October 31, 2018
"The first part of this statement was a Trump truth—that is, a blatant falsehood."
Writes John Cassidy in "Donald Trump Launches Operation Midterms Diversion" (The New Yorker), referring to Trump's statement: "We’re the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for eighty-five years with all of those benefits. It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous. And it has to end."
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 275 of 275"I guess when a person speaks without periods, eventually they say something unfalsifiable."
Everyone speaks without periods, but the MSM is ready to supply them to suit their agenda. They also authoritatively declare when someone says "there", "their", or "they're".
This is one of my typical problems with Trump. There is the germ of a real idea, end birthright citizenship, but he then frames into something really dumb: the 14th amendment doesn't say that and I can just change it because I want to. He know he can't, it's just more crap for his Fox-infected moron supporters.
I agree that birthright citizenship is abused and should be fixed. Unfortunately it will require a constitutional amendment. That could probably be done, and if he was serious he could have gotten this moving long ago (and that applies to lot of the other crap he spews.)
@steve uhr:
Does it really matter whether it says complete or not? I think his intent was clear.
Not only did the rabbi of the synagogue say Trump was welcome, but Trump was accompanied by Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer, who said a few days ago that Trump had given the strongest statement against anti-Semitism that he had ever heard from a head of state (Trump's opening remarks at the Illinois rally).
Just because some dipshit leftist group started by Alexander Soros ran a letter-writing campaign to scare Trump away from visiting doesn't mean (a) he should have been scared--he wasn't; (b) most of the congregation didn't want him there, or most of the city didn't want him there.
There's a nice clip floating around the Internet of doctors and nurses at the Pittsburgh hospital thrilled to have Trump visit.
Lastly: I was pleased to see that Trump knew or was told of the Jewish tradition of putting a stone on a grave, to show that it has been visited. Betcha Alexander Soros didn't know that.
LLR Chuck: "That, and in the meantime there may be the matter of Trump's saying a lot of other dumb stuff of the kind that made the defense of his multiple travel ban re-writes so difficult for the
administration's lawyers."
Only a moronic closet lefty would even attempt to make such a ridiculous argument. Statements by Trump are irrelevant to the actual scope and text of executive orders.
You have to be a real Duck Durbin cuckholster to pretend otherwise.
"Betcha Alexander Soros didn't know that."
Alexander Soros and LLR Chuck and the rest of the usual suspects.
Apparently, according to Inga, the only way Republicans could fail to be hypocrites is to allow Obama, and any other Democrat, to rule by EO, while refusing on principle to do the same once the Democrat establishes the precedent.
If Republicans try to play by the same rules Democrats ordain is right and proper, the Republicans are hypocrites
And if the Democrats establish the use of EOs, and then complain about it when a Republican does the same thing, that's not hypocrisy.
Notice how Inga's effective position here is, Democrats can do whatever the hell they want, Republicans can't do any of those same things, and if they object, the Republicans are immoral.
Nothing convenient or hypocritical about that, no ma'am.
So from the leftist perspective, all 7+ billion folks on the planet have the right to come to the US of A and be given free stuff, paid for by the federal money tree (actual taxpayers), and granted asylum, voting rights and nice job, house and citizenship?
If anyone who steps foot here (except for Cubans, because Obama ended 'wet foot, dry foot' for them, but the MSM was OK with that) then they must be granted all rights, etc.? How does that even make sense?
That's the beauty of being a liberal. You get to stake a position on both sides of every issue.
Chuck said...
Jay Elink:
Then let's bet! Let's have a bet, that Trump cannot overturn birthright citizenship via Executive Order. (I expect that he won't even try, but I hope he does, so that I can win this bet.)
Yeah, now THERE's an argument refuting the one I made. THAT's the ticket!
Arashi: "If anyone who steps foot here (except for Cubans, because Obama ended 'wet foot, dry foot' for them, but the MSM was OK with that) then they must be granted all rights, etc.? How does that even make sense?"
Because that would deliver the dream result fot the left and their LLR allies:permanent democrat control
From Steve Hayward at Power Line regarding Trump getting numbers wrong, " Trump’s instincts are what counts."
So I have a propsal that should make the left really happy. Let the US of A declare every country on the planet a state, grant everyone on the planet US citizenship, and just be done with it. Then we can tax everybody, everywhere, and use the tax money to make things better for everybody, eveywhere.
Wouldn't that be grand?
These arguments bring to mind, over and over again, the classic confrontation in Salamanca, between Miguel Unamuno and Jose Millan Astray, October 12, 1936. A clash between ideals and reality, between words and blood.
Unamuno was a Catholic conservative, a philosopher, and in his day and up to our own, the grand old man of Spanish literature. He supported the military uprising against his cultural and religious enemies. But on that day in Salamanca he saw for the first time a vision of the actual war that had resulted from this conflict, in the body and words of Millan Astray, a veritable son of Mars.
Millan Astray had created the culture and organization of the Army of Africa, during and after the Rif war, which was run by his proteges, including Francisco Franco. He was an "engineer of mens souls", who had turned it into a magnificent fighting instrument. The Army of Africa was professional, audacious, suicidally courageous, brutal, an image of its founder, crippled and shot to bits and half-mad, but still ferocious.
The military revolt had failed nearly everywhere. The Government retained control of the bulk of the country and of its military. The Army of Africa had persisted, and taken on fearful odds, in a seemingly lost cause, as its little columns cut their way through masses of amateurs, and snatched victory, or at least survival, to that point, from the jaws of defeat. And they had marched through half of Spain in a blitzkrieg by light infantry, reaching Madrid and breaking through to Salamanca.
It was Millan Astray's men and methods and state of mind that were required to win by that desperate hour. Unamuno could not accept that reality, and rejected it.
"LLR Chuck: ""That, and in the meantime there may be the matter of Trump's saying a lot of other dumb stuff of the kind that made the defense of his multiple travel ban re-writes so difficult for the
administration's lawyers.""
"Only a moronic closet lefty would even attempt to make such a ridiculous argument. Statements by Trump are irrelevant to the actual scope and text of executive orders."
Rightly or wrongly Trump's campaign language was mentioned in the 9th s decision. Trump's rhetoric has caused him several problems. Now if you want to make the case that he couldn't achieve what he has without the rhetoric then I'm with you. But the bombast (Chuck's "lies/dumb stuff") has caused him problems.
The MSM D-hack lie machine marches on.
MSM’s Biased Reporting Of Jewish Letter Demanding Trump Skip Pittsburgh
So, someone named Buwaya admires Lorca's murderers. They're creeping out of the woodwork everyday, it seems.
No one gets Trump. He widens the overton window. He says something far from the center and widens his negotiating room by stating from an extreme position in the process. It goes to court, so what? If the courts strike it down, he has won with his base and lost nothing as they will blame SCOTUS, not him. If he wins at all, he wins. In the meantime, he has Lindsay Graham!!!! making forward progress on new immigration law, which will allow him to make a deal--say, amnesty for the DREAMers while fewer new anchor babies. Win win win.
I admire all of them, Jim Harvey.
Federico Garcia Lorca and his murderers.
Indeed, Garcia Lorca was an old friend and classmate of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of the Falange, shot by the Republic.
Interestingly Garcia Lorca's work was very soon rehabilitated by the Franco Regime, especially his arrangements of the "canciones antiguas", which became standards in the decades after the war.
And the reason for that is perfectly logical. The Nationalists were also intensely culturally nationalist, and Garcia Lorca had made Andalusian music and folk culture intellectually respectable.
"Trump says something.
The left runs around screaming and foaming at the mouth for days.
Trump says something else.
The left runs around screaming and foaming at the mouth for days.
Smart people would figure out they're being played."
Smart people know Trump is an ignoramus, narcissist, and liar. Put these all together and you get the unceasing squall of self-serving bombast, idiocy, insults and bullshit that issue from this hollow little man. Trump has always been a bullshit artist, probably a natural trait for a real estate developer, but he has grown worse the longer he has been in the public eye.
I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen;
Freder Frederson said...
I myself am a naturalized U.S. citizen and birthright citizen of both the U.K. and Ireland. Would or should my children be denied U.S. citizenship?
Unless you lied when you took that oath, you owe no loyalty to the Crown or to Ireland. You gave up being a subject to become a citizen. I don't know how UK and Irish law treats taking a citizenship oath taken to another country, but the US considers it a renouncement of citizenship. North Korea probably considers it treason.
From a bit of hearsay, by Federico Garcia Lorca, regarding Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera.
See linked article above -
¿Sabes que todos los viernes ceno con él? Pues te lo digo. Solemos salir juntos en un taxi con las cortinillas bajadas, porque ni a él le conviene que le vean conmigo, ni a mí me conviene que me vean con él.
"Do you know that I dine with him every Friday? Well, I'm telling you. We go out together in a taxi with the curtains drawn, because it would be inconvenient for him to be seen with me, nor would it suit me to be seen with him."
They were two sides of Spain, friends, each destroyed by the national tragedy.
The U.S. could (and I would argue, should) do away with birthright citizenship as they have.
But Trump's toxicity, his radioactive Tweets and public statements, may scuttle the discussion.
Translation: There is critical work that needs to be done in America and much of it is FINALLY being done by Trump, who seems to have the juice to actually DO the things I need to be done.
Alas, I am too pretentious, prideful, and a prima donna to actually use this opportunity because I don't like his tone.
I don't like his tone either. Maybe...and I may be WAY off base here...his tone is what allows him to DO these things you consider so critical.
But you'd rather cut his hamstring than ally yourself to someone you consider your inferior.
So...do YOU have a billion dollars?
"From Steve Hayward at Power Line regarding Trump getting numbers wrong, 'Trump’s instincts are what counts.'"
Oh, well, that makes everything all right. If he is wrong on points of fact, no matter...his "instincts are what counts!"
This must be how the conned console themselves for having been taken.
Buwaya, sorry to have jumped to judgement.
Murder of poets, though, is not the continuation of politics by other means.
Trump doesn't get numbers wrong.
He uses the estimate from legitimate sources that makes his point--as all politicians do. Most things--especially current things--are estimates. Idiots--like Cookie--use the estimate that make their point, that things are looking BAD. Fuck 'em. I would kick Cookie and Freder out of the country because their allegiance is to some foreign power or anti-American voice in their heads. Freder is in direct violation of his citizenship oath. Cookie is a home-grown idiot that wore out his welcome. He can stay in the Cuban Embassy until some other country will take him.
Robert Cook says... Smart people know Trump is an ignoramus, narcissist, and liar.
So you're guessing!
Media, (and others), fall for the rope a dope, while the Wharton grad commands The Pulpit.
"Murder of poets, though, is not the continuation of politics by other means."
Murder of poets is a tiny part of the chaotic destruction that comes with a civil war.
To be clear, Garcia Lorca was one, at least, that the Nationalists early on regretted liquidating.
And the murder of Garcia Lorca was just one of hundreds of thousands of similarly unjust and unwise acts of misled and fearful men on both sides. A civil war, more even than an ordinary war, is an episode of bloody confusion.
FIDO said...
"The U.S. could (and I would argue, should) do away with birthright citizenship as they have.
"But Trump's toxicity, his radioactive Tweets and public statements, may scuttle the discussion."
Translation: There is critical work that needs to be done in America and much of it is FINALLY being done by Trump, who seems to have the juice to actually DO the things I need to be done.
Alas, I am too pretentious, prideful, and a prima donna to actually use this opportunity because I don't like his tone.
I don't like his tone either. Maybe...and I may be WAY off base here...his tone is what allows him to DO these things you consider so critical.
But you'd rather cut his hamstring than ally yourself to someone you consider your inferior.
So...do YOU have a billion dollars?
I don't have a billion dollars; we don't really know if Trump does, either. If my father had given me a quarter of a billion 20 or 30 years ago, I might have turned it into a billion by now. Maybe more.
You suggest that "critical work" is now finally being done by Trump. What work, in the area of immigration? Is Trump leading Congress toward a comprehensive immigration bill? No, we are farther away from that than ever. And I will be the FIRST to say to you that the Democrats have almost never negotiated in good faith on that subject. But Trump was supposed to be the great deal-maker. He isn't.
Is Trump getting his wall? Nope. Are we the taxpayers paying for whatever passes for wall-like substances these days? Yep. Is Mexico paying? Nope.
Is illegal immigration way, way down? I honestly don't know. Trump isn't helping with that. When Trump wants to build up the idea of a threat, it seems that drug-dealing and rapist Mexicans are pouring across the open border. And when it comes time to talk about what the Trump Administration has done on the southern border, we are doing great things and shutting it all down.
Nobody can possibly take Trump seriously, because of this and shit like the quote giving rise to this blog post, which was and is false.
I'd like to see you work to Trump's schedule, Chuck.
No other Republican could do all of those rallies helping Republican candidates nationwide. And to such large audiences. Not to mention raising so much money by email. Keeping his voice alone is a medical wonder.
Jumping down....
I don't know what the big deal is. Trump starts a conversation about the 14th. He lays out his case, issues an EO, some district court strikes it down and it proceeds to SCOTUS. SCOTUS makes some comments and kick it to Congress. And then, hopefully, Congress can craft new legislation.
Sounds fine to me.
Somewhat OT, but what happened to "undocumented" immigrants? That particular Orwellianism always pissed me off.
These folks have documents showing them to be citizens of Mexico, Honduras, India or Ireland. I forget when this started but for many, their first U.S. ID is the one issued by the Mexican consulates. The Irish overstayers carry Irish passports.
It's like they're not under the full jurisdiction of the U.S.
Darrell said...
I'd like to see you work to Trump's schedule, Chuck.
No other Republican could do all of those rallies helping Republican candidates nationwide. And to such large audiences. Not to mention raising so much money by email. Keeping his voice alone is a medical wonder.
I think I might love ="https://www.axios.com/scoop-trumps-secret-shrinking-schedule-1515364904-ab76374a-6252-4570-a804-942b3f851840.html">Trump's official schedule.
Although the idea of waking up a 3 am to play around on Twitter sounds disgusting and strange.
Chuck--you can't even post a fucking link.
Or is that some kind of phishing link, boomeranging back.
Chuck - your linky no worky..
Or was that the plan?
Maybe all of the campaign stops are being done by his four or dozen body doubles?
The post should have appeared as,
"I think I might love Trump's official schedule."
What? The Democratic Underground doesn't do it for you anymore?
You are a fucking joke, Chuck. I don't see how people don't kick your teeth down your throat every time you walk into a room.
The "Jump4Trump" meme was created for you Chuck. Jump off the nearest tall building to show your hatred for the orange man.
An official copy of a recent exemplar calendar for the President.
At the moment Trump is attempting to win the election, and hold Congress.
Looks like a very full schedule.
Daily flights to campaign functions, and others, besides exec time (pool calls).
Chuck just thinks DJT is a lazy, no nothing, unlike the light giver Obama, whose daily 'official' schedule was blocked out 27 of every 24 hours. Or was that 57 of every 50 hours? Or was that states or something?
People around Trump have commented on how much work Trump does. And questions about whether THEY can put up with the schedule for years longer. In between all those items on the official calendar are phone calls and unplanned meetings with staffers. And Trump talking to White House visitors and low-level staffers. Believe what you want. You are on the record as doing everything necessary to destroy Trump no matter how dishonest you have to be. Why should we doubt you? Or read your shit.
Arashi said...
Chuck just thinks DJT is a lazy, no nothing, unlike the light giver Obama, whose daily 'official' schedule was blocked out 27 of every 24 hours. Or was that 57 of every 50 hours? Or was that states or something?
I never voted for, nor supported, Obama. You'd have to ask Althouse about voting for Obama. I voted for McCain, and Romney. And every other Republican on my ballot in 2008 and 2012.
buwaya said...
Looks like a very full schedule.
Daily flights to campaign functions, and others, besides exec time (pool calls).
With few meetings before 11:30.
So? Compare to the 'official daily schedules' of every President from FDR forward. Write a report and get back to us.
The bubble has now moved for Democrats to defend their stances on immigration. They can't. They can't be honest and they are hamstrung on a killer of an issue.
You, of course, refuse to recognize this because you are obdurate.
We actually ARE getting wall/fence built. I don't care who pays for it and neither should you but that would mean you need to give up a talking point to bash Trump with, and you are partisan.
By outlining this executive order idea, the very interpretation of the 14th can now be properly reinterpreted by the SCOTUS. And if we can wave our hands over the 4th and make 'woo woo' noises to find a right to kill fetuses, certainly the SCOTUS can say something like 'We never made that amendment to allow illegals to circumvent standing immigration law'. Since they already hate babies, even Ginsburg can get behind this.
But to admit this is once again to give Trump any credit for anything and you wouldn't give him credit if he cured cancer. This is your 'thing' and that kind of stubborn blindness is not a good look on you.
From Chuck's link of Trump's schedule.
"President is one of the hardest workers I've ever seen and puts in long hours and long days nearly every day of the week all year long. It has been noted by reporters many times that they wish he would slow down because they sometimes have trouble keeping up with him."
Melania didn't bother moving to the WH right away because she knew he would be working 24/7. Preibus said Trump's stamina was phenominal. The workaholic side of President Trump is well known. It's comments like that that earn you disdain on this site Chuck. Verifiably false.
Personally I am worried by the pace he is keeping, especially during midterms. The dude is 70 and not the most physically fit person I've seen. He looks a bit tired lately. Not sure if he is going to go grey like almost every President does though. If so I'm sure the make an orange hairdye.
LLR Chuck: "I never voted for, nor supported, Obama."
There is no evidemce that ypu voted for any republicans and you have provided rhetorical support to every far left talking point.
You have publicly admitted on this blog that you are only here to smear Trump and help drive down his poll numbers to assist the dems in impeaching him.
That you admitted that is funny enough. That you think you have that power to persuade is psychotic...but funny!
Trump reduced you to attacking children via rumor, black cabinet members with racist comments and attacking the intelligence of a distinguished long serving Navy Admiral.
My favorite part of yours and your lefty pals attacks of Admiral Jackson was expising Tester as a complete schmuck to his constituents!
So I guess I should say "thanks"!!
Not that it will win you many friends on Bill Kristols next Dem-funded cruise!
Vichy Chuck: "With few meetings before 11:30."
Trump wakes everyday at 5:30am. How much more effective for the dems might Chuck be if he was as motivated?
"I tried Trump's daily routine for a week — and I don't know how he does it."
Apparently that reporter failed to contact one particular angry LLR lawyer in Michigan to get the real story....
MG: "I don't know what the big deal is."
Trump has put the dems/LLR's on notice he is going to continue fighting LLR Chuck's hero dem pals on every front so the dems shone their "CUCK Signal" into the nighttime sky and LLR Chuck and crew sprinted to the Dem Narrative Barricades.
Was in China 2 months ago. They have agencies who book the mothers for flights into the USA and hospitals to give birth for citizenships, by the thousands (or whoever can afford it). Once born, they fly back to China, having obtained a valuable commodity U.S. Citizenship.
Trump will send the military, build a yuge detention facility, and shut the southern border. The numbers in detention will be small at first, but in a few months it will swell to 100k as all illegals trying to enter anywhere along the 2000 miles will be shipped there for processing. The Dems and MSM will be in full scream mode at the inhumanity (although the migrants will probably be better off in the tents than they were in their countries of origin), but by that time everyone will be aware we have to make a decision on immigration. Open it up (and the optics of 100k crossing at once would be horrific), or pass something that is based on the four pillars. Trump will veto anything that doesn't address all of them. He will be able to hold the Congress critters feet to the fire on this one. He knows the polls are on his side.
I myself am a naturalized U.S. citizen and birthright citizen of both the U.K. and Ireland. Would or should my children be denied U.S. citizenship?
An Irishman? I never would have guessed.
I'm sure the hospital my L&D nurse wife works at in San Gabriel, CA is on that list. Almost all of their patients are Chinese, as are the doctors and hospital staff. The moms deliver and then go back to China. They have regular maternity tours recruiting expectant Chinese families to deliver their babies there. I think the majority of them are cash customers as well.
Hm - so if we were smart, we monetize the US citizenship junkets by the Chinese and make a bunch of money for the US treasury?
Too mercenary?
Unless you people are related to John and Priscilla Alden, you should self-deport to whatever shithole will have you.
So all of the real native americans should sel-deport to where exactly?
Oh - you first. Show us how its done. Film your entire journey back to wherever and post on instagram.
More than 250+ comments later...
Just one commenter attempted to justify as true, Trump's false statement about the U.S. being the only "birthright citizenship" nation. And that justification was based on the laughably absurd notion that what Trump was saying was essentially that no nation other than the United States confers United States citizenship as a matter of birthright.
Athouse never deigned to comment on whether this Trumpism was yet another "blatant falsehood." Perhaps she couldn't bring herself to say, "Yes, it is." Perhaps she couldn't figure out a way to say, "No it is not a falsehood," as she does with other New Yorker/NYT/NY Mag/WaPo stories, and yet back it up on her comments pages. Trump explainer Scott Adams hasn't backed it up.
Here I am; openly, earnestly saying that I am interested in supporting a policy of limiting birthright citizenship... but I cannot justify this stupidity from Trump.
No one has.
LLR Chuck: "Here I am; openly, earnestly saying that I am interested in supporting a policy of limiting birthright citizenship.."
Wink wink....
Here I am; openly, earnestly
Stop right there. You are never open. You are rarely honest. You are here, though.
Chuck shucked and jived: Here I am; openly, earnestly saying that I am interested in supporting a policy of limiting birthright citizenship... but I cannot justify this stupidity from Trump.
NO, you did not. You have insisted, without evidence, that Trump has no power to end a policy that was NOT the intention of the 14th. A policy instituted by the Executive branch that he heads.
You have falsely asserted that a 1952 statute ties his hands. Bullshit.
YOU have falsely declared that the 14th itself and Supreme Court cases conveyed birthright citizenship to illegal aliens.
So...the only means you seem to offer to changing things is a Constituional Amendment that will NEVER pass in this politically divided country.
Thanks a warm, steaming pantload, Chuck.
"I would kick Cookie and Freder out of the country because their allegiance is to some foreign power or anti-American voice in their heads."
So, unsurprisingly, you are un-American and hate America's freedoms. You would like to exercise tyrannical powers of exclusion against those whose viewpoints displease you. Well, at least you're open about your contempt toward our constitution.
More than 250+ comments later...
Just one commenter attempted to justify as true, Trump's false statement about the U.S. being the only "birthright citizenship" nation. And that justification was based on the laughably absurd notion that what Trump was saying was essentially that no nation other than the United States confers United States citizenship as a matter of birthright.
In the original post, that’s exacty what Trump said.
Three of the first six commenters made the same statement, you attribute to “just one commenter”.
If you’re going to cite 250+ comments, perhaps you should read them?
If you’re going to comment here, perhaps you could understand the topic?
Yancey Ward said...
Trump putting hexes on the press is a hate crime, Darrell. If Jake Tapper turns into a newt, expect an impeachment.
10/31/18, 1:10 PM
He'll get better.
Blogger Howard said...
Being in opposition to Israeli apartheid is not antisemitism. It is anti-Semitic to think so.
10/31/18, 12:16 PM
Characterizing Israel's actions towards their internal and external enemies as apartheid is, yes, literally, anti-Semitism.
I like the issue; I just don't think that Trump is a competent advocate for it.
Chuck, you seem to have the notion that, as with LBJ deciding which outhouse in Hanoi to bomb, that President Trump should be doing the job of some second lieutenant, giving speeches and issuing briefs on the law. As a draft dodger you have no understanding of the elements of command.
Lindsey Graham has already taken up the challenge of sponsoring legislation. At the President's behest. THAT'S how it works. You don't say, You, you, you and you, go to More's house and stab him up. You say, Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest? and it gets done.
Bad Lieutenant are you calling me a draft dodger?
Kevin said...
More than 250+ comments later...
Just one commenter attempted to justify as true, Trump's false statement about the U.S. being the only "birthright citizenship" nation. And that justification was based on the laughably absurd notion that what Trump was saying was essentially that no nation other than the United States confers United States citizenship as a matter of birthright.
In the original post, that’s exacty what Trump said.
Three of the first six commenters made the same statement, you attribute to “just one commenter”.
If you’re going to cite 250+ comments, perhaps you should read them?
If you’re going to comment here, perhaps you could understand the topic?
Kevin the first several commenters simply stated that Trump was 100% correct, without explanation. Given that Trump is 100% wrong under any reasonable interpretation of his routinely sloppy language, I took their comments as the usual Trump-cult trashtalk, devoid of meaning or importance.
You offered up the fascinatingly moronic explanation that Trump's statement was highly technical; that no foreign nation was offering U.S. citizenship to babies born on their soil to illegal or legal immigrants. Of course, no foreign country is offering U.S. citizenship to anyone, regardless of their place of birth or nationality circumstances. Under your explanation, Trump's statement was technically true, and completely idiotic.
Bad Lieutenant are you calling me a draft dodger?
Chuck, were you calling me an apikoros (an apostate Jew) when I asked you to clarify what you thought was anti-Semitic about the President's remarks about his accounting staff?
Bad Lieutenant said...
"Bad Lieutenant are you calling me a draft dodger?"
Chuck, were you calling me an apikoros (an apostate Jew) when I asked you to clarify what you thought was anti-Semitic about the President's remarks about his accounting staff?
No I was not. I don't know what sort of Jew you are, and I don't care. I made no assertions about you one way or another.
Now, tell these readers how they should interpret your comment aimed at me, "As a draft dodger you have no understanding of the elements of command." And be specific.
No, Chuck.
Go back to the thread and review the exchange. You think you can talk to me like that and walk away?
First we'll settle that, then it's your turn.
You think you can call me a draft dodger and get away with it? I have a draft card; and on it my draft status is "1H." That means I was born in the period of time when I was "not subject to processing or alternative service," but before the Selective Service system abandoned draft cards altogether I couldn't have been a draft dodger if I tried. There was no draft.
After that, I'll talk to you any goddamned way I please. Again, I have no idea what sort of Jew you are, but wholly apart from that, you're a dumb worthless prick.
Can you possibly be this ignorant? Don't call me nigger, whitey.
Blogger Howard said...
I'm a libertarian entrepreneurial capitalist militarist gearhead. I just not afraid of people of color, the gay, the trans or women who want to work. However, it's not misogyny if it's true. 10/31/18, 11:55 AM
That you deem it important to make such a specific distinction tells all the bloggers that you are an airhead like Inga.
I also run several companies and don't need to go out of my may to hire LGBT talent, unless they keep it to themselves. I've got enough Human Resource problems now, why add to it!
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