October 18, 2018

"But a remarkable number of stories poured in from men about past misbehavior. The stories covered a wide spectrum of sexual misconduct..."

"... some of it deeply disturbing: There were multiple submissions that discussed participating in gang rapes. In others, men looked back and thought differently on activities that might be considered the everyday realm of high school boys: 'I would walk up to girls in my school and undo their bras. I thought it was funny but they thought it was horrible,' one wrote. 'I felt like I had a right to touch them or undo their bras as a joke and honestly thought it was O.K.' Above all, the submissions were striking for their candor: They were, or at least seemed to be, submitted by men genuinely questioning why they had once conducted themselves in ways of which they now felt ashamed."

From "Eight Stories of Men's Regret" (NYT).


Francisco D said...

I thought it was funny but they thought it was horrible,' one wrote. 'I felt like I had a right to touch them or undo their bras as a joke and honestly thought it was O.K.'


In Junior HS, we acted like idiots, stumbling into girls in hopes of copping a feel. We never thought it was OK. None of us were raised that way.

Yancey Ward said...

The ones claiming to have taken part in gang rapes were all signed "Brett Kavanaugh" is my guess.

Fabi said...

The exciting new #MeToo Confessional from Ronco.

Achilles said...

This whole article is complete bullshit.

This was a woman writing a story about what she thinks men think.

Fuck these people.

Achilles said...

"One night, I urgently tried to convince her to give me oral sex. She did not want this. I did not coerce her physically, but I urged her to do something she rejected, and I played on our emotional entanglement until she did. This was wrong, harmful to her, and I knew it. I have thought about that night ever since, repelled by my behavior toward a young woman I cared for."

Jersey Fled said...

More evidence that liberalism is a religion - the need for confession and forgiveness.

Achilles said...

"It’s difficult to say why I failed to intervene, but not from social ostracism. I was and am definitely ashamed of what was happening around me, but this was not why I froze. I wasn’t sure what I was experiencing, but I knew exactly what was happening and that the atmosphere overwhelmed everything. My party was so nonchalant — whether because they’d done this before or just heard about it from others, I’m not sure."

I know why he didn't intervene.

Achilles said...

"I don’t actually know what happened to her in the pantry. I’ve always blocked it out until now, relieved she got out before unwanted sex. (That, I do feel sure about — when they left, no one’s clothes looked disheveled.) If that point were reached, heard or felt where we stood, I cannot say what the girlfriend or I might have done. I never talked about it afterwards. I felt it was something bigger than me that I couldn’t control, and that I didn’t have a place in reprimanding them.

Would I be frozen in that situation again? Definitely not — if it happened today, I would intervene."

What a bunch of garbage.

These are not real people.

Jim at said...

I never thought this would happen to me, but ....

le Douanier said...


Those quote are sad.

Can you excerpt the hot stuff (assuming there is some) from "One Part Woman"?

Fabi said...

"One night, I urgently tried to convince her to give me oral sex. She did not want this. I did not coerce her physically, but I urged her to do something she rejected, and I played on our emotional entanglement until she did."

Hypnosis works, too.

Achilles said...

"When I was 21, a woman I worked with asked me to take her daughter to her senior prom. Her daughter had a reputation for being “easy.” I went to the prom with her daughter and remember trying to put my hand up her skirt in the back of the limo. I don’t even think we were kissing. She protested, and I persisted. She was very uncomfortable and somewhat distraught."

... next pargraph:

"I came out as gay two years later, so a lot has changed for me! I do wonder if part of my persisting with this young woman was to prove something to myself? I was not particularly attracted to her — she was not unattractive at all, but there was definitely no strong sexual chemistry."

These people are such obvious cliches.

The NYT's is not a serious publication.

le Douanier said...

""...I played on our emotional entanglement until she did."

Hypnosis works, too."

I can't read "entanglement" w/o thinking of being separated. So, when I first read Ach's quote I did a double take.

Trumpit said...

There were multiple times I participated in gang rapes. In others, I looked back and thought differently on activities that might be considered the everyday realm of high school boys: I would walk up to girls in my school and undo their bras. I thought it was funny but they thought it was horrible. I felt like I had a right to touch them or undo their bras as a joke and honestly thought it was O.K. Above all, I blame beer for turning me into a wild sex machine. Till this day, I still like a few beers to loosen me up before sex. What do you do to have some good clean fun? - Brett Kavanaugh, lifetime Trump appointee to the Supreme Court finally coming clean about enjoying himself through the years.

Yancey Ward said...

Hypnosis works, too

"He could be having the time of his life, while she thought she was a chicken pecking for corn"

Sebastian said...

Is the assumption that men only regret "misbehavior," and/or that only regretted "misbehavior" is worth discussing, and/or that anything they regret is ipso facto misbehavior?

Achilles said...

"On one such occasion, I took advantage of the evening darkness and the jumble of bodies to grope the breast of a girl to whom I was attracted and in whose presence I felt intimidated, because of her beauty, intellect, and grace. It was a spontaneous, unpremeditated act — too public for me to have derived any sexual pleasure from it; too meaningful, because of who she was, for me to have targeted someone else. "

This one might be real.

"I think I did it because she seemed otherwise out of reach for me; perhaps such one-sided contact was all the intimacy I could ever hope to enjoy with her. And yet, with so many elbows, knees, hands, and feet flying about, I also recall making an instantaneous calculation: Maybe I can get away with this."

There you have it people. Your average democrat male voter.

Be proud democrats.


Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fabi said...

anti-de -- I agree that "entanglement" seems askew in that sentence.

Amadeus 48 said...

You want regrets? I'll give you regrets.

My parents had a 60 year love affair with each other, and each was the other's best friend. I thought that was what relationships between men and women were supposed to be. I avoided fooling around in casual relationships that weren't going anywhere. I was probably too intense about it. I met and pursued a girl in college who fit the bill, and we got married. We are still happily married 44 years later.

Why,why, why didn't I engage in emotionally wrenching but empty relationships based purely on animal magnetism? O, woe is me!

Achilles said...

"My threat was not a direct verbal attack but something more insidious. I appeared for the first time at the front door of her home one evening to pick her up for what was to be our first ever date. ‘P’ was a shy pretty girl who I had only seen occasionally in the school hallways, and when I asked her out to go to a movie it surprised me as much as it did her. She was gentle and quiet and not one of the so-called popular girls. I was a “Fonzi” type, and I had a car at a time when few of the guys did."

No comment necessary.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Another color, another warlock. The NYT is indulging in diversity, and hopes others will, too. In an ironic twist, they have setup a casting couch for liberated men, auditioning for a sexual revolution, collateral damage, and decades after regrets.

That said, when I was a boy, I chased girls around the playground. Not because I hated them, but because I liked them. When I became a man, I chased women around the world, and courted them on and off campus.


le Douanier said...

""entanglement" seems askew in that sentence."

F-ing science background.


Kate said...

Penthouse Letters are more believable than this.

Achilles said...

My favorite paragraph in the whole story. This is the guy desperately seeking a blow job:

"I WAS IN THE U.S. AIR FORCE, AGE 19. I was in a relationship with a woman two years older than I was; we were sexually involved, but not having intercourse — I was committed to being a virgin until marriage. Our sexual life was frustrating for both of us."

I am guessing that 60% of the writing and editing staff at the NYT's are white, rich, women. College "educated."


Utterly worthless to society.

rhhardin said...

Watching Anatomy of a Murder (1959), there's a lady Mary Pilant who's got the 1959 aggressive missle nosecone breasts I remember so well from school. Some pointy bra line that the girls liked under sweaters.

n.n said...

We are still happily married 44 years later.

The not so few, the proud, the vested, the men and women who respect, enjoy, and share each other's lives.

bagoh20 said...

Stories of men's regret involve self-critique of their selfish behavior.
I wonder how many women could do that without blaming the men in their lives.

We want to put them on a pedestal, and they want to put us in the barn.

langford peel said...

Fake News.

Boob bait for the Cat women.

Soap opera woman fluffing.

In other words typical main stream media lies.

Virgil Hilts said...

I thought the posted stories were interesting, but BS that the NY Times quotes in passing gang rape and other lines from stories that the submitters were not willing to put their names to. The Fonzi story reminded me of the Ken Burns documentary that included Glenn Frazier. Broke up with his girlfriend, acted like a jerk, rode his harley into a bar, then joined the Army at 16 only to end up walking in the Bataan Death March as a 17 year old. The guy lived an interesting and productive life thereafter and I for one choose to forgive him for the stupid things he did at 16. http://obits.al.com/obituaries/mobile/obituary.aspx?n=glenn-dowling-frazier&pid=190335690

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Anybody who doesnt acknowledge that teenage girls have ALL the sexual power over teenage boys and use that power mercilessly has never been a teenager.

fivewheels said...

"Why,why, why didn't I engage in emotionally wrenching but empty relationships based purely on animal magnetism?"

Study: Casual Sex Only Rewarding For First Few Decades

ARLINGTON, VA—An alarming new study published in the International Journal of Sexual Health reveals that casual sex, the practice of engaging in frequent, spontaneous sexual encounters with new and exciting partners, may only provide unimaginable pleasure and heart-pounding exhilaration for, at most, 25 to 30 years.

Arashi said...

I suggest the entire article is actually rejected Penthouse letters. Either that, or rejected items for romance novels.

RK said...

I have some high school regrets too. I knew some really horny girls that I could've taken more advantage of if I was a little less shy. But I don't sit around stewing about decades later like some NYT-reading pussy-man. Sheesh.

readering said...

The stories not as boring as these comments.

Freeman Hunt said...

"wide spectrum of sexual misconduct"

Not the ones that were publishable. The others don't count.

Amadeus 48 said...

Readering—you are harshing my regrets. You cruel, heartless beast.
I notice you read down to here.

Mike Sylwester said...

I attended a Lutheran high school in a small Nebraska town.

We didn't do gang rapes.

I am quite sure that everyone graduated as a virgin.

Birkel said...

Boys who are unsure how to express themselves are now predators?
The nerds and geeks and betas are criminals.
Neat standard the Democrats are pushing.

I think this will win Latinos over to the Democrats.
Keep pushing this line.

Gk1 said...

Did Haven Monahan write any of these account? Because they all smell like grade-a bullshit by someone pushing an agenda. Asking for a friend.

Mark said...

Once upon a time, back in the olden days, boys were taught and expected to be gentlemen, treating girls as ladies. And they were taught things like sexual morality.

But then we progressed beyond those backward, dark, unenlightened times to hand out condoms in junior high.

D 2 said...

I await the impending decade when we demand the public recanting of purported misdeeds performed by Mr --- when he was a toddler.
"It is maybe a bit foggy, but I remember, 25 years ago, the feeling of overwhelming power pound through my vibrant three year old veins as I screamed for someone to bring me a glass of water when I was not in the least thirsty. I am ashamed every time I walk past a fountain, knowing that I used tears as emotional threats to force my poor mother to make unwanted trips every night at 10.00"

Michael K said...

Blogger Trumpit said...
There were multiple times I participated in gang rapes

I thought you looked suspicious following that 9/11 widow across the street yelling fuck.

wildswan said...

You've got to give a little, take a little
And let your poor heart break a little
That's the story of, that's the glory of love

You've got to laugh a little, cry a little
Until the clouds roll by a little
That's the story of, that's the glory of love

Perhaps we could have eight stories in which men and women confess being in love and preferring each other regardless of PC, NPC, ABC. It could have a logo of a Twitter mob circling around a couple which morphs into doves forming a heart around them.

As long as there's the two of you
You've got the world and all its charms
And when the world is through with you
You've got each other's arms.

So wrong.

bleh said...

This is so distasteful. Soon we will have Chinese-style "struggle sessions" where men admit their past crimes against the feminist revolution, including holding doors open and insisting on driving.

Pianoman said...

That's part of what high school is about -- learning to comport yourself as a gentleman.

You enter high school not knowing how to treat someone as a lady. You have to learn, and along the way you will make a lot of mistakes.

Like snapping someones bra strap, for example.

(I don't think Gang Rape is part of that "learning process" tho ...)

William said...

I made some bad jokes, but that has more to do with who I am as a person rather than an adolescenct phase.. So far as moral character goes, I'm definitely on the dull normal side of the Bell shaped curve. Despite my lack of character. I have never been close to doing anything like rape or sexual assault. I had my hand brushed away, but I thought that was part of the negotiating process. Upon reflection, maybe not......I've known some girls with hairy stories to tell. These things happen. It's the rare woman who hasn't encountered a few despicable men in the course of her life.

RK said...

(I don't think Gang Rape is part of that "learning process" tho ...)

As long as we don't apply our standards to other cultures

Ignorance is Bliss said...

My only regrets are the things I didn't do...

Big Mike said...

There were guys who acted like idiots in high school and junior high, and there were girls who’d suck any penis placed in front of their face. Most of the former are now husbands and fathers and hardworking members of their community. Most of the latter are wives and mothers and viewedp as upstanding members of their community. If ypu’re going to screw up the lives of the men for what they did as youngsters then I insist that we at least be told of which grown women would get on their knees — or backs — for any boy who ask them back when they were adolescents and young teens.

Pianoman said...

Oddly enough, I don't recall ever hearing about "gang rapes" in HS.

But I ran with the Geeks, and fled from the sportos. There weren't a lot of chicks available to the STEM-type guys. We were doing Chess Club, Computer Club, Radio Club, and learning how to program BASIC on TRS-80s at lunchtime.

Just didn't have time in the schedule for the old Gang Raping.

Paddy O said...

"But then we progressed beyond those backward, dark, unenlightened times..."

No, we just shined the light on what was going on behind the scenes.

Men weren't gentlemen, except for show and tell. Some were, of course, and some still are.

Everyone just looked the other way or didn't say. Meanwhile, deep dysfunctional behavior affected all sorts of men and women.

Indeed, what John F. Kennedy, that dashing gentleman, got away with no President could get away with now.

People are just more honest and open about it all.

Oso Negro said...

I have a confession. When I was 14, a girl in the neighborhood's parents were out of town and she really wanted me to stay over for sex. I chickened out. But I never, ever, ever made that mistake again.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The stories not as boring as these comments.”

Not only boring, but boring and predictable.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I thought you looked suspicious following that 9/11 widow across the street yelling fuck.”

That was Ann Coulter.

William said...

JFK was far more successful with women than most people. He was also far more despicable. That's why these stories are plausible....Remember the Profumo affair. That happened during the Kennedy presidency. That brought disgrace down upon its participants. I guess the press in England weren't willing to cover for Conservatives, they way the press here was willing to cover for Kennedy. Carnality wasn't on Nixon's fault line, but, if it were, I'm pretty sure the press would have reported it.

Big Mike said...

@Inga, you resemble Ann Coulter?

Big Mike said...

Somehow I had pictured you as resembling Betty White, but not as young.

Francisco D said...

I attended a Lutheran high school in a small Nebraska town. We didn't do gang rapes.

I attended LCA services, choir, Luther League and other events throughout high school. We also missed out on the gang rapes.

I later worked with troubled adolescents and found that gang rapers were done by ...

... criminal gangs, like the Vice Lords.

rcocean said...

"I suggest the entire article is actually rejected Penthouse letters."

Yeah, that was my first thought.

Anybody who thinks "Gang Rape" is common is having their legs pulled. But it seems to be common fantasy or a certain number of men AND women.

Jeff said...

I read the NYT article and the way the stories are written, the use of words, the sentence structure, just the "feel" of them inclines me to believe they were all written by the same person. There is no distinct voice in any of them.

Rory said...

It seems like this is going international: The Guardian just published a poignant mea culpa from The Reverend Ronald Simms, the Dirty Vicar of St Michael's.

Birkel said...

I had Estelle Getty in the pool.

rcocean said...

"they way the press here was willing to cover for Kennedy"

The agreement about the Press and the Pols back then was if you kept in private AND it didn't interfere with your job, you could do pretty much anything.

Of course, had someone like Nixon, McCarthy, Goldwater, etc. behaved like JFK, the Press would've forgotten about the Gentlemen's Agreement that protected JFK, Rockefeller, LBJ, JFK, Wilkie, etc.

When the FDR/Leftists found out a certain isolationist Senator from Massachusetts in 1942 was Gay, they broke the "Gentlemen's Agreement" and outed him. Later, his friends retaliated by forcing FDR's Summner Welles to resign under threat that Welles' offer of oral sex to black Pullman conductors would be made public.

Ken B said...

I didn’t follow the link. I call bullshit. McMartin II.

sinz52 said...

Trumpit speculated: " Brett Kavanaugh, lifetime Trump appointee to the Supreme Court finally coming clean about enjoying himself through the years."

Let's hope Ann Althouse is still around by then.

I wonder if they'll still have blogs in 2050?

Ken B said...

I remember chess club, film club, but no gang-rape club. Who would be faculty advisor for that?

le Douanier said...

"If ypu’re going to screw up the lives of the men for what they did as youngsters then I insist that we at least be told of which grown women would get on their knees — or backs — for any boy who ask them back when they were adolescents and young teens."

So if men are made to be accountable for the sexual assault they committed when young, then gals should be slut shamed for not breaking laws when they were young. As if the connection between some sexually active young gals and their histories of abuse isn't enough punishment of them for you.

BTW, if sexually assaulted girls continue to suffer, why does should the abuser get away for free?



FIDO said...

Self revelation as an expiation of 'sin' only works if you trust the person you reveal your sins to.

The NYT is not on that list for a good 60% of the population or more.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Female with rape fantasy writes article fantasizing about rape.

Fake news. Completely.

le Douanier said...

"The NYT is not on that list for a good 60% of the population or more."

So, they're doing better than the Catholic church at the church's job.

Maybe the Catholic church is better at being a newspaper than the NYT. To even things up.

Michael K said...

Blogger Ignorance is Bliss said...
My only regrets are the things I didn't do...

I took this beautiful girl to a party in college. She had a little too much to drink and driving home (we were in the back seat) she put her head in my lap. I put my hand under her face as I would be humiliated if I got a hardon. She said she "might suffocate" but I left my hand there.

I later heard she liked to give blowjobs. She was homecoming queen a year later.

Bobb said...

I did not read the story. I assume all eight men are members of the NYT staff given the left-wing media's history of abusing women.

madAsHell said...

Why,why, why didn't I engage in emotionally wrenching but empty relationships based purely on animal magnetism?

....but you overlook the antibiotics!!

Michael Fitzgerald said...

LMAO @ these front-hole male feminists and incel pussies confessing to acts of testosterone inspired terrorism. No wonder why fish don't need bicycles.

Right Man said...

Penthouse letters for the #MeToo generation.

n.n said...

Denigrating individual dignity through diversity (i.e. "color" judgments), debasing human life through selective-child, and establishing a Pro-Choice quasi-religion, selective, opportunistic, and politically congruent, are first-order anthropogenic forcings of progressive collateral damage.

That said, men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature.

Individual dignity, intrinsic value, and perhaps inordinate worth. Go forth and reconcile.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

... and Julia observes that "everybody always confesses. You can't help it."

Wince said...

Pardon my bukakke.

Temujin said...

I'm regretting reading this post.

Mark said...

No, we just shined the light on what was going on behind the scenes.
Men weren't gentlemen, except for show and tell.

Then again, I always was naive and actually believed in all the decency stuff.

Bill said...

I'm gay. Most of my male friends are straight, some going back to early childhood, and all are gentlemen. NONE of them would consider taking advantage of a woman, never mind participating in gang rape.

What phucking planet do these people write from, anyway?

n.n said...

Women are not generally witches. Men are not generally warlocks. Fetuses, offspring, babies (sentient from around 1 to 2 months, and conscious sometime thereafter) are not merely colorful clumps of cells. This is a teachable moment, but not as the NYT hopes.

cubanbob said...

So this is the new business model for the NYT: Penthouse Forum letters with a progressive twist?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Were these guys raised in a barn?

I grew up in a blue collar neighborhood. The worst thing I remember was boys snapping our bra straps when we were 12 or so. By hs, that sort of thing was considered childish. I didn't know or hear of any boys who participated in gang rapes or unsnapped girls' bras (in public, anyway. I'm sure it happened in private in the backseats of cars.)

Yeah, boys were horny and wanted to have sex and if they did, they told their friends. Smart girls knew that and acted accordingly.

Mea Sententia said...

Empowering women and shaming men are two sides of the same coin.

buwaya said...

je ne regrette rien

Rocketeer said...

Whoa check it - this guy even let the NYT print his name!:

There was me, that is Alex, and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie, and Dim, and we sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our rassoodocks what to do with the evening. The Korova milkbar sold milk-plus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom, which is what we were drinking. This would sharpen you up and make you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence.

Birkel said...

I am not sure if anybody knows for a fact if I have had sex with a single woman in my entire life. Or at least they do not know it from my mouth. The OB/GYN might have figured it out with help from the ultrasounds. But it wasn't' ten that told!!

theo said...

I came to read Althouse and instead happened across the Penthouse Forum.

Such is the internet.

whitney said...

I feel the same way about this as I do when I read letters from conservative Christians to Dear Prudence. Conservative Christians are not writing a transgender advice columnist in Slate. Not happening. And no sane man's going to write the New York Times and confess to sexually inappropriate behavior. So if any of these are real the men are crazy and you shouldn't Listen to Crazy People

tim maguire said...

We have all done stupid things. We have all had stupid things done to us. If you isolate one type of act and treat it as different from all the others and focus on one sex as the actor and the other sex as the victim, then you will inevitably conclude that one sex habitually abuses the other in a particular way.

DanTheMan said...

>>"I don’t actually know what happened to her in the pantry. I’ve always blocked it out until now..."

Until I replaced the front door of our house. Then it all came rushing back. And by all, I mean not the year, or the house, or who was there, or how I got there, or how I got home.

I will have to replace a few windows and see if that helps.

DanTheMan said...

>>je ne regrette rien


Michael K said...

Lotta Beta males read the NYT.

Tom said...

Girls and guys at my high school used to de-pants each other all the time. Girls were just as likely to do it to a guy or another girl as the guys were.

gspencer said...

Was this article an attempt as a Reverse Penthouse Letters?

DanTheMan said...

>>Was this article an attempt as a Reverse Penthouse Letters?

It's an attempt to keep the "Kavanaugh is a gang rapist" meme alive.

Gahrie said...

I remember chess club, film club, but no gang-rape club. Who would be faculty advisor for that?

At my school it was the wrestling coach.

Darrell said...

NYT EDITOR: We're getting a lot of flack because nobody believed that woman that said that Kavanaugh used to watch and maybe participate in gang rapes that she witnessed. Even Prog
columnists and pundits couldn't buy that gang rape was common in US high schools during the 1980s. The big bosses want a piece making gang rape seem as common as pep rallies and going to the mall. Maybe have guys talking about it in the piece--a sort of "True Confessions." That way it won't look like this is only a bunch of women trying to take him down.

COLUMNIST: On it, Chief!

Unknown said...

> "Eight Stories of Men's Regret" (NYT).

I regret the NYT.

As an arm of the Democrat party

it's become a "Parade of Victims".

Joan said...

Kate wins the thread. (Scroll wayyyyy up)

Darrell said...

When I was in high school, the guys I hung with were never that much into gang rapes. Never more than two or three a week. It became too competitive when some of the girls started to do reviews in the school paper. We gave up when the shop kids started to do "Fat Girl Tuesdays" and their rating went through the roof. You have to know when you are beat!

Unknown said...

> Maybe have guys talking about it in the piece--a sort of "True Confessions." That way it won't look like this is only a bunch of women trying to take him down.

Dog bites man!

NYT doing its daily job to purify the world of wrongthink.

Anonymous said...

This was a woman writing a story about what she thinks men think.

It's not even that deep. These are nothing more than tall tales of rampaging penis-monsters meant for the pink-hatted cat ladies to publicly deplore and privately eroticize. Before there was widely available porn, "True Detective" type magazines fulfilled some of the same psychological needs in men.

richard mcenroe said...

Which you can believe as much of as you like.

Unknown said...

Kind of remind me of the Penthouse Forum

FIDO said...

I remember middle school. Suffice to say, boys are not the only people who did messed up sexual teasing.

Bob Loblaw said...

This whole article is complete bullshit.

This was a woman writing a story about what she thinks men think.

Yep. It's either made up from whole cloth by the author (as I suspect the famous cuckolding article was), or she found a handful of men willing to tell her what she wants to hear.

Darrell said...

With States removing the statute of limitation from sexual assalt cases, you would think that the men would be unwilling to use their names/come forward. You would also think that the NYT has an obligation to supply everything they know about the crime to law enforcement and prosecutors. How good of a citizen are you, NYT?

Robert Cook said...

"With States removing the statute of limitation from sexual assalt cases, you would think that the men would be unwilling to use their names/come forward."

If you read the introduction to the article, it states that the paper was unwilling to print stories anonymously, and many stories they would have liked to have included were excluded because the men were unwilling to have their names published. In short, this is a selection from the few who were willing to go public.

As to why men would come forward? They have regretted their actions for years, and this was a chance to free themselves, if only partially, from their guilt and shame.

Those who respond with blanket rejections that any of these stories are true show again their childish stamp-their-feet, hold-their-breath refusal to listen to or consider anything that runs counter to their experiences and/or their dogmatic belief systems. No wonder they're so wrong about so much so often.

Robert Cook said...

"Girls and guys at my high school used to de-pants each other all the time. Girls were just as likely to do it to a guy or another girl as the guys were."

Bullshit! I never heard of anything like that ever happening at my school or knew anyone who ever did such a thing! You must be making it up!

Darrell said...

Cookie insists you believe the Left's lies.
They worked hard coming up with them!

tim maguire said...

Robert Cook said...
"Girls and guys at my high school used to de-pants each other all the time. Girls were just as likely to do it to a guy or another girl as the guys were."

Bullshit! I never heard of anything like that ever happening at my school or knew anyone who ever did such a thing! You must be making it up!

Ha! Good one! That is what The Times want's you to believe, though, isn't it? It's not some awkward free for all of mutual petty torture, it's stuff boys do to girls.

Phil 314 said...

I’ve spoken to several women who regret their abortions. Would the NYT publish those stories?

stlcdr said...

Comment number one, Francisco D, simply nails it.

This is another attempt to perpetuate the 'women as victims' by lying. Yet again.

stlcdr said...

Actually, scratch that: not 'women as victims', but 'women as powerless victims'.

Caligula said...

"I read the NYT article and the way the stories are written, the use of words, the sentence structure, just the "feel" of them inclines me to believe they were all written by the same person. There is no distinct voice in any of them."

Well, that's what you get when you use that "Journolist AI" software to transform a set of keywords into an article that's ready to publish with minimal human editing.

Ken B said...

Well Cook, when the NYT prints names and addresses I'll take it more seriously. In the meantime I’ll stick to my cute insistence on evidence. Emmet Till would thank one of us; which do you think that would be?

gahrie said...

How about an article next week about women who regret "friend zoning" all the good men in their life while sleeping with "bad boys" they were determined to fix, but failed?

Jaq said...

Ann Coulter's ver goof friend Lisa Olson was killed in 9-11. That's a pretty disgusting comment, even for Inga.

Jaq said...

It took me longer than it should have to see that if a girl friend zones you just get her out of your life. Not the same thing as not having female friends, those can be great, and sure, you want to fuck them sometimes. But if it's one-sided, she is just trying to be kind, act accordingly. They say that most women decide if they want to sleep with you in thirty seconds, the rest is rationalization on their part.

Jaq said...

As a man, I am not owning what these liberal men are confessing for me to the New York Times. The only story that I ever heard of a gang rape first hand, or even not in print was a Jewish girl who had been raped by Palestinians in Israel. She hated all men for it. I thought of her as a political lesbian.

n.n said...

story that I ever heard of a gang rape

There was the transgender/homosexual female in, I believe, San Francisco, who was, not long ago, raped by a group of Hispanic[-American] and black[-American] men.

Bunkypotatohead said...

A bunch of Ted Kennedy wannabes.
NYT readers.
Democrats all.

Robert Cook said...

"Well Cook, when the NYT prints names and addresses I'll take it more seriously."

The names were published.

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