October 5, 2018

Right now: the Senate is voting on cloture for the Kavanaugh confirmation.

Only about 30% of the Democrats seem to be there.

UPDATE: Manchin voted aye. Murkowski no. Collins and Flake voted yes. Stragglers coming in and voting.

UPDATE 2: 51-49. Ayes have it.


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mccullough said...

They are out getting drunk. And fucking their interns.

Matt Sablan said...

It's 1030 on a Friday before a long weekend, I'm surprised we've got as many people as we do at work at Congress.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Boof them.

RichardJohnson said...

Do they have to get 51 votes, or 50+% of those who are present?

Charlie Eklund said...

It is interesting that the Democrats would choose this occasion, only 31 days before the 2018 elections, to demonstrate that Congress does its job more efficiently with fewer Democrats in the building. Another solid strategic move.

Wince said...

From Culture War to Cloture War.

A smattering of actual Headlines:

Kavanaugh and the Culture Wars

Judge Kavanaugh and the culture of protest

Brett Kavanaugh Is Rape Culture Personified

We Must Stop Brett Kavanaugh—and End the Toxic Culture of Male Fury

A Culture of Secrecy Is Helping Propel Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
I’ve spent decades studying elite schools. Here’s how their culture enables toxic masculinity. The sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh fit a specific profile.

Mark said...

That's 51.

Murkowski no.

Michael K said...

If Murkowski votes no on the nomination, Alaska needs to be reminded.

ANWAR ? Pipelines?

We don't need Alaska as much as they need us. Fracking is doing just fine, especially with Venezuela and Iran down.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

and yet, Alaska keeps voting for that fraud.

Matt Sablan said...

I could see a no on cloture meaning "we should investigate longer, but I'm willing to vote yes with what we know," but... I don't think that. I think that's why there hasn't been much focus on Murkowski this whole time, with Flake and Collins being the targets. Because Murkowski has probably been a hard no since the start.

Manchin going yes is unexpected, unless Democrats have lost control of their caucus.

Mark said...

Who we waiting for? Is it Spartacus?

Mark said...

Although Murkowski has won three full terms to the Senate, she has never won a majority of the vote; she won pluralities in each of her three races, with 48.6% of the vote in 2004, 39.5% in 2010, and 44.4% in 2016. -- Wikipedia

MikeR said...

Sounds like Manchin and Murkowski agreed to swap places for now. Manchin is of course still in play for the confirmation vote.
The swing state Democrats have a tough job here. They lose either way. But I think that in the end the Democratic Party is going to chose to show a united front on this, even if it costs some of their members their elections. They need to be able to say that all decent people (i.e., Democrats) opposed Kavanaugh.

eric said...

It'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow.

eric said...

Blogger Michael K said...
If Murkowski votes no on the nomination, Alaska needs to be reminded

She doesn't care. She lost a Republican primary a few years back. Then ran as a write in candidate and won.

Achilles said...




Murkowski probably wanted her sinecure.

Manchin did this without permission as well. There was a screaming fight about that.

Matt Sablan said...

"The swing state Democrats have a tough job here. They lose either way."

-- Ask Bart Stupak how much the Democrats care about their moderates.

campy said...

"It'll be interesting to see what happens tomorrow."

Another accusation released about 1 hour before the vote, I'm guessing.

Achilles said...

Were they thinking about Bredesen and let Manchin vote yes?

Probably the best explanation.

rehajm said...

..and what about the Senator who has a wedding to go to on Saturday? Seems like the drama isn't over by a long shot.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

And a big shout-out to Harry Reid for changing the Senate filibuster rules!

Nonapod said...

How persuasive is screaming a slogan in a Senators face? I would imagine not very, but what do I know?

Kevin said...

Ask Bart Stupak how much the Democrats care about their moderates.


Trumpit said...

The BEST we can hope for with Trump is that he loses in 2020 and doesn't start a war killing millions before then in Korea or Iran. When the GOP rewards the wealthy with largess in the form of Xmas tax cuts, there is little hope of stopping the Great Train Robbery, or even derailing the locomotive when the locos, i.e., the Republicans in Congress are greasing their donors wheels for the New Robber Barons to loot and pillage the country. Russia has tragically suffered a similar fate under Putin. How can we stop the their steamrolling? First, it must be thoroughly exposed for what it is: dishonest, unethical and criminal behavior fueled by entitlement and greed. They use patriotism as The Big Lie to feed their duped supporters.

Matt Sablan said...

"And a big shout-out to Harry Reid for changing the Senate filibuster rules!"

-- Kavanaugh should send him a fruit basket if he gets confirmed.

bleh said...

"Sounds like Manchin and Murkowski agreed to swap places for now."

That was my first thought. Murkowski is handing Manchin a small victory in his reelection effort by making him the deciding vote on moving forward. But I'm not sure what Murkowski gets in return from Manchin.

I guess Heitkamp, McCaskill, Donnelly and Tester are digging in their heels and hoping for the best. Maybe they feel their base will only turn out for them if they take a stand. Or maybe they feel their races are already lost.

And what about Nelson in purple state Florida ... how does the Kavanaugh issue poll there?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Trumpit said...

The BEST we can hope for with Trump is that he loses in 2020"

Moved on to 2020, huh? Given up on the 2018 "Blue Wave?"


The Crack Emcee said...

So, in the end, I was wrong about the drama's importance, but, still correct on the outcome's predictability.

I'll take it - and that's why I think I've got a right to do this.

Shouting Thomas said...

I don't follow your links, Crack.

Quit being a parasite, if you can.

Matt Sablan said...

"Maybe they feel their base will only turn out for them if they take a stand"

-- In a close race they need money. They can't risk the party having to drop them if the base starts burning things down (metaphorically or literally) over this vote.

Marcus said...

The Father of the Bride has indicated that he will fly back to vote YES.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Matthew Sablan said...

-- Kavanaugh should send him a fruit basket if he gets confirmed.

Screw the fruit basket. Kavanaugh should send him a case of beer.

MikeR said...

"The BEST we can hope for with Trump is that he loses in 2020 and doesn't start a war killing millions before then in Korea or Iran." Hmm - did you notice that North and South Korea starting removing landmines from the DMZ a few days ago? World-shattering news, ignored by the media?

Humperdink said...

Murk ..... the new McCain. Hero of the left. At least for a few weeks.

mockturtle said...

How many votes will be influence by 30 hours of debate? [joke]

MikeR said...

"..and what about the Senator who has a wedding to go to on Saturday?" Yeah, well, either McConnell will count that he has enough votes without him, or he'll delay the vote till Sunday.

Browndog said...

*Murlowski is a worm. There is a photo from a few days ago of Feinstein having her pinned up against a wall, up in her face.

*old joke from her write-in campaign

mockturtle said...

The Father of the Bride has indicated that he will fly back to vote YES.

Hope his flight has extra tight security.

Bay Area Guy said...

A step in the right direction. Messy, circuitous journey, no doubt. But keep the eyes on the prize.

Humperdink said...

Matthew Sablan said...

-- Kavanaugh should send him a fruit basket if he gets confirmed.

IiB responded: "Screw the fruit basket. Kavanaugh should send him a case of beer."

How about a new tread mill?

Humperdink said...

It is my understanding they allow 30 hours for debate, one hour max for each senator. They can vote if the debate takes less than 30 hours.

Random Onlooker said...

Was anyone watching the vote live? Was Manchin a "yes" before Murkowski was a "no", time-wise?I know they both voted relatively late in the process but I didn't hear when Murkowski's vote was cast.

Nonapod said...

Ford's polygraph pal Monica McLean tried to pressure her highshool friend Leland Keyser to change her statement in a text message. I guess it's in the FBI report.

Matt Sablan said...

Twitter/Hot Air timeline has Murkowski at 10:42, Manchin at 10:44, but no idea if that is right.

Bay Area Guy said...

Also, as much as it pains me to do so, a shout out to Jeff Flake is warranted.

Amadeus 48 said...

There will be scores to settle after this.

Heitcamp, Nelson, McCaskill, and Donnelley can kiss GOP indifference goodbye. Manchin can continue his fan dance but if he votes for Kav, the furies of the left of his party will descend on him.The Trump-led GOP is a different animal. If the GOP picks up a few seats in the Senate, Murkowski becomes a minor nuisance.

The Dems have put themselves on full display while unemployment is at a 69 year low. Trump approval among black voters is up to 35%. Any Democrat who isn't worried about their party's future is not paying attention.

Ken B said...

On his site, which is better 5hab his comments here might lead you to believe, he makes a couple good points about BK, including one I had thought of but hadn’t seen. Did Thurgood Marshall ever get pissed off?

Michael K said...

Blogger eric said...
Blogger Michael K said...
If Murkowski votes no on the nomination, Alaska needs to be reminded

She doesn't care. She lost a Republican primary a few years back. Then ran as a write in candidate and won.

The Murkowski crime family hates Palin and the write in was against the guy Palin supported. Alaska is a funny place. When I applied for a medical license in Alaska, I had to be personally interviewed by a member of the medical board. Lots of nuts move up there and vote.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Murkowski gets her news from NBC

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tester needs to go.

Ken B said...

30 hours of debate? No one. 30 hours of mob threats, fake news, last minute accusations, subtly offered bribes, screaming protesters hounding kids, and vile cartoons? Who knows.

mccullough said...

Maybe Cocaine Mitch wants Manchin to take a tough vote and Murkowski is going along with it.

If Manchin votes no, he’s probably finished. Trump will go to West Virginia and say you are either with Joe or you are with me.

bleh said...

"-- In a close race they need money. They can't risk the party having to drop them if the base starts burning things down (metaphorically or literally) over this vote."

Makes sense. I still wonder about the wisdom of at least some of these Democrats from deep-red states toeing the national party line. I think Heitkamp has essentially given up and is doing what she thinks will help her career down the line. Not sure about Tester -- he's locked in a very tight race in deep-red Montana, and I don't think any amount of money is going to save him if he gives Republican voters a reason to come out against him.

I believe Missouri and Indiana are not as Republican as Montana or North Dakota, so McCaskill and Donnelly voting this way makes sense -- it energizes their bases and also pleases the national party.

Bredesen in Tennessee should be very happy he's not an incumbent.

Amadeus 48 said...

Sorry--up above that should be "49 year low" not 69 year low.

Michael said...

Hmm. Could have been a deal - Manchin and Murkowski both feel they need politically to buck their parties, so they go to Schumer and McConnell and get permission to swap votes. No effect on the outcome, but personally helpful. Nothing terribly wrong with that, I suppose.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MikeR said...

"All is proceeding as I had foreseen." Flake did the GOP a big favor by insisting on the FBI investigation. It really trapped the Democrats in a no-win situation. The idiots really thought the GOP was afraid of the investigation because of what it would find. Actually, of course, the GOP was fed up with delays.
There wasn't anything that would be found; Ford saw to that.

mockturtle said...

Humperdink reports: It is my understanding they allow 30 hours for debate, one hour max for each senator. They can vote if the debate takes less than 30 hours.

Sure. They are so likely to curtail their grandstanding to allow an earlier vote. But if the GOP is depending on the wedding attendee's vote, the Dems may decide to cut their speeches short to prevent his timely arrival. Nah. Never happen. Can you imagine Schumer keeping his mouth shut? Even for a good leftist cause?

Matt Sablan said...

If Manchin votes yes, I hope every reference to Kavanaugh is "the bi-partisanly approved justice" or something like that.

Ken B said...

Not if Murk votes no. Then it will be “approved over bi partisan opposition.”

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr. Majestyk said...

"Maybe Cocaine Mitch wants Manchin to take a tough vote and Murkowski is going along with it.

If Manchin votes no, he’s probably finished. Trump will go to West Virginia and say you are either with Joe or you are with me."

That's a brilliant tactic, if true. And if it's not true, you should offer to advise McConnell on future political maneuverings.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

30 clock hours, i.e. Saturday about 5:30 or 30 hours of blah, blah, blah for 4 days of 7.5 hours of talk.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bleh said...

Oh. Bredesen just put out a statement saying if he were a Senator he would be "still be a yes" on Kavanaugh.

traditionalguy said...

Wasn't Murkowski elected as an independent write In? She has never been a Trump ally. She loves natural resource money, and she thinks most Alaskans are in favor of that political approach. Sarah Palin was a peculiar Alaskan that was loyal to the USA.

Bay Area Guy said...

Manchin is a yes. Although I feel bad for his GOP opponent, Morrisey, who seems like a good guy, gotta stick with one of the last, reasonable Democrats.

Time to hammer the Dem idiots in Missouri, Indiana & Florida.

gilbar said...

Trumpit, i realize that you are an idiot; but when you're talking about locomotives, do NOT talk about 'greasing the wheels' On a locomotive, greasing the wheels removes traction; and is, in fact, THE WAY to keep a train from pulling away. With locomotive wheels, you'd SAND the wheels to increase traction to insure getting away.
So, you have your metaphor completely backwards. It makes you sound like the idiot you are. Please do us a favor and just don't use train metaphors; as they say, 'better than nothing is a high bar' .

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Murkowski is Alaska's Al Franken.

Why they keep voting for her is beyond me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Manchin is a yes for now. Wait until Chuck-E The con artist gets to him.

wendybar said...

The more you know, the more you realize this was all a big set up from the Democrats. Their story is falling apart....https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2018/10/05/so-many-fun-coincidences-check-out-who-fords-fbi-buddy-monica-mcleans-lawyer-is-tied-to-hint-ugly-pantsuits/

Not Sure said...

I'm half expecting Trump to tweet, "If Ted Sorenson were alive today he'd add a chapter about Joe Manchin to his terrific book, "Profiles in Courage."

mccullough said...

Murkowski has a couple of sons. If I were them, I’d join a monastery. Every lass you meet will be a GOO operative ready to accuse you of sexual assault.

Achilles said...

Manchin yes was all about Bredesen.

gilbar said...

hey, Crack Emcee?
who did the Queen/Skinard massup on your site? It was great

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...

Manchin is a yes for now. Wait until Chuck-E The con artist gets to him."

If Manchin flips, Pence will be the tie-breaking vote.

Snark said...

"If Murkowski votes no on the nomination, Alaska needs to be reminded.

ANWAR ? Pipelines?

We don't need Alaska as much as they need us. Fracking is doing just fine, especially with Venezuela and Iran down."

Serious, non-gratuitous comment. I find this pretty shocking. You want to punish a state in your own country for not agreeing with you? Somebody should tell Mexico and Canada. The NAFTA economic shakedowns might feel less personal.

Achilles said...

Just realize that if Romney or McCain or bush were president they would have caved on the first accusation. Or Rubio or bush III.

Democrats fully intended to never have this vote.

If Kasich was president he would have nominated garland.

As nonsensical as the Democrats seem now this has always worked for them.

Bay Area Guy said...

If Bro Kavanaugh squeaks by, do we owe Jeff Flake an apology?

Maybe, that one week delay with the FBI was a necessary step to diffuse the intensity of the opposition, who knows?

No counting the poultry before the offspring emerge!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

You want to punish a state in your own country for not agreeing with you? Somebody should tell Mexico and Canada. The NAFTA economic shakedowns might feel less personal.

Snark is worried about shakedowns. Grow up and read a little political science.

Are you trumpit ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Oust money grubbing corrupt liar Claire McCatkill(D), MO. Do it.

Michael K said...

Snark, why do you think the manned space flight center is in Houston and not Florid where it all began.

Read a book.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Achilles said...

Just realize that if Romney or McCain or bush were president they would have caved on the first accusation. Or Rubio or bush III.

Democrats fully intended to never have this vote.

If Kasich was president he would have nominated garland.

As nonsensical as the Democrats seem now this has always worked for them.

10/5/18, 10:54 AM

Thanks to Trump, some members of the GOPe have developed spines.

I'm still in shock due to the entirely unfamiliar feeling of cheering on Graham and McConnell.

rhhardin said...

They ruined things when they stopped making you actually filibuster to filibuster.

Renee said...

I am well nervous, I thought they had the votes for Kav. Very worried.

rcocean said...

Did Flake do us a favor?

Only if it changed Collins or the WV Senators mind.

Otherwise, No.

Plus, there's a problem with the way he did it. Why did he wait till the last minute? He should have asked for a FBI probe BEFORE the testimony.

Random Onlooker said...

So now the question becomes: Is Manchin still a "yes" if Collins is a "no". That doesn't seem likely.

Everything riding on Collins' decision.

rcocean said...

McCain had every intention of establishing a "Bi-partisan" gang of Senators to vet Judicial nominees. Basically, a "Gang" of Democrats from the "Gang of 14" would've been given veto power over the Judaical nominations.

Only after they gave the OK, would a Nominee have been put forward. So, McCain would never have put forward a kavanaugh, because some "D" would've vetoed him.

rcocean said...

If Collins ends up voting no and killing this, someone will kill her.

Snark said...

"Snark, why do you think the manned space flight center is in Houston and not Florid where it all began.'

I have no idea what this means. I am just genuinely taken aback that you appear to wish economic harm on other Americans over this. It's a hard position for me to understand.

James K said...

Very worried.

More worried for Kav personally than for the country. If he's voted down the Ds will be punished in the election, and Kav's replacement in any case will be someone like Amy Barrett.

rcocean said...

McCain had nothing but contempt and indifference toward social conservatives. The idea that he would've fought for Conservative SCOTUS nominees is laughable

In 2017 he wanted to give the Democrats Filibuster power over Judges.

The Crack Emcee said...

gilbar said...

"hey, Crack Emcee?

who did the Queen/Skinard massup on your site? It was great"

Thanks! Unfortunately, I'm not sure who made it, but, as soon as I find out, I'll let you know. I'm putting a lot of found stuff in The Art Garage, along with identifiable items, specifically so it can get kinda "hairy" but I think it'll all be pretty good.

Don't tell Shouting Thomas.

Browndog said...

If Republicans can't get Kavanaugh confirmed the damage to this country will be permanent.

rcocean said...

"Everything riding on Collins' decision."\

Manchin is a fake, and will ONLY vote for Kavanaugh, as long as he is NOT the deciding vote.

rcocean said...

If Kavanagh if voted down because of Collins, AND the Republicans gain 3-4 Senate seats, Trump should just renominate him in January.

gspencer said...

Just saw Brett at local DC package store placing order to deliver 23 kegs to the Senate tomorrow afternoon.

Ken B said...

Wow, what a weaselly statement from Bredesen. Indy has it. But just the fact he makes it portends bad news for Democrats.

gahrie said...

I am just genuinely taken aback that you appear to wish economic harm on other Americans over this.

Tell that to Paul Krugman and Bill Maher.

mccullough said...

If Colin’s votes no, then the accusers should go after her husband. Once they are no longer exempt from the Rules of the Game, then some of the players will change their mind.

Michael K said...

Blogger rcocean said...
If Kavanagh if voted down because of Collins, AND the Republicans gain 3-4 Senate seats, Trump should just renominate him in January.

Yes, I suggested that before. I think we are going to see a red wave and defeating nomination will keep up the "skeer."

Autocorrect has never heard of Nathan Bedford Forrest,

Michael K said...

Blogger Snark said...
"Snark, why do you think the manned space flight center is in Houston and not Florid where it all began.'

I have no idea what this means.

That's why I suggested you read book. You could even look up why the nation's capitol is in DC, created out of Maryland and Virginia by land speculators, including George Washington.

Are you sure you are intelligent to drive a car?

Michael K said...

Intelligent enough.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Bredesen’s statement is laughable. He really is an Establishment coward. Hard to believe the people of Tennessee won’t see right through that pile of bullshit.

Ken B said...

Time for some stick.

Swetnick seems to have lied under oath, abetted by a lawyer the Democrats have puffed and pushed in the Stormy Daniels stuff. There needs to be a prosecution and hopefully a prison sentence.

I bet there is more perjury here. I want an investigation of this polygraph stuff. Someone is lying and needs to be prosecuted.
I do not believe Ford was unaware of the senate offer to come to her and in private too. I knew about it. Either she lied or her lawyers need to be disbarred.

Matt Sablan said...

"I do not believe Ford was unaware of the senate offer to come to her and in private too."

-- I don't believe it either, but if she is going to say she didn't know, I agree. Her lawyers should be disbarred. This would be the equivalent of not telling your client about a plea deal when they keep saying, "Guys, I want to make a plea deal!"

Snark said...

"Are you sure you are intelligent to drive a car?"


I still have no idea what you're on about, but will leave the topic with a suggestion you reconsider ruminating about hammering your fellow citizens because their Senator is, you know, Senating.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Snark said: "I still have no idea what you're on about,..."

It's not a difficult point to grasp.

tcrosse said...

Snark said: "I still have no idea what you're on about,..."

Snark never heard of the old Pork Barrel. LBJ was a master at its use.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

Murkowski will vote no on confirmation - even though she thinks Kavanaugh is a "honorable man" - because we must send a message to the victims of bad men that we take their concerns seriously.

So we must punish a honorable man due to the actions of dishonorable ones. A sort of reparative justice. This is understandable but surely Murkowski knows what lies ahead if we do this?

Snark said...

"It's not a difficult point to grasp."

It is for me apparently. Oblique references to something or other, and whataboutism will have to do then.

Dude1394 said...

I was scratching my head over the senator going to the wedding. But when I heard that McConnell could indefinitely hold the vote open i started to wonder if the plan is to force the dems to vote yea/nay before the outcome is known. I was thinking they would vote yea if their vote didn’t matter; but they may he forced into it.

Snark said...

"So we must punish a honorable man due to the actions of dishonorable ones. A sort of reparative justice. This is understandable but surely Murkowski knows what lies ahead if we do this?'

I think a lot of people who don't want to see Kavanaugh confirmed would agree that the sexual assault allegation ends at a draw. It's the apparent lying to the Senate about the other stuff and the partisan hollering that makes this seem an alarming way to proceed.

Not Sure said...

i started to wonder if the plan is ...

I think the plan is for the father of the bride to perform his traditional ceremonial role in the long-ago-scheduled wedding of his daughter, with the option of flying back to cast a critical vote if necessary. Perhaps I'm just simple-minded.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

It's the apparent lying to the Senate about the other stuff and the partisan hollering that makes this seem an alarming way to proceed.

But you don't really think that's the basis for the opposition? Take away the sexual assault allegations and who would oppose him because of these other criticisms? Those protests that are moving Senators are not about him lying about what a "boof" was; or about whether he was more involved in the detention policies of the Bush White House.

He has almost 13 years on the appeals court, he's issued more than 350 opinions; no one has made a single allegation against him as an adult, as a Federal Judge. No questions about temperament or judgment or character.

If you're going to vote him down then say there are too many unanswered questions about the assault allegations.

mikeski said...

I am just genuinely taken aback that you appear to wish economic harm on other Americans over this. It's a hard position for me to understand.

Consider where the money for those Alaskan pork-barrel projects comes from.

I'm genuinely taken aback that someone on the political left would be in favor of taxing working-class Americans everywhere just to give the money to Alaskan oil tycoons.

Rick said...

It's the apparent lying to the Senate about the other stuff and the partisan hollering that makes this seem an alarming way to proceed.

If lying were a reason to vote against none of the judges would be confirmed, especially the left wingers who claimed to not pre-judge RvW cases.

Yancey Ward said...

I think it all comes down to Flake tomorrow with Murkowski voting no on the procedural vote. I think the nomination will lose tomorrow, sad to say- if Collins were going to vote no tomorrow, she likely wouldn't have left Murkowski on a limb by herself today (but Collins is supposed to say what she is doing later today). Bad faith and likely slander and libel will carry the day.

Yancey Ward said...

Manchin voted yes because it guarantees the vote goes to the floor tomorrow. All Murkowski's vote did was risk the vote being delayed on the floor. If you think you have the votes on your side tomorrow, you make sure it passes the hurdle today. However, McConnell is in the weaker spot here- he has already promised a vote on the nominee, so he will push the issue until tomorrow even if he isn't sure he has the votes, but that isn't the case with the Democrats- they would only give votes today to ensure the vote is taken tomorrow because they know that it is going down. That explains Manchin's vote- the Democrats have Murkowski, and I think they know they have Flake.

My prediction for tomorrow, Flake holds off until the very last moment- Murkowski votes "no" followed by Manchin, then Flake takes the stage and with tears in his eyes tells a story of how much he struggled with his decision, but in the end he must, regrettably vote "no" as well.

Snark said...

"But you don't really think that's the basis for the opposition? Take away the sexual assault allegations and who would oppose him because of these other criticisms? Those protests that are moving Senators are not about him lying about what a "boof" was; or about whether he was more involved in the detention policies of the Bush White House.

He has almost 13 years on the appeals court, he's issued more than 350 opinions; no one has made a single allegation against him as an adult, as a Federal Judge. No questions about temperament or judgment or character.

If you're going to vote him down then say there are too many unanswered questions about the assault allegations."

I think there's probably more than one interest that corresponds to more than one basis for the opposition. The one that resonates with me is what I believe is the calculated lying by both omission and commission on the boofing and the barfing and things related. It's shocking to me that somebody could lie their way on to the Supreme Court, regardless of the arguable irrelevance of the subject matter. It's a shocking diminishment of the institution. Worse, it's another brick in the wall of the construct that there is no such thing as truth or that the truth simply doesn't matter. It numbs a populace, and it is hard for me to believe it is happening to the United States, right before our eyes and right under our noses.

Jim at said...

I know some people think Trumpit is performance art. I don't.

We have a regular contributor in the letter-to-the editor section of the local rag who writes just like her. Deranged, all over the map and just, plain nuts. And she's for real.

So is Trumpit.

Snark said...

"I'm genuinely taken aback that someone on the political left would be in favor of taxing working-class Americans everywhere just to give the money to Alaskan oil tycoons."

That it is an inappropriate use of tax-payer money is a different argument than fuck Alaska and it's people and their oil because I don't like the way their Senator voted on a Supreme Court nomination. Fuck my fellow Americans for participating in their American democracy. I mean he actually had the words us and them in the argument. It's bizarre.

gahrie said...

It's shocking to me that somebody could lie their way on to the Supreme Court, regardless of the arguable irrelevance of the subject matter.

I wonder if RBG, Sotomayor or Kagan told any fibs during their hearings? Or if anyone cares that they seem "too perfect" to be on the Court?

gahrie said...

I mean he actually had the words us and them in the argument. It's bizarre.

Yes..he clearly should have used the terms "deplorables" or "bitter clingers" instead.

Snark said...

"Yes..he clearly should have used the terms "deplorables" or "bitter clingers" instead."

It's not new in politics to think people on the other side have three heads. It's a bit novel to casually want fellow citizens to suffer economically because their Senator didn't vote for a Supreme court pick.

Yancey Ward said...

Murkowski's days of triangulating are over with this decision- she is either going to have to run as a Democrat, or not run again. She will not win another Republican primary, and if she goes write-in, the Democrat will likely win the next time.

Michael K said...

It's a bit novel to casually want fellow citizens to suffer economically because their Senator didn't vote for a Supreme court pick.

Snark is proud of his/.her ignorance. Read a book.

stlcdr said...

"Screw the fruit basket. Kavanaugh should send him a case of beer."

With a note: " I used to drink this in college..."

Francisco D said...

I do not believe Ford was unaware of the senate offer to come to her and in private too. I knew about it. Either she lied or her lawyers need to be disbarred.

Republicans are pretending that Ford was abused by Feinstein, et al.

They very well know that Ford was a conspirator from the beginning, but they cannot attack the "victim.

The real test of courage will be to investigate the criminal Ford/DNC conspiracy. People should go to jail.

JAORE said...

I have no idea what this means.

Really, it seems obvious as heck. If you really mean that, keep this quote in a warm, safe place. You'll likely have a chance to use it often.

Narayanan said...

Hahaha .... Midterm elections ...
Republicans could win popular vote and lose electoral college??!!

mccullough said...

Murkowski isn’t up for re-election until 2022.

Only way to get payback against her are indictments against her family members. And a credible accusation of sexual assault against her son.

That’s the way the game is played.

gahrie said...

It's a bit novel to casually want fellow citizens to suffer economically because their Senator didn't vote for a Supreme court pick.

But you're cool with Bill Maher and others wishing for a recession to make it easier to defeat Trump and the Republicans?

Snark said...

“With a note: " I used to drink this in college..."

I’d rather a fffffffruit basket than a six pack of Bud Light..

mccullough said...

You don’t take it out on the citizens. You take it out on the family of the turncoats. The indictments are always ready to roll.

Michael K said...

Only way to get payback against her are indictments against her family members.

Palin incurred their enmity by interfering in the Murkowski crime family and its control of Alaska oil revenues.

Even CNN saw it.

Palin reached the Alaska statehouse in 2006 after trouncing incumbent governor Frank Murkowski, patriarch of one of Alaska's powerful political families, in the Republican primary. The former high-school basketball star, beauty queen, commercial fisherman, and mayor of Wasilla (population 8,471) ran on one big issue: Exploiting her state's billions of dollars worth of natural gas on Alaska's terms, not on the oil companies' terms.

For years, Alaskans have dreamed of the revenue bounty promised by the state's natural gas resources. But until recently, prices were too low to make shipping natural gas to the lower 48 states profitable. Murkowski had negotiated a deal with the Big Three oil companies of Alaska - BP (BP), ExxonMobil (XOM, Fortune 500), and ConocoPhillips (COP, Fortune 500), which hold long-term North Slope leases - to finance and build a pipeline to get the 235 trillion cubic feet of natural gas estimated to be buried under the North Slope to market. The deal guaranteed a tax cut for the oil companies, and promised that Alaska wouldn't change those rates for decades.

That's why they had to destroy Palin and the Democrats did a lot of the dirty work.

tcrosse said...

"Screw the fruit basket. Kavanaugh should send him a case of beer."

It's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

gahrie said...

"Yes..he clearly should have used the terms "deplorables" or "bitter clingers" instead."

It's not new in politics to think people on the other side have three heads. It's a bit novel to casually want fellow citizens to suffer economically because their Senator didn't vote for a Supreme court pick.

By the way this is a case of moving the goal posts. My response was clearly to your objection over the use of the words "us" and "them", not to the objection about wishing economic harm.

CWJ said...

I hope Snark got his or her jollies out of this. I also hope (s)he's no older than say 22. I'd hate to think a mature adult would think it cute to play such games.

MadisonMan said...

I ponder how Jeb Bush would've handled this very same kind of thing had he (shudder) been elected President, and nominated Kavanagh. I suspect the nomination would've been pulled by now.

Trump sees it through to the end.

Snark said...

“By the way this is a case of moving the goal posts. My response was clearly to your objection over the use of the words "us" and "them", not to the objection about wishing economic harm.”

My objection was using the words us and them in that particular argument. You plucked out half my sentence and responded to that. So you’re the goal post mover. Stop moving goal posts. I’m no older than say 22 and I’m already woozy from all my hard College studying and light College drinking without the goal posts bouncing about.

Random Onlooker said...

So there we go. Collins is a "yes"

Trump probably having a beer in the Oval Office right now.

Michael said...

Random Onlooker
Trump does not drink.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Blasey-Ford + lawyer witness tampering

Plus all the players on the left are all the same fraudsters pushing Russian collusion fraus

Trumpit said...

[Trumpit said...

The BEST we can hope for with Trump is that he loses in 2020"

Moved on to 2020, huh? Given up on the 2018 "Blue Wave?"]

I meant to say that Schlump won't be impeached, and removed from office with so many Deranged Deplorable Trumptards (DDT) like you kissing his tuchus. Maybe, he will choke on his lies, but don't count on it.

Random Onlooker said...

He might want to see what all the fuss is about.

Mark said...

Collins voting FOR on final vote.

Mark said...

Collins rips hard into the anti-BK forces.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Impeach Merkowski.

Wilbur said...

So, I add Snark to the short list of commenters over whom I routinely skip reading their comments. I have no time for nonsense or purposeful ignorance.

Chuck said...

Random Onlooker said...
So there we go. Collins is a "yes"

Trump probably having a beer in the Oval Office right now.

It's over. Justice Kavanaugh.

Manchin should announce that he is also a "Yes," and Murkowski should announce that she will not vote, and is flying to Alaska. So that Senator Daines can enjoy his daughter's wedding.

Browndog said...

ODD, I just saw a headline from The Hill.com that Collins is a no.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Collins - yes

She will not be bullied. Bitches.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did Manchin stay "yes"?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Now - all red state dem senators must GO.

You first, corrupt McCatkill.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So far, Manchin staying yes.,

Wow - the pressure on Manchin from the corrupt left must be insane. He's probably getting death threats.

Alaska needs to recall Merkowski, yesterday.

Francisco D said...

Manchin should announce that he is also a "Yes," and Murkowski should announce that she will not vote, and is flying to Alaska. So that Senator Daines can enjoy his daughter's wedding.

It would not surprise me at all if that happened.

Murkowski needs to save face while she considers switching parties.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Recall Merkowski

Achilles said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
So far, Manchin staying yes.,

Wow - the pressure on Manchin from the corrupt left must be insane. He's probably getting death threats.

It is not.

His yes vote is calculated to give Bredesen cover for his obvious lie that he would buck the democrat party and vote yes for Kavanaugh.

Manchin is doing exactly what he is being told to do. He was chosen because he is the most like Bredesen both demographically and geographically.

mccullough said...

It would be political suicide for Manchin to vote no. He likes being a Senator. It’s not like he’s a Senator from Minnesota.

Mark said...

Jeff Merkley.


Who are these guys?

Matt Sablan said...

Wow. Congrats Justice Kavanaugh I guess.

Ken B said...

Manchin yes, Collins yes, Flake maybekindayesificanholdmymudwhichisdoubtfulpaidagitatorsinelevatorsscareme

I make that 51, or 50 if Flake flunks fortitude, fucks friends

Achilles said...

Mark said...
Collins rips hard into the anti-BK forces.

And Murkowski will be written out of the republican party.

Alaska is a strange place. Many people there are there to not be found. And the numbers are so small that you can literally buy the seat.

Murkowslki won a write in campaign to become Senator.

Think about that.

I doubt she wins next time though. Many of Murkowski's voters have been on the other side of a prosecution/persecution.

Chuck said...

Ahh... our own (Michigan) Debbie Stabenow. Up for election next month. And years ago voted the runner-up as "most clueless" in the Senate by an anonymous poll of Hill staffers by Washingtonian magazine. She finished second to Kentucky Senator Jim Bunning. Who was in the early stages of dementia, it was later found.

Francisco D said...

The next step is to investigate perjury on the part of Blasey Ford. That will happen after the midterms.

It was a setup from the beginning, as I stated last week. This will become clearer to most people over time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I thought Kid Rock was going to oust Debbie Stabenblow?

Ken B said...

Mi politics is too corrupt to salvage. Kilpatrick lead polls even after his conviction.

Francisco D said...

From Sarah Palin's Twitter feed:

Hey @LisaMurkowski - I can see 2022 from my house...

Achilles said...

Ken B said...
Manchin yes, Collins yes, Flake maybekindayesificanholdmymudwhichisdoubtfulpaidagitatorsinelevatorsscareme

I make that 51, or 50 if Flake flunks fortitude, fucks friends

I am not sure it is over.

Real easy for Flake and Manchin to turn at the last minute.

Right now their owners are calculating if it is worth it.

Because if they do that 2 things probably happen:

1. Trump re-nominates Kavanaugh for a vote after the election.
2. Ford, McLean and their whole cohort get indicted.

But they are wondering, "Will Trump blink?"

If Trump pulled Kavanaugh and nominated someone else, even a more conservative person, and let Ford slide on her criminality it would be a disaster.

At this point I want to say thank god Romney lost in 2012. Everything that has happened in the last 3 years has been absolutely necessary and Romney never would have done any of it.

We would be talking about carbon taxes and amnesty if Romney had won.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The players in the Blasey-Ford concoction are all the same people in the DOJ and FBI/resist Fusion GPS. It's rather incredible.

Again - where is Jeff Sessions?

Blasey Ford's on-line presence was totally scrubbed.

Achilles said...

Francisco D said...
From Sarah Palin's Twitter feed:

Hey @LisaMurkowski - I can see 2022 from my house...

I will go to Alaska and work to see that happen.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Merkowski was re-elected in 2016. That right there is PATHETIC, Alaska.

She does not deserve more time in the senate. RECALL HER.

Ken B said...

I suspect some sort of trade with murkowski and Manchin. These things are not uncommon. And it does mean not a party line vote, which is good.

mccullough said...

Murkowski is excellent at getting re-elected. She knows her state. Only way to get rid of her is indictment. Like Ted Stevens

Ken B said...

If the Dems were serious about wanting to fight an election over this they'd convince RBG to resign TODAY.

Chuck said...

Ken B said...
Mi politics is too corrupt to salvage. Kilpatrick lead polls even after his conviction.

No, that one had a happy ending, and remarkably free of corruption and racial identity politics.

You see, the current Detroit mayor is a white lawyer technocrat out of the Wayne County (not Detroit) Democrat political machine. For a Democrat, he is doing a fabulous job. He's got the budget and spending under control. He's been re-elected in a landslide, and in fact he was first elected (a white candidate in a city that is 85% black) it was as a write-in candidate, when his primary opponents objected to the time of his establishing residency in the city. (Duggan had just moved into Detroit from suburban Livonia; yet another factor that makes his election amazing.)

Detroit has lots of problems; too many to count here. But whereas the city was once a gigantic federal public corruption crime scene, it is now running very well. Thanks 90% to the Duggan Administration. (And the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan.)

narciso said...

she had challenged the state party chief, ruedrich, and they never let her forget it, I think she realizes now that the indictments against stevens, kottke, (sic) and other were as flawed as the ethical complaint abuse, that rained down on her, she had taken down Murkowski as well as Knowles, the yalie oilman, who sought his revenge down the line, of course the reform movement was precipitated by the claims of another corrupt tundra oligarch William Allen, loosely played by ted danson, in that film about the whales,

Drago said...

More effusive and unrestrained praise from LLR Chuck for another dem.

Filed under: Day Ending In "Y"

Chuck said...

Drago said...
More effusive and unrestrained praise from LLR Chuck for another dem.

Filed under: Day Ending In "Y"

Well I hope to add "Manchin" to my Dem praise today. Tomorrow at the latest.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What do we do with the drunken justice?

Chuck said...

I gotta keep up. I see that Manchin just said he'd be a "Yes".

With Flake, Collins and Manchin, that's 52, right? Steve Daines' absence trims it back to 51. But with the writing on the wall, I'd like to think that both sides' leadership would agree to hold the vote open until Daines could come back on Sunday and cast his (now-superfluous) vote.

Murkowski ought to just leave town now and go home.

Ken B said...

I make it 51 Chuck. 51 gop minus 1 gop + 1 dem.

I agree they should arrange for him to vote. The higher the count the better.

I am hoping RBG is moved to resign by this development.

narciso said...

Duggan is like William Donald Schaefer in the 60s, whose technocratic mien was adopted by my cities mayor in the 80s to mixed results, after two terms he was replaced by a good old boy pol, and he was challenged by a populist candidate, who had some ethical issues,

narciso said...

many of those complaints came through perkins and coie, which endeavours to make Alaska a satellite of seattle, yes the same perkins and coie, that Sussman and elias were partners in,

Chuck said...

Ken B said...
I make it 51 Chuck. 51 gop minus 1 gop + 1 dem

Don't ever let me be the Whip.

mikeski said...

And it does mean not a party line vote, which is good.

Meaningless to the media.

Senate vote: 100 "yea", 0 "nay".

Media report, if it was a Democratic bill: "with broad bipartisan support".

(True, since it was unanimous.)

Media report, if it was a Republican bill: "a vote along strict party lines".

(Also true, since every Republican voted the same way, and every Democrat voted the same way.)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When the masterpiece cake verdict came out, the media said is was close. 7-2 supreme court is not close.

but the narrative(D) must be maintained by the hack press.

Yancey Ward said...

Chuck, I think your first comment was the correct one- Collins yes, Manchin yes, and Murkowski skips the vote allows Daines to attend to family. It is possible that is why Manchin is yes- as a courtesy to Daines as well his own self-interest. At this point, it might not be up to Flake any longer, and my main concern about tomorrow is now addressed.

However, lots of things can happen between now and tomorrow- the next round of allegations against Kavanaugh should drop tonight if they are coming at all.

mikeski said...

With all the shenanigans so far, I wouldn't trust anyone to "skip the vote" to allow Daines to attend his daughter's wedding.

Unless the skipper could prove they were currently enjoying Oktoberfest in Munich, or some such.

Ken B said...

Oh Chuck, when I think of you and the whip, you being the whip isn’t what I am thinking. ;)

Yancey Ward said...

I just don't want that vote taken tomorrow where it comes down to Jeff Flake's decision- the man can't be trusted at this point.

Ken B said...

Yancey Ward
What is your prediction?
— he told a woman “put some ice on that”
— he blamed his crimes on a YouTube movie director
— he lied about serving in Vietnam

All are sufficiently shameful to be disqualifying

Churchy LaFemme: said...

It backfired, guys. There was a time when conservatives thought of the old guard, people like Orrin Hatch and Chuck Grassley, as decorum-obsessed squishes, with no stomach for a real fight. No more. You guys turned Lindsey Graham into a honey badger and Susan Collins into Margaret Thatcher.
--Jim Geraghty in NR
I would add that you also united Trumpworld & NR, which is a feat unto itself.

Jaq said...

I fear for RBG's safety with a predator who has garnered 6,000 accusations on the FBI tip line prowling around the SCOTUS.

Yancey Ward said...

As long as Flake can't decide it, he will probably not vote no. I would keep that jet warmed up for Daines.

CWJ said...

OK, here's my thought on the Manchin "yes." Forget Daines and the wedding kefluffle, Mitch has already said that he will keep the vote open until Daines votes "Yes." Since it is now a done deal, I think the Dems have decided that Manchin is simultaneously the most vulnerable to a "no" vote, and the most retrievable by a "yes" vote so he gets to vote yes and say so ahead of Saturday. They now sit back with their decibel readers and measure the screams from their base. If not jackhammer loud, then other dems, particularly McCaskill, will be given the green light to vote yes as well.

Trumpit said...

"Murkowski ought to just leave town now and go home."

Shut up, Deplorable Trumptard Troll (DTT).

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