The titanic anger of progressive women has been a dominant theme in the media since President Trump’s surprise victory over Hillary Clinton two years ago. Two major books about female rage have been published this fall, including Good and Mad by writer and reporter Rebecca Traister. “This political moment has provoked a period in which more and more women have been in no mood to dress their fury up as anything other than raw and burning rage,” Traister wrote in the New York Times on Saturday. “Many women are yelling, shouting, using Sharpies to etch sharply worded slogans onto protest signs, making furious phone calls to representatives.”Here's the Emma Green article, "Conservative Women Are Angry About Kavanaugh—And They Think Other Voters Are, Too/Local- and state-level leaders across the country say they’re ready to lash out against Democrats in the midterm elections."
But women’s rage is not a chorus performed in unison. Atlantic reporter Emma Green talked with about a dozen female conservative leaders across the country for a story this week that puts flesh on the Marist poll’s finding: that the Kavanaugh hearings have electrified conservative women too. “I’ve got women in my church who were not politically active at all who were incensed with this,” the chairwoman of the West Virginia Republican Party told Green. The Indiana state director for the anti-abortion Susan B. Anthony List, Jodi Smith, told Green that “people in Indiana are angry.” In her view, the hearings are “one of the best things that could happen to us” as she looks forward to a hotly contested Senate election in the state in November.
ADDED: Also in Slate, "Christine Blasey Ford Changed Everything/#MeToo was just the beginning. For these women, the Kavanaugh hearings have incited both hotter rage and a deeper personal reckoning." You know, some of us women are put off by hot rage — especially, for me, if you're simultaneously trying to disqualify Kavanaugh for expressing anger and if all the rage is in service to Democratic Party politics.
Trump won white women.
Look at the racial demographics of West Virginia, Indiana, North Dakota, Montana, and Missouri.
A friend of Christine Blasey Ford told FBI investigators that she felt pressured by Dr. Ford’s allies to revisit her initial statement that she knew nothing about an alleged sexual assault by a teenage Brett Kavanaugh...
The Dem's are gonna get crushed in November...
are women supposed to be liberals?
All red state dems must be flushed.
We're living in an era of economic boom and damned near full employment.
There is no epidemic of rape and sexual abuse in the U.S.
Why in the world do American women need to be constantly infuriated and fired up?
Most of the women I know don't care about this shit much. The few who do are, I think, regarded as pains in the ass by the sensible women I know.
Women are so powerless that every election in my lifetime has featured this obsessive appeal to women voters.
One of the great enlightening moments of my life...
I was giving the standard speech to my late wife, a Filipino, about the horrors inflicted on women by the Japanese occupation. Before Myrna, I was a feminist and I was well indoctrinated.
She got angrier and angrier as I spoke and she finally exploded: "What in the fuck do you think happened to Filipino men?"
You know, I had never thought of that. In fact, it never occurred to me to think that that mattered.
All three of the men my wife loves have had phony complaint lodged against them. The most egregious was my handicapped son who was walking back to his dorm from church one Sunday morning while he was in college, and he came across a half-naked sorority girl walking down the street so drunk she couldn't see where she was going, so he escorted her back to her house. Whereupon the girl's sorority sisters accused him of molesting her. Say again? Even drunk as she clearly was, she could easily have fended off a one-armed man.
All the more reason to delve into the conduct of all of CBF's handlers and enablers.
“are women supposed to be liberals?”
Which is a great question. Women of the non-dependent classes are so privileged that surely there’ll come a point where the Sisterhood is but a memory, an Arthurian legend of questionable accuracy and little relevance. What then?
Most people do not want to live in a society ruled by mobs.
There are old photographs of lynchings, where a crowd of Caucasian people is standing around a tree from which a dead Negro man is hanging by his neck.
How could so many people behave in that manner?
Essentially that is what is happening now. The man hanging from the tree now is Brett Kavanaugh.
Many people during their lives have been assaulted by a Black man.
Imagine that some Black man now were being considered for an important promotion to a government position.
Imagine further that lots of people were publicly telling their own stories about how they have been assaulted by a Black man during their lives. Imagine yet further that the mass media were reporting these stories with great sympathy.
And these stories were supposed to prove that the nominated Black man too had assaulted some White person a long time ago.
Most people -- including women -- would not want to live in such a mob-ruled society.
Me Too is a Wealthy White Democrat Women movement. Just the latest iteration of feminism.
Ford is now the face of it. Country club childhood. Couple of million dollar homes in California. Beach Friends.
"despite all my rage
I am still just a (Democ)rat in a cage"
Once you truly feel equal you want to eradicate any memory that it was ever otherwise. Surely they can’t backslide into what they never knew existed?
They can, of course. And with enough chaos, absolutely will.
Blogger Jupiter said...
“Many women are yelling, shouting, using Sharpies to etch sharply worded slogans onto protest signs, making furious phone calls to representatives.”
She's so cute when she gets mad!
@Dickin'Bimbos, Heitkamp is not only twelve points behind; but Cramer is comfortably above 50%. That race is over. An internal Republican poll in Missouri suggests that much the same is happening to McCaskill, but that's a Republican poll, not from an independent polling organization. In Tennessee Blackburn may be finally pulling away from Bredesen. Conservative rage against the treatment has to be part of that; Bredesen's false claim to an 'A' rating from the NRA isn't helping him. If Nelson, Donnelly, or Tester vote against Kavanaugh's confirmation, it has to mean they've given up. Manchin is interesting. The learned-but-not-wise talking heads on Sunday morning shows keep pointing to the margin by which Trump carried West Virginia, but they ignore that Joe Manchin is personally very well liked by the voters. If he votes against Kavanaugh will that be enough to beat him? Will he risk it?
I am worried about Nevada, and I wish I knew what was happening in Arizona, where a left-wing extremist running as a moderate is ahead of the female combat pilot who had the balls to challenge Rumsfled over subjugation of female military personnel stationed in Arab countries, and win. Don't tell me women don't have balls; McSally has big ones and hers are solid brass.
Me Too is a Wealthy White Democrat Women movement. Just the latest iteration of feminism.
True, with the caveat that #meToo adds to the insanity by advocating the end of the presumption of innocence and trial by media ordeal.
Not just conservative women that are angry about this - conservative men are pretty pissed off, too. And I would love to see how this is playing with blacks
There are old photographs of lynchings, where a crowd of Caucasian people is standing around a tree from which a dead Negro man is hanging by his neck.
One of the many deranged articles in TheAtlantic, "President Trump and his supporters find community by rejoicing in the suffering of those they hate and fear", starts off with "...the child-size slave shackles, the bright red robes of the wizards of the Ku Klux Klan, the recordings of civil-rights protesters being brutalized by police. ...lynchings...blah blah"
But after associating Trump and "his supporters" with child slavery, the KKK and lynchings, the article becomes somewhat unreasonable.
Inga hardest hit
It’s very important that we believe women who may not even know Kavanaugh and attack him without corroboration. It is not important to believe women who know and defend him who are corroborated by each other and his life.
Pussy hats are the defining apparel for ridiculous lefty women.
"I got a Vaj and a Pen"
I think McSally will be OK. I am volunteering for Lea Marquez Peterson who is running in CD 2 to replace McSally. The D candidate is from Flagstaff, 200 miles away but living temporarily at her son's apartment in Tucson.
I think the Rs will hold CD 2 but it will be close. Marquez Peterson is a non-politician who has lived in the district 40 years and had a small business. The D candidate ran against McCain in 2014 statewide and lost. She seems to be a professional candidate.
Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
She got angrier and angrier as I spoke and she finally exploded: "What in the fuck do you think happened to Filipino men?"
Does put kind of a different spin on the concept of a "survivor".
#meToo adds to the insanity by advocating the end of the presumption of innocence and trial by media ordeal.
And has mostly snagged white leftist men so far.
Titanic is not the vessel you want to embark on.
There are old photographs of lynchings, where a crowd of Caucasian people is standing around a tree from which a dead Negro man is hanging by his neck.
How could so many people behave in that manner?
Because it's better to be a lyncher than the lynched.
"I wish I knew what was happening in Arizona, where a left-wing extremist running as a moderate is ahead of the female combat pilot who had the balls to challenge Rumsfled over subjugation of female military personnel stationed in Arab countries, and win. Don't tell me women don't have balls; McSally has big ones and hers are solid brass."
Arizona sure knows how to pick 'em.
McSally should be a feminist hero, but feminists prefer sociopaths with little girl voices to tough conservatives. They know McSally wants to stick of all of us in those "Handmaid's Tale" outfits, while Linda Sansour represents an ideology famous the world over for empowering women.
The rolling pin is out as a weapon, for some reason.
I believe there is already a reasonably good prima facie perjury case against Ford. She has been contradicted by others on virtually everything that has come out of her mouth: composition of the party, the “offense” itself, request for confidentiality, fear of flying, poly preparation, home remodel, etc.
Unfortunately, dishonesty is part of being a Democrat. Nothing will become of it, just as nothing will come of Feinstein’s ethical violation.
ALTHOUSE SAYS: "..some of us women are put off by hot rage — especially, for me, if you're simultaneously trying to disqualify Kavanaugh for expressing anger and if all the rage is in service to Democratic Party politics."
Are you so "put off" you are enraged?! And if you cut out those two rage 'sources', what else is left (no pun)? Rage against 'frat boys'? Rage against Males? Rage against beer? Rage against white male frat boys drinking too much beer? Rage against middle aged frat girls w/ over-curled blonde hair, over-sized glasses and oversized neuroses/psychoses? Rage against Schumer and Feinstein et al for being world-class hypocrites?...not to mention "Rage" is a journalistic dumbed-down hyper-word used to describe 3rd person humans and other things - "The hurricane raged into the Carolina coast this morning!". Rage is a total garbage word....put the adjective 'hot' in front of it and it's a total BS phrase. Garbage in, garbage out. Vote please, and then can we all go home and un-rage?
There are old photographs of lynchings, where a crowd of Caucasian people is standing around a tree from which a dead Negro man is hanging by his neck.
I showed a couple of these in my US History class a couple of weeks ago. There is nothing new in either violence as entertainment, or political violence from the Left.
"if you're simultaneously trying to disqualify Kavanaugh for expressing anger and if all the rage is in service to Democratic Party politics."
Althouse must not have seen his testimony. She mischaracterized his anger, by 180 degrees. I'll fix this statement for her:
'if you're simultaneously trying to disqualify Kavanaugh for expressing anger and if all the rage was in service to R Party politics.'
Murkowski fooled by the liars.
She has no idea about the sleaze factor. Shame on her.
Also - NBC caught lying again.
Again - I assume all these lies are A-OK for Merkowski?
anti-de Sitter space said...
"if you're simultaneously trying to disqualify Kavanaugh for expressing anger and if all the rage is in service to Democratic Party politics."
Althouse must not have seen his testimony. She mischaracterized his anger, by 180 degrees. I'll fix this statement for her:
'if you're simultaneously trying to disqualify Kavanaugh for expressing anger and if all the rage was in service to R Party politics.'
I read Althouse's statement as talking about two different things:
1. Kavanaugh's anger
2. The rage of the anti-Kavanaugh mob
Big Mike: “Don't tell me women don't have balls; McSally has big ones and hers are solid brass.”
Whining, not courage, is the quality most admired in, and by, lefty women.
Kirsten Sinema, Col. McSally’s opponent is a looney tune, but then it is Flake’s seat in McCain’s state. I’m sending money to McSally today. We don’t need any more left wing nuts in the Senate.
some of us women are put off by hot rage — especially, for me, if you're simultaneously trying to disqualify Kavanaugh for expressing anger
@Meade, you need to explain a few things to your wife. Kavanaugh has an absolute right to being angry — why does she think we call it “righteous anger”?
Why do liberal women think that they speak for all women? Its especially the thought process of liberal white women. Its not like with black people, where they vote 90%+ for Democrats, so you kind of see why they think like that. White women mostly voted for Trump!
Oh, OK Roy,
Now I see that having a raging R politician w/ a supreme court, lifetime appointment where he can control the lives of Americans for somewhere around forty years is a political rage that's a problem, unlike say raped gals yelling at Senators in elelators or that heavy-set comedian protesting w/ the hot one (Ratajkowski) and no-name folks misbehaving for a day or few.
IOW, what's good for your side is not so for the gander. Or something like that.
Got it.
Blogger hombre said...
I believe there is already a reasonably good prima facie perjury case against Ford.
That letter was very carefully constructed to avoid details that could be checked.
Her testimony will be defended as evidence of her emotional distress. She's home safe,
is a political rage that's not a problem
You guys are misreading the me and the you're.
unlike say raped gals yelling at Senators
Peanut, of course knows those women were really raped because he was there.
Not that Soros money could buy lies. Nope Not a chance.
Women don't lie about rape, except once in a while if there is money in it.
You know, some of us women are put off by hot rage — especially, for me, if you're simultaneously trying to disqualify Kavanaugh for expressing anger and if all the rage is in service to Democratic Party politics.
The rage is expressed differently.
One group is organizing and motivated to vote.
The other group is trying to bully, intimidate, and smear.
One group is organized around social groups and friends.
The other is a creation of billionaires and foundations and a media monopoly.
Big Mike: some of us women are put off by hot rage — especially, for me, if you're simultaneously trying to disqualify Kavanaugh for expressing anger
@Meade, you need to explain a few things to your wife. Kavanaugh has an absolute right to being angry — why does she think we call it “righteous anger”?
Read that again, Big Mike. The "you" in "you're simultaneously trying to disqualify Kavanaugh for expressing anger" is the leftist protestors, not Althouse herself.
Hey, Peanut, take a look at this:
Qunnipiac: Generic Ballot among white women
Jul 22: D+14
Sep 9: D+5
Sep 30: D+1
Not that I believe the poll is necessarily accurate.I think the GOP will do even better with women.
And they will do better than expected with Hispanics and blacks as well.
The Dems are becoming the party of spoiled man-haters and cucked (but vicious) soy boys who think throwing non-stop hissy fits will win the day.
Then there's this asshole:
A former Democratic aide arrested on charges of allegedly posting GOP senators' private information online made his first court appearance on Thursday afternoon.
"Jackson Cosko, 27, appeared in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia a day after being arrested for "doxxing" GOP senators on Wikipedia.
The U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia announced that Jackson has been charged with five federal offenses, including making public restricted personal information; making threats in interstate commerce; unauthorized access of a government computer; identity theft; and witness tampering.
He is also charged with two D.C. offenses: Second-degree burglary, which carries up to 15 years in prison, and unlawful entry, which carries up to 6 months in prison."
Be proud, Peanut and Inga. That's your side in action.
Stuart Taylor is coming around to the false memory theory on Blasey Ford.
At first blush this may seem far-fetched. But science has shown that implanted false memories are such a common phenomenon in human affairs – and have sent so many innocent people to prison -- that fairness to Judge Kavanaugh requires study of relevant portions of Dr. Ford’s therapists’ notes, and perhaps testimony.
It’s too late for that to happen before the confirmation vote. But it will be a sin against the truth-finding process, and fairness, and history, if it doesn’t happen at all.
It probably won’t happen at all unless Dr. Ford decides to make enough of her therapy records public or available to neutral experts, with appropriate redactions of irrelevant and private material, to enable reasonable people to rule out the possibility that her sincere testimony was derived from a false memory arising out of therapy.
It would be understandable if Dr. Ford continues to keep her therapy records secret for reasons of privacy or for fear that Republicans would twist and distort them.
But she might also wish to do what she can to remove as much doubt as possible about the accuracy of her accusation. And roughly half the country, or more, still has doubt.
I now think she is probably lying.
But hey, please do continue to sneer at the deplorables. Continue to accuse women who support due process and the concept of innocent until proven guilty, women who fear that the same tactics might someday be used against their own husbands and brothers and sons of being rape enablers.
That's a winning strategy for you.
I am so sick of the hate, the MOB rule and the lies of the left. They don't report any thing that doesn't fit their agenda.....The Democrats only have themselves to blame. They can riot and burn things down all they want. I will NEVER vote Democrat again.
One thing that (w/o analyzing real data) has always seemed true re something that cons say re the main media and polling is that: The polls that start w/ big advantages for Ds always seem to close as we get closer to the election, i.e. get closer to when flim flam polling would be called out as wrong cause of real results.
So, I'm not surprised to see this sorta closing.
And, FTR Rasmussen seems to tighten up the other way as we get closer to actual elections.
But, I don't know. Just a hunch.
The other thing that is pissing me off, is the left saying this whole debacle is because of race. They are BOTH RICH and WHITE. It has nothing to do with race, and EVERYTHING to do with ideology. Women DO lie.
Individual rights as a basis for limiting government authority is the smartest thing ever done to prevent exactly what the Left is attempting now. Stop it, leftists. We won't put up with it.
Anger from our side: Righteous indignation
Anger from your side: Proof of mental instability
Roy Jacobsen
You are right, obviously, but wasting your breath on that one.
The plot is thickening around Blasey Ford and her BFF Maclean.
Leland Keyser, who Dr. Ford has said was present at the gathering where she was allegedly assaulted in the 1980s, told investigators that Monica McLean, a retired Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and a friend of Dr. Ford’s, had urged her to clarify her statement, the people said.
[…] On Thursday, a day after sending to the White House the report on its investigation into the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, the FBI sent the White House and Senate an additional package of information that included text messages from Ms. McLean to Ms. Keyser, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Oh, and McLean’s attorney is…. wait for it,….. David Laufman.
Ms. McLean’s lawyer, David Laufman, said in a statement: “Any notion or claim that Ms. McLean pressured Leland Keyser to alter Ms. Keyser’s account of what she recalled concerning the alleged incident between Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh is absolutely false.” (continue reading)
If there was any doubt the “small group” of connected DOJ and FBI officials were behind the use of Ms. Ford, you can put that doubt away now that Ms. Ford’s handler, Monica McLean, has enlisted David Laufman as her legal defense.
They’re not even trying to hide it any more.
Michael Bromwich is representing Ms. Ford, and David Laufman is representing Ms. McLean. The concentric Lawfare gang is working overtime, likely pro-bono.
Laufman is part of the FBI DOJ gang that tried the coup d'erat.
David Laufman was the Department of Justice, National Security Division, Deputy Asst. Attorney General in charge of counterintelligence, cyber security, counterespionage and export controls.
As most people are now aware the epicenter of the DOJ/FBI Clinton-Steele operation against candidate Trump stemmed from a collaborate “small group” effort of Main Justice officials within the National Security Division (John P Carlin – head), and officials within the FBI centered around the Counterintelligence Division (Bill Priestap – head).
All is becoming clear. This late hit was the doing of the FBI/DOJ gang.
cou d'etat
I know that we have a pretty small sampling of women in Ann's comments section, but I am going to make two observations : that those who appear almost daily have expressed disgust and outrage with the Dems over Kavanaugh madness, but there have also been a number of what must be lurkers who have been moved to comment re their anger at the way Kavanaugh is being treated. A small sample, but of some significance.
@Michael K I am not sure that I can go along with all of Conservative Treehouse's conspiracy theories, but I think he does come closer to the truth than anyone else. He certainly had NAFTA figured and if Grassley were to follow his lead I think we'd conclude without doubt that there has been a conspiracy in the DOJ?FBI and it is ongoing. I find that very difficult to swallow in this country. I thought we were better than that. Of course it only takes one rotten apple..........
I have been following the #WalkAway campaign on Facebook. That is the movement of people leaving leftism and the Democratic Party. Until about two weeks ago, the initial rush of new members had slowed down quite a bit. Since the accusations against Judge Kavanaugh came out, it is like a fire has been lit under people. New members are pouring in. Even women who were sexually abused are speaking up for him. I know, it’s Facebook, but people are having more conversations—not just the usual “welcome” comments. Lots more passion—that this is the Left, this is how they exert their will to power, and it’s happening right in front of us.
I hope that Grassley continues to follow the CBF/Dem thread. It was a setup. I am not sure how they roped Ford into it. Money? Mentally unbalanced? Blackmail?
The hot rage existed before Kavanaugh, right? The Women's March on Washington after Trump's inauguration was supposed to change everything, because the women were enraged. I'm not sure how long it is supposed to last, and how many causes it is supposed to have before we realize some women (people) just like to be enraged.
" I think we'd conclude without doubt that there has been a conspiracy in the DOJ?FBI and it is ongoing. I find that very difficult to swallow in this country. I thought we were better than that."
This is that common case of the actual situation changing faster than people's world-views.
If you aren't in the thick of things opinions and attitudes picked up in ones youth can persist in giving a false impression of reality.
My personal impression is that all of those institutions are hopelessly corrupt and captured by a cabal of special interests. You can expect anything at all from them. And their reach is extensive, far beyond persons actually employed by the government. Call that paranoid if you like.
" I am not sure how they roped Ford into it. Money? Mentally unbalanced? Blackmail?"
CIA asset, and membership in the caste is my guess. Plus a guarantee of compensation, through one channel or another.
The other day Althouse posted something about 950 law professors signed a statement against Kavanaugh. Perhaps in her cruel neutrality she could email all of them a poll listing all of Trump's other candidates and asking them each of them which of those is qualified for the Supreme Court. I'm betting the poll result would be none but I'm a bit of a cynic.
buwaya said...
" I am not sure how they roped Ford into it. Money? Mentally unbalanced? Blackmail?"
CIA asset, and membership in the caste is my guess. Plus a guarantee of compensation, through one channel or another."
In America, always follow the money. What's in it for her? Let's see, so far she has one million in a gofundme account. She gets her fifteen minutes of fame which comes with speaking fees and a possible book deal. Anita Hill managed rather well after her character assassination attempt against Judge Thomas.
Blogger As my whimsy leads me.. said...
I have been following the #WalkAway campaign on Facebook."
I thought they had been kicked off FB.
I'm following them on Twitter. And yes, it looks the Kavanaugh debacle has given the movement a second wind. It will be interesting to see how many turn up in DC for the walkaway march in late October. Of course, they'll be met by Antifa thugs - who will prove the very point the Walkaway Movement is making. If turnout is good, they'll receive about the same amount of media attention as the annual ProLife march does.
I've watched quite a few Walkaway vids posted on YouTube - videos posted by blacks, Hispanics, gays, former SJWs, women who were life-long Dem voters... they give me hope for the
@cubanbob Yes. Follow the money. I'll go with that.
Noted bald guy Max Boot suggests you're a Nazi if you claim Soros funds anti-Kavanaugh harpies.
Same thing goes for anyone who criticizes Max Boot, presumably.
Couple of anecdotal data points shared with me by black men in the last two weeks. The first was man who owns a dry cleaning company. He said he never believes allegations of sexual assault sans corroborating evidence because he has been falsely accused himself. He shared a specific recent experience in which he was confronted by the owner of a local bar with a complaint by a female patron of the bar that he had exposed himself to her in the men's restroom. He said he was taking a leak in the urinal when she poked her head in an asked if she could put her makeup on in the men's restroom because the women's restroom was occupied. He thought it was odd but invited to he to do use the mirror. She came on in while he finished his business and shook it dry. She looked down at his member and commented briefly on it and he tucked it away, zipped up and left. His wife, who was there with him, asked him why that woman entered the men's bathroom and he shared the story with her. A couple of weeks later the woman who entered the men's restroom to put on her makeup complained to the bar owner that this man "exposed himself" to her. The woman wanted the bar owner to block the man from bar or she would report the incident to the police. The man was gobsmacked that she complained, as was his wife who advised the bar owner her husband immediately shared the details with her the night it happened, and the man told the bar owner to remind the complaining woman that his dick was already out when she came into the restroom. Nothing came of the incident, but it reminded the black man of the importance of corroborating such allegations and, again, he vehemently rejected Ford's allegations. His story was much more colorful than my version. The second man was a gay black man who actually propositioned me while laying hands on me. I declined his advances and but he persisted for a time but eventually desisted. Later we both overheard a news report on Ford allegations and he bashed her vehemently and asking why she could raise that issue 36 years on while asking me if I would raise the issue of his advances on me if he were ever appointed to a position of power. We agreed I'd never do that and he continued to vent his spleen at the Democrats use / abuse of Ford to attack Kavanaugh. I find it interesting that two random black men, one a business owner and the other a flaming gay man, BOTH rejected the Democrats attempts to accuse Kavanaugh without any corroborating evidence. They were both vehement in their rejection of the tactics of the Dems.
Blogger Khesanh 0802 said...
@Michael K I am not sure that I can go along with all of Conservative Treehouse's conspiracy theories,
I usually only really read them every day during these weird events like Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown, or this one.
I spent one whole day reading the site during the Trayvon Martin thing and that is what hooked me on the site.
Conspiracy theories are only the ones that aren't real. The real ones are getting more frequent.
Peanut doesn't really believe what he's saying, but that's his story and he is sticking to it. They plan to attempt to delegitimize BK for life. Over time, the facts will fade, but their story will be hammered incessantly. You know, like Nixon was behind the Vietnam War.
Generations of college students to come will only hear Peanut Butler's version.
About that marriage therapy,
Sometimes marriages begin to fail because one or both of the spouses is simply being an ass. A therapist would look for a way to excuse that behavior by finding a reason that would explain it away, which is much preferred to telling the client that, actually, she is an ass.
What traumatic event from your past can you recall that might be that reason, Dr. Ford? Ford, who lived an easy pampered private school life, had little to draw on but under pressure she did recall that one time she was flirting with two cute, older boys at a drunken party and she got mad at them for laughing at her. That's it, the therapist might say. You are acting like an ass because of lingering damage from that past traumatic event, so you are not really an ass you are just acting like one and now we have a reason.
It was an easy jump from that to adding Kavanaugh to the story and upgrading it from horseplay to assault once SJW Ford saw his name pop up as a possible Romney SC nominee.
That might not be what happened but if she insists on using the therapy to back up her claims without releasing the details, then I feel free to speculate.
@SeanF, I parsed what she wrote in the obvious manner.
That's the problem with Liberals - also AA! "Two major books.." really? And only reviewed by the NY Times. You do know that 99.999999....% of the people in the World (and USA) do not get their marching orders (like AA) from the NY Times. Now if you said the MSM, I might agree with you slightly. Most people could care less about the news, especially MSM, which is a dying industry. As that industry (NY Times) contracts it will get worse, more entertainment news less real news. We might as well all call them the "Star", "National Enquirer" and for hispanics out there, "Novellas". Each one has their own tribal following and push garbage in the hopes that they are the "last man standing" when the industry finally metamorphoses' into something different.
How could a woman reward this type of conduct by the democrat party? It boggles the mind.
Ignoring the he said/she said, the temperament, etc. There are long term issues at stake here.:
I'm voting for the party that upholds free speech.
I'm voting for the party that upholds the rule of law.
I'm voting for the party that supports the presumption of innocence.
Here's a hint, the party begins with an R.
Ok. Let's just all get pissed off and go at it. Ford lied. We know it. Every woman who takes a moment to be honest knows it, too. But the women who want to fry Kavanaugh for everything they ever hated about men don't give a damn about the truth. They are way too busy hating men.
So Let's just get all post-modern and make it all about power. They want to fight? They don't care about truth? Then let's just have that fight. Nothing will be gained by citing evidence. Nothing will be gained by logic. This isn't about logic and rationality. This is all fueled entirely be emotion. This is a lynching plain and simple.
So let's have that fight. The lynch mob needs to be confronted and stopped. Now.
Could it be? Could the Gender Gap, wherein most women function basically as the State's Handmaidens, actually become a thing of the past? Praise Jesus!
Ya know, all those constantly demonstrating women in their pussy hats and vagina outfits constantly aggrieved over this or that slight or insult turning up their outrage to “11” only makes any grain of truth in their argument less identifiable to the general female population living their daily lives. I was in college in the 60’s, grad school and med school in the 70’s, and a highly competitive West Coast training program in the 70’s. Worked at NIH several times during during Med School and this was all back in the days when women were 10% max in any med class. I’ve spent my whole life in a male field essentially “hanging out in the men’s locker room” I’ve had excellent relationships with my professors, peers, partners, and subsequently patients and can say I’ve never had even the remotest whiff of sexual assault except for one time when I was a young resident working at the PAVA Hosp and a very elderly patient grabbed me and tried to kiss me in and exam room. I told him I’d have to have a chaperone be in the room with us at all times if he ever tried that again and that was the end of that! I never in the world thought to take it any further, protest, file a report, or do any more about it. To spend your whole life aggrieved about something says more about you and your psychological make up than society. I think what is happening now that it appears that any man (and soon that will be extended to an out of favor group) can be accused of a sexual crime with no evidence and destroyed and this has awakened and energized all the general marginally engaged normal functioning people to vote and stop this craziness. It will be interesting to see if actually going to the polls and voting is as exciting as marching in a pussy hat and carrying funny signs with movie star friends for the leftist women. I think for the the new march on the right will be to the polls. Just my view from a cranky old retired doc
The Cracker Emcee Rampant said...
'are women supposed to be liberals?'
"Which is a great question. Women of the non-dependent classes are so privileged that surely there’ll come a point where the Sisterhood is but a memory, an Arthurian legend of questionable accuracy and little relevance. What then?"
Inbetween the trolls and the relentless (at times pointless) back and forth, commenters to this blog often come up with the most exquisite metaphors. It doesn't matter whether or not they hold up to detailed scrutiny, sometimes it's enough to just imagine them.
The woman we’ve been waiting for!! Note the video as well.
The Dems specialize in ginning up victim groups to deliver votes. Women aren’t that stupid.
I was in college in the 60’s, grad school and med school in the 70’s, and a highly competitive West Coast training program in the 70’s.
Did you know Bernice Brown? What a terrific woman she was.
“The woman we’ve been waiting for!! Note the video as well.“
So men have become the newest victim class and need conservative women to protect them, lol. Liberal women love their daughters as much as their sons.
“ I think for the the new march on the right will be to the polls.”
I think that any marches that are happening now are only because liberal women only revving their engines to zoom to the polls in November. Don’t think this didn’t energize liberal women every bit as much of more than conservative women. Also energized liberal men.
"Did you know Bernice Brown? What a terrific woman she was”
Sorry—no. I was up in the SF Bay Area and you were in SoCal.
Anger from our side: Righteous indignation
Anger from your side: Proof of mental instability
Anger at dirty tactics, false and unsubstantiated accusations, actions in bad faith, constantly moving requirements for justice, and character assassination= Righteous Indignation
Anger at not winning despite cheating = lack of character. Being a Biff.
[Inga:] So men have become the newest victim class and need conservative women to protect them, lol. Liberal women love their daughters as much as their sons.
So I take it you are standing against the torch-and-pitchfork mob?
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