৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১৮

The cruelest anti-Kavanaugh argument yet.

From "How This Brutal Confirmation Process Could Shape Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice" (Time):
Even if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed as a Supreme Court justice, he will carry scars from the brutal process to get him there.... [A]s he limps over the finish line... the question could soon shift from whether he will be confirmed to what kind of justice he will be.

Will Kavanaugh... dig in on the far right, radicalized by the experience? Will he swing the other way towards the middle, determined to improve his reputation among women? Or will he be able to move past it entirely?...

“What [Kavanaugh said at the hearing] was so explicitly partisan, so permanently political, so grudge-bearing, that I don’t see how somebody puts on a new robe, goes to a new court and forgets about that,” says John Q. Barrett, professor at St. John’s University School of Law. “The public will never forget about that. This guy, if he’s going to be confirmed, will now be heckled and protested and a pariah for the rest of his life for a segment of the country.”...

“It will raise questions about whether he could ever view any issue that touched on questions of sexual misconduct fairly, given what has happened,” says Melissa Murray, professor at New York University School of Law.
The linked article doesn't come out and make this argument, but it caused me to see it: Kavanaugh should be rejected because the confirmation experienced has ruined his mind. He's damaged now and can no longer think in the properly judicial way that was once within his capacity. A moderated version of that argument is that people will worry that he's now damaged and skewed and that's reason enough to keep him off the Court, to preserve the belief in the legitimacy of the institution.

I'm not making these arguments. I'm just seeing them and finding them horrendously perverse and cruel. Why not devise a confirmation process that is such an ordeal that it will drive out the very qualities we want in a judge? First, it would be torture, and second, you could never confirm a nominee. It's an inherently self-defeating process.

৪৭৬টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   476 এর 401 – থেকে 476
Birkel বলেছেন...

Nobody believes you are an attorney.
Post your state bar ID for proof.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Hell, I live in Canada and even I am energized!
I lived in the USA for 20 years. I try to explain Trump to Canadians. They think he is uniquely awful. I try to tell them, no Trump is middling awful by the standards of American politics. I think a lot of Never Trumpers in the US are starting to see this now, based on these hearings. If the lie detector thing proves out to be perjury maybe even Canadians will.

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

Let's see if I have this right:
Given: Kavanaugh may have groped a girl in high school

He is unfit to be on the US Supreme Court
He should be impeached and removed from his current position
He should be tried for perjury based on how much beer he did or did not drink
He should not be allowed to coach girl's sports teams, since he's a sex offender

Why stop there?
Shouldn't the state take away his children? Why would you leave them with a sex offender?
Shouldn't his wife be forced to divorce him, and if she won't, involuntarily committed for her own safety?
Shouldn't we lock him up, since by denying his guilt, committing perjury, demonstrating his anger management issues, and admitting to drinking to excess, he's a danger to himself and others?

Yes, let's do all of those things.

Now, we have an opening for a Supreme Court judge: Which Republican would like to step forward, please?

readering বলেছেন...

Birkel. I thank Nobody.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Lots of liberal males don’t agree that Kavanugh must be considered the more reliable person in this.

I don’t think anybody thinks that. I know that’s a straw man you set up to knock down. What most of the “males” here believe, from my reading, is that totality of the EVIDENCE breaks against Ford big time. Not to mention that she has told some demonstrable lies under oath.

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>>Now, we have an opening for a Supreme Court judge: Which Republican would like to step forward, please?

Oh, and in the spirit of Christian charity, you should probably burn your high school yearbooks first.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I think that the gang rape fabulism really hurt Ford’s credibility too, possibly unfairly, but she has zero corroboration and there are a lot of holes in her story.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Nobody believes you are an attorney.
Post your state bar ID for proof.”

I have serious doubts that Birkel is not sitting in prison somewhere. He should post his address to prove he’s a free man.

Not Sure বলেছেন...

Neither are males.

You miss the point of a comment pretty often, I've noticed.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“What most of the “males” here believe, from my reading, is that totality of the EVIDENCE breaks against Ford big time. Not to mention that she has told some demonstrable lies under oath.”

Because you are conservative males, many of which veer toward misogyny. What evidence? Did the FBI contact you for your expert sleuthing skills?

Birkel বলেছেন...

Oh, Royal ass Inga, I live for free inside your hippocampus.
Why would you need an address?

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Lots of liberal males don’t agree that Kavanugh must be considered the more reliable person in this.

You think that Ford “must be considered the more reliable person” because of #BelieveAllWomen. Well that’s a political stand, not some rule of logic that helps to understand evidence. Since you believe that, you think that we must believe the opposite, that the man must be believed. What we believe, most of us, is that the totality of the stories, external evidence, and any corroboration must be considered.


Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“You miss the point of a comment pretty often, I've noticed.”

Some “points” are unworthy of notice.

Rick বলেছেন...

Because you are conservative males, many of which veer toward misogyny.

Sure so long as we understand misogyny means "disagree with a left-wing woman".

readering বলেছেন...

Hippocampus. Check out the big brain on Birkel.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"The effort by Leftist Collectivists "

The funny thing is that they aren't really leftists, or collectivists.
Or rather they are, but only in a religious-cultural sense.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"I think that the gang rape fabulism really hurt Ford’s credibility too"

Yeah, the accusation was tarnished by the incredible accusation of Swetnick and Swetnick's association with Creepy Porn Lawyer, however, is is clear to me that the biggest effect of the Swetnick accusation is that it demonstrated beyond all doubt, to Kavanaugh himself, that he had best lay aside the calm, unperturbed Mr. Nice Guy persona and let loose with some truly righteous rage. That rage, by the way, brought people to his defense- can you even imagine Lindsey Graham making that statement at the hearings and afterwards without Kavanaugh taking his defense into his own capable hands that way? I can't. Thank you Michael Avenatti, we owe you one.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...


Except none of us has the evidence, yet. You can keep doing your amateur sleuthing ‘till the cows come home, won’t make her less credible than him. His behavior didn’t help him appear more credible.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

You want to see what a coached witness looks like- watch Ford's testimony.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>>Some “points” are unworthy of notice.

This is exactly the same point made by my mother in law, who has dementia, when she can't remember what year it is, or what city she lives in.

"I don't remember because it's not important."

Birkel বলেছেন...

Hippocampus is the word of Bullshit Ford.
That's the poll-tested word that asserts truthiness.
Fuck you, War.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Christine Bullshit Ford

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Inga the idiot- all the evidence is out there in the open, dumbass. Ford has no witness support whatsoever- none, zero, zippo, zilch. In addition to that, she has at least three different versions of her story containing different date ranges, numbers of attackers, number of party participants, different party compositions, no memory of how she got there, how she left, no memory of what the location was. Has been caught in lies about wanting two front doors for psychological reasons, lying about being afraid to fly, lying about not knowing the Judiciary Committee offered to come to her in California. I could go on for another page about the problems in her story- I haven't even done the bit about that damning polygraphy statement she wrote.

On the evidence, Kavanaugh wins in a landslide of epic proportions. I know nothing will convince you otherwise- your head is buried in set concrete. I am not even sure why I wrote this comment.

Rick বলেছেন...


Except none of us has the evidence, yet.

This must be a left wing talking point. Apparently someone told Inga and Howard public testimony doesn't exist until the FBI transcribes it.

Our geniuses at work.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Oh, Royal ass Inga, I live for free inside your hippocampus.”

Said by someone who for months if not years was obsessed with me and couldn’t stop addressing me. LOL, you’re a joke Birkel. The only one who ever took you seriously was poor wwww. I hope she realizes by now that you are a harmless nutcase and shouldn’t be frightened of you.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

You people do not have any “evidence”, but it’s amusing how you think you do.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Royal ass Inga,
If you could name a single verifiable fact forwarded by Christine Bullshit Ford, I would be quite pleased.

Just one.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Royal ass Inga adopts the "guilty until proven innocent" standard.
Communists and Nazis smile for their efforts.

Rick বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
You people do not have any “evidence”, but it’s amusing how you think you do.

Apparently Inga doesn't realize sworn statements are evidence, or perhaps she doesn't know what evidence means at all.

Doubling Down on Stupid.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Apparently Inga doesn't realize sworn statements are evidence, or perhaps she doesn't know what evidence means at all.

Doubling Down on Stupid.”

Apparently Prick thinks she lied under oath. What evidence? None, you can surmise all you want, only makes you laughable.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

the four other people she identified as attending the party, including Kavanaugh, all deny knowledge of the gathering in question, including Leland Ingham Keyser, who she calls a “lifelong friend.”

Keyser’s lawyer told the Senate Judiciary Committee: “Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with or without Dr. Ford.”

The other two potential witnesses — Mark Judge and Patrick “P.J.” Smyth — also deny any recollection of attending such a party. The committee took their sworn statements “under penalty of perjury.” “These witnesses directly contradict Professor Ford’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley advised Ford’s attorneys last week.

In her original letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Ford claimed that Kavanaugh talked to Keyser and Smyth right after he assaulted her. Yet neither shares her memory.
. - NY Post

Tim বলেছেন...

Kavanaugh has been savaged because he is not enthusiastic about killing unborn humans. The Left has no shame.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

A new letter, released by Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), states that a former boyfriend of Christine Blasey Ford says that he personally witnessed her coaching someone on how to take a polygraph test, despite the fact that she testified under oath that she had never done so.

“The full details of Dr. Ford’s polygraph are particularly important because the Senate Judiciary Committee has received a sworn statement from a longtime boyfriend of Dr. Ford’s, stating that he personally witnessed Dr. Ford coaching a friend on polygraph examinations,” Grassley wrote.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

“Dr. Ford explained in detail what to expect, how polygraphs worked, and helped McLean become familiar and less nervous about the exam.”. - Sworn statement.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Things have heated up while I was out making calls for our Congressional candidate.

I think the evidence is growing that this whole Kavanaugh circus has been a huge own goal for the Democrats.

Republicans are ready to crawl over broken glass to vote.

Nice work, DiFi.

Michael K বলেছেন...


Thanks, narciso. I'm up to Yalta in the deGaulle bio.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

There are too many gaps and the gaps are too suspicious. It’s not just that Ford can’t remember — it’s that she specifically can’t remember any of the details that might prove or disprove her claim. She also can’t remember the things she did and said even in the last few months. If her memory really is that terrible, she knows her memory is that terrible, and she knows that she can't therefore be "100 percent certain" that Kavanaugh was the assailant. At a minimum, her claims of certainty are a lie.

Rick বলেছেন...

What evidence? None, you can surmise all you want, only makes you laughable.

The most compelling evidence is that the witness she named, a life long friend with no reason to lie, says she never met Kavanaugh or ever attended a party with him.

Apparently Prick thinks she lied under oath.

No matter how much you pretend to be a decent person the crazy always slips out.

readering বলেছেন...

"Fuck you, War."

I lack a big enough brain to comprehend that.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Investigators also spoke with former classmates of Kavanaugh, including two men who showed staffers the “party houses” near the country club during the relevant time period. And the detailed description of the home interior Ford originally provided allowed investigators to compare her story to the layout of the homes of the individuals Ford identified. But then Ford changed her description of the house’s floor plan.. - USA Today

Michael K বলেছেন...

Christine Blasey Ford would fit right in tho this academic world.

Why Did We Do This?

Because we’re racist, sexist, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, transhysterical, anthropocentric, problematic, privileged, bullying, far right-wing, cishetero straight white males (and one white female who was demonstrating her internalized misogyny and overwhelming need for male approval) who wanted to enable bigotry, preserve our privilege, and take the side of hate?

Inga ?

Having been immersed in a couple of big universities lately, I can tell you that if you get a couple of drinks, or a shot of truth serum, into the average liberal professor in any traditional academic social science department, and some of the humanities, he will confess that he knows the “scholarship” of the various politicized identity politics programs are a farce. They do not take it seriously, and regard it all with benign neglect at best, but silent contempt most of the time. In other words, most faculty regard their identity politics colleagues in the same manner you regard a precious child you pat on the head for encouragement. Most of the radicalized faculty in these politicized departments know this, and it fuels their righteous anger and feeds their self-imposed sense of oppression.

Recognize anybody ?

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

This was a party with five people, remember. Nobody of the five can remember it except for Ford. She told nobody, no friend, not her mother, nobody. I can believe she didn’t tell her mother. I find it hard to believe she never told a friend.

Rabel বলেছেন...

"A Democratic congressional staffer was arrested Wednesday and accused of posting the personal information of at least one Republican senator during last week's hearing about sexual assault claims against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, authorities said.

U.S. Capitol Police said 27-year-old Jackson Cosko was charged with making public restricted personal information, witness tampering, threats in interstate communication, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, second-degree burglary and unlawful entry. Police added that the investigation was continuing and more charges could be filed."

They threw the book at him. And the kitchen sink and the whole nine yards and the soup and the nuts.

Don't fuck with Lindsay2.0.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Womyn are magical, they never lie, and to believe anything else is misogyny! Womyn are also just like men, partaking of the same mental strengths and the same weaknesses, believe anything else and it’s, wait for it.... misogyny,

Of course misandry is no fault!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Somebody should ask her friend if she remembers any other parties with Ford and four or five people.

Rabel বলেছেন...

And don't spell Lindsey's name Lindsay. I promise you I will never do it again, Senator.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

if after all this Kavanaugh remains on the Court, the legitimacy of its rulings would be questioned as never before in our history, laying the groundwork for the addition of at least two justices to the current nine should the Democrats control the White House and Congress following the 2020 election.. - The American Prospect

“Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!” - Senator Blutarski

Birkel বলেছেন...

Fuck you, War.
-Andrew Breitbart

Birkel বলেছেন...

Take up arms.
Let's get the fight started.

readering বলেছেন...

Thanks, got it. Sorry, don't remember that one. Was struggling . . . obscure acronym maybe?

Gk1 বলেছেন...

Listening to this tact of special pleading is kind of like hearing the Nazi's at Nuremburg complain about "immoral aerial bombing" and "victor's justice". They have sowed the wind and they will now shall reap the whirlwind. I hope Kavanaugh is confirmed and a solid conservative vote for decades to come like Sotomayor and RBG is for the left.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

The Micheal Douglas/Demi Moore false accusation movie "Disclosure" is on Cinemax. Pretty good timing.

Not Sure বলেছেন...

Meet Jackson Cosko, recent doxxer and likely future convict. Another example of how anatomy is destiny.

Birkel বলেছেন...

When Democrats j'accuse:
Time to investigate

When Republicans make fake accusations:
Mistakes are made

Fuck you, War

Friendo বলেছেন...

Read this again - it is correct.
Shouting Thomas said...

Look carefully, men.

Kavanaugh is a careerist drone who, quite obviously, sought to immunize himself by checking off all the boxes that made it appear that he was a paragon of feminist virtue.

Didn't mean shit in crunch time, did it?

Tell women no. It's time.

Portia বলেছেন...

Blogger mockturtle said...

Your choice of 'news' sources leaves much to be desired.

I agree, next Newsweak, then the NY slimes

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Tell women no. It's time.”

And just what are women asking you for? What makes you think women need to ask you for anything?

Rory বলেছেন...

Buwaya said: "The funny thing is that they aren't really leftists, or collectivists. Or rather they are, but only in a religious-cultural sense."

Yeah, but they got in the car with real leftists and collectivists. Be interesting to see their faces when the locks click shut.

furious_a বলেছেন...

"Three Jews, Four Catholics, and one Episcopalian go into a bar…"

"Bartender looks them over and says Get the fuck out of here!"

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger FullMoon said...
The Micheal Douglas/Demi Moore false accusation movie "Disclosure" is on Cinemax. Pretty good timing.

Good flick, too.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Not Sure said...
Meet Jackson Cosko, recent doxxer and likely future convict. Another example of how anatomy is destiny.

If that isn't a beta male or a trannie, I need new glasses.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Apparently Prick thinks she lied under oath. What evidence?

Who needs evidence anymore?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

maybe better than the males they defer to.

There you go again, implying that men and women aren't exactly the same. Somebody somewhere is writing your name down in a little book...….

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Maryland Geezer said...

"Who will write the book:

The Great Democratic Christine Blasey Ford Scam of 2018"

the court stenographer?

Unknown বলেছেন...

The quintessential example of chutzpah is the man who murders his parents and then asks the judge for clemency because he is an orphan.

Now, Kavanaugh's opponents are doing much the same thing. They first trash him, and then say he's unfit to be a judge because their unconscionable behavior has irreparably alienated him, so he cannot give people like them justice. Leaving aside the question of whether thay are correct, they are displaying classic chutpah. They are using their bad act as an excuse to obtaine deference.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Apparently Prick thinks she lied under oath. What evidence?"

"What evidence?"


mockturtle বলেছেন...

I think the Committee has given Ford quite enough rope to hang herself.

DanTheMan বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
DanTheMan বলেছেন...

Of course Ford requires no evidence to be believed.
If you say she's not telling the truth, you must provide irrefutable evidence that she's lying.
That's how it works now.

The left has played this "evidence" game before:
First: "If Bill Clinton is really sleeping around, where's the evidence?"
Then: "Monica has a stained dress as proof? What kind of sicko keeps evidence like that?"

Sam L. বলেছেন...

As I've said before, I do not trust TIME to be truthful.

McCackie বলেছেন...

To succumb to such an asinine argument would be to provide the Democrats with an unlimited "Hecklers Veto". Democracy requires that they live with what they wrought.

Made the bed, now sleep in it.

Cloudbuster বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Unknown বলেছেন...

The Democrats! dishonesty created this problem for themselves. "You made your bed, now lay in it'! You don't get to complain about the problem you created. Honesty is the only choice you have left yourselves so try it, you might like it!

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   476 এর 401 – থেকে 476   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»