— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) October 15, 2018
As Indy100 puts it:
The fact that the president of the United States has hung a painting of himself in the White House - originally based on an iconic image of a pack of dogs playing poker - has obviously drawn quite a reaction.Full image (click to enlarge):
I was all: Who's the guy with his back to us? Maybe that's the artist...
I was noticing the beard. Took me a little while to get it! That's Abe Lincoln!
Who's missing? Don't say Obama, Clinton, Carter... It's all Republicans. They're all there — all the 20th and 21st century Republican Presidents. That's Coolidge in the back on the right, and if you look behind him, you can find Hoover and Harding. And that's Taft behind Ford's right shoulder. I think that might be Grant on the left side — or one of the other bearded Presidents.
I like the way the Presidents have their drinks, and non-drinking Trump and George W. have cola with ice.
Ah, I see here the artist has another painting with the Democratic Presidents:
Thankfully this wasn't the only painting he did.— iPaddle (@PaddlerMike) October 15, 2018
Here is the other one. pic.twitter.com/wLRUOzgoxf
These are cheesy paintings, made to be a poster, I assume, so it's funny to see it hanging in the Oval Office, but I think it's pretty nice for Trump to want to visualize himself in camaraderie with the other Presidents. Trump has a connection to pop art, to low art, and so that suits him.
Portraits in the White House tend to be sober and reverent depictions of only one person. In our boringly conventional moments, we might picture a President communing with a favorite old President, perhaps talking to it, perhaps kneeling and praying before it. But the President we picture is not Trump.
I'm reminded of those paintings that were touted a few years back. Obama standing on a copy of the constitution and some others with political themes, but I'll be darned if I can remember the artist.
Is this the same one?
Some people will declare it a reason he's unfit for office, somehow.
The same woman from slightly different perspectives in the background suggests adjacent tables at the same event. It seems a relatively inclusive approach, allowing for tables by affinity, as opposed to segregation by tribe.
Yeah, what's up with the woman?
I can't find McKinley. He should have a seat at the table with the other 2-term Republicans. (Putting Trump there is a concession by the artist that 2020 is in the bag.)
It's funny because Ford and Bush Sr. don't get a seat at the table.
Funnier still is Andrew Jackson doesn't either...
They should be playing poker, like those dog paintings.
Politics aside, and despite the obvious cheese factor, I have to say that I like these paintings very much. At the same time, I don’t think they can hold a candle to the work of Jon McNaighton, whose paintings I really enjoy even if I don’t really agree with their message.
The author explains the painting here:
The woman is in both paintings to symbolize a future woman president. The artist isn't sure which party she'll come from.
Andrew Jackson, Lincoln, Trump, Reagan, Coolidge maybe a couple others would all be comfortable together.
W would try to weasel his way in.
The rest are machine toadies and W belongs with them.
There are 2 very separate groups of Presidents in that picture.
According to the artist,Andy Thomas, the woman in both the Republican and Democratic Club presidents painting is the first female president of the United States. “That will be the first Republican female president and the first Democratic female president,” he explained. “As I was doing the painting, I was thinking that these guys are kind of intimidating in a way. That’s the kind of woman that will be our first woman president; she’ll walk right up to that table.”
The woman in the background of both paintings, kind of overseeing the tables, is Deborah Jeane Palfrey.
Annie C said...
I'm reminded of those paintings that were touted a few years back. Obama standing on a copy of the constitution and some others with political themes, but I'll be darned if I can remember the artist.
Is this the same one?
Those were by an artist named Jon McNaughton, and I was immediately reminded of his work by this post as well.
You can photoshop the face of a Republican friend into the face of one of the presidents. Your friend will like it quite a bit.
Ann Althouse said...
Yeah, what's up with the woman?
Do an etymological analysis of the word history.
It will help you understand what the artist is trying to do.
It wont work though.
”The woman is in both paintings to symbolize a future woman president. The artist isn't sure which party she'll come from.”
She doesn’t look a thing like Condi Rice.
Did FDR paint that second one?
The woman is in both paintings to symbolize a future woman president. The artist isn't sure which party she'll come from.
Looks like a white chick. Making her obviously a Republican. What with Democrats even turning on white women now. Could pass for Nikki Haley.
"Trump has a connection to pop art, to low art, and so that suits him."
Guess it has to look like a bucket of paint splashed on a wall to be real art, not something that actually is enjoyable by the common people.
Deborah Jean Palfrey the DC Madame?
...we might picture a President communing with a favorite old President...
...or a first lady communing with a favorite old first lady
Neither one bothers me. I think they’re funny.
It gets people talking. It’s an ice breaker.
If Hillary can commune with Eleanor;
Nancy can commune with spirits;
And John and Bill can chase women and have cigar sex while on a phone call, so what?
Is Clinton drinking Cranberry Juice in the 'Democrats' one?
Put it next to the official portraits of the Obamas. Would anyone really notice?
No Whigs. No Federalists.
Put it next to the official portraits of the Obamas. Would anyone really notice?
The portrait of the Obamas? Yes, those things are obscene. Worst pieces of formal presentation art ever created, objectively, by a wide margin. Another mark of shame on a terrible administration.
n our boringly conventional moments, we might picture a President communing with a favorite old President, perhaps talking to it, perhaps kneeling and praying before it. But the President we picture is not Trump.
It? It?!!!? Working for Minitrue in our retirement are we?
Thanks for putting up the picture of the democrat presidents.
It helps to remind everyone that each one individually can be addressed and analyzed.
Starting front right around the table...
1. Rapist
2. Racist
3. Serial abuser of women
4. fascist who spied on political opponents
5. miserable failure
6. racist
7. Racist
8. Truman
9. Guy who ran racist internment camps.
I see a pattern in democrats.
This comment has not been removed by the author.
Looking at the Democrat version of the "let's all have a laugh over drinks" painting, I notice Bill Clinton is very close to feeling himself with his left hand. The topic of conversation is obviously bitches and blowjobs. Everybody at that table had some on the side, I understand, even Truman and FDR (well, who could blame him?). Jackson apparently isn't in on the joke. The look on his face says Rachel, these creeps would 4F you if given the chance. He's also contemplating what Clinton's head would look like with a .69-caliber lead ball shot through it.
Of course the artist is going to make up some BS when asked. But in reality, it's the Eternal Intern. "Behind (or at least in some position close to) every great President..."
Of course, even this harmless and cheesy painting inspires crybaby whining from the Left. I bet Max Boot pooped his diaper over it too.
At first glance< i thought the mystery woman was Palin, but there is no recovery from what McCain did to her.
That picture is six, different types of awesome.
This is easily the most entertaining Presidency of my lifetime. It's not even close.
I hope the work was done on black velvet.
we might picture a President communing with a favorite old President
Sure. A painting of Obama gazing at a portrait of Obama.
That Trump would hang a picture like that in the Oval Office shows that he is a man who is comfortable in his own skin.
I get the feeling Trump is really enjoying this being President thing.
The woman is closer and more defined in the Democrat painting than the Republican one.
He got the likenesses correct, which - in a work like this - is all that matters. I'm hanging it in The Art Garage under the heading of "low" art.
Calvin and Hobbes on the High/Low art distinction. https://i.redd.it/kysk3rrmisjz.jpg
Nixon and Clinton are in the same chair! That's the hot seat.
Maybe somewhere there's a barroom painting of Alf Landon, Tom Dewey, Adlai Stevenson, Al Gore, John McCain, George McGovern, John Kerry, and Hillary. Bottoms up!
The pairings are interesting.
Trump = JFK
Ike = Obama
Jimmy Carter = Gerald Ford
Lincoln = FDR
Reagan = LBJ
W = Truman
Teddy = Wilson
Nixon = Clinton
R;s are listening to Lincoln. D's are listening to FDR.
I want one of those! Can I buy one through Ann's Amazon portal?
That's not the Oval Office. It's a different room in the White House.
The woman is Monica Lewinsky, coming to offer the presidents a hummer.
I see Grant standing way back, and two other gentlemen that could be McKinley and Hayes behind Coolidge. I personally would have put Grant at the table with a drink and cigar in his hands.
Obama's eyes are locked-in on FDR's cigarette.
The woman is the waitress. Those drinks didn't serve themselves.
All I know is that hanging that painting might be the most Trump thing ever. It's wonderful!
There should also be Garfield and Arthur in there somewhere.
And where is Putin?
I've read that the portrait hangs in Trump's "working office" (not the Oval). I like that location even better.
Did someone say mother-f**ker?
Nixon has his drink too - he was a Bordeaux man.
And he's got his wine glass.
Kate is right. Not the Oval Office.
> In our boringly conventional moments, we might picture a President communing with a favorite old President, perhaps talking to it, perhaps kneeling and praying before it.
Or Obama looking in the mirror
I have a feeling at least some of the other Presidents in attendance would not be so pleased to see Trump sitting among them...TR and Ike and Abe would see him for the empty gasbag he is.
Reminds me of "Elvis" memorabilia
I'd pop if Trump came out in a sequin jump suit
tossing towels to the audience
Women fight over Fat Elvis towels
"At the same time, I don’t think they can hold a candle to the work of Jon McNaighton, whose paintings I really enjoy even if I don’t really agree with their message."
Oy! McNaughton's paintings are pure kitsch!
> TR and Ike and Abe would see him for the empty gasbag he is.
But he is the empty gasbag we need...
I imagine Trump is telling him he is the Greatest, he beat them all.
The woman is the waitress. Those drinks didn't serve themselves.
Speaking of waitresses, I wonder if Ted had been elected president if McNaughton might have done a painting of Ted making waitress sandwiches with his uncles and grandfather?
I like Truman too.
Poster art for sure. I love them both.
And the guy in the back must be the waiter.
Is that Monica under the table with Clinton?
I see McKinley and Hoover behind Coolidge.
I like it.
Oy! McNaughton's paintings are pure kitsch!
I doubt Cookie has ever read Helen MacInnes' novels. Too conservative for him.
In "The Salzburg Connection" she has the woman KGB agent commenting on the "kitsch" of the peasant woman's kitchen.
Cookie is right there with his pals.
Thankfully this wasn't the only painting he did.
If someone has painted one picture, it's often the case that they've painted other pictures. It gets to be a habit.
ANdy Thomas seems to have a style: a group of American Story-Tellers, including Will Rogers and Ben Franklin, listening to Mark Twain spin tall tales.
They could only be better painted on velvet.
"American Story-Tellers", now with working link!
In the painting, Kennedy and Clinton seem to favor each other. There must be a reason for that. Hmmm...
Ken B said...
I like Truman too.
I remember looking at the picture:
pos... pos... pos... pos... pathetic loser... pos... wtf is andrew Jackson doing there?... ... ... is that ghandi? ... skinny small ... white bathrobe? wtf... I started counting back.
Truman?!? We have Andrew Jackson who is 50 years out of place... did they pick some random old democrat to go with him? Were there really that few democrat presidents?
Sorry I just don't see how that is a good rendition"
The other thing I noticed is who they put at the head of the table.
Lincoln and FDR.
Lincoln is probably the second or third most positively influential person in recent history.
FDR is such a piece of shit.
A couple months back the Ohio House Speaker resigned. He had a version of this painting hanging in his office with himself painted in. The scandal that forced him out of office hardly made the news, but the painting -- that was news.
We should be looking at the face of Lincoln(R) and the back Clinton(F-raud)
I'm having fun imagining what LBJ might have to say to Obama.
Great wall hanging; very whimsical. I'll leave it to others to infer what Mr. Trump thinks of it. And they will...
"Who's the guy with his back to us?"
Kinda a "duh" moment, n'est pas? Kinda like going to a traditional Christmas display and asking, "Who's that in the crib?"
How come Buchanan isn’t in the dem picture?
I think literally the funniest thing about both these paintings is that Hillary! is no where to be seen.
When they bring out the cards, Eisenhower will clean up. If I were Obama, I wouldn't be sitting with my back turned to an old slave dealer like Jackson........The Himalayan figures of the Democratic Policy were Jefferson, Jackson, Wilson, and FDR. With the possible exception of FDR, they've all been subject to downward revision. LBJ and JFK also........ Lincoln is the closest we'll ever get to a Christ figure in politics, and, with the exception of Nixon, all the other Republicans look pretty solid. Reagan and Eisenhower especially look better with the passage of time. I suppose you have to count Hoover as a failed President, but he did save millions of lives with his organization of relief efforts in Europe and Russia. Maybe in the fullness of time that will count more than his failed presidency.......In any event, the historical record shows that Dems get puffed in their lifetime and Republicans get diminished.
Too bad Ed Bradley or Mike Wallace or even Harry Reasoner isn't still alive to handle the really important interviews. Leslie Stahl is a whiny bitch who got exactly what she deserved.
Clinton should be eating McDonald’s.
I love it. It shows he feels a kinship with the past republican presidents. Trump is weirder and better than I can grasp.
Looks like the same bottomless woman in the background of both pictures.
Fabulous kitsch! The final touch would be the wiring of white twinkle lights in appropriate highlighted points throughout each print. "The Painter of Lights" indeed!
Yeah, poor old Hoover - one of our greatest public servants - gets stuck in the back, next to a post. Meanwhile, Jerry Ford - our only unelected president - and a total blockhead - gets center stage.
And you can see Taft vaguely in the background.
Nice touch to see Bush and Trump having a coke. TR didn't really drink, so you can't see what he has.
All the Democrats were boozers. And everyone at the D table should watch their manners or "old Hickory" will cane them or shoot them - depending on his mood.
I like the paintings although as Althouse states they're supposed to be posters.
Taft is in the center rear, next to Ford's shoulder. Yes, that's Grant in the far left, behind Bush 41. Coolidge, Hoover, and McKinley are behind Teddy Roosevelt. Rutherford B. Hayes is behind the unknown woman.
I looked at the Democrat version. I don't like Jackson's red nose. I see a bunch of shadowy figures apparently representing 19th century Democrat presidents (Buchanan is over Obama's right shoulder) but nowhere do I see anyone resembling Thomas Jefferson, the founder of that party. Is he being written out as a slaveholder?
A note to Chuck. The new Tucker Carlson book is a pretty good read.
You don't have to support Trump to see this as a dangerous message. Democratic government is a pressure relief valve that keeps societies from exploding. In a democracy, citizens don't have to burn police stations or storm the Bastille. They can vote. Once they believe that voting is pointless, anything can happen. Wise leaders understand this.
This campaign message delivered via CBS. Trollmaster level = Deep Blue on its best day.
Trump is creative in his own crass and brassy way, which he calculates to make people who don't like him lose their minds. On the fly. It's a gift.
Never seen anything quite like it.
I think he had that painting placed there specifically for this 60 Minutes interview in another instance of his Grandmaster-level trolling. Regardless, if that was even anyone's remote intention, it's a total victory.
Leslie Stahl's overly-earnest "Oh but why did you have to go and insult her?" nonsense was an object lesson in why their mainstream media bullshit isn't worth watching anymore. One 1:38 clip and I was finished with her bad hair and makeup for a lifetime. She should retire... but then the network wouldn't have any credibility left; after all, are they going to put Steven Colbert (and before him wasn't that name always pronounced "Coal-Bert" rather than "Kohl-Behhhhr"?) in the 60 Minutes anchor spot? Or how about that insufferable douche Trevor Noah? lol idiots.
but nowhere do I see anyone resembling Thomas Jefferson, the founder of that party. Is he being written out as a slaveholder?
Jefferson did not found or belong to the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party was founded by Jackson after the election of 1824. In that election all four candidates were members of the Democratic-Republican Party. (Jefferson was the first president of this party) Jackson accused Henry Clay and John Q. Adams of making a backroom deal (They probably did) to steal the election and formed the Democratic Party. The rest of the Democratic-Republicans became the Whig Party, which would eventually be replaced by the Republican Party.
@Gahrie, revisionism pure and simple. Back in the day the local Democrats used “Jefferson-Jackson” dinners to get together and shmooze, and raise money, of course.
The Democrats liked to claim Jefferson, but then they lie about a lot of things. It would be just as accurate for the Republican Party to claim Jefferson.
I wonder when the Donald will show the rooms in the White House where he keeps his black velvet paintings of rad hot rods and buxom babes?
*I suppose you have to count Hoover as a failed President, but he did save millions of lives with his organization of relief efforts in Europe and Russia.*
--- Wilson and FDR who got millions killed and are venerated.
Capture history departments ... win elections
Americans do love fake (curated) history and fake news (first draft of history)
I find myself wondering if any of the Republicans, in their painting, would have the kind of antipathy to one another...
...than Andrew Jackson, or Woodrow Wilson, would have towards Barack Obama.
When I worked in a state legislative office, I hung the painting of the GOP presidents, the one without Trump as he was not a glimmer in anyone's eye at the time.
For a decade, EVERYONE who came in LOVED it. They studied it. Guessed who the presidents were. Talked about Ike wearing a code breaker belt and Reagan having a jelly bean. I always challenged children who visited to name the presidents. (Only the homeschoolers could do it) I liked to imagine that the painting depicted what they would be like in heaven. Their faces are so happy and free of stress as they tell each other war stories. They are a small and unique club of men.
Frankly, y'all can call it cheesy, cheap, kitschy but I have never seen a piece of art that evoked so much interest and comment. Isn't that what art is supposed to do?
There is a similar painting of all the Dem presidents but I can barely stand to look at it.
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