October 1, 2018

The outside prosecutor Rachel Mitchell opines that the evidence would not justify bringing criminal charges and does not even meet a preponderance-of-the-evidence standard.

According to the 5-page memo she sent to the Judiciary Committee Republicans, which WaPo got its hands on. The basis of the opinion is what a lot of Kavanaugh proponents have observed:
In the memo, Mitchell argued that Ford has not offered a consistent account of the alleged assault, including when exactly it occurred. Mitchell also noted that Ford did not identify Kavanaugh by name as her attacker in key pieces of evidence, including notes from sessions with her therapist — records that Ford’s lawyers declined to provide to the Senate Judiciary Committee....

[I]n the memo, Mitchell also argued that Ford “has no memory of key details of the night in question — details that could help corroborate her account,” nor has Ford given a consistent account of the alleged assault. Noting that Ford did not remember in what house the incident allegedly occurred, or how she left the gathering and got back home, Mitchell said “her inability to remember this detail raises significant questions.”

Mitchell also stressed that nobody who Ford has identified as having attended the gathering — including Mark Judge, Patrick Smyth and Leland (Ingham) Keyser — has been able to directly corroborate Ford’s allegations....
Mitchell notes that "There is no clear standard of proof for allegations made during the Senate’s confirmation process," but she is a prosecutor and she can only give an opinion from her point of view, from "the legal world, not the political world."

It is, of course, only her legal opinion, not The Legal Opinion in some grand sense, and she was chosen by the Republican Senators, who have their political goals and needs, even if she has none. And, really, we can't know if what she calls a legal opinion is really just that. She could be lying or unwittingly swayed by political or personal beliefs. We never know whether purported legal minds are really operating in some purely legal way (if such a thing is even possible).

The nominee, in the initial phase of the hearings, performed the usual theater of presenting himself as a judge who does nothing but decide cases according to the law. We in the audience of that theater may not really believe all that but think it's nevertheless close enough to get by, and it's only what every other nominee does, so we must suspend disbelief if we're going to have judges at all.

But when we see ourselves in this predicament, what can we do when we don't like the way the nominee leans? We could just accept the power of the President to make a nomination and demand that the Senate confirm as long as the nominee performs well in the usual theater of acting like a proper judge. The President won the election after all. That's a fact. But why defer there unless it's what you already want to do? Those who don't want a staunch conservative in the swing-vote-Kennedy seat want to resist. Trump didn't legitimately win, they might say — or: Obama didn't get deference when the Scalia seat opened up during his term.

Here's another thing that can be done when we don't like the leaning of a presidential nominee who adequately performs the Neutral Judge act in the initial political theater: Bring in something unrelated to his judicial work, something that makes him unacceptable, and allegations about something that happened in private long ago could do the trick.

But how good do these allegations need to be before they work? Rachel Mitchell can only say she has no idea. And if we are honest, shouldn't we admit that we're all drawn to the standard that gets us to the result we wanted before we ever heard about Christine Blasey Ford? I'd say no. There is one other factor: The short- and long-term interests of the 2 political parties. Republicans may fear that backing Kavanaugh now will hurt them. They might ruthlessly cut loose the damaged goods. Similarly, Democrats may see that voting Kavanaugh down will mollify their voters and energize conservatives in the midterm elections.

Maybe everyone's hoping that the FBI investigation will produce some very clear indications that Christine Blasey Ford is either lying or mistaken and the intensity of the partisan energy will dissipate. I don't think the FBI will save them. All the Senators have is one more week to worry about how to extricate themselves from this horrible trap they're caught in.


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narciso said...

that comes from brian fallon, chairman of demand justice, fmr Clinton foundation spokesman, quelle surprise,

Anonymous said...

There are clearly a multitude of prevarications by Ford. Her case is so weak it would be embarrassing to watch her being cross examined - though great fun! What this boils down to is there are supposed to be three witnesses who will confirm at least elements of Ford's story. None of those witnesses confirm the story. In fact they strongly deny that they know of, participated in, or were present as Ford claims. That pretty much blows a hole in anything Ford has to say. All the rest of the little lies and adjustments are just frosting on the cake.

RobinGoodfellow said...

320Busdriver said...
As soon as I laid eyes on her I suggested Aidy Bryant of snl play her. Spot on, I was.

Spot on! A blonde wig, a little girl voice, some vocal fry and she’s perfect!

JackWayne said...

“All the Senators have is one more week to worry about how to extricate themselves from this horrible trap they're caught in.”

And we commenters need an emotional bullshit tag to help us escape the horrible trap we’re in....

Jeff Brokaw said...

Althouse used a whole bunch of words to say, essentially, “LALALALALALA I can’t HEAR you!”

Solid legal analysis AA. Nice work. Top notch.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Sebastian said...
Riddle me this: how can a woman remember who much she drank at a single party 36 years ago but not whether she gave actual therapists' notes to the Washington Post a few weeks ago?

This woman has less than a passing acquaintance with the truth. Several of her factual statements have been demonstrated to be false. She is a liar. I don’t believe anything she says.

JAORE said...

Cue the Crack

Shouldn't that be,"Release the Crack Em"?

Seeing Red said...

...themselves from this horrible trap they're caught in.

Why use passive tense? Those poor senators, they’re just victims.

Who caught them?

A senator.

Who insist to continue this trap?


I call bullshit.

mockturtle said...

I assume [hopefully, at least] that the FBI will be investigating the accuser as well as the accused [whom they have already investigated] and this should include the social media accounts that she deleted, no doubt on the advice of her handlers. This little ploy might backfire on the Dems and I may have to thank Flake, after all.

Seeing Red said...

Let’s compare and contrast Ellison’s treatment.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“If you are a democrat, you want a soviet-style state where no one is allowed to disagree, that is why they are destroying a decent man, they want everyone to know they will fabricate lies about you if you are a Republican.”


Birkel said...

Solid argument, Royal ass Inga.
Your degree in communications is really paying off.

Tom from Virginia said...

I think Trump's electoral prospects in 2018 will be enhanced if Kavanaugh is unable to be confirmed before the midterms. If three Republicans are added to the Senate in 2019, the Democrats in the Senate would be utterly ruined even as they clutch Kavanaugh's scalp.

Birkel said...

Three, Tom?
I think a net of five to seven is more likely.

Gabriel said...

I hesitate to ascribe this position to Ann, but I think the unspoken assumption on the Left is that they are morally entitled to a veto on Supreme Court nominations despite being in the minority.

This explains why they keep bringing up Merrick Garland. The Republicans got their veto, but only because they had Senate rules that allowed for it. They did not have to destroy Merrick Garland's reputation to get it. I think the Left assumes that Republicans would have done that to Garland if they didn't the votes according to the Senate rules in effect then.

The Left wants a veto by any means necessary. If that means destroying a previously unblemished reputation--which it was, because all these accusations against Kavanaugh never came up against him before, not when he was working with Kenneth Starr, not when he was working for Bush, not when he was appointed to current position by Bush, and not when the hearings for his Supreme Court nomination originally concluded--the Left is morally entitled.

bagoh20 said...

Breaking News: A woman has come forward claiming that at a high school barbeque Kavanaugh opened his bun exposing his weiner without a shred of condiments and asked a woman "Could I have some ketchup?" Simply unfit for any job in a civilized society.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

opening his bun exposing his weiner? oh unfit for humanity.

meanwhile - corrupt and got-away with it in a bogus mistrial:
Menendez is actually still in the senate and running for re-election.

Breaking - Leftists will still show up to vote for him.

Gretchen said...

I believe that if the Democrats are allowed to take down Kavanaugh we can say goodbye to freedom. The Democrats will have complete power. They have made it impossible for any Republican Supreme court justice to be confirmed, and have allowed any unsubstantiated allegation to take a man down. The media is, as always, colluding with Democrats. The standard of proof is now that of the Cultural Revolution, an accusation. The same standard these loons have used on college campuses. They will systematically discredit every Republican and make it even more difficult on the families of good people. They have already infiltrated schools and indoctrinated students with SJW BS in place of civics.

If Kavanaugh is confirmed, the Senate should do a complete investigation and prosecution to the fullest extent of the law of every person complicit in this disgrace. Unless Democrats know they will be jailed for false evidence and conspiracies they will continue to slander good people.

The idea women can't testify or be questioned about accusations is patronizing. This is disgusting.

OldManRick said...

Remember the politics of personal destruction--a phrase popularized by Bill Clinton during his impeachment. This is what we are seeing here.

Ironic that he was disbarred and lost his case to Paula Jones based on real evidence after the democrats did everything they could to trash Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Kathleen Wiley, Linda Tripp, or any other woman who got in his way. Nothing like that has been done to CBF.

As a side note on how dumb the republicans are: I remember during the impeachment proceedings, the members of the house keep asking the senators to go review the FBI files. These files had details of the Juanita Broaddrick story. The stupid republicans were trying to avoid what they thought would be a constitutional crisis if the public discovered the president was a rapist. I mean after the Packwood affair, how could we live with something much worse? It was then that they learned that the (D) is all that matters.

BTW, if you believe that Clinton didn't do anything to Juanita Broaddrick, explain why he has never started a defamation of character suit against her.

Yancey Ward said...

"Well if Ford didn't work; and if alcohol didn't work; then maybe Kavanaugh put the family dog in a crate on top of station wagon when they went on vacation. That might be just enough to do Kavanaugh in."

Even worse than a crate on top of a car- I heard Kavanaugh tied his dog, Dinky, to the bumper and drove off.

Trumpit said...

Why is it a bad idea to oblige corporations to diversify their board of directors? It is a good idea. The all boys club (mindset) needs to go they way of the dodo.

Amadeus 48 said...

Trumpit— wrong thread. You want the Gov. Moonbeam thread on Cali’s new director policy. I hope you live out there and get the benefit of their thinking.

bagoh20 said...

"Breaking - Leftists will still show up to vote for him."

As they did, for:

Stolen Valor Blumenthal
Chinese spy employing Feinstein who had the spy driving her around while she was on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Serial rape suspect and workplace sex abusing wife cheater Bill Clinton
Creator and manager of the open portal to state department communications and known serial liar Hillary Clinton
etc, etc.

They have no standards at all. Nothing disqualifies you for a Democrat vote

cronus titan said...

"She could be lying or unwittingly swayed by political or personal beliefs."

Has someone done a wellness check on our gracious hostess? Her posts are getting increasingly irrational. Mitchell gave an unremarkable and lawyerly memo evaluating the evidence. THere was nothing surprising in there -- we all knew there was zero corroborating evidence and at least three witnesses with exculpatory evidence in addition to the inconsistent and changing stories. Yet ALthouse immediately calls Mitchell a liar or political hack. It is unclear why she is taking anything that calls Ford's credibility so personally.

Milwaukie Guy said...

A big problem with Roe v Wade is that if a state wanted to limit abortion to the pre-viability period, a new first "trimester," RvW strikes it down.

Big Mike said...

Maybe everyone's hoping that the FBI investigation will produce some very clear indications that Christine Blasey Ford is either lying or mistaken and the intensity of the partisan energy will dissipate.

I don't need the FBI to show me some "very clear indications that Christine Blasey Ford is lying, I only need elementary common sense. But the intensity will only keep spiraling up no matter what.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Left wants a veto by any means necessary. If that means destroying a previously unblemished reputation--which it was, because all these accusations against Kavanaugh never came up against him before, not when he was working with Kenneth Starr, not when he was working for Bush, not when he was appointed to current position by Bush, and not when the hearings for his Supreme Court nomination originally concluded--the Left is morally entitled.

It wasn't "the Left" that did all it could to prevent those Kenneth Starr and Bush-era memos from coming to light.

Republicans knew there was something wrong with their partisan candidate and did what they could to conceal that. But all these acquaintances of Sea World Worker Killer Kavanaugh knew something even worse about him.

He was a mean, belligerent, black-out drunk who doesn't remember what he did while drunk and got belligerent with a senator constitutionally charged with assessing his fitness. He then apologized to her. He lied about being a black-out drunk and that's obvious by the umbrage he took to the question and the remarkably arrogant way he turned it around on the questioner.

If he'll lie about his drunken lapses of memory, then he is not credible and lacks the character to be SCOTUS judge. QED. If he doesn't remember what he did while drunk then it's pretty inconvenient of you jackasses to just pretend that he couldn't have done anything wrong in those moments. He wouldn't remember if he had!

His testimony is bullshit. Just get the mother fucker a beer and take him off the bitch. Shut that wino the fuck up. I'm sick of listening to him already.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

“If you are a democrat, you want a soviet-style state where no one is allowed to disagree, that is why they are destroying a decent man, they want everyone to know they will fabricate lies about you if you are a Republican.”


We're not the ones claiming that atmosphere and climate are unrelated and that insufficient deregulation caused the 2008 financial crash!

GO ahead and disagree. Just don't lie if you want the public to believe you. Don't go pissing in my ear and telling me it's raining outside, either.

Be a little bit less dramatic, if you can help it.

Republicans want a Mussolini-style state.

FIDO said...

So how many people need to contradict Ford for Althouse to pull those blinders off?

It is an unknown number. It IS known that it will be very large...

stan said...

Ford's credibility suffers far more from bias and self-interest than Mitchell's.

Ford is a hardcore, left-wing, pussy hat wearing political activist whose finances, professional standing, and work on abortion will all benefit from her attack on him. Mitchell is a professional who cites compelling evidence and logic to back up her opinion.

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