Trump has never expressed color judgments, or wished people to live short lives and fail. He has spoken often of individual rights and responsibilities, tending one's own garden, thereby promoting the general Welfare. Principles and principals.
Gunnar at 4:52: "My simple test for if a guy is "white": Would MSNBC and CNN be calling the person "white" if he or she cured world hunger?" Norman Borlaug was an American -- an American of African descent, as are all Americans. He was a Professor at the University of Minnesota. He won the Nobel Peace prize. He is credited with saving the lives of more than 1 billion people. Compare that number to the impact of other (or at least recent) winners of the Nobel Peace prize.
Ann, turn on Fox and you will discover they play to their own crowd. If it didn’t bring ratings (and money) then they wouldn’t do it. You seem to really have a problem with are just too dumb to know it.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said... The left are yammering on about how Trump said the word "Globalist" and that is somehow, for them, all of a sudden, a code word for "Jew."
Clinton Global Initiative anyone?
Soros and the Clintons are Globalists. IE: what can they take from the globe and shove into their own bank-accounts. Ask Haiti."
Some say Globalists others say Rootless Cosmopolitanism.
Well, the Bushes were globalists. The Clintons were globalists. Condi Rice and Colin Powell are globalists. Most of the Republican Party establishment have been globalists since Senator Vandenburg saw the light in the late forties. Nixon and Reagan were globalists. Carter was a globalist.
Have I hit any Jews yet? I don't think that word means what those morons on MSNBC think it means.
The Soviets used to call Jews they wanted to get rid of "stateless cosmopolitans". Now we are getting somewhere.
"Meade is watching Msnbc? Has he gone over to the dark side, monitoring the enemy or just enjoying the idiocy?"
He watches Fox News more, but he'll switch to MSNBC for balance. MSNBC, he says, is the "most extreme." I think the idea is that you get to balance with a smaller dose. I guess it's easy to see how biased those 2 channels are, and then you use your brain however you want — to criticize, to play, to try to extract what might be true. Similar to what I do with blogging.
Gadfly = that Article is filled with lies. One of which is that Nikolas Cruz wore a MAGA hat. Note the scarf covering his face. That's a great way to create a fake photo.
Not just MSNBC. Read Somin from the Volokh conspiracy today. Or don't; he was threatened by Sayoc, he admits he has no evidence but blames Trump anyway. In the Volokh Conspiracy ffs.
the idea is that you get to balance with a smaller dose
It's a form of signal diversity, where ideally the emissions are orthogonal, which aids resolving data bias and filtering noise, thus enabling recovery and characterization of the source (e.g. "truth").
Ever had Dutch licorice? It isn’t like regular licorice. It is intense, sharp, salty. Very salty. It is classified by 1p, 2p, etc up to 7p. Most people cannot handle 1p, and settle for 1/2p. MSNBC is 7p. Pravda was about 6p.
Watching MSNBC for "balance" is like looking into a kaleidoscope to double check what you are seeing through your telescope. Admittedly, a telescope is like looking through a straw.
Ann, turn on Fox and you will discover they play to their own crowd. If it didn’t bring ratings (and money) then they wouldn’t do it. You seem to really have a problem with are just too dumb to know it.
It brings ratings because at least there is an attempt at balance. There are plenty of leftists on most of their programming. I watch because I can get both sides of a story and make my own judgments without having to have one side of an issue crammed down my throat.
I believe voters are past the tipping point on news. They believe the man who always told them the truth and they are amazed at the Dem Party Media like watching a carnival freak show. But you just have to see the freak show for yourself.
Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said... Fox runs rightish, but no match for how far MSMNC runs left.
Fox was blaming Trump for this latest atrocity already. No way would you see MSNBC come out and say, "Let's wait for more information..." So yeah, MSNBC is way further left than Fox is right, which is why Fox is popular, it's mainstream and CNN and MSNBC far less so.
However, assuming a functional market, and without dictatorial declarations, they reflect the will of the consumers.
Well, assuming the market is functional, than Fox News for the win.
More people watch that than MSNBC and CNN combined. And IIRC, it was MULTIPLES of viewers over those channels.
But there is also a 'functional market' of men watching young ladies without any clothes on peeing and defecatng on men. Not my thing but SOMEONE pays for it.
So if THAT sells, it does not surprise me that MSNBC has some kind of a similar niche as well.
"Meade is watching Msnbc? Has he gone over to the dark side, monitoring the enemy or just enjoying the idiocy?"
He watches Fox News more, but he'll switch to MSNBC for balance. MSNBC, he says, is the "most extreme." I think the idea is that you get to balance with a smaller dose. I guess it's easy to see how biased those 2 channels are, and then you use your brain however you want — to criticize, to play, to try to extract what might be true. Similar to what I do with blogging.
Excluding their explicitly opinion shows like Hannity, I don't think that Fox News is particularly biased. In fact, they are often out in left field.
I have one politically connected friend, who predicted a Trump win in late Oct 2016 - he said the polls were off.
Today, he says the polls are still off. He says a big bloc of Trump voters are still "underground," and don't respond to traditional polling, certainly no polling by NBC, CBS, ABC.
He also says many, many voters are becoming independent or decline to state party ID.
If Fox "runs rightish," what does that make me? I never thought of myself as a right-wing extremist, but perhaps that is what I am. And so was the entire Norway I grew up in; including the then socialist Labour Party.
In other news, Wisconsin's Christian Yelich won the Hank Aaron award for best hitter in the National League. (Boston's Mookie Betts won the American League award.)
"I guess it's easy to see how biased those 2 channels are, and then you use your brain however you want — to criticize, to play, to try to extract what might be true."
Althouse is hilarious.
It's like she's at a coffee shop speculating the reasoning re why the guy in the table next to her is eating his soup with a fork. The world is full of unanswerable mysteries.
It is days like this I really have no interest in watching the news. Other than the basic facts (shooting occurred, some injured and killed) most everything is speculation for the next 48 hours.
I don't mean to change topics; but isn't it interesting how many people might have incited this new shooter. Yet we still don't know anything about the motive of the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shooter and nobody in the media cares. The LVPD and FBI decide to close that case, and the media collectively shrugs it shoulder. If that doesn't matter, why does anyone need to be connected with today's shooter or yesterday's bomber? Both seemed to have acted with far less preparation than the Mandalay Bay shooter.
Billy Madison had the most apt quote about MSNBC, which is literally nothing more than ranting and raving about Republicans and the President in particular:
"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
He also says many, many voters are becoming independent or decline to state party ID.
He predicts GOP keeps the House.
10/27/18, 6:03 PM
I pray your friend is correct. It's a very difficult thing to gauge since nonliberals, particularly those in blue areas,keep their mouths shut.
Parents have 2 choices when their 3 year olds throw screaming hissy fits in stores. They can either cave and buy the kid the candy or they can quietly dig their heels in and refuse to give in to the tantrum. Leftists are betting that the Independents will succumb out of sheer exhaustion. That might happen, but I hope people are realizing that no amount of candy will mollify the screechy brat that lives inside every Leftist.
I have met a few white supremacists in my life. Real white supremacists, not whatever passes for white supremacists in the imagination of the Left. One was a skinhead biker ex con. Another was an actual Nazi (Austrian SS, or so he claimed). You cannot exaggerate the Jew hatred of these people. It is the first thing on their minds. Any discussion begins and ends with the culpability of the Jews for all the word's woes, especially the woes of white people. If you complain to your white supremacist friend about the timing of the traffic lights in your town, your white supremacist friend will blame the Jews. Seriously. They think about killing Jews all day and at night they dream about it. The guy I met who claimed to have been Austrian SS told me that it was not true that the SS killed civilians, because there were no civilians on the Front, and wherever the SS was, there was also the Front. They believe that the only way to effectively fight the Jews is for white people to come together in solidarity and dedicate their lives to the goal of defeating the Jews. The goal of defeating the Jews has priority over any individual goals a white person might have. Anything or anyone that stands between you and killing Jews is your mortal enemy. If you question their reasoning, they will immediately accuse you of being a Jew, or half-Jew if you don't look the part. I am amused by the Left's attempt to describe everything and everyone they don't like as being "white supremacist." They have no fuckin' idea. If White Supremacists actually had political power in the US, they would all be dead.
Technically there is an infinite number of things I don't know.
Presumably you and Doc Mike do better.
To quote Reagan, Peanut, the problem with the left (He called you Liberals but that was years ago) is not the they don't know anything. It is just the things they know that aren't so.
I'm happy to see that Breitbart is calling the blacks-leaving-the-Democratic-Party-phenom 'Blexit'. Hope it catches on. Maybe a similar Hispanic movement could be called 'Mexit'.
"Maybe a similar Hispanic movement could be called 'Mexit'."
If we're talkin' catchy marketing names: how about a Caravan Invader company that provides those portable toilet things that are at some music events. MexiCan.
The increasingly powerful far-left calls mainstream leftists (like Hillary Clinton) neo-liberals. Neoliberalism is, according to the far left, just as bad as the right, because neoliberals accept the legitimacy of capitalism, colonialism, and racism by favoring globalism, economic growth, and individual rights over social justice. A century ago labor was the home of the far left. Today it is college campus.
an actual Nazi (Austrian SS, or so he claimed)... You cannot exaggerate the Jew hatred of these people
The Nazis, the German Socialists, were the prototypical "progressives" of their era, single-payer this and that, universal services, redistributive change, and obsessively, compulsively latched unto the concept of "Jew privilege". They embraced diversity or color judgments without borders, and pursued a policy of selective-Jew and others that they deemed unworthy.
Diversity or color judgment is forward thinking and divergent. So is the rise of anti-nativism globally.
Hahahahahaha!! Who and what constitutes this phantom cohort?
"...calls mainstream leftists (like Hillary Clinton) neo-liberals. Neoliberalism is, according to the far left, just as bad as the right...." Because they are essentially right-wingers.
I think the Democrats have alienated a lot of middle class voters who may have leaned slightly left in the past and I have a feeling that a lot of them may just stay home this year.
I asked my barber Francisco, a very traditional mainstream New Mexico Democrat, what he thought and he said he did not approve of Donald Trump's personal behavior, but thought he had been a good President so far and that the Republicans would hold both the Senate and the House in the coming election, and that Trump would be re-elected in 2020. But he was not happy about it.
My sense is the MAGA bomber and the Bower killer both brainwashed themselves.
I reviewed hardrock2016 before twitter took it down (the maga bomber), and it was clear the guy had researched quite a bit of stuff, convincing himself of the evils of McCain, Warren, Soros, Clinton, Chelsea. There wasn't much in the way of Trump quotations/propaganda, though there was some appreciation of the man.
The Bower killer's posts (which can be found here in the wayback machine) are also seriously researched, though sometimes nonsensical (such as Jews are viewed as pushing Muslims into Europe). There is a picture of a truck with the six star of David on it as part of the caravan, and so it is Jews behind the invasion of America. Very little Trump stuff.
I almost wonder if trying to stamp out the so called fake news will insight more of these kinds of people, since part of it seems to be "You are hiding information from us, and we are finding it. . ."
Also, it's a real shame twitter and company feel the need to take this information down.
I say keep it up for everyone to see.
Because it is hidden, the press is having a field day pretending these people were spun up by Trump. I see zero evidence of that. They spun themselves up.
I'm getting tired of a few Nuts derailing the whole USA Public wide conversation.
We have some important issues: Immigration, trade, the deficit, North Korea, Russia, Judges, etc.
And now we're going to spend, how long? Talking about a couple nuts and their nutty acts of violence. And how Trump, the NRA, and - the Republicans in general - are to blame.
It's not just MSNBC. USA Today has an article on the shooter that spent seven paragraphs trying to the him to Trump. Finally, they concede "Bowers, though, said he did not vote for Trump."
Humperdink, most of the churches I've attended have the same practice and, though I don't know for sure, I suspect at least one of the ushers is armed.
Actually, the base of both parties is in the mainstream middle where they run the TV for background noise and switch to a less depressive channel when the news come on, and that is the "base" that they have to have in order to win elections. The activist fringes may bring victory if the bases are equally matched, but if they offend the real base, the party is toast.
The media are full of prunes as usual. If it bleeds, it leads, which is in their interest, but not necessarily the party's.
It is something when Claire McCaskill runs ads in Missouri assuring the Democrat faithful that she is not with "those crazy left-wing Democrats." But then madam, as a party leader, what have you done to rein them in?
Actually, the base of both parties is in the mainstream middle where they run the TV for background noise and switch to a less depressive channel when the news come on, and that is the "base" that they have to have in order to win elections.
Thank you! Yes! I have been confounded lately by politicos calling the extremes the base. I suspect it's just a way to keep the most interesting stories in the news by making the activists people seem more important than they are.
Two points:First, I enjoy watching MSNBC occasionally to see how much they exist in an opposite universe. Especially Ms Madsow.
Second, Fox's ratings are over the top because to many Americans it is the only source of news bending right. The others disperse their audience or their potential audience is so intellectually elite considering they need nothing beyond the NYT to support their view of world events.
You remember when that stupid Nazi shot up a Sikh temple in Oak Creek because the moron Nazi was trying to impress a waitress, and thought Sikhs were Muslims? Because turbans?
The year was 2012. Who was president then? Hint: Not Trump.
Listen, folks. Nazis are stupid and violent losers. It doesn't matter who is president at the time, they are, and always have been, stupid and violent losers.
Lewis Wetzel reports: Any discussion begins and ends with the culpability of the Jews for all the word's woes, especially the woes of white people. If you complain to your white supremacist friend about the timing of the traffic lights in your town, your white supremacist friend will blame the Jews.
Once when my late husband and I were buying a house the owner inquired of my husband the origin of his name [he must have though it sounded Jewish]. My husband explained that it was of Norman origin and launched a short family history. This guy was a bona fide racial supremacist and I felt creepy moving into the house at first. This was also a guy who made frequent trips to the Philippines, if you get my point.
Unlike Meade I don’t watch MSNBC or Fox – or for that matter CNN, NBC, CBS, or ABC – for news. I find that I am more likely to learn what’s actually going on by looking at multiple sources on the internet (occasionally including commenters on Althouse). I do watch ABC’s Good Morning America most mornings, primarily because my wife enjoys it and I like sharing the time with her. I also like watching an anchor panel that must pull down something between $20 and $50 million per year. But the show also gives me a good sense of what snake oil the MSM is selling on a particular day, and to me that’s more useful than knowing what MSNBC and Fox are harping on.
I've run into mildly anti-Semitic far right-winger online. They were odious, but harmless. I've run into virulently anti-Semitic far left-wingers in real life. One, especially, was terrifying. I left the bar by a side door and entered my apartment building in the back.
I asked my barber Francisco, a very traditional mainstream New Mexico Democrat, what he thought and he said he did not approve of Donald Trump's personal behavior, but thought he had been a good President so far and that the Republicans would hold both the Senate and the House in the coming election, and that Trump would be re-elected in 2020.
That’s nice, and I hope he’s right, but my experience with barbers is that they are extremely skilled at sizing a man up and telling him what he wants to hear. It may be on politics, women, or sports, but a barber who doesn’t figure out how to flatter his customers’ preconceptions doesn’t stay in business long.
I got tired of the inane chatter and so I don’t talk to barbers at all while they are working.
tim in vermont said... Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said... Fox runs rightish, but no match for how far MSMNC runs left.
"Fox was blaming Trump for this latest atrocity already." ******************
I call BULLSHIT every time I read something as dopey and inane as this. "Fox was blaming Trump for ..."
Oh really???
Did the fucking **FOX NETWORK** issue such a condemnation, or was it someone you saw ON Fox who blamed him, someone like Shemp or Juan, whose brains are as mushy as a sneaker full of puppy shit, but are there to offer "opposing views"?? IOW Someone who speaks only for him/herself???
Funny, if you actually LOOK at the Fox New website, there's no such condemnation.
The thing of which I have to keep reminding myself is this- the audiences for FoxNews, CNN, and MSNBC every night is less than 5% of the adult population of the country, combined. The three networks do what they do because that is what their tiny audiences want. The vast majority of the adult population is far less politically involved, and thus unmoved by any of the nonsense.
Michael K @7:12, I read quite a bit about the Manhattan project a few years back, though not the book you linked to.
It is a fascinating epoch of American history, utterly amazing to realize how such a vast project was carried out without significant leaks that tipped off our nation's enemies. (Germany was working on producing a fission bomb but their effort was providentially tripped up near the end of the war in Europe.)
I didn't have trouble understanding the physics well enough to appreciate the story, though it was several decades since I'd studied that stuff in depth. Of course when I was in college it was a lot closer to the time the Manhattan project was taking place compared to now. AIUI quantum physics has changed a lot since the 1960's.
An aspect of the Manhattan Project that's very relevant to today's topic was the incredible number of Jewish physicists and mathematicians who were pivotal to the success of the Project. These people were almost all (if not all) 1st or 2nd generation European immigrants or descendants. Some were refugees from the Nazis (like Einstein who suggested the idea of the fission bomb), but most of them (or their parents) had arrived in the early years of the 20th century.
Those facts said something to me about the value to our nation of vetted, legal immigrants. It's almost like the particular set of new Americans was preordained to accomplish such a vital mission for America. Just about all of the people who worked on the Project were first-order patriots, would only we see that occurring today.
So you're starting to repeat what I say, about the racist commenters, here - but about the people on the other side, who I also say it about, but offline?
It’s odd that any conservative that wants a regular seat at the MSNBC table always shape shifts to being anti-conservative. Must be the salary. Sad that MSNBC can’t be diverse.
Salena Zito was screamed at by a Guardian reporter, accused of causing the synagogue shooting because she reports on Trump supporters. And Howard Dean opines that we are in a struggle between good and evil, and Trump is evil.
This is how you get more Trump. Lots more Trump.
To quote the Instapundit, "worst political class ever."
A couple of things: If you can attract even a small percent of the TV audience, your fortune is made. Hence MSNBC.
The extremes of the parties may be a minority (though growing) in the party. But they are greatly over represented in those that bother to vote in primaries. Hence their out sized importance. Plus there in the squeaky wheel gets the grease phenomenon.
Even with the consecutive annual increases hate crimes enumerated by the FBI in 2016 are still 37 percent below 2001’s record high of 9,730 incidents. The ten year trend for FBI reported hate crime, 2007 through 2016 was a decline of 19.7 percent, from 7,624 to 6,121. Crime in general during that same period declined as well, with property crimes falling 20 percent and violent crime falling by 12 percent.
One other point. Almost all of this data is based on reported crimes. This means two things. First, if only a small percentage of crimes are reported, the actual number is much larger. This also means that an increase in reporting does NOT necessarily mean an increase in crimes. One has to wonder if the media coverage of the Trump presidency encourages more reporting. It certainly means more trumpeting.
As R/V says, a short post of facts that can be easily checked goes a long way.
r/V: Tim a short post of facts that can be easily checked is worth more than the knee jerk name calling so often seen on this blog.
Not necessarily. For example, the value of "a short post of facts" about a particular issue depends on the knowledge and sophistication of the audience regarding that issue. E.g., a bald claim that there has been a rise in "hate crimes" isn't of any value to people familiar with the sources/methodology/definitions used in "hate crime" stats.
So in that case a post razzing the hapless innocent who thought he was introducing heretofore unfamiliar information probably has a tad more posting-value than the original claim.
I call BS on your fake stats. Note that you don't have an honest link to share. Gadfly tired and failed with his lie-filled BS.
meanwhile - normals are taking note: John Podhoretz says:
Based on the early evidence, the shooter was not only consumed with a hatred of Jews but possessed a kind of sneering contempt for Trump on the grounds that Trump was basically a Jewish agent or a Jew-lover himself. Trump can only be blamed for the murderous Jew-killing actions of someone who thought of him that way by people who are so consumed by hatred of him that there is nothing they won’t blame him for.
The number of hate crimes and anti Semitic crimes has increased since the Trump Presidenticy but correlation is not causation.
Well, there are three theories to that:
First, the Media is 95% negative to Trump and will try to tie smaller honey harvests of 2017 to his decision to leave the Paris Climate Accords LATE in 2017to his evil policies. So of course Jews getting shot is reported more, because it is bad news.
Second, when your Favored Son of a President attended a blatantly anti-Semitic church for DECADES, who was raised in a Islamic Madras, who wants to cut ties to tends to be chary of noting any increases in anti-Semitic crime. So a consistent amount of anti-Semitic crime is made to seem less...sort of how the press reports homelessness. It doesn't exist on a national level with Democrats are in office. It is suddenly a CRITICAL ISSUE when a Republican is in office. This is a historical bias.
Third, the Left has become increasingly anti-Semitic and much more pro Islam for reasons I do not understand. Lefties in our 'Tolerant' Institutions of Higher 'Learning' are saying far more crazy anti-Semitic and anti-White rhetoric. They are getting crazier. So there MAY be a surge in anti-Semitic violence. But it isn't being done by Trump supporters, something the Left does not want to admit.
I embrace the idea of 'and' with all of these theories.
It’s odd that any conservative that wants a regular seat at the MSNBC table always shape shifts to being anti-conservative. Must be the salary. Sad that MSNBC can’t be diverse.
It makes sense that Obama appeased the Jew haters and perhaps that's why they didn't go on many shooting sprees. What a theory. Obama appeased the Jew haters, because *wink* he was one.
Trump inspired the Jew hate by his support of Israel. Well - that is the theory on the left.
the Left has become increasingly anti-Semitic and much more pro Islam for reasons I do not understand.
Muslims are seen as "brown people" and therefore to be sanctified.
Their practices of FGM and abayas and throwing gays from roof tops are seen as "native practices" that should be celebrated as "authentic." It is daddy and the children. Or better yet, mommy and the children.
The same approach to blacks as irreversibly inferior and therefore to be cared for, is seen by the left.
Of course, if a Muslim like Hirsi Ali, or a back like Clarence Thomas, rebelled, they are to be stomped on without mercy.
In today's news environment you have to read the written editions as if they are the current version of the Pravda publication during the days of the Soviet Union. One needs to acquire the expertise in separating the few kernels of truth that may appear amidst the mountain of propaganda. It is also telling what they avoid to cover.
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I say to myself: just watch... they will overplay their hand.
I now say this three or four times a week, but I expect the rate to increase.
Trump has never expressed color judgments, or wished people to live short lives and fail. He has spoken often of individual rights and responsibilities, tending one's own garden, thereby promoting the general Welfare. Principles and principals.
Maybe Trump will say something about women soon.
I say out loud: "They just can't help themselves."
It's worse than that. They think they're doing it for the good of the country.
Perhaps this time the deplorables will see the light and it will set off a Jim Jones-style mass suicide.
That's how it always ends in their dreams.
MSNBC can help themselves perfectly well. It's the audience that can't help itself.
Meade is watching Msnbc?
Has he gone over to the dark side, monitoring the enemy or just enjoying the idiocy?
MSNBC is radical leftwing.
But should people so shallow, obsessive and easily distracted be in charge of our information?
My simple test for if a guy is "white": Would MSNBC and CNN be calling the person "white" if he or she cured world hunger?
The left are yammering on about how Trump said the word "Globalist" and that is somehow, for them, all of a sudden, a code word for "Jew."
Clinton Global Initiative anyone?
Soros and the Clintons are Globalists. IE: what can they take from the globe and shove into their own bank-accounts. Ask Haiti.
All cable news has become unwatchable, but MSNBC has become cra cra in a very special way. It is deep dive Dem propaganda. Yech.
But should people so shallow... be in charge of our information
Should, probably not. However, assuming a functional market, and without dictatorial declarations, they reflect the will of the consumers.
Globalists have demonstrated a distinct anti-native bent and solutions.
"blah blah blah... Donald Trump is a part of it... blah blah blah..."
I'm overhearing MSNBC right now.
I say out loud: "They just can't help themselves."
Are you a masochist? Do you enjoy aggravating yourself? Enjoy keeping company with loons? Just asking for a friend.
Gunnar at 4:52: "My simple test for if a guy is "white": Would MSNBC and CNN be calling the person "white" if he or she cured world hunger?" Norman Borlaug was an American -- an American of African descent, as are all Americans. He was a Professor at the University of Minnesota. He won the Nobel Peace prize. He is credited with saving the lives of more than 1 billion people. Compare that number to the impact of other (or at least recent) winners of the Nobel Peace prize.
Ann, turn on Fox and you will discover they play to their own crowd. If it didn’t bring ratings (and money) then they wouldn’t do it. You seem to really have a problem with are just too dumb to know it.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
The left are yammering on about how Trump said the word "Globalist" and that is somehow, for them, all of a sudden, a code word for "Jew."
Clinton Global Initiative anyone?
Soros and the Clintons are Globalists. IE: what can they take from the globe and shove into their own bank-accounts. Ask Haiti."
Some say Globalists others say Rootless Cosmopolitanism.
MSNBC missed this and so did Althouse: "Here Is a List of Far-Right Attackers Trump Inspired. Cesar Sayoc Wasn’t the First — and Won’t Be the Last."
It's wonderful how criticism of big donor Soros is anti-Semitic but criticism of big donor Adelson is perfectly fine.
Well, the Bushes were globalists. The Clintons were globalists. Condi Rice and Colin Powell are globalists. Most of the Republican Party establishment have been globalists since Senator Vandenburg saw the light in the late forties. Nixon and Reagan were globalists. Carter was a globalist.
Have I hit any Jews yet? I don't think that word means what those morons on MSNBC think it means.
The Soviets used to call Jews they wanted to get rid of "stateless cosmopolitans". Now we are getting somewhere.
"Meade is watching Msnbc? Has he gone over to the dark side, monitoring the enemy or just enjoying the idiocy?"
He watches Fox News more, but he'll switch to MSNBC for balance. MSNBC, he says, is the "most extreme." I think the idea is that you get to balance with a smaller dose. I guess it's easy to see how biased those 2 channels are, and then you use your brain however you want — to criticize, to play, to try to extract what might be true. Similar to what I do with blogging.
All they have to do is not act crazy and they can't even do that.
Gadfly = that Article is filled with lies. One of which is that Nikolas Cruz wore a MAGA hat. Note the scarf covering his face. That's a great way to create a fake photo.
gadfly is on the case. Try not to act crazy, gadfly.
Fox runs rightish, but no match for how far MSMNC runs left.
Not just MSNBC. Read Somin from the Volokh conspiracy today. Or don't; he was threatened by Sayoc, he admits he has no evidence but blames Trump anyway. In the Volokh Conspiracy ffs.
Here's a nice video of Jesse Jackson giving Donald Trump an award for a lifetime of service to African Americans:
The Poor Man's LLR Chuck Gadfly hardest hit.
But then, Gadfly is always the hardest long as LLR Chuck is not around.
BTW, Jesse Jackson gave Trump this award...precisely as he would have given to Literal Hitler.
Right Gadfly?
the idea is that you get to balance with a smaller dose
It's a form of signal diversity, where ideally the emissions are orthogonal, which aids resolving data bias and filtering noise, thus enabling recovery and characterization of the source (e.g. "truth").
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "Gadfly = that Article is filled with lies."
Those are the only ones that "help" our Poor Man's LLR Chuck Gadfly make his case!!
BTW, did anyone ever foolishly wander over to the blog site Gadfly was pathetically peddling some time back?
It was every bit as ludicrous as you thought it would be!
Ever had Dutch licorice? It isn’t like regular licorice. It is intense, sharp, salty. Very salty. It is classified by 1p, 2p, etc up to 7p. Most people cannot handle 1p, and settle for 1/2p. MSNBC is 7p. Pravda was about 6p.
Ronald Reagan: there they go again!
He watches Fox News more, but he'll switch to MSNBC for balance.
That's funny to me. My zeitgeist is Boston and I read Althouse for balance. I read Althouse comments for imbalance.
Watching MSNBC for "balance" is like looking into a kaleidoscope to double check what you are seeing through your telescope. Admittedly, a telescope is like looking through a straw.
Once written, twice... said...
Ann, turn on Fox and you will discover they play to their own crowd. If it didn’t bring ratings (and money) then they wouldn’t do it. You seem to really have a problem with are just too dumb to know it.
It brings ratings because at least there is an attempt at balance. There are plenty of leftists on most of their programming. I watch because I can get both sides of a story and make my own judgments without having to have one side of an issue crammed down my throat.
I believe voters are past the tipping point on news. They believe the man who always told them the truth and they are amazed at the Dem Party Media like watching a carnival freak show. But you just have to see the freak show for yourself.
And the fact that their ratings dwarf all of those other outlets combined is proof that they are in tune with the body politic.
Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Fox runs rightish, but no match for how far MSMNC runs left.
Fox was blaming Trump for this latest atrocity already. No way would you see MSNBC come out and say, "Let's wait for more information..." So yeah, MSNBC is way further left than Fox is right, which is why Fox is popular, it's mainstream and CNN and MSNBC far less so.
You seem to really have a problem with are just too dumb to know it.
Yes, the obvious solution is to ban capitalism and free speech, because that has always worked out so well in the past everywhere it's been tried!
Pardon me if I don't use Once as my expert on Capitalism.
Socialists usually are not the best sources on Capitalism.
So if msnbc ( and the rest of the democrat media ) were an enemy of the people, how would they be different?
However, assuming a functional market, and without dictatorial declarations, they reflect the will of the consumers.
Well, assuming the market is functional, than Fox News for the win.
More people watch that than MSNBC and CNN combined. And IIRC, it was MULTIPLES of viewers over those channels.
But there is also a 'functional market' of men watching young ladies without any clothes on peeing and defecatng on men. Not my thing but SOMEONE pays for it.
So if THAT sells, it does not surprise me that MSNBC has some kind of a similar niche as well.
Isn't it odd that all this shit is going down right in the run-up to the election?
Ann Althouse said...
"Meade is watching Msnbc? Has he gone over to the dark side, monitoring the enemy or just enjoying the idiocy?"
He watches Fox News more, but he'll switch to MSNBC for balance. MSNBC, he says, is the "most extreme." I think the idea is that you get to balance with a smaller dose. I guess it's easy to see how biased those 2 channels are, and then you use your brain however you want — to criticize, to play, to try to extract what might be true. Similar to what I do with blogging.
Excluding their explicitly opinion shows like Hannity, I don't think that Fox News is particularly biased. In fact, they are often out in left field.
Next bad harvest, we need to exile our leaders to the desert.
Blogger tcrosse said...
Isn't it odd that all this shit is going down right in the run-up to the election?
10/27/18, 5:47 PM
Yeah. Quite a coincidence, isn't it?
We used to have the October surprise. Now we have the October barrage.
I have one politically connected friend, who predicted a Trump win in late Oct 2016 - he said the polls were off.
Today, he says the polls are still off. He says a big bloc of Trump voters are still "underground," and don't respond to traditional polling, certainly no polling by NBC, CBS, ABC.
He also says many, many voters are becoming independent or decline to state party ID.
He predicts GOP keeps the House.
If Fox "runs rightish," what does that make me?
I never thought of myself as a right-wing extremist, but perhaps that is what I am.
And so was the entire Norway I grew up in; including the then socialist Labour Party.
In other news, Wisconsin's Christian Yelich won the Hank Aaron award for best hitter in the National League. (Boston's Mookie Betts won the American League award.)
"I guess it's easy to see how biased those 2 channels are, and then you use your brain however you want — to criticize, to play, to try to extract what might be true."
Althouse is hilarious.
It's like she's at a coffee shop speculating the reasoning re why the guy in the table next to her is eating his soup with a fork. The world is full of unanswerable mysteries.
apropos of nothing,
you would think the precedent would lead to a rendition, gone wrong,
MSNBC, bin Laden's favorite network till they got rid of olbermann, then he switched to al Jazeera, the thanim family's Wurlitzer,
It is days like this I really have no interest in watching the news. Other than the basic facts (shooting occurred, some injured and killed) most everything is speculation for the next 48 hours.
I don't mean to change topics; but isn't it interesting how many people might have incited this new shooter. Yet we still don't know anything about the motive of the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shooter and nobody in the media cares. The LVPD and FBI decide to close that case, and the media collectively shrugs it shoulder. If that doesn't matter, why does anyone need to be connected with today's shooter or yesterday's bomber? Both seemed to have acted with far less preparation than the Mandalay Bay shooter.
The world is full of unanswerable mysteries.
Boy is that true !
Sorry you have so many,
Yet we still don't know anything about the motive of the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay shooter and nobody in the media cares.
Yup, the Vegas police are still getting over the Mafia, I guess.
Billy Madison had the most apt quote about MSNBC, which is literally nothing more than ranting and raving about Republicans and the President in particular:
"What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
Yeah, that sums up MSNBC.
It's not odd prelude to voting. Both bad guys political, captain obvious
Bay Area Guy wrote:
He also says many, many voters are becoming independent or decline to state party ID.
He predicts GOP keeps the House.
10/27/18, 6:03 PM
I pray your friend is correct. It's a very difficult thing to gauge since nonliberals, particularly those in blue areas,keep their mouths shut.
Parents have 2 choices when their 3 year olds throw screaming hissy fits in stores. They can either cave and buy the kid the candy or they can quietly dig their heels in and refuse to give in to the tantrum. Leftists are betting that the Independents will succumb out of sheer exhaustion. That might happen, but I hope people are realizing that no amount of candy will mollify the screechy brat that lives inside every Leftist.
How long can MSNBC keep bitching about Trump? Is it a mania, a mass delusion or mass hysteria? Whatever it is it is personal and driven by hatred.
How long can MSNBC keep bitching about Trump?
As long as their audience holds out and does not become active shooters.
adSs: "The world is full of unanswerable mysteries."
Especially if you are a cargo cultist type, like yourself.
It has to be hard to have your indignation running at "11" all the time.
Technically there is an infinite number of things I don't know.
Presumably you and Doc Mike do better.
It's nice to learn that Jesus was a triplet.
Carry on.
Trump's speech in Indiana tonight was beautiful. He's a leader of all leaders. He's like Lincoln and Grant all rolled up into one.
I have met a few white supremacists in my life. Real white supremacists, not whatever passes for white supremacists in the imagination of the Left. One was a skinhead biker ex con. Another was an actual Nazi (Austrian SS, or so he claimed).
You cannot exaggerate the Jew hatred of these people. It is the first thing on their minds. Any discussion begins and ends with the culpability of the Jews for all the word's woes, especially the woes of white people. If you complain to your white supremacist friend about the timing of the traffic lights in your town, your white supremacist friend will blame the Jews. Seriously. They think about killing Jews all day and at night they dream about it.
The guy I met who claimed to have been Austrian SS told me that it was not true that the SS killed civilians, because there were no civilians on the Front, and wherever the SS was, there was also the Front.
They believe that the only way to effectively fight the Jews is for white people to come together in solidarity and dedicate their lives to the goal of defeating the Jews. The goal of defeating the Jews has priority over any individual goals a white person might have. Anything or anyone that stands between you and killing Jews is your mortal enemy. If you question their reasoning, they will immediately accuse you of being a Jew, or half-Jew if you don't look the part.
I am amused by the Left's attempt to describe everything and everyone they don't like as being "white supremacist." They have no fuckin' idea. If White Supremacists actually had political power in the US, they would all be dead.
Technically there is an infinite number of things I don't know.
Presumably you and Doc Mike do better.
To quote Reagan, Peanut, the problem with the left (He called you Liberals but that was years ago) is not the they don't know anything. It is just the things they know that aren't so.
I try to keep up. I just started the History and Science of the Manhattan Project.
I'll let you know how it goes. I will have to review my Physics, I'm sure.
A 'right wing extremist' is anyone to the right of Lenin. There is no such thing as a 'left wing extremist', is there?
I'm happy to see that Breitbart is calling the blacks-leaving-the-Democratic-Party-phenom 'Blexit'. Hope it catches on. Maybe a similar Hispanic movement could be called 'Mexit'.
"A 'right wing extremist' is anyone to the right of Lenin."
So wise.
Brilliant thinkin'. Just like Regan said (as Doc Mike reminds us), the problem w/ libs is the stuff that they think they know, but that ain't so.
Carry on.
"Maybe a similar Hispanic movement could be called 'Mexit'."
If we're talkin' catchy marketing names: how about a Caravan Invader company that provides those portable toilet things that are at some music events. MexiCan.
I snagged the hot position in this thread:
The increasingly powerful far-left calls mainstream leftists (like Hillary Clinton) neo-liberals. Neoliberalism is, according to the far left, just as bad as the right, because neoliberals accept the legitimacy of capitalism, colonialism, and racism by favoring globalism, economic growth, and individual rights over social justice.
A century ago labor was the home of the far left. Today it is college campus.
an actual Nazi (Austrian SS, or so he claimed)... You cannot exaggerate the Jew hatred of these people
The Nazis, the German Socialists, were the prototypical "progressives" of their era, single-payer this and that, universal services, redistributive change, and obsessively, compulsively latched unto the concept of "Jew privilege". They embraced diversity or color judgments without borders, and pursued a policy of selective-Jew and others that they deemed unworthy.
Diversity or color judgment is forward thinking and divergent. So is the rise of anti-nativism globally.
Principles matter. Individual dignity, intrinsic value, and perhaps inordinate worth, matter.
Republicans - Conservatives: Fly your American Flag if you want to win!!
"The increasingly powerful far-left..."
Hahahahahaha!! Who and what constitutes this phantom cohort?
"...calls mainstream leftists (like Hillary Clinton) neo-liberals. Neoliberalism is, according to the far left, just as bad as the right...." Because they are essentially right-wingers.
Republicans - Conservatives: Fly your American Flag if you want to win!!
"MSNBC is radical leftwing."
To a John Bircher, perhaps.
"s long as their audience holds out and does not become active shooters"
Both problems have befallen them, yet they soldier on.
To a John Bircher, perhaps.
Remember, Comrade Marvin considers Pol Pot to be a Rightwinger.
Bay Area Guy said...
He predicts GOP keeps the House.
I think the Democrats have alienated a lot of middle class voters who may have leaned slightly left in the past and I have a feeling that a lot of them may just stay home this year.
MSNBC is radical leftwing."
To a John Bircher, perhaps.
Actually - MSNBC reminds me of Bircher.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"MSNBC is radical leftwing."
To a John Bircher, perhaps.
Cookie mourns, not only Stalin but Lenin and Marx.
The truth is none of us know why he decided today was the day. Maybe the bomber gave him courage or something. I don't claim to know
I asked my barber Francisco, a very traditional mainstream New Mexico Democrat, what he thought and he said he did not approve of Donald Trump's personal behavior, but thought he had been a good President so far and that the Republicans would hold both the Senate and the House in the coming election, and that Trump would be re-elected in 2020.
But he was not happy about it.
My sense is the MAGA bomber and the Bower killer both brainwashed themselves.
I reviewed hardrock2016 before twitter took it down (the maga bomber), and it was clear the guy had researched quite a bit of stuff, convincing himself of the evils of McCain, Warren, Soros, Clinton, Chelsea. There wasn't much in the way of Trump quotations/propaganda, though there was some appreciation of the man.
The Bower killer's posts (which can be found here in the wayback machine) are also seriously researched, though sometimes nonsensical (such as Jews are viewed as pushing Muslims into Europe). There is a picture of a truck with the six star of David on it as part of the caravan, and so it is Jews behind the invasion of America. Very little Trump stuff.
I almost wonder if trying to stamp out the so called fake news will insight more of these kinds of people, since part of it seems to be "You are hiding information from us, and we are finding it. . ."
Also, it's a real shame twitter and company feel the need to take this information down.
I say keep it up for everyone to see.
Because it is hidden, the press is having a field day pretending these people were spun up by Trump. I see zero evidence of that. They spun themselves up.
Eh, getting old. s/insight/incite.
Robert Cook said...
"The increasingly powerful far-left..."
Hahahahahaha!! Who and what constitutes this phantom cohort?
University professors, students, and lawyers.
In other words, the leadership class of the nation.
I'm getting tired of a few Nuts derailing the whole USA Public wide conversation.
We have some important issues: Immigration, trade, the deficit, North Korea, Russia, Judges, etc.
And now we're going to spend, how long? Talking about a couple nuts and their nutty acts of violence. And how Trump, the NRA, and - the Republicans in general - are to blame.
Blah, Blah, Blah, indeed.
Passing - very quickly - through CNN/MSNBC/FOX:
Climate of Hate
White supremacist
and of course:
Trump, trump, Trump.
I'm reading thru this and it's very interesting.
Active shooter situation - what do to/ & not to.
It's not just MSNBC. USA Today has an article on the shooter that spent seven paragraphs trying to the him to Trump. Finally, they concede "Bowers, though, said he did not vote for Trump."
I just read the active shooter situation article also. It's very good.
After our church service commences, we lock all entry doors and post an "usher". We have been doing this for a few years now.
Humperdink, most of the churches I've attended have the same practice and, though I don't know for sure, I suspect at least one of the ushers is armed.
I'm pretty sure that when Trump slammed globalists he meant his grandchildren.
Actually, the base of both parties is in the mainstream middle where they run the TV for background noise and switch to a less depressive channel when the news come on, and that is the "base" that they have to have in order to win elections. The activist fringes may bring victory if the bases are equally matched, but if they offend the real base, the party is toast.
The media are full of prunes as usual. If it bleeds, it leads, which is in their interest, but not necessarily the party's.
It is something when Claire McCaskill runs ads in Missouri assuring the Democrat faithful that she is not with "those crazy left-wing Democrats."
But then madam, as a party leader, what have you done to rein them in?
Actually, the base of both parties is in the mainstream middle where they run the TV for background noise and switch to a less depressive channel when the news come on, and that is the "base" that they have to have in order to win elections.
Thank you! Yes!
I have been confounded lately by politicos calling the extremes the base. I suspect it's just a way to keep the most interesting stories in the news by making the activists people seem more important than they are.
"Bowers, though, said he did not vote for Trump."
Another one who swears he voted for Jill Stein.
We had an active shooter session at the MEPS where I worked in LA. Very well done.
Does Ritmo have a beard ?
The number of hate crimes and anti Semitic crimes has increased since the Trump Presidenticy but correlation is not causation.
Two points:First, I enjoy watching MSNBC occasionally to see how much they exist in an opposite universe. Especially Ms Madsow.
Second, Fox's ratings are over the top because to many Americans it is the only source of news bending right. The others disperse their audience or their potential audience is so intellectually elite considering they need nothing beyond the NYT to support their view of world events.
Per steve uhr: The truth is none of us know why he decided today was the day.
The Sabbath maybe?
You remember when that stupid Nazi shot up a Sikh temple in Oak Creek because the moron Nazi was trying to impress a waitress, and thought Sikhs were Muslims? Because turbans?
The year was 2012. Who was president then? Hint: Not Trump.
Listen, folks. Nazis are stupid and violent losers. It doesn't matter who is president at the time, they are, and always have been, stupid and violent losers.
Lewis Wetzel reports: Any discussion begins and ends with the culpability of the Jews for all the word's woes, especially the woes of white people. If you complain to your white supremacist friend about the timing of the traffic lights in your town, your white supremacist friend will blame the Jews.
Sounds just like TDS, doen't it?
Once when my late husband and I were buying a house the owner inquired of my husband the origin of his name [he must have though it sounded Jewish]. My husband explained that it was of Norman origin and launched a short family history. This guy was a bona fide racial supremacist and I felt creepy moving into the house at first. This was also a guy who made frequent trips to the Philippines, if you get my point.
Unlike Meade I don’t watch MSNBC or Fox – or for that matter CNN, NBC, CBS, or ABC – for news. I find that I am more likely to learn what’s actually going on by looking at multiple sources on the internet (occasionally including commenters on Althouse). I do watch ABC’s Good Morning America most mornings, primarily because my wife enjoys it and I like sharing the time with her. I also like watching an anchor panel that must pull down something between $20 and $50 million per year. But the show also gives me a good sense of what snake oil the MSM is selling on a particular day, and to me that’s more useful than knowing what MSNBC and Fox are harping on.
The more R/V gets slapped around, the shorter his posts get. Almost as if he no longer trusts his facts.
He's become a bore, that's for sure.
I've run into mildly anti-Semitic far right-winger online. They were odious, but harmless. I've run into virulently anti-Semitic far left-wingers in real life. One, especially, was terrifying. I left the bar by a side door and entered my apartment building in the back.
I asked my barber Francisco, a very traditional mainstream New Mexico Democrat, what he thought and he said he did not approve of Donald Trump's personal behavior, but thought he had been a good President so far and that the Republicans would hold both the Senate and the House in the coming election, and that Trump would be re-elected in 2020.
That’s nice, and I hope he’s right, but my experience with barbers is that they are extremely skilled at sizing a man up and telling him what he wants to hear. It may be on politics, women, or sports, but a barber who doesn’t figure out how to flatter his customers’ preconceptions doesn’t stay in business long.
I got tired of the inane chatter and so I don’t talk to barbers at all while they are working.
Anti-Semitism cuts across the right/left political boundary. I've run into both varieties, and in quantity.
tim in vermont said...
Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Fox runs rightish, but no match for how far MSMNC runs left.
"Fox was blaming Trump for this latest atrocity already."
I call BULLSHIT every time I read something as dopey and inane as this. "Fox was blaming Trump for ..."
Oh really???
Did the fucking **FOX NETWORK** issue such a condemnation, or was it someone you saw ON Fox who blamed him, someone like Shemp or Juan, whose brains are as mushy as a sneaker full of puppy shit, but are there to offer "opposing views"?? IOW Someone who speaks only for him/herself???
Funny, if you actually LOOK at the Fox New website, there's no such condemnation.
Huh. I wonder why....????
The thing of which I have to keep reminding myself is this- the audiences for FoxNews, CNN, and MSNBC every night is less than 5% of the adult population of the country, combined. The three networks do what they do because that is what their tiny audiences want. The vast majority of the adult population is far less politically involved, and thus unmoved by any of the nonsense.
They’re jealous Trump never calls them out. Boooring
Michael K @7:12, I read quite a bit about the Manhattan project a few years back, though not the book you linked to.
It is a fascinating epoch of American history, utterly amazing to realize how such a vast project was carried out without significant leaks that tipped off our nation's enemies. (Germany was working on producing a fission bomb but their effort was providentially tripped up near the end of the war in Europe.)
I didn't have trouble understanding the physics well enough to appreciate the story, though it was several decades since I'd studied that stuff in depth. Of course when I was in college it was a lot closer to the time the Manhattan project was taking place compared to now. AIUI quantum physics has changed a lot since the 1960's.
An aspect of the Manhattan Project that's very relevant to today's topic was the incredible number of Jewish physicists and mathematicians who were pivotal to the success of the Project. These people were almost all (if not all) 1st or 2nd generation European immigrants or descendants. Some were refugees from the Nazis (like Einstein who suggested the idea of the fission bomb), but most of them (or their parents) had arrived in the early years of the 20th century.
Those facts said something to me about the value to our nation of vetted, legal immigrants. It's almost like the particular set of new Americans was preordained to accomplish such a vital mission for America. Just about all of the people who worked on the Project were first-order patriots, would only we see that occurring today.
Anti-Semitism cuts across the right/left political boundary.
Including people who are nominally Jewish.
"They just can't help themselves."
So you're starting to repeat what I say, about the racist commenters, here - but about the people on the other side, who I also say it about, but offline?
So we got a movement?
It’s odd that any conservative that wants a regular seat at the MSNBC table always shape shifts to being anti-conservative. Must be the salary. Sad that MSNBC can’t be diverse.
Gunner said...
"My simple test for if a guy is "white": Would MSNBC and CNN be calling the person "white" if he or she cured world hunger?"
No, MSNBC is like the white people, here: Whites are just "people" and everybody else is whatever whites think they are - including "white trash".
Add a lot of short-sighted bullying to that and the whites are "conservatives".
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
I'm reading thru this and it's very interesting.
Active shooter situation - what do to/ & not to.
I coulda used that in Jr. High - was it around in '76?
Salena Zito was screamed at by a Guardian reporter, accused of causing the synagogue shooting because she reports on Trump supporters. And Howard Dean opines that we are in a struggle between good and evil, and Trump is evil.
This is how you get more Trump. Lots more Trump.
To quote the Instapundit, "worst political class ever."
Yes because conrad stark, a less talented physicist decided race was the key to the nazi nuclear program, I heard about him in search of klingsor,
Summing the week up:
A couple of things:
If you can attract even a small percent of the TV audience, your fortune is made. Hence MSNBC.
The extremes of the parties may be a minority (though growing) in the party. But they are greatly over represented in those that bother to vote in primaries. Hence their out sized importance. Plus there in the squeaky wheel gets the grease phenomenon.
R/V, post the sources for your Hate Crimes Increased claims. The FBI may use it when their figures come out next year.
Tim a short post of facts that can be easily checked is worth more than the knee jerk name calling so often seen on this blog.
People did check.
And that is your problem r/v.
Think how peaceful and serene things would have been under President Hillary Clinton.
Here's some data on hate crime increasing:
Hate crimes reported to police in America’s ten largest cities rose 12.5 percent in 2017. The increase was the fourth consecutive annual rise in a row and the highest total in over a decade according to an analysis by the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino. In contrast to the increase in hate crime in the ten largest cities last year, crime in general dropped slightly across the nation in the first half of 2017, with preliminary FBI figures showing a 0.8 percent decrease in violent crime and a 2.9 percent decrease in property crime.
The 2017 ten city total of 1,038 hate crimes also marked the first time in more than a decade that the combined number of official reports have exceeded one thousand.
Even with the consecutive annual increases hate crimes enumerated by the FBI in 2016 are still 37 percent below 2001’s record high of 9,730 incidents. The ten year trend for FBI reported hate crime, 2007 through 2016 was a decline of 19.7 percent, from 7,624 to 6,121. Crime in general during that same period declined as well, with property crimes falling 20 percent and violent crime falling by 12 percent.
One other point. Almost all of this data is based on reported crimes. This means two things. First, if only a small percentage of crimes are reported, the actual number is much larger. This also means that an increase in reporting does NOT necessarily mean an increase in crimes. One has to wonder if the media coverage of the Trump presidency encourages more reporting. It certainly means more trumpeting.
As R/V says, a short post of facts that can be easily checked goes a long way.
r/V: Tim a short post of facts that can be easily checked is worth more than the knee jerk name calling so often seen on this blog.
Not necessarily. For example, the value of "a short post of facts" about a particular issue depends on the knowledge and sophistication of the audience regarding that issue. E.g., a bald claim that there has been a rise in "hate crimes" isn't of any value to people familiar with the sources/methodology/definitions used in "hate crime" stats.
So in that case a post razzing the hapless innocent who thought he was introducing heretofore unfamiliar information probably has a tad more posting-value than the original claim.
I call BS on your fake stats. Note that you don't have an honest link to
share. Gadfly tired and failed with his lie-filled BS.
meanwhile - normals are taking note: John Podhoretz says:
Based on the early evidence, the shooter was not only consumed with a hatred of Jews but possessed a kind of sneering contempt for Trump on the grounds that Trump was basically a Jewish agent or a Jew-lover himself. Trump can only be blamed for the murderous Jew-killing actions of someone who thought of him that way by people who are so consumed by hatred of him that there is nothing they won’t blame him for.
Omigod, JPod said that? Totally missed it in the shitstorm on Twitter yesterday.
Gives me hope.
The number of hate crimes and anti Semitic crimes has increased since the Trump Presidenticy but correlation is not causation.
Well, there are three theories to that:
First, the Media is 95% negative to Trump and will try to tie smaller honey harvests of 2017 to his decision to leave the Paris Climate Accords LATE in 2017to his evil policies. So of course Jews getting shot is reported more, because it is bad news.
Second, when your Favored Son of a President attended a blatantly anti-Semitic church for DECADES, who was raised in a Islamic Madras, who wants to cut ties to tends to be chary of noting any increases in anti-Semitic crime. So a consistent amount of anti-Semitic crime is made to seem less...sort of how the press reports homelessness. It doesn't exist on a national level with Democrats are in office. It is suddenly a CRITICAL ISSUE when a Republican is in office. This is a historical bias.
Third, the Left has become increasingly anti-Semitic and much more pro Islam for reasons I do not understand. Lefties in our 'Tolerant' Institutions of Higher 'Learning' are saying far more crazy anti-Semitic and anti-White rhetoric. They are getting crazier. So there MAY be a surge in anti-Semitic violence. But it isn't being done by Trump supporters, something the Left does not want to admit.
I embrace the idea of 'and' with all of these theories.
It’s odd that any conservative that wants a regular seat at the MSNBC table always shape shifts to being anti-conservative. Must be the salary. Sad that MSNBC can’t be diverse.
I put it down to Mika's Magical Mammaries.
Well Obama had an anti western animus Wright, Davis khalidi not necessarily an Islamist one.
It makes sense that Obama appeased the Jew haters and perhaps that's why they didn't go on many shooting sprees. What a theory. Obama appeased the Jew haters, because *wink* he was one.
Trump inspired the Jew hate by his support of Israel. Well - that is the theory on the left.
the Left has become increasingly anti-Semitic and much more pro Islam for reasons I do not understand.
Muslims are seen as "brown people" and therefore to be sanctified.
Their practices of FGM and abayas and throwing gays from roof tops are seen as "native practices" that should be celebrated as "authentic." It is daddy and the children. Or better yet, mommy and the children.
The same approach to blacks as irreversibly inferior and therefore to be cared for, is seen by the left.
Of course, if a Muslim like Hirsi Ali, or a back like Clarence Thomas, rebelled, they are to be stomped on without mercy.
They are ungrateful heretics.
Behold - the progressive hack press
Harwood is a hack(D)
Crack: "Add a lot of short-sighted bullying to that and the whites are "conservatives"."
Crack Dictionary: Bullying: Making note of Cracks historically ignorant assertions and/or demonstrably contradictory and factually untrue "observations"
In today's news environment you have to read the written editions as if they are the current version of the Pravda publication during the days of the Soviet Union. One needs to acquire the expertise in separating the few kernels of truth that may appear amidst the mountain of propaganda. It is also telling what they avoid to cover.
The COULD. but they won't. 'Twould kill their liberal cred!
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