২৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১৮

"Gab’s affiliation with Mr. Bowers has already cost the company dearly."

"On Saturday, the company’s web hosting provider, Joyent, moved to shut the site down, according to an email posted by Gab on Twitter. The payment processing platform Stripe, which Gab has used to receive fees for its paid Gab Pro membership level, and which froze Gab’s account this month for violating its terms of service, said it was suspending transfers to the company’s bank account pending an investigation, according to another email posted to Twitter by Gab. PayPal, another payment processor, canceled Gab’s account, saying that it had been closely monitoring the site since before Saturday’s massacre.... Gab... was started in 2016 by a conservative programmer, Andrew Torba, who was fed up with what he saw as Silicon Valley’s left-wing censorship.... [T]he platform’s intentionally slim rule book attracted a crowd of extremists, including white nationalists and neo-Nazis, who had been banned from other social platforms. Milo Yiannopoulos, the former Breitbart writer whose harassment campaigns got him kicked off Twitter, signed up for an account. So did Andrew Anglin, the founder of the neo-Nazi publication Daily Stormer, and Richard Spencer, the well-known white nationalist. Within months, Gab had become a last refuge for internet scoundrels — a place where those with views considered too toxic for the mainstream could congregate and converse freely....  Despite its claims of pan-partisan appeal, Gab’s most popular posts espouse far-right ideology... Posts by the site’s members in recent days include a torrent of anti-Semitic cartoons, conspiracy theories, and denunciations of liberal censorship...."

From "On Gab, an Extremist-Friendly Site, Pittsburgh Shooting Suspect Aired His Hatred in Full" (NYT).

১৬৭টি মন্তব্য:

Rob বলেছেন...

". . . anti-Semitic cartoons, conspiracy theories, and denunciations of liberal censorship." Which is these things is not like the others?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Yeah, the Chicago Tribune is describing them as "a far right site."

This site has a lot of information on Sayoc, we don't see anywhere else.

Olson also discovered that Sayoc posted a video of his now-infamous white van on 28 August 2016 – completely free of Trump stickers. Olson finds it interesting that at the height of the 2016 campaign, MAGA-cap-wearing Sayoc didn’t have stickers on the van.


Sayoc posted meme images showing George W. Bush with blood on his hands, for example, and ghoulish depictions of Bush and Cheney as complicit in trading “blood for oil.” There’s 9/11 “Trutherism” in the mix. Some on the left may like to believe that this is characteristic of Trump supporters, but it manifestly is not. It’s as characteristic of Trump supporters as it is of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton supporters; i.e., there’s a fringe there, but it’s tiny, and not representative.

Moreover, the reporter, Shad Olson, includes a series of images posted in 2016, on one of which Sayoc calls Code Pink protesters “liberal women” … “the beautiful women of the world.”

To caption that group of images, on 19 July 2016, Sayoc referred to Trump as “President Donald J Trump.” The full caption reads (sic sempre):

Interesting stuff that will never appear in the MSM.

Hagar বলেছেন...

Well, if they had all been censored off the self-identified "mainstream" sites, where else would they go?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Both these guys are nuts.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Gab needs to start suing people. This is restraint of trade, and an obvious attempt to choke off a competitor to Facebook.

n.n বলেছেন...

Gab was a haven for #HerVoice, #HisVoice, and #NoJudgment. Were there any actionable threats that the company should have censored, reported?

rcocean বলেছেন...

And Twitter. We can't have internet providers censoring people. The Government needs to get involved.

If people can't discriminate based on race, religion, etc. Why should they be able to discriminate and cut off free speech and kill of businesses because they don't like their politics?

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Human Resources is running the internet now.

Spencer isn't an extremist, as far as I can tell, in terms of wishing anybody ill. The broad brush isn't a good instrument in arguing against free speech. I have to guess but I think he wants a place for white people and a place for black people, on the theory that they don't mix well. Who knows, that may be true. The idea would be that the blacks will always come out economically lower and the blacks notice it and blame it on the whites, when they're mixed, and that can't work. I'd gloss the position as doubting the power of good character as a selling point for worth.

And all the anti-semites are doing there is giving themselves a retarded-white branding. You could join in and undermine them easily if you knew how to argue persuasively.

Closing them down is a bad idea. Instead join up.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Gab is NOT a right-wing site. Its a "free speech" site, a refuge for people who don't like censorship.

The New York Times HATES that. They want the internet to be like the Press was in the 1980s, where 100 people (Publishers/editors/Network Execs) decided what you could see and read.

Now after all the freedom of the internet, we're getting to the point where 20 Techo-Leftists decide what we can see and read on the internet.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Spenser and all his Neo-nazis are just clowns. If it turned out that Soros' was funding him, I wouldn't be surprised.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Gab's appearance on the Althouse comments pages:

Darkisland said...
Watch for a Presidential counterattack against Twitter this week.

I've been saying for a while that President Trump could put a serious hurting on Twitter by using Gab.ai instead. This may be the week.

I've had a Gab.ai account for a year or two now but have never done much with it. (I do very little with Twitter, either) Yesterday I got an email from Gab.ai that President Trump was now following me.

It is a new account, created in August but it doesn't say what day. No posts yet. As far as I can tell it is a verified account and is really himself. Not that many followers yet but seems to be following everyone on Gab. That would seem like a logical way to notify people he is there and that they should follow him.

What will be really cool would be if he starts posting while Twitter's Jack Dorsey is testifying this week. Then perhaps one of the Congresspeople can ask him "Hey, Jack, what is this Gab.ai thing President Trump is posting on?"

A second prediction: There has already been battlespace preparation about Gab being a white nationalist service. Some of this is because people have come there after being forced off Twitter. There also seems to be a Soros group effort to post false-flag white nationalist and racist notes.

Gab.ai is explicitly free speech so doesn't take them, or any other legal thing down.

Is Facebook next?

John Henry
8/27/18, 8:41 AM


rcocean বলেছেন...

It's like David Duke. Who listens to him? Nobody. But the Left loves him, and constantly trots him out and gives him a platform so they can pretend there's a significant KKK/Nazi group in the USA that likes Trump or Romney or whoever.

wendybar বলেছেন...

But Anti Semite Farrakhan still has free reign to spout his ignorance all over twitter calling Jewish people TERMITES. Hell...Obama and the rest of the elite love getting their pictures taken with him and marching with him. So much for free speech for ALL!!??

rcocean বলেছেন...

The Left and the Never Trumpers LOVE censorship.

Its all about Control. Freedom makes them nervous and unhappy.

Someone somewhere is engaging in "badthink" - and must be stopped.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

The government needs to step in and read the riot act to the payment processing companies. They use the banking system which is underpinned by the taxpayers. They have no right to block payments for services that are facially legal. They are common carriers.

rcocean বলেছেন...

If you want to engage in "Whataboutism" the left is constantly engaging in Hate speech and threats against Whites and Rigt-wingers.

With no consequences.

There's no point in beating that dead horse, but their hypocrisy needs to be pointed out.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Haha! Is this the day that the Althouse comments pages go "Full Gab.ai"?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Milo is a flame thrower but he isn't an anti-Semite or a Nazi.

The left like to do that with free speech and with broad brush character assassination.

The Spencers and the Dukes of the world are yes - adored by the left because they are a gift to the left. Just like the nut job who sent all those bombs in the mail.

rcocean বলেছেন...

"Haha! Is this the day that the Althouse comments pages go "Full Gab.ai"?"

Smart people make comments.

Dullards comment about the comments.

Chuck বলেছেন...

rcocean said...
If you want to engage in "Whataboutism" the left is constantly engaging in Hate speech and threats against Whites and Rigt-wingers.

With no consequences.

There's no point in beating that dead horse, but their hypocrisy needs to be pointed out.

You are making two mistakes.

The first mistake is that you are understating a substantial part of far-left activity; which isn't mere speech, but which is in fact outright violence and rioting. As we have seen in Berkeley, Oakland, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, etc., etc.

Your second mistake is in thinking that anything would ever excuse Trump's rhetorical excesses.

As I always say, there is a very good case to be made against left wing extremism, media bias, violence and incivility. And that Trump is a really rotten, incompetent guy to make that case.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Looks like Gab needs to form its own web hosting company and its own financial institution to have some independence.

Need a server farm but then suppliers probably won’t sell them the equipment. And other financial institutions won’t allow transfers to them anyway.

I think people can still communicate with each other the old fashioned way.

Oswald didn’t need a Facebook page or twitter account.

Lyle বলেছেন...

Time to break up big tech and/or hit them with politically biased discrimination lawsuits from the DOJ. Get to work Jeff Sessions!

buwaya বলেছেন...

What is wrong with Gab, or unrestricted free speech?
That some of it is evil? That is inevitable, we are dealing with humans after all.
That is the price of liberty.

Any objection or obstruction to such liberty is itself evil, of a far more significant and dangerous sort.

Think it over Chuck.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I had used Twitter because it automatically would Tweet new blog posts, but I wasn't happy with their filtering bias. So I left.

I joined Gab to support their free speech principles. I've made maybe 10 posts, mostly references to my blog.

There are people on Gab with whom I do not wish to associate, but where on the Internet isn't that the case? You just have to be careful about who you follow and who you allow to follow you.

I never paid for Gab's "Pro" service, but I just did it now. Visa still works.

The payment companies' job is to transfer money for legal transactions, and they should stick to that. They previously tried to disrupt legal firearm related commerce, so they oppose both the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

This basically undercuts the claims on the Left that if you don't like Twitter and Facebook's policies, you should go and make your own Twitter and Facebook apps. I have repeatedly pointed out that doing so wouldn't work because the Left-leaning tech companies control all the architecture required to even run a company on the internet, and that Gab and other right-leaning sites would be taken down by by having software licenses revoked, by having on-line payment companies cut off their money, and that the banking system itself would be used to cut them off from all other payment mechanisms that weren't cash in an envelope.

There is an anti-trust lawsuit here that needs to be filed against all of these censors. On its face, all of these activities like that described in the NYTimes article are, in fact, illegal in addition to being unAmerican. It is all illegal restraint of trade- it is, in fact, criminal behavior.

buwaya বলেছেন...


Making a case is useless.
This is not a matter of law, and even the law isn't really about making cases.
This is a question of power, and on this field of battle it is a matter of actions and rhetoric. Blood and iron, not paper.

It is a remarkable blindness you have. Like you can't see certain wavelengths.

Chuck বলেছেন...

buwaya said...
What is wrong with Gab, or unrestricted free speech?
That some of it is evil? That is inevitable, we are dealing with humans after all.
That is the price of liberty.

Any objection or obstruction to such liberty is itself evil, of a far more significant and dangerous sort.

Think it over Chuck.

I had a suspicion -- but only a suspicion -- that this incident and story would surface a lot of "Gab" sympathies among the current demographic of Althouse commenters. You're proving my suspicion right to an extent even I couldn't have foreseen.


Wince বলেছেন...

While it makes sense to police anti-competitive efforts to keep people on the tech-giant plantation, George Gilder offers some hope that these are just death rattles. Gilder has done a number of interesting interviews about information and freedom for his new book "Life After Google".

George Gilder Is Excited about Life After Google and You Should Be Too...
The tech visionary makes the case that today's online giants will be massively disrupted because we'll tire of their walled gardens.

Google's dominance in so many aspects of our digital lives is "creating a walled garden that's basically controlled by two nerds in Silicon Valley," says George Gilder, the author who more than anyone else predicted today's imperfect online utopia in books such as Life After Television: The Coming Transformation of Media and American Life and Telecosm: How Infinite Bandwidth Will Revolutionize Our World.

Of course it's not just Google... Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and a host of other online ecosystems are working to keep us all within their own specific spaces, the better to sell to us and capture economic and demographic value from users. "This model of creating economic success on the Internet by homogenizing a walled garden doesn't replicate," argues Gilder, who says that if Apple or whomever can have their own proprietary space that keeps people tethered to one service on the Internet, then so too will China, Iran, and despotic regimes. "In the end, the internet breaks into fragile fiefdoms and falls apart."

Long a prophet of transparency, mobility, and cryptocurrency, Gilder says that disruption is coming and, as with earlier shifts from mainframe to personal computers, it will be upon us long before the solons of Silicon Valley know what hit them.

Chuck বলেছেন...

buwaya said...

Making a case is useless.
This is not a matter of law, and even the law isn't really about making cases.
This is a question of power, and on this field of battle it is a matter of actions and rhetoric. Blood and iron, not paper.

With all due respect to President Trump, and borrowing his terminology, that is what life is like in "shithole countries." I don't want to live in the fucking Philippines, or Guatemala, or Malaysia, or Indonesia, or Saudi Arabia. I want to live in the suburbs of a London, a New York, a Chicago. Or a Detroit. With governments of laws, and free (however biased) press corps.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

It is almost like Chuck has never read the phrase "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".

My "sympathies" never rest with the censors, Chuck. Never.

MayBee বলেছেন...

It's kind of interesting that Syock threatened people on Twitter, but Twitter isn't in trouble like Gab is.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Chuck, "yikes" is not an argument.
Nor is it a "case".

Mark O বলেছেন...

I'm old enough to remember when these sorts of things were called "Acts of Denunciation."

buwaya বলেছেন...

In "free" countries the processes of power are not actually structured and explicit, certainly not to one who pays attention. It is the same old human system, working in more obscurity. It is all the same, quid pro quo and emotional manipulation, not the workings of impersonal machinery.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
cronus titan বলেছেন...

Silicon Valley isn't into the competition thing. They had an opportunity to get rid of a competitor, and they did. Pretty simple.

Other mass shooters have used social media giants to advance their insane rants before their acts. I do not recall efforts to shut down the platforms.

Openidname বলেছেন...

Every previous bomber/shooter/stabber had a Facebook page. We always get to read about their posts after the event. But nobody suggested shutting down Facebook as a result.

This makes me afraid. Very afraid.

Two-eyed Jack বলেছেন...

I think we should all remember the definition of free speech:

Free speech means that I am free to say what I believe and you are free to agree with me.

Isn't that it?

Michael K বলেছেন...

I have Gilder's book on audio but I think it will read better than listen so I am ordering the Kindle version.

James K বলেছেন...

“As I always say, there is a very good case to be made against left wing extremism, media bias, violence and incivility. And that Trump is a really rotten, incompetent guy to make that case.”

As I always say, there is a very good case to be made against left wing extremism, media bias, violence and incivility. And that Trump is the only elected official forcefully making that case.


cubanbob বলেছেন...

Geez Chuck. When it comes to Trump you are an adherent of wet streets cause rain school of thinking.

n.n বলেছেন...

Every previous bomber/shooter/stabber had a Facebook page.

And free advertising carried by the press.

dhagood বলেছেন...

i have a gab account. i've posted a handful of time, and i rarely use the site anymore because i got tired of all the anti-semitic posts. however, anglin, spencer, and all those other anti-semitic idiots are american citizens (so far as i know), just like i am, and have the right to say what they please, just like i do. there needs to be a public forum wherein people can freely express their ideas no matter how bigoted, stupid, and ignorant those views might be. if nothing else, it gives people a chance to point and laugh at them. currently that place is gab.

i agree that gab should start suing people for restraint of trade. i guess i'm going to have to sign up for gab pro to help support them.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Stripe and PayPal were looking for an excuse to defenestrate / shun / excommunicate gab.

Gab has a huge libel issue, it’s a design issue Vox Day offered to fix / automate.

Stripe has new investors and is virtue signaling.

Conservatives need their own platforms to avoid being cut off from the internet infrastructure they need. From payment processors, social media, web hosting, etc.

Amazing coincidence that recently:

- Donald Trumps twitter follower growth has stalled...
- And his reach is down 45%.
-,And nothing similar is happening to Democrats.
- Amazon’s stopped allowing legal insurrection to be an affiliate.
- Gay patriot was banned from Twitter.
- youtube efforts against praeger university
- Facebook banning conservative pages

The internet giants are over playing their hand/bias, and after the midterms Trump will have a reckoning with them. I can’t believe they are acting so stupid. It’s like they are wearing a giant kick me sign.

n.n বলেছেন...

Syock threatened people on Twitter

Not to mention rabid diversity or color judgments, including: racism, sexism, etc. And transhuman activities including selective-child, among others. Twitter and Facebook are also popular platforms for anti-nativists.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chuck: I don't want to live in the fucking Philippines, or Guatemala, or Malaysia, or Indonesia, or Saudi Arabia.

And yet here you are, fulsomely supporting not only censorship but good old-fashioned "unpersoning" in the form of stripping non-criminal citizens not only of their free speech rights, but of access to the internet and the financial services infrastructure necessary to conduct business or ordinary daily life. (Chuck cheers as MasterCard and Visa start denying services to wrongthinking individuals with sterling credit.)

buwaya to Chuck: It is a remarkable blindness you have. Like you can't see certain wavelengths.

I've always despised cucks and libertardians for their willful obtuseness, but I gotta admit that I am sincerely surprised by Chuck this morning. We had not even begun to sound the depths of his delusional cuckiness.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Chuck said...

"I had a suspicion -- but only a suspicion -- that this incident and story would surface a lot of "Gab" sympathies among the current demographic of Althouse commenters. You're proving my suspicion right to an extent even I couldn't have foreseen."

I have never used gab (gabbed?), but I am more than just "sympathetic" toward any means of communication that does not bow to the PC shitheads the universities are now turning out by the million. I guess LLRs aren't concerned about the wholesale erosion of free speech.

Diogenes of Sinope বলেছেন...

Freedom of speech is paramount for a free society. Hated, detested, awful speech must be protected to protect our rights. Any speech which does not legally incite violence should be protected. Fuck the European Court of Human Rights and all those fascists who want the same censorship in the USA.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

I feel a lot safer now that I'm slightly less likely to be confused or misled by some unusual idea or viewpoint which hasn't been vetted by the NYT and Facetwit.

MeatPopscicle1234 বলেছেন...

Chuck... Here's a question... Do you agree with banks and other companies being able to cancel the accounts of firearms manufacturers / retailers and deny them service? Because this is basically the same thing... At what point does this kind of behavior become un-acceptable to you?

Vance বলেছেন...

Count on Chuck to be horrified at the very idea that people might disagree with the NYT and, even more horrifying, actually say so!

It's not a surprise that Chuck is aghast at the idea of free speech.

Why are you shocked at the support for Gab, Chuck? The idea of a place where Google and Facebook do not censor you--isn't that a good thing?

Oh, wait--you love, love, love the idea of "polite speech, enforced by penalty of law, where only acceptable thoughts are allowed!"

1984--it's not a manual, Chuck. Even though you apparently think it is.

Michael K বলেছেন...

after the midterms Trump will have a reckoning with them. I can’t believe they are acting so stupid. It’s like they are wearing a giant kick me sign.

Have you read "Revolt of the Elites?"

I just ordered the audio. Interesting concept. Published last year.

In this challenging work, Christopher Lasch makes an accessible critique of what is wrong with the values and beliefs of America's professional and managerial elites. The distinguished historian argues that democracy today is threatened not by the masses, as Jose Ortega y Gasset (The Revolt of the Masses) had said, but by the elites. These elites - mobile and increasingly global in outlook - refuse to accept limits or ties to nation and place. As they isolate themselves in their networks and enclaves, they abandon the middle class, divide the nation, and betray the idea of a democracy for all America's citizens. This is Lasch's clarion call for a return to the virtues of community, responsibility, and religion.

I read "Revolt of the Masses" a couple of years ago.

Achilles বলেছেন...

PayPal is owned by competitors to gab.ai.

This is clear a clear anti-trust violation.

John henry বলেছেন...

There's still mastodon.social

Sort of like Twitter but instead of a single server/host that can be shutdown it is distributed on thousands or tens of thousands of servers. I looked at the architecture once but don't really understand it.

I do have an account that I signed up for a couple years ago to follow No Agenda.

I've never used it much after fooling with it for a day or two. Like Twitter and Gab.ai it never really appealed to me. I have enough time sinks already.

John Henry

hstad বলেছেন...

Geez Chuck, aside from the fact that you outed yourself as a "Trump hater", now you've also outed yourself as a "free speech hater" if it helps denigrate Trump.

Chuck said he "... want to live in the suburbs of a London, a New York, a Chicago. Or a Detroit..." BTW, you may want to review your choice of cities to live in because the ones you picked are real [shitholes].

John henry বলেছেন...

FACEBOOK has something like 20,000 people reviewing all Facebook posts and blocking stuff Facebook doesn't like.

I think YouTube reviewd on a similar scale.

I have heard that there is a huge psychological problem with these people. After a month or so of viewing the most vile shit imaginabe (kiddie porn, rape, torture, mutilation, murder etv) for 40 hours a week they wind up with serious issues.

There is little or no machine AI involved. It is real people, mostly younger people, sitting and watchong this stuff hour after hour, day after day.

That's what censorship requires.

John Henry

MayBee বলেছেন...

I have noticed CNN and other liberal media outlets are on a full-on push to make criticizing George Soros into anti-Semitic code words.

Nice work if you can get it- Soros is obviously a huge Dem donor (look at how quickly Podesta answered his concerns!). So trying to make it off limits to criticize him is great for the Dems. Of course, it's never been a dog whistle to criticize the Koch brothers or Chik-Fil-A.

MayBee বলেছেন...

And you can say stuff like this on Twitter:

Franklin Foer

Verified account

organized shunning of Adelson, Kushner, and other Jewish enablers is a matter of protecting the security of the community.
4:34 PM - 27 Oct 2018

But yeah, let's shut down Gab and make it horrible to criticize Soros.

Marc in Eugene বলেছেন...

I'm on Gab-- having looked for alternatives to Twitter and Facebook-- but have spent 90% of my time there in the Catholic group (and 9% in the classical music group) so I can't speak to the larger population of users but, good heavens, there are a number of Catholic anti-Semites there. Don't do Gab very often because of this and because, at least for the time being, Twitter (unlike Fb) hasn't suppressed content I've been reading. Was investigating MeWe and Diaspora for a while, too, before losing interest but I suppose things are only going to get worse in the near future. Tsk.

Clyde বলেছেন...

Twitter is also "extremist-friendly" if you are a left-wing extremist. It's only the right-wingers who get censored on Twitter. The asymmetry shows how in-the-bag Twitter and other social media platforms are for Democrats and others even more left-wing and extreme.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Gab's appearance on the Althouse comments pages:

Darkisland said...
Watch for a Presidential counterattack against Twitter this week.

I've been saying for a while that President Trump could put a serious hurting on Twitter by using Gab.ai instead. This may be the week.

I've had a Gab.ai account for a year or two now but have never done much with it. (I do very little with Twitter, either) Yesterday I got an email from Gab.ai that President Trump was now following me.

It is a new account, created in August but it doesn't say what day. No posts yet. As far as I can tell it is a verified account and is really himself. Not that many followers yet but seems to be following everyone on Gab. That would seem like a logical way to notify people he is there and that they should follow him.

What will be really cool would be if he starts posting while Twitter's Jack Dorsey is testifying this week. Then perhaps one of the Congresspeople can ask him "Hey, Jack, what is this Gab.ai thing President Trump is posting on?"

A second prediction: There has already been battlespace preparation about Gab being a white nationalist service. Some of this is because people have come there after being forced off Twitter. There also seems to be a Soros group effort to post false-flag white nationalist and racist notes.

Gab.ai is explicitly free speech so doesn't take them, or any other legal thing down.

Is Facebook next?

John Henry
8/27/18, 8:41 AM

Not at all surprising. He’s the guy who said Heather Heyer died from a heart attack. That’s the conspiracy theory bullshit these people believe. We hear that stuff here on these threads everyday from more commenters than just John Henry.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Inga is all in with banning Gab.

She doesn't even like seeing other opinions.

Bubbles are delicate, though.

Birkel বলেছেন...

How dare somebody look for a website that doesn't censor their viewpoints based on Leftist Collectivist viewpoints.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Inga is all in with banning Gab.”

I knew you’d be the first idiot to say this. No, I don’t want Gab or any other hate sites closed down. We need to know who they and you are and what you think.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“She doesn't even like seeing other opinions.

Bubbles are delicate, though.”

I’m here reading your opinions, aren’t I? What “bubble” do I live in?


Birkel বলেছেন...

Avoiding a bubble must be important.
Twitter and Facebook should take Royal ass Inga's advice.
But they censor anyway.
And always from the Left.

daskol বলেছেন...

Michael K, the Lasch book is an amazingly prescient collection of essays from the 90s and earlier. He saw today clearly. Martin Gurri’s recent revolt book, Revolt of the Public, is also interesting and worthwhile.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Also: Many major media outlets are trying to make it off limits to criticize the caravan, because apparently the caravan was one of the anti-Semitic shooter's concerns.

Got it? Gab has to go. It's anti-Semitic to criticize Soros. It is hate-mongering to be concerned about the caravan. Jews who support Trump are responsible for a Trump-hating anti-Semitic shooter. Twitter is ok. I mean, it's like so many things the left wants in general now have to be spoken of only in the terms Democrats want. Right this very minute it has to change, and it has nothing to do with upcoming elections.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I read "Revolt of the Masses" a couple of years ago.

Sorry, that was "Revolt Against the Masses"

Inga back with predictable comments.

Wby not go to the prison system, Inga ?

Then you could just say "6" and we would all laugh.

ccscientist বলেছেন...

We should keep in mind that the European courts are enforcing blasphemy laws against Islam (only) online. In England a poor sap got prosecuted for having his girlfriend's pug do a heil hitler salute. This is where censorship leads.

Birkel বলেছেন...

The Leftist Collectivists see that as a feature, not a bug.
The Left is anti-Enlightenment.

narciso বলেছেন...

Yet farrakhan Hezbollah and antifa still have a home on Twitter, fancy that.

narciso বলেছেন...

The New York times publishes presidential assassination porn, from one of their less talented contributors you think that might be considered incitement?

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

We see nearly the level of nuttery here coming from rightists, as seen on Gab.

You people need to check yourselves.

narciso বলেছেন...

Now who made the determination at PayPal we know thiel is pro first amendment, what musk thinks from day to day is a mystery or is this another trick pulled by Mastercard and some of their board members.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

@Inga...Allie Oop
You people need to check yourselves.

Nah, your guys are doing that for us.

Birkel বলেছেন...

"You people" is code for "people I hate because of politics" but the Left has burned too many bridges for anybody to care.

Good luck with your pogroms.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Chuck... Here's a question... Do you agree with banks and other companies being able to cancel the accounts of firearms manufacturers / retailers and deny them service?

Thanks for asking! No, I would not agree with that. I think it might be illegal to do that, but it would depend on a lot of factors. I would not like it, and a lot of reasonable people would not like it. People who don't believe that the Bush Administration "knew" about the 9/11 attacks beforehand, or that they "knew" there were no WMD in Iraq. People who never bought into murder conspiracies with Vince Foster or Seth Rich. And who never subscribed to the Comet Ping Pong Pizza pedophilia ring theory.

I don't equate "conservative" with "alt-right conspiracist freaks." I distinguish them.

It will be up to Althouse if she wants to distinguish her blog from Gab.ai.

narciso বলেছেন...

As opposed to daily kos and depleted uranium?

narciso বলেছেন...

Every single democratic candidate including Obama and Biden had a kos diary, as for the Huffington host...

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

"We see nearly the level of nuttery here coming from rightists, as seen on Gab."

Inga, what in heaven's name are you talking about?

Chuck বলেছেন...

MayBee said...
Also: Many major media outlets are trying to make it off limits to criticize the caravan, because apparently the caravan was one of the anti-Semitic shooter's concerns.

Got it? Gab has to go. It's anti-Semitic to criticize Soros. It is hate-mongering to be concerned about the caravan. Jews who support Trump are responsible for a Trump-hating anti-Semitic shooter. Twitter is ok. I mean, it's like so many things the left wants in general now have to be spoken of only in the terms Democrats want. Right this very minute it has to change, and it has nothing to do with upcoming elections.

I don't think it is off limits to criticize the caravan. I think the caravan is deserving of highly critical analysis. But I also think it is silly and hysterical to deploy the U.S. military. And I also think it is stupid, for a President to announce that Middle Easterners and MS-13 have infiltrated the caravan and pose a danger to the U.S.

"Such a fine line, between stupid and clever..."

Jupiter বলেছেন...

I see the Palestinians were firing rockets at Jews Friday night. Don't you just hate it when that happens? Makes me so mad!

MayBee বলেছেন...

And I also think it is stupid, for a President to announce that Middle Easterners and MS-13 have infiltrated the caravan and pose a danger to the U.S.

Have they joined the caravan?
I mean, why would they not?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Did somebody defend the Daily Kos? Certainly not me.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, believes the intel he has received about the caravan of invading people is better than that of the president.
What a maroon.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Yeah, let's start slinging "Gab" around as an insult, because we've heard about it for about 5 minutes now and it's associated with a shooter. That's cool.

MayBee বলেছেন...

But I also think it is silly and hysterical to deploy the U.S. military.
Was it silly and hysterical when Bush and then Obama sent troops to the US Mexico border? Or just silly for Trump? Or just silly in response to this particular caravan?

Bill Peschel বলেছেন...

Funny how I never heard the term "alt-right" until the day after the election.

Now, of course, it's being used to define anyone who voted for Trump.

Color me surprised.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Bill- not even anyone who voted for Trump. Also people who hate him, but people who voted for him are still responsible for somehow.

If you voted for Trump, or if you don't hate him enough from the left, you are either Alt-Right or an Alt-Right enabler. The only way to absolve yourself is to vote Democrat or throw away your vote on a write-in.

narciso বলেছেন...

And the defense and interior ministers of Guatemala and Honduras, the former is run by an outsider of the traditional center right party.

Static Ping বলেছেন...

Given that Twitter and Facebook has allowed and tolerated horrible people and said services never gets this sort of treatment, it does seem quite like a politically motivated move. And eventually the companies doing this will get sued for restraint of trade and they will learn the hard way that they are not protected. It will also be fun when Facebook and Twitter get to learn that their actions make them publishers rather than forums, which will prove quite expensive.

For the record, I have never used Gab or Twitter.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
tim in vermont বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
tim in vermont বলেছেন...

You people need to check yourselves.

Yes, there are a lot of unapproved thoughts being expressed here guys!

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

"this incident and story would surface a lot of "Gab" sympathies among the current demographic of Althouse commenters. You're proving my suspicion right to an extent even I couldn't have foreseen."

Is this supposed to be an argument of some kind?

I don't give a damn about "Gab", per se. Never been there. I do care, very very much, about the erosion of free speech in the United States. In the "special sauce" that makes the U.S.A unique, free speech rights are, perhaps, the No. 1 ingredient. Anything that cuts into the ability of citizens to express their opinions – however crazy, stupid, or hateful – ought to be the subject of extreme scrutiny.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

It’s also crazy to think that the caravan is being sponsored by Jewish organizations and even if they were? So what? This is what the 11 people were killed over. The caravan and the conspiracy theories promulgated by right wing nuts. We’ve heard how Soros is supposedly paying these asylum seekers and we have heard it from Trump himself at a rally last week before the shooting.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward said...
This basically undercuts the claims on the Left that if you don't like Twitter and Facebook's policies, you should go and make your own Twitter and Facebook apps. I have repeatedly pointed out that doing so wouldn't work because the Left-leaning tech companies control all the architecture required to even run a company on the internet, and that Gab and other right-leaning sites would be taken down by by having software licenses revoked, by having on-line payment companies cut off their money, and that the banking system itself would be used to cut them off from all other payment mechanisms that weren't cash in an envelope.

I missed this comment, Yancey. Good stuff. Every bomber and shooter has had Facebook and/or Twitter. But one guy on Gab and pow! Shut it down. And look how quickly people pick up on the idea.
We've always been at war with Gab.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Twitter is a monopoly, but not a public accommodation. This is textbook fascism, not the fantasy fascism that lefties here are always on about. This is the real deal, where businesses that, while not owned by the state, still must serve the Party.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...
It’s also crazy to think that the caravan is being sponsored by Jewish organizations and even if they were? So what? This is what the 11 people were killed over.

It is not what 11 people were killed for.
11 people were not killed by a man filled with hatred and anti-semitism because some people think Soros is paying for the caravans.
Really, what an awful thing to try to hook your pet causes to the shooting of innocent people as a way to make them off limits.

You know, there were some people - Althouse posted about them- who thought the GOP organized the caravans because the caravans hurt the left. If some conservative Christians had been shot yesterday by a man who made consistent anti-Christian rants on Facebook, would you say they were shot because of the caravan rumors? Would you call for Facebook to be shut down?

The man was a hateful raging anti Semite. The people were shot because they were Jewish.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Bill Peschel said...
Funny how I never heard the term "alt-right" until the day after the election.

Now, of course, it's being used to define anyone who voted for Trump.

Color me surprised.

Well, no. "Alt-right" predated anyone's notion of there ever being a Trump campaign. The term was popularized well before 2014.

And no one would ever call Mitch McConnell "alt-right." I expect that a considerable number of federal judges, FBI agents, and Wall Street exectuives voted for Trump, and could never be called "alt-right." The Border Patrol agents' union, The Border Patrol Council, endorsed Trump. They aren't alt-right. I voted for Trump, and I'm not alt-right. I am ridiculing the alt-right.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

We’ve heard how Soros is supposedly paying these asylum seekers

Inga completely accepts the terms of these anti-semitic nut jobs. She allows them to define the terms of the debate. To Inga, I guess, Jews are magical people, unlike anybody else, who can't be criticized individually for any individual action because all criticisms of any Jew means that the critic wants all Jews in the oven. There is a world in which Jewish individuals are adults, responsible for their own actions, like anybody else, but it's not the world that Inga lives in.

Inga is like a sheep that is afraid of the moon because wolves like to howl at it.

MayBee বলেছেন...

George Soros pays for a lot on the left. He's been connected to Dem presidents and Dem candidates for a long time, and his pet causes are progressive. One of them is illegal immigration.

It is not anti-Semitic (although it might be untrue) to attach him to these caravans, or to any unpopular causes. Just like it isn't anti-Christian to imply the Koch brothers might have their hand in some GOP cause.

We see you guys. You see you trying to make it off limits to say bad things about Soros. I do not think it's going to work, so you might as well just mourn the innocent lives lost and fight against real anti-Semitism.

narciso বলেছেন...

they don't want any opposition, mark Lloyd who raved over Chavez's 'wonderful democratic revolution' and was the zampolit at the fcc, explained how extinguishing private media was the key to the former's survival, whose on the the board of mastercard, the figurehead for mark Lloyd, Julius genakowskis, whose wedding martha Raddatz was at, no conflict of interest,

it was a similar pretext that demanded scl/Cambridge analytica, be vaporized because neither Brexit nor trump is right thinking, who was counsel for facebook btw none other than Robert mueller,

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chuck: I don't think it is off limits to criticize the caravan. I think the caravan is deserving of highly critical analysis. But I also think it is silly and hysterical to deploy the U.S. military. And I also think it is stupid, for a President to announce that Middle Easterners and MS-13 have infiltrated the caravan and pose a danger to the U.S.

Which personal opinions about whatever have fuck-all to do with MayBee's point.

Unlike others here though, I don't think you're being disingenuous, or evasive, or that you're a moby or a lefty troll. I just think that you live inside so absurdly parochial and tightly sealed an ideological cube that the real import of current events simply cannot penetrate.

I'm genuinely astonished by how utterly off-the-mark your responses here are. You've really kicked it up a notch today. It's as if what you know about the issue being discussed here comes only from reading heavily-censored news in a foreign language that you don't understand very well.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Also an enterprise run by a Jewish person is not by definition a "Jewish organization." This is the kind of hate mongering rhetoric that Inga pretends to oppose.

But this caravan is a real political problem for the left. I personally think that it's spontaneous, like that bust out from lefty hell that took place in 1989 when massive numbers of people made a break to escape the lefty workers' paradise in Eastern Europe. The organizer of the caravan is the lack of a wall. It's the same thing that is causing the separations of children from mothers.

narciso বলেছেন...

first it was Scaife, then Adelson then Koch, briefly it was mercer, but renaissance technologies was properly 'socialized' now bannon committed a little harikiri, with woolf,

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I do not think it's going to work, so you might as well just mourn the innocent lives lost and fight against real anti-Semitism.

No. Inga has her bloody shirt and like some shaman from prehistory, she is going to wave it in an attempt to cow critics. She might not even understand that's what she's doing. She might be totally under the control of other people waving the bloody shirt at her. That's my theory, she seems too stoopid to be using these tactics herself, she's a victim of this style of rhetoric.

narciso বলেছেন...

just like the arab spring, arose out of the necessity of higher prices on basic staples, fanned a little by mannings first wave of leaks (that's when they loved assuange by the way,)
which resembled what happened when the soviets published the cables they uncovered at the uk mission in Moscow, they were fine when snowden disseminated methods and sources re nsa/gchq operations as well,

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

They are faced with two conflicting realities. Lack of a wall is creating multiple political problems for America, but they oppose a wall and need to win elections anyways. so that they can have control over the rest of us.

We all know that the Declaration of Independence is about creating a government that keeps deplorables under control. If even starts out "You the people!"

narciso বলেছেন...

the guardian, Spiegel, the post the times, all got Pulitzers, no problem there, now when they focused on a certain candidates imbroglios, Iceberg right ahead,

narciso বলেছেন...

the word is 'e pleb nista' that's the way the yangs, came to call it, Roddenberry's scenario, about if the Chinese conquered the us, centuries later,

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
It’s also crazy to think that the caravan is being sponsored by Jewish organizations and even if they were? So what? This is what the 11 people were killed over. The caravan and the conspiracy theories promulgated by right wing nuts. We’ve heard how Soros is supposedly paying these asylum seekers and we have heard it from Trump himself at a rally last week before the shooting.

The nutbag thinks Trump is a tool for the Jews.

He didn't vote for Trump and never supported Trump.

He agrees with Inga that moving the consulate in Israel was bad.

He agrees with Inga that the US should stop supporting Israel in their fight with barbarians surrounding them.

He agrees with the thousands of leftists in the BDS movement.

He agrees with the violent leftists on campuses virulently attacking jews.

In short he agrees with Inga far more than he agrees with Trump.

But "alt-right."

Inga has no arguments to make. Only hate.

The left is finished. They are at their core empty. Open borders, high taxes and crony trade are unpopular so they are running on hate 24/7.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chuck: I am ridiculing the alt-right.

"Ridiculing". That's quite the euphemism for "standing by and cheering while lefty mutaween enforce their private blasphemy laws against people I don't like".

"Muh Principled Conservatism" at its finest.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Chuck said...

I don't think it is off limits to criticize the caravan. I think the caravan is deserving of highly critical analysis. But I also think it is silly and hysterical to deploy the U.S. military. And I also think it is stupid, for a President to announce that Middle Easterners and MS-13 have infiltrated the caravan and pose a danger to the U.S.

That is because you do not have the same goals as republican voters.

Your goal is to pretend to be a republican while saying that the leftists are correct.

Nobody believes you. Nobody cares what you have to say.

Part of the price of building the new republican party and getting the working class and sizable minority fractions to join our party was to end the support for crony trade open borers neocon bullshit.

That means you and your traitor friends are out.

All 20 or 30 of you and the people who finance those fancy cuck cruises.

n.n বলেছেন...

they oppose a wall and need to win elections

PBS is advertising to build bridges, not walls. Apparently, they support the collateral damage forced by immigration reform, and the progress of anti-nativism, including a cover-up of the wicked solution: selective-child.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
We see nearly the level of nuttery here coming from rightists, as seen on Gab.

You people need to check yourselves.

Threats. We love threats.

If we don't bow down and let leftists sensor us Inga is going to have her friends in Antifa beat us up.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

He agrees with Inga that moving the consulate in Israel was bad.”

So when did I say it was bad? Go find it. I never expressed an opinion on it.

“He agrees with Inga that the US should stop supporting Israel in their fight with barbarians surrounding them.”

When and where have I said the US should stop supporting Israel? I have in laws who live in Israel, my husband was Jewish.

“He agrees with the thousands of leftists in the BDS movement.”

I’m not among those people, not have I ever been.

“He agrees with the violent leftists on campuses virulently attacking jews.”

Violent leftists on campuses are attacking Jews? Since when? Name incidents in which Jews were targeted.

“In short he agrees with Inga far more than he agrees with Trump.”

In short, Achilles is most likely one of the nutcases who comments on these alt right sites.

“But "alt-right."”

Keep defending them. It’s obvious what you are.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“You people need to check yourselves.”

“Threats. We love threats.”

You think this is a threat? This is not the way a normal mind works. If you saw a threat in my comment, you need to check yourself in to the nearest mental health facility before we hear that the next domestic terrorist commented on Althouse under the moniker of Achilles.

n.n বলেছেন...

the arab spring, arose out of the necessity of higher prices on basic staples

Obama's monetary inflation schemes aided its progress. The global social justice adventures were a constructed opportunity for special interests and a dead end for many of the people affected at both ends of the bridge.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Sure Inga.

You totally supported Trump when he moved the consulate. You totally supported Israel when your party was attacking them for killing kids in schools when Hamas was firing missiles out of those schools.

You and the left have been attacking Israel for decades. Obama was explicitly anti Israel and spent millions interfering in their elections.

No president has been more popular in Israel than Trump, and it would be a close thing between Obama and Carter as far as most hated.

We know who really hates jews in the US.

It is the left.

This guy has way more in common with Antifa than he does Trump supporters. He was violent, hateful, and anti-semitic.

There is a reason why Farrakan is still on twitter and facebook. He is a leftist. Leftists openly embrace antisemitism.

narciso বলেছেন...

apropos of nothing, I noticed something from the last time I read 'agents of influence' Ignatius roman a clef, about the Robert ames/Salameh association, the latter named ramlawi is relating a tale about meeting the old man, who was his mentor, who says he sees inspiration for the arab cause from Israel, for many years I thought he was referring to Arafat, but he was at most middle aged at the time of the telling, so I figured it was haj amin husseini, hitler's mullah, the fellow who stirred up trouble from central Europe to Iraq,

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...


Why would this never be you? Because you will take the chocolate?

You treat the law as the unmoved mover. Do not you know that the law is a tool, a machine to control? You would betray your own affirmed cause of Second Amendment rights, because you would wait to be told if it was illegal to oppress you, rather than fighting to see that the laws are interpreted to serve you, or that if they don't, that they are made to do so?


Is this stupid caravan, worth the deaths of eleven Jews? To you? To whom? How many more?

narciso বলেছেন...

yes, quantum easing and ethanol subsidies were a toxic brew, the point is it wasn't an organic movement like solidarnosc, or charter 77 or it's Hungarian counterpart, that young victor urban was a part of, and back then soros had not turned to the darkside, I think it happened sometime in the 90s. although his push for legalization of controlled substances suggests something else, it was around the time he cracked the british pound because he could,

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

You think this is a threat? This is not the way a normal mind works. If you saw a threat in my comment, you need to check yourself in to the nearest mental health facility before we hear that the next domestic terrorist commented on Althouse under the moniker of Achilles.

Given the open use of violence by your side and the hundreds of violent attacks yes.

But it is more than violence.

If you step out of line the left will ban your platform and try to destroy your business or get you fired. They will sponsor a boycott and drive you off of boards.

It is an extension of why putting a Trump sticker on your car gets it keyed.

You people have politicized everything and you are attacking people because of their political positions.

There are leftist howling mobs everywhere and infesting every HR department.

Facebook pages of businesses are being taken down right now because the Facebook disagrees politically with them. Twitter is banning people who disagree with them. Taking away Paypal services from Gab is a disgusting attempt to destroy a competitor and suppress political views.

You have nothing but hate.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
narciso বলেছেন...

that's really not the point, I'm reminded of the line from serenity, where Malcolm Reynolds, browncoat, analogue Quantrill raider, Malcolm Reynolds, tells the Operative, the enforcer for this Confucian infused dystopia 'I don't kill children,' which he replies "I do" that is the mindset of the totalitarian, I can't get into the mind of such a Nazgul, a demon, that has so little regard for life, that they would do this,

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“We know who really hates jews in the US.

It is the left.”

This idiot has no idea just how many Jewish people are liberal and Democrat. Do these people hate themselves?

Michael K বলেছেন...

a...Allie Oop said...
The Jewish people who were killed yesterday were killed because the shooter thought a Jewish refugee organization backed and paid for the caravan and that the Jewish organization and Jews in general were in favor of allowing midwestern and Latino terrorists into this country.

Well the afternoon DNC memo has gone out to the usual doofuses.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Michael K বলেছেন...

The crazy left invaded and rioted at a Marsh Blackburn rally today where Lindsay Graham was speaking.

Inga loves this shit.

You know what ? This is going to be a disaster for your side.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Well the afternoon DNC memo has gone out to the usual doofuses.”

Michael K gets his talking points from The Daily Stormer.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

The Jewish people who were killed yesterday were killed because the shooter thought a Jewish refugee organization backed and paid for the caravan and that the Jewish organization and Jews in general were in favor of allowing Mideastern and Latino terrorists into this country. This Jewish organization did help settle Muslim refugees in this country, something which people here are very much against.

People like Achilles, people like Drago, alt right idiots like the one ones committing the violence we saw this past week. You own it Achilles, you are it, you are in favor of the rhetoric the Florida bomber expressed.

People here would rebut your insane commentary, if they were not either not too cowardly, or they didn’t agree with you

narciso বলেছেন...

Lindsay is as milquetoast as they come, still entertaining sanctions on the kingdom, for what apparently was botched rendition op. that notion seems to have passed, now whereas the young impetuous monarch is on the right side of many question, the hamas and Islamic state coddling sultan, who has imprisoned and/or killed how many, does selfies with merkel and macron,

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

People here would rebut your insane commentary, if they were not either not too cowardly, or they didn’t agree with you

Inga, check yourself before you wreck yourself. What is the disagreement where I, a Jew and a conservative, should judge between your view and Achilles', and favor yours? Can you state that issue and the sides of it?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Inga is the afternoon entertainment. Don't you know that kings had jesters around to relieve the tension ?

Say #6, Inga.

narciso বলেছেন...

I wonder if he checked into either doha or Ankara before this:


narciso বলেছেন...

Seeing what life is like for gays as well as jews in paris, London, brussels, amsterdam does importing more unvetted refugees seems such a smart move, now mind you there were attacks in brussels, Toulon, of course the hyper cacher (that was the random victim incident for Obama)

narciso বলেছেন...

in part, that's why it's perils of merkel:


Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...


Is this stupid caravan, worth the deaths of eleven Jews? To you? To whom? How many more?”

WTF? “Worth it?” What is wrong with you?

Birkel বলেছেন...

Royal ass Inga has a relative for every occasion.
Wait here and she'lol be back with another bloody shirt.

Dave বলেছেন...

The best thing we can do to save Jewish lives is to reject the socialism that has killed millions of Jewish people. Authoritarian socialism of the kind practiced by Nazis, Soviets, Maoists, and American Democrats like Inga, needs to be destroyed.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

All paranoiacs who denounce supposed "liberal censorship" need be deplatformed and their dangerous ideas shut out of public discourse.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Well played, indeed, Char Char!

Sebastian বলেছেন...

The left has a problem with Bowers. It has no problem with a Palestinian nation of Bowerses. It gave aid and comfort to a regime eager to be Bowers^10.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Come on Inga. Tell us #6.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Bad Lieutenant said...

Why would this never be you? Because you will take the chocolate?

You treat the law as the unmoved mover. Do not you know that the law is a tool, a machine to control? You would betray your own affirmed cause of Second Amendment rights, because you would wait to be told if it was illegal to oppress you, rather than fighting to see that the laws are interpreted to serve you, or that if they don't, that they are made to do so?

I would need the modern English translation of this comment before I could ever hope to reply.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Is this stupid caravan, worth the deaths of eleven Jews? To you? To whom? How many more?”

WTF? “Worth it?” What is wrong with you?

10/28/18, 6:14 PM

If I understand you correctly: the goblin in Squirrel Hill shot up the synagogue, because Soros, or somebody, organized this caravan and is trying to ram it down America's throat, as a provocation, as a hostage crisis, a kill-us-or-let-us-in game of population chicken (or, because he believes that, however wrongly), and he sought out this congregation as the nearest agent of his pain.

In other words, the caravan "triggered" the killing.

Now, what do you SJW NPC types do when something's "triggering?" You want to shut it down. After all, lives, safety, well-being, self-esteem are in the balance!

You say Gab is triggering, kill it with fire. I say, the caravan is triggering. It should be stopped.

How many goblins do you think are out there? Say a hundred can be spared for this activity. Like a hundred Antifas or Anonymouses. The RW terrorists that you fear, instead of the left wing terrorists that you think are on your side. Organized in a secure cellular structure so they're hard to root out and if you get one you done get all.

Let's say that each one, in the Leftoid style, promises to go to the nearest gun-free zone, Jewish, liberal or whatever, and kill all they can, if those people cross the border. The President can stop 'em, or we'll make him wish he had.

To prove bona fides, they set off a real, lethal, efficient, effective pipe bomb somewhere, in a harmless place or otherwise, and leave an intact one to show they know how it's done, and are not morons. The kind of bomb you could make a dozen of, from grocery store ingredients, and carry in a rucksack, tossing into classrooms or offices as you go. Plus of course everyone would accept they had ample guns and ammo.

So you have a hundred guys, who might kill a hundred each if they tried hard.

And for every invader let in, they'll try to revenge on the general population, or on scapegoats of their choice. Maybe do razzias on minority communities, drive-bys in Compton or Brownsville or Macarthur Park. Maybe they'll hit San Diego, or maybe they'll cross the border and raid Tijuana. Maybe somebody will take after Soros seriously, or Bloomberg, or the Kochs, or whoever. DiBlasio, or Gavin Newsom. Whoever.

Now, is it so funny that these people are coming here?

Now, what if this had happened under O, or under HRC if God forbid she had got in? You can't just blame Trump and be happy and not care.

Sayoc was a moron. Bowers was on a one-way trip. Bothbwent undetected until Der Tag, even though they were sending up ample flares or "chatter" on social media.

O BTW, you want to shut off theirbsocial media, so there will be no chatter. As well as to opportunity to dialogue and be reasoned out of violence, to find a better way.

Are you liking any part of this so far?

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

I would need the modern English translation of this comment before I could ever hope to reply.

10/28/18, 7:17 PM

I can't speak Aspie. Can someone please put this in small words for the Michigan election lawyer? Hint, the "take the chocolate" is a Hannibal Lecter reference.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Inga lost a dear friend this week. Go easy on her.

He had a work accident.

TNT is tricky.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“We know who really hates jews in the US.

It is the left.”

This idiot has no idea just how many Jewish people are liberal and Democrat. Do these people hate themselves?

Democrats like Farrakan and spouting blatant hatred and antisemitism are gladly accepted in the party. The jews that live in the US know what team they are on.

Farrakan is a leader in the democrat party who is widely accepted and never denounced.

Jews who live in Israel surrounded by people that want to kill them not protected by people like me love Trump and vote for Netanyahu.

The circumstances are different.

Linda Sarsour is a leader in the democrat movement. She speaks at your rallies and represents who you really are.

You are defined by hate.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

"People like Achilles, people like Drago, alt right idiots like the one ones committing the violence we saw this past week. You own it Achilles, you are it, you are in favor of the rhetoric the Florida bomber expressed."

So Igna, you know Bowers wasn't the only person shooting at Jews this weekend. Friday night some "Palestinians" were shooting rockets into Israel from Gaza. How do the Jews in your family feel about that?

Achilles বলেছেন...

Bottom line is that if Mr. Bowers was Black or Muslim like Farrakan and Sarsour he would have been invited to speak at democrat events and be a hero to some political group.

But he is white.

So "alt-right."

Most importantly he is much closer to Inga's positions and rhetoric than he is to my positions and rhetoric.

He is far more like the average Bernie supporter than he is like a Trump supporter.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

I remember back in the nineties, and the aughts, when liberals complained that there was so little space for free speech because they couldn't hand out literature in shopping malls without getting kicked out. Now we have a cyberspace where anyone can say anything, and they want to shut it down.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
The Jewish people who were killed yesterday were killed because the shooter thought a Jewish refugee organization backed and paid for the caravan and that the Jewish organization and Jews in general were in favor of allowing Mideastern and Latino terrorists into this country. This Jewish organization did help settle Muslim refugees in this country, something which people here are very much against.

They were killed by a guy who thinks the same things your Palestinian allies think. They were killed by someone who is indistinguishable in their views of jews from mainstream democrats like Farrakan and Sarsour and Obama's best friends in Iran.

People like Achilles, people like Drago, alt right idiots like the one ones committing the violence we saw this past week. You own it Achilles, you are it, you are in favor of the rhetoric the Florida bomber expressed.

You are a piece of shit. You are a power hungry amoral soulless husk.

People here would rebut your insane commentary, if they were not either not too cowardly, or they didn’t agree with you

They agree with me in general. They have all caught on that you don't believe a single thing you say. You cheer on Palestinians trying to wipe out Israel and want more Muslims in our country so they can do it here.

You want to import a new electorate with open borders because the current electorate wont put you in power.

The only thing you care about is power over other people.

It is going to be fun watching you and your fellow hate filled shitheads cry on November 6th.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com বলেছেন...

Inga said,

He’s the guy who said Heather Heyer died from a heart attack.

Glad to hear you have read the coroner's/autopsy reports. You have read them, haven't you?

The coroner officially reported "cause of death" to be blunt trauma to the chest. But that doesn't cause death, does it? As a trained medical professional (or at least someone who plays one on the internet) you would know that the trauma would cause collapsed lung, embolism, damage to other organs or a heart attack. Absent some internal damage from the trauma, all that would happen is some pain and bruising. Not death.

I have no disagreement about the trauma. The question is what caused it. There doesn't seem to be anyone saying that Field's car actually struck her (You have read the indictments, haven't you?) so I see a couple of possibilities

1) She got knocked over or fell down in the rush to get out of Fields' way and hit her chest on something in falling.

2) She got stepped on after falling.

3) There are reports that she got CPR at the scene. CPR frequently causes bruising and even cracked ribs. This might be the cause of the trauma.

4) She had a heart attack and fell over, getting injured as in 1&2 above.

5) She fell over or was knocked down, was evaluated as having a heart attack and CPR given. The CPR caused a heart attack. While possible, this does not seem too likely.

Trial starts November 26, all will be revealed then. I would hope, anyway. Conspiracy theorist that I am, he may plead out and disappear without us ever knowing what really happened.

John Henry

wholelottasplainin বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“We know who really hates jews in the US.

It is the left.”

This idiot has no idea just how many Jewish people are liberal and Democrat. Do these people hate themselves?

Apparently some Israelis think so. Check this out:


Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

The coroner officially reported "cause of death" to be blunt trauma to the chest. But that doesn't cause death, does it?

There is some kind of syndrome where kids get hit with a baseball in the chest and their hearts stop. I think the coroner ought to make that clear if that was the case. I would ask how a low slung hot rod strikes a regular sized standing woman in the chest.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

And then there is Jeremy Corbyn, the head of the Labour Party in Britain, who has been raked over the coals for his toleration of and, perhaps, embrace of anti-semitism.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"You are a power hungry amoral soulless husk. "

Nah, she's just a stupid, addled old woman living in one of the reddest counties in Wisconsin who hates her neighbors and has a desperate need to feel superior to them. And she believes all the shit the liberal media shovels into her empty skull.

jg বলেছেন...

I would not want gab shut down if I were a jew.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

If sites begin to censor their users and ban users based on capricious rules (which is their right to do as private entities) then, they become publishers, not platforms, and are thus liable to be sued for their content.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Blogger Jonathan Graehl said...
I would not want gab shut down if I were a jew.

10/29/18, 12:54 AM

From Gab's splash page today :

Gab has spent the past 48 hours proudly working with the DOJ and FBI to bring justice to an alleged terrorist. Because of the data we provided, they now have plenty of evidence for their case. In the midst of this Gab has been no-platformed by essential internet infrastructure providers at every level. We are the most censored, smeared, and no-platformed startup in history, which means we are a threat to the media and to the Silicon Valley Oligarchy.

Gab isn’t going anywhere.

It doesn’t matter what you write. It doesn’t matter what the sophist talking heads say on TV. It doesn’t matter what verified nobodies say on Twitter. We have plenty of options, resources, and support. We will exercise every possible avenue to keep Gab online and defend free speech and individual liberty for all people.

You have all just made Gab a nationally recognized brand as the home of free speech online at a time when Silicon Valley is stifling political speech they disagree with to interfere in a US election.

The internet is not reality. TV is not reality. 80% of normal everyday people agree with Gab and support free expression and liberty. The online outrage mob and mainstream media spin machine are the minority opinion. People are waking up, so please keep pointing the finger at a social network instead of pointing the finger at the alleged shooter who holds sole responsibility for his actions.

No-platform us all you want. Ban us all you want. Smear us all you want.

You can’t stop an idea.

As we transition to a new hosting provider Gab will be inaccessible for a period of time. We are working around the clock to get Gab.com back online. Thank you and remember to speak freely.

Andrew Torba, CEO Gab.com

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

"hate sites"

Gab isn't a hate site. It's an open platform that may or may not include hate speech as a part of the speech that is present on the platform.

n.n বলেছেন...

Gab has spent the past 48 hours proudly working with the DOJ and FBI to bring justice to an alleged terrorist.

Good for them. Also, "alleged" is a nice touch. Let due process pass judgment and determine a proportional sentence. Despite too many labels affixed, and surviving the warlock trial, Gab is building a brand as a civil rights pioneer, and cooperating when there is a credible threat and actionable intelligence.