By and large, these women were not swayed by Ford’s testimony. Tamara Scott, the Republican national committeewoman for Iowa and the state director of Concerned Women for America, says she was even more skeptical of Ford’s claims after Thursday’s hearing. “I found her testimony to be inconsistent, from a woman who seemed to be confused at best,” Scott says. To her, Ford “overplayed her hand as the scattered and scared fragile female”: The professor’s “glasses were filthy and oversized, she looked scared and frazzled, [and] she refused to fix her hair caught in her glasses,” says Scott. “It was a purposeful disheveled look.”...
Laurie Lee, a Navy veteran who runs a political-consulting firm in Arkansas, has... been hearing over the last couple of weeks... that Democrats have “overplayed” these accusations. “It’s a disservice to women that have had horrific stories,” she says. She was open to believing Ford: “It doesn’t matter to me if it’s Bill Clinton or Brett Kavanaugh. We want to make sure that sexual predators are dealt with.” But like other women I interviewed, Lee believes the professor’s account is faulty, and that Democrats are using her for their own political ends. “This whole process, to me, comes across as something that has been crassly weaponized for political purposes,” says Kathleen Hunt, a political donor in Florida who spent 20 years in the CIA....”
October 3, 2018
"Conservative Women Are Angry About Kavanaugh—And They Think Other Voters Are, Too."
"Local- and state-level leaders across the country say they’re ready to lash out against Democrats in the midterm elections" — Emma Green in The Atlantic.
From their lips to God's ear.....
"Believe All Women" but only if they are leftists
Bring it! Democrats certanly never thought that Republicans would believe a woman bringing forth such an accusation against a powerful Republican Judge, candidate for the Supreme Court. Democrats know who they are dealing with now, since 2016.
Low information voters are the Democrats' only friend.
Democrats are going to pay for their complete lack of decency.
Well this will be a fun thread...
Wonder what wisdom the professor will impart from her feminist viewpoint. Are these “conservative women” sexist misogynistic deplorables?
There's a reason Feinstein sat on Ford's story, and it was not to spring it at the last minute.
Some of the women in the article seemed made up.
(I'm a little surprised Kathleen Parker's defense(s) of BK have not been cited yet.)
It's interesting to note the polls during and years after the Thomas hearings. Many more people thought Anita Hill was telling the truth years after confirmation.
I've said all along it is extremely difficult if not impossible to tell if what CBF is saying is true from those hearings, just that I have never been impressed with BK's intelligence, the little I have seen of him. I think the argument that showing too much anger invalidates him as a candidate is hogwash given his proven service on the DC appeals court.
“Democrats are going to pay for their complete lack of decency.”
Yeah just like all those Democrats that went to jail at the end of August...oh wait, none did.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Bring it! Democrats certanly never thought that Republicans would believe a woman bringing forth such an accusation against a powerful Republican Judge, candidate for the Supreme Court. Democrats know who they are dealing with now, since 2016.
Democrats love it when people commit undeniable perjury.
It’s a disservice to women that have had horrific stories
The basic soap opera instinct remains.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Democrats are going to pay for their complete lack of decency.”
Yeah just like all those Democrats that went to jail at the end of August...oh wait, none did.
Consider the indictments as fun saved for when they are needed. We can get to that right after we get Kavanaugh seated.
Right now you are destroying yourselves just fine.
How is that Russian Collusion story going for you anyhow?
The problem isn't lack of decency but overturning due process.
Be as indecent as you want but follow the rules.
“How is that Russian Collusion story going for you anyhow?”
The investigation is ongoing, how’s it going for you?
I wouldn't say CONSERVATIVE women are ANGRY over Kavanaugh.
I'd say normal women love their Dads, Brothers, Husbands, and Sons. And they don't want these nice honorable men to be falsely accused of 36-year old sexual assault claims by woke crazy cat women.
HT: I've said all along it is extremely difficult if not impossible to tell if what CBF is saying is true from those hearings, just that I have never been impressed with BK's intelligence, the little I have seen of him.
And what federal appellate court do you sit on?
How many decisions have you had cited by other courts and judges???
Would you care to analyze any of those decisions and critique them here?
Do you have a law degree?
I thought not.
Inga, inga, inga.
This is not about my “feelings” or about “believability” but about whether or not someone with a single, unsubstantiated allegation can take a man who has built a life and sterling reputation and destroy it, without a shred of evidence. The “believe her” crowd scares me to death. Crystal magnum, Lena Dunham and the rolling stone stooge demonstrate that clearly, women lie.
It is NOT progress to capitulate to a mob rule, show trial.
As a wife and mother of a son, if the banshees can railroad Kavanaugh, they can come for your son or husband on the flimsiest pretext. This is how corrupt totalitsrian regimes get rid of political enemies.
I’ve never felt so much rage.
A total blowout. The Dems are ruined.
The investigation is ongoing, how’s it going for you?
"Former top FBI lawyer James Baker gave “explosive” closed-door testimony on Wednesday detailing for congressional investigators how the Russia probe was handled in an “abnormal fashion” reflecting “political bias,” according to two Republican lawmakers present for the deposition."
It's going great. Thanks for asking!
Women know how women behave. I think women see through BS from women better than men do. Is that sexist?
If it is, so be it. To quote Lindsay Graham "I don't give a shit!"
“I'd say normal women love their Dads, Brothers, Husbands, and Sons. And they don't want these nice honorable men to be falsely accused of 36-year old sexual assault claims by woke crazy cat women.”
I’d say normal women love their daughters, mothers, sisters, as much as their sons, husbands and fathers. They don’t want their honorable daughters disbelieved out of hand by entrenched partisans.
“Women know how women behave. I think women see through BS from women better than men do. Is that sexist?
If it is, so be it.”
I’d say it’s nonsense.
Does not seem to reflect polling.
“I’ve never felt so much rage.”
Don’t hurt yourself.
Meanwhile, Inga's fellow Democrats 1) Got arrested for doxxing Senators Graham, Hatch, and Mike Lee; and 2) got arrested for sending ricin attacks to President Trump, the Pentagon, and Senator Cruz.
Inga, of course, is lamenting... that they didn't succeed. After all, if two Republican Senators get murdered, then Kavanaugh will not be confirmed! Totally, totally worth it, right Inga? The left in this country has made it crystal clear they consider murdering their political opponents to be not only a viable strategy but a preferred one.
They don’t want their honorable daughters disbelieved out of hand by entrenched partisans.
Only the left argues one side should be believed based on their genitals rather than the facts. As usual Inga has to lie because the truth doesn't support her absurd positions.
Jack Wayne said...
Some of the women in the article seemed made up.
I'm an agnostic on this. I like it when a woman puts on some makeup for a nice night out, but it's not a requirement.
(sorry, I think its funny. Some around here get to be real scolds and need to lighten up)
This will be an historic own goal by Democrats,
If they had been honest and just voted no, but no libel, they might well have taken the House.
I don't think the Senate was really in play.
Now, I think this could be a slaughter and nobody deserves it more.
1994, here we come.
To her, Ford “overplayed her hand as the scattered and scared fragile female”: The professor’s “glasses were filthy and oversized, she looked scared and frazzled, [and] she refused to fix her hair caught in her glasses,” says Scott. “It was a purposeful disheveled look.”...
Ah, I'm not the only one. to me, her testimony felt...manipulative. The little girl voice and mannerisms, fake crying - I couldn't believe so many were taken in by something that obvious.
But I struggled with her story before. Having had my own near rape in high school, I find it hard to understand how she's lost so much of the key details of her story. As someone who's stood in those shoes, it didn't feel right to me. I remember almost everything about that night and about that attack.
HT says ", just that I have never been impressed with BK's intelligence, the little I have seen of hm."
You should be so lucky to be so dumb.
You look ridiculous making your statement.
About time! I find it easy to believe that the hard-drinking, boy-chasing party girl from Holton-Arms School got in over her head while drunk at an unsupervised party, but no one but her thinks the boy was Brett Kavanaugh, her own friends least of all.
It's nothing about Ford's testimony, just that the probabilities hugely favor Kavanaugh. To turn that you need really good evidence. Bayes theorem.
I’d say normal women love their daughters, mothers, sisters, as much as their sons, husbands and fathers. They don’t want their honorable daughters disbelieved out of hand by entrenched partisans
Pure bullshit.
Blasey Ford can’t remember when, where, who else was there, how she got to or from the party or even what year it happened.
If you gave two shits about women being believed you would call this obvious lie out.
But you don’t care and it is obvious to everyone what you disgusting poeces of shit are up to.
Apparently female Democratic legislators (not to mention two-time presidential losers) can only identify with women who dress either as characters out of a dystopian novel or as genitalia.
They no longer have a clue as to how normal, honest women who care for and love the men in their lives regard such circuses as their party has pushed upon us the last several weeks. And they clearly underestimate how skilled such women are at cutting through or seeing through the BS.
Really really good men can get away on probabilities alone with raping women, but on the other hand they don't tend to be the ones raping women. A nonproblem. Bayes works.
readering said...
Does not seem to reflect polling.
Good joke!
And they clearly underestimate how skilled such women are at cutting through or seeing through the BS.
Women stick with soap opera. It's just a matter of which soap opera.
Guys just work the odds, with no account necessary for what Ford's up to. It doesn't matter what she's up to.
Inga...Allie Oop said...The investigation is ongoing, how’s it going for you?
Not much can stop it as arranged.
All the claims of women loving their sons and husbands and damaging the credibility of real rape victims are plays to women. Fighting one soap opera with another soap opera.
Odds are plays to men. Nobody's playing to men.
Sounds like the vote will go through. Then there will be all kinds of reporting about deficiencies in the FBI investigation.
The reason you want odds is that you want the truth. Which soap opera covers it is immaterial.
So has Leland Keyser gone into non-witness protection program?
Trick for women trying to reason: replace "rape" with "mugging" and reason about that.
That cuts out most of the soap opera temptation. At least I think it does.
I await the pics of Doc Ford skydiving.
.(adding to the above)... In fact, I laughed out loud when she said, "It's seared into my mind"
But she doesn't remember where it happened, or when it happened, how she came to be there, or how she got home. Seriously? My initial theory was that something happened to her, but it wasn't as bad as she was saying. She decided it was something more than it was later, but by then, the details of the night had faded.
However, over time, I've some to believe she was more calculating that that - No one else, even her BFF, remembers the 'party', her fake demeanor at the hearing, combined with the timeline disconnect between the story she's telling now, and the story we heard was in the famous 'therapist's notes'. Plus there is the lie about fear of flying - quite a manipulative lie, I might add. And now the double front door story is in question.
Whatever did nor did not happen to her, I think its unlikely that Kavanaugh tried to rape her in an upstairs bedroom in the Summer of 1982. And I think what has been done to this man is a travesty. And I do think it was politically motivated, maybe not by Ford, but it was definitely political. Ford may have just been a tool - perhaps a willing tool.
I also await a video or audio of her speaking on prior to all this.
There's a reason Feinstein sat on Ford's story
Ford needed time to lose weight and wattle.
It was a case of her having false memories. She's not confused. There is no PTSD. Nope, this was a planned hit. Assisted by the Democrats and their minions. All involved need to pay.
What's fun about Althouse is that she remains a woman but with logical training, and gets into tangled force messes where a guy would not.
Logic winds up trying to work in service of the woman's point of view.
That's my sense of humor.
Logic goes into a lashing-out mode when it supports a woman.
“They no longer have a clue as to how normal, honest women who care for and love the men in their lives regard such circuses as their party has pushed upon us the last several weeks. And they clearly underestimate how skilled such women are at cutting through or seeing through the BS.”
More nonsense. You seriously think liberal women don’t get married, love their husbands and sons every bit as much as conservative women? This is something you are imagining because it fits with your narrative.
@LilyBart, and you are far from the only woman who has been through a horrific experience and finds that Ford’s haziness with the details does not ring true. I can readily understand why young Christine Blasey wouldn’t report the incident at the time — admitting to her parents that she was off to a house party with no parents home might have gotten her grounded for days of weeks. And tattling, considering that her clothes weren’t even torn and she wasn’t raped, would have dried up the party invitations and destroyed her popularity at school. So we can stipulate that she had reasons, bad ones but understandable for a teenaged girl aspiring to popularity not to report the incident at the time. But! I have not heard of any woman who was genuinely attacked and who is hazy on the details. Even the unfortunate women zapped with date rape drugs remember more about the where and the when than Christine Ford about her allegedly life altering incident.
Inga, you clearly believe in Ford’s accusation. Would you mind sharing why you believe her?
"I also await a video or audio of her speaking on prior to all this."
It's truly amazing that something along those lines hasn't seen the light of day.
Just consider how manipulative that 'fear of flying' lie was. She couldn't just say she was uncomfortable flying (an easily debunked claim, btw), no, she had to assign her fear to the 'attack'. Don't tell me she didn't know her lawyers were saying this - of course she did.
Ford may have just been a tool - perhaps a willing tool.
As I surmised from the beginning, she is a co-conspirator.
Phony from the getgo.
Then there will be all kinds of reporting about deficiencies in the FBI investigation.
Every week there is reporting about Big Foot and alien visitations.
Democrat party women don't love men. They resent men. They envy men. A significant subset of Democrat party women openly hate men. Democrat party is built on groups that hate: Republicans, America, capitalism, white people, men, and more.
Note the outrage:
More nonsense. You seriously think liberal women don’t get married, love their husbands and sons every bit as much as conservative women? This is something you are imagining because it fits with your narrative.
Then note it's in response to a comment almost exactly the same as what she asserted of others:
I’d say normal women love their daughters, mothers, sisters, as much as their sons, husbands and fathers. They don’t want their honorable daughters disbelieved out of hand by entrenched partisans.
Left wingers don't apply standards to themselves.
If she really had an on-line scrubbing only a Google type entity could accomplish, does that make the FBI investigation.
I think it should.
I can see deleting my on-line accounts to avoid the potential backlash. But, if true, the type of erasure described? Nope that's premeditated hiding of evidence. C'mon FBI, show us your cyber security chops.
Today's leftists want you to know two things: If the target is a Republican, then everyone should believe 35 year old evidence free unsubstantiated accusations of sexual assault, because Republican Judges always seem to only assault Democrat partisan women. But if the target is a Democrat, like Keith Ellison, then unless actual videotape emerges taken during the assault, the official Democrat party position is "It didn't happen."
So: Democrat men, rape all you want--as long as there's not a video, you're good. Right Inga?
As someone who's stood in those shoes, it didn't feel right to me. I remember almost everything about that night and about that attack.
Part of the problem is that even what she described seems rather far from an "attempted rape." So if she didn't make it up out of whole cloth (leaving aside the identity of who was involved), it probably was not that big of a deal until she decided to make it something bigger 36 years later.
You seriously think liberal women don’t get married, love their husbands and sons every bit as much as conservative women?
Based on the liberal and conservative women I have known in my life, I have to answer this question on the negative.
Rhhardin rightly cites Bayes's Theorem. I would be surprised if Ann could state it.
“Inga, you clearly believe in Ford’s accusation. Would you mind sharing why you believe her?”
Before her testimony I was unsure. After her testimony and Kavanugh’s testimony, I believed her. Kavanugh behaved as if he got caught and was enraged and he looked like he felt entitled to sit on the Supreme Court because he was a good boy( ha). He lied about the meanings of boof, devils triangle and the meaning of Renate alumnius, why? His over the top anger and self pitying tears were very very odd. Ford’s demeanor, while appearing frightened, seemed more credible. She had the names of the people who were at the house correct. What reason would she have to lie, unless you believe in some grand Democratic conspiracy.
“Based on the liberal and conservative women I have known in my life, I have to answer this question on the negative.”
Then you don’t know many liberal women.
"This will be an historic own goal by Democrats,"
Yes it will. Wait until the Russian hoax details emerge -- it's hard to capture how awful this election will be for the democrat party.
Sounds like my wife. She has been appalled by the Democrats on the SJC ("These are about the dumbest people I have ever seen. How did they ever get elected to anything?"). She's mad as hell. And she used to not care that much about politics. I think that has permanently changed.
"She had the names of the people who were at the house correct."
Kobe Bryant hired a white woman to represent him when he was charged with rape.
She had the names of the people who were at the house correct.
Every person Ford named denied being there, Inga naturally concludes it's been proven Ford named them correctly. Once you throw out the ability to think you can believe pretty much anything.
Did I ever mention that I once woke up in a D.C. hotel, in an obviously drugged state?
No? Well let me tell you what a horrifying experience it was! Scarred for life, I am!
Here I was, being screwed at both ends rotissery-style by Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, both wearing strap-ons, while Ruth Bader Ginsburg stood over me and peed all over me!
As the victim, you are obligated to believe me. No investigation is necessary! Nay, any investigation would just force me to relive the whole deranged experience all over again. Have you no heart, no compassion? Let the impeachment hearings for all three begin (followed by three Trump appointments to replace them, but we'll keep that on the down-low)!
Did I mention that Titus was there? I'm sure he'll deny it, but he sat there and watched the whole thing!
they wont forget this smear-job.
Indelibly etched upon their hippocampi
Kavanaugh hasn’t been accused of being a serial offender like Kennedy, Clinton, Cosby, Weinstein, etc.
He’s a lot easier to defend
Kavanaugh also lied about the amount he drank and probably lied about having blackouts. His roommates and friends have said he was a huge drinker.
Also, be aware, if Kavanaugh gets pushed through, despite everything, the Senate as well as the House will be won by Democrats.
I work in a very liberal field, and none of the women I work with have said squat about this. If this is such a Dem winning point, they're awful quiet. It might be me, everyone knows I'm on the right, but they never worried about needling that kind of stuff before, and to be fair, it's a back and forth. This however, has kept them unusually quiet. I'm Judge K's contemporary, graduated HS in 1983, college in 87, not Yale but solid Div III place, also in a fraternity. Been in a bar fight, got college probation for presenting a rifle at college security officers (long story), was cited by the National Park Service for public theft (later I was hired by the NPS as a park ranger), etc. If you lived then, I think this is your reality - life wasn't online and you could screw up and recover. I can't and won't deny anything, and I don't think the Judge did either. It's sad that kids can't be kids anymore.
What reason would she have to lie, unless you believe in some grand Democratic conspiracy.
Oh please, Anita Hill made her career off her claim about Clarence Thomas. If Ford was able to take down Kavanaugh she would be folk hero to the left. What reason did Sabrina Erdely have to lie? Or Crystal Mangum? Or Susan Shannon?
”Kavanugh behaved as if he got caught and was enraged and he looked like he felt entitled to sit on the Supreme Court because he was a good boy( ha). He lied about the meanings of boof, devils triangle and the meaning of Renate alumnius, why? His over the top anger and self pitying tears were very very odd. Ford’s demeanor, while appearing frightened, seemed more credible.”
Not a thing in there about evidence.
”She had the names of the people who were at the house correct.”
That is news to me. To what are you referring?
“What reason would she have to lie,”
Obviously, to keep Kavanaugh off the Court.
Kavanaugh hasn’t been accused of being a serial offender like Kennedy, Clinton, Cosby, Weinstein, etc.
He’s a lot easier to defend
OM, none of us has EVIDENCE.
650 law professors do not want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Are every last one of them wrong?
”OM, none of us has EVIDENCE.”
Right. I don’t have the EVIDENCE. You don’t have the EVIDENCE. Ford has the evidence (if there is any) and she needs to provide it.
"I believed her. "
Why? She cannot give a date or location for what happened. She has offered up at least 7 different approximate times it could have happened, which cover almost the entire decade of the 1980s. The people she identified as being there have all denied, under oath, that it ever occurred. She lied about not being able to fly. She may have lied regarding the polygraph. And she definitely lied about the addition of a second door in 2012. The permit for the addition of the second door was issued in 2008 and the work was completed by 2010. It was so they could rent out a portion of their house to others. It had nothing to do with her fear or with going to the therapist. She didn't tell anyone at the time and did not file a complaint with law enforcement. No DA would ever pursue this case.
"What reason would she have to lie, unless you believe in some grand Democratic conspiracy."
Because it is a grand Democratic conspiracy to anyone who has a brain. Only the true believers like you buy into their bullshit. What is she getting? How about getting paid about $1M for her trouble by laundering contributions through GoFundMe. Her social media was professionally scrubbed to hide her pussy-hat Trump hate. Her lawyers may be sanctioned. This was a setup hit job from the get-go, to be put into effect when the hearings didn't turn up anything. I could go on but I have wasted too much time on you already.
As I said OM, NONE of us have evidence and we ALL are going with our instincts and partisan bias, some of us more than others.
When the evidence, if the FBI found any, is released then we can speak about evidence.
I am incapable of understanding the female perspective on sexual assault and rape. I do not understand why females are not incandescently outraged at the actions of Blasey Ford.
Dr. Ford is a moral coward and rape enabler. By her own testimony, she believed that she was in imminent danger of sexual assault and that her life was in danger. Once free, she ran out of the house to leave her female friend alone with males she believed to be rapists and potential killers.
If a male left a party where he thought a rape was likely to occur and never notified the authorities, then he would be forever stained as a pariah.
Why then is a female not reviled for the same behavior? Surely a female is more in tune with the ramifications of a rape.
My eldest daughter was severely physically assaulted by a (then) boyfriend. Her immediate resolve was to work with all of the local authorities available to make sure he never did it to her or any other women for a long time. Her anxiety dropped an order of magnitude after his sorry ass was in jail.
I hopefully will never be confronted with the emotional devastation of surviving a rape. However, every time I was bullied as a youth, it gave me greater resolve to protect others from bullying.
Feel free to bash my "male" perspective all you want. However, if Blasey Ford's account is true, then I cannot fathom how once she was safe, she did not immediately rush to the police to protect a female friend from the same depredations she had just escaped.
Ford provided what she had in her memory. It’s unreasonable for anyone to expect her to provide the exact date.
I work with numerous women everyday and they strike me as strong and self-assured people.
That's why I think if I were a woman, I'd get pretty damn tired of politicians and the media constantly telling me I'm a victim.
Liberals keep saying that Kavanaugh acted like he was entitled to a seat on the Court. That's not at all how it appeared to me. It appeared to me like he was outraged that false accusations of sexual assault and even gang rape were being hauled out at the last minute when the Democrats' attempted "good old-fashioned Borking" looked like it wasn't going to work. The anger was entirely justified. As for his tears, I didn't see them as self-pitying (for example, the tears upon telling the story of his daughter suggesting that she and her mother pray for Ford can hardly be described as self-pitying).
As for the meaning of "Devil's Triangle," if he fibbed it surely wasn't a material falsehood, as the meanings of words in high school yearbooks have no bearing on a person's fitness for the Supreme Court after decades of exemplary public service. The questions on the yearbook were just more of the Democrats' search and destroy tactics.
Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...OM, none of us has EVIDENCE. Sheesh.
That's where that pesky/passe innocent until proven guilty sentiment comes into play.
Inga …
yes, they are either wrong or misguided. They have no Advice and Consent obligation. Neither do you or I. We can vote for Senators to utilize their Constitutional role. I think the popular vote for Senators is ridiculous and wrong, and the Founders correct in their decision therein. But, my opinion there is just as important as these Law professors. Makes no difference.
Inga, why do you believe her names of those present when those persons have denied being at the party as she described it?
“That's why I think if I were a woman, I'd get pretty damn tired of politicians and the media constantly telling me I'm a victim.”
That’s nonsense too, males seem to have a growing victim mentality more than women nowadays.
We do have evidence in this matter --
"In the law, testimony is a form of evidence that is obtained from a witness who makes a solemn statement or declaration of fact. Testimony may be oral or written, and it is usually made by oath or affirmation under penalty of perjury."
I think it of import that Kavanaugh met with Feinstein while she sat on the Ford accusation. How do you think that exchange went? Honest? Truthful?
Think the subsequent unfolding would make you upset?
I believed her. Kavanugh behaved as if he got caught and was enraged and he looked like he felt entitled to sit on the Supreme Court because he was a good boy( ha). He lied about the meanings of boof, devils triangle and the meaning of Renate alumnius, why? His over the top anger and self pitying tears were very very odd. Ford’s demeanor, while appearing frightened, seemed more credible. She had the names of the people who were at the house correct. What reason would she have to lie, unless you believe in some grand Democratic conspiracy.
My husband noticed in his testimony, he said, "I have been ruined".
He will never, no matter what happens, get out from under this mud that has been slung on him. He will never have his life back. His wife and his kids will carry this shame too. Those little girls - when ever they go to school, join a dance group or soccer team, apply to college, apply for a job, meet their boyfriends' parents - THIS will be what the people around them will be thinking about.
He knows all this. And in the face of this, I think he showed incredible restraint - more restrain that most people would have shown. I think his restrain was admirable. . I hope none of you, in your lives, you never have something happen to you that you could say, "now I know how Kavanaugh must have felt".
They didn’t all deny, IIRC they said they had no memory. The female said she believed Ford, but had no memory. That was a long time ago and why would they remember if they weren’t the ones who were assaulted?
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Ford provided what she had in her memory. It’s unreasonable for anyone to expect her to provide the exact date.
Nobody expects an exact date. It seems every argument Inga comes up with is an effort to misstate reality. Originally Ford said she was in her late teens in the mid eighties. This is not an exact date. Then she switched to 1982 when she was 15.
Apparently Ford couldn't remember whether she was a freshman or a senior.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
As I said OM, NONE of us have evidence
But we do. Sworn statements are publicly available yet the drum circle crowd believes they can redefine words in the real world like they do on campus.
Inga...Allie Oop said...", males seem to have a growing victim mentality more than women nowadays."
Referring to the #menmetoo movement?
”She had the names of the people who were at the house correct.”
OMG, Inga has been punking us this whole time. Lolz, Inga, you had us going there!
“Referring to the #menmetoo movement?”
Inga...Allie Oop said...
They didn’t all deny, IIRC they said they had no memory.
Inga is now admitting those named said they had no memory which to her proves Ford correctly named them.
This is the sort of thing you have to believe to be a leftist.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Ford’s demeanor, while appearing frightened, seemed more credible. She had the names of the people who were at the house correct.
Every single person she named called her liar.
What reason would she have to lie, unless you believe in some grand Democratic conspiracy.
You are stupid.
But you aren't that stupid.
We see right through you.
Kavanaugh also lied about the amount he drank and probably lied about having blackouts. His roommates and friends have said he was a huge drinker.
Facts not in evidence.
FBI background checks contact all the people the subject comes into contact with. Neighbors work associates,College roommates, gym mates, pickup basketball game get the idea. What you have to believe, is the FBI wasn't intuitive enough to pick up on Kavanaughs drinking.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
They didn’t all deny, IIRC they said they had no memory. The female said she believed Ford, but had no memory. That was a long time ago and why would they remember if they weren’t the ones who were assaulted?
And then Ford left the party and her friends to be raped.
She just doesn't remember how or with who.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Referring to the #menmetoo movement?”
Potent dodge! Rock on!
“Every single person she named called her liar.”
That is a lie and if you weren’t so stupid you’d know that.
"That’s nonsense too, males seem to have a growing victim mentality more than women nowadays."
Ok, sure. But I don't see many politicians or media constantly reminding men about their victimhood. In fact, the protesters and idiot talking heads (i.e. Hirono) seem to think men should shut up.
That's the part I think is patronizing and that's the part I think is set to backfire in the face of the politicians doing it.
As a husband and father teenaged girls I can assure you that they're not victims and don't like being patronized by being told they are.
Insanity = trying to reason with Inga who is usually incapable and always unwilling.
To me, Inga embodies the typical democrat - Ignorant and led by her emotions.
"It’s unreasonable for anyone to expect her to provide the exact date."
No need for an exact location either. Somewhere in Maryland in the eighties -- close enough!
There are a hell of a lot more "conservative women" than the press would like to imagine. Ordinary women with no political ax to grind have sons and brothers and husbands who they can picture as victims of nutcases popping up. More importantly they have daughters they have taught to report instances of abuse. They have taught them to be strong and that their victimhood has a half life.
The Kavanaugh had blackouts is a lefty meme, recently invented.
Ordinary decent women also know that when their daughters have had trouble the one beer notion is bullshit.
“As a husband and father teenaged girls I can assure you that they're not victims and don't like being patronized by being told they are.”
As a mother of three grown daughters I’m happy to say they were never victims either. No one told them they were victims, if they weren’t. They would be considered “victims” if they were assaulted. It’s an apt term if the situation warranted it. Get a dictionary.
More reason to be angry at the Democrats. Remember how they larded up the post-hearing written questions for Kavanaugh to something like 1200 questions, more than all previous nominees combined? I bet they did that so Grassley would not schedule a committee vote for a while, which is what happened. This allowed Feinstein's Operation Crazy Lady to begin and metastisize enough to cause a delay in the committee's vote. This suggests that all the Democrats on the Committee were in on the operation.
“To me, Inga embodies the typical democrat - Ignorant and led by her emotions.”
To me, you sound like a partisan, led by her partisanship.
Ha, I love how men here are defining what an “ordinary normal woman” feels toward her own sons and daughters. If you would present yourselves as normal ordinary people instead of entrenched partisans you’d be more credible.
Then you don’t know many liberal women.
I know way more than I wish I did.
If you would present yourselves as normal ordinary people instead of entrenched partisans you’d be more credible.
Inga can't understand the people who cite evidence for their positions are credible while those like her whose beliefs are based on party loyalty are the partisans.
Could not remember who invited her
Could not remember how she got there
Could not remember how she got home
Could not remember whether she took the lie detector on the day of her grandmother's funeral (that one got a gasp)
Changes the number of people present
But remembers she had one beer
Thirty six years ago and she remembers one beer
Forget the memory lapses about the willingness of the committee to visit her in California
Forget the timing of the placement of the door and neglect to mention that the house has tenants who use the new door
Forget the fear of flying lie
Forget that she knew how to contact her congresswoman but did not know how to contact Feinstein
It is no wonder the Democrat members of the committee have more or less tossed her under the bus
But she will get a book deal and a better gig at a real university. And speaking fees. Because there will be a legion of Ingas who will pay to see the Joan of Arc who almost saved RvW
Inga claims to be an ordinary credible woman? The same Inga that took an entire year to decide that shooting Republicans in cold blood was not a good thing? The same Inga who claims Christians are plotting to put women in chains but we need to import millions of Muslim men? The same Inga who vehemently defends Ted Kennedy as a "Lion of the Senate?"
The same Inga who swears up and down you should never, ever believe a man who has been accused of sexual harassment or abuse, unless that man is a Democrat; in which case it's the woman who should never ever be believed.
>>650 law professors do not want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Are every last one of them wrong?
70 million Americans voted against Hillary. Are every last one of them wrong?
Vance, do you hear voices? Ask Francisco D, he can help you out with that.
Inga, 60 million Germans said Jews were not human and should be killed, exterminated. Could 60 million Germans be wrong? Clearly, you must agree with a crowd that big!
Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Every single person she named called her liar.”
That is a lie and if you weren’t so stupid you’d know that.
Really? What part of “I do not remember a party like that ever happening“ do you not understand?
Not a single one of the people Ford naked in her third version of the attack supported her.
The multiple versions of the story is also a tell.
The half a dozen counts of perjury Ford committed in the hearing just underline she is a liar. Hopefully they land the lying piece of shit in jail.
I'm Kavanaugh's age. Until 3 days ago if you asked me what boof meant, I would have said a fart. If you asked me in the 80s what the devil's triangle was, I'd say it was the Bermuda Triangle. If you are looking for a specific outcome you can twist things all you want to support your preferred outcome.
“70 million Americans voted against Hillary. Are every last one of them wrong?”
I’m one of those 70 million.
Most of us are married to ordinary decent women who are not sjw harridans willing to believe every bullshit story. Tawana Brawley ruined the life of a man, the Duke Lacrosse players were slandered, the fraternity boys at UVA were slandered. And in each and every one of those cases ordinary decent women saw bullshit at the outset. The stories were too too in line with the then current narratives. There are legions of stories of college men whose lives have been altered by women deciding that they would take their revenge, would step into the heroine victim mode. Ordinary decent women are on to this. And they are pissed.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
650 law professors do not want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Are every last one of them wrong?"
Here's a homework assignment for you. Which if any of those 650 law professors are registered Republicans?
All I know is 50 million Elvis fans can't be wrong.
I'm hearing voices, Inga? Do tell. You certainly took a year--well, 11 months-- to decide that Hodgkinson killing Republicans was bad. You have repeatedly claimed that keeping Muslims out of the US is bigotry, hatred, racism.... no matter how many want to come. And you have spewed hysterics about evil Republican Christians trying to stop LGBT, Roe v. Wade, and wanting to put women barefoot and pregnant.
And in this thread, and others, you have vehemently attacked anyone who says Ford has no evidence and likely is lying. You have accused us of not believing women, saying "what about your own wives and daughters!" I.E. you think all women should be believed about sexual abuse claims.
On the other hand, you haven't said a word about Ellison, about Menendez, about Laurer and all the rest of the Democrat men who rape and abuse women. The Democrat party of Minnesota announced that unless there was actual video evidence taken during the abuse of women by Ellision, he is innocent. This despite the medical and hospital evidence produced. You've not said a word--surely you agree with the Minnesota Democrat party on the amount of evidence required to even think about Ellison beating and abusing women. Democrat men get to abuse and rape women, and you don't care. It's obvious you don't care. You tried to protect Franken. Bill Clinton is one of your heroes. Oh, sure, when pushed very hard you'll say something weak and anodyne like "I don't support beating women" when referring to one of the many, many Democrat abusers of women. But it's nothing like your full fledged attacks on Kavanaugh and Moore (notice, btw, that all of Moore's accusers vanished instantly, job done?).If Ted Kennedy ran for office today, we all know you would pull the lever for him and smile while doing so--despite Mary Jo Kopechne.
Democrats know who they are dealing with now, since 2016.
Yes. Republicans want more substance than just "Vote for me because I'm a woman." I guess when your bench is so shallow you have to nominate a congenital liar and crook (But she's a woman!) that may be difficult to see.
Democrats just got done mailing ricin to Republicans after one of Waters staffers doxxed 3 committee republicans.
Disgusting people.
Sure enough, another Farrow-Mayer investigative article up on the New Yorker Web site.
“Ordinary decent women are on to this. And they are pissed.”
Once again Michael is pushing the notion that a woman must agree with his ideas to be “decent and ordinary”. LOL. Michael quit trying so hard to emulate an old time Patriarch. This is 2018 and you don’t get to tell women what they are to feel and think.
Simplistic nonsense.
What these Feminist Communists in their ginned up faux outrage yada, yada, yada forget to consider is that there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of men who see Ford and the other accusers as their evil, nasty, lying ex-wives and girlfriends. The ones who filed false police reports against them. Or filed fake abuse and or fake child abuse allegations in their divorce proceedings. Or had kids with some other guy and claimed them to be the father and were awarded child support. The guys can also get motivated to vote as well.
Funny though because teenage Kavanaugh the jock bully does not sound much worse than the folks here ganging up on Inga. Much older, although no doubt less educated or churchgoing.
Shorter Inga (in response to pretty much anything when the facts aren't going her way): "The investigation is ongoing." Lulz.
“Frustrated potential witnesses who have been unable to speak with the F.B.I agents conducting the investigation into sexual-assault allegations against Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, have been resorting to sending statements, unsolicited, to the Bureau and to senators, in hopes that they would be seen before the inquiry concluded.”
Thanks for the heads up readering.
The idea that a slang term can only have one meaning is demonstrably false. From watching Beavis & Butthead, I know that 'cornhole' is quite a filthy bit of slang, but here in the Shenandoah Valley 'cornhole' is a G-rated game closely related to beanbag. A cornhole bag is just a loose cloth bag partly filled with a handful or two of (I assume) dried corn kernels. Contestants toss the bags at a hole in a board, usually painted like a clown with his mouth open or something like that. In other words, beanbag, but with corn instead of beans. You can see signs in small towns advertising 'cornhole bags' and 'cornhole boards' for sale, and rural grade schools and middle schools will advertise 'cornhole contests' as if they are entirely unaware of any filthy meaning of the word. Any adults who know the Beavis & Butthead meaning are careful not to mention it to the children. Could 'boof' and 'Devil's Triangle' be two other words with both filthy and non-filthy meanings? It seems more than likely. If so, the supposed proof that Kavanaugh is lying is yet another leftie lie.
“This is a bombshell that unequivocally shows the real collusion was between the FBI and Donald Trump’s opposition — the DNC, Hillary and a Trump-hating British intel officer — to hijack the election, rather than some conspiracy between Putin and Trump,” a knowledgeable source told me.
Baker was interviewed by lawmakers behind closed doors on Wednesday. Sources declined to divulge his testimony, other than to say it confirmed other evidence about the contact between the Perkins Coie law firm and the FBI.
The sources also said Baker’s interview broke new ground both about the FBI’s use of news media in 2016 and 2017 to further the Trump case and about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s conversations in spring 2017 regarding possible use of a body wire to record Trump.
“The interview was one of the most productive we had and it opened up many new investigative leads,” one source said.
Meh, readering, I’ve tangled with them before. Althouse probably got worse from her own conservative commenters after she made that fateful post about Ford being more believable, early on in this circus.
Sheila Jackson Lee, I thought.
Anyone else notice that Inga completely ignores the idea that women don't want their husbands/sons/fathers/brothers destroyed by bitter lying vengeful bitches? She cannot even conceive of the idea that a woman might be upset at that! She simply cannot consider that most women were not the queen bee bitches in high school, and in fact resented them. Who hated the high school cheerleaders? Other women, not the men. Who resented the lying skanks from high school? The girls who saw their brother get hurt by one, or had their own reputation attacked by gossiping, lying freaks who were the "elites."
Now they see Ford doing exactly that. Inga thinks all women automatically support Ford? No way. Why would most women believe the same kind of girl/accusations that they hated in high school and college?
Conservative women subscribe to Constitutional principles. They do not acknowledge the Twilight Amendment, including warlock hunts carried out under its quasi-legal authority.
Somebody wrote it earlier today, so I don't know who to acknowledge, but the Democrats and Feinstein managed to do something that some thought impossible- reunite the anti-Trump rump of the Republican Party with the rest of it. Well done, Democrats!
“Inga thinks all women automatically support Ford?”
Really, is that what Inga thinks? Where did Inga ever say this? Again do you hear voices? I’m off to bed, let’s see what tomorrow brings, because none of us are clairvoyant, not even Vance.
"Anyone else notice that Inga completely ignores the idea that women don't want their husbands/sons/fathers/brothers destroyed by bitter lying vengeful bitches?"
Women with sons probably skew conservative, certainly true with white women. This is certainly a factor- you probably don't think of the potential for injustice if you aren't a man, and don't have a son.
cubanbob said...
Inga...Allie Oop said...
650 law professors do not want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Are every last one of them wrong?"
Here's a homework assignment for you. Which if any of those 650 law professors are registered Republicans?
Oooh, oooh! I know! I know!
I'm even willing to bet on it.
something that some thought impossible- reunite the anti-Trump rump of the Republican Party with the rest of it
It's happened before. Remember slavery? Diversity or color judgments is another straightforward issue. Democrats are playing with human and civil rights as if they were merely suggestions.
“Women with sons probably skew conservative, certainly true with white women. This is certainly a factor- you probably don't think of the potential for injustice if you aren't a man, and don't have a son.”
I have a son, that I love dearly and am extremely proud of. He’s a Democrat, a Journeyman Millwright, makes great money, just bought himself a nice new house as a young guy, very proud of him.
Goodnight to the Patriarchy.
Well, right there Inga proves me wrong! She is the rule!
I hope your son is never accused, Inga- you will have to disavow him.
I have a son, that I love dearly and am extremely proud of.
I wonder how many lies are in this statement? Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.
And if some woman comes forward and says "Inga's son told me on a date back in 97 that homosexuality is a sin! He's a bigot and must be fired, his house foreclosed on, and he be driven out of town on a rail! Why no, I can't name the time, place, or event... maybe it was in 98 or possibly 95, but hey, I know it happened! Oh yes, just because my husband is in line for Inga's son's job is irrelevant! "
I'm sure Inga would believe the woman, of course. A woman accuser never lies! She would not have any possible reason to do so!
“Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.”
Fitting for you Big Mike. You should get that tattooed on your derrière.
Inga...Allie Oop said...I have a son, that I love dearly and am extremely proud of. He’s a Democrat,
Ah..pretty sure you have mentioned a conservative son previously.
Inga...Would you mind sharing why you believe her?
Because Inga wants to believe her.
Funny though because teenage Kavanaugh the jock bully does not sound much worse than the folks here ganging up on Inga.
Man up. some point you have to decide whether you are a strong independent, assertive women able to hold your own in the marketplace of ideas, or whether you are demure maidens who needs to be protected from those awful men.
Has Inga hired Avenatti in the last day or so?
I guess what convinced me Ford was lying was that picture of her on the picnic table. Kidding!
How Michael Avenatti Saved the Kavanaugh Nomination
Weekly standard
Good article about how the repeated questioning of Kavanaugh broke through his reserve.
NPR had a poll that backs up the article Althouse likes to:
650 law professors do not want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Are every last one of them wrong?
I believe there are about 17,000 law professors in the USA. So 16,350 of them did not sign that letter. Are they all wrong? There's nothing objective about this. They're opinions. Since I do want Kavanaugh on the courts, yes, I think all 650 are wrong.
I went to a Jesuit high school and got pass out drunk a few times in my youth, albeit not in high school. By any observable metric, I'm a worse human being than Kavanaugh. Despite my general moral sepsis, I have never come close to raping a woman. It's quite a quantum jump to go from excessive drinking to attempted rape......I suppose it could happen. High school kids have moments when they do stupid shit. But other scenarios are just as plausible. People have recovered memories that are shaped by their biases.......Would any here convict Kavanaugh in a court of law based on such testimony? Nonetheless, so many are willing to rob the man of his career, honor, and reputation based on the imprecise memories of someone with an axe to grind.
Inga...Allie Oop@11:12PM "Goodnight to the patriarchy." LOL! Good one, Oop.
Good night, sleep tight, and pleasant dreams to you. Here's a wish, and a prayer, that every dream comes true. And now, 'til we meet again, adios, au revoir, auf weidersehn- Goodnight!
I'd still love to know on what evidenciary basis Inga so confidently declared that the names of the people in the house right. She's admitted that none of those people say they remember it. And we know Ford has altered the list several times. Seriously, on what POSSIBLE basis could that assertion have been made?
"650 law professors do not want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Are every last one of them wrong?"
it's the new global warming
"What reason would she have to lie, unless you believe in some grand Democratic conspiracy."
How big is her GoFund account by now?
["650 law professors do not want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court. Are every last one of them wrong?"
it's the new global warming]
it's more hot air from a blowhard like you
Thanks for spotting for me, Trumpit!! That tells me I've bracketed the target. Fire for effect!
Congrats again Inga for showing these losers they have nothing, nothing in their pathetic lives more important than wrestling in your shit mud.
Keel 'em squealing baby grrl! They are all too dumb to know they play your stupid shit games they can only win stupid shit prizes.
Or maybe stupid shit prizes is these dummies highest potential aspiration?
On the basis you are a naive dumbass dancing to the tune of others you have been indoctrinated successfully to believe is in fact your own do trolls in part owe their existence.
Hey can someone list any potentially significant problems with Kav's accusers and their bullshit make-believe stories? If someone, anyone, could just list and list and list over and over and repeatedly over again how many years ago and how many other people don't confirm the details and on and on and on then the world will be a better place.
Can someone do this? Oh wait, 80 people have done that very thing here for a couple of weeks now, yippee! It has done a lot of good. Winning! Not sad! Can I join this easily trolled band of boomers???
I enjoy Inga's tendency to have a kid for every occasion.
Liberal son.
Conservative son.
Three daughters.
Four total kids.
Democrat party women don't love men. They resent men. They envy men. A significant subset of Democrat party women openly hate men
Liberal women use men. For their wealth. For their power. For their position. For their name - when it suits the woman's purpose, and they don't use the man's name when it gives them feminist cred.
have never been impressed with BK’s intelligence,
Tim’s rule of internet usage: “Intelligence” means “largely agrees with the speaker on most things.”
I think that Ford was the political equivalent of a suicide bomber. They find troubled people who may want to die anyway, and convince them to carry a bomb to hasten paradise on Earth.
BTW, I also think that something happened to her, but also that she was not well founded psychologically and so probably could have been knocked over with a feather, so to speak.
“Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.”
That’s the puritan motto.
Narcisso, you are right. I had sworn off tangling with Inga for a while, it’s too easy and pointless. She is the poster child for “Ignorance is strength” and I had lost sight of that.
Sure Conservative women are angry about how the Democrats conducted themselves and the fact that Ford didn't present anything that was corroborated or anything that any investigator could check the facts on and all that was intentional, Ford is a liar.
To Progressives and social justice warriors Conservative women are traitors to the sex and a scourge upon the earth. Progressives and social justice warriors don't give a damn about what Conservative women think; don't fool yourselves into believing that these people think beyond politics and their emotions.
The only ones that believed her were fellow rage head liberals and perhaps people that just weren't paying attention at all and haven't been for years.
Behold the awesome power of the might SNL cold open!
Tim in Vermont,
I thought that too - that something had happened too her.
Now, after seeing how deliberate her actions were, I’m not sure.
I don’t thing we saw the real Ford at the hearing.
There is no way that person she portrayed at the hearing, could have achieved what she has in life.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
I have a son, that I love dearly and am extremely proud of. He’s a Democrat, a Journeyman Millwright, makes great money, just bought himself a nice new house as a young guy, very proud of him.
A Democrat journeyman millwright? That's a believable as Ford's testimony. Trades, blue collar workingmen, are the biggest Trump supporters there are.
Real women stand opposed to leftwing corruption.
"Has Inga hired Avenatti in the last day or so?"
Creepy Porn Lawyer does specialize in pimping the lies of retarded used up old whores, so it would be right in his wheelhouse.
We will never know the truth in this matter, but we watched as the Democrats used and destroyed Ford on national TV.
The Dems ran the Anita Hill playbook and expected the GOP and Kavanaugh to fold. They badly miscalculated. Then they pivoted to the Bork gambit, questioning Kavanaugh's impartiality and judicial temperament; leaving Ford hanging out to dry.
Why would any woman trust the Dems in the future?
"What reason would she have to lie, unless you believe in some grand Democratic conspiracy."
Go check her GoFundMe account.
Saner Democratic heads drowned out by the moonbats. Trump owns the “right to actually work” issue and “economic empowerment” BTW.
Democratic strategist Don Calloway on Thursday said that he does not think Democrats should impeach Trump if they win back the House in November.
"I don't think we should impeach in general," Calloway, founder and CEO of Pine Street Strategies, told Hill.TV's Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti on "Rising."
"I think that impeachment emboldens the 'deplorables,' and folks will come out, in a way, against Democrats," he said.
Calloway said Democrats instead should focus on issues, such as right to work and economic empowerment. . - The Hill
I got a chuckle out of a made-up Kamala Harris quote from the always-on-target Babylon Bee, quoted in today's Instapundit:
Ms. Harris: "We're treating Mr. Kavanaugh as fairly as we would any other SCOTUS nominee whose life we would be trying to destroy."
As Sam Levenson used to say, "It's funny because it's true!"
The Democrats would be crazy to impeach Trump unless they take a 2/3 majority in the Senate. It's already obvious the point is to reverse the 2016 election, not remove a president who's committed an impeachable offense, so you can expect Republican Senators to vote in a block against removal.
I think they might still do it. It's clear the Democratic base is living in a reality very different from the rest of us, and Democratic politicians have to mollify that base somehow. The Republicans paid an enormous political price for impeaching Bill Clinton, and they had a much better case.
"What reason would she have to lie, unless you believe in some grand Democratic conspiracy."
Go check her GoFundMe account.
You don't need to look that far. She's a hard left activist who thinks seating Kavanaugh on the court would be a disaster for the left's project to turn SCOTUS into a superlegislature that implements policies she likes. She wants to keep him off the court for ideological reasons.
There are probably at least a few hundred thousand Democrats out there who would be willing to trade their self respect to accomplish that goal.
The change is particularly striking when comparing women in the two parties. Of all the cohorts measured by the poll (including Independent men and women), Democratic women are the only group to display less enthusiasm for the midterms this week than they did in July. Meanwhile, Republican women seem invigorated. I - Right-Wing Rag Slate
Hahaha, what idiots you people are. I’ve said here at least 50 times over the years...
1. I have 4 children, 3 daughters, one son.
2. My oldest daughter is a Navy Chief and a Democrat
3.My second oldest daughter and HER HUSBAND are conservative, but did not vote for Dump. 3 children.
4.My third daughter is married, an attorney, 2 children, she and hubby are Democrats
5. My youngest is my son, who IS a Journeyman Millwright, belongs to a Union, is a Democrat.
So do you think you can manage to remember that, you morons?
Democratic women are the only group to display less enthusiasm for the midterms this week than they did in July. Meanwhile, Republican women seem invigorated.
That's because losing sucks, they realize they're going to lose on Kavanaugh, and when you're losing you just want to put the whole thing behind you. I expect they'll have time to recover for the election.
Some women not only have brains, they choose to use them. That's why they vote GOP.
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