October 16, 2018

"Cherokee Nation responds to Senator Warren’s DNA test."

From the Cherokee Nation website:
"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. said. "Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation. Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."
ADDED: Trump's tweets on the subject this morning:

1. "Pocahontas (the bad version), sometimes referred to as Elizabeth Warren, is getting slammed. She took a bogus DNA test and it showed that she may be 1/1024, far less than the average American. Now Cherokee Nation denies her, 'DNA test is useless.' Even they don’t want her. Phony!"

2. "Now that her claims of being of Indian heritage have turned out to be a scam and a lie, Elizabeth Warren should apologize for perpetrating this fraud against the American Public. Harvard called her 'a person of color' (amazing con), and would not have taken her otherwise!"

3. "Thank you to the Cherokee Nation for revealing that Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, is a complete and total Fraud!"


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FullMoon said...

Lindsey Graham: I’m taking a DNA test to see if I’m more Native American than Elizabeth Warren

Drago said...

Darrell: "And Warren was lactating while taking the exam, too. I heard her story and believe it."

It's "her truth".

bgates said...

I believe Warren believed her family lore

Do you guys remember the show "King of the Hill"? There was this character called Dale Gribble who completely bought in to every conspiracy theory out there, especially the anti-government ones, and as such people tend to do he created unified theories of everything out of them - the government had to fake the moon landing because someone was Too Close to the Truth about the Kennedy assassination, that kind of thing. He was a paranoid lunatic. The running gag with him, though, was that he was being cuckolded by - ironically - a Native American, and he never suspected for a second. He could see his wife's lover climbing out of their bedroom window and accept whatever nonsense explanation the guy gave him. He was raising a son who was obviously 511/1024 more Native American than Warren, and just thought the kid tanned easily. He liked to think he saw through all the lies that had most people fooled, but he fell for the dumbest stories of anybody.

Robert Cook is the Dale Gribble of the left. There has never been a good nor service freely exchanged, or charitable donation made in secret, that Cook can't connect to the imperialist warmongering of shadowy figures who meet in exclusive clubs to plot the dispossession of the working man over cigars and brandy. But let any scumbag run an obvious con while talking up socialism (What Happened to Jill Stein's Recount Millions, Robert?), and Cook turns from cynical world-weary skeptic to as credulous a naif as ever nodded along through a sermon in Vacation Bible School.

Robert Cook said...

I don't get the point of your question to me about Jill Stein's Recount Millions. Can you explain?

jono39 said...

In the long line of embarrassing morons and thieves who have served in the Senate from the Bay State, Warren is the Crowning Glory. She is an embarrassment to the Republic. Born pin Boston, I lived there until I was 30 when I finally escaped into America.

Bay Area Guy said...


The Accurate:

1. Warren believes herself to have Indian ancestry.

One can "believe" anything. Did she spend a solitary day in her life with her supposed "tribe"? George Costanza reminds us that it's not a lie, if you truly believe it.

2. Warren used this long-believed minority status in hope it would help her get a prestigious teaching job at Harvard.

Yes, she did

3. Perhaps it did, perhaps it didn't. All at Harvard who have been asked say it did not, but they could be wrong or lying.

Perhaps Robert Cook has his head in the sand, perhaps he doesn't. Perhaps, he is naive and was born yesterday, perhaps he wasn't.

Karen of Texas said...

Still trying to figure out the thought process by Warren (and her team?) that releasing this now was a good idea. It just fits in the "October surprise" slot?

How about, team Clinton has a spy on Warren's team who put the buffalo in Warren's ear that this was perfect timing. Hillary - taking out her competition by any means necessary!

Darrell said...

I don't get the point of your question to me about Jill Stein's Recount Millions. Can you explain?

Send Jill Stein $17.23 and she'll fill you in.

Comanche Voter said...

Cut Senator Liawatha some slack. She and I are only a decade apart--but I suspect we both enjoyed listening to Paul Revere and the Raiders sing "Indian Reservation". Laslo Spatula mentioned the song and its author John D. Loudwermilk in an earlier post.

One of the lyrics has the singer--a supposed Cherokee-- lamenting that, while he wears the white man's shirt and tie, he's still a Cherokee deep inside. Princess Spreading Bull internalized that lyric.

John D. Loudermilk was a bit of a prankster when it came to lyrics. He wrote another song which may describe Warren's current position. "Dead Skunk In The Middle Of The Road".

Yancey Ward said...

Henry, she did verbally do so on video- she claimed her mother was Cherokee and Delaware- that is Warren's own description- it was not at the time a claim about a long distant relative- it was Warren's mother who was Cherokee and Delaware. You can find the link to that video in one of these threads- it has been posted at least twice now. I think that was the origin of the entire matter- that story about the mother. Warren might well have believed it at the times she was retelling it- family lore works like that sometimes- I have my own examples of family apocrypha. Warren has probably been telling this story about her parents her entire life, and certainly since the early 1980s, and checking that box at various times when she thought it was of benefit for her to do so. It is telling, is it not, that the "PR" operations all used that little detail all along the way, even if one of the hiring committees claims to not have known about it. They have to have been using it because Warren was telling the people who hired her that she was Native American- to think otherwise requires us to imagine the immaculate attribution.

Her "DNA test" basically disproves the origin story fully. Had the woman an ounce of politicaly savvy, she would have buried this result and ignored the taunts from Trump and others- I am of the opinion that the matter hurt her at all politically, but this laughable attempt to "prove" her heritage ensures that it hurts her going forward because no reasonable person is going to credit even 1/32nd of "Indian blood" as proving the original claim- it makes Warren look like a total fool in the best light.

Robert Cook said...

"John D. Loudermilk was a bit of a prankster when it came to lyrics. He wrote another song which may describe Warren's current position. 'Dead Skunk In The Middle Of The Road.'"

That was Loudon Wainwright III, not John Loudermilk.

Yancey Ward said...

That should have read that before this test I didn't think the issue hurt Warren politically- most people who are persuadable would not have cared one bit.

Robert Cook said...

"...it makes Warren look like a total fool in the best light."

Well, this means she certainly has what it takes to win over Trump supporters!

hombre said...

This research doesn’t prove she’s Native American. It proves she’s not. It proves her fraud.

It is only her faith in the idiocy of Democrats and the loyalty of the resistance media that encouraged her to release this absurdity. It’s 1984 for Democrats: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. [Fauxcahontas is Native American.]” George Orwell

Curious George said...

"Yancey Ward said...
....it makes Warren look like a total fool in the best light."

Where does that put our resident dullard #IngaKnew? Full Dotard?

Henry said...

Henry, you could be right but it is unlikely that her Rutgers Law School history was "the best of 424 candidates."

Here's a timeline:

Graduate of Rutgers Law School

Taught legal writing at Rutgers Law School

Hired by University of Houston

Hired by University of Texas at Austin (ranked 11th in the country at the time)
- In her final year as a Law Professor at University of Texas Warren lists herself as a minority in the Association of American Law Schools annual directory. This is the first document time (after 2 hires) that she did so.

Hired by Penn. Did Penn see her as a minority? There's no evidence they did:
- The Globe reviewed a never-before-reported 10-page faculty equal opportunity compliance statement form filled out by Penn’s law school’s affirmative action officer and the dean in April 1987. The form described the extensive efforts the school made to find a black, Hispanic, Asian, or American Indian candidate for the commercial law position Warren had landed.
The document, which was shared with the Globe by Stephen Burbank, a law professor at Penn who kept it for three decades in a box with other personnel files, concludes that Warren was the best for the job despite being, as they put it, “white.” Burbank was, at the time, a member of the appointments committee and on a subcommittee charged with reviewing all minority prospects.

Three years into her professorship at Penn, She had Penn switch her listed ethnicity from “white” to “Native American.”

Hired by Harvard. Harvard does not list her as Native American until two years after the offer, reportedly based on an internal Affirmative Action report.

After that, Harvard promotes her reported ethnicity pretty shamelessly.

Draw your own conclusions.

Henry said...

Yancey Ward said...
Henry, she did verbally do so on video- she claimed her mother was Cherokee and Delaware- that is Warren's own description- it was not at the time a claim about a long distant relative- it was Warren's mother who was Cherokee and Delaware.

I have to admit that I missed that. I made several google queries trying to find Warren's verbatim words about her ancestry, and came up with very little. The Globe article, however, does provide a wealth of detail about how she was hired at Penn and Harvard.

Fabi said...

Senator of 1/1024 Color.

Drago said...

hombre: "This research doesn’t prove she’s Native American. It proves she’s not. It proves her fraud."

The entire firmament underlying leftist philosophy and strategy requires that you not only do not argue against their obvious lies, but to internalize and become advocates for the obvious lies.

Vaclev Havel had their number long ago:

"Havel uses the example of a greengrocer who displays in his shop the sign Workers of the world, unite!. Since failure to display the sign could be seen as disloyalty, he displays it and the sign becomes not a symbol of his enthusiasm for the regime, but a symbol of both his submission to it and humiliation by it. Havel returns repeatedly to this motif to show the contradictions between the "intentions of life" and the "intentions of systems", i.e. between the individual and the state, in a totalitarian society.

An individual living within such a system must live a lie, to hide that which he truly believes and desires, and to do that which he must do to be left in peace and to survive.

...they must live within a lie. They need not accept the lie. It is enough for them to have accepted their life with it and in it. For by this very fact, individuals confirm the system, fulfill the system, make the system, are the system."

Howard said...

I hope "you people" enjoy another day of victorious crowing. Don't cheer too loud because if Warren gets grounded, you may have just lost your best chance at Trump victory in 2020. IOW, your joyous ejaculations may be premature.

Curious George said...

"Robert Cook said...
I believe Warren believed her family lore that they had some Indian heritage"
10/16/18, 9:13 AM

Robert Cook said...
The Accurate:

1. Warren believes herself to have Indian ancestry.
10/16/18, 11:06 AM

Robert Cook fact-checks Robert Cook

Browndog said...

Warren: I'm Cherokee

The left: What she means is, she has possible minute ancestral ties to an unknown ancient Mexican/Peruvian/Colombian bloodline, PROVING SHE'S CORRECT!

Fabi said...

As a Professor of 1/1024 Color she was paid more than $300,000 to teach once class per year. Even Michelle Obama didn't get that sweet of a deal from a Chicago hospital.

Brian said...

But again, to run for President she had no choice. This was the best of a set of bad options

She could have said, I was told we were Native American. Modern science has proven my family stories wrong. I won't adopt an identity for which I don't belong. The Native American culture is an important part of our society and history. I stand with reds, browns, blacks of this country instead of that Racist Trump!

Now if he calls her Fauxcohantas he's racist.

She doubled down and tried to sweep it under the rug. I don't understand why she released the DNA test to begin with. It can't help her.

Scott Adams said that it appealed to her academic background. It's an academic "truth" even though its possibly a miniscule. For Normals however, she got owned.

Drago said...

Howard: "I hope "you people" enjoy another day of victorious crowing."

Thank you. Thank you. You are too kind.

Drago said...

CG: "Robert Cook fact-checks Robert Cook"

In Robert Cook's defense, he needed the first thing to be true, then later, he needed the second thing to be true.

It has always been thus with our leftists.

Darrell said...

I think she should pursue her other family rumors--like she is related to M.C. Hammer, for instance.

Mark O said...

Paul Revere and The Raiders summed it all up in 1971.


Drago said...

Brian: "She could have said, I was told we were Native American. Modern science has proven my family stories wrong. I won't adopt an identity for which I don't belong. The Native American culture is an important part of our society and history. I stand with reds, browns, blacks of this country instead of that Racist Trump"

Brian, you are attempting logic when analyzing leftists motives and actions.

Along that path lies madness.

You must think as they do.

Trump called Li'l Tomahawk out. Aggressively. At that point, Warren could never, ever, be seen to walk back something she claimed and then held against Trump. To do that, would violate the leftists demands for total resistance.

Had Warren done what you so reasonably outline would have ended her campaign before it even started.

Avoid logic when analyzing leftists. Seriously.

The Vault Dweller said...

'1/1024th Breed!'
'She calls herself Indian Squaw!'
'1/1024th Breed!'
"She tried it at Harvard Law!'

Ken B said...

Warren is unelectable. If she ever was electable before this, she ain’t now. The clever thing about Trump's goading though is that her partisans here seem to want her to run even more now. To show that Trump! His ability to scramble his adversaries is remarkable, like setting of a Democrat-brains only EMP device.

He has gotten inside their OODA loop.

Yancey Ward said...

Henry wrote:

"Three years into her professorship at Penn, She had Penn switch her listed ethnicity from “white” to “Native American.”
Hired by Harvard. Harvard does not list her as Native American until two years after the offer, reportedly based on an internal Affirmative Action report.
After that, Harvard promotes her reported ethnicity pretty shamelessly.
Draw your own conclusions"

So, you are basically telling us that the Harvard hiring committee did not look at Penn's own records for Warren, and that Penn did not look at Houston's, and that Houston did not look at Rutgers? Warren all along had been carefully making sure her employer of the moment touted her Cherokee identity- not her "genetic lineage"- her ethnic identity in their faculty literature, and that all subsequent hiring committees were oblivious to all of this all along. No reasonable person would buy that- as someone above pointed out, hiring committees have to be scrupulous in making sure the universities can't be sued based on explicit quotas in the actual hiring.

Probably the hiring committees took note of the literature of Warren's previous employers, but themselves realized how ridiculous Warren's claim was and dismissed it altogether in their considerations- I am willing to think Warren was hired on many other considerations than that claim to be a Native American- to include that detail in a hiring committee would be dangerous to the university, but once hired, the university is free to promote that detail, which all them seem to have done with Warren's active encouragement.

Howard said...

Blogger Drago said.
Thank you. Thank you. You are too kind.

Cleanup on aisle 11

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Johnathan Birks said...

Guess Fauxcahontas can kiss that casino job goodbye as well.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Brian said...”She could have said, I was told we were Native American. Modern science has proven my family stories wrong.”

Yep. That would have been wise.

Drago said...

Howard, all of the aisles in our stores go to "11".

Drago said...

OM: "Yep. That would have been wise."

Logically: that would have been wise
Politically: Death

She might still be, like Francisco Franco, dead. But this was the only possible path forward for the Presidency.

Achilles said...

Henry said...

I have to admit that I missed that. I made several google queries trying to find Warren's verbatim words about her ancestry, and came up with very little. The Globe article, however, does provide a wealth of detail about how she was hired at Penn and Harvard.

Warren claiming her parents eloped because her mom was a Native American."

You can pretend to be stupid.

Like the leftists here.

Warren spent many years claiming she was native american in order to get a leg up on more qualified applicants than her.

She is a complete fraud.

Robert Cook said...

Blogger Curious George said...

"Robert Cook said...
I believe Warren believed her family lore that they had some Indian heritage"
10/16/18, 9:13 AM

Robert Cook said...
The Accurate:

1. Warren believes herself to have Indian ancestry.
10/16/18, 11:06 AM

Robert Cook fact-checks Robert Cook."

These are not contradictory statements. In the one I said what I believe, and in the other I said what she believes.


Original Mike said...

”Politically: Death”

I don’t see that.

Drago said...

Elizabeth Warren trapped herself within the middle of a Little Big Horn of her own making, but in this case, it wasn't Li'l Tomahawk who was running the clever guerilla campaign leading to victory.

It was Trump.

And Li'l Lizzie rode blindly into it.

Now don't get me wrong. Am I saying that Trump gamed this out? Of course not. But his instincts told him this was her weak link and he slammed into it with all the force of a buffalo stampede.

Lizzie did all the rest on her own...

Achilles said...

Howard said...
I hope "you people" enjoy another day of victorious crowing. Don't cheer too loud because if Warren gets grounded, you may have just lost your best chance at Trump victory in 2020. IOW, your joyous ejaculations may be premature.

How humiliating is it to realize you are a completely owned and abused tool?

Drago said...

OM: "I don’t see that."

I do.

But then again, "I see dead politician-people"

LA_Bob said...

Drago said, "Here's the reality: to run for President Warren had to address these obvious lies of hers..."

Did she really? Were any votes going to change whether she took the test or not? I doubt it.

The funny thing is allegedly smart people doing stupid things to prove how stupid Trump is, and in the end they just look stupider and stupider all the time.

Robert Cook said...

"She could have said, I was told we were Native American. Modern science has proven my family stories wrong."

She believes it supports her family lore.

Drago said...

Achilles: "How humiliating is it to realize you are a completely owned and abused tool?"

In Howards defense, I sense he is only leased with a right of first refusal.

Darrell said...

Is Robert Cook related to Captain Cook?

Original Mike said...

I was hoping you’d explain it, Drago. But it doesn’t matter.

Qwinn said...

This issue once again proves that lefties have literally zero intellectual honesty. If anything, they seem to actually revel in being as intellectually dishonest as possible. Even to the point of total absurdity. They think their attempts at continuous gaslighting are still effective. I believe they are wrong, and that in November they're going to find out how many people hve figured out that it has been gaslighting all along, and how much normal people resent that being tried on them.

Darrell said...

Or Cap'n Crunch?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left do not care about the Cherokee Nation.
The left care about sucker punching Trump.

See Rosenstein and Mueller and the rest of the corrupt cabal at the FBI/DOJ.

Drago said...

Cook: "She believes it supports her family lore."


Hard to identify a more prototypical lefty lysenkoist "science-y" talking point than that one right there.

Hey cookie: it doesn't.

The science here is quite settled.

Remember, the same people who tell us that XX Chromosome combinations don't define a female are telling us that this weak-tea hilarious hoax claim of NA heritage is like, totally true dude!

Too, too funny.

Achilles said...

Original Mike said...
”Politically: Death”

I don’t see that.

Sorry Drago. I agree with Mike. Let us do a not even exhaustive list of people democrats happily voted for:

The known rapist Bill Clinton.

The known criminal Hillary Clinton.

The known murderer Ted Kennedy.

The known wife beater Keith Ellison.

The known criminal Andrew Cuomo.

Convicted and impeached criminal Alcee Hastings.

Original Mike said...

”She believes it supports her family lore.”

But it doesn’t.

Drago said...

Darrell: "Is Robert Cook related to Captain Cook?"

If he "feels" it is "his truth", then that's an emphatic lefty "yes".

Michael K said...

"Draw your own conclusions."

I did.

Qwinn said...

Cook, she claimed her MOTHER had enough Cherokee blood that she was oppressed for it. That is the "family lore" she has been touting.

If you believe that she really believes that a finding that her mother was 1/512th NA (maybe, if you count Mexicans and Colombians) backs her up... well, I guess that fits the intelligence level displayed in the rest of your views.

Tell me, Cook. The average Latino in this country has 18% Native American ancestry. That's two hundred times more than Warren has. Do you think all Latinos should get to check the box like she did? If not, why not? Does the Spaniard blood corrupt the Indian blood and render it non operative? You're only an Indian if you mix it with north european blood?

Howard said...

Achilles on aisle 11 looking for Lubriderm and kleenex... unexpectedly

Drago said...

Achilles: "Sorry Drago. I agree with Mike."

Well, I agree with me!

And if you insist on arguing this point your grog ration will be reduced.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...
"She could have said, I was told we were Native American. Modern science has proven my family stories wrong."

She believes it supports her family lore.

I believe you are here in good faith. You are honest about what a shit head Obama was and I largely agree with your take on the Bush's.

What in the nether hells is going on with you and Warren?

She is obviously a corrupt liar and her obvious grifting here is going to do irreparable harm to your cause.

You are wrong and you support a murderous ideology.

But you have never before blindly followed a person who was so obviously taking advantage of you after you had evidence they were false like this.

The Vault Dweller said...

Cook, she claimed her MOTHER had enough Cherokee blood that she was oppressed for it. That is the "family lore" she has been touting.

Do you have a link for that? I can easily by the whole family lore/myth thing about having a Native American ancestor somewhere down the family tree, that is a fairly common family lore item in America, but actually claiming oppression?

Drago said...

Qwinn: "Cook, she claimed her MOTHER had enough Cherokee blood that she was oppressed for it. That is the "family lore" she has been touting"

Why are you still trying?

The leftists long ago moved on to new "truths" and have long forgotten all other previously held positions.

Robert Cook said...

"Cook: 'She believes it supports her family lore.'

"Hey cookie: it doesn't."

She believes it does, which is why she put it out.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm definitely going to get one of these DNA tests. Maybe, genetically, I will be found to be 1/1024 Eskimo.

There aren't many Eskimo Professors at Harvard Law.

Yancey Ward said...

Could she have done as Brian suggests- made a public statement that her family lore was proven wrong by the results- that her mother was hardly more "Indian" than Warren herself is?

That might have worked, in my opinion. Admitting one is wrong is a powerful thing to people who are politically persuadable. Of course, hard core Trump supporters would have been all over her for the admission, but that happened anyway, didn't it? Instead, she tried a low probability finesse that even her own supporters are finding difficult to defend- just witness the epic goal post moving taking place from Inga and others. That is the problem with staking out moronic positions- you make your defenders look more stupid than usual.

Just a question for Warren's defenders- would any of you tout yourself as "Native American" in any forum based on Warrens own DNA tests released yesterday? Here would be my cutoff- both of my parents would have to be greater than 50% Cherokee and raised on the reservation for me to even consider it, and I likely wouldn't even then if I myself weren't raised there. That was always the problem with Warren's touting of it- she wasn't raised as a Cherokee and neither were her parents nor her grandparents.

Michael K said...


IOW, your joyous ejaculations may be premature.

Premature ejaculation ? Warren was ejaculating a bit early.

This was a fatal own goal. Hillary is working on another one.

Fabi said...

I agree that she's done as far as the presidency is concerned -- but I also agree with Howard that she would have been the easiest for Trump to thump.

Qwinn said...

Vault Dweller: There's actual video of her making that claim. I can't link it now but it has been linked on one of these threads a couple of times.

Howard said...

Achilles marches in his Strawman Army:

Mr. trouble never hangs around,
when he hears this Mighty sound,

Here I come to save the day!
That means that Mighty Mouse is on the way!

Yes sir, when there is a wrong to right,
Mighty Mouse will join the fight!

On the sea or on the land,
He's got the situation well in hand!

We know that when there's danger, we'll never dispair;
Because we know that when there's danger he is there...
On the land on the sea in the air.

traditionalguy said...

The Cherokee ought to just adopt her. She will become their first tenured Harvard Professor. The can name her Crooked Politician.

Howard said...

Blogger Michael K said...
This was a fatal own goal.

It's a feature, not a bug... for democrats. you need to quit playing checkers, doc

Drago said...

Qwinn: "Vault Dweller: There's actual video of her making that claim. I can't link it now but it has been linked on one of these threads a couple of times."

Remember, as wags have previously noted, there is an awful lot you have to pretend not to know to be a lefty.

gahrie said...

She believes it does, which is why she put it out.

And as we all know about women, the only thing that matters is what she believes, not what the facts are.

Drago said...

Howard: "It's a feature, not a bug... for democrats. you need to quit playing checkers, doc"

Who's playing checkers?

I'm playing 1/1024th dimensional chess.

Robert Cook said...

"What in the nether hells is going on with you and Warren?"

Nothing other than that I admire her as being among the more constituent-oriented and seemingly principled of prominent Democrats, trying to do what she sees is in he public's interest. However, I am disappointed in her support for Clinton and other Democratic planks.

"She is obviously a corrupt liar and her obvious grifting here is going to do irreparable harm to your cause."

It is not obvious that she is either corrupt or a liar, though it's possible she may be one, or the other, or both. What "irreparable harm" is she doing to "my cause?" (For that matter, what do you presume is "my cause?")

Original Mike said...

”She believes it does, which is why she put it out.”

Hmmm. Delusion is more troubling than doubling down on a lie.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Lefties don't care. They know the Indigian vote doesn't matter. Their battle is against the majority of Americans whom they hate.

pokerone said...

These Warren threads are killing me. I especially enjoy when someone reaches for credibility by quoting the Boston Globe! On one thread a poster cited the Wapo quoting a Boston Globe article. The Globe happily hires plagiarists, like Mike Barnicle, now a guest pundit on MSNBC.

Despite its national implications I wonder if this release this week has something to do with Warren's debate Friday night with her very real challenger, Geoff Diehl, who has avoided the Indian issue with her. Was she hoping to be able to mention this to her moonbat constituency?

Geoff Diehl is a surprisingly agile politician, supported Trump from 2016 on, has worked on this campaign since April 2017, and has a decent debate record going back to the Automatic Gas Tax Increase referendum, which eliminated it. Of course the questions will be written for her, not him, but he should still do well.

I'm a conservative activist, I tell all who will listen to vote the straight Republican ticket. There are no good Democrats left to consider.

Off topic but I wonder about Warren's family tree. When did they appear in America? Were they Scottish raiders from Canada, prisoners of war deported here as indentured servants, some of whom worked at the famous Iron Works on the Saugus? That ancestry puts them in the 17th century and intermarriage with Indian women was a real thing. Did they arrive later in the Scottish migration of the early 18th century? Or in the early 19th century? Inquiring minds want to know.

Qwinn said...

If she actually believes that the findings back up her claims, I would consider that sufficient grounds for hospitalization in a mental ward.

If her supporters actually believe that she believes it, or worse that she's right, same.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: "Nothing other than that I admire her as being among the more constituent-oriented and seemingly principled of prominent Democrats, trying to do what she sees is in he public's interest."

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

hstad said...

So, Senator Warren's release of her DNA results this week was a stunt that backfired spectacularly! Even the real "Native Americans Cherokees" think Senator Warren is a fraud! That's what happens when you listen to an idiot feminist writer - Linskey, at the "Boston Globe", whose subsequent math corrections produced more spectacular unwanted headlines. From such errors produced by the paper, writer and Warren thus resulting in claims equal to political propoganda. Who the hell is running Warren's campaign?

Drago said...

hstad: "Who the hell is running Warren's campaign?"

It sure as heck ain't The Great Spirit.

Robert Cook said...

"And as we all know about women, the only thing that matters is what she believes, not what the facts are."

It matters if the point under contention is whether someone lied or not.

Howard said...

1/1000 (0.1%) is the detection limit for 23andme... No doubt she had several tests and they all came back <0.1%. That's why the dumb bitch went to Dr Carlos Boostamymitochondrial to claim to see a few drops of holy blood down in the dregs in her white trash can.

Bay Area Guy said...

Bruce Jenner self-identifies as a woman -- nobody can stop him and the women don't care.

Rachel Dolezal self-identifies as black -- nobody can stop her, but the local NAACP chapter got a bit peeved.

Senator Liz Warren self-identifies as a Cherokee to get a nice Harvard law gig-- Harvard says, Hell Yes!; Cherokee Nation says, Hell No!

I would like to self-identify as the Quarterback of the New York Jets, but the bastards won't have me.

Rory said...

Karen of Texas said: "How about, team Clinton has a spy on Warren's team who put the buffalo in Warren's ear that this was perfect timing. Hillary - taking out her competition by any means necessary!"

The timing probably has a lot more to do with Clinton than Trump. I'm guessing that Warren figures if she doesn't deal with this now, the Clintons will tie her up with it to keep her campaign from getting off the ground.

Drago said...

Howard: "1/1000 (0.1%) is the detection limit for 23andme... No doubt she had several tests and they all came back <0.1%. That's why the dumb bitch went to Dr Carlos Boostamymitochondrial to claim to see a few drops of holy blood down in the dregs in her white trash can."


She thought she could bludgeon her way through it like a Clinton and, as expected, the MSM did their best to back up this laugh riot of a claim. But it just wasn't enough.

Howard said...

QB of the Jets is an E-ticket ride to CTE

Darrell said...

Warren's spirit animal is a dust mite.

Drago said...

Rory: "The timing probably has a lot more to do with Clinton than Trump. I'm guessing that Warren figures if she doesn't deal with this now, the Clintons will tie her up with it to keep her campaign from getting off the ground."

Li'l Tomahawk is easy pickin's for the Clintons.

What will be interesting is how the Clinton's handle the Kamala/Michelle O options. Those are the only 2 real threats to Hillary getting the nomination again.

Booker isn't fooling anyone but himself and Biden isn't going to make it out the gates...again.

Hillary and Bill will have a long "chat" with him about some stuff they know...

Howard said...

What do you expect, Drago? She's from an Okie family too stupid to migrate to Oildale in the Dust Bowl

Yancey Ward said...

The more recent additions of the video keep getting taken down by Youtube, the one immediately above is the oldest one I have seen and only has 30,000 views, but it is the truncated version.

Here is a fuller version that I am familiar with. The interview took place during the Brown/Warren race in 2012 where it was first becoming clear that Warren had been caught, but was trying to defend it. It is worth watching all 3 1/2 minutes. By the time of the interview, Warren had been forced to retreat to the more distant relative.

Drago said...

Howard: "What do you expect, Drago? She's from an Okie family too stupid to migrate to Oildale in the Dust Bowl"

It's not their fault.

Henry Fonda was hogging the road and slowing everyone down! "I'll be there", and there, and there...sheesh man, give it a break and get out of the way!

Achilles said...

Poor Howard.

I really don't take joy in watching you people fall. You are idiots being used by people who have truly evil intentions. You are sent to a public education system and don't have the inclination to learn to think critically on your own. Most don't.

Even most Trump supporters are a product of the social groups around them which is why we are in the middle of this current preference cascade.

Republican voters have been falling for the con too. Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney. All cons.

It is interesting to see how far a group must be pushed before it moves on and makes it's own choice.

Howard is pretending that this is some sort of coup for the democrats removing Warren from the 2020 race and clearing the field for... Spartacus? Moonbeam's mistress?

I have hopes for Dwayne Johnson. He seems like a good person and could lead liberals out of the wilderness. He is currently being chased out of a movie role because he is not "authentically" black or something.

Your non-sequiturs on this thread are boring. You sporadically show a limited insight. Just not this time.

Drago said...

Achilles: "Republican voters have been falling for the con too. Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney. All cons."


Con cons.

Doing the failure theatre "Can't Can't"

(that was for Laslo)

Achilles said...

Rory said...

The timing probably has a lot more to do with Clinton than Trump. I'm guessing that Warren figures if she doesn't deal with this now, the Clintons will tie her up with it to keep her campaign from getting off the ground.

3 weeks before an election?


She could have done this in a month or two and accomplished the same thing.

She has internal polls in Massachusetts.

Fauxcahauntus does not like her internal polling in Massachusetts.

Rory said...

Qwinn: "If anything, they seem to actually revel in being as intellectually dishonest as possible. Even to the point of total absurdity."

Asserting ridiculous positions is the only way to distinguish between people who agree with you, and people who are owned by you.

Darrell said...

If Warren had beach friends, they could have talked her out of releasing the DNA results.

Henry said...

Yancey Ward said...
So, you are basically telling us that the Harvard hiring committee did not look at Penn's own records for Warren, and that Penn did not look at Houston's, and that Houston did not look at Rutgers?

Based on the investigative reporting, Warren did not claim minority status until her third year at University at Austin, which is after Rutgers and Houston.

I am willing to think Warren was hired on many other considerations than that claim to be a Native American- to include that detail in a hiring committee would be dangerous to the university, but once hired, the university is free to promote that detail, which all them seem to have done with Warren's active encouragement.

That's more or less my conclusion.

Howard said...

Achilles likes The Rock! A fake wrestler and a fake hero...

Drago said...

Rory: "Asserting ridiculous positions is the only way to distinguish between people who agree with you, and people who are owned by you."

Nice extension of Vaclev Havel's main point in the Tale of the Green Grocer in "The Power of the Powerless".

Well played.

Robert Cook said...

@Drago at 12:16 PM: I'm well aware of the quote you present and I agree with it if those presuming to serve the "people's interest" are not acting in response to the requests of the people they represent but are, in essence, telling the people what is good for them. But...working to serve the "people's interest" is what our representatives are selcted to do...that is representative government. Do you not applaud Trump because you believe he's trying to make things better for the American people? Do you not, therefore, think he's working in the "people's interest?"

Robert Cook said...

"Achilles likes The Rock! A fake wrestler and a fake hero...."

Hey! I like The Rock, too! Seems like a nice guy, and he's an entertaining performer.

(Also, professional wrestling may be fake, but the wrestlers are real athletes.)

Anthony said...

My family lore had an "Indian princess" in our lineage (Creek). We finally got around to using Ancestry.com on our family tree and found the discrepancy: There were two people with similar names (changed here): Jane Doe and Jane M Doe. In our case, the former was a documented Amerindian, but the latter (ours) was not. So that went by the wayside. It would probably have benefitted me to pretend to be part Amerindian, but I never did because it was never settled. I'm honest that way. Fauxcahontas is not.

My sister and I also had our DNA tested by Ancestry and zilch Amerindian in there either.

Fauxcohontas obviously knew it wouldn't come up in a standard test, so she got some dopey academic to massage it as much as possible to get some vague potential of being something native.

It just makes her look even more pathetic.

Drago said...

Robert Cook: " But...working to serve the "people's interest" is what our representatives are selcted to do...that is representative government. Do you not applaud Trump because you believe he's trying to make things better for the American people? Do you not, therefore, think he's working in the "people's interest?"

Who empowers the state over the individual, and who empowers the individual over the state.

That is the question.

I care not a whit for supposed motives. And Warren is one of the worst of the worst in that regard.

One must be careful when speaking with a marxist about "the people" since every leftist everywhere without exception views the leviathan state as "the people" and the actual people just cogs to feed the machinery of state at the point of a gun.


Howard said...

Jesus. All the parsing of minutiae. Dumb bitch believed family lies of noble savage blood, doubled down, flew too close to the sun and her wings melted. NEXT!

Drago said...

Next up: Cookie explains how people can change their biology simply by wishing it were so.

Possibly the most pernicious of recent lefty lies presented as "truth" that must be accepted or the non-believer will suffer consequences.

Drago said...

Howard: "Jesus. All the parsing of minutiae."

I was told there would be no latin or math prior to the cocktail hour.

Control yourself.

Drago said...

Howard: "Dumb bitch believed family lies of noble savage blood, doubled down, flew too close to the sun and her wings melted. NEXT!"


She believed her family lies, she believed she had wings, she jumped off the political roof and went straight down.

Apparently, "identifying" as a bird doesn't actually give one the aerodynamic capability for flight.


Molly said...


If we're looking for more phony with Eliz Warren, read her recipes in the ludicrously named Pow Wow Chow cookbook. The title is demeaning and the contents are ridiculous.

Not only did she have recipes for crab au this and crab au that -- and, as was pointed out by a commenter here yesterday, crab is so plentiful on the prairies (not overlooking the fact that the Cherokee were originally natives of the Eastern Seaboard) -- but apparently she lifted all her recipes from other (non-Indian) chefs:


As my Grandmother would have said, "The truth isn't in her."

Howard said...

True story. Told before, bares repeating. I have a very prominent last name. Very Old Money. All these dowager aunts want proof we belong to the Gilded Ones. Madly furiously documenting every swinging dick back to 1790, then it stops dead. Being the currently reigning paterfamilias, I took the DNA test. No matches to the Old family. The strongest and most matches is some poor white trash family that abandoned lots of kids on doorsteps.

Michael K said...

Blogger Howard said...
1/1000 (0.1%) is the detection limit for 23andme... No doubt she had several tests and they all came back <0.1%. That's why the dumb bitch went to Dr Carlos Boostamymitochondrial to claim to see a few drops of holy blood down in the dregs in her white trash can.

That's a pretty good explanation. They have me at 3% Neanderthal so that was above their limit.

Bay Area Guy said...

My youngest kid just took the SATs -- smart kid, I'm very excited for his future! He got 1/1024 of the questions right, so surely he will get into Harvard!

Michael K said...

I took the DNA test. No matches to the Old family. The strongest and most matches is some poor white trash family that abandoned lots of kids on doorsteps.

We discovered an unknown cousin when my daughter did the 23&me thing. He was adopted and is 50. His biological mother is an aunt and he did get in touch about a year before she got senile.

I expect there will be more surprises as this gets more popular.

rehajm said...

The interview took place during the Brown/Warren race in 2012 where it was first becoming clear that Warren had been caught, but was trying to defend it

She says the hiring question has been answered unless you think Charles Freid is not telling the truth. I firmly think Harvard and their alums go to incredible lengths to protect themselves and their friends. Telling 'their truth' instead of the truth doesn't begin to describe it.

Hell, Larry Summers happily threw himself and his profession under the bus when he fawningly endorsed Hillary Clinton's 'innovative' economic plan of price controls and government central planning- and she only went to Yale!

Drago said...

Howard: "Being the currently reigning paterfamilias, I took the DNA test. No matches to the Old family. The strongest and most matches is some poor white trash family that abandoned lots of kids on doorsteps."

I'm pretty sure I saw you decking some blue hair on the Maury Povich show! And who would have guessed the skinheads are secretly the enforcement arm for the Daughters of the American Revolution! (I read that in Variety, so I'm assuming it's true)

Robert Cook said...

"Who empowers the state over the individual, and who empowers the individual over the state.

"That is the question."

What do you think the answer is? I think the Constitution empowers the individual over the state, but the people must assert their claim over power or those we vote to represent us will take it from us...as they have.

"I care not a whit for supposed motives."

Bullshit. How can you hope to see desired outcomes if you don't care about the motives of those we elect to represent us in government policy-making? Will it happen by accident? Will self-seeking crooks serving in government somehow magically produce results that also benefit their constituents?

"And Warren is one of the worst of the worst in that regard."

How so? What does that even mean?

Drago said...

rehajm: "She says the hiring question has been answered unless you think Charles Freid is not telling the truth."

Warren was scrambling awfully fast to get off the personnel records forms she filled out.

The reason is obvious. She listed herself as Native American, was hired for that reason (the only non-Ivy hired BTW...I wonder why) and now has all the old establishment types covering for her.


But you know, when the entire establishment firmament is covering for you, it's easy to forget that you live in a glass house.

Who can forget the hilarious posturing of LLR Chuck's favorite Stolen Valor Dem "Da Nang" Blumenthal during the Kavanaugh hearing where he was lecturing Kavanaugh on "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"!

He never expected to be called out on his repeated lies for he is of a protected class.

Like Warren.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert Cook said...

"Next up: Cookie explains how people can change their biology simply by wishing it were so."

No, that takes a lot of money and surgeries.

Howard said...

Mike: I suspect the Neanderthal testing is quite inaccurate compared with human genetics.

Drago said...

Cookie: " I think the Constitution empowers the individual over the state"

Of course you do. Which is why the left wants to destroy the constitution and fundamentally transform our nation.

As the leftists openly declare now.

But in terms of supporting individuals over the state? No you don't. Not in a million years. No leftist does. Leftists are not even capable of thinking in those terms.

That's why they are leftists.

Drago said...

Cookie: "No, that takes a lot of money and surgeries."

Wrong again.

Your chromosomes are still the same, regardless of what you cut off or reconfigure.

Nice try Lysenko-boy. Do you want to try again?

Curious George said...

Robert Cook said...
Blogger Curious George said...

"Robert Cook said...
I believe Warren believed her family lore that they had some Indian heritage"
10/16/18, 9:13 AM

Robert Cook said...
The Accurate:

1. Warren believes herself to have Indian ancestry.
10/16/18, 11:06 AM

Robert Cook fact-checks Robert Cook."

These are not contradictory statements. In the one I said what I believe, and in the other I said what she believes.

Again you can't read minds. You have no idea what she believes. You only know what she said she believes.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

It is not obvious that she is either corrupt or a liar, though it's possible she may be one, or the other, or both. What "irreparable harm" is she doing to "my cause?" (For that matter, what do you presume is "my cause?")

You are smart. Step back and think about this from the perspectives of others.

This very issue, where a rich white woman abused the affirmative action system meant to help poor minorities, is going to drive a stake through the heart of the democrat/progressive coalition.

Black people in particular are thriving in Trump's economy, and they remember how they did under Obama. Same with Hispanics.

And now they are watching this rich white democrat lie and cheat using tools people they supported told them were meant to help them at the same time democrat policies keep them poor and their kids in shitty public schools.

White democrats better think a bit about this a little bit.

Howard said...

You are righter than you think, Drago. The dowagers were very upset they could lose their DAR status

Robert Cook said...

"Cookie: 'No, that takes a lot of money and surgeries.'

"Wrong again.

"Your chromosomes are still the same, regardless of what you cut off or reconfigure."

1. "Biology" is not synonymous with "chromosomes."

2. Lighten the fuck up. I was making a joke.

Robert Cook said...

"Black people in particular are thriving in Trump's economy, and they remember how they did under Obama. Same with Hispanics."

Are they? How so? Do you suggest that if Obama were to run again--against Trump--blacks would not vote for Obama over Trump overwhelmingly? (I don't know what Hispanics would do, but I suspect they would also vote overwhelmingly for Obama over Trump.)

kjbe said...

It’s a shame Warren played along with this birtherism game.

Trump will always win of because it is rigged in his favor. His intent was not to get an answer to her heritage, but to, again, use race to separate, weaken and harm. It’s what a bully and gaslighter does and he is quite good at it.

Gospace said...

kjbe said...
It’s a shame Warren played along with this birtherism game.

Trump will always win of because it is rigged in his favor. His intent was not to get an answer to her heritage, but to, again, use race to separate, weaken and harm. It’s what a bully and gaslighter does and he is quite good at it.

Wow! Have you got that wrong. Using race to separate is the Democrat game. Trump is doing an absolutely outstanding job of delegitimizing the race card so often played against Republicans by media and the Democrats. Oops, repeated myself. Media and the Democrats are one and the same.

gahrie said...

His intent was not to get an answer to her heritage, but to, again, use race to separate, weaken and harm. It’s what a bully and gaslighter does and he is quite good at it.

You do know this has been the primary democratic election strategy the last forty years...right?

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Cookie: "2. Lighten the fuck up. I was making a joke."

2 things:

1) if I was any "lighter", I couldnt claim my fair share of Native American-ness

2) "That's Not Funny!!!"

Drago said...

"Wow! Have you got that wrong. Using race to separate is the Democrat game."

Projection is another dem game.

gahrie said...

This very issue, where a rich white woman abused the affirmative action system meant to help poor minorities, is going to drive a stake through the heart of the democrat/progressive coalition.

White women have always been the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action.

Defenseman Emeritus said...

I submitted this in the comments to yesterday's Elizabeth Warren post, and I liked it so much I'm reposting it here. Also it was comment number 463 out of 465 and nothing else new is being posted there so pretty much no one has seen it. Anyway:

One thing I rarely see mentioned is the fact that Elizabeth Warren's academic resume is, for all intents and purposes, disqualifying for becoming a law professor. Her undergraduate degree is from the University of Houston and her law degree is from Rutgers (current U.S. News ranking: 74). If you are Caucasian and didn't graduate from a top-5 law school in the top 10% or so of your class, your chances of being hired for a tenure-track law professor position anywhere -- even at the bottom tier law schools -- are minuscule in any given year. For Warren, at the beginning of her career in the late 70s, being a woman would have helped, but nowhere near enough to offset her lackluster academic credentials (did I mention Rutgers Law is ranked 74th?), even allowing for the possibility that the hiring climate was less competitive back then. Anyone know whether she played the Native American card when applying for her first tenure-track job at Houston Law back in 1978?

Drago said...

Howard: "You are righter than you think, Drago. The dowagers were very upset they could lose their DAR status"

I have seen BlueBloods in a panic.

Not a pretty sight.

Robert Cook said...

"2)That's Not Funny!!!"

Yes, it was.

Chuck said...

Dear Althouse,

Yesterday, I agreed with you and your take that no news of Senator Warren's DNA testing was exculpatory with particular regard to her appointment as a full tenured professor on the Harvard Law faculty, if (as it appears quite likely) her supposed status as a Native American played a role in that appointment.

It really doesn't matter, if DNA testing shows a 1/32nd or 1/64th or 1/128th or 1/1024th Native American parentage. In any of those events, it would be an Affirmative Action scandal. It SHOULD be an Affirmative Action scandal.

So my position on Warren was mostly like yours, as far as I could tell. For my part, I added my impression that by his own trashtalk ("Pocahontas", and trashtalk wagers on DNA testing, etc.), Trump devalued what might otherwise have been a much clearer Affirmative Action scandal. You might differ with me on that, I don't know.

But Althouse, look at this page. A second page, going on 400 comments. And this is my first comment. My main expression of opinion about Warren so far, in other posts, was consistent with yours in that Warren did not look good in this matter. I never applauded, defended or justified Warren. Like you did not.

But reading this page, and preceding my very first comment, I count a dozen (two dozen? more?) or more comments by "Drago" and of the dozen or so, almost half of them mention me by name.

Drago's comments don't go the substance of what you've written; Drago's comments are uniformly personal attacks that require him to imagine (in my case) some far-left position that I have never espoused. Dragging the discussion into as many irrelevant backwaters as Drago can find enemies, real or imagined.

When I do comment (about 1/50th as often as Drago), there is virtually always an immediately subsequent attack on me by Drago, and it is virtually never going to the substance at hand. Rather, it is almost always about Drago's digging back to some old comment that he twists or fabricates to use against his target personally. He's done that to me hundreds of times. In every case, it steers the conversation away for what you have posted. And if Drago's target du jour responds in kind, it goes even farther in that direction. Because there will be a dozen new posts in which Drago and his target are fighting, drowning out the rest of the commentary. In know that many of your commenters find it mostly boring; I've seen their comments to that effect.

In past years, I would have emailed you to inquire whether your [now abandoned] commenting rules really meant anything, since apart from Drago there could not have been a clearer or more repetitive example of (a) personal attacks (b) having little or nothing to do with your Blog posts, and (c) creating "clutter" insofar as entire pages of comments would devolve into depressingly personal fights that effectively crowd out everything else. "Clutter." Your terminology.

I am not emailing you today. I am not advising you on how to perform better moderation-hygiene. I am certainly not asking for your advice, and I will not be asking for you or for Meade to protect me. If and when the mood strikes me (and Drago the troll is really not worth it), I'll just respond in kind and fuck shit up on these pages. I no longer have any interest in any kind of order or decorum on your pages. It hasn't done me any good in the Age of Trump. After years of near-anonymity for me here, as a Scott Walker Republican in the Age Before Trump; the Trump-cultists here will tolerate nothing less than Full Trump. And I know you've seen that as well, and experienced it yourself on those very rare occasions when you've given the slightest hint of disloyalty to Trump.

I hope the MAGA hats are selling well through the Althouse Amazon portal.

Darrell said...

And this is my first comment.

Unless you count Craig.

Darrell said...

Why do the other kids give me a swirly every day?

I don't know, Chuck. I mean, Craig.

gahrie said...

If and when the mood strikes me (and Drago the troll is really not worth it), I'll just respond in kind and fuck shit up on these pages. I no longer have any interest in any kind of order or decorum on your pages.

In other words he will continue to act in the future as he has in the past, and just like his Lefty buddies will blame his bad behavior on someone else.

Drago said...

Well known self-proclaimed Smear merchant with a penchant for racist/homophobic postings and attacking children via rumor is complaining about the posting habits of others.


Gospace said...

Family lore is one thing. Truth is another. Family lore in my family said Indian blood somewhere. DNA test said not. Can't find any in any traceable family branch. But I can trace a large number of ancestors back to Powhatan VA where the local Indians pretty much disappeared as a tribe by breeding with Europeans. Now Americans...

Family lore said we were descended from Richard Stockton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Nope. He has no descendants. He is, however, an ancestral cousin. We're descended from his grandfather.

I can reliably trace some lines back more than 15 generations. Others only 4. If a family line can be traced back, it means those ancestors were literate in a society that left records and were important enough to record. Lords of the manor didn't keep pedigrees of their peasants. And before the arrival of the Europeans, no Indian tribe kept written records. None of them had a written language. Any Indian heritage can only be traced back to the European arrival. Odds are a lot of Indians interbred with Europeans, but no records were kept. Especially on the frontier. In the early 1600s, the frontier was along the Eastern seaboard. There was a shortage of European women. And and since the tribes were always at war with each other, a likely shortage of Indian males. A situation made to order for interbreeding to occur. With few if any records of names.

The tribes determined who were tribal members. And at some point, started keeping records. Records exist of one of my ancestral relatives suing to be enrolled as a Cherokee. Sworn statements from Cherokee said his mother was Crow, so no.

Drago said...

Most adorable aspect of LLR Chuck's post?

Here it is: " If and when the mood strikes me (and Drago the troll is really not worth it), I'll just respond in kind and fuck shit up on these pages."

LLR Chuck thinks he has not yet responded in kind or ****ed s*** up on these pages.

Funniest thing written on "Teh interwebs" today.

And it wasn't even close.

Drago said...

LLR and Dick Durbin Cuckholster Chuck: "I am not emailing you today. I am not advising you on how to perform better moderation-hygiene. I am certainly not asking for your advice, and I will not be asking for you or for Meade to protect me."

It's women and children into the lifeboats first there tiger.

Michael K said...

Family lore is one thing. Truth is another. Family lore in my family said Indian blood somewhere. DNA test said not.

My family lore is that we were related to the Boston Kennedys. My grandmother said her mother-in-law took the youngest children to Boston summers to spend them with John Kennedy's grandmother.

When I went to Ireland in 1977, I still believed this story. There was a Kennedy library in Wexford and it was there because cousin Teddy had visited their cousins there. I sent a lot of time looking for Kennedy records in churches near there and found zero.

We went to Dublin and, while there, I visited the Genealogy office in Dublin Castle. The clerk gave me the file on John F Kennedy.

They had no idea where their family came from. I had the cables for the embassy.

Years later, I got interested in family history and worked out my own. The Kennedys that I am descended from were all from County Antrim in northern Ireland. Where the Boston family came from, I have no idea but probably from the north as well. You can't get farther from Wexford than Antrim.

n.n said...

Speaking of Harvard's diversity doctrine, Asian-Americans' (i.e. quasi-Americans), or rather Americans of Asian descent, lawsuit citing color discrimination is progressing. A positive progression, it seems.

Howard said...

Ward!!!!!! I told you not to be so rough on the Beaver

Drago said...

"Department of Black People" Chuck would prefer a heightened level of decorum on this blog.

Please act accordingly.

furious_a said...

At least we've learned that Eliz Warren is more Hispanic than Beto O'Rourke!

Drago said...

Shorter Chuck:

When in the Course of posting comments to a blog it becomes necessary for one poster to dissolve the rhetorical bands which have connected a different poster with that same blog and to assume among the powers of the Hostess, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle him, a decent respect to the opinions of only those like-minded posters requires that he should declare the causes which impel him to demand the separation of the other.


You know the rest.


furious_a said...

This is the first time I've seen a presumed presidential contender begin and end their campaign on the same day.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Will self-seeking crooks serving in government somehow magically produce results that also benefit their constituents?

That’s exactly the Trump phenomenon! His motivations are probably overwhelmingly negative, but by reducing the economic barriers that (arguendo) well-meaning busybodies set up, he’s producing beneficial results. Liberty is pretty powerful.

Darrell said...

Elizabeth Warren told CNBC Democrats will end the Trump tax cuts if they take power in November. Says 50-90% tax rate seems about right.

This ended her campaign the moment she said it.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Gospace said...
. . .
If a family line can be traced back, it means those ancestors were literate in a society that left records and were important enough to record. Lords of the manor didn't keep pedigrees of their peasants.
. . .

Not necessarily. The local ghurch kept records. In the olden days, you were born into and died as a member of a particular parish.

Big Mike said...

@Camanche Voter, off topic, but relevant to your comment at 11:24 ...

Q: What is the difference between a dead skunk in the middle of a road and a dead lawyer in the middle of a road?

A: There are skid marks in front of the skunk.

You may return to discussing the genealogy of the dingbat senator from Massachusetts.

Bilwick said...

Robert Cook: "' The lefts standards are certainly quite...elastic.'"

"So, as we see, are the right's."

Depends on which right you ask, Cookie. My standards are that aggressive force, or the threat of aggressive force, is always wrong. I believe the standard of your ideological gang are " . . .unless it's for the Common Good" or " . . . unless it's for the Children" or really, when you get down to where the cheese binds, "whenever your betters decide it's okay, peasant."

Big Mike said...

Just as a note for everybody, here is a discussion of what it takes to be a member of one of the three Cherokee tribes.

rehajm said...

You may return to discussing the genealogy of the dingbat senator from Massachusetts.

Could you be more specific?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"She could have said, I was told we were Native American. Modern science has proven my family stories wrong."

She believes it supports her family lore. — Cook

I’m probably way late to chime in here. She CAN’T reconcile her “family lore” with the test results because they are worlds apart. Her siblings disputed the fact ANYONE in their family claimed NA ancestry. Yet she is on video claiming her parents had to elope because her racist thug grandparents didn’t want her father marrying a dirty Delaware Indian who was part Cherokee. That’s a very specific claim, not at all like saying that 6 to 10 generations back there is a Peruvian strand of DNA. If she had stuck to “family lore” and faint heritage all would be well. But she claimed TO BE Cherokee. She signed the recipe book she contributed to, “Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee” blatantly. It’s a big claim. And it was false all along and she knew. And because she’s a selfish leftist she burned her fathers side of the family by making out that they were racists too. She’s a shitty person for pulling this fraud in the particularly heinous way she did.

No wonder Inga and Cook love her and defend her so much. She’s a smear merchant just like them. Unexpectedly!

Bruce Hayden said...

“Warren is unelectable. If she ever was electable before this, she ain’t now. The clever thing about Trump's goading though is that her partisans here seem to want her to run even more now. To show that Trump! His ability to scramble his adversaries is remarkable, like setting of a Democrat-brains only EMP device.”

“He has gotten inside their OODA loop.”

I think that both Trump and Fauxhauntis are getting ready for 2020. I think that he is shaking up the Dem field so that it doesn’t coalesce around a candidate too soon. In her case, my guess is that she had the information released now in order to have it be Old News by the time that the 2020 election starts (the day after the election next month). Her problem though is that she is damaged goods now. Trump has her number, and everyone knows it, except maybe Warren and her supporters.

Her problem here is that White Americans, in particular, unless they are lunatics leftist drones, tend to hate affirmative action. One reason is that they have traditionally been the ones paying for it, through getting fewer opportunities due to their skin color and national origin. But Warren here is a leftist Dem who backs affirmative action, but cheated to get ahead using it, when she didn’t qualify. It is her blatant hypocrisy that would hurt her nationally, if she gets the Dem nomination. Normally, AA is essentially bribing minority groups for their votes by giving them preferences in school admissions, jobs, etc, based solely on their skin color or heritage. But she cheated, and no one is going to forget that, with Trump having stuck her with a label that references, thus invoking, her cheating. Sure, the people of Massachusetts didn’t mind, but they are the people who gave the last surviving Kennedy a lifetime sinecure in the Senate, after having been thrown out of Harvard for cheating, having killed a campaign aide through drunken gross negligence, and then spent the rest of his career drunk and molesting waitresss and other women around him. And possibly making things worse, Asian Americans seem to be wising up, discovering that they (many of whom are closer genetically to American Indians than Warren is) are paying an even bigger price than European Americans for Affirmative Action, as illustrated by the trial that started yesterday against Warren’s old employer, Harvard.

Bruce Hayden said...

Howard: "What do you expect, Drago? She's from an Okie family too stupid to migrate to Oildale in the Dust Bowl"

My grandfather’s family were “Laters” settling in the OK Panhandle (Beaver County). They were hit esp hard by the Dust Bowl. My grandfather got out early, in the early 1920s, to Denver (he actually homesteaded in CO a bit earlier, working his land there on weekends by horseback). One of his brothers moved to TX when their farm blew away. Two others stayed. My grandmother’s family were Sooners, with much better farmland. Still, we ended up with a number of relatives in CA as a result of their travails. Unfortunately, both sides of the family were too well documented from before they moved to OK, for any of us to ever “mistakenly” claim American Indian ancestry.

Big Mike said...

@rehajm, Ed Markey is also a dingbat? He seems to be a nonentity as far as I can tell. At any rate my comment was in reference to the senior senator from Massachusetts.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Try not to go over 200 posts because that number seems to trigger certain LLR lurkers. I must say I find his “Dear Althouse” missives to be a rather strange form of passive-aggressive short form fiction in which this character (the classic unreliable narrator) insinuates himself into the lives of the host, and hints at requests that go will go unrepeated (this time) and yet are all the more humorous in their hidden state. He wants us all to believe he and the Meadehouse occupants enjoy a laugh and brandy at the end of the day when we all expect the truth is something closer to a hopeful loser waiting by his email for a response that never comes. He can only be certain his message is read if he places it HERE. What’s with the profanity though?

Bay Area Guy said...

I think it's time for one of Althouse's famous polls. Something like:

What is the most apt nickname for Elizabeth Warren?

a. Senator Paleface
b. Lyin' Liz
c. Editor in Chief - Harvard Squaw Review
b. Pocahonky

Bob Loblaw said...

Elizabeth Warren told CNBC Democrats will end the Trump tax cuts if they take power in November. Says 50-90% tax rate seems about right.

This ended her campaign the moment she said it.

Maybe twenty years ago. Not today. She could very well win the Democratic nomination pledging to raise taxes on "people who make more money than you".

Bob Loblaw said...

"Pocahonky". Hahahahaha. That one I haven't seen.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Years later, I got interested in family history and worked out my own. The Kennedys that I am descended from were all from County Antrim in northern Ireland. Where the Boston family came from, I have no idea but probably from the north as well. You can't get farther from Wexford than Antrim.”

Somehow a number of the older ancestry sites kept telling us that “Hayden” was Irish. I even have a map of Ireland showing where they supposedly came from, and one of those diploma sort of things explaining our Irish roots, and showing our supposed coat of arms. And a sweatshirt showing the same coat of arms. Nope. We have it traced to a Norman knight around 1100, who was the Sheriff of a county back then. We know that he was very likely Norman, because his surname (from which “Hayden” is descended) was that of (“de”) an English landmark still to this day (which causes problems, since we own the .com domain name). Closest we ever got to the English throne though was through intermarriages with the Boleyn family. And during her (E I) reign, apparently my ancestor then built the last private castle in England (before they were outlawed). Then, two generations later, three younger brothers came over here as indentured servants.

Jim at said...

E. Lieawatha

Bay Area Guy said...

Serious question (somewhat):

Do we have any folks here from the great state of Massachusetts, who can shed light on what Sen. Warren was thinking?

It sure looks like this DNA stunt was a calculated part of the designed roll-out of her Presidential Campaign. In chronological order:

1. DNA Test - I am Cherokee, hear me roar!
2. November midterms - Warren wins, Dems win Congress.
3. Sometime in Dec or January - I hereby announce my intention to run for the Presidency of the United States of America!

With her 1/1024 Peruvian hispanic blood, she may have torpedoed all 3.

Major political faceplant.

tcrosse said...

There are some of us whose ethnicity is not enough of any one thing to gain an advantage, or even bragging rights. Some of my ancestors were busy oppressing others of them, and vice versa. The shouted slogan and upraised fist just doesn't work.

FIDO said...

Here is the deal.

Inga is totally wrong. Her tribe and her are already in the tank for Warren, and she could say she was Queen Elizabeth's bastard sister and they would still vote for her.

This is narrative boomerang. Inga gave us this vicious fisking of the original allegation and what Warren supposedly specifically said.


The Left has pushed this narrative about 'entitled' people (whites) stealing opportunities from 'little people'. It is very common and very popular. "I didn't fail at school...Chad elbowed me aside and took my slot!"

Except it is always supposed to be a Kavanaugh elbowing aside a perky, defiant, mini skirt wearing Middlebury wannabe but neverwas into the ditch of NYU.

Here, Warren totally screws the pooch. SHE is the villain of this piece: claiming fake privilege and knocking a poor Reservation orphan away from their 'proper' place in Harvard.

It doesn't matter if this is technically accurate in that corporate contract legal parsing.

Instead, Richy McWhiteBitch is claiming to be some form of Indian. It is to laugh!

Now, doubling down on this, she is trying to claim that 1/1054 is some kind of proof.


Add that to the race resentment, and Inga just willfully refuses to see how ridiculous this assertion was to anyone not Inga.

Not only are there no enemies on the Left, but one is never allowed to be a fool or stupid on the Left.

The next mistake that Inga acknowledges a Lefty does will likely be the first.

narciso said...

breaking the tufnel rule,


Michael K said...

With her 1/1024 Peruvian hispanic blood, she may have torpedoed all 3.

Major political faceplant.

I think so, too. There are just not enough Ingas in the country. Massachusetts, maybe.

Henry said...

Her siblings disputed the fact ANYONE in their family claimed NA ancestry.

This seems to be the opposite of the truth. Her brothers and some cousins buy in. Some other cousins do not.

Warren’s extended family has mixed opinions on the Native American question. The stories shared by [second cousin] Ina Mapes, as well as Warren’s brothers and a number of her cousins, echo Warren’s assertion. But other cousins, some of whom also do not know Warren, say they know nothing of Native American blood in the family....

David Herring of Norman, Okla., one of Warren’s three brothers, said in an interview that even when he was a child his relatives were reluctant to talk about the family’s Native American heritage because “it was not popular in my family.’’ Only when he begged his grandparents, said Herring, did they finally explain to him: “Your grandfather is part Delaware, a little bitty bit, way back, and your grandmother is part Cherokee. It was not the most popular thing to do in Oklahoma. [Indians] were degraded, looked down on.’’

Warren’s brothers, Don, John, and David Herring, also issued a joint statement supporting their sister. “The people attacking Betsy and our family don’t know much about either. We grew up listening to our mother and grandmother and other relatives talk about our family’s Cherokee and Delaware heritage. They’ve passed away now, but they’d be angry if they were around today listening to all this.’

I watched the elopement story video. Warren certainly embarrasses herself In her defensive attempt to make her mother sound more Indian than even wishful thinking could justify, but other than that it doesn't shed much light.

Michael K said...

Her mistake, and I think it was catastrophic, was to raise the issue again.

She could have just laughed it off. People in Mass want to believe her.

This is like Blasey Ford's "witnesses."

Michael K said...


Slate’s Isaac Chotiner spoke with National Review’s David French about conservatives’ response to Warren’s embarrassing DNA test self-own:

Isaac Chotiner: Why do you think people on the right are angry about Warren’s release of her test results?

David French: I would say there are some voices that are angry. I think it was much more mockery, to be honest. I think that it was mockery on a couple of fronts. One was the idea that Elizabeth Warren had vindicated her decision in any way to hold herself out as Native American by releasing those DNA test results, which demonstrate that her Native American heritage is really far removed, I mean so far removed that the idea that you would tell a legal directory that you’re Native American is just ridiculous.

Henry said...

Michael K said...
Her mistake, and I think it was catastrophic, was to raise the issue again.

Totally agree. She comes off looking bad, no matter what. Either she's a credulous nitwit or she thinks everyone else is.

rcocean said...

Warren keeps calling Trump names.

Not clever names. Or names based on reality.

Just insults like: Racist, creepy, sexist, etc.

Its like when Hillary boasted about not collapsing in heap when Trump "invaded her space".

Who wants a POTUS who is that weak?

rcocean said...

Warren has zero connection to the Cherokee or Delaware tribes.

Which is supposedly belongs to.

Her DNA test just shows she is almost zero Indian. And that includes Aztecs, every North American tribe, and Eskimos.

Fucking A, is dishonesty and lack of ethics a requirement to be a Democrat in DC?

rcocean said...

BTW, people have a hard time understanding that every Indian tribe was different and had a different language and culture.

Some, when the White man came were on the verge of exterminating the competing tribes.

Native American are even less alike than Europeans.

Big Mike said...

Philip Klein may just have the last word on Elizabeth Warren: "if this is in any way indicative of how she's going to run her campaign, she isn't going to get close to the White House."

walter said...

It's from 2015, but still:

Former NAACP Spokane president Rachel Dolezal recently said that she has "no biological proof" that her white parents are her biological parents. Dolezal has come under fire after her parents revealed that she is white, although she has been pretending to be black.

In response to Dolezal saying she hasn't had a DNA test and therefore can't know if Larry and Ruthanne are her biological parents, Larry tells People, "If someone will take her up on that bluff, she will readily be proven to be our biological daughter."

"All I can think to say is, wow," he says.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I saw Liz Warren's ad, and it's actually kind of nice.


(Something must be going on. I think YouTube's broken).

Probably around ten people from that very hiring committee all gave testimonial that her background played no role in her hiring. She's just a good law professor -- one has to be, to break those banks.

Which brings us to what it is that's got our evidence-hating Republican crowd here so bunched up. After all, it's just family history. If you were 1/128th descended from Charlemagne, or a Mayflower pilgrim, would you feel ashamed to say so or compelled to suppress it? Of course not. No one does that. And because of the passage of time, you'd be even less than that "percentage." Conservatives don't seem to understand that the number of ancestors doubles every generation that you go back, "diluting" your claim to any one of them. It's basic mathematics and genetics. Ain't nothing anyone can do about it.

Researching family histories is becoming an increasingly common pastime and learning experience these days. What is it about these retrogrades that makes them feel so ashamed about something so interesting and harmless as finding out who's in one's past, no matter how far back? Are they all secret bastards or something? Hiding a Nazi or two in their family tree? What is it that makes them think this anti-science ancestor hatred will resonate with people?

Of course we know about how Trump and his dad were tax frauds, and did all they could to channel as many funds to Fred Trump's failed businessman son. And of course there was Don's grand-daddy, who ran whore houses and was wanted for further crimes back in his native Germany - to which he could not return and face trial since they refused him entry.

I mean, those sound like pretty shameful pasts to me. Maybe that's what Trump and his lackeys are reacting from.

And I could give a rat's ass what some sad, sorry sovereign tribal nation has to misinterpret about any of this. Their members are of very diluted Amerind heritage, and they're afraid that will weaken their morally flimsy casino enterprises. But I could care less what a government says, and they are one. They can't erase anyone's history, no matter what political interests they have at stake in any of this. Warren answered their concerns in her ad, and that's all they need to matter to me about it. If they don't like or can't accept the fact that she never claimed their silly "membership," that's their problem. Act like a proud nation and stop worrying about how one of their daughters isn't afraid of researching her past the way modern scientists do. Myth can only replace science in the minds of pre-moderns and Republicans.

daskol said...

", sometimes known as Pocahontas"

damn that's good.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do we have any folks here from the great state of Massachusetts, who can shed light on what Sen. Warren was thinking?

That educated people (i.e. MA voters rather than typical Republicans) are not afraid of science, truth or family history?

If an oral history is what matters to these failed tribal leaders, then they are the ones who should be ashamed. Warren did no less than exactly that. She took a family history and used some science and reasoning to validate it. It's beyond asinine to make science an "off-limits" method when it comes to reconstructing our past, or even increasingly our lineage, nowadays. If they were less insecure about their own status, sovereignty and trajectory then they never would have reacted in this shameful way. I can't think of any proud nation that would respond so negatively to a distant relation showing interest in their connection to their people. It speaks to longstanding, internal problems that these nations have, and nothing else. Warren is no threat to whatever it is that their people could need or want.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

", sometimes known as Pocahontas"

damn that's good.

Nope, it's shameful.

BUt Trump is a shameful guy. As must be his family. Why did he change their name from "Drumpf?" Does that mean fraud, in German?

Gospace said...

President Pee-Pee Tape said...

Probably around ten people from that very hiring committee all gave testimonial that her background played no role in her hiring. She's just a good law professor -- one has to be, to break those banks.

And if they did say they based her hiring decision on ethnic background- they'd be putting themselves in legal jeopardy, lawsuits by the rejected candidates for unlawful discrimination. They're likely telling self serving lies.

AlbertAnonymous said...

I usually refer to her as Senator Two Dogs Fucking for obvious reasons if you know the joke.

FullMoon said...

Elizabeth Warren is being hammered, even by the Left. Her false claim of Indian heritage is only selling to VERY LOW I.Q. individuals!

Trump Tweet

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And if they did say they based her hiring decision on ethnic background- they'd be putting themselves in legal jeopardy, lawsuits by the rejected candidates for unlawful discrimination. They're likely telling self serving lies.

IOW, I have evidence, and you have slander, paranoia, disbelief and a political agenda. Ok.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Evidence from people much more credible and reputable than an internet pseudonym. Carry on.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

FullMoon adds genealogy and genetics to the fields of study that he dismisses - along with Keynesian economics, geophysics, evolution and toxicology. Oh yeah, and arithmetic, given that right-wingers always run on lowering the same debt that they never fail to necessarily raise more than anyone else. It's good to know that someone building your house and with a background in, well... no one knows, really - is so opposed to the sort of basic measurements and reality that science is based on. One concludes that he measures never and cuts indefinitely.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Her siblings disputed the fact ANYONE in their family claimed NA ancestry.

This seems to be the opposite of the truth. Her brothers and some cousins buy in. Some other cousins do not.

Do better, Henry. Her brothers claim that their GRANDPARENTS were alleged to BOTH be partial Indian (“Your grandfather is part Delaware, a little bitty bit, way back, and your grandmother is part Cherokee."), but Warren's "uncomfortable" video says her MOM was discriminated against because she was Indian. If the grandparents "never talked about it" unless the kids begged them, this seems dubious to me. Maybe you buy it. Great, here's some beads to buy more bullshit.

NONE of the stories by any relative for or against supports the idea that Warren would have been Indian enough to be a "person of color." But I encourage you to encourage her to keep going with this stupid charade, because it really just helps me in my quest to do away with racial categorization altogether. Again, she signed the recipe book as "Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee" clearly asserting far more certainty and minority status than she had. She knew it. She regretted it, but she defended the lie for years and now she's caught out being a big ugly phony. I've read that other siblings disputed this, but she may have got them to revise their quotes for your favorite Boston Globe column. Unfortunately, Google is no longer reliable when researching old things lefties say, because they have the power to suppress those searches.

Henry said...

Mike, instead of extrapolating off in a new direction or hypothesizing about how you are actually really right, even with contradictory evidence, read the plain meaning of what you wrote and compare it to the actual statements by Warren's siblings.

Of course, if you think the MSM has somehow gone back and changed all the material facts in their original reporting (a lot of it done in the Scott Brown race), there's not much I can do to present material facts. Your reality is your own.

Michael K said...

Good grief ! Failed molecular biology student Ritmo appeared.

Working the late shift at McD's last night ?

FullMoon said...

Michael K said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Good grief ! Failed molecular biology student Ritmo appeared.

Working the late shift at McD's last night ?

He is 1/1,064 molecular biologist. Close enough for him.

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