Alternate Headline:
"Heeding White Nationalists, Trump ignores pleas to visit Pittsburgh"
Together We Thrive!
Pittsburgh Synagogue Rabbi: Donald Trump 'Certainly Welcome' Following Tree of Life Shooting
My understanding is that the rabbi invited him.
Freder will be along in a minute to tell that wasn't what it was.
So to protest 'divisiveness' they act... divisive. Some logic must be in there I guess.
Pelosi - the rich corrupt queen of the a town that is made out of urine and fecal matter, is not welcome in my home.
the relevant link:
Other than Trump being the eternal bogeyman, how is there any logical connection between anything he has said/done and the synagogue atrocity? The killer was not only not a Trump supporter but specifically rejected Trump as being a tool of what many in the white nationalism community used to refer to as ZOG, or the Zionist Occupied Government. Trump has nepotistically elevated his Orthodox Jewish son-in-law into positions of power and authority. He has been one of the most lavishly pro-Israel presidents, including upending 50 years of international consensus on the status of East Jerusalem. Articles on the incident breathlessly report the increased incidents of anti-Semitic events during the Trump presidency but all, as far as I can tell, neglect to mention that those were largely driven by threats from a black leftist writer for The Intercept and by an Israeli Jew.
p.s. As best I can tell, the only anti-Semitic crime Trump has committed is believing that the US has borders that deserve to be defended.
Republican Trump extends hand, Democrat's Pelosi and Schumer bite it. Media blames Trump.
Nothing says "love" like protesting the president who has come into town to visit mourners.
So one family of one of the 11 victims doesn't want Trump there, so he's not supposed to go for the other 10 victims? Wasn't it like a day ago that Democrats were still complaining about the electoral college, because they supposedly believe in a pure democracy. Stuff it, Pelosi! Pennsylvania didn't go along with California and New York for a reason.
J, you accuse Trump of nepotism. Yet, Kushner is not paid. I think you are pushing an inept talking point. If not being a liar.
DEMS! OY! Idjits.
as far as I can tell, neglect to mention that those were largely driven by threats from a black leftist writer for The Intercept and by an Israeli Jew.
90% of the antiSemetic messages were from a disturbed teenager in Israel who is Jewish.
Schumer and Pelosi are the new comedy team for the modern era.
They replace Stiller and Meara, Sonny and Cher, Martin and Lewis, etc
But not Penn and Teller.
The media are so filled with hatred, they cannot help themselves.
That he didn't cancel his rally sat evening says a lot. He needs his daily fix of adoration. Like a drug.
Cruelly neutral Ann posts this to inspire mockery of the simple human decency that Nancy Pelosi's quote shows. Ann neither sees, nor smells.
Yeah Steve! He needs the adoration! Or he wants to have a Republican House. You chose.....poorly.
@Jack Wayne:
J, you accuse Trump of nepotism. Yet, Kushner is not paid. I think you are pushing an inept talking point. If not being a liar.
nepotism: the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.
The fact that the job is unpaid is irrelevant.
"There are people who know how to get the Trump agenda done. Your kids aren't the ones who can do it. Americans hate nepotism."
-Ann Coulter, one of the first and most vociferous Trump supporters and author of In Trump We Trust
Farmer, that was a miss. I avoid you mostly but your comment was bullshit.
Blogger steve uhr said...
That he didn't cancel his rally sat evening says a lot.
Steve, I:m trying to be nice to you but that was not one of you better comments. Ease up a bit with the hate,
@Michael K:
Farmer, that was a miss. I avoid you mostly but your comment was bullshit.
How so? Is it your contention that Jared and Ivanka were hired on the basis of their qualifications and not their familial relations?
For what it's worth, anyone that actually cares about Trump's agenda (as opposed to reflexively defending anything Trump does), should be very worried about Jared and Ivanka occupying senior advising positions in the White House. They're essentially Manhattan liberals. Mickey Kaus, who has been on the side of immigration restrictionism for well over a decade, is on the same page.
10/30/18, 6:36 PM
J. Farmer said...
p.s. As best I can tell, the only anti-Semitic crime Trump has committed is believing that the US has borders that deserve to be defended.
10/30/18, 6:37 PM
Oh, no, you're not an anti-Semite. Not at all. And even if you were, how would that affect the strength of your arguments? Go fuck some more of your clients.
@Bad Lieutenant:
Oh, no, you're not an anti-Semite. Not at all. And even if you were, how would that affect the strength of your arguments? Go fuck some more of your clients.
Hmm...perhaps your reading comprehension skills are challenged, but the entire point of my comment was to indicate how absurd the charge of anti-Semitism against Trump is. And yet, that makes me anti-Semitic? Interesting logic there.
Go fuck some more of your clients.
Lame attempt at an insult, Lieutenant. Please try harder.
If I had written, "As best I can tell, the only racist crime Trump has committed is believing that the US has borders that deserve to be defended," would that be evidence of my racism. This is tomfoolery on your part.
I’m not concerned about the nepotism; it’s their NY politics that worry me.
Farmer is the target of some weird criticism.
I’m not concerned about the nepotism; it’s their NY politics that worry me.
Precisely. But "their NY politics" is why you should be concerned about the nepotism. If Trumo's son-in-law had been Stephen Miller, it'd be much less concerning. But again, I only bring it up to rebut the absurd charge that Trump is motivated by anti-Semitism.
anyone that actually cares about Trump's agenda (as opposed to reflexively defending anything Trump does), should be very worried about Jared and Ivanka
Trump is very isolated and in the position that Vito Corleone was. He trusts very few and with good reason, DC being the snake pit that it is. Kushner has done pretty well with the Israel and Saudi issue but you, being reflexively anti-Israel, probably don't think so.
I kind of sense your positions from reading American Conservative and Pat Buchanan's posts on Taki's blog, which I also read.
I like Pat and have read several of his books. I like "Nixon's White House Wars" best but also read the Churchill "Useless Wars" book. It was not one I agreed with much but it did get me to read a bio of Edward Grey,
The biggest mistake the kids made was firing Lewandoski and hiring Manafort.
The eleven Jews who died in Pittsburgh shall not have died in vain if their deaths can be used to score political points against Donald Trump.
@Michael K:
If you follow Ann Coulter's or Mickey Kaus' Twitter, I am pretty much on the same page as them regarding Jared and Ivanka. For example:
“I don’t particularly want to attack Jared, but, OK, there was ‘Fire Jim Comey, it’s a great idea.’ There was ‘Endorse Luther Strange, it’ll be a great idea.’ There was ‘Let’s start with tax cuts, because that’s what Mitch McConnell wants.’ There was ‘Let’s hire Anthony Scaramucci—he’s fantastic, Pops!’”
“And, on a larger point, there’s his prison reform, which you’d think would be a little embarrassing for a guy whose father spent time in prison...”
-Ann Coulter Daydreams About Trump Whacking Jared Kushner
Well they aren't really influencing policy much, except for the middle east and Mexico portfolios, I'm guessing mcmasters and Tillerson were certainly part of their imput.
input. Scaramucci big mistake was talking to Ryan lizza, but some of his subsequent actions suggests he has impulse control issues, he did move Spicer laterally.
Presidents are never welcome except in news reports. Presidents cause traffic problems.
I dislike nepotism generally but Jared was one of the few competent people Trump could really trust so using him made sense.
The whole Pittsburgh kerfuffle just demonstrates the absurdity of the anti-Trumpers:the most pro-Jewish president gets accused of fomenting the murderous hate of an anti-Trump anti-semite.
The headline is reusuable for when the Patriots play the Steelers.
I dislike nepotism generally but Jared was one of the few competent people Trump could really trust so using him made sense.
The "loyalty" excuse was the reason we got wacky Omarosa making a six-figure salary in the White House. I am not sure what the evidence of Jared's competence in politics is. From all the available evidence, he appears to be a fairly standard rich New York Democrat. Why anyone who was supportive of Trump's agenda would want someone like that whispering in Trump's ear is beyond me.
We cannot mourn the dead because the media hate Trump.
This is just the latest instance of “whatever Trump says or does it’s wrong.” That definitely includes if he does nothing at all. Waaaaaay past tiresome.
@Michael K:
If you follow Ann Coulter's or Mickey Kaus' Twitter, I am pretty much on the same page as them regarding Jared and Ivanka. For example:
I don't and think you are assuming things that are not proven. Cam less impressed with Ivanka but I think Kushner has done some good.
DC is a snakepit which you seem unwilling to accept.
Everything is fake:
@Big Mike:
This is just the latest instance of “whatever Trump says or does it’s wrong.” That definitely includes if he does nothing at all. Waaaaaay past tiresome.
Agree completely. Anyone who ever read Aesop's The Boy Who Cried Wolf would understand what a losing, counterproductive strategy it is. The establishment's hubris is matched only by its incompetence.
Spicer, had let many swamp critters burrow into the bureaucracy, my view is it's more a minefield ringed with barbed wire.
@Michael K:
DC is a snakepit which you seem unwilling to accept.
To the contrary, I have been talking about it for 20 years, back when the snakepit was propping up tragic figures like George W. Bush. And how Jared, a former supporter of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, is a cure to the DC snakepit, I'll never know. He is a prototypical establishment figure. Steve Bannon and Kris Kobach are both far superior to Jared.
True and Bannon doesn't know when to keep his trap shut as meeting with Woolf and woodwardcm suggest.
Kobach is on his way to governor, so he may get there one way or another.
Trump spent a considerable amount of time at his Saturday rally talking about the Pittsburgh shooting--including calling for the death penalty for the shooter.
Go and listen. You might learn something. He even gave his reasons for holding the rally.
And how Jared, a former supporter of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, is a cure to the DC snakepit, I'll never know.
I know. Just like Trump was when he was doing business there.
Blogger narciso said...
Spicer, had let many swamp critters burrow into the bureaucracy, my view is it's more a minefield ringed with barbed wire.
I think it was Priebus, who of course hired Spicer.
I stand corrected, but I think my metaphor still holds,
Re my line about how long the Yemen troubles have lasted uncle khashoggi did his first deal supplying David sterling in 1963
That came from said aburish the Palestinian that the Sauds would have most sincerely wanted dead.
J. Farmer: The intellectual side of Robert Bowers' belief system!
Yes, nepotism's no good. That's not the point. This sorry excuse for a president has conflicts of interest all up and down the board and only trusts kin for a reason - he's completely untrustworthy. Plus, Jared's quite a bit more slick and a hell of a lot less stupid and blundering than his brothers-in-law.
But what an absolutely incredible asshat of a sub-human. He relishes his only political "skill" - if you can even call it that - of setting off language specifically designed to activate and trigger the Robert Bowerses of the world. Jewish control of the world (specifically our immigration policy) is the issue that the Nazis find nearest and dearest to their tiny little microscopic hearts. It's how they sustain the trope of the Jew as the master demonic manipulator, out to "destroy" the "white race." Every time you hear Soros or Tom Steyer's name mentioned, that's what they're doing. Intentionally.
So Trump sets this guy off, basically making him feel that he has to take things into his own hands, gets a bunch of elderly Jews massacred - including two lovely disabled brothers, invites himself to the funerals, over the objections of the mayor and city administrators - before they even have time to process the event or the rites or crime scene, lies about having gotten other public officials to accompany them, when even they had the good sense to stay away from the scene and moreover Trump's absolutely radioactive toxicity... all the while keeping up exactly the same inciteful, activating rhetoric and campaigning that sets these guys off in the first place.
He is basically the King of All Scumbags.
And what he's doing with the language? We've seen it before. We see it all the time. Same both sides of the mouth trick.
This is your president, Republiclones.
The Mother of All Scumbags. The Scumbag's Scumbag.
How nice of Trump to invite himself to the funerals of the people he incited Robert Bowers to murder.
What a guy. Hey, made for a nice photo-op, eh?
Surely there's a way Trump can seek to make all this even more about himself.
Jared and Ivanka make for nice court Jews.
Trump is now officially President לשון הרע.
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
I am sure I'll regret attempting to engage you on the subject, but what the hell...
J. Farmer: The intellectual side of Robert Bowers' belief system!
That of course ignores the fact that the Robert Bowers of the world and the Stormfront crowd specifically reject people like Jared Taylor because they are seen as insufficiently critical of Jewish people.
Can you give us some examples of Trump's "language specifically designed to activate and trigger the Robert Bowerses of the world?"
It's how they sustain the trope of the Jew as the master demonic manipulator, out to "destroy" the "white race."
When has Trump intimated any of this? And how does it square with the fact that Bowers specifically rejected Trump as an agent of Jewish control?
I am not sure what the evidence of Jared's competence in politics is.
Who needs evidence of competence? After 8 years of Obama? That's a rich question
Can you give us some examples of Trump's "language specifically designed to activate and trigger the Robert Bowerses of the world?"
If you can't see it, you're beyond hope.
When has Trump intimated any of this?
Trump's not the only one, any more. Other right-wing fever swamps have done it for a while, and now it's gone mainstream politician. "Soros" is basically right-wing code for "Jewish billionaires are trying to control you and take you down." If you don't find that anti-semitic, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the works of a specific, R. Goebbels. His productions are very well-known, and were very effective.
Perhaps you are blind to what even Bowers could understand well enough to refer to as "optics."
Whatever you do, don't go into advertising. Or communications of any sort.
After aburish I guess bari atwan, was the next most dangerous critic, al quds Arabi plays a bit insignificant role in that Anderson harp novel.
Not insignificant role, of course Buford farrow happened in 99, when the bureau was so preoccupied with the megiddo project, that they missed al queda.
narciso, it's not worth it. Once the loonies arrive, it's the time for something else.
Yes, that is the irony, it was Doug Jones who arrested Richard Jewell in 96, allowing Eric Rudolph to get away for years
They seem riven with rage virus:
it's the time for something else.
Maybe something like this.
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
If you can't see it, you're beyond hope.
Ah, the classic "it's so obvious I can't be bothered to explain it" cop-out. Translation: I don't actually know any examples.
Trump's ad was anti-Semitic because he criticized Janet Yellen, George Soros, and the CEO of Goldman-Sachs. Apparently, anti-Semitic now means criticizing anyone who happens to be Jewish. If someone disagrees with George Soros' politics and political activism, how is it possible to criticize that without being called anti-Semitic?
Perhaps you are blind to what even Bowers could understand well enough to refer to as "optics."
Except you once again ignore the fact that Bowers was critical of and opposed to Trump. So apparently Trump's dog whistles were lost on him.
74% of domestic terrorism since 9/11 has been perpetrated by right-wing violent extremists.
Just something to keep in mind.
I don't know how he can walk and chew gum at the same time.
Trump's ad was anti-Semitic because he criticized Janet Yellen, George Soros, and the CEO of Goldman-Sachs. Apparently, anti-Semitic now means criticizing anyone who happens to be Jewish.
All three of them together is the rhetorical trick known as the "parade of horribles." You are a moron at interpreting subtext.
Anti-Semitic incidents have increased 60%. But Farmer doesn't know why.
His head his comfortably in the sand. Can't have anything to do with that famous trope of yore. Sure, there are lots of billionaires, bankers and lots of reasons for preferring international cooperation to whatever "nationalist" norm existed prior to America's winning of WWII and ruling over a much better international order. But clearly the Jewish ones must be grouped together as seeming especially menacing. For no particular reason.
At least, for no particular reason that Farmer the homosexual pedophile can discern. Hey, I'm not saying that because he's homosexual he IS a pedophile - just came up with that weird association for some reason. Maybe he looks like Jerry Sandusky. How can that possibly be homophobic? I'm just concerned about my kids, is all.
Farmer, stay out of those locker rooms. We're on to you. It's nothing personal or discriminatory, you see. Just good citizenship.
What a moron you are.
Except you once again ignore the fact that Bowers was critical of and opposed to Trump.
Trump apparently found out that walking the walk isn't as easy as talking the talk. Apparently some listening to his talk expect him to walk, also.
What a poor entertainer. He let his crowd down. I can't for the life of me figure out why they expected him to follow-through. How confounding.
But that's ok. Trump's happy to let his admirers do his walking for him. Look how fat he is! Just talking is good enough. Outsourcing the violence to his flock is much more politically efficient.
This was the novel where an bin laden wannabe, a Harvard educated real estate developer based on a real person whose based on a real person plans a plot against the west, the far enemy.
With the support of certain princes, it tweaks some details but it points fingers at person thought invincible then
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
All three of them together is the rhetorical trick known as the "parade of horribles." You are a moron at interpreting subtext.
What percent of Trump voters in places like Michigan and Pennsylvania do you think even know who Janet Yellen or Lloyd Blankfein are, let alone (a) are able to recognize them by face alone and (b) know they are Jewish?
Anti-Semitic incidents have increased 60%. But Farmer doesn't know why.
A former Intercept reporter has been arrested for making threats against Jewish community centers.
US-Israeli teen convicted of threats against Jewish centres
Obviously Trump's fault.
Farmer, stay out of those locker rooms. We're on to you. It's nothing personal or discriminatory, you see. Just good citizenship.
Yawn. You should at least try to be more original in your juvenile name-calling. And of course, if you can find a single instance of me ever calling someone "homophobic," I'll give you a thousand dollars.
I also congratulate you on your unwavering support and defense of the Federal Reserve and the international financial system. Sure they helped cause the 2008 financial crash, but of course we know that any criticism of the system only reveals you to be a vicious anti-Semite since some of the positions are occupied by Jewish persons. Keep fighting the good fight there.
What percent of Trump voters in places like Michigan and Pennsylvania do you think even know who Janet Yellen or Lloyd Blankfein are, let alone (a) are able to recognize them by face alone and (b) know they are Jewish?
Enough for whoever made the ad to believe it would be effective. Obviously.
I'm sure the people who go on Twitter to bracket certain users with (((triple parentheses))) are really as clueless as you are to finding these things out.
You should at least try to be more original in your juvenile name-calling.
It's not name-calling. It's illustrating a point.
...if you can find a single instance of me ever calling someone "homophobic,"
Surely you're as unconcerned about how someone would apply bigotry to you as you are to how they would apply it to others. Not that that's a virtue. It just shows how dangerously naive, self-defeating and stupid you are.
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
Enough for whoever made the ad to believe it would be effective. Obviously.
I congratulate you on your gifts as a mind reader. When Hillary Clinton used the term "super-predators" in support of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, did that reveal that she is motivated by a hatred of blacks? I don't believe that. Do you?
It's not name-calling. It's illustrating a point.
Except there is not a single thing in my past to ever warrant such an absurd charge. Apparently from your point of view the Federal Reserve and Goldman-Sachs have never done anything wrong. The criticisms against them are simply motivated by anti-Semitic hatred. Is that right?
Surely you're as unconcerned about how someone would apply bigotry to you as you are to how they would apply it to others. Not that that's a virtue. It just shows how dangerously naive, self-defeating and stupid you are.
If someone advocated for laws that attempted to strip homosexuals of their political rights, I would oppose such laws. The fact that people were motivated by homophobia to support such laws would be completely irrelevant. Neo-Nazis made free speech arguments in Skoki. Does that make free speech a Nazi policy? The argument is what matters, not the psychological motivations of certain people who make an argument.
I also congratulate you on your unwavering support and defense of the Federal Reserve and the international financial system. Sure they helped cause the 2008 financial crash, but of course we know that any criticism of the system only reveals you to be a vicious anti-Semite...
They did no such thing. Now you go so far as to reveal yourself as a true socialist/communist.
Finance exists. International financial systems exist. If you don't like that, then gift away all your possessions and assets (I suspect you don't have many), and live in a cave. Fine with me.
The Fed has a degree of independence from the Federal Gov't. THere's debate about how independent it should be, but that doesn't mean that if a gentile smart enough to run it is found, he or she wouldn't take the position. But gentiles tend to have lower IQs than Jews and lower math ability. Oh well.
The crash was caused by a deregulation spree that had been going on since the Reaganites were in charge. Read Elizabeth Warren. We had stable economies from the time the regs were put in place under FDR until they were dismantled. Regular depressions and near-depressions both before and after. It's not rocket science, you man of modestly intelligent means.
If the crashes were Jewish conspiracies then you'd have to deracinate all your aristocracy of every WASP and non-Jew in America or the world, since they're the ones who come out disproportionately ahead when these things happen. What did Jews have on the Kochs, or Bill Gates, or the Waltons, or every other 1%-er that led them to agree with flushing everyone else's economy down the drain?
You're a very illogical man. Very ill-informed, too.
Dangerously ill-informed.
Central banks as a general rule, going back to the biddlez and the national bank of the USA seem a bad idea
I congratulate you on your gifts as a mind reader. When Hillary Clinton used the term "super-predators" in support of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, did that reveal that she is motivated by a hatred of blacks? I don't believe that. Do you?
She probably was; if she wasn't, it's unlikely that her advisors didn't know that the language would appeal to racial anxieties. Maybe they were incompetent. Maybe Reagan didn't mean "welfare queens" to appeal to the same anxieties. But the advisors of his predecessors knew better. Lee Atwater's admitted all this. Google "Southern Strategy." Not much in politics is accidental, and very little of it isn't designed to exploit divisions between people.
The Clintons' rhetoric toward Obama in the 2008 primary betray your sanctification of their alleged distaste for racial rhetoric when they clearly thought it suited them. And then there's Bill's "Sister Souljah" talk. You are one naive little puppy.
Except there is not a single thing in my past to ever warrant such an absurd charge. Apparently from your point of view the Federal Reserve and Goldman-Sachs have never done anything wrong.
They didn't do anything that the senators they bought hadn't made legal. There's a right way and a wrong way to do something about it. Bernie Sanders had credibility on the right way. You don't.
If someone advocated for laws that attempted to strip homosexuals of their political rights, I would oppose such laws. The fact that people were motivated by homophobia to support such laws would be completely irrelevant.
The only reason you could say this is if you believed democracy was compatible with your immorality/amorality and that character didn't matter when it comes to leading people. You must be a pretty lonely guy.
I recommend you run for office on a platform based on how well your amorality works for you, as well as for everyone you'd like to convince to vote for you.
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
You're a very illogical man. Very ill-informed, too.
Dangerously ill-informed.
Right. Nobody thinks loose monetary policy had anything to do with the crisis.
The global financial crisis and the role of monetary policy
If the crashes were Jewish conspiracies then you'd have to deracinate all your aristocracy of every WASP and non-Jew in America or the world,...
Except I never aid anything about it being a Jewish conspiracy. But I admire your efficiency at attacking straw man.
So just to clarify, it is your position that there is nothing currently wrong with the international financial system, and no reforms are needed. Is that correct?
I mean, except for members of central banks.
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
They didn't do anything that the senators they bought hadn't made legal. There's a right way and a wrong way to do something about it. Bernie Sanders had credibility on the right way. You don't.
Here’s the staggering amount banks have been fined since the financial crisis
Apparently $243 billion in fines is because they did everything according to the letter of the law. See Matt Taibi's reporting.'
The only reason you could say this is if you believed democracy was compatible with your immorality/amorality and that character didn't matter when it comes to leading people. You must be a pretty lonely guy.
I prefer to judge people by what they do, not what they think. If you cannot understand the difference, I probably cannot help you.
It's global because America's financial reach is broad. (Perhaps as a faux-nationalist you oppose that fact). Monetary policy may play a role; that was just one speech. It's flat-out flat-earth denialism though to deny the role of deregulation.
Except I never aid anything about it being a Jewish conspiracy.
You didn't need to. Your entire purpose was to defend and support those who make it a point (for political purposes) to insinuate that it is.
I mean, except for members of central banks.
There you go again. You wind up, the pitch... it looks like you're trying for an intelligent aside on economic policy - and then the anti-semitic line drive. It's a foul!
Foul ball.
Whoever made those ads wasn't talking about policy. Intentionally. They know what it is that riles up their "poorly educated" base. These are people who think Trump is probably slashing deficits. Or maintaining insurance despite pre-existing exclusions. Jesus.
Here is a very simple challenge:
Identity a single policy that Trump has advocated that you believe is anti-Semitic.
Apparently $243 billion in fines is because they did everything according to the letter of the law. See Matt Taibi's reporting.'
Fines are a cost of doing business. As are lawsuits. Petty cash. If your deregulators hadn't deregulated then a couple dozen people would have and should have gone to jail. Also see Matt Taibbi. Replacing laws with fines as a form of business expenses is not sufficient.
I prefer to judge people by what they do, not what they think.
Obviously. If the quality of your own thinking was any less poor you'd think differently.
Mind you, I have no issue with dumbasses. Just with dumbasses who stridently argue recklessly wrong points about politics and policy - i.e. things that affect my country. Idiocy has its consequences. If you're going to be stupid and say thoughts don't matter then you wouldn't broadcast your outrageously rotten thoughts as if they should be used to guide policy.
For a guy who seems slightly less ignorant than the average baboon, you sure say some dumb things. Why is that?
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
There you go again. You wind up, the pitch... it looks like you're trying for an intelligent aside on economic policy - and then the anti-semitic line drive. It's a foul!
Uh, no, the article I linked to was a presentation by a member of the European Central Bank.
Identity a single policy that Trump has advocated that you believe is anti-Semitic.
The constitution keeps him from doing this but his whiny yelp about how an American-born judge of Mexican extraction shouldn't decide his case is blatantly bigoted. As was his escalator entry speech. Jesus.
Saying that the presidential response to Nazis killing a demonstrator in VA should whitewash them as "fine people" is a break with all kinds of effective, non-racist leadership since our country got so rich and powerful in the first place utterly annihilating said Nazis.
Changing constitutional law is hard. Changing the political climate so that it makes it easier for you to do so? A necessary first-step. See Weimar Republic for examples.
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
Fines are a cost of doing business. As are lawsuits. Petty cash. If your deregulators hadn't deregulated then a couple dozen people would have and should have gone to jail. Also see Matt Taibbi. Replacing laws with fines as a form of business expenses is not sufficient.
I support stricter regulation of the financial industry. And earlier you said that "They didn't do anything that the senators they bought hadn't made legal." You have a fantastic ability to pirouette away from totally wrong statements you make just minutes earlier. That's talent there.
Just with dumbasses who stridently argue recklessly wrong points about politics and policy - i.e. things that affect my country.
Right because the last 40 years of mass immigration, "free trade" arrangements, and incessant intervention have been such a rousing success for the American people.
The constitution keeps him from doing this but his whiny yelp about how an American-born judge of Mexican extraction shouldn't decide his case is blatantly bigoted. As was his escalator entry speech. Jesus.
None of that is anti-Semitic.
Saying that the presidential response to Nazis killing a demonstrator in VA should whitewash them as "fine people" is a break with all kinds of effective, non-racist leadership since our country got so rich and powerful in the first place utterly annihilating said Nazis.
"If you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I'm sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people: neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them. But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest — and very legally protest, because you know- I don't know if you know, they had a permit. The other group didn't have a permit. So, I only tell you this. There are two sides to a story. I thought what took place was a horrible moment for our country, a horrible moment. But there are two sides to the country."
Aww, thanks. Your mother must be so proud.
Right because the last 40 years of mass immigration, "free trade" arrangements, and incessant intervention have been such a rousing success for the American people.
It's been going on (the financial stuff anyway) since Reagan. Supercharged under Gingrich and Clinton. Republicans used to love this stuff. Were all for it. It fit their deregulation agenda perfectly.
America's been intervening since the Manhattan Project.
Republicans will not solve these problems. Trump might do his hyped up crapola around the margins with trade (and immigration - whose impacts are even more marginal). But the big problem is politics designed to only benefit the rich in general. And Trump's policies are ONLY about him as a rich person in general. Cutting his own taxes. Taking the deficit past $1 trillion to do so. He doesn't give a shit about the economy or the working poor - except when it comes to their pride. That stuff's his speciality.
There is no right-wing solution to the problems of the working poor.
None of that is anti-Semitic.
J Farmer proudly makes his warped case that not all bigots are anti-semitic. Noted. What a stellar absolution there, Sparky.
The quote you provided may have been the one that someone as desperate as you believes in and finds courageous and full of leadership potential, but it's not the one in question.
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
J Farmer proudly makes his warped case that not all bigots are anti-semitic. Noted. What a stellar absolution there, Sparky.
There are Jewish people who harbor racist attitudes towards blacks and Arabs, for example. Does that ipso facto also make them anti-Semitic, or is there a distinction between the two?
The quote you provided may have been the one that someone as desperate as you believes in and finds courageous and full of leadership potential, but it's not the one in question.
"You have some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides."
Is this statement wrong? If so, how? And who were the "very bad people in that group" that he was referring to?
@President Pee-Pee Tape:
It's been going on (the financial stuff anyway) since Reagan. Supercharged under Gingrich and Clinton. Republicans used to love this stuff. Were all for it. It fit their deregulation agenda perfectly.
If you ever read me writing anything in defense of "Republicans" or of "deregulation" of the financial industry, please quote. I won't hold my breath.
There is no right-wing solution to the problems of the working poor.
Immigration restriction is an easy and simple one. It would certainly help those at the lowest end of the skills distribution if they did not have to compete with poor Latinos willing to work for subsistence wages. Bernie Sanders correctly identified mass immigration as a Koch brothers supported low-wage scheme. Was he wrong?
There are Jewish people who harbor racist attitudes towards blacks and Arabs, for example.
What's your point?
Does that ipso facto also make them anti-Semitic, or is there a distinction between the two?
Oh I see. To redefine "semitic" as only linguistic, even though blacks don't speak semitic languages. (Except Ethiopians, of whom there aren't many in America).
Old anti-semitic trick, confusing language families with the term describing the more "scientific" jew hatred of the 19th century.
You are a very confused middle-aged... whatever.
What's your point?
That pointing out purported racist remarks towards Mexicans is not an example of anti-Semitism, which was the question at hand.
Oh I see. To redefine "semitic" as only linguistic, even though blacks don't speak semitic languages. (Except Ethiopians, of whom there aren't many in America).
So racist remarks against Mexicans is an example of anti-Semitism. That's a very novel definition of anti-Semitism. But yeah, I am the one who is "very confused."
So just to recap, when I asked you to "identity a single policy that Trump has advocated that you believe is anti-Semitic," you came up with exactly nothing.
Immigration restriction is neither easy nor simple and immigration from Mexico declined to its lowest ever under Obama and the Bush W. economy. You can do whatever you want with it; it still won't help low wage workers anywhere near as much as the progressive era reforms and leadership of the early and mid-20th c. did. But it does help gin up hate and that equals votes so do what you feel you must to keep Trump in power! It's all for him anyway.
The most anti-Semitic thing I have ever heard in my entire life is "Soros is code for Jews".
"identity a single policy that Trump has advocated that you believe is anti-Semitic,"
The Farmer formulation for saying that Trump could declare, "I hate Jews and think they should all be killed!" but still stand uncaused of an "anti-semitic policy!"
You can't make this shit up, folks. But it was all coming. After all, this Farmer fool is a guy who literally says thoughts don't matter. The leader can think whatever he wants, as long as you're not in on the policy he's implementing with them.
I'm literally done. The idea of a discussion with a guy who literally says thoughts don't matter is like having a discussion with a guy with no mouth.
Back under your rock, Farmer!
BTW, just out of curiosity -- just how poorly educated are you?
The most anti-Semitic thing I have ever heard in my entire life is "Soros is code for Jews".
Why? Because you hate all holocaust survivors or just the most successful ones?
Bowers found it such and he's the kind of anti-semite we need to worry about. Not the low-level anti-semites like Qwinn and his fellow Trumpanzees.
So once we have the demographics of Brazil, do you think eliminating income inequality, the sine qua non of the progressive movement, will be easier? History is such a stunning testament to the success of multi-ethnic, polyglot nations. It is probably just a total coincidence that the highest standards of living in the world achieved in northwest Europe and northeast Asia are in ethnically homogenous nations. Central Africa is one of the most ethnically heterogeneous regions in the world. Apparently diversity is not their strength.
The Farmer formulation for saying that Trump could declare, "I hate Jews and think they should all be killed!" but still stand uncaused of an "anti-semitic policy!"
That would be a good example. As it stands, you don't have anything even in the same orbit. You're reduced to pathetically sniffing around for so called dog whistles. And in fact, when pressed, the best example you could come up with was a two-minute campaign add that included pictures of Janet Yellen, George Soros, and Lloyd Blankfein. Oh the horror!
BTW, just out of curiosity -- just how poorly educated are you?
I have a masters degree in clinical neuropsychology, and I have spent my entire professional career in criminal justice and child welfare attempting to advocate for and secure treatment for people who are pretty much at the bottom of society. Perhaps you can explain to us all what you do to help the disadvantaged. Beyond bloviating that is.
So once we have the demographics of Brazil,
Wow. Just lay all your fears out there.
Not sure our ethnic "demographics" are really all that different from Brazil's. They just have less anti-miscegenation. What a way to telegraph your anxieties. For a non-breeder, your fertilization anxieties sure are unhinged. you think eliminating income inequality, the sine qua non of the progressive movement, will be easier?
It's irrelevant. Ethnic tension follows economic tension. Not vice versa.
History is such a stunning testament to the success of multi-ethnic, polyglot nations.
Sure is. Rome, for instance. Where we get civilization from in the first place.
It is probably just a total coincidence that the highest standards of living in the world achieved in northwest Europe and northeast Asia are in ethnically homogenous nations. Central Africa is one of the most ethnically heterogeneous regions in the world. Apparently diversity is not their strength.
So was Germany before every tiny dialect coalesced into a national consciousness.
YOu're in the wrong country, little boy. America allied itself with England's enemy France and almost made German its national language. If you want to live in an ethno-state there are many you could choose from, if only you had the guts and the funds to make the move. America wasn't founded that way.
p.s. I should add that I am generally not a fan of someone brandishing their educational credentials, since it makes no difference to the correctness or incorrectness of their arguments.
campaign add that included pictures of Janet Yellen, George Soros, and Lloyd Blankfein. Oh the horror!
Was it effective, or not, you communications failure? If anti-semitism works to get votes are you saying he would use it or not?
I have a masters degree in clinical neuropsychology...
You have a stunning lack of insight into how people actually think. (Oh, that's right. You're anti-thought. Or opposed to interpreting what one's thoughts mean. Or something. Weird).
My condolences to your inability to find a job that has anything to do with your education. Maybe you should have just gone to jail instead. Hope you're having fun working there.
If you want to live in an ethno-state there are many you could choose from, if only you had the guts and the funds to make the move. America wasn't founded that way.
Nearly half the population of Quebec would prefer to live in a separate Francophone state. Nearly half the population of Scotland voted a few years back to have an independent nation from the United Kingdom. Were both movements a result of hatred for the English? Why or why not?
WTF does Quebec or Scotland have to do with anything? We have a constitution, a declaration, a bill of rights all founded on progressive enlightenment values that you hate so much. But it's worked very well for us. Because people like you are marginalized in favor of the better message that all our founders, esp. Washington, and including myself, are selling.
If you want someone of another nation to beat on with your big caveman club, gay bigot, I'm sure you can find them.
Most Americans have better things to do, though.
A gay bigot who pushes for more ethnic nationalism in America. I've seen it all.
My condolences to your inability to find a job that has anything to do with your education. Maybe you should have just gone to jail instead. Hope you're having fun working there.
Uh, my job is in diagnostics and evaluation, which is precisely what I was trained to do, but I appreciate your condolences. And yes, I find the work very satisfying (if frustrating), and I have managed to make a pretty good living at it. My company employs more than two dozen people, and we cove nearly a quarter of the state of Florida.
I hope one day you can find a similar level of success and satisfaction in your life. In between the fever dreams that is.
We have a constitution, a declaration, a bill of rights all founded on progressive enlightenment values that you hate so much.
Of course I do not hate enlightenment values. I cherish them and recognize what a unique achievement they are, which is precisely why I would like to see those values continue. Take a look at Latin America today and tell me if you see a land awash in enlightenment values. One of the reasons that the US and many Western European nations are shifting rightwards is specifically because of the issue of mass immigration.
But it's worked very well for us.
The US states that are most diverse also have the highest levels of income inequality. And the country was majority Anglo-Protestant for the first 150 years of its existence.
A gay bigot who pushes for more ethnic nationalism in America.
Odd, huh. It's almost as if my sexuality has nothing to do with my political opinions.
My statement three hours ago that "I am sure I'll regret attempting to engage you on the subject" is a perfect example of my perspicacity. It was as fruitless an endeavor as I feared.
But it was fun nonetheless. So thanks for the entertainment.
Hugs and kisses. Have a good night, dear.
Oh I couldn't let this gem go without comment...
America wasn't founded that way.
Hahahahahahaha. See the Naturalization Act of 1790.
Farmer hates foreigners, Folks! And he's not afraid who knows it!
But he's still wrong.
Don't worry, Farmer! Your non-Latin "genes" will stay safe and sound, right in your tiny little gonads! No one's going to dilute your own special brand of ethnic whatever down with Latin non-specialness in the next generation! You go, girl!
It's almost as if my sexuality has nothing to do with my political opinions.
Both are just as arbitrary.
Farmer hates foreigners, Folks! And he's not afraid who knows it!
Right, I lived abroad for several years, including in places where I was the only English-speaking paleface for miles, because I "hate foreigners."
Don't worry, Farmer! Your non-Latin "genes" will stay safe and sound, right in your tiny little gonads! No one's going to dilute your own special brand of ethnic whatever down with Latin non-specialness in the next generation! You go, girl!
Girl? Interestingly, I have never once attacked or criticized a person for their identity traits, so I just love being lectured on open-mindedness and tolerance by complete hypocrites like yourself. And you even attacked the size of my reproductive organs. My god, how will I ever recover from such a devastating critique. Hopefully with time I'll find the courage to carry on.
Both are just as arbitrary.
Both are actually the complete opposite of arbitrary. But given your facility for making completely incorrect statements, this is no surprise.
But don't worry, I forgive you for everything you don't know.
J. Farmer you're one of my favorite commenters here, not that that means anything of course, but I applaud you. You know your onions, argue without rancor, and resist partisan bigotries. I usually skip PeePee boy's inanities, but when you said you were going to engage the fool, I had to read through. It's discomforting to know that PeePee's spittle-flecked stuck-on-stupid ignorance and rage is a condition encouraged and incited throughout the nation these days.
J. I admire your tenacity.
No really. Make sure he's in the barrel. Slam the bung home and just walk away.
It's benieth your abilities.
Farmer, I have new respect. Do you need a shower after that series of "exchanges?"
J. Farmer you're one of my favorite commenters here,
#metoo, though I've been reluctant to say so because he might not appreciate the the association. I'm surprised, though, at the effort he expends dealing with pieces of shit like Pee Pee Tape and Michael K.
Now back on your heads:
I'm surprised, though, at the effort he expends dealing with pieces of shit like Pee Pee Tape and Michael K.
Thank you. I have avoided you since your puzzling attacks on me but to be lumped with Ritmo by you suggests you are really out of your mind. That is odd because I mostly agree with your comments and have never been aware of any hostility on my part toward you. Now, perhaps, I understand. You are a well compensated paranoid schizo.
Best wishes for your recovery,
When the comment section notes the number of comments, could they add the number by PPTapes? It would certainly help in my decision whether to read the comments. Or at least it would warn my to warm up my scroll-past thumb.
@President Pee-Pee Tape: What a disgusting person you are.
And these same, snarling assholes would be bitching if Trump didn't show up.
Eff 'em.
That he didn't cancel his rally sat evening says a lot. He needs his daily fix of adoration.
Yeah. It's almost like the time he flew to Las Vegas for a fundraiser the day after four Americans were slaughtered in Benghazi.
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