The “scary black cherry” slushy at Burger King might just give you two Halloween thrills for the price of one. Of course, that depends on how you feel about drinking something that might turn your poop bright blue or neon green.TheReportOfTheWeek actually drinks the stuff. He tests whether it does what it says it will do: "If this doesn't turn my tongue black and make it look like it's just dead and, you know, full-on necrosis has set in, I'm going to be quite upset":
If I google the phrase "scary black" right now, the whole front page of hits is about the Burger King beverage. So I added "race" to my search and — that guy is everywhere — the top 3 hits are about Trump:
Hold out for the risible black cherry, marketed to bemused whites.
Stop saying BLACK. It is another word we shouldn't say because people are such twinkies they can't handle words anymore.
Use Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X as spokesmen.
Mother ship milkshakes.
Black cherries are a kind of fruit. That's the color they are. You can also buy red cherries. They taste a little different. It's eight days until Halloween. Advertisers are marketing a lot of things using the word "scary". If you hear a whistle, you're the dog.
Althouse can see 'racism' [and phallic symbols] in just about anything. Black cherries are black cherries. They are an entity. A thing. And a very good thing, at that.
Scary black-cherry and scary-black cherry are not the same thing - most people are going to hear the first and not the second. If we keep running around with our hair on fire worrying about people hearing the second, then we're just guaranteeing that that's what they'll do.
Creepy-ass cracker and creepy ass-cracker are also distinct things....well, as in one exists and the other does not.
Another "black hole". That's two of these postulated phenomena in as much time, in as little space. A virtual miracle for the diversity racket.
This reminds me of the freakout from a few years ago. Dairy Queen started their Moo-Latte drink. White liberals where wringing their hands and wetting themselves.
Do you see the problem? It's too close to mulatto. And the drink lightens the black color of coffee with the with color of cream. Arrrgh racisim!!!1!!1
Time for Burger King to lose his black cherry.
What is scary is Democrats constant use of fake racism to gin up real racism. Trump talks about antifa and Toobin decides he means black people. - WHAT? In every photo I see most of the ANTIFA's are white and based on their behavior I would guess raised pretty well off.
Man..that review guy can fill time.
Scary black spider, Scary black hole, scary black goo around the toilet trap... What, we can't say scary black anymore because it's racist? WTF althouse?
Trump never promised me to protect me from "scary blacks." Annoying harpies screaming in my face counting on my gentlemanly restraint? Those he promised to deal with and deny them control over my life. Blacks are mostly American citizens and a longstanding part of all that is American Greatness. His racist tendency is to believe that a border is at least as important as a union picket line.
I always thought that Burger King was the black McDonald's.
If I heard "Scary Black Cherry" in a commercial, or saw it on a fast food menu board, one of the last things that I would ever think about would be any racial connotation.
I regard Althouse as an honest person, and as transparent as she is sensible when it comes to her opinion writing; and so I find it surprising that she would think of any racial component in a "Scary Black Cherry" promotion leading up to Halloween.
What is more interesting to me is how Halloween became such a national holiday in the first place. I don't understand the wide scale worship of what is essentially a kind of 1950's monster movie culture. There is close to zero religious aspect to Halloween (the origin is of course "All Hallows Eve"), and it now seems to be less and less about the children of boomers and Gen Xers eating candy (the precious things can't do that) and more and more about millennials having parties and getting dressed up in sexy vampire nurse costumes.
Remember that guy in the UK who insisted that the foam in his coffee spelled Satan in Arabic and McDonald's changed the product? Let's outlaw steak because babies can't chew it.
I amazed that some people get out of bed each morning. The world is dark and filled with terrors.
While a "color" bias is intrinsic, diversity must be nurtured.
It's really a statement in support of AntiFa, honoring their scary black shirts.
That's the ticket!
Is the Professor for real, or trolling her commentariat?
I had a law professor for Family Law who saw gender issues in everything. Seriously, she thought certain members of the Supreme Court were mean to Justice O’Connor in a dissent (O’Connor had written the majority opinion) and she saw it as a gender issue. They didn’t call her a bitch or anything, just disagreed with her arguments/reasoning. I thought they were treating her as an equal (and how I’d have thought she wanted to be treated) - you know, like a member of the court who needed to make her best case/argument and who would be challenged intellectually all the time when she wrote for the majority, just like all the other Justices were. But the professor saw a gender issue.
If you wear race colored glasses or gender colored glasses, you’re gonna see racism or gender issues everywhere.
Oh yum, black cherry is my favorite, however I’ll pass on the black tongue and blue poo. Who cares about this silly Halloween sales promotion?
Blogger Chuck said...”I regard Althouse as an honest person, and as transparent as she is sensible when it comes to her opinion writing; and so I find it surprising that she would think of any racial component in a "Scary Black Cherry" promotion leading up to Halloween.”
Don’t you pay attention? I don’t know if she believes this stuff or if she just does it to stir the pot, but this is right in the Althouse wheelhouse.
Scary Black Cherry was a Halloween Kool-Aid flavor at one time. #6 on the list.
This is ridiculous the the Nth degree.
Black Cherry is a type of cherry. Prunus serotina, commonly called black cherry, wild black cherry, rum cherry, or mountain black cherry, is a deciduous woody plant species belonging to the genus Prunus. The species is widespread and common in North America and South America.
Sweet dark cherries are often called Black. We have Black Tartan Cherry trees in our orchard. I guess we are racists against Blacks and Scottish. (Get over yourselves for God's sake!)
Just like a Rome Apple isn't really from Rome and a Granny Smith apple isn't your Grandmother.
What next. Force the Latin languages to change their language and words because some people have their panties in a wad over colors and terms that have been used for ages?
Black= Negro in many languages. Negro Negro Negro Negro.
Plus.....most of you who claim to be Black really aren' that is. You are various shades of brown and tan.
THIS is almost black.....and it is beautiful.
Get over yourselves for God's sake! Everything is NOT about you or your color
She’s overthinking the black cherry scare promo. I’ll bet no one but her saw anything racial in it. There are much bigger more serious issues happening in this country, but it’s her blog and she gets to blog about whatever strikes her someway.
NAACP equated "black holes" with "black whores". Maybe it was in celebration of Halloween and a prelude to the casting couch epiphany that accompanied conception of #MeToo.
If there is a blue wave next month we may see a new movement to restrict the use of the word "black" to persons of black-african descent just as the N word can now be shouted from the rooftops in Englewood but not in Norwood Park..
The alliteration of "scary cherry" is not Halloween-y.
Black is the absence of visible light.
Sometimes a non-color is just a non-color associated with a children's holiday.
Blogger Chuck said...”I regard Althouse as an honest person, and as transparent as she is sensible when it comes to her opinion writing; and so I find it surprising that she would think of any racial component in a "Scary Black Cherry" promotion leading up to Halloween.”
Don’t you pay attention? I don’t know if she believes this stuff or if she just does it to stir the pot, but this is right in the Althouse wheelhouse.
I have to agree with Mike. Does anyone remember Althouse seeing the word "nig" in a child's night blanket.
It's a rhyme, and it's about Halloween, not race.
Who had the freakout over the word niggardly?
Who had the freakout over the word niggardly?
Of course it was Washington DC.
If BK had added "scary black" to the word "cherry," you'd have a point. But they didn't. They added "scary" to "black cherry" to create a Halloween drink.
The "black cherry" part already exists and there's not a heck of a lot anyone can do about it at this point.
At least we're all primed to use Sherlock Holmes levels of deduction to find any and all possible links to RAYZIZM in every aspect of life.
I feelz so much better now.
Oh yeah, the top 3 searches should go under fake news.
Note that the search results for "scary black" returned only things written by liberal journalists.
They should have called it Scary Cherry of Color.
Nigra sum sed formosa... .
OK, let's pick a new name for this frozen treat. Eeeny, meeny, miney, moe, ....
shorter search engine: Please please please blacks, don't let go of the hivemind(D). Stay on the reservation.
It's scary out there and we the D will protect you.
Political correctness is about limiting the allowable language to the point people will no longer be able to effectively communicate with each other.
Think of how many times you self-censor then tell me how you're too smart to fall for this marxist conditioning.
Note that the search results for "scary black" returned only things written by liberal journalists.
There are no "liberal" journalists.
Black cherry chocolate chip ice cream is one of our favorites.
Are we racist?
If we are I just don't care-love my black cherry ice cream.
Either way -- first world problems.
Another "black hole"
Democrats and other assorted leftists are very frightened by the black hole. That's why there's a "caravan".
Ice cream is dairy, so if you love it you're a white supremacist. Some say.
Black Cherry Ice Cream (adds to grocery list) is so triggering, it should come in a plain brown wrapper. Can I say brown?
the problem with banning words, is then you have to ban the replacement words
dumb -> idiot -> moron -> imbecile -> mentally retarded -> intellectually challenged
negra -> negro -> colored person -> african american -> person of color
sodomite -> queer -> homo. -> gay -> LGBTQETC
there's a word, people take offense; there's a New word, people take offense
the only final solution isn't to get rid of the words, but get rid of the things
OR, barring that;
Meh. I disagree with Althouse. This is kind of nig-on-the-jammies-esque.
You ain't just whistling Dixie, Ann.
This is truly The Age of Trump--he is inescapable. A hundred years from now, people will look at this and understand why he aroused political opposition, but will have a hard time grappling with the level of obsession, probably concluding that it says more bout the obsessed than Trump..
There is close to zero religious aspect to Halloween
There is a close to zero Christian aspect to Halloween. It's actually a very important day in several pagan religions.
Intelligence Insensitivity from one of the smartest sources on the web.
gahrie said: "It's actually a very important day in several pagan religions."
which is why we're still allowed to say Happy Halloween! If it was a Christian holiday, we'd be required to say Happy Holiday!
Everyone is permitted to celebrate non Christian religions
Everyone is permitted to have non Christian demonstrations at football games
I prefer the Uppity Black Cherry Slush.
Also, scary was chosen because it rhymes with cherry.
When I saw"scary black product", I first thought they were talking about scary black guns, also known as "modern sporting rifles", and "assault weapons" by those who don't know any better. I thought that maybe they were using "product" instead of "gun" to be more politically sensitive. The problem I saw there is that BK would need to be a FFL if they really were passing out Scary Black Guns. AR-15 replicas would probably be quite popular with their younger male customers. And with the feasibility of that being so problematic, I realized that I had gone off on a tangent, or maybe down a rabbit hole.
Watched the video. ReviewBrah breaking "character" when he shows his tongue is amazing. He's genuinely delighted to see his tongue turned black!
"Black cherry chocolate chip ice cream is one of our favorites.
Are we racist?"
But is it scary black cherry chocolate ice cream?
"Scary Black Cherry?" Didn't Pam Grier star in that movie back in 1974?
I've never liked Black Cherries. Montmorency is where it's at, cherry-wise, in my life.
The tarter the better.
It’s Halloween.
Usually a holiday that wants to be scary and uses a lot of black and blood red.
With all of the hypersensitive warriors in the race consciousness industry, have any of them complained about "Scary Black Cherry"? Or are they too embarrassed to stretch the race-grievance business that far? I thought that they were never too embarrassed to make any sort of racial grievance claim.
When I Googled this story, all that I came up with was how this new Burger King Slushy turned customers' poop into strange colors. Nothing about the racial connotations in relation to "scary black..."
Althouse, did I miss something? Are there actually people in the race grievance industry that are complaining about this?
gahrie: There is a close to zero Christian aspect to Halloween.
Except for, you know, the name.
Although there's certainly not much Christian in the way the day is typically celebrated anymore. :)
And I say that because I’m still decorating my house and I have to shroud things in I hope scary black.
Black cherry is my most valuable timber. Right behind it is red oak (full blooded red oak, not the 1/1024 specie). I have no white oak in my timber stand but I did buy some for our barn floor. It has a real tight grain that holds up real well to horse urine.
I never would've thought of race here.
None of my best friends are black, but black cherry is one of my favorite flavors. So there's that.
Black oak has a more soulful grain than white oak, but it doesn't float quite as well.
I know Crack.
I don’t get
Ghosts are white. Ghosts are scary.
Scary, white ghosts.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
I never would've thought of race here.
I can analyze this statement so many ways. This might be my ATF, crack.
Depends on what you mean by the words never, thought, race, and here. When I place the emphasis on each different word, I see a whole different meaning with its own rabbit hole to fall into. Kind of like dealing with people every day.
I have no idea how anybody actually understands what other people really mean when they say things, but we get by. It's a blessing and a wonder.
I made the mistake of reading about Toobin's stupid comments noted in the meme machine. Apparently Toobin, a horse in the moronic stable of CNN commentators, said the other night that when Trump says he is concerned about violence if the Dems come up short on election day, that is in effect saying that Team Antifa is a bunch of scary black people. Well, who knew? I think Jeffery is a little confused and has mistaken antifa with the Black Lives Matter people. The unmasked antifa people I have seen look a lot like a 2018 version of the Wobblies--a rainbow coalition of confused young street toughs of every race and gender. Apparently young Asian female middle school teachers from the Bay Area like to get their weekend jollies by throwing rocks, swinging clubs, and spraying pepper juice with other white, black and latino losers. Antifa is bringing America together! Jeffery Toobin remains clueless.
It should be scary African-American cherry.
Not everything is about race, Althouse.
Especially this.
It ain't tone-deaf, as is shown by nobody else thinking it's about race.
When Universal Pictures made Blazing Saddles, the executives were scared that the movie would be seen as racist, but, thankfully, Richard Pryor was one of the writers, and explained to the nervous nellies that "the shit is funny!"
Where is the Richard Pryor of the Burger King beverage world?
Amazingly tone deaf, BK. The full name of the product is "Scary Black Cherry." I would never have used "scary black" in a product name.
It isn't Burger King that is tone deaf.
If you haven't noticed, taking on the PC thugs makes you quite popular.
Madison Man: I've never liked Black Cherries. Montmorency is where it's at, cherry-wise, in my life.
We have both. The BLACK Tartans (sweet dark cherries) are not self pollinating. The Montmorency (sour pie cherry) are both self pollinating and a cross pollinator to the Black Tartans.
Best of BOTH worlds! Sweet cherries for clafouti and sour for pies.
Topically, Taco Bell told us to Make a run for the border.
Ugh. At least Frank’s had the good sense to remove the word “terrifying” from their delicious black Cherry Wishniak, the Cheesesteak of beverages.
The Superior paper goods manufacturer could not be reached for comment regarding their Superior White Paper product line.
""Antifa is widely perceived as an African-American organization..."
Um. Lol. Wut?
(I could respond in full sentences with long words, but really, Toobin's "argument" is so ludicrous that it hardly seems to merit it.)
""Antifa is widely perceived as an African-American organization..."
Widely perceived, perhaps, by complete ignoramuses.
This summer I enjoyed the best-tasting cherries ever in Montana. They were called 'Flathead black cherries'. Make of that what you will.
mockturtle? but? huh? with huckleberries in season you ate cherries?
huh? what? but? mmmmmm huckleberries!
"Scary Black Cherry?" Didn't Pam Grier star in that movie back in 1974?
Mmmmm, Pam Grier. Tastier (I imagine-I was 22 in 1974) than any damn ice cream, cherry or not.
The car seller said the color of the car was, "black plum."
And so it was: purple, not black.
Presumably because black plums are ... purple.
But at least they knew enough not to call it a scary black plum car.
The terror of misplaced modifiers. If only they'd though to call it scary-scary, black-cherry.
You folks are missing the bigger story. Apparently some fools out there still purchase food from Burger King.
There! I said it! No one else had the Courage! And No One can stop me! Because Dove Beauty Bars says I can! Because I'm Strong and Brave!
(This comment was paid in part by Dove Soap Ltd. Because if you want to be virtuous in washing your hands, and see other consumer items as problematic, we're your brand. Comment also paid in part by McDonalds Inc. A company that doesn't have pretence towards monarchy. Because that's unAmerican)
Antifa is widely perceived as a black organization?
It's a buncha spoiled, white pinko college kids and flunky college professors who need a good ass-whipping.
"Antifa is widely perceived as an African-American organization..."
By other people we have never met whom we wish to paint as racist tools. AntiFa is the white left. They dream at night maybe about people thinking of them as authentically representing blacks, but that's just wannabee projection.
Imagine the outcry to come when the Indianapolis 500 winner chugs a quart of milk!
Apparently some fools out there still purchase food from Burger King.
I love the idea of many Burger King products, but can't stomach the reality of them.
D 2 said...
You folks are missing the bigger story. Apparently some fools out there still purchase food from Burger King.
There! I said it! No one else had the Courage! And No One can stop me! Because Dove Beauty Bars says I can! Because I'm Strong and Brave!
10 chicken nuggets and a chicken sandwich for ~$2.40.
The amount of calories/protein that can be produced prepared and delivered for such a small cost is a god damn miracle.
My BK lunch of choice: Bacon cheeseburger w/mayo only, side salad with croutons and ranch dressing, and a medium cup of water. <$4.00.
Now, if someone was selling "scary black menswear," it might be a different story.
They should make it watermelon flavor. Then it won't be racist.
I didn't see Trump saying black people were supposed to be viewed as scary in any of those search results, just wannabe deadbeat dad Toobin.
I just got home from Michigan night before last. Went to Frankenmuth, up to Mackinaw City and Mackinac Island (yes, two spellings), then down to Traverse City and took M-22 up and around the Leelanau Peninsula down to Glen Arbor, home of Cherry Republic. Had a cherry lambic and a cherry chicken salad sandwich, followed by cherry pie with cherry ice cream. Also had some cherry wine samples the day before at the Chateau Grand Traverse winery on the Mission Peninsula. We went from Cherry Republic to Sleeping Bear Dunes, then followed M-22 down to Empire and made our way back to the Detroit area so I could had home. It was a very cherry vacation. I saw lots of great fall color and I got snowed on Saturday night in Traverse City, the first turning leaves and snow I had seen in almost thirty years, breaking my snow-free streak from 1989. It was worth it to spend time with family. It was nice to walk out of the airport on Monday night, with Bruce Springsteen's "My Hometown" playing on the speakers and 75 degree temperatures at 10 p.m.
Also, I learned that if you have a pound-and-a-half of Mackinac Island fudge in your bag, it WILL be pulled aside by the security screener so you can open it up and show them that it isn't plastic explosive.
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