October 27, 2018

Obama comes to Wisconsin to rally for the Democratic Party candidate for governor and repeatedly mispronounces his name.

Reminds me of the time John Kerry came to Wisconsin — at least he came to Wisconsin — and talked about getting himself a "brat," as if he was coming to take one of our devilish children.

Here's Obama in Wisconsin yesterday:

I haven't watched much of that, but the Milwaukee State Journal says:
At several points, Obama mispronounced Evers' name, which rhymes with “weavers,” not “endeavors.”
It rhymes with "cleavers" and "beavers" and "fevers" and "grievers" not "severs" and "whoever's."

Maybe somebody told Obama it rhymes with "levers."

But, man, somebody is serving Obama badly. He comes all the way to the state, then gets the name of the candidate wrong.

If you want to compare crowd-drawing power: Obama got 3,500 in Milwaukee yesterday (with 600 in the overflow room). Milwaukee is the biggest city in Wisconsin. Trump did a rally on Wednesday in Mosinee, Wisconsin, a town I've never heard of, and I've lived in Wisconsin for 34 years. I'm having trouble finding the crowd-size number for that rally, but I am seeing this, in the Wausau Daily Herald:
Meanwhile, [Trump] mispronounced the name of his choice Senate candidate, referring to her as "Leah Vyook-mar" at one point in the night. He also said Evers' name incorrectly as if it rhymes with "levers," not "weavers."
As if it rhymes with "levers"?!!! So my theory may be correct. Advisers are giving exactly the wrong word to say "Evers" rhymes with.



rhhardin said...

Give me a lever and a place to stand and I will move the world. (variously pronounced.)

tcrosse said...

Give me the Lever Brothers.

Phil 314 said...

It just goes to show you that Wisconsin is an other worldly place.

(Or maybe that Washingtonians are out of touch with the real world)

Henry said...

Don't leverage losers.

Take that, Tony.

rhhardin said...

I set the brake up by connecting up rod and lever. - Yes, given the whole of the rest of the mechanism. Only in conjunction with that is it a brake-lever, and separated from its support it is not even a lever; it may be anything, or nothing.

Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations

campy said...

Obama pronounces the name correctly. Everyone else is wrong. And also Racist.

Jaq said...

Did he pronounce it "zombie" or "corpse man"?

This is what I don't get about the bomber. Obama is not even on our radar as a threat. It's like there is a "safe to ignore" bit next to him in the right wing brain.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Is it really all that important? The fact that Obama came and stumped for Evers is far more important.

Phil 314 said...

Did the Bride of Frankenstein let out a cheese curdling scream?


Michael K said...

Obama had negative coat tails the whole time her was president.

Nice to see him out helping the GOP GOTV.

Phil 314 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phil 314 said...

Now its Eyegor.

Ann Althouse said...

"Is it really all that important?"

Get your own blog to express your idea of the relative importance of topics.

"The fact that Obama came and stumped for Evers is far more important."

I'm sure you could right many fascinating sentences on that fact.

I have a 15-year peeve about commenters who tell me that something other than what I blogged about is more important.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernandinande said...

O'Bummer mispronounciated.

Original Mike said...

I’ve smelled Mosinee more times than I care to remember. It’s a paper mill town on the way to Up North.

Darrell said...

The fact that Obama came and stumped for Evers is far more important.

Yeah. If history is a guide it means that Evers will lose.

Jaq said...

I was going to go with the thread jack because what can you do with the "Don't touch the lever" joke but just admire it? So lacking a like button for it, I am going to just comment "like."

Leland said...

I heard he claimed no one in his Administration was ever indicted. Which might be true, since his DoJ ignored the Congressional referral when they found Holder in contempt of Congress. Also, time hasn't fully weighed in on whether or not members of his Administration will go unindicted.

Tank said...

I was going to listen to some of that, but could not do it. I really can’t listen much to any of our Presidents, except Reagan and Trump.

Everyone knows Obama doesn’t actually know anything about Evers, he’s there for the Blues.

cacimbo said...

Local reporter guesstimates 9,000-10,000 attend Trump rally. His co-anchor says thousands. People began lining up 29 hours in advance.


gilbar said...

*NOTE* Pay Attention to Our Professor; what She blogs about is, by definition, the important stuff

now, on with the show;
Phil Pi says "(Or maybe that Washingtonians are out of touch with the real world)"
When John Kerry went to Philly, he went into Pat's King of Steaks (thereby alienating half of Philly), and ordered a Cheese steak with SWISS cheese (thereby alienating EVERONE in the real World)

Ann Althouse said...

The first time I started comments, some time early in 2004, just after starting the blog, I ended up shutting them down because I couldn't take people telling me, in post after post, that I should be blogging about the Iraq War, as if every time I blogged about anything else, I was complicit in evil.


Rhymes with weevil. Not devil.

Phil 314 said...

Does the tie-less look really work for BO? Does it work for the audience?

Oh and how I miss the Obama jog with the hands held high up and close to the chest, sucha stark contrast with Trump standing on the down escalator.

One man working so hard to go no where and another just standing and moving forward.

Ann Althouse said...

I used to be more sensitive.

There's no rhyme for "sensitive."

Unless you accept "pensative."

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

So Hillary didn't go to Wisconsin again!

Ken B said...

Someone serves Obama badly? How about Obama serves the people of Wisconsin badly? He has, amongst some — the cruel, the neutral — prestige and influence. He chooses to use it *without knowing WTF he is talking about*.

But it's his *staff* that's to blame!

Ann Althouse said...

"I took, oftentimes, my pen in my hand to write it, and as often set it down again, as not knowing what I should write; and being once in a muse, with my paper before me, my pen in mine ear, mine elbow on the table, and mine hand on my cheek, imagining what I might write, there entered a friend of mine unexpectedly, who was a very discreet and pleasant-witted man, who, seeing me so pensative, demanded of me the reason of my musing; and not concealing it from him, said that I bethought myself on my preface I was to make to Don Quixote’s history, which did so much trouble me as i neither meant to make any at all, nor publish the history of the acts of so noble a knight."

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Leaver can be pronounced as if it rhymes with weaver.


Ron Winkleheimer said...

Sorry, lever.

AllenS said...

Original Mike said...
I’ve smelled Mosinee more times than I care to remember. It’s a paper mill town on the way to Up North.

I've also been there. The paper mill smell, and then there is one of the nicest looking airports I've ever seen.

Central Wisconsin Airport

BUMBLE BEE said...

Do you expect media to publish attendance at MR. T's rally?. From the FBI/DOJ timeline, they were watching Hildebeast's numbers. Narrow/closeup focus of the TV cameras on her dias and all. The electricians on her events new something was happening. One "collusion theory to go" piping hot coming up. Donald is strong with the people.

Ken B said...

“Get your own blog to express your idea of the relative importance of topics. ...
I have a 15-year peeve about commenters who tell me that something other than what I blogged about is more important.”

Ok, time to defend Inga. She isn’t suggesting a different topic. She is suggesting you missed an important point about this one. You do the same thing every time you talk about burying the lede or how you have to get to paragraph 389 to learn a key fact.

Inga as usual missed the point — I made it at 9:05 — but your reaction to “You missed something “ has to count as rhhardin vindication, again.

BUMBLE BEE said...


Ann Althouse said...

"I'm sure you could right many fascinating sentences on that fact."

If you read it out loud, it will sound completely write.

mccullough said...

I’m surprised his family didn’t change the pronounciation a long time ago to the standard.

Or change the spelling to Eaver.

Leave it to Eaver.

etbass said...

"One man working so hard to go no where and another just standing and moving forward."

That's a classic. Love it.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, let me see if I have this right. According to this report, Wisconsin's educational achievement gap between black and white is worst in the nation. Tony Evers (Eavers?) is Wisconsin's Superintendent of Public Instruction, so one might imagine that Mr. Evers is filled with shame and humiliation at the crappy job he has been doing as far as getting black educational achievement up to the level of white educational achievement. But obviously one would be wrong because not only did the Wisconsin Democrats nominate him for Governor, but a former President of the United States who is mostly famous for being black is stumping for him.

The report is from three years ago, so perhaps Wisconsin has moved up (tough to move down from "worst"). But do note that at the time the report was issued Tony Evers had been Superintendent of Public Instruction for six years -- plenty of time to assess the problem, formulate a solution, and implement it.

It would not surprise me or any other fair-minded person, however, if Tony Evers' solution to the black-white achievement gap is the standard Democrat answer to everything: throw other people's money at it and hope it goes away. Democrats need to grow up enough to understand that there really are things money cannot buy.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Ann Althouse said...
Inga said...
"Is it really all that important?"

Get your own blog to express your idea of the relative importance of topics.

Inga, as a pronunciation guide,

The "you cunt" is silent.

Ken B said...

Tcrosse: “Get your own damn blog if you want to tell me about what you think the right example is! I have a 15 year old peeve about commenters telling me about examples I didn’t use.”

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

In fairness to Inga, I don't think she was criticizing the topic of the blog post. The topic of the blog post was why do big time politicians come all that distance and not be prepared enough to say the candidates name correctly.

Inga was just pointing out that the mispronounciation of the name has much smaller impact than the fact Evers was standing beside and supported by Obama.

Ken B said...

“There's no rhyme for ‘sensitive ‘.”

Big Mike said...

YouTube has two hours of the Trump rally here. (You need to skip forward about fourteen or fifteen minutes.)

Looks like way more than 4100 people present. Nice touch to have Walker come out in a Packers jacket.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Had a friend grew up in Appleton, had NOTHING good to say about the smell, or downstream water quality. He never went back.

Ken B said...

Get your own blog if you want to complain Ann was unfair.

Ann Althouse said...

"Ok, time to defend Inga. She isn’t suggesting a different topic. She is suggesting you missed an important point about this one."

Nope. It's a different topic by my definition of — not the word "topic" — but the scope of my peeve. I select what I want to talk about, and it does not represent my rating of the importance of anything, but what I want to write about. When someone comes in and tells me I picked the wrong things — which Inga did by saying "Is it really all that important? — I am peeved.

She's talking about importance and selecting something different that I should have prioritized. I don't accept the correction and consider it an annoying misunderstanding of what I am doing here.

Now, if she hadn't begun by purporting to correct me but had shown respect for my 15-year-long writing project, I would not have been annoyed if she'd simply said something like, "What I think is important is that Obama came to Wisconsin at all." I wouldn't care if people talked about that in the comments and think it's not a thread hijack, like those old Iraq War comments I hated so much.

I remember when Obama did not come to Wisconsin and disappointed a lot of people who'd actually had the audacity to hope that he'd meant it when he said, "Understand this: If American workers are being denied their right to organize and collectively bargain, when I'm in the White House, I'll put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself. I'll walk on that picket line with you, as president of the United States of America. Because workers deserve to know that someone's standing in their corner."

Big Mike said...

Inga was just pointing out that the mispronounciation of the name has much smaller impact than the fact Evers was standing beside and supported by Obama.

@Bill from the great state of Texas, especially true since Evers can't figure out how to educate black kids but a black former president supports him anyway.

Meade said...

I would have advised him to make his campaign slogan: "Leave It To Evers." But he never asked me for my advise.

bgates said...

somebody is serving Obama badly

Didn't we all?

AllenS said...

Baldwin, in introducing Obama said they were in a high school. Question, how many people can you fit a high school gymnasium? 3,500?

robother said...

So, all these years I've been mispronouncing "Tinker to Evers to Chance"? Or is this some Wisconsin dialect that doesn't apply in Chicago? (like "Yohn Yohnson from Visconsin")

Big Mike said...

There's no rhyme for "sensitive"

So change the problem space. Call yourself "touchy." (Hmmm. Doesn't help much.)

bgates said...

when I'm in the White House, I'll put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself

I remembered he was our first gay president. I forgot he was our first lesbian president.

Big Mike said...

@Meade, advise with an 's' is a verb. If you want the noun, use the letter 'c'.

No charge for this advic.

I need to go read another blog. I'm having too much fun.

Michael K said...

Wisconsin's educational achievement gap between black and white is worst in the nation. Tony Evers (Eavers?) is Wisconsin's Superintendent of Public Instruction, so one might imagine that Mr. Evers is filled with shame and humiliation at the crappy job he has been doing as far as getting black educational achievement up to the level of white educational achievement.

Garcia, the guy running for Governor of Arizona has the same job and sends his kids to a charter school.

"Do as I say, not as I do." He is heading for a big loss even if Bernie came to Tucson to support him.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Get your own blog to express your idea of the relative importance of topics.

"The fact that Obama came and stumped for Evers is far more important."

I'm sure you could right many fascinating sentences on that fact.

I have a 15-year peeve about commenters who tell me that something other than what I blogged about is more important.”

Jesus, Ann. I’m not saying that it’s not important enough for you to blog about. I’ve said numerous times to others that is your blog and you blog what you want to blog about. What I meant before you misunderstood me, is that in the great scheme of things, mispronouncing a name is not all that important.


Sebastian said...

"Because workers deserve to know that someone's standing in their corner."

Now, someone is.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Ok, time to defend Inga. She isn’t suggesting a different topic. She is suggesting you missed an important point about this one."

“Nope. It's a different topic by my definition of — not the word "topic" — but the scope of my peeve. I select what I want to talk about, and it does not represent my rating of the importance of anything, but what I want to write about. When someone comes in and tells me I picked the wrong things — which Inga did by saying "Is it really all that important? — I am peeved.

She's talking about importance and selecting something different that I should have prioritized. I don't accept the correction and consider it an annoying misunderstanding of what I am doing here.”

Good lord Althouse get a grip. That is NOT what I meant. How the heck do you jump to such conclusions after I have defended you numerous times when others have slammed you for blogging topics they thought unimportant? You owe me an apology.

Ken B said...

Consider a CNN video clip without context edited out — Trump dumping fish food. A good defense of that would be “Don’t tell me what to include. Get your own cable news network”?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Inga was just pointing out that the mispronounciation of the name has much smaller impact than the fact Evers was standing beside and supported by Obama.

Well... Ok.

Obama evidently offered to campaign for Robert Francis O'Rourke in Texas. Beto publicly rejected this ("this is about Texas"), because hemlock would be a much simpler method of suicide in TX.

WI elections, evidently, are not about WI. Ok fine. Enough simps up there that O's name is still one to conjure with. If you say so.

Now, O came all that way. Gets the name wrong. Not like PDJT who is always, mostly refreshingly, a loose cannon, and nobody cares or minds if he mangles "Vook-Meer" (I presume?). O is smrat! Not dumb like everybody says. So, this must mean things. What things?

1. O never does anything by accident, like Louis XIV, this is an intentional slight. O hates Eevers and shows contempt in this way. Don't vote for the schmuck, I'm just here to put the knife in him.

2. O is so much bigger than Eeevers that he just couldn't be arsed to heed his briefing. This could explain the Vaseline on his coattails.

3. O is a dummy, careless, too coked up, low in coke, short sleep, incipient stroke victim.

4. O is SOOOO smrat that this is an intentional tactic to raise awareness of Eeeevers and GOTV.

5. Steal underpants,...?,...PROFIT!

You pick 'em.

Marcus said...

I thought the hostess was past menopause, but she's certainly on the rag today.

Ken B said...

Inga hoists Ann on her own petard : “You owe me an apology.” That's hilarious Inga, thank you. Of course no commenter is allowed to ask for an apology! Don’t tell her what to blog!

Meade said...

"@Meade, advise with an 's' is a verb. If you want the noun, use the letter 'c'."

Tell it to my CliffClaven autocorrect, bro.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Inga way owes Ann numerous apologies for, as I believe the Heartistes say, repeated chimp-outs. She has more than once flounced off in a huff with verbal burning bridges in her wake. Ken B, you seem to be picking a side. Bless your heart.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Don’t tell her what to blog!”

Maybe after she gets her cataract surgery she’ll see more clearly and not jump to erroneous conclusions.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Possibly, once the scales are lifted from her eyes, she'll see the leftist project for what it really is, and light you all on (metaphorical) fire.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga way owes Ann numerous apologies for, as I believe the Heartistes say, repeated chimp-outs. She has more than once flounced off in a huff with verbal burning bridges in her wake. Ken B, you seem to be picking a side. Bless your heart.”

Oh please. It was YOU who called her a “cunt” when she said Sarah Palin was dumb a couple of months ago. Hypocrite. I have defended Althouse far more times than I ever insulted her.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Alexa says "Vuck-Meer," is that right, team?

Original Mike said...

”I've also been there. The paper mill smell, and then there is one of the nicest looking airports I've ever seen.”

Wow. There’s no hint of that when you drive by the airport on 51.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Possibly, once the scales are lifted from her eyes, she'll see the leftist project for what it really is, and light you all on (metaphorical) fire.”

I’d think she might just do that when she can see Trump more clearly.

Ken B said...

Picking aside? Heaven forfend. I am neutral. I call it heartless neutrality. How do I know I am actually neutral? It wouldn’t be “heartless neutrality “ if it weren’t neutral. Ergo, I am neutral.

Original Mike said...

”There's no rhyme for "sensitive."”

There are a lot of rhymes, aren’t there? Accusative, provocative, ... I’m typing with one hand so I’ll stop now.

Big Mike said...

@Meade, some autocorrects appear to be aware of sentence structure (i.e., next word should be a noun or an adjective). Others, not so much.

Once written, twice... said...

Ann could have made a big deal that Trump mispronounced Leah Vukmir’s name but instead she spent paragraphs on President Obama’s mistake. Only Ann still believes in her lie of “cruel neutrality.”

fivewheels said...

Depends on your standards for a rhyme, but I think "tentative" would be a fine rhyme for sensitive. Rappers would accept it.

Original Mike said...

My pet peeve; complaining about autocorrect.

Turn it off.

Bad Lieutenant said...

I did, Inga? Me? You sure about that?

As you don't live rent-free in my head, Schatzie, I don't maintain your mental baggage in my own buffers, to have your explosive diarrhea ready to reference, but I'm pretty sure that your "I'm done here" fits arise to new levels over a mere quip here or there.

Pretty much beyond anything I've ever seen here actually. Don't sell yourself short, you did a man's job of it. I'm actually not sure why you don't get the Glynn treatment after that. She may have outdone you but not by much, and she really does think more than you.

Once written, twice... said...

And isn’t it great that at the Vukmir/Trump rally the crowd chanted “Lock Her Up!” in reference to Tammy Baldwin. What losers.

Ann Althouse said...

"I would have advised him to make his campaign slogan: "Leave It To Evers." But he never asked me for my advise."

I blame the superintendent of schools for Meade's getting un-educated, writing "advise" like that or as I say in my more poetic moments, righting "advise" like that.

And I think "Leave It To Evers" is a fantastics slogan. It makes sense and it subtly teaches us to pronounce his name right.

AllenS said...

I don't know how to pronounce Vukmir, and it doesn't matter, I'm still voting for her.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Ken B-we will know the tree by its fruits. Keep on the way you're going by all means.


Blogger Once written, twice... said...
Ann could have made a big deal that Trump mispronounced Leah Vukmir’s name but instead she spent paragraphs on President Obama’s mistake. Only Ann still believes in her lie of “cruel neutrality.”

10/27/18, 9:43 AM

Ah, the creature is back. Her post specifically referenced PDJT's misstep, which evidently was not repeated. Obama gave us Evvvers ovvver and ovvver again.

Temujin said...

We don't deserve to live in His world, with His pronunciations. We are fortunate that he even allows us to see Him. Again. And again. And again.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Obama and Trump are right, Tony Evers is pronouncing his name wrong.

Once written, twice... said...

Ann, you know you have made a lifetime fool of yourself by so wrapping yourself around Trump. It is what now most defines you in this (far off and obscure) public space. If you have any grandchildren and they in the future google your name they will be embarrassed for you.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Onesie, watch this and be enlightened. Even the dogs know better than you:


Once written, twice... said...

Ann, to paraphrase a candidate for governor in Florida..

“Right wing nuts think Ann is a right wing nut.” And that is why they make up almost all of her commenters.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I did, Inga? Me? You sure about that?”

Blogger Bad Lieutenant said...
Howard said...
Snowflakes hardest hit

You tell 'em tough guy! How many slopes, dinks, gooks, zipperheads, ragheads or spics have you killed lately?

7/11/18, 9:53 AM
Blogger Howard said...
Althouse pierces the fourth wall of the Trumpesinas safe space she constructed

7/11/18, 9:54 AM

Howie, we already know she's a cunt. If you think we come here for comfort, well, there I go again, accusing you of thinking. Go fuck another 13-year-old Okinawan, why don't you?

7/11/18, 10:15 AM


Yes I’m quite sure schatze.

Narayanan said...

Was Obama lone black raisin among white grapes?

Sam L. said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama stumping makes a lot more sense than corrupt sexual abuse excusing Hillary.

btw- anyone ask Obama if he is cool with one of his appointees setting up and running a Private Server while head of a major government department?

Drago said...

"@Bill from the great state of Texas, especially true since Evers can't figure out how to educate black kids but a black former president supports him anyway."

Keeping people uneducated and dependent on the govt while beung indoctrinated to accept socialism is the very point of public education.

Once you understand the strategic objectives of the leftists you will see that in pursuing those objectives Evers performance has been stellar.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gk1 said...

Lets face it no one would care what this post turtle as to say if he weren't a minority hire. That is all he will be known for in the history books "First Black President" and "The man that hollowed out the democratic party for a generation"

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Althouse POUNCES on obambi repeated verbal gaffes which clearly cannot be the fault of the Lefty-LightBringer!

Drago said...

Narayanan Subramanian: "Was Obama lone black raisin among white grapes?"

According to Todays Lefty Dictionary, those were "white-blacks".

As opposed to a Kanye or Ben Carson. They have been relegated to "not black at all-actually white" status.

All along the lines of "white hispanic" and now "white-Native American".

It can be difficult to keep up with our modern Maoist-Kremlin-ites.

tcrosse said...

At least Obama needs no coaching to pronounce "I" correctly. He has perfected it through practice. He may even know how to spell it.

tcrosse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

I know the one dude on stage with Barry is Evers, who's the other?

JPS said...

Once written, twice..., 10:04:

I don’t think Althouse is a right-wing nut, nor do I agree on why her commenters are
mostly on the right.

She is one of the few people not actually on or of the right willing to give a fair hearing to those to her right. Contrast this with you, who think she’s a huge Trump fan because she doesn’t straight-up hate him.

Bad Lieutenant said...

tcrosse said...
At least Obama needs no coaching to pronounce "I" correctly. He has perfected it through practice. He may even know how to spell it.

10/27/18, 10:23 AM

OK I think the internet is done for today, you win.

Yancey Ward said...

If Trump had been able to book Lambeau, he would have filled it to at least half capacity, and likely filled it completely.

It probably makes some sense to have Obama campaign for Evers in Wisconsin- he did at least win the state twice handily, but Obama's record for getting other people elected is pretty bad outside of the single election of 2008. I am guessing he helped Evers little at all with that speech.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Yes I’m quite sure schatze.

Ohhh! Well, first, I'm honored that I am so important to you that you remembered my words. However, that's not the same thing.

OT: what is your bra size? Your proper size, not what you wear, as women get it wrong so often or can't find the correct size. Anyway, let me know, would you? Working on a hypothesis.

Michael K said...

"Once" thinks that anyone who does agree with he/she/it is a "right wing nut."

Thanks for explaining that, Once

JAORE said...

Is it really all that important? The fact that Obama came and stumped for Evers is far more important.

Well it does seem to say that President Obama was making a "Team D" appearance rather than a "This is MY guy" appearance.

madAsHell said...

"I'm sure you could right many fascinating sentences on that fact."

While addressing Inga?? Absolutely Freudian!!

Big Mike said...

Paraphrasing Andrew Gillum, I am not saying that Trump is an asshole. It’s just that people who are total assholes think Trump is an asshole.

Xmas said...

That's funny, because I've heard "lever" the mechanical device pronounce like "weaver", while "lever" like "Trevor" is the verb pronunciation.

D 2 said...

Is it common for ex Presidents to speak on campaigns 2 years after their tenure? Bush in 2010? Clinton in 2002? Bush I in 94? Carter in 82?
Might have to revisit the Althouse archives for such

madAsHell said...

What the hell does WIWILL.VOTE mean??

Is that some kind of dog whistle that compels WI voters to vote democrat? Are they hiring former graffiti artists as graphic designers?

HT said...

Partially, it's that there's a freak show quality to Dump and his rallies - they have mass appeal like with fake wrestling.

Achilles said...

Obama gives a speech. Says I 823453928 times.

Mispronounces that other guys name.

Tries to take credit for the economy he obviously had nothing to do with.

Is called smart.

Big Mike said...

Maybe somebody told Obama it rhymes with "levers."

Didn’t Obama once claim to be a better speechwriter than any of his speechwriters? Maybe he couldn’t be bothered to be coached on such a (to him) trivial matter.

HT said...

Meanwhile Dump's use of "we" is the most disingenuous way of speaking out there.

Limited blogger said...

No one pronounces my name correctly when they first see it and say it.

Kassaar said...

Probably goes back to the Dutch name Evers, older forms Everts(en) = Evert’s son. The Dutch pronounce it Aivers (rhymes with waivers).


tcrosse said...

Dump! Like, totally, I never would have thought of something so super super incredible. I mean, like, you know, comedy gold!

rcocean said...

Leevers or Lavers?

You say tomato I say Tomoto

"Tinkers to Evers to chance" - "Evers" as is "Ever ready".

rcocean said...

You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay...

But you doesn't have to call me Johnston.

Michael K said...

Blogger HT said...
Meanwhile Dump's use of "we" is the most disingenuous way of speaking out there.

Nice to see that Inga has an ally. Keep trying.

rcocean said...

Why is Brat not rewritten as Brot?

is this America or Germany?

Original Mike said...

”Wisconsin's educational achievement gap between black and white is worst in the nation. Tony Evers (Eavers?) is Wisconsin's Superintendent of Public Instruction, so one might imagine that Mr. Evers is filled with shame and humiliation at the crappy job he has been doing as far as getting black educational achievement up to the level of white educational achievement.”

I asked this of the progressive on my doorstep stumping for Evers. Her response was it was Walker’s fault.


Drago said...

HT: "Meanwhile Dump's use of "we" is the most disingenuous way of speaking out there."

Characterizing the use of "we" in speaking as "the most disingenuous way of speaking out there" constitutes the most disingenuous sort of faux analysis of public speaking techniques one is likely to come across.

rcocean said...

Only New England would elect someone like John Kerry.

God what a tool. Remember when he went hunting?

Big Mike said...

@Original Mike, if one naively believes -- as most Dumbocrats do -- that the one right way to solve problems is to throw other people's money at them, then she probably believes what she told you.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Neither the pronunciation nor Obama’s presence is important. What is important is, that as TV and radio tries to flog snippets of Obama’s civility bullshit in the last few days, I’ve seen people laugh, shake their heads, and make comments of the “blowhard” variety. One of the consequences of the slavish adoration of Obama’s Presidency may be the limited shelf-life of his post-Presidency influence.

Original Mike said...

@Big Mike - She said as much. I said I don’t believe our poor education results, at this point, is a matter of more money. That pretty much ended the conversation.

Narayanan said...

Would Evers be temerous and tell Obama how to say name write?!!.
Or accept as black level education?

gilbar said...

God what a tool. Remember when he went hunting?
that was here in Iowa, "can i get me a hunting license ?"
what can you say about someone that puts on a fake southern accent to 'hunt' in Western Iowa?

gilbar said...

rcocean ALSO said... Why is Brat not rewritten as Brot?

It seems to me, that the way to right it would be Braut

gilbar said...

oh, and Here's an Idea!
If people don't like Our Professor Althouse's opinions; maybe they should just not come here!

Rosalyn C. said...

I took Obama's advice and looked up the numbers on job growth. Obama's right about the numbers of job creation, at least through 2017, (a quick search) however he's not right about bringing back manufacturing jobs from overseas. Trump is beating him in that category because of his policies.

What bugs me about Obama is that he is attacking and demonizing Republicans at this time. That's very counterproductive for our country and one of the reasons why I feel Obama is not truly patriotic, he's always partisan. Also, his swipes about indictments in Trump's administration is deliberately misleading-- he's talking about people who served a short time on the campaign and were indicted for crimes committed many years before the election. Not to mention that we wouldn't even have the Mueller investigation except for the fact that Democrats refused to accept the election result and insisted Trump only won because of Russian collusion.

To see former President Obama actively attacking the current President and attacking the Republican Party as the party of privileged people who want to keep the common people down is disturbing, it's the epitome of divisiveness and demagoguery.
My position is that no one gets to be president forever so have the grace to let go of power when you are out of office. Obama could do so much good if he were willing to acknowledge the good Trump is doing. Instead Obama is going to Milwaukee to mispronounce some guy's name and tell people to vote for Democrats (so he and his friends can reap the benefits of power and influence). That's how I see him.

tcrosse said...

rcocean ALSO said... Why is Brat not rewritten as Brot?

Why is Bra not rewritten as Bro?

Fernandinande said...

You'll blow us all!

Unknown said...

Maybe the person(s) advising Obama/trump that Evers's name rhymes with "levers" are british?

The Little Myrmidon said...

From this article: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1036123/President-Donald-Trump-Wisconsin-Mosinee-rally-live-Scott-walker-midterm-elections

"Right Side Broadcasting Network estimates that "at least 5,000" people are in attendance."

So, Obama, 3,500 in Milwaukee, the largest city in the state.
Trump, 5,000 in small town no-one's ever heard of.

Yeah, about right.

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