I think that works more as an anti-Taylor Swift ad. Is that her music in any way? It was horrible! CNN reports:
In a video, simply titled "Taylor Swift," Bredesen's campaign cribs Swift's song, "Look What You Made Me Do" with a slate aimed at his opponent, Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn, that reads, "Look What Marsha Made Her Do." The video then proceeds to clip together news coverage of Swift's unexpected endorsement, with reporters repeatedly noting the move is "out of the norm" for Swift.Wow. So that was Taylor Swift music?! Here's the original, which seems kind of okay, maybe because we get to look at the lovely young woman (and not that Harry-Morgan-looking guy):
And if the sheer badness of that appropriation of her music and her once-politics-free image were not enough, the new NYT/Siena poll has support for Blackburn suddenly up by 14 points!
Didn't someone catch one of his staffers saying he'd be all about Schumer once he got elected?
There's going to be a lot of "sudden movement" that favors Republicans in the polls the next couple of weeks. Otherwise the pollsters would look even more ridiculous when the actual election results come in.
Who is this Bill Bredesen? Any relation to Phil?
Phil not Bill Bredeson.
Seeing Taylor Swift's endorsement, Danno is sending money to Marsha's campaign.
Phil not Bill.
Isn't Taylor Swift's music all about how she make awful choices when it comes to men? Just sayin'.
Can't wait for the video of his staff explaining that Tennessee voters are "ignorant" and that the support of Kavanaugh was a calculated lie told just to get elected, but don't worry, he didn't really mean in and will be a reliable liberal.
the problem he has is communicating to Democrats that he didn't really mean it will communicating to Republicans that he does. Maybe he can give the Democrats in the audience special glasses that make it look like he is winking to them with his fingers crossed while he speaks, and Republicans glasses that make it look like he is wearing a halo.
That saltine is too crusty for my taste. I've heard of Jonathan Swift, but who is Taylor Swift pray tell?
The best meme about Taylor Swift coming out for Phil Bredesen is right here:
It's a picture of Taylor Swift and the top caption reads, "Every song is about her poor choices in men." At the bottom it reads, "Endorses Phil Bredesen."
Swift announced who she was voting for, but did she "endorse" and assent to being used in an ad created by the candidate?
I will be voting for Phil Bredesen for Senate and Jim Cooper for House of Representatives. Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values.
Aside, notice how the two female talking heads used at the start of the ad have a similar out the side of your mouth delivery.
Is that supposed to reflect some youthful, hip delivery?
Bredesen shows us that he's been on the "You're all a bunch of Deplorables" freight train all along. A winning strategy.
CNN and NBC polls have Bredesen ahead. What explains the difference between a poll at +14 coming the same time as a poll at -5?
Taylor Swift started out with some talent when she was younger. Slowly, she's grown into a bit of a freak show, trying hard to fit in. Trying too hard to be a copy of every other pop star sound.
Now - she has ZERO originality. Her "music" is painful to listen to.
She has every right to her political opinions but I do think Americans are tired of the overbearing media-Hollywood-industry establishment pushing too hard for the D.
I also think the guy who grabbed her ass during a photo shoot (and I actually believe that really happened) has tainted her decision making. She's been sucked into the bubble-dwelling hivemind and she probably buys the Blasey-Ford-Swetnick 11th hour BS.
Phil isn't anything special and he'll end up one of Schumer's loyal con artists.
And if the sheer badness of that appropriation of her music and her once-politics-free image were not enough, the new NYT/Siena poll has support for Blackburn suddenly up by 14 points!
Only really stupid people ever believed the other polls.
Only stupid people believe Bredesen is even that close.
The ad is pathetic and the Democrats have absolutely nothing honest to run on.
I don't get the whole Taylor Swift thing, but, then, I'm not in her target demo.
Oh. CNN and NBC are from a month ago. Looks like the tide turned for Blackburn.
The other thing that might be hurting him right now is project veritas.
They caught his staffers saying he is lying to the dumb rubes of Tennessee.
Michael Fitzgerald said...
CNN and NBC polls have Bredesen ahead. What explains the difference between a poll at +14 coming the same time as a poll at -5?
You make the Obvious point.
Blackburn is up double digits and everyone knows it.
Scott Adams pointed out something interesting in yesterday's podcast.
President Trump said, after the endorsement, that he liked Taylor Swift 25% less. Adams said that the genius was not in saying that he liked her less but that he liked her 25% less. I guess this means he still likes her, though.
Then, Adams pointed out, the American Music Awards(?) which she hosted found their ratings down 25%.
Adams thinks it is just coincidence.
Me? I think not!
John Henry
A good rule of thumb for a politician -- if you need the political insight of pop music star Taylor Swift to get your political message across, well, you might not have a philosophy or vision for the country.
The music is a cover version of a different Taylor Swift song (Style.) And yes...I have young daughters.
Achilles@10:35 Didn't Bredesen used to be governor or hold some elected... Yeah, former governor. So he's had a history with voters. That, democrat party machine, and crooked pollsters might explain some of the early lead he had.
Blogger Thorley Winston said...
Isn't Taylor Swift's music all about how she make awful choices when it comes to men? Just sayin'.
Isn't all music all about that?
eric beat me to it. Catching Bredesen’s staffers telling people that as soon as he gets to DC he’ll fall right in line behind Schumer was a major coup for Blackburn, and for honesty in government.
Blackburn was prettier than Swift when she was 28 years old.
Taylor Swift's first album is a real delight. I've found her less and less compelling as she moved from country to 21st century pop. I can't even listen to the latest one without giving up after a couple of songs. The Ryan Adams cover of her first full blown pop album (1989) where he reinterpreted all the songs in a 1980s heartland rock style (aka Springsteen) was fun.
Mega-millionaire celebrity, insulated by money from the excesses and incompetence of Democrat governance, urges groupies to promote “human rights” by voting for the Democrat with their genitalia.
If it weren’t for race and genitalia baiting the only reliable votes for Democrats would be journolistas, teachers and college professors - oh, and George Soros, assuming convicted felons are allowed to vote wherever he claims to reside. (Insider trading, France, 2002.)
@Henry, I don't see how Vissi d'Arte is about men or women's choice of men in any way. Even the opera as a whole isn't about that. The only choice Tosca makes regarding men is should she allow herself to be used by Scarpia to save the life of Cavaradossi. She doesn't waver in her choice of Cavaradossi himself for an instant, and it isn't intended to be considered a bad choice, because he's the male lead (and the only one opposing him is a sadistic totalitarian rapist and murderer).
God, what a tedious POS. This is pop music? Makes "Hang On, Snoopy" seem musically subtle by comparison.
Michael Fitzgerald at 10:33 AM
CNN and NBC polls have Bredesen ahead. What explains the difference between a poll at +14 coming the same time as a poll at -5?
Pay attention to the polls' dates.
Dems can’t hide what they are. AZ has the same problem. She was out of state fundraising and trashed the citizens of AZ.
They pulled this in 2006.
@Kevin -- You're certainly right. I should have have picked something from Faust.
Strumpit may have gone a little to meta on that one. But not every post can be a winner.
I have a lot of young acquaintances (my daughter, her friends, the associates in the office, etc.) who like Taylor Swift. I like her myself. Not one of those people has ever expressed the faintest desire to know what political candidates she favored or remotely suggested that her choice would influence theirs. I can understand that an endorsement from a local power broker, or a notable intellectual, might influence people's vote, but why does anything think that an airhead celebrity would carry any weight?
"...the superstar writed..."
Isn't that "Hang on Sloopy"? I named my first car Sloopy cause that song was playing as my car was sputtering down the highway as I was urging her to make it to the exit.
@Henry, yep Faust would be good. Brunhilde makes an excel spreadsheet's worth of bad choices regarding men as well. A ton of operas feature this theme, which is I guess why I reacted negatively to Tosca's inclusion. I guess Tosca does make a bad choice regarding men, her choice to be irresponsibly jealous based on flimsy evidence. But once she's discovered the real deal, she is steadfast to the end. She does make a bad choice in assuming that Scarpia's deal is on the level, but it really isn't much of a choice. Her only other option was to flee and save herself alone, which would have defeated the purpose. It's not like she could really Rambo Cavaradossi out of there.
Bredesen has been running a poor campaign the last couple of months here in TN- he has tried a direct tit-for-tat campaign that has allowed Blackburn to seize the initiative. For example, Bredesen has been running ads that are exactly the same ads Blackburn has run on the same issues, but with the accusations going in the opposite direction- this gives the impression of a man on the defensive all the time. This is a poor political stance.
The Taylor Swift endorsement should have been ignored by Bredesen, but I think desperation has set in. Flyover country does not think much of the political pronouncements of celebrities no matter who they are. Swift did Bredesen no favors by endorsing him. I haven't seen Blackburn's ads addressing this endorsement yet, but they write themselves, in my opinion.
"...the West Point graduate and Iraq war veteran has slashed the lead of Democratic U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow in half, from 18 to 9 points. Pollster Steven Mitchell says the surge is despite this year shaping up to be a worst-case scenario for a lot of GOP candidates." -https://www.wsjm.com/2018/10/11/john-james-slashes-stabenows-lead-in-half-in-latest-us-senate-poll/
Worst case scenario for GOPers includes 4% growth and record low unemployment.
But hey, Steven calls himself an expert and I ain't no credentialed expert so I guess he must be right.
And the Project Veritas videos are going to hurt Bredesen. His biggest liability was the fact that he is a Democrat running in TN. Indeed, if you didn't know this about Bredesen, you couldn't tell he was a Democrat from any of the advertising being done by his campaign and on his behalf- this is smart. However, both the endorsement of a celebrity and the Project Veritas videos make it crystal clear which party Bredesen owes his loyalty.
"...Danno is sending money to Marsha's campaign."
Blackburn is the aggressor in this race. Bredesen is the nice guy who finishes last.
Democrats to voters: 'I hate you, but please vote for me.... Looksie here, a mega wealthy multi-millionaire pop star likes me. You should too.
While Swift as a popular entertainer works, Swift as a political clique does not. Also, painting people with broad, sweeping strokes (i.e. diversity) is known to produce progressive returns.
The candidates should focus on revitalization, rehabilitation, and reconciliation, in order to promote the general and individual Welfare, native rights here and globally, and a review of public vs private smoothing functions, managed vs dynamic evolution.
To be fair, the GOP did the same bait-and-switch during the Obama years.
Yes, we'll get rid of Obamacare!
Yes, we'll enforce immigration laws!
And then the election's over and ignore us for another two years.
This is how they got Trump.
If you know anything about these entertainers, they are not independent of their teams. Most of the managers of entertainers are flaming liberals. So am not surprised by Swift's endorsement. Kinda stupid though. She instantaneously soured her conservative fans. Not very smart. Not sure how smart Swift is anyway, since her image is all manufactured by her team.
Is this the one who's an ass-fucking mom?
Bredesen doesn’t want to win. He was being loyal to the party by running.
He’s the Tommy Thompson of 2018.
“Who is this Bill Bredesen? Any relation to Phil?”
Sorry. I really don’t care...
Do you?
Mike Sylwester said...
Michael Fitzgerald at 10:33 AM
CNN and NBC polls have Bredesen ahead. What explains the difference between a poll at +14 coming the same time as a poll at -5?
Pay attention to the polls' dates.
The only thing the dates tell you is how comfortable they are manipulating the results of the poll.
The further out from the actual election the more manipulated and fake the results are.
Bredesen has never been even remotely close in this election.
Arizona is a similar situation. Democrat pretending to be a moderate when they are caught on tape being cynical pieces of shit.
McSally wins Arizona easily. All of those polls showing a close race or the democrat are ahead are garbage.
The close races are in Ohio, Michigan, and Minnesota.
Can't call attention to Minnesota or you have to discuss how Ellison, the beater of multiple women and old advocate for FGM, is pulling down the democrats.
When you are reduced to saying “but the celebrity likes me!” You got nothin’.
That was Zogby's trick. He'd move suddenly last moment. I saw one paper that proved Zogby could not have got his numbers had he followed his announced methods. He would have had to have late polls showing well over 100% support for a candidate!
Accurate polls are possible, but most polls are juiced.
Swift's endorsement is truly odd, though. MeTooism of the last few weeks, and the female celebrity endorses the old white guy over the female candidate; and not only the old white guy, but the old white guy who claimed he would have voted yes on Kavanaugh.
Like I wrote- Swift did Bredensen no favors here.
Ann Althouse said...
“Who is this Bill Bredesen? Any relation to Phil?”
Sorry. I really don’t care...
Do you?
This error is below concern. You categorize it correctly.
The true error is not seeing the polls for what they really are. They are tools being used for two purposes.
The first is to scare weak GOP elected officials into positions that are contrary to what their constituents want. In the past the GOP traitors would use them to justify betraying their voters by telling themselves most of the people that voted for them actually wanted us to keep Obamacare or Amnesty for example.
The second purpose is to demoralize the voters who oppose the will of the people who own the media.
The major media is owned and controlled by less than 50 people. It has an agenda. The polls are carried out for the purposes of advancing this agenda.
These polls have no other purpose.
So how often is Taylor Swift in Tennessee? Her main residence is NYC, so I’m surprised she’s isn’t voting there.
Polls are tools of persuasion and morale. Want a sense of what is really going on? The private polls of the campaigns are accurate. You can only infer what they say from how campaigns act. But if you pay attention you can often tell.
Almost no pollsters are indifferent to the outcome, and most pollsters aren't intellectually rigorous enough to compensate for the bias.
It just occurred to me that Taylor keeps Tennessee as her main residence (even though she doesn’t live there) because they don’t have a state income tax.
It just occurred to me that Taylor keeps Tennessee as her main residence (even though she doesn’t live there) because they don’t have a state income tax.
Never get between a Democrat and a tax break. Remember '90s Clinton tax forms that showed them deducting several dollars for each pair of Bill's used underwear they donated?
I mean, ew.
Taylor Swift has become a Lefty target over the last few years.
Her endorsement ended that. The negative media coverage has already stopped.
Bredensen will lose and Swift has already won.
Smart business woman.
McSally wins Arizona easily. All of those polls showing a close race or the democrat are ahead are garbage.
Sinema's leftist past is catching up to her.
She is trying to run as a moderate. LOL!
Well, Ann, you might not care either that it is "Bredesen" and not "Bredeson".
"Arizona is clearly the meth lab of democracy"
Who said hat? Krysten Sinema--the Dem candidate for the US Senate.
They hate you.
SDaly said...
D's political survival requires them to win big and take over the House and Senate in 2019. They thought it was in the bag, and are now panicking and putting everything on the table. I don't for a minute think that Swift's endorsement was voluntary, and she is a big card to play (or so they thought).
The people that own the democrat party and the media are not stupid. It is a small group of people and they have a lot of money and wealth. Carlos Slim and George Soros and Shari/Sumner Redstone and Brian Roberts and their friends are not bumbling fools like Schumer or Pelosi or Flake.
They have known what the real score is for a long time.
Since Trump was elected their goal was to force him to resign before the next election which is coming up in November.
Trump is inside their OODA loop.
The election is going to happen with 4% growth, record low unemployment, restructuring of the crony deals they used to gain more wealth at the expense of Americans, fewer wars etc.
They will push for destabilization and violence.
The NYT just released a statement withdrawing their latest poll for 'review' since it is so "out of the norm". The expect to have the review completed and the poll re-released no later than November 9th.
Thorley Winston said...
Isn't Taylor Swift's music all about how she make awful choices when it comes to men? Just sayin'.
Ha, ha, ha.
"Look what you made me do" is something someone says that isn't willing to take responsibility for their own actions, i.e. a child.
Swift is evolving, from the good girl next door, to the exotic cosmopolitan woman, and everything in between. It's a chaotic process, with winding, diverging, circular paths.
Blogger Kelly said...It just occurred to me that Taylor keeps Tennessee as her main residence (even though she doesn’t live there) because they don’t have a state income tax.
The media groupies always show her at her NYC apartment, i.e. a multi-million dollar place with doormen and such.
Taylor Swift has been a punching bag of the anti-white media for years. There has even been the terrifying accusation that some of her fans are alt-right.
How Taylor Swift Became the Poster Child of "White Feminism"
Taylor Swift’s Persona Is Not Built For 2017
Taylor Swift did What?! 5 Things white people never need to do without permission
The Unbearable White Womanhood Of Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift and the Tale of Unstoppable White Privilege Meeting Immovable White Privilege
How to talk to white people about Taylor Swift
It is not okay to be white.
Arizona is a similar situation. Democrat pretending to be a moderate when they are caught on tape being cynical pieces of shit.
McSally wins Arizona easily. All of those polls showing a close race or the democrat are ahead are garbage.
I agree she is well ahead but I am also concerned about CD 2, her Congressional seat. The R candidate is a local businesswoman I have done some calls for. Her D opponent is a carpet bagger from Flagstaff who ran against McCain in 2014.
This is a swing district with the university here,
I read somewhere that there are no records of Swift even being registered to vote in Tenn.
I wonder how many Problematics we'd get if a Republican man, in an attack ad, told a Democratic woman "Look what you made me do."
Taylor Swift should have followed the advice of her BFF Ed Sheeran.
What Do I Know
Ain't got a soapbox I can stand upon
But God gave me a stage, a guitar and a song
My daddy told me, "son, don't you get involved in
Politics, religions or other people's quotes"
I'll paint the picture, let me set the scene
I know when I have children they will know what it means
And I pass on these things my family's given to me
Just love and understanding, positivity
We could change this whole world with a piano
Add a bass, some guitar, grab a beat and away we go
I'm just a boy with a one-man show
No university, no degree, but lord knows
Everybody's talking 'bout exponential growth
And the stock market crashing in their portfolios
While I'll be sitting here with a song that I wrote
Sing, love could change the world in a moment
But what do I know?
The revolution's coming, it's a minute away
I saw people marching in the streets today
You know we are made up of love and hate
But both of them are balanced on a razor blade
I'll paint the picture, let me set the scene
I know, I'm all for people following their dreams
Just re-remember life is more than fittin' in your jeans
It's love and understanding, positivity
We could change this whole world with a piano
Add a bass, some guitar, grab a beat and away we go
I'm just a boy with a one-man show
No university, no degree, but lord knows
Everybody's talking 'bout exponential growth
And the stock market crashing in their portfolios
While I'll be sitting here with a song I wrote
Sing, love could change the world in a moment
But what do I know?
Love can change the world in a moment
But what do I know?
I don't know about you, but lounging in a bathtub filled with diamonds is something I do at least once a week.
Thorley Winston said...
Isn't Taylor Swift's music all about how she make awful choices when it comes to men? Just sayin'.
Of course.
Here is your meme.
She's about as effective at endorsing candidates as Barack Obama.
No J Farmer, it's not OK to be white, unless you are a loyal D-leftist. Then, and only then, you can redeem yourself.
Taylor wants to fit in with the cool kids.
Fake news. Maybe you haven't heard -- there's a great big Blue Wave coming in November! Huge, luxurious even.
Sorry. I really don’t care...
Do you?
Althouse nails the Zeitgeist. It's going to be a bad year for Democrats
Inga promised a Blue Wave damnit!1!11! H8ers!
Using kids in politics, pushback
I've enjoyed some of Taylor Swift's music (I especially like "Shake it Off"). She's attractive, and I'd have sex with her if I had the chance. Other than that, I don't think about her a lot. She's a liberal, but given that she swims in the waters of celebrity, that is no surprise--and I don't care. Her influence (it appears) is extremely limited.
It's a shame Kanye didn't get wind of this endorsement in time to come out for Blackburn at the same time. "I'ma let you finish...."
Perhaps Taylor can ask everyone to support the Clinton Crime Family.
Glad to see that others in this thread are aware that Kyrsten Sinema herself made comments disparaging the Arizona voters. At least in Bredesen's case it was his staffers who let the cat out of the bag; in Sinema's case it was herself.
@mockturtle, please tell me that you are not going to let Sinema win?
A few years ago, in the Sun Belt "Edge City" I live in, there was a "Rock the Vote" musical event clearly geared toward recruiting first-time voters into the Democratic Party (and by extension, the "liberal"--i.e. statist--Hive). I was glad when the radio DJ I heard announcing the event added the caveat, "You know, if you vote for a candidate because some rock star told you to, you probably shouldn't be voting at all."
These days a "woke" mob would probably be waiting for the DJ in the radio network parking lot with rocks and tire irons--you know, to reason with him.
The fact that Dems like Bredesen have to lie to get elected in purplish states is one encouraging fact about the state of the culture war.
it's a shame, that taylor has made some poor choices of late, the faux nude of one of her music videos, this half step toward dixie chicksdom, now bredesen is still a yellow dog who will pretend to be moderate, like say doug jones,
this half step toward dixie chicksdom,
Dixie Chicks always had an undercurrent of misandry. One song was about "Roy" being killed and buried, as I recall.
i really liked Taylor Swift, back when she a country singer; she was good country singer...
as a pop star, she's nothing to me.
That Taylor Swift song is a very generic pop sound with no real tune. Could be used for the rolling credits for just an ‘ok’ movie.
Since Taylor Swift is ‘famous’ this seems like the typical YouTube click bait being used by a politician. The ‘picture of a hot chick screen cap for the YouTube video “look who’s playing Magic the Gathering now!’ and the video is some spotty basement dweller droning on about the inconsequential rant du jour.
A little late to the party, but didn't Bredeson just end up getting "Swift" boated?
Shut up and sing.
Dixie Chicks always had an undercurrent of misandry. One song was about "Roy" being killed and buried, as I recall.
It's actually Goodbye Earl. (Prior to the debacle I was a huge Dixie Chicks fan. I had all their cds and played them often. Since they had to badmouth the president overseas during time of war, I cannot listen to them any more. I have tried.) To be fair, Guns n Roses has a similar song called I used to Love Her about a guy killing a girl.
Celebrity Self Immolation. It's a common thing.
What struck me about the ad is how breathlessly the numerous media types announced the REALLY BIG NEWS about Taylor Swift's plan to vote for a particular candidate. It was hinged on the fact that she's been (beaten up about being) non-political.
Gosh, I wonder who Pee Wee Herman will vote for in his home district. Better turn on the evening news to find out.
I like her music. There was a time when I would not have been forced to note any of her political ideology, as it has zero, zilch, nada, nothing to do with her music. I prefer that time.
Taylor's current music is definitely not country and her persona is certainly not regular Tennessee. I don't think her endorsement is going to help Bredeson at all. That music video is filled with faux female outrage and anger... reminds me more of Madonna and Beyonce' stuff.
"I don't think her endorsement is going to help Bredeson at all."
It likely helps T-Swift.
Her biggest platform is for cosmetics.
Rubs off on you after a while...
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