This, like most terrorism, is "propaganda of the deed", designed to make the unthinkable thinkable, and above all to provoke a reaction that will radicalize more.
Its like Provo IRA bombings, that resulted in a "Bloody Sunday".
Most terrorists fail because they represent powerless minorities, that can be suppressed. Most political extremists inclined to terrorism overestimate the number of their sympathisers.
In this case, the political-cultural conditions guarantee that the reaction will apply to a very broad slice of the population, and a very powerful one, and moreover one that already sympathises with at least a part of the terrorists agenda.
“At least eight people were killed and many more injured after the gunman opened fire at The Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh while yelling “all Jews need to die.”
Posts by alleged shooter Robert Bowers show he was obsessed with Jewish conspiracies, while also believing Trump to be a puppet for Jewish interests.
“For the record, I did not vote for him,” Bowers said in response to another post that was critical of Trump, adding, “nor have I owned, worn or even touched a maga hat.””
Not surprised that he thinks that Trump is controlled by the Jews, with his older daughter converting to Judaism, and she and her Jewish husband being somebof his closest political advisers.
The thing though that drives me totally crazy is that my Jewish friends all but stand on their head to deny the glaringly obvious reality that antisemitism is almost exclusively on the left today, and is firmly ensconced in the Democratic Party that they support so strongly, and, in my mind, blindly. They will find the half dozen neo-Nazis out of upwards of a hundred million Trump supporters, and try to pretend that they are the face of the Republican Party. They won’t be able to find a prominent Republican condoning antisemitism, while studiously ignoring the many public antisemitic statements by prominent Democrats - whom they continue to supportfinancially with their campaign contributions.
RE: being a Jew in PA. Despite heavy Catholic influence on both sides, I manage to have Jewish relatives - an aunt that converted when she married and settled down near where she grew up in PA. They left PA to move to North Carolina due to the anti semitism at the time - I think it was the 1980's. Still makes my head hurt to think of someone moving **southward** for a more liberal environment but apparently it was the right move. When my aunt married a Jew instead of a Catholic, it was a HUGE drama in the family at the time as she had been engaged to a nice Italian Catholic boy who went off to the Korean war. Makes me wonder how deep the whole Catholic-Jewish thing is today.
I predict, soon, a general purge of the right from Internet social media, far beyond anything seen yet. And from the Internet in general. The reaction part of the cycle.
Ann, you are such a phony. Trump has his supporters at his recent rally in Wisconsin chanting “Lock Her Up!” about Senator Tammy Baldwin and you don’t say a peep, but instead rag on President Obama for saying “Evers” wrong. Trump talking about “too much hate in the world” is ludicrous, but it somehow escapes your attention. But your whole blogging platform that you have built is structured on generating hate. You must be proud.
I'm reading Stephen Ambrose book, "Citizen Soldiers" and the chapter on Bastogne has an anecdote of a GI who was badly wounded (but survived to tell the story) and a chaplain asked him if he was Catholic, then administered the Last Rites. The soldier looked at the chaplain's insignia and saw a star of David. As the Jewish chaplain was administering Last Rites, the soldier thought to himself "I've got all the bases covered."
Take your pick. A POTUS that requires a script to read off of teleprompters to discuss the most banal and insipid topics or an emotionally moved and sincere POTUS standing hatless in the rain speaking extemporaneously. One who votes "present" vs. one who acts.
Still makes my head hurt to think of someone moving **southward** for a more liberal environment but apparently it was the right move
I don't know where Yankees got the idea that Southerners were anti-semitic. I was raised as a Southern Baptist and if there is one sure thing, it is that the Jews were God's chosen people and that Jesus was a Jew.
And if it was good enough for Jesus, it was sure good enough for us.
"Once" has a lot of hate. It is the result of the sort of arrogant tribalism that afflicts this country. Contrary information to the elite consensus makes people angry.
Which is the cause, itself, of more tribalism, much of it developing underground and out of sight, as it is non-elite and invisible.
Nothing unique about it, it is the way many tragedies develop.
"The thing though that drives me totally crazy is that my Jewish friends all but stand on their head to deny the glaringly obvious reality that antisemitism is almost exclusively on the left today, and is firmly ensconced in the Democratic Party that they support so strongly, and, in my mind, blindly."
Perhaps they deny this "glaringly obvious reality" (sic) because there's no evidence to support it. Can you explain how this anti-semitism is expressed, and by whom?
In such matters there is no "obvious truth". Engage, and get into the weeds, and there will be less hate. It is the failure to do this, to discuss matters with openess and sincerity, that has created this situation.
Antisemitism is typical in California colleges, where there is great social and sometimes official sanction against Jewish manifestations. And its not just against Israel.
Can you explain how this anti-semitism is expressed, and by whom?
So, are you saying Farrakhan isn't an anti-Semite or that two former US presidents didn't appear at a major public function with him recently? And what about Keith Ellison, one time devotee of Farrakhan. That's two of the top of my head.
Rights and responsibilities, despite journalist prodding to the contrary. Americans understand that they are prerequisites for life, liberty, family, and community, and do not normalize amoral, immoral orientations and behaviors.
The "lock her up" would in previous administrations have been chanted by the press, or portions of it, thus giving voice to the public will.
The present moment limits the people to using their own voices for this, no longer being represented by sympathetic professionals. And moreover having some means of having their own voices heard.
Polarization of culture came first, robbing the people of their voice, followed by politics, followed by technology.
In the bad times, the lowest of the low, the bottom dwellers, the scum, always pop up, show themselves, and scream about Jews. They are always there, but certain times of the world seem to make them feel their time is now.
Their time is never. I am not even almost concerned with this person's political bent. It's of no matter to me. He and his ilk need to be done with this earth.
Bruce Hayden said... "They won’t be able to find a prominent Republican condoning antisemitism, while studiously ignoring the many public antisemitic statements by prominent Democrats - whom they continue to support financially with their campaign contributions."
I think the reality is that Jews know they will always be a minority in any country but Israel, and they therefore prefer the party that depicts itself as solicitous of minorities, even though some of those minorities hate their guts. They believe, perhaps correctly, that they are better off in a "diverse" nation, than in a nation which has a strong ethnic identity that is not Jewish.
The people at the scene are first-responders, but were not able to mount an effective resistance. The police are second-responders, but it sounds like this time they did engage the man. Of course, there is no monolithic police bloc, and what happened in Florida does not translate to other stations and officers.
That said, Trump spoke clearly: "it's a shame."
Diversity or color judgments are on the rise. #HateLovesAbortion
“Antisemitism is typical in California colleges, where there is great social and sometimes official sanction against Jewish manifestations. And its not just against Israel.”
Antisemitism is a typical in alt right groups which this Bowers person supposedly belonged to. Alt Right groups typically support Trump, but not always.
Inga and the Pittsburgh shooter seem to have quite a lot in common.
Quite alot.
Not surprising really. That the party of Sarsour and Farrakhan and anti-Israel activists in the BDS movement that also hate Trump passionately would be aligned should surprise no one.
Congratulations Inga.
Your fellow Trump hater guns down those who are hated by the democrat base.
If the people felt they would have been better represented by a less oafish man, then they would have elected him. This is a struggle between peoples and Trump is an instrument.
It is pointless to say, as it cannot happen, an impossibility in human nature, but the only way out of this situation is for the institutional elite to make peace with the people, and this is largely a cultural, personal matter.
It is a matter of expressing humility. To take the road to Canossa, to crawl on their knees up the cathedral steps, to wash the peoples feet.
Ancient Kings and aristocrats knew they had to make such gestures. The modern ones are more arrogant, and more isolated.
Antisemitism is a problem in California Universities where the radical Palestinian element has friends on the left that believe Israel practices genocide and apartheid.
There are a lot of loose filings in America. The magnetism of Trump picks up some of them, but, if you want to gather lots and lots of loose filings, anti-semitism is the way to go. It's been that way for centuries.......I wonder if this story will displace the bomber story in the news. This latest crazy is truly a mass murderer and a bigot. The Trump bomber is in his own little world.. What he has working for him, though, is that he can credibly used to damage Trump and he targeted famous people. My guess is he will continue to get the most news coverage.
Antisemitism is a typical in all activist lefty groups on campus. Those groups are the originators of the BDS movements meant to isolate and weaken Israel. The lefty groups universally support dems and oppose Trump. But only always.
SayAahh said... Take your pick. A POTUS that requires a script to read off of teleprompters to discuss the most banal and insipid topics or an emotionally moved and sincere POTUS standing hatless in the rain speaking extemporaneously. One who votes "present" vs. one who acts.
Or one who doesn't bother to learn people's names. Obama comes to Wisconsin to rally for the Democratic Party candidate for governor and repeatedly mispronounces his name. Shows he's a real supporter of the candidate, doesn't it?
Can you explain how this anti-semitism is expressed, and by whom?
Are you kidding us, Cookie?
No rising black politician gets around the inevitable photo op with Farrakhan, whose theology is not only anti-white racist but anti-Semitic. Malik Shabazz "toured" with the Black Lives Matter leadership. Shabazz is one of the founders of the New Black Panther Party, which is a breakaway from the Nation of Islam & shares its antisemitism.
Try & be a supporter of Israel today on a university campus. It's the Left who shouts these people down. The modern Left has not only made an alliance with the Muslims, who bring in their own native brand of antisemitism, but they hide their antisemitism behind a veil of anti-colonialism & anti-Zionism. But, that's just a crock, since the Left, has from the beginning, given vent to its own foundational antisemitism.
Finally, moving beyond ideology to demographics, the two most antisemitic ethnic groups in the US are <a href=">blacks & Latinos.</a> These numbers have been the same since about 1968. Guess what party they vote for by a large percentage?
Fortunately for Inga's anti-Israel allies, the reporter who took this picture kept it hidden long enough for obama to leave office.
So now we understand why obama was so hell bent intent on handing $150 Billion dollars to Iran. Iran want's to wipe Isreal off the face of the map. The lefties on campus want everyone to isolate the jews and the nation of Israel.
"At a recent University of California, Irvine (UCI) rally organized by the Muslim Student Union, a member applauded the use of Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel while another showed off a swastika tattoo."
Yep, Howard, those alt-right white nationalists are really a force on our nation's campuses.
Blogger Howard said... Trump isn't right wing enough for the synagogue shooter. Apparently picked Tree of Life for helping to resettle refugees.
As much as I dislike Trump, you can see that this personally effected him because of the closer degree of separation from his own family.
I don't think of anti-Semitism as "right wing." There may have been time, with Father Coughlan and his ilk, when there was a fair case for anti-Semitism on the right.
Now it is a leftist phenomenon, as we see with Farrakhan and Ellison.
Blacks have been anti-Semitic for decades, which I always attributed to the small shops in black neighborhoods being run by Jews. Now, in Los Angeles, those small businesses tend to be run by Koreans and there is a definite anti-Korean sentiment among ,any blacks.
Of course, leftists like Inga and Once compare the Trump supporters to Hitler so they can be understood as idiots, not serious.
The problem is a rising diversity (i.e. color judgments), including anti-nativism that promotes the refugee crises, in lieu of emigration reform that would mitigate the collateral damage of immigration reform, and promote a better quality of life for people in their nations and communities. For the men, women, and children lost on the trail across the Mediterranean, Turkey, Mexico, Ukraine, etc.; the men, women, and children left behind; and the forgotten men, women, children, and Planned babies at their destination.
Mike: I agree, there are anti-Semites on the left and right. This guy appears to be a far-right anti-immigrant antisemitic loser. Extremists on both sides need to be culled.
Inga: "Are you nuts? I wasn’t even commenting here when that occured. Can you even say one sentence without lying?"
The Inga-lefties include the lefties that are like you.
And yes, it was quite the production for many years how the Inga-lefties, including obama, refused to call a shooter killing US military members on base while shouting allah ackbar a terrorist act.
But really, that's just another day in the life of the left, isn't it?
Why, just yesterday, the lefties running the lefty European Courts literally ruled that criticism of muhammed is now against the law.
“Referring to the alt-right conspiracy theory, Bowers wrote that "Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90's to be the ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp. But go ahead and keep saying you are Winning."”
Howard exposes much with that particular formulation. A dog-whistle for the anti-semites on the left.
A Drago dog whistle intended to communicate that Israel should stop being democratic and do whatever its leader wants.
Yep, Israelis love seeing their country devolve into an ethno-theocracy. It's what its founders always envisioned. Black-hatted/coated, pale, draft-dodging, indoor-only torah "scholars" grifting off the state and not working the fields or building or protecting the country. Not.
Not that Drago knows anything about that. He just has a simple identity-allegiance equation and left it at that.
Howard: "We do know that this dirty alt-right dog heard Trump's anti-immigrant whistle loud and clear."
So lets follow Howard's logic: alt-right guy here's Trump's alleged anti-immigrant whistle loud and clear....and then....does nothing to immigrants.
In that case, we could just as easily claim this alt-right guy hears Trump's alleged anti-eskimo whistle because then the alt-right guy does....nothing to eskimos!
It's as clear as the nose on your face.
I sure hope sends a dog whistle about me to the alt-righties since, according to Howard logic, that ensures nothing will happen to me!
Drago: why does your side bend over to the 911 terrorists Saudi's? You must hate America and desire it to be subservient to these middle east powerhouses
The Nazi nuts are afraid of the Jews for their brains and social skills. That is an insane reaction to people with high brain power and great social skills. A sane person seeks permission to join that group, not attack them. (See, Ivanka ).
Southern Baptists are 100% pro Jewish/Israeli. (See, Truman, Harry S.) The heart of darkness seeking to attak Jews has always been Roman Catholics. Go figure.
Blogger Drago said... Notice how Israel makes "demands", while lefties always use softer language to describe whatever it is the terrorist arabs are doing.
You have to remember that Palestinians have lived on welfare for generations,
Those are born Democrat voters. It's only natural for Democrats to feel a kinship with useless mouths to feed.
That why Howard and the others are so eager for "immigrants." Preferably illiterate Mexican and Muslim males of military age.
The anti-nativists are notably Pro-Choice, prone to diversity, and promote a cover-up of the refugee crises that have left a wake of dead men, women, and children on the trail, and have betrayed men, women, and children in each nation affected.
Just as with Guatemala, there is a desperate need for emigration reform to mitigate the collateral damage of immigration reform and refugee crises. Bowers' post before the shooting took place was an attack on HIAS, a Jewish-American organization that helps refugees in the U.S. and around the world.
Bower is ragging on Qanon as pablum for the masses, since Qanons point is that Trump, through his secret maneuvers, will save the people from the corrupted elites.
Fernandistan: "Is it anti-semitic to think that Seinfeld is, like, totally not funny?"
Could not disagree more.
Saw Seinfeld in Vegas where he put on an hour and a half show and it was a riot the entire way through. And with the trademark Seinfeldian minimal vulgarity.
Strawmen and moving goal posts when another alt-right cunt busts a nut. Doc Mike and Drago give wink and nod to Chippendale Bomber and the Tree of Death shooter
I don't think jew haters are much more right or left, but no doubt the Trump-Bannon imperative to abandon America's founding ideals so as to retreat into a larger project in old-style "Western Civilization", especially given the primacy of European interests in their mind, would be a disaster for everyone - Jews included. America is the next progression of what Europe had long ago failed to do, and what the E.U. would attempt, if done right, to correct. Reverting to a Holy Roman Empire of Europe as the Bannonites want would relegate Jews to what they were back then - wards of the state, and subject to whatever abuse the theocrats then and ethno-nationalists now demean them into.
For evidence of this, check out what the international right thinks of some unknown going by the name "Barbara Lerner Spectre." They basically think she's the one-woman Jewish conspiracy out to wreck Europe and the "white race."
Their thoughts on Soros are not much different, and give a view as to how the American right feeds right back into all this.
Nothing anywhere near as hateful or conspiratorial exists on the left.
I agree that anti semitism is much more prevalent on the left. I'm looking forward to Ellison losing in November. Minn has had a dem AG for about 50 years. Polls show that may be about to change. He shouldn't have given up his cushy job as a congressman.
Howard said... Mike: I agree, there are anti-Semites on the left and right. This guy appears to be a far-right anti-immigrant antisemitic loser. Extremists on both sides need to be culled.
Honestly, how can you even tell if someone is far-right anti Semite or far left Anti-Semite? Anti Semitism is anti semitism.
The idea of far left and far right has almost no meaning any more. At some point hate is just hate.
Blacks have been anti-Semitic for decades, which I always attributed to the small shops in black neighborhoods being run by Jews.
I understand why you key in on that experience as a reason for the historic level of black antisemitism, but I see it more as an outgrowth of ideology & demographics.
There has been in American history a correlation between Christian religiosity & antisemitism, Blacks are the most religious of American ethnicities. There's also a correlation between a lower levels of education & antisemitism. Blacks fit that profile, too. And, finally, even Marx remarked, in his famous dictum that "Antisemitism is the socialism of imbeciles", that fuzzy Leftism quickly shades off into antisemitism. "Fuzzy Leftism" has been the politics of choice for American blacks since at least the 1930s.
These Trumpanzees here at Althouse are not the true Trumpanzees who let their anti-jew freak flag fly high. But they do speak the same language. All you have to do is ask these zombies who it is that's out to wreck the "white race." They might be mum and crypto about it all but their buddies who feel even more strongly about the danger to the "white race" feel it's ZA JEWS! It's the ethno-nationalists pushing this.
THe mainstream American right-wing Trumpanzees inoculate themselves against the charge though by claiming that Israel should only be some anti-Muslim ethno-state. I guess they're more familiar with Israel's 20% Muslim population, Arabic as its second language, and Arabs in its Supreme Court than they want you to believe they are. Especially when you get retards like Drago who say it's ok to keep the West Bank/Gaza Arabs as a permanent underclass. Democracy doesn't matter to him or his ilk, and wants to say it shouldn't matter to Israelis. Even though it does. They haven't gone as fascist as he dreams they might just yet.
(But this is all moot. Drago knows as little about Israel as a typical Eskimo does. He's about as culturally removed from Jews as an uncontacted Amazonian tribe).
The thing though that drives me totally crazy is that my Jewish friends all but stand on their head to deny the glaringly obvious reality that antisemitism is almost exclusively on the left today, and is firmly ensconced in the Democratic Party that they support so strongly, and, in my mind, blindly.
Jews support people who support people who hate Jews. Seems stupid, but the mainstream Democrat anti-Semites disguise their anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism and pro-Palestine. Keith Ellison is as close to an open anti-Semite as you’ll find and even he pretends that he hasn’t seen Louis Farrakhan in years. But the anti-Semitismis there, and the efforts to hide it are pretty weak.
8 people died today at the hands of a Trump hater. I'm tired of the complaints about how Trump is evil, when the only people actually putting people in the hospital or outright killing them are left wing haters.
So let's compare Inga's of today. In one thread, she complains the host wants to talk about Obama not knowing how to pronounce the name of the candidate he's stumping. In this thread, Inga won't say one word about the people who lost their lives today. Instead, now all she wants to do is talk about Trump. There are deplorable people in this world, Inga exemplifies them.
"America's founding ideals so as to retreat into a larger project in old-style "Western Civilization", especially given the primacy of European interests in their mind, would be a disaster for everyone - Jews included."
America's founding ideals both spring from and form a central part of Western Civilization.
And anybody who isn't hopelessly bigoted recognizes the disproportionate contribution made by Jews to that civilization, from the Bible to Heine, Mendelssohn and Gershwin.
The EU is the modern incarnation of the Holy Roman Empire.
And, note, the Holy Roman Empire was always multi-ethnic by design. The motto of the thing could have been e pluribus unum, had they thought of it. And if they had had Nigerians or Ethiopians to rule over, they would have.
The religion the EU professes is not the same as the Habsburgs Catholicism, but the whole thing does also rest on a similarly uniform culture and ideology.
Bannon is for the opposite of the Habsburg Empire, or the EU, that is a Europe of distinct and unique states and cultures. A Hungarian is not a Pole is not a denizen of Brussels, and let them keep it that way.
When I first read "struggled" I thought it was probably a putdown. Like he was insufficiently prepared or insincere. But, it seems to me that he did indeed struggle, due to emotion and the inability to find the right words to express the sadness and disgust brought on by this tragedy. He didn't have something written out and a teleprompter like the Comrade most likely would have, so his delivery was more raw. Struggled is appropriate and I often hear struggle and derivatives of struggle used to describe peoples attempts to deal with and communicate about senseless tragedy.
PPPT: "These Trumpanzees here at Althouse are not the true Trumpanzees who let their anti-jew freak flag fly high."
Literally written as lefties everywhere target Israel and dems nominate anti-semitic candidates for office!
As predicted, the lefty talking points, which are the reverse of reality, have to be used as nothing else exists.
We are literally 15 minutes away from PPPT descending into his usual routine of how the square footage of midwestern homes and light bulbs and corporate farms are responsible for both human feces on SF sidewalks AND for anti-semitism.
Always? The KKK targeted both Jews and Catholics as well as blacks.
Yankees were more protestant. Dixie wanted to become more like the Anglos they resented in the north. There were more former Irish etc. among them, who secularized - making themselves seem "more advanced" than northern puritans. They built their very own slave-based aristocracy, totally showing the Anglos!
Many former slaves have Irish last names.
There was pressure in the south it seems to distance themselves from their former Irish-catholicism. I suppose the fact that the confederate secretary of state was a jew shows just how secularized they'd become.
They replaced catholic theocracy with southern ethnic pride and aristocracy.
There is a very interesting analysis, in Duffy's "Instrument of War", an overview of the military of Maria Theresa, of the demographics of the enlisted, the officers, and the senior officers of the Habsburgs, the so-called Inhaber, the regimental proprietors. They were a wildly multiethnic lot. And they weren't even all Catholics.
It seems like the common thread in recent church shootings is that they have been committed by angry white males.
This one (against Jews), Charleston (african-American Christians), Milwaukee(Sikhs), Texas (white christians) matter the denomination/race of the victims, the perpetrator is always a white male, and he always uses a gun. Those seem to be the most obvious common elements in these horrific crimes.
the anti-semetic left is generally pro commie and pro immigration while the alt right anti-semites tend to be libertarian, and anti-immigrant.
Their anti-semitism has no left or right bent. For example, you can't really be pro-immigration and anti-semetic, because you obviously don't want jews coming into our country. And you can't really be libertarian and anti-semetic or anti-immigration because you are supposed to be supporting people living by their own rules, and that's anathema to being against jews doing the same.
You can be left or right AND anti-Semitic. But as I said, hatred like that has no left or right.
I see lots of words, Drago, but you say nothing? Please be explicit, renember, I'm a moron Norge like you. Your beating off into a bush is too hard for me to finger out.
I missed the entire news cycle. First I've heard of it. First impression: 8 doesn't seem like a lot so nothing else is happening or somebody wants to get something for it.
Jew haters traditionally are taken out one at a time as they come up. It doesn't really need a national posturing cycle.
The MSM and its audience are the thousand mousetraps that Disney tosses a ping-pong ball into.
bbkingfish: "It seems like the common thread in recent church shootings is that they have been committed by angry white males."
bbkingfish is obviously not familiar with stats:
Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and September 2018, by shooter's race and ethnicity: Whites (excluding hispanic-whites): 59%
Percent of whites in the US: 61.3%
So, proportional.
Percent of mass shootings involving african americans: 17% Percent of african americans in the US: 12%
PPTape makes a good point. The lack of ethno-statism is the primary reason the US doesn't have the problem with immigrant riots and roving rape gangs. The ones who come here generally want to work hard and take care of their families... and the US free-market allows them to achieve their goals. In Eurape, not so much
Southern Baptists are 100% pro Jewish/Israeli. (See, Truman, Harry S.) The heart of darkness seeking to attack Jews has always been Roman Catholics. Go figure.
And, of course, we can count on tradguy to come in with his standard anti-Catholic nonsense.
No, tradguy, American fundamentalists & evangelicals are not innocent of antisemitism, as any cursory examination of the polling data would show. Also, just as one can be anti-Zionist & not antisemitic (e.g. some Orthodox Jews), one can be pro-Zionist & antisemitic. I mean, you just want all the Jews over there in their own country & not over here with all the good Christians.
Also, those blacks who are referenced in the ADL posting above? Theologically, they're identical to their white Protestant counterparts, aren't they? I mean they're every bit as Protestant as the white folks. Right, tradguy?
As for Catholic vs Protestant antisemitism, perhaps you need to acquaint yourself with Martin Luther's writings on the Jews? Or, how about, we compare the number of American Evangelicals vs Catholics listed among The Righteous Among the Nations at Yad Vashem?
Haha... calling people "Trumpanzees" and that person thinking they aren't bigots and dealing out hate. Amazing!
Why? Because of the origin of the second part of my portmanteau?
Don't worry, Lyle. I don't harbor hatred for actual chimpanzees like yourself, either.
We wish to protect your native habitat, and let you swing from the trees, fish for termites, war with your fellow chimpanzee tribes, shriek and throw stuff and whatever else you creatures do in the very lands you're most comfortable doing those things in. It's the Republiclone anti-environmental types who want to drive you out from your jungle homelands.
@Howard the coward, please explain to me how the mainstream left plans to purge anti-Semitic extremists when today’s left consists entirely of extremists? Oh, is that why you are trying to get the rest of us to take on the alt-right before you lift a finger to clean up Democrat ranks?
A deliberate massacre of Jews, for being Jews, by a white right-winger is a first time in American history. This is a political-ethnic attack on a very powerful people, by what can be perceived as another very powerful people. This is a huge first.
Other, worse, massacres were committed by or against the relatively powerless. There is no need to go ape against Muslims in general, in reaction to terrorism, because they are at best a nuisance. So far anyway. The same re blacks. Or against blacks.
It can go very badly from here, and it probably will.
Howard: "PPTape makes a good point. The lack of ethno-statism is the primary reason the US doesn't have the problem with immigrant riots and roving rape gangs. The ones who come here generally want to work hard and take care of their families... and the US free-market allows them to achieve their goals. In Eurape, not so much"
We agree on that.
I've always laughed when people, left and right, attempt to project onto the US the lingering class issues of Europe. That's an immediate clue that the person you are talking to doesn't understand a thing about the US.
In fact, I just had a conversation along those lines with a Swiss company executive in Germany who thought, as all Europeans do, that they have perfect clarity about the US and what is happening.
I asked him one question which stopped him in his tracks: Simply explain why people in the midwest who voted for obama twice voted this last time for Trump.
“So let's compare Inga's of today. In one thread, she complains the host wants to talk about Obama not knowing how to pronounce the name of the candidate he's stumping. In this thread, Inga won't say one word about the people who lost their lives today. Instead, now all she wants to do is talk about Trump. There are deplorable people in this world, Inga exemplifies them.”
Oh please. What stupidity. You think I don’t care that my children’s people were gunned down in a Synagogue? You people are truly nuts.
"Louis Farrakhan: Jews are termites Nation of Islam leader posts on Twitter: 'I'm not an anti-Semite. I'm anti-termite.' Twitter says company policy not violated"
Inga: "You think I don’t care that my children’s people were gunned down in a Synagogue? "
You obviously care more about scoring points on behalf of a political party aligned with those who want Israel destroyed.
So, yeah, you've got a bit of a problem there.
I recommend you continue to delude yourself that the problem doesn't exist. Like your Hodgkinson denialism and defense of islamic supremacists, you'll sleep better.
Always? The KKK targeted both Jews and Catholics as well as blacks.
Yankees were more protestant. Dixie wanted to become more like the Anglos they resented in the north. There were more former Irish etc. among them, who secularized - making themselves seem "more advanced" than northern puritans. They built their very own slave-based aristocracy, totally showing the Anglos!
Many former slaves have Irish last names. "
Where did you get that historical tidbit from, the O'Haras from "Gone With the Wind?" The overwhelming majority of Irish Catholics, like the Italians, Poles, German Catholics, etc. settled in the industrial north and the farming communities of the Midwest. Southern Louisiana was just about the only area in the South with a significant Catholic population. The "Irish" population of the South consisted of Scots-Irish, Protestants from Northern Ireland. They were decidedly not Catholic in Ireland and not Catholic in America. The percentage of Catholics in the South has changed in recent decades due to both internal and external emigration to the South, but I can attest that in many areas in the South Catholic churches are still thin on the ground compared to Protestant ones.
Your "history" is specious, but like trad guy, you just can't resist an opportunity to Catholic bash, even though the subject of this post has nothing whatsoever to do with Catholics.
“Inga: "You think I don’t care that my children’s people were gunned down in a Synagogue? "
You obviously care more about scoring points on behalf of a political party aligned with those who want Israel destroyed.”
So Drago sides with this shooter who hates Democrat and liberal Jews who support refugees. Drago wants us to forget how many Jewish people are Democrats.
Muslims in Britain are mainly an aspiring class working their way up the ladder. Indeed, immigrants in the UK are upwardly mobile in general. Its one reason illegals in France camp out in Calais (the "Camp of the Saints" of the last decade, trying to steal a ride acrosd the channel.
The idea that the US is somehow exceptional in terms of upward mobility is absurd. The opposite is true in most studies.
No, I believe Britains' Muslim problems are due to the nature of their Muslims and that they have entered in such numbers, by ethnic group, such that critical masses have been permitted to form.
Never too early: Julia Ioffe Verified account @juliaioffe
And a word to my fellow American Jews: This president makes this possible. Here. Where you live. I hope the embassy move over there, where you don’t live was worth it. 9:22 AM - 27 Oct 2018
Where did you get that historical tidbit from, the O'Haras from "Gone With the Wind?" The overwhelming majority of Irish Catholics, like the Italians, Poles, German Catholics, etc. settled in the industrial north and the farming communities of the Midwest.
That was during the 19th century.
Pre-19th c. they went mostly to the south, where lo and behold, ethnic tension between them and the northern anglos didn't matter as much as white skin did. Hello.
I don't have the exact source reference, and I don't believe it was a solid one, but definitely reasonable.
A basic ethnography will show you that ante-bellum about 2/3rds of Yankees were Anglo-protestants and 2/3rds Dixie were Catholic (long ago secularized) Irish.
Just check out the Anglo to Irish surnames among American blacks. A much lower ratio than your history would presume. Scots Irish wouldn't have left this legacy.
Most of the civil war was based in a longstanding rivalry between Irish or Gaelic Scots wanting to prove that they could be just as advanced, secular, and aristocratic as their northern Anglo Yankee countrymen. It was an extension of the same rivalry that existed for centuries before in the British Isles. Only now, free enterprise and slavery and white privilege could finally afford them the upper hand.
"No, tradguy, American fundamentalists & evangelicals are not innocent of antisemitism"
Hush, YH, don't disabuse trad guy's starry-eyed idealization of the Scots-Irish Prods as paragons of all that is pure and noble. I myself credit the Scots-Irish settlers with many positive attributes, but they were not paragons of tolerance, except in the sentimental mists of trad guy's mind.
"Seeds of Albion" by David Hackett Fischer presents a rather more level-headed assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the 4 British cultures which took root in colonial America.
Enslaving blacks did not cause the US Civil War, it was stresses caused by attempts to free them that caused the Civil War.
Most other western culture-ruled countries or colonies with slaves managed to solve the problem without wars.
Cuba is the only somewhat comparable case to the US, but the Revolution of 1868 being largely if not completely a race-war, it may not be. It could be classed as a slave revolt like Haiti. YMMV. Uruguay is another. Venezuela also had race wars, but most of the "black" side weren't slaves.
buwaya: "Enslaving blacks did not cause the US Civil War, it was stresses caused by attempts to free them that caused the Civil War.
Most other western culture-ruled countries or colonies with slaves managed to solve the problem without wars."
Disagree with you here.
The US differed fundamentally from those other nations in key ways that made the acceptance and tolerance of slavery a ticking time bomb that could only be defused if multiple govt entities (states) reached the same moral and economic conclusions at the same time.
An impossibility really.
Other nations had stronger central govt and so once convinced of a course of action they could carry it out.
For us, it was a disagreement that had to be settled with blood.
Are our leftists here really trying to claim that the left is not anti-Jew?
Really? They really, honestly believe that their party is better for Jews?
Wow. Talk about delusional. Inga supports Hamas, a group that actually has people marching with Swastikas and openly vows to eradicate Jews everywhere. Ritmo loves Iran, which says the same thing.
Hey leftists: Why not call up Democrat Senator Patty Murray's office and ask them if they care about the Jews and anti-semitism? She'll tell you she cares about blacks and Mexicans but not Jews and they can be murdered at will and she'll do nothing to stop it. Official Democrat policy.
Anyway, the danger is that the American Jews and the remainder (well, the much larger part) of the bien pensant caste goes all caste-war against the "deplorables". Which, it is early days still, seems very likely. That would be a tremendously stupid move, but perfectly natural. The result (one result) is that its likely to create an actual operative tendency of antisemitism among the deplorables.
This has been a danger for decades now, the result of the culture wars that the elite caste has been waging against the volk. Jews making up such a large and visible part of the elite caste make them a natural focus for a reaction. It is to the enduring credit of the American volk that they have not made this connection, or few and rarely.
But the decades of the elite playing with fire have created a series of crises.
"Or the fact that the vote to make German the national language failed by a single nay." ********************
Not a fact, but an urban legend.
"Despite the latest rehearsal in Ann Landers' advice column of the myth that German had once come close to replacing English in the United States, Americans have never had a legally-established official language. The so-called German vote did not take place in 1776, and it had nothing to do with privileging German over English. The legend that it did, which has gone around since at least the 1850s, was spread initially by propagandists celebrating German contributions to American culture. It has since been taken over by those who claim that the English language in the United States is an endangered species. The story of the German Vote is occasionally trotted out by ELA supporters to demonstrate the power of ethnic groups to subvert national unity and to warn Americans that although the German threat to English has been defused, the Spanish one has not.
The events whose misinterpretation gave rise to the legend of the German vote occurred in 1795, though the date is frequently changed to the more patriotically crucial year of 1776. As is characteristic of such stories, what actually occurred is not entirely clear. What is clear is that Congress never considered replacing English with any other language or giving any other tongue equal status with English."
"Pre-19th c. they went mostly to the south, where lo and behold, ethnic tension between them and the northern anglos didn't matter as much as white skin did. Hello."
Nope, you are wrong and I can cite any number of sources which disprove you, most notably the aforementioned David Hackett Fischer. Irish Catholics did not arrive in America in great numbers until the potato famine in 1848. The "Irish" who arrived before that were no more Catholic than you or Trad Guy. And they were not descended from the indigenous Irish population , but were descendants of Scottish and English settlers who had been settled in Ulster by the Crown and kept their distance from the locals. (You have read or heard about the "Troubles" in Northern Ireland, have you not?) Those Protestant immigrants, correctly termed "borderers" by Hackett Fischer since they came from the English-Scottish borders, did indeed head for the American backcountry and many went South. Most of the Irish Catholics did not.
You think I don’t care that my children’s people were gunned down in a Synagogue?
I have no idea. I find it pathetic you are asking me if I think you don't care instead of expressing that you do care. Instead of providing that expression, you just call me nuts. How about you cool your hate for just one day?
Let I appear more anti-Catholic than I myself would want, or can stomach, allow me to just say that Jews have plenty in common with Catholics.
THey're both more communitarian, generally.
The Vatican has come a long way in reconciling rifts between them that in the past allowed for more hate.
Of course, many popes were probably as concerned with protecting Jews than with scapegoating them.
But it was liberal democracy and emancipation that finally made the "rivalry" between the imperial religion of Europe and its antecedents less antagonistic and openly hateful. That and the Holocaust. And John Paul II.
Catholicism was an empire, and the Jews were the old, inferior people. Supercessionism was a natural way of coping with this.
Most Catholics are good people, and probably seem more naturally familial to Jews than others would.
If they were less interested in doing what the pope told them, they'd have even more in common with Jews.
Evangelicals and non-evangelical protestants in America are good with jews, but they're too tied up in rapture nonsense and conflict with Muslims for this affinity to be as practical - at least outside of a defensive, geopolitical, security context that we hope wouldn't have to be the case indefinitely.
Annie, why does the mention of my family upset you? It’s very strange that you are going out of your way to remark on it. Do you think that liberals and Democrats don’t have families, or do you think they shouldn’t mention them? People on the right here are comfortable mentioning their children and families, I don’t see you doubting them or remarking on their comments in a negative way. So this is what I will say to you, stop being an idiot.
Annie :“I can't imagine a large enough facility for the family reunion. Maybe one of the stadiums that hold Trump rallies.”
David Hackett Fisher wrote a good book. But as comprehensive as it seems, it is still not some sort of sweeping final say of everything demography-related.
Whoever peopled the south, they did not have to arrive in numbers as great as the immigrants to the north. The south always had a smaller population.
On the eve of the Civil War:
Nearly 21 million people lived in 23 Northern states. The South claimed just 9 million people — including 3.5 million slaves — in 11 confederate states.
That's 21 million people (nearly all white) in the north vs. 5.5 million white southerners.
The US differed fundamentally from those other nations in key ways that made the acceptance and tolerance of slavery a ticking time bomb that could only be defused if multiple govt entities (states) reached the same moral and economic conclusions at the same time.
One major problem was the frontier. There was free and that the slave states wanted it because cotton exhausted the soil in the years before fertilizer was known. One reason that tetanus was not a major problem in the Civil war is that the south did not use manure as fertilizer.
The Belgians did and tetanus was a major problem in WWI.
“Vance: "Are our leftists here really trying to claim that the left is not anti-Jew?"
Yes, yes they are.
And its hilarious.
Their proof? Other lefties who happen to identify as jewish culturally but not religiously agree with them.
It’s as if they cannot believe many Jews are Democrats and liberals. They are saying these Jewish people hate themselves. You people are rightist loons.
PPPT: "Evangelicals and non-evangelical protestants in America are good with jews, but they're too tied up in rapture nonsense and conflict with Muslims for this affinity to be as practical ..."
I was along for the ride for almost all of your comment, but to reduce all protestants to a "rapture" point of view is so fundamentally flawed it would be impossible to address it without volumes of commentary.
Unfortunate. Lots of other interesting things in there.
The US differed fundamentally from those other nations in key ways that made the acceptance and tolerance of slavery a ticking time bomb... For us, it was a disagreement that had to be settled with blood.
A reparation of blood and treasure to resolve the original compromise.
Inga: "It’s as if they cannot believe many Jews are Democrats and liberals."
Work on your reading comprehension.
The facts are what they are: the majority of jews who are actively religious and/or observant vote republican more than democrat.
The majority of jews who do not attend synagogue regularly or are observant jews (as they would categorize themselves) are far and away liberal/leftist democrats.
Rusty: "Rusty said... maybe one of our usual suspects can tell us. Which president had the prime minister of Israel leave by the back door?"
That was a necessary step on the way to handing massive amounts of cash to the largest state sponsor of terror in the world and which pledged to wipe Israel off the map.
Maybe the rapture reference was too much. Jews are a foundational culture of Western Civ. (Along with Greeks, Romans, Christians, etc.).
But the liberal Christians who actually have learned something from Old Testament ethics (re: Abraham's negotiation over the impending destruction of Sodom), are fewer and further between.
If they do have something to say politically or culturally, who hears it?
All we in non-Evangelical America hear much about nowadays is the "prosperity Gospel," whatever the f*ck that means. And of course how they feel they need to vote for King David Trump, or whatever.
That's about as much a flattening of the Jewish contribution to Western Civ as Little Caesars is of our Roman inheritance.
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1 – 200 of 315 Newer› Newest»The report I saw said a "white man." I'd like to know his name. Does his first name start with "M?"
Supposedly - the guy hated Trump for being controlled by Jews, who are the Devil's children according to some statement in the bible ("John 8:44"?).
And also, don't pleasure yourself over the manifestations of the mentally ill.
His name is Robert Bowers. He is an anti-Semitic Trump hater, he believes Trump is controlled by Jews.
Who doesn't struggle to talk about these sort of events?
Only ghouls, I might suggest.
We can sit and watch the inevitable cycle turn.
The kindling is laid, there is lots of fuel. Who knows if this will be the match that lights it.
He will of course be called a “right wing fanatic” by the MSM.
If this is not the match - and it is a very good time for a match - there will be others. The reaction itself will create them.
What "struggles?" He spoke very well and from the heart. What puts that in your fool head, woman?
A Trump-hating anti-Semite? Seems like a mainstream Democrat to me.
Of course reporters’ first instinct is to manipulate the situation by turning the topic to gun laws. Always on the lookout to reduce freedom.
This, like most terrorism, is "propaganda of the deed", designed to make the unthinkable thinkable, and above all to provoke a reaction that will radicalize more.
Its like Provo IRA bombings, that resulted in a "Bloody Sunday".
Most terrorists fail because they represent powerless minorities, that can be suppressed. Most political extremists inclined to terrorism overestimate the number of their sympathisers.
In this case, the political-cultural conditions guarantee that the reaction will apply to a very broad slice of the population, and a very powerful one, and moreover one that already sympathises with at least a part of the terrorists agenda.
“At least eight people were killed and many more injured after the gunman opened fire at The Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh while yelling “all Jews need to die.”
Posts by alleged shooter Robert Bowers show he was obsessed with Jewish conspiracies, while also believing Trump to be a puppet for Jewish interests.
“For the record, I did not vote for him,” Bowers said in response to another post that was critical of Trump, adding, “nor have I owned, worn or even touched a maga hat.””
Not surprised that he thinks that Trump is controlled by the Jews, with his older daughter converting to Judaism, and she and her Jewish husband being somebof his closest political advisers.
The thing though that drives me totally crazy is that my Jewish friends all but stand on their head to deny the glaringly obvious reality that antisemitism is almost exclusively on the left today, and is firmly ensconced in the Democratic Party that they support so strongly, and, in my mind, blindly. They will find the half dozen neo-Nazis out of upwards of a hundred million Trump supporters, and try to pretend that they are the face of the Republican Party. They won’t be able to find a prominent Republican condoning antisemitism, while studiously ignoring the many public antisemitic statements by prominent Democrats - whom they continue to supportfinancially with their campaign contributions.
RE: being a Jew in PA. Despite heavy Catholic influence on both sides, I manage to have Jewish relatives - an aunt that converted when she married and settled down near where she grew up in PA. They left PA to move to North Carolina due to the anti semitism at the time - I think it was the 1980's. Still makes my head hurt to think of someone moving **southward** for a more liberal environment but apparently it was the right move. When my aunt married a Jew instead of a Catholic, it was a HUGE drama in the family at the time as she had been engaged to a nice Italian Catholic boy who went off to the Korean war. Makes me wonder how deep the whole Catholic-Jewish thing is today.
I predict, soon, a general purge of the right from Internet social media, far beyond anything seen yet. And from the Internet in general. The reaction part of the cycle.
Ann, you are such a phony. Trump has his supporters at his recent rally in Wisconsin chanting “Lock Her Up!” about Senator Tammy Baldwin and you don’t say a peep, but instead rag on President Obama for saying “Evers” wrong. Trump talking about “too much hate in the world” is ludicrous, but it somehow escapes your attention. But your whole blogging platform that you have built is structured on generating hate. You must be proud.
I'm reading Stephen Ambrose book, "Citizen Soldiers" and the chapter on Bastogne has an anecdote of a GI who was badly wounded (but survived to tell the story) and a chaplain asked him if he was Catholic, then administered the Last Rites. The soldier looked at the chaplain's insignia and saw a star of David. As the Jewish chaplain was administering Last Rites, the soldier thought to himself "I've got all the bases covered."
That was a better world than this one.
But your whole blogging platform that you have built is structured on generating hate. You must be proud.
"Takes one to know one," I always say.
Take your pick. A POTUS that requires a script to read off of teleprompters to discuss the most banal and insipid topics or an emotionally moved and sincere POTUS standing hatless in the rain speaking extemporaneously. One who votes "present" vs. one who acts.
The contrast is remarkable. Striking.
Still makes my head hurt to think of someone moving **southward** for a more liberal environment but apparently it was the right move
I don't know where Yankees got the idea that Southerners were anti-semitic.
I was raised as a Southern Baptist and if there is one sure thing, it is that the Jews were God's chosen people and that Jesus was a Jew.
And if it was good enough for Jesus, it was sure good enough for us.
"Once" has a lot of hate.
It is the result of the sort of arrogant tribalism that afflicts this country.
Contrary information to the elite consensus makes people angry.
Which is the cause, itself, of more tribalism, much of it developing underground and out of sight, as it is non-elite and invisible.
Nothing unique about it, it is the way many tragedies develop.
No hate here Buwaya, just the obvious truth.
"The thing though that drives me totally crazy is that my Jewish friends all but stand on their head to deny the glaringly obvious reality that antisemitism is almost exclusively on the left today, and is firmly ensconced in the Democratic Party that they support so strongly, and, in my mind, blindly."
Perhaps they deny this "glaringly obvious reality" (sic) because there's no evidence to support it. Can you explain how this anti-semitism is expressed, and by whom?
In such matters there is no "obvious truth".
Engage, and get into the weeds, and there will be less hate.
It is the failure to do this, to discuss matters with openess and sincerity, that has created this situation.
You see it all over.
Do not be arrogant.
Once gives a very unconvincing excuse.
The left haters are mainstream. There are some on the right but most are marginalized, like the "Proud Boys" or crazy like the fake bomb sender.
Antisemitism is typical in California colleges, where there is great social and sometimes official sanction against Jewish manifestations. And its not just against Israel.
Another angry white male.
" emotionally moved and sincere POTUS...."
Boy, you are easily fooled.
Can you explain how this anti-semitism is expressed, and by whom?
Well, there is Linda Sarsour or Jeremy Corbyn. That's two. Pretty prominent on the left.
Of course, neither is up to Michael Foote as a leftist but it's pretty clear that Israel hate and Jew hatred is mostly living on the left.
The bien pensants call us Deplorable, but are upset that we don't love them in return.
Jews are reviled and hated. It's not totally fair.
Cookie has still not gotten over Stalin's death.
My condolences.
It is the “obvious truth.” No other past president, Democrat or Republican, would have allowed, much less encouraged, a chant of “Lock Her Up!”
Can you explain how this anti-semitism is expressed, and by whom?
So, are you saying Farrakhan isn't an anti-Semite or that two former US presidents didn't appear at a major public function with him recently? And what about Keith Ellison, one time devotee of Farrakhan. That's two of the top of my head.
People, not diversity. Not black and white.
Rights and responsibilities, despite journalist prodding to the contrary. Americans understand that they are prerequisites for life, liberty, family, and community, and do not normalize amoral, immoral orientations and behaviors.
The "lock her up" would in previous administrations have been chanted by the press, or portions of it, thus giving voice to the public will.
The present moment limits the people to using their own voices for this, no longer being represented by sympathetic professionals. And moreover having some means of having their own voices heard.
Polarization of culture came first, robbing the people of their voice, followed by politics, followed by technology.
In the bad times, the lowest of the low, the bottom dwellers, the scum, always pop up, show themselves, and scream about Jews. They are always there, but certain times of the world seem to make them feel their time is now.
Their time is never. I am not even almost concerned with this person's political bent. It's of no matter to me. He and his ilk need to be done with this earth.
Bruce Hayden said...
"They won’t be able to find a prominent Republican condoning antisemitism, while studiously ignoring the many public antisemitic statements by prominent Democrats - whom they continue to support financially with their campaign contributions."
I think the reality is that Jews know they will always be a minority in any country but Israel, and they therefore prefer the party that depicts itself as solicitous of minorities, even though some of those minorities hate their guts. They believe, perhaps correctly, that they are better off in a "diverse" nation, than in a nation which has a strong ethnic identity that is not Jewish.
It’s a shame that we have such an oafish man as President.
And the idea of suppressing the voices of the people, in public gatherings, is as undemocratic and illiberal an idea as ever has been.
“What "struggles?" He spoke very well and from the heart. What puts that in your fool head, woman?”
Just gotta shake one’s head.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
It’s a shame that we have such an oafish man as President."
The Pittsburgh shooter would agree with you.
A leftist Trump-hater guns down a bunch of Jews and Inga bitches about Trump.
Just gotta shake one's head.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
It’s a shame that we had such an oafish man as President.
Our resident dullard seems to be under the impression that this shooting was done by a "Trumpist."
That's because our resident dullard is very, very stupid.
The people at the scene are first-responders, but were not able to mount an effective resistance. The police are second-responders, but it sounds like this time they did engage the man. Of course, there is no monolithic police bloc, and what happened in Florida does not translate to other stations and officers.
That said, Trump spoke clearly: "it's a shame."
Diversity or color judgments are on the rise. #HateLovesAbortion
Trump isn't right wing enough for the synagogue shooter. Apparently picked Tree of Life for helping to resettle refugees.
As much as I dislike Trump, you can see that this personally effected him because of the closer degree of separation from his own family.
“Antisemitism is typical in California colleges, where there is great social and sometimes official sanction against Jewish manifestations. And its not just against Israel.”
Antisemitism is a typical in alt right groups which this Bowers person supposedly belonged to. Alt Right groups typically support Trump, but not always.
Definitely a alt-right white nationalist too far gone to accept Trump
Inga and the Pittsburgh shooter seem to have quite a lot in common.
Quite alot.
Not surprising really. That the party of Sarsour and Farrakhan and anti-Israel activists in the BDS movement that also hate Trump passionately would be aligned should surprise no one.
Congratulations Inga.
Your fellow Trump hater guns down those who are hated by the democrat base.
You own this.
If the people felt they would have been better represented by a less oafish man, then they would have elected him. This is a struggle between peoples and Trump is an instrument.
It is pointless to say, as it cannot happen, an impossibility in human nature, but the only way out of this situation is for the institutional elite to make peace with the people, and this is largely a cultural, personal matter.
It is a matter of expressing humility. To take the road to Canossa, to crawl on their knees up the cathedral steps, to wash the peoples feet.
Ancient Kings and aristocrats knew they had to make such gestures. The modern ones are more arrogant, and more isolated.
Antisemitism is a problem in California Universities where the radical Palestinian element has friends on the left that believe Israel practices genocide and apartheid.
“Definitely a alt-right white nationalist too far gone to accept Trump.”
Who would’ve thought that Trump wasn’t deplorable enough.
There are a lot of loose filings in America. The magnetism of Trump picks up some of them, but, if you want to gather lots and lots of loose filings, anti-semitism is the way to go. It's been that way for centuries.......I wonder if this story will displace the bomber story in the news. This latest crazy is truly a mass murderer and a bigot. The Trump bomber is in his own little world.. What he has working for him, though, is that he can credibly used to damage Trump and he targeted famous people. My guess is he will continue to get the most news coverage.
Antisemitism is a typical in all activist lefty groups on campus. Those groups are the originators of the BDS movements meant to isolate and weaken Israel. The lefty groups universally support dems and oppose Trump. But only always.
SayAahh said...
Take your pick. A POTUS that requires a script to read off of teleprompters to discuss the most banal and insipid topics or an emotionally moved and sincere POTUS standing hatless in the rain speaking extemporaneously. One who votes "present" vs. one who acts.
Or one who doesn't bother to learn people's names.
Obama comes to Wisconsin to rally for the Democratic Party candidate for governor and repeatedly mispronounces his name.
Shows he's a real supporter of the candidate, doesn't it?
California colleges are collectively vast institutions employing hundreds of thousands and educating millions.
And that just one case.
I'll bet James Hodgkinson wasn't too fond of Israel or those jews either.
“Inga and the Pittsburgh shooter seem to have quite a lot in common.
Quite alot.”
Really? Like what? Let’s hear it.
Inga: "Really? Like what? Let’s hear it"
You are both aligned heavily with groups that oppose Israel and hate Trump.
Apparently, that's all it takes these days.
Blogger Howard said...
Definitely a alt-right white nationalist too far gone to accept Trump
10/27/18, 1:00 PM
Gee, Howard, just like Obama's buddy Farrakan, who called Jews "termites?"
Drago, you ignorant slut...
Can you explain how this anti-semitism is expressed, and by whom?
Are you kidding us, Cookie?
No rising black politician gets around the inevitable photo op with Farrakhan, whose theology is not only anti-white racist but anti-Semitic. Malik Shabazz "toured" with the Black Lives Matter leadership. Shabazz is one of the founders of the New Black Panther Party, which is a breakaway from the Nation of Islam & shares its antisemitism.
Try & be a supporter of Israel today on a university campus. It's the Left who shouts these people down. The modern Left has not only made an alliance with the Muslims, who bring in their own native brand of antisemitism, but they hide their antisemitism behind a veil of anti-colonialism & anti-Zionism. But, that's just a crock, since the Left, has from the beginning, given vent to its own foundational antisemitism.
Finally, moving beyond ideology to demographics, the two most antisemitic ethnic groups in the US are <a href=">blacks & Latinos.</a> These numbers have been the same since about 1968. Guess what party they vote for by a large percentage?
Wednesday: I didn't realize the shooter was from the nation of Islam. Do you have a link?
“You are both aligned heavily with groups that oppose Israel and hate Trump.
Apparently, that's all it takes these days.”
Really? Oppose Israel? You fucking moron, my husband and the father of my four children was Jewish. Some of my in-laws live in Israel.
Now try to stop lying.
exiled: "Gee, Howard, just like Obama's buddy Farrakan, who called Jews "termites?""
Indeed. Here is a nice link to obama having a gay old time with his good pal, noted anti-semite Farrakhan:
Fortunately for Inga's anti-Israel allies, the reporter who took this picture kept it hidden long enough for obama to leave office.
So now we understand why obama was so hell bent intent on handing $150 Billion dollars to Iran. Iran want's to wipe Isreal off the face of the map. The lefties on campus want everyone to isolate the jews and the nation of Israel.
And the dems own them all.
But only all of them.
This also explains Inga's all too predictable unwillingness to criticize islamic extremists and their murderous ways.
Nidal Hassan actually gunned down multiple military members on a base and obama and the Inga-lefties refused to even call it terrorism.
Remember that?
It's no accident.
Drago and Wednesday playing three-card-monty because their inbred cousin shot up a bunch of jews
“Fortunately for Inga's anti-Israel allies, the reporter who took this picture kept it hidden long enough for obama to leave office.”
Really? And who would that be? My Jewish in laws who live in Israel?
Drago wearing himself out moving goal posts outside the stadium
Inga: "You fucking moron, my husband and the father of my four children was Jewish."
Which makes your support for a party that is determined to weaken Israel even more despicable.
Deplorable even.
Very, very deplorable.
"The contrast is remarkable. Striking."
I can think of a few other contrasts:
"At a recent University of California, Irvine (UCI) rally organized by the Muslim Student Union, a member applauded the use of Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel while another showed off a swastika tattoo."
Yep, Howard, those alt-right white nationalists are really a force on our nation's campuses.
Blogger Howard said...
Trump isn't right wing enough for the synagogue shooter. Apparently picked Tree of Life for helping to resettle refugees.
As much as I dislike Trump, you can see that this personally effected him because of the closer degree of separation from his own family.
I don't think of anti-Semitism as "right wing." There may have been time, with Father Coughlan and his ilk, when there was a fair case for anti-Semitism on the right.
Now it is a leftist phenomenon, as we see with Farrakhan and Ellison.
Blacks have been anti-Semitic for decades, which I always attributed to the small shops in black neighborhoods being run by Jews. Now, in Los Angeles, those small businesses tend to be run by Koreans and there is a definite anti-Korean sentiment among ,any blacks.
Of course, leftists like Inga and Once compare the Trump supporters to Hitler so they can be understood as idiots, not serious.
Not caving into every Israeli demand is now anti-Semitic.
Inga: "Really? And who would that be? My Jewish in laws who live in Israel?"
There are many self-loathing jews in the US and Israel who believe in Peace through Weakness.
Hardly suprising. This is not a new phenomenon.
“This also explains Inga's all too predictable unwillingness to criticize islamic extremists and their murderous ways.
Nidal Hassan actually gunned down multiple military members on a base and obama and the Inga-lefties refused to even call it terrorism.”
Are you nuts? I wasn’t even commenting here when that occured. Can you even say one sentence without lying?
Howard: "Not caving into every Israeli demand is now anti-Semitic."
Howard exposes much with that particular formulation. A dog-whistle for the anti-semites on the left.
The problem is a rising diversity (i.e. color judgments), including anti-nativism that promotes the refugee crises, in lieu of emigration reform that would mitigate the collateral damage of immigration reform, and promote a better quality of life for people in their nations and communities. For the men, women, and children lost on the trail across the Mediterranean, Turkey, Mexico, Ukraine, etc.; the men, women, and children left behind; and the forgotten men, women, children, and Planned babies at their destination.
Mike: I agree, there are anti-Semites on the left and right. This guy appears to be a far-right anti-immigrant antisemitic loser. Extremists on both sides need to be culled.
Howard just feels the need to establish his bona fides with the other leftists here, lest they suspect him of "Trumpism."
Inga: "Are you nuts? I wasn’t even commenting here when that occured. Can you even say one sentence without lying?"
The Inga-lefties include the lefties that are like you.
And yes, it was quite the production for many years how the Inga-lefties, including obama, refused to call a shooter killing US military members on base while shouting allah ackbar a terrorist act.
But really, that's just another day in the life of the left, isn't it?
Why, just yesterday, the lefties running the lefty European Courts literally ruled that criticism of muhammed is now against the law.
It all runs together.
Notice how Israel makes "demands", while lefties always use softer language to describe whatever it is the terrorist arabs are doing.
We do know that this dirty alt-right dog heard Trump's anti-immigrant whistle loud and clear.
“Referring to the alt-right conspiracy theory, Bowers wrote that "Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90's to be the ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp. But go ahead and keep saying you are Winning."”
Howard exposes much with that particular formulation. A dog-whistle for the anti-semites on the left.
A Drago dog whistle intended to communicate that Israel should stop being democratic and do whatever its leader wants.
Yep, Israelis love seeing their country devolve into an ethno-theocracy. It's what its founders always envisioned. Black-hatted/coated, pale, draft-dodging, indoor-only torah "scholars" grifting off the state and not working the fields or building or protecting the country. Not.
Not that Drago knows anything about that. He just has a simple identity-allegiance equation and left it at that.
Howard: "We do know that this dirty alt-right dog heard Trump's anti-immigrant whistle loud and clear."
So lets follow Howard's logic: alt-right guy here's Trump's alleged anti-immigrant whistle loud and clear....and then....does nothing to immigrants.
In that case, we could just as easily claim this alt-right guy hears Trump's alleged anti-eskimo whistle because then the alt-right guy does....nothing to eskimos!
It's as clear as the nose on your face.
I sure hope sends a dog whistle about me to the alt-righties since, according to Howard logic, that ensures nothing will happen to me!
Drago: why does your side bend over to the 911 terrorists Saudi's? You must hate America and desire it to be subservient to these middle east powerhouses
“Another repost by Bowers said: "It’s the filthy Evil Jews Bringing Filfy evil Muslims into the country! Stop the Kikes then Worry about the Muslims."
The post features pictures of Jewish activists at pro-refugee demonstrations.”
PPPT: "A Drago dog whistle intended to communicate that Israel should stop being democratic and do whatever its leader wants.
Yep, Israelis love seeing their country devolve into an ethno-theocracy"
Yeah PPPT, just give everyone right of return and go to pure democracy. That will yield the perfect end result for the western lefties, wouldn't it?
the two most antisemitic ethnic groups in the US are blacks & Latinos.
Is it anti-semitic to think that Seinfeld is, like, totally not funny?
Howard said...
Wednesday: I didn't realize the shooter was from the nation of Islam. Do you have a link?
I guess I have to spell it out for you: your precious Obama is friends with a man who feels no differently about the Jews than this shooter does.
But Jew-hatred is OK with you if it comes from blacks or Middle Eastern Muslims.
The Nazi nuts are afraid of the Jews for their brains and social skills. That is an insane reaction to people with high brain power and great social skills. A sane person seeks permission to join that group, not attack them. (See, Ivanka ).
Southern Baptists are 100% pro Jewish/Israeli. (See, Truman, Harry S.) The heart of darkness seeking to attak Jews has always been Roman Catholics. Go figure.
Howard: "Drago: why does your side bend over to the 911 terrorists Saudi's?"
Here's a video of obama bowing to the Saudi King.
Please don't faint when you view it.
Blogger Drago said...
Notice how Israel makes "demands", while lefties always use softer language to describe whatever it is the terrorist arabs are doing.
You have to remember that Palestinians have lived on welfare for generations,
Those are born Democrat voters. It's only natural for Democrats to feel a kinship with useless mouths to feed.
That why Howard and the others are so eager for "immigrants." Preferably illiterate Mexican and Muslim males of military age.
Anti-immigrant or pro-native?
The anti-nativists are notably Pro-Choice, prone to diversity, and promote a cover-up of the refugee crises that have left a wake of dead men, women, and children on the trail, and have betrayed men, women, and children in each nation affected.
Just as with Guatemala, there is a desperate need for emigration reform to mitigate the collateral damage of immigration reform and refugee crises.
Bowers' post before the shooting took place was an attack on HIAS, a Jewish-American organization that helps refugees in the U.S. and around the world.
Bower is ragging on Qanon as pablum for the masses, since Qanons point is that Trump, through his secret maneuvers, will save the people from the corrupted elites.
Fernandistan: "Is it anti-semitic to think that Seinfeld is, like, totally not funny?"
Could not disagree more.
Saw Seinfeld in Vegas where he put on an hour and a half show and it was a riot the entire way through. And with the trademark Seinfeldian minimal vulgarity.
Lot's of family/parents & kids humor.
You must be proud.
You must be the kind of person that the "don't iron clothes while wearing" tags are made for.
Strawmen and moving goal posts when another alt-right cunt busts a nut. Doc Mike and Drago give wink and nod to Chippendale Bomber and the Tree of Death shooter
I don't think jew haters are much more right or left, but no doubt the Trump-Bannon imperative to abandon America's founding ideals so as to retreat into a larger project in old-style "Western Civilization", especially given the primacy of European interests in their mind, would be a disaster for everyone - Jews included. America is the next progression of what Europe had long ago failed to do, and what the E.U. would attempt, if done right, to correct. Reverting to a Holy Roman Empire of Europe as the Bannonites want would relegate Jews to what they were back then - wards of the state, and subject to whatever abuse the theocrats then and ethno-nationalists now demean them into.
For evidence of this, check out what the international right thinks of some unknown going by the name "Barbara Lerner Spectre." They basically think she's the one-woman Jewish conspiracy out to wreck Europe and the "white race."
Their thoughts on Soros are not much different, and give a view as to how the American right feeds right back into all this.
Nothing anywhere near as hateful or conspiratorial exists on the left.
I agree that anti semitism is much more prevalent on the left. I'm looking forward to Ellison losing in November. Minn has had a dem AG for about 50 years. Polls show that may be about to change. He shouldn't have given up his cushy job as a congressman.
Haaretz: "Opinion No One Who Praises an anti-Semite Like Louis Farrakhan Can Call Herself 'Progressive'"
Jewish leaders had to actually call on obama to denounce Farrakhan. Strange for a Nobel winner isn't it?
Trick question! Arafat won a Nobel too!
I see the likely suspects are straining to find a Trump connection.
I'm sure some hard work and imagination will help them find it.
Is it anti-semitic to think that Seinfeld is, like, totally not funny?
No. It could be the content. It could be the timing. Funny is in the bone of the beholder.
Howard said...
Mike: I agree, there are anti-Semites on the left and right. This guy appears to be a far-right anti-immigrant antisemitic loser. Extremists on both sides need to be culled.
Honestly, how can you even tell if someone is far-right anti Semite or far left Anti-Semite? Anti Semitism is anti semitism.
The idea of far left and far right has almost no meaning any more. At some point hate is just hate.
Good heavens! MacD morning shift is out.
We now have an islamist candidate for congress in Minnesota who literally married her own brother!!
And an islamist candidate for MN AG (Ellison) who beats women. Literally!
But its all good.
Blacks have been anti-Semitic for decades, which I always attributed to the small shops in black neighborhoods being run by Jews.
I understand why you key in on that experience as a reason for the historic level of black antisemitism, but I see it more as an outgrowth of ideology & demographics.
There has been in American history a correlation between Christian religiosity & antisemitism, Blacks are the most religious of American ethnicities. There's also a correlation between a lower levels of education & antisemitism. Blacks fit that profile, too. And, finally, even Marx remarked, in his famous dictum that "Antisemitism is the socialism of imbeciles", that fuzzy Leftism quickly shades off into antisemitism. "Fuzzy Leftism" has been the politics of choice for American blacks since at least the 1930s.
"The heart of darkness seeking to attak Jews has always been Roman Catholics. Go figure."
Always? The KKK targeted both Jews and Catholics as well as blacks.
Trad guy gets his history from Jack Chick cartoons.
PPPT: "For evidence of this, check out what the international right thinks of some unknown going by the name "Barbara Lerner Spectre."'
Okay, now I'm curious.
I'll check this out now.
the anti-semetic left is generally pro commie and pro immigration while the alt right anti-semites tend to be libertarian, and anti-immigrant.
These Trumpanzees here at Althouse are not the true Trumpanzees who let their anti-jew freak flag fly high. But they do speak the same language. All you have to do is ask these zombies who it is that's out to wreck the "white race." They might be mum and crypto about it all but their buddies who feel even more strongly about the danger to the "white race" feel it's ZA JEWS! It's the ethno-nationalists pushing this.
THe mainstream American right-wing Trumpanzees inoculate themselves against the charge though by claiming that Israel should only be some anti-Muslim ethno-state. I guess they're more familiar with Israel's 20% Muslim population, Arabic as its second language, and Arabs in its Supreme Court than they want you to believe they are. Especially when you get retards like Drago who say it's ok to keep the West Bank/Gaza Arabs as a permanent underclass. Democracy doesn't matter to him or his ilk, and wants to say it shouldn't matter to Israelis. Even though it does. They haven't gone as fascist as he dreams they might just yet.
(But this is all moot. Drago knows as little about Israel as a typical Eskimo does. He's about as culturally removed from Jews as an uncontacted Amazonian tribe).
The thing though that drives me totally crazy is that my Jewish friends all but stand on their head to deny the glaringly obvious reality that antisemitism is almost exclusively on the left today, and is firmly ensconced in the Democratic Party that they support so strongly, and, in my mind, blindly.
Jews support people who support people who hate Jews. Seems stupid, but the mainstream Democrat anti-Semites disguise their anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism and pro-Palestine. Keith Ellison is as close to an open anti-Semite as you’ll find and even he pretends that he hasn’t seen Louis Farrakhan in years. But the anti-Semitismis there, and the efforts to hide it are pretty weak.
8 people died today at the hands of a Trump hater. I'm tired of the complaints about how Trump is evil, when the only people actually putting people in the hospital or outright killing them are left wing haters.
So let's compare Inga's of today. In one thread, she complains the host wants to talk about Obama not knowing how to pronounce the name of the candidate he's stumping. In this thread, Inga won't say one word about the people who lost their lives today. Instead, now all she wants to do is talk about Trump. There are deplorable people in this world, Inga exemplifies them.
"America's founding ideals so as to retreat into a larger project in old-style "Western Civilization", especially given the primacy of European interests in their mind, would be a disaster for everyone - Jews included."
America's founding ideals both spring from and form a central part of Western Civilization.
And anybody who isn't hopelessly bigoted recognizes the disproportionate contribution made by Jews to that civilization, from the Bible to Heine, Mendelssohn and Gershwin.
The EU is the modern incarnation of the Holy Roman Empire.
And, note, the Holy Roman Empire was always multi-ethnic by design.
The motto of the thing could have been e pluribus unum, had they thought of it.
And if they had had Nigerians or Ethiopians to rule over, they would have.
The religion the EU professes is not the same as the Habsburgs Catholicism, but the whole thing does also rest on a similarly uniform culture and ideology.
Bannon is for the opposite of the Habsburg Empire, or the EU, that is a Europe of distinct and unique states and cultures. A Hungarian is not a Pole is not a denizen of Brussels, and let them keep it that way.
When I first read "struggled" I thought it was probably a putdown. Like he was insufficiently prepared or insincere. But, it seems to me that he did indeed struggle, due to emotion and the inability to find the right words to express the sadness and disgust brought on by this tragedy. He didn't have something written out and a teleprompter like the Comrade most likely would have, so his delivery was more raw. Struggled is appropriate and I often hear struggle and derivatives of struggle used to describe peoples attempts to deal with and communicate about senseless tragedy.
PPPT: "These Trumpanzees here at Althouse are not the true Trumpanzees who let their anti-jew freak flag fly high."
Literally written as lefties everywhere target Israel and dems nominate anti-semitic candidates for office!
As predicted, the lefty talking points, which are the reverse of reality, have to be used as nothing else exists.
We are literally 15 minutes away from PPPT descending into his usual routine of how the square footage of midwestern homes and light bulbs and corporate farms are responsible for both human feces on SF sidewalks AND for anti-semitism.
I can't wait!
Trumpanzees (Love it) falling all over themselves talking about leftist anti-semetism protests to defend right-wing anti-semetism murder.
Looks like Cesar Sayok has had his 15 minutes of fame. Hasta la vista, baby.
Always? The KKK targeted both Jews and Catholics as well as blacks.
Yankees were more protestant. Dixie wanted to become more like the Anglos they resented in the north. There were more former Irish etc. among them, who secularized - making themselves seem "more advanced" than northern puritans. They built their very own slave-based aristocracy, totally showing the Anglos!
Many former slaves have Irish last names.
There was pressure in the south it seems to distance themselves from their former Irish-catholicism. I suppose the fact that the confederate secretary of state was a jew shows just how secularized they'd become.
They replaced catholic theocracy with southern ethnic pride and aristocracy.
There is a very interesting analysis, in Duffy's "Instrument of War", an overview of the military of Maria Theresa, of the demographics of the enlisted, the officers, and the senior officers of the Habsburgs, the so-called Inhaber, the regimental proprietors. They were a wildly multiethnic lot. And they weren't even all Catholics.
It seems like the common thread in recent church shootings is that they have been committed by angry white males.
This one (against Jews), Charleston (african-American Christians), Milwaukee(Sikhs), Texas (white christians) matter the denomination/race of the victims, the perpetrator is always a white male, and he always uses a gun. Those seem to be the most obvious common elements in these horrific crimes.
the anti-semetic left is generally pro commie and pro immigration while the alt right anti-semites tend to be libertarian, and anti-immigrant.
Their anti-semitism has no left or right bent. For example, you can't really be pro-immigration and anti-semetic, because you obviously don't want jews coming into our country.
And you can't really be libertarian and anti-semetic or anti-immigration because you are supposed to be supporting people living by their own rules, and that's anathema to being against jews doing the same.
You can be left or right AND anti-Semitic. But as I said, hatred like that has no left or right.
Howard retreats to the final lefty talking point redoubt.
I'm surprised it took him that long to get there.
Maybe he hasn't had his coffee.
I do give Howard credit for recognizing the no-win nature of what the other lefties are trying to argue here.
Once again, Howard is at the top of the lefty class at Althouse blog.
For idiotlogues, you people need to disappear the alt-right rantings of the Tree of Life Shooter otherwise, your kidneys short-circuit.
America's founding ideals both spring from and form a central part of Western Civilization.
That was abandoned everywhere but here.
America is the ultimate stage of progressive enlightenment.
It didn't even care for ethno-statism, as remains the case everywhere else (especially europe) and among the Trumpanzees.
For evidence of this, check out our early alliance with the french, over our english forebears.
Or the fact that the vote to make German the national language failed by a single nay.
We weren't ethno-nationalists. Nothing in the founding, progressive, enlightenment documents attests to this.
But Trump, and Bannon, and all his followers here, are.
Swallow that.
I see lots of words, Drago, but you say nothing? Please be explicit, renember, I'm a moron Norge like you. Your beating off into a bush is too hard for me to finger out.
to defend right-wing anti-semetism murder.
Defend? Are you kidding?
I missed the entire news cycle. First I've heard of it.
First impression: 8 doesn't seem like a lot so nothing else is happening or somebody wants to get something for it.
Jew haters traditionally are taken out one at a time as they come up. It doesn't really need a national posturing cycle.
The MSM and its audience are the thousand mousetraps that Disney tosses a ping-pong ball into.
Howard, you are being silly and obtuse.
You can do better.
bbkingfish: "It seems like the common thread in recent church shootings is that they have been committed by angry white males."
bbkingfish is obviously not familiar with stats:
Number of mass shootings in the United States between 1982 and September 2018, by shooter's race and ethnicity: Whites (excluding hispanic-whites): 59%
Percent of whites in the US: 61.3%
So, proportional.
Percent of mass shootings involving african americans: 17%
Percent of african americans in the US: 12%
Hope that helps.
PPTape makes a good point. The lack of ethno-statism is the primary reason the US doesn't have the problem with immigrant riots and roving rape gangs. The ones who come here generally want to work hard and take care of their families... and the US free-market allows them to achieve their goals. In Eurape, not so much
Haha... calling people "Trumpanzees" and that person thinking they aren't bigots and dealing out hate. Amazing!
buwaya: "Howard, you are being silly and obtuse.
You can do better."
He has in the past done much better.
He is like a good hitter straining at the plate and striking out instead.
He should just roll with "his pitches" instead of trying to fit a Trump hater into the Trump lovers camp.
I take that as a compliment buwaya puti.
Southern Baptists are 100% pro Jewish/Israeli. (See, Truman, Harry S.) The heart of darkness seeking to attack Jews has always been Roman Catholics. Go figure.
And, of course, we can count on tradguy to come in with his standard anti-Catholic nonsense.
No, tradguy, American fundamentalists & evangelicals are not innocent of antisemitism, as any cursory examination of the polling data would show. Also, just as one can be anti-Zionist & not antisemitic (e.g. some Orthodox Jews), one can be pro-Zionist & antisemitic. I mean, you just want all the Jews over there in their own country & not over here with all the good Christians.
Also, those blacks who are referenced in the ADL posting above? Theologically, they're identical to their white Protestant counterparts, aren't they? I mean they're every bit as Protestant as the white folks. Right, tradguy?
As for Catholic vs Protestant antisemitism, perhaps you need to acquaint yourself with Martin Luther's writings on the Jews? Or, how about, we compare the number of American Evangelicals vs Catholics listed among The Righteous Among the Nations at Yad Vashem?
Odd that every time the subject of hate comes up Inga has family member(s).
I can't imagine a large enough facility for the family reunion. Maybe one of the stadiums that hold Trump rallies.
Those seem to be the most obvious common elements in these horrific crimes.
You don't think it has to do with the proportions of the population ?
Come on.
Don't go Ritmo on us.
Haha... calling people "Trumpanzees" and that person thinking they aren't bigots and dealing out hate. Amazing!
Why? Because of the origin of the second part of my portmanteau?
Don't worry, Lyle. I don't harbor hatred for actual chimpanzees like yourself, either.
We wish to protect your native habitat, and let you swing from the trees, fish for termites, war with your fellow chimpanzee tribes, shriek and throw stuff and whatever else you creatures do in the very lands you're most comfortable doing those things in. It's the Republiclone anti-environmental types who want to drive you out from your jungle homelands.
@Howard the coward, please explain to me how the mainstream left plans to purge anti-Semitic extremists when today’s left consists entirely of extremists? Oh, is that why you are trying to get the rest of us to take on the alt-right before you lift a finger to clean up Democrat ranks?
A deliberate massacre of Jews, for being Jews, by a white right-winger is a first time in American history. This is a political-ethnic attack on a very powerful people, by what can be perceived as another very powerful people. This is a huge first.
Other, worse, massacres were committed by or against the relatively powerless. There is no need to go ape against Muslims in general, in reaction to terrorism, because they are at best a nuisance. So far anyway. The same re blacks. Or against blacks.
It can go very badly from here, and it probably will.
Howard: "PPTape makes a good point. The lack of ethno-statism is the primary reason the US doesn't have the problem with immigrant riots and roving rape gangs. The ones who come here generally want to work hard and take care of their families... and the US free-market allows them to achieve their goals. In Eurape, not so much"
We agree on that.
I've always laughed when people, left and right, attempt to project onto the US the lingering class issues of Europe. That's an immediate clue that the person you are talking to doesn't understand a thing about the US.
In fact, I just had a conversation along those lines with a Swiss company executive in Germany who thought, as all Europeans do, that they have perfect clarity about the US and what is happening.
I asked him one question which stopped him in his tracks: Simply explain why people in the midwest who voted for obama twice voted this last time for Trump.
He turned quite mute quite fast.
He has in the past done much better.
He is like a good hitter straining at the plate and striking out instead.
He thinks he has to say some stupid things lest the ignore lefties think he is a Trumpist.
“So let's compare Inga's of today. In one thread, she complains the host wants to talk about Obama not knowing how to pronounce the name of the candidate he's stumping. In this thread, Inga won't say one word about the people who lost their lives today. Instead, now all she wants to do is talk about Trump. There are deplorable people in this world, Inga exemplifies them.”
Oh please. What stupidity. You think I don’t care that my children’s people were gunned down in a Synagogue? You people are truly nuts.
PPPT: " fish for termites,"
Uh oh.
That's a Farrakhan-ish anti-jewish dog whistle!!
"Louis Farrakhan: Jews are termites
Nation of Islam leader posts on Twitter: 'I'm not an anti-Semite. I'm anti-termite.' Twitter says company policy not violated"
I will give you fucktards some credit today however. At least you are not claiming this is a false flag operation funded by George Soros
“Odd that every time the subject of hate comes up Inga has family member(s).
I can't imagine a large enough facility for the family reunion. Maybe one of the stadiums that hold Trump rallies.”
I’m sorry that you are all alone in the world.
You think I don’t care that my children’s people were gunned down in a Synagogue? You people are truly nuts.
If you thought you could score some cheap points against Republicans in general and Trump in particular, you’r gun them down yourself.
Inga: "You think I don’t care that my children’s people were gunned down in a Synagogue? "
You obviously care more about scoring points on behalf of a political party aligned with those who want Israel destroyed.
So, yeah, you've got a bit of a problem there.
I recommend you continue to delude yourself that the problem doesn't exist. Like your Hodgkinson denialism and defense of islamic supremacists, you'll sleep better.
Howard: "I will give you fucktards some credit today however. At least you are not claiming this is a false flag operation funded by George Soros"
There are lots of other financial sources on the left....
(see what I did there? You thought I was going to go that way, but instead I went the other way)
I am watching the NC rally from last night on youtube, and I love this man.
Like Ye.
Howard is flexing his keyboard muscles again.
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Always? The KKK targeted both Jews and Catholics as well as blacks.
Yankees were more protestant. Dixie wanted to become more like the Anglos they resented in the north. There were more former Irish etc. among them, who secularized - making themselves seem "more advanced" than northern puritans. They built their very own slave-based aristocracy, totally showing the Anglos!
Many former slaves have Irish last names. "
Where did you get that historical tidbit from, the O'Haras from "Gone With the Wind?" The overwhelming majority of Irish Catholics, like the Italians, Poles, German Catholics, etc. settled in the industrial north and the farming communities of the Midwest. Southern Louisiana was just about the only area in the South with a significant Catholic population. The "Irish" population of the South consisted of Scots-Irish, Protestants from Northern Ireland. They were decidedly not Catholic in Ireland and not Catholic in America. The percentage of Catholics in the South has changed in recent decades due to both internal and external emigration to the South, but I can attest that in many areas in the South Catholic churches are still thin on the ground compared to Protestant ones.
Your "history" is specious, but like trad guy, you just can't resist an opportunity to Catholic bash, even though the subject of this post has nothing whatsoever to do with Catholics.
“Inga: "You think I don’t care that my children’s people were gunned down in a Synagogue? "
You obviously care more about scoring points on behalf of a political party aligned with those who want Israel destroyed.”
So Drago sides with this shooter who hates Democrat and liberal Jews who support refugees. Drago wants us to forget how many Jewish people are Democrats.
Oh no! Farrakhan!!!
Yep, black nationalism is so much more ominous, powerful and threatening to American democracy and Jews than the white kind.
You got it, Drago.
Maybe it was black nationalism that gave rise to the U.S. Civil War, instead of enslaving blacks? Ever thought that one out?
There's a trial balloon that you and your fellow FOX News ever-aggrieved types might want to see if you can get to float.
Muslims in Britain are mainly an aspiring class working their way up the ladder.
Indeed, immigrants in the UK are upwardly mobile in general.
Its one reason illegals in France camp out in Calais (the "Camp of the Saints" of the last decade, trying to steal a ride acrosd the channel.
The idea that the US is somehow exceptional in terms of upward mobility is absurd.
The opposite is true in most studies.
No, I believe Britains' Muslim problems are due to the nature of their Muslims and that they have entered in such numbers, by ethnic group, such that critical masses have been permitted to form.
Dr. Mike going meta as usual with low self-esteem and crap can ideas that's really all he has to defend his old addled thoughts
You think I don’t care that my children’s people were gunned down in a Synagogue?
Casting blame seems like a strange way to show you care.
Some people might think you care more about scoring partisan points.
“Dr. Mike going meta as usual with low self-esteem and crap can ideas that's really all he has to defend his old addled thoughts.”
If you thought you could score some cheap points against Republicans in general and Trump in particular, you’r gun them down yourself.
Wow, "Big Mike" (BM).
Your mental illness is more intractable than at first thought.
Imagine this: Not everyone is as violent or as callous as you.
In fact, most people aren't.
Big Mike (BM) is the guy who was pro-fragging in the US Armed Forces. Just keep that in mind.
He thought Pat Tillman should have been murdered by his fellow troops.
So that shows you just what sort of derangement and social retardation rules his thought disprocess.
Never too early:
Julia Ioffe
Verified account @juliaioffe
And a word to my fellow American Jews: This president makes this possible. Here. Where you live. I hope the embassy move over there, where you don’t live was worth it.
9:22 AM - 27 Oct 2018
For those lefties trying to tie this to Trump, somehow.
Howard, you can stop now keyboard commando. The other lefties are convinced you are still on boars.
Well, this thread is beyond revival.
My dearest Doctor Mike you my friend are a veritable Hulk Hogan compared to my Billy Barty in Remington Ranger status
Where did you get that historical tidbit from, the O'Haras from "Gone With the Wind?" The overwhelming majority of Irish Catholics, like the Italians, Poles, German Catholics, etc. settled in the industrial north and the farming communities of the Midwest.
That was during the 19th century.
Pre-19th c. they went mostly to the south, where lo and behold, ethnic tension between them and the northern anglos didn't matter as much as white skin did. Hello.
I don't have the exact source reference, and I don't believe it was a solid one, but definitely reasonable.
A basic ethnography will show you that ante-bellum about 2/3rds of Yankees were Anglo-protestants and 2/3rds Dixie were Catholic (long ago secularized) Irish.
Just check out the Anglo to Irish surnames among American blacks. A much lower ratio than your history would presume. Scots Irish wouldn't have left this legacy.
Most of the civil war was based in a longstanding rivalry between Irish or Gaelic Scots wanting to prove that they could be just as advanced, secular, and aristocratic as their northern Anglo Yankee countrymen. It was an extension of the same rivalry that existed for centuries before in the British Isles. Only now, free enterprise and slavery and white privilege could finally afford them the upper hand.
"No, tradguy, American fundamentalists & evangelicals are not innocent of antisemitism"
Hush, YH, don't disabuse trad guy's starry-eyed idealization of the Scots-Irish Prods as paragons of all that is pure and noble. I myself credit the Scots-Irish settlers with many positive attributes, but they were not paragons of tolerance, except in the sentimental mists of trad guy's mind.
"Seeds of Albion" by David Hackett Fischer presents a rather more level-headed assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the 4 British cultures which took root in colonial America.
Enslaving blacks did not cause the US Civil War, it was stresses caused by attempts to free them that caused the Civil War.
Most other western culture-ruled countries or colonies with slaves managed to solve the problem without wars.
Cuba is the only somewhat comparable case to the US, but the Revolution of 1868 being largely if not completely a race-war, it may not be. It could be classed as a slave revolt like Haiti. YMMV. Uruguay is another. Venezuela also had race wars, but most of the "black" side weren't slaves.
I never thought the dullard comment was apt ... until this.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Odd that every time the subject of hate comes up Inga has family member(s).
I can't imagine a large enough facility for the family reunion. Maybe one of the stadiums that hold Trump rallies.”
I’m sorry that you are all alone in the world.
Enslaving blacks did not cause the US Civil War, it was stresses caused by attempts to free them that caused the Civil War.
"Stresses." LOL!
So sorry to "stress you out," white nationalist apologist.
PPPT: "Oh no! Farrakhan!!!"
Precisely the reaction of the lefty "journalists" who hid obama's connection to him.
Precisely the reaction of the lefty "journalists" who hid obama's connection to him.
Hahahaha. "Connection."
Did he keep a copy of Farrakhan's speeches on his nightstand the way Trump did with Hitler's speeches?
Too funny.
You go keep peeing yourself on the numinous specter of black nationalism, Drago. The blacks can't see you when you hide under your bed, you know.
LOL. What a maroon.
Keep stockpiling those canned goods and AR-15s. Teh blacks are coming for you!
buwaya: "Enslaving blacks did not cause the US Civil War, it was stresses caused by attempts to free them that caused the Civil War.
Most other western culture-ruled countries or colonies with slaves managed to solve the problem without wars."
Disagree with you here.
The US differed fundamentally from those other nations in key ways that made the acceptance and tolerance of slavery a ticking time bomb that could only be defused if multiple govt entities (states) reached the same moral and economic conclusions at the same time.
An impossibility really.
Other nations had stronger central govt and so once convinced of a course of action they could carry it out.
For us, it was a disagreement that had to be settled with blood.
PPPT: "You go keep peeing yourself on the numinous specter of black nationalism, Drago."
PPPT thinks I'm McCaskills husband!!
Are our leftists here really trying to claim that the left is not anti-Jew?
Really? They really, honestly believe that their party is better for Jews?
Wow. Talk about delusional. Inga supports Hamas, a group that actually has people marching with Swastikas and openly vows to eradicate Jews everywhere. Ritmo loves Iran, which says the same thing.
Hey leftists: Why not call up Democrat Senator Patty Murray's office and ask them if they care about the Jews and anti-semitism? She'll tell you she cares about blacks and Mexicans but not Jews and they can be murdered at will and she'll do nothing to stop it. Official Democrat policy.
Anyway, the danger is that the American Jews and the remainder (well, the much larger part) of the bien pensant caste goes all caste-war against the "deplorables". Which, it is early days still, seems very likely. That would be a tremendously stupid move, but perfectly natural. The result (one result) is that its likely to create an actual operative tendency of antisemitism among the deplorables.
This has been a danger for decades now, the result of the culture wars that the elite caste has been waging against the volk. Jews making up such a large and visible part of the elite caste make them a natural focus for a reaction. It is to the enduring credit of the American volk that they have not made this connection, or few and rarely.
But the decades of the elite playing with fire have created a series of crises.
PPPT wrote:
"Or the fact that the vote to make German the national language failed by a single nay."
Not a fact, but an urban legend.
"Despite the latest rehearsal in Ann Landers' advice column of the myth that German had once come close to replacing English in the United States, Americans have never had a legally-established official language. The so-called German vote did not take place in 1776, and it had nothing to do with privileging German over English. The legend that it did, which has gone around since at least the 1850s, was spread initially by propagandists celebrating German contributions to American culture. It has since been taken over by those who claim that the English language in the United States is an endangered species. The story of the German Vote is occasionally trotted out by ELA supporters to demonstrate the power of ethnic groups to subvert national unity and to warn Americans that although the German threat to English has been defused, the Spanish one has not.
The events whose misinterpretation gave rise to the legend of the German vote occurred in 1795, though the date is frequently changed to the more patriotically crucial year of 1776. As is characteristic of such stories, what actually occurred is not entirely clear. What is clear is that Congress never considered replacing English with any other language or giving any other tongue equal status with English."
Vance: "Are our leftists here really trying to claim that the left is not anti-Jew?"
Yes, yes they are.
And its hilarious.
Their proof? Other lefties who happen to identify as jewish culturally but not religiously agree with them.
"Pre-19th c. they went mostly to the south, where lo and behold, ethnic tension between them and the northern anglos didn't matter as much as white skin did. Hello."
Nope, you are wrong and I can cite any number of sources which disprove you, most notably the aforementioned David Hackett Fischer. Irish Catholics did not arrive in America in great numbers until the potato famine in 1848. The "Irish" who arrived before that were no more Catholic than you or Trad Guy. And they were not descended from the indigenous Irish population , but were descendants of Scottish and English settlers who had been settled in Ulster by the Crown and kept their distance from the locals. (You have read or heard about the "Troubles" in Northern Ireland, have you not?) Those Protestant immigrants, correctly termed "borderers" by Hackett Fischer since they came from the English-Scottish borders, did indeed head for the American backcountry and many went South. Most of the Irish Catholics did not.
You think I don’t care that my children’s people were gunned down in a Synagogue?
I have no idea. I find it pathetic you are asking me if I think you don't care instead of expressing that you do care. Instead of providing that expression, you just call me nuts. How about you cool your hate for just one day?
Let I appear more anti-Catholic than I myself would want, or can stomach, allow me to just say that Jews have plenty in common with Catholics.
THey're both more communitarian, generally.
The Vatican has come a long way in reconciling rifts between them that in the past allowed for more hate.
Of course, many popes were probably as concerned with protecting Jews than with scapegoating them.
But it was liberal democracy and emancipation that finally made the "rivalry" between the imperial religion of Europe and its antecedents less antagonistic and openly hateful. That and the Holocaust. And John Paul II.
Catholicism was an empire, and the Jews were the old, inferior people. Supercessionism was a natural way of coping with this.
Most Catholics are good people, and probably seem more naturally familial to Jews than others would.
If they were less interested in doing what the pope told them, they'd have even more in common with Jews.
Evangelicals and non-evangelical protestants in America are good with jews, but they're too tied up in rapture nonsense and conflict with Muslims for this affinity to be as practical - at least outside of a defensive, geopolitical, security context that we hope wouldn't have to be the case indefinitely.
Annie, why does the mention of my family upset you? It’s very strange that you are going out of your way to remark on it. Do you think that liberals and Democrats don’t have families, or do you think they shouldn’t mention them? People on the right here are comfortable mentioning their children and families, I don’t see you doubting them or remarking on their comments in a negative way. So this is what I will say to you, stop being an idiot.
Annie :“I can't imagine a large enough facility for the family reunion. Maybe one of the stadiums that hold Trump rallies.”
David Hackett Fisher wrote a good book. But as comprehensive as it seems, it is still not some sort of sweeping final say of everything demography-related.
Whoever peopled the south, they did not have to arrive in numbers as great as the immigrants to the north. The south always had a smaller population.
On the eve of the Civil War:
Nearly 21 million people lived in 23 Northern states. The South claimed just 9 million people — including 3.5 million slaves — in 11 confederate states.
That's 21 million people (nearly all white) in the north vs. 5.5 million white southerners.
The US differed fundamentally from those other nations in key ways that made the acceptance and tolerance of slavery a ticking time bomb that could only be defused if multiple govt entities (states) reached the same moral and economic conclusions at the same time.
One major problem was the frontier. There was free and that the slave states wanted it because cotton exhausted the soil in the years before fertilizer was known. One reason that tetanus was not a major problem in the Civil war is that the south did not use manure as fertilizer.
The Belgians did and tetanus was a major problem in WWI.
“Vance: "Are our leftists here really trying to claim that the left is not anti-Jew?"
Yes, yes they are.
And its hilarious.
Their proof? Other lefties who happen to identify as jewish culturally but not religiously agree with them.
It’s as if they cannot believe many Jews are Democrats and liberals. They are saying these Jewish people hate themselves. You people are rightist loons.
PPPT: "Evangelicals and non-evangelical protestants in America are good with jews, but they're too tied up in rapture nonsense and conflict with Muslims for this affinity to be as practical ..."
I was along for the ride for almost all of your comment, but to reduce all protestants to a "rapture" point of view is so fundamentally flawed it would be impossible to address it without volumes of commentary.
Unfortunate. Lots of other interesting things in there.
The US differed fundamentally from those other nations in key ways that made the acceptance and tolerance of slavery a ticking time bomb... For us, it was a disagreement that had to be settled with blood.
A reparation of blood and treasure to resolve the original compromise.
Inga: "It’s as if they cannot believe many Jews are Democrats and liberals."
Work on your reading comprehension.
The facts are what they are: the majority of jews who are actively religious and/or observant vote republican more than democrat.
The majority of jews who do not attend synagogue regularly or are observant jews (as they would categorize themselves) are far and away liberal/leftist democrats.
maybe one of our usual suspects can tell us. Which president had the prime minister of Israel leave by the back door?
n.n.: "A reparation of blood and treasure to resolve the original compromise."
Slavery was the original sin of the US (not that there weren't others along the way), and could only be dealt with by violence.
Lots of Jews do hate themselves, or each other.
The Jewish tendency to faction, even into utter viciousness, is proverbial.
In the UC system you have plenty of cases of Jews aligning with Muslims or the left to oppress pro-Israel or religious Jews.
Rusty: "Rusty said...
maybe one of our usual suspects can tell us. Which president had the prime minister of Israel leave by the back door?"
That was a necessary step on the way to handing massive amounts of cash to the largest state sponsor of terror in the world and which pledged to wipe Israel off the map.
Why did obama and the dems do that?
Out of love for Israel, no doubt.
Maybe the rapture reference was too much. Jews are a foundational culture of Western Civ. (Along with Greeks, Romans, Christians, etc.).
But the liberal Christians who actually have learned something from Old Testament ethics (re: Abraham's negotiation over the impending destruction of Sodom), are fewer and further between.
If they do have something to say politically or culturally, who hears it?
All we in non-Evangelical America hear much about nowadays is the "prosperity Gospel," whatever the f*ck that means. And of course how they feel they need to vote for King David Trump, or whatever.
That's about as much a flattening of the Jewish contribution to Western Civ as Little Caesars is of our Roman inheritance.
Come on.
maybe one of our usual suspects can tell us. Which president had the prime minister of Israel leave by the back door?
The same one who got on a hot mike calling him a liar.
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