October 2, 2018

At the Afternoon Café...

... I couldn't get to everything I'd wanted this morning. I'd meant to work my way through "'The trauma for a man': Male fury and fear rises in GOP in defense of Kavanaugh" (WaPo), and I've got a lot more to say about stoking the fear of masculine anger and the fear of fear. I mean "Male fury and fear"... aren't half the books about Trump called either "Fear" or "Fury"? What is really going on? But that will have to wait a bit. How can it wait, when everything is an eeeemergenceeeee these days? Courage! And pick your own topics, including bland and ordinary things that don't inspire the slightest quiver of trepitude. Trepitude???


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NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Anger is called "passion" when applied to lefties. As in "passionate about ending sexual harassment."

Fear is called "concern."

One could write a lefty dictionary.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Trepitude" -- sounds a bit like a noun version of "Intrepid."

Fury! Anger! Chaos! Fear!

Not really. The Left is still unable to cope with Hillary's epic LOSS in 2016, so they are acting up. Trump and those nefarious white males are responding to this.

Hey, why can't we all just hold hands, respect the electoral votes and the institutions?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Out: Fury and Fear

In: Trepitude and Turpitude

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

I'm passionate about due process and concerned with the prevalence of false accusations.

mccullough said...

The Hysteria will eventually subside.

mccullough said...

Once a few more Burqas appear, the Julias in their Hand Maid’s costumes will grow up.

Craig said...

Blogger John Lynch said...
I'm passionate about due process and concerned with the prevalence of false accusations.

10/2/18, 12:50 PM


Ahahahahahahahahahaha (wipes away tears of laughter)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drudge has all sorts of loco going on.

Jeff Flake will vote no - with a brand new excuse

Left continue to melt down - sending poison thru the mail..

Will someone ask Jeff Flake if he stands shoulder to shoulder with leftwing corruption and criminality?

Tank said...

mccullough said...

The Hysteria will eventually subside.

If it does, a new one will appear. The left is always outraged and hysterical about something.

Jaq said...

In 12 Rules, Jordon Peterson makes the point that lobsters who have been defeated in battle with another lobster experience a drop in serotonin causing lobster depression. Maybe winning the WH was so important to liberals that they have taken it as an existential defeat, lowered their serotonin levels leading to obsessiveness and depression, and the proper response should be Prozac in the drinking water in our major blue cities, rather than our cruel mockery of their derangement syndrome?

Michael K said...

As far as fury is concerned, the loony tune from Georgetown, "Georgetown University Distinguished Associate Professor Christine Fair," is as good an example as I have run across.

“Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist's arrogated entitlement,” Fair tweeted on Thursday. Referencing a video of "Lindsey Graham's tirade," Fair, who is a victim of sexual assault, added, “all of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps."

"Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes," she concluded the tweet.

Yes, there is one of those threatened women.

Howard said...

Bart O'K lost it at the hearing. A superior dominating patriarchy white male of pure Viking and/or Celtic blood is supposed to be calm, cool and collected. Bart acted like a hot-blooded Mediterranean, which is the sign of weakness.

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Jaq said...

Ahahahahahahahahahaha (wipes away tears of laughter)

Said a Democrat whose party covered for Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy, both of whom were accused with actual corroborating evidence, and who now believe accusers who cite only their feelings as evidence and can’t get any verifiable detail right.

Two-eyed Jack said...

Pick your poison:

crossness · dyspepsia · irritation · petulance · resentment
Luke warm:
aggravation ·annoyance · displeasure · exasperation · indignation · pique · vexation ·
fury · rage · wrath

Jaq said...

Bob Menendez, D - NJ

Plenty of corroboration for those accusations too.

n.n said...

This is WaPo's second failed baby trial in recent years. They are old hat at hunting babies with progressive returns. Three baby hunts and they go the way of Gosnell?

Jaq said...

I should have said Bob Menendez, Garden State’s Roy Moore.

Howard said...

Bart was hysterical... not a good look for a man. He went ahead and hit from the ladies tees and the Trumpessinas applaud.

Drago said...

Have any republican males shot up a democrat baseball practice yet?

How about burned down some buildings?

How about accosting democrats on the street and attacking them? Shouting and chasing the dem's family?

Jaq said...

I read that Hillary was on the Murphy Brown reboot. Ha ha ha! Posters here assure me that the hag is gone, but no.

Rick said...

Apparently left wingers now believe rejecting openly known gang rape rings can only be explained by "fear" and is exclusive to the GOP. This seems an unwitting admission the authors believe the left is simply incapable of critical thinking.

Fernandinande said...

"Fear" or "Fury"? What is really going on?

Because the threatened loss of their unearned privilege amplifies their inherent fragility, white men have negative emotions which render them irrational and dangerous.

Can i haz wapo job now?

n.n said...

Wait, not baby hunt/trial. They do exist, if only Stork's eye. From Moscow to DC, they have been hunting warlocks, socially justified by possible, even plausible, but not probable accusations.

Howard said...

appointed versus elected are different standards. by getting re-elected with rapey baggage means the voters were the jury and gave the heels a pass. No such check and balance on a lifetime SCOTUS appointment, therefore, they are raked much harder over the coals.

Realpolitik Sux. Have some warm cocoa and take a nappy-nap

mockturtle said...

Make no mistake---a lot of women are furious about this, too.

Achilles said...

Clintons and Obama are going to spend the next 6 years saying "no comment."

They should be dealt with like the traitors they are.

tcrosse said...

Howard is upset. Humor him.

Howard said...

I humor myself by the supercilious amateur detective psychological verdicts made by idiotlogues devoted to the Cult of Gold Toilets and Transylvania Tranny arm candy.

Jaq said...

Flake has written off the voters who put him there, so he is there to be bought. All he needs is a plausible excuse. It’s like point shaving. Who has all of the politically involved billionaires, and the majority of the billionaires full stop? Democrats.

I doubt that it will come down to Flake’s vote though, but it would be better to have it.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
appointed versus elected are different standards. by getting re-elected with rapey baggage means the voters were the jury and gave the heels a pass. No such check and balance on a lifetime SCOTUS appointment, therefore, they are raked much harder over the coals.

Realpolitik Sux. Have some warm cocoa and take a nappy-nap

My only request is you leftists carry on.

Keep up the assault on due process.

When someone gets mad at you for lying about them smear them for getting angry.

Do not stop showing the world how empty and putrid you are.

Jaq said...

Wow, Howard is upset. Must have looked at the polling about how this is breaking.

Sydney said...

I'm listening to the audio version of The Good Terrorist. It takes place in Britain in the 1980's among a bunch of communists who are trying to work with the IRA. It is amazing to me how similar their language is to the current anti-Trump leftists. Everyone they hate is a "fascist." And they hate everyone. The descriptions of the protests describe how much the main character enjoys the hate. It's almost as if the ideology is an excuse for the hate, rather than its cause.

Howard said...

Isn't Az going Blue, so Flake is buttering his bread on the flip side for future consideration.

rhhardin said...

Scott Adams relays today that Christine Ford's internet presence was so deeply scrubbed that only Google could have done it, in which case Google is interfering in a US election and should be jailed.

Achilles said...

mccullough said...
The Hysteria will eventually subside.

Your mistake is not seeing what this is really about.

They have been trying to destroy the foundations of the republic since the republic was founded.

They will never stop. They can only be defeated.

Jaq said...

appointed versus elected are different standards.

Bill Clinton is different because reasons! We Democrats decided we didn’t care so he got a pass! Republicans face different standards!

We know, Howard, we know. I just wish we could buy you air time to spread your views across the country prior to the mid-terms.

Howard said...

the horror, the horror

rehajm said...

Flake is concerned about temperment. That’s the excuse du moment. Flake, Mancin and the two other ladies all have their hoos in the air gauging the credibility of that stance.

The lady from SD predending she’s not peeking at the results.

Rick said...

Let's compare two comments from two professors:

“Look at thus [sic] chorus of entitled white men justifying a serial rapist's arrogated entitlement,” Fair tweeted on Thursday. Referencing a video of "Lindsey Graham's tirade," Fair, who is a victim of sexual assault, added, “all of them deserve miserable deaths while feminists laugh as they take their last gasps."

"Bonus: we castrate their corpses and feed them to swine? Yes," she concluded the tweet.

“If the day comes you are accused of some crime or tort of which you are not guilty, and you find your peers automatically believing your accuser, I expect you find yourself a stronger proponent of due process protections than you are now,” Moore wrote. “Accusers sometimes lie.”

Which one do you suppose would be described as “insensitive and incendiary” and trigger an investigation?

mccullough said...

Flake is staying in DC like all senators who finally retire. He’s going to be a “consultant” lobbyist like the rest of them. Paul Ryan won’t go back to Wisconsin either.

Bob Dole is still doddering around DC. So is Daschle. Bipartisan Corruption.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hag never leaves.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
Isn't Az going Blue, so Flake is buttering his bread on the flip side for future consideration.

New Jersey is going red before Arizona goes blue.

Jaq said...

Isn’t Az going Blue, so Flake is buttering his bread on the flip side for future consideration

Even the Brits hated Benedict Arnold, so he might want to think again. What did Vermont do for Jeffords? Pushed him off the stage and named a building after him.

Howard said...

voted perot and bush. hated clinton in the 1990's. the reasons are quite real, just because you are too stupid to put two and two together.

i really don't care what happens. however, Bart failed the stress test so I'm at 60-40 for a no vote on Fratilla the Boy Hun

tim maguire said...

My daily word email--Wordsmith--had as their word for the day yesterday "plunderbund"

MEANING: noun: A group of political, business, and financial interests engaged in exploiting the public.

ETYMOLOGY: From plunder (pillage), from German plündern (to loot) + bund, from German Bund (association). Earliest documented use: 1902.

USAGE: “A surveying suit from a Wal-Mart-type plunderbund visits the hardware store and takes a bullet in the foot for his trouble.”
Jessica Winter; You Can’t Spell Slapshot without S-A-P; The Village Voice (New York); Oct 5, 1999.

Most awesome new word I've seen in a long time.

Howard said...

now u just talking jabberwalky, tim

mccullough said...

Jeffords died in DC.

McCain’s biggest regret is he couldn’t die in DC

Achilles said...

rehajm said...
Flake is concerned about temperment. That’s the excuse du moment. Flake, Mancin and the two other ladies all have their hoos in the air gauging the credibility of that stance.

The lady from SD predending she’s not peeking at the results.

Heidtkamp is down double digits.

She will prepare for retirement with a fiery speech about angry white men.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Many do go to K street for the big bureaucratic pay-off.

It is vile.

DAschle - *shiver*

tim maguire said...

Howard said...Bart failed the stress test

How so?

Henry said...

In 12 Rules, Jordon Peterson makes the point that lobsters who have been defeated in battle with another lobster experience a drop in serotonin causing lobster depression. Maybe winning the WH was so important to liberals that they have taken it as an existential defeat, lowered their serotonin levels leading to obsessiveness and depression...

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology did a study on birdfeeder hierarchy. Some birds rank higher than others, and it's not always about size:

“Warblers are just pugnacious little things,” [postdoctoral associate Eliot] Miller said, referring to the Yellow-rumped, Pine, Palm, Townsend’s, and Orange-crowned Warblers in his feeder study. “They’re hopped up on testosterone a lot of times and are used to defending winter territories, while most other feeder birds aren’t.”

Within species there are hierarchies as well, described in words and video, here. My favorite is the "Socially Unaware" Carolina Wren:

Carolina Wrens appear to be utterly oblivious to other birds while camping out at a peanut feeder. They don’t move until they’re good and ready… unless a Blue Jay comes along.

Howard said...

NJ going red, that's news to me, thanks

Jaq said...

The press covered for the rapey Democrats too, so that means different standards too. BTW, pointing this out isn’t whining about realpolitik, it’s rallying our side to get out to vote. What you call “strafing” is just coming over here with your weak ass arguments making people here more firmly convinced of their positions. You are inoculating, not “strafing.”

Henry said...

Here's the birdfeeding video.

One things for sure, a lobster wouldn't stand a chance.

rhhardin said...

It's not male fury. It's women doing stuff, and they get bemusement from males.

Howard said...

Right Hairball: you people prefer republicans on K-Street and working for GeneralDynamicLockheedL3BoeingKBRHalliburtin chugging down the Trillions in War Machine Largess.

Jaq said...

NJ going red, that’s news to me, thanks

Check the polls, Garden State Roy Moore, that would be patron of underage trafficked girls (allegedly per the girls) Menendez who can’t get close to 50% as the incumbent and who is in a virtual tie with the Republican. I hate to break it to you, but late deciders don’t go to a long time incumbent who is still on the hook for a bribery trial.

rehajm said...

For you Monty Python fans, Netflix- BBC Planet Earth - Provides evidence that coconuts do in fact migrate!

Howard said...

tim: don't flatter yourself. you act like this matters beyond my entertainment value.

Jaq said...

GeneralDynamicLockheedL3BoeingKBRHalliburtin chugging down the Trillions in War Machine Largess.

Let me guess, Howard, your party didn’t run Hillary “We came! We saw! He died!” Clinton last time around, that was just a bad dream we all had, right?

I don’t see Trump starting any wars.

Jaq said...

tim: don’t flatter yourself. you act like this matters beyond my entertainment value.

Quoth the butt hurt.

rhhardin said...

Jeff Flake has taken over McCain's trick of grandstanding.

Howard said...

of course the msm is democratic pr. you go to politics in the actual ocean. learn to swim and stop complaining how rough the water is. IOW, the TeleNova screeching becomes you

n.n said...

Angry, fearful men. And white girls next door. Progressives project.

Throw the baby on the barbie, they're done.

Michael K said...

i really don't care what happens. however, Bart failed the stress test so I'm at 60-40 for a no vote on Fratilla the Boy Hun

Howard is melting down. Nice to see.

If feminists were screaming at the moon after the 2016 election, I would appreciate you sending me a video of your pain November 10, Howard.

A sort of highlights tape would be fine.

Howard said...

tim: I'm like crack. I like Trump a lot more than his supporters. Especially his new NAFTA with labor union friendly provisions. He is a LLDem until recent opportunities got him to buy a new hat.

Howard said...

angry fearful men is the motto of republicans demonstrated by Bart O'Beer losing his cool. you people are funny.

n.n said...

Wars from Bengazi to Kiev. Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform. Anti-nativism progression. More wars and social justice adventures are started and sustained under Democrat administrations. The war on babies has been especially lucrative. As has been the war on couples for democratic leverage and competitive advantage.

Rory said...

Sydney said: "Everyone they hate is a "'fascist.'"

This is from Soviet disinformation 101: fascists worked against Communists, so if you worked against Communists you were a fascist. This was true even if you worked against both Communists and fascists.

Howard said...

Blogger rhhardin said...

Jeff Flake has taken over McCain's trick of grandstanding.

A politician "Grandstanding" WOW!! Never ever heard of that. More high-center leverage from di daw dit

Jaq said...

It is kind of amazing how Democrats disown the person that they are so upset about the fact that she’s not picking Supreme Court “Justices.”

For thirty years it was a conspiracy of silence on Bill Clinton, and BTW, the good friend of Bill and Hillary’s, Harvey Weinstein. Now suddenly, it takes no evidence, just uncorroborated accusations, and it’s iron clad proof! Maybe you guys feel guilty for how you have treated accusations in the past, but we don’t. We believed the women whenever they had corroboration.

With Trump, you were asking us. to choose between him and the fucking Clintons.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
NJ going red, that's news to me, thanks

Shouldn't be.

Black people in New Jersey aren't going to support the pedo who only likes the newest youngest girls.

People have done the math on what happens if even 20% of the black vote switching to Republican will do to the democrat party.

We are about to find out.

Howard said...

Mike: see how you project your deep insecurity onto others? textbook behavior. your posts sound like vocal fry

Jaq said...

LOL Howard. Sure.

BTW, yes, Trump is an old style Kennedy Democrat. Fine with me. This new Democratic Party is batshit crazy which is why I left them.

Howard said...

achillies: I don't give a shit. if NJ goes red, so be it. I applaud the GOP to work back to the coasts and the dems to work back into the heartland. Neither party want's to flinch, so we shall see

brylun said...

Lawyer who cleared Ellison of domestic abuse allegations is partner at firm that donated $500G to Dems

Fernandinande said...

>ACLU Ad: Kavanaugh Like Clinton, Cosby, Weinstein

Cuz they're all WASPs!

Oh wait a minnit.

Rick said...

Howard said...
angry fearful men is the motto of republicans

Apparently support for due process is "fearful", except when support for law enforcement is racist. Maybe someday someone on the left will have an idea more advanced than name calling.

But probably not.

Clayton Hennesey said...

Have I missed the Althouse discussions of Christine Blasey's earlier work as a self-hypnosis subject dealing with repressed memories or Paul Sperry's most recent about the escape door that wasn't?


Howard said...

we are just at an inflection point, no need to panic about trump or pokemyhontas and all the other liars inbetween. Bart is collateral damage. we need to destroy the village to save it.

Andrew said...

Someone is actually quoting Kipling against Judge Kavanaugh? OM-f'g-G!

Judge K is 1000 times the man as most of the Senators who will vote on his confirmation.

Nonapod said...

Speaking for myself, I very rarely get that angry or afraid over anything that goes on in politics anymore. I just become saddened.

To me, it's sad that so many people on the Left are clearly not interested in anything resembling truth or objectivity if it doesn't help their cause. Winning is far more important to them. They don't care who they destroy, what institutions are torn down, how much it costs, or whether the trust of the American citizenry in its government is completely lost because of their actions, as long as they win.

It's a long term war. You can't get too emotional or you'll be giving the enemy what they want. You can and should mock them, but you should never get too combative. You always have to keep in mind what's persuasive, what works as an argument. You don't want to come unglued, or appear too mean spirited, those aren't persuasive.

Howard said...

rick: hate to break it to you, but lifetime political appointments to a plenary power position is a political, not a legal framework. there is no due process. grow the fuck up.

Howard said...

sad :^(

soap opera emotion #2

ALP said...

Male anger? Meh. I am much more tired of the worn-out theme of "Women angry at political climate inspired to politically engage" type of articles. If we examine this idea, we come to the conclusion that the women featured were terribly self-absorbed and selfish, and it was only due to an uncomfortable emotional state that they became 'engaged'. If I try to float the idea that, hey, maybe being concerned about larger than yourself is a normal outcome of maturity and being an adult - I get smacked down. YOU MUST HONOR MY ANGER!

Anybody else letting friendships go for the first time due to politics? I am. Doesn't matter if we agree or not - I can't even read a recipe in the newspaper without it alluding to the 'current climate'. Anybody who refuses to honor my "don't wanna talk politics/current events" is getting the heave-ho.

ALP said...

"...being concerned about something larger than yourself.."

Howard said...

Andrew is too stupid to understand Kipling's call for stoicism. Bart the Tongue O'Kavanaugh was anti-stoic

buwaya said...

Nothing here is an emergency.

And Nonapod is correct,

" I just become saddened. "

The decline and fall is gradual and extends across everything.

"It's a long term war. You can't get too emotional or you'll be giving the enemy what they want. You can and should mock them, but you should never get too combative. You always have to keep in mind what's persuasive, what works as an argument. You don't want to come unglued, or appear too mean spirited, those aren't persuasive."

Taking a long view, this is just a situational tactical approach. A truly long term war will require many such.

Jaq said...

there is no due process. grow the fuck up.

You just keep coming up with more and more motivation to Republicans to get out and vote. It’s funny how dense you are.

Jim at said...

Women falsely accusing men of rape and we're not supposed to get angry about it.

That sounds sane.

buwaya said...

"we are just at an inflection point, no need to panic"

Its not an inflection point. Its just a long gradual slide, down.
The kids are not OK, that's the critical thing.

Howard said...

Tim thinks this here matters. Have a cookie

Saint Croix said...

Somebody just sent a white powder to Ted Cruz's office.

Hazmat team is there. 2 people hospitalized (as a safety precaution I hope).

Rick said...

Howard said...
rick: hate to break it to you, but lifetime political appointments to a plenary power position is a political, not a legal framework. there is no due process. grow the fuck up.

If Howard was smart enough he'd realize the people referred to as fearful are not being appointed to lifetime positions and thus his defense of the tactic in that circumstance is irrelevant.

But he isn't. So he will retain his childish inability to think beyond name calling.

Michael K said...

Howard, you are hilarious. Keep posting. Don't commit suicide no mater what happens November 9.

Oh and, more about Ford's therapy records.

This raises many questions. What did she originally tell her therapist? Who was her therapist? Is her therapist known as a cautious clinician, or someone who believes in recovered memories, or what? What modalities of treatment did her therapist use? In particular, did she use hypnosis to either help Ford recover the memories, to render them less traumatic, or otherwise? When was Ford diagnosed with anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder? What other trauma(s), if any, led her to suffer from PTSD?

We've already called bullshit on PTSD. They don't forget details.

For example, this woman did not forget a moment or a detail.

She hates men with a passion and is still in therapy but forget ? Not on your life.

My own first childhood memory is not of a first dog or cat or the feel of my grandmother’s cotton dress against my face as I nestled my teary face into her lap. Those are later memories. Instead, my first anamnesis is that of his stained hands pulling back my baby flesh, his trigger finger plunging deep and plucking out my innocence while I was bent over a basement couch, paralyzed by a torrent of feelings for which I still have no words while my mother napped upstairs. He and my aunt lived in our basement after they declared bankruptcy.

See how that goes ? Every fucking detail.

Howard said...

buwaya: it must suck not having American gumption, knowhow and confidence in the future. I don't know how you people go through life believing in fate rather than fortune

Mark said...

I've got a lot more to say about stoking the fear of masculine anger

More? Back in the real world, most men dismissed right away that charge as forced narrative and ideology, not worthy of further consideration, much less discussion.

Jim at said...

Ahahahahahahahahahaha (wipes away tears of laughter) - Craig

Craig thinks there's no chance some woman with an agenda could put him into a bad situation just for the hell of it.

Craig isn't very bright.

With any luck, karma will catch up with Craig and we'll all have a good laugh over it.

Jaq said...

Tim thinks this here matters. Have a cookie

I am here for entertainment too, part of the entertainment is your cluelessness.

Andrew said...

Howard, I don't think Kipling would say, "If you are falsely accused of gang rape, and your wife and daughters are getting death threats, the honorable reaction is stoicism."

Howard said...

Mike: I already said I thought you might be right about Ford's McMartin Preschool recovered memory. I thought this was over and I congratulated you people on your victory. After Flake got punked you guys are the ones on suicide watch.

I hope Ann and Meade are cleaning up on these clicks

Original Mike said...

”but lifetime political appointments to a plenary power position is a political, not a legal framework. there is no due process. grow the fuck up.”

There may not be a legal requirement of due process, but common deceny requires that charges be substantiated. So does a functioning government.

Howard said...

Andrew: That is Exactly what Kipling says in "If" You are going soap opera emotional basketcase feminized newage feelz hurtz

Achilles said...

Howard said...

there is no due process. grow the fuck up.

Due process is a First Principle. So is free speech and the right to associate.

Because we hold these First Principles above all else we tolerate opposing points of view and respect the processes that bind the Republic together.

When you attack these Principles it makes you an enemy of freedom and liberty.

When you destroy these Principles you will wish you hadn't.

Fernandinande said...

"The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Correspondence"

"sight failing now, hearing next, debility of body, trepitude of mind,"

n.n said...

The weird sisters at WaPo are counting babies. It's imperative for the left that the Twilight Amendment persist, so that they abort unworthy male and female babies, and politicians, too.

Howard said...

O-Mike: I agree, that is why the FBI is on it. I have also said the republicans made a mistake by not letting FBI do it's thing from the jump which IMO, led to Kavanaugh getting dragged over gravel behind a horse. You can't un-ring his pitiable performance. No matter what FBI decides, some reps might vote no because his lack of cool under pressure.

tcrosse said...

Craig thinks there's no chance some woman with an agenda could put him into a bad situation just for the hell of it.

A boy, more likely.

Andrew said...

And at this point, I will stop feeding the idiot troll. But others can have at it.

Achilles said...

buwaya said...
"we are just at an inflection point, no need to panic"

Its not an inflection point. Its just a long gradual slide, down.
The kids are not OK, that's the critical thing.

The kids will be fine. They almost always grow up.

The long gradual slide down was the 10000 years of human societal history before the US was founded.

You lack faith in the principles that are the foundation of the republic. Once people see what capitalism and a lack of domineering central control can accomplish there is no going back.

For example China will never equal the US until the shed their domineering communist masters.

The future is freedom.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Why can't we stop the K-Street merry-go-round?
The American people deserve better. A chance to stop it.

Howard said...

Achilles: where was Merrik Garland's due process? that was No Process and you people had a circle-jerk. Now you cry like bitches when the process don't go your way.

Howard said...

Blogger Achilles said...

The kids will be fine. They almost always grow up.

The long gradual slide down was the 10000 years of human societal history before the US was founded.

You lack faith in the principles that are the foundation of the republic. Once people see what capitalism and a lack of domineering central control can accomplish there is no going back.

For example China will never equal the US until the shed their domineering communist masters.

The future is freedom.


Original Mike said...

”Achilles: where was Merrik Garland's due process?”

Gee, I don’t remembered tenuous rape charges being leveled at Garland. I must have missed it.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
O-Mike: I agree, that is why the FBI is on it. I have also said the republicans made a mistake by not letting FBI do it's thing from the jump which IMO, led to Kavanaugh getting dragged over gravel behind a horse. You can't un-ring his pitiable performance. No matter what FBI decides, some reps might vote no because his lack of cool under pressure.

Then Trump will renominate him.

The Republicans that vote no will be removed from the party. Flake is already gone.

Every red state democrat will lose. The over under for a generation will be 60 republican senators from 30 red states. Democrats will not hold a majority for decades.

Kavanaugh will get 62ish votes in January after the election.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
Achilles: where was Merrik Garland's due process? that was No Process and you people had a circle-jerk. Now you cry like bitches when the process don't go your way.

Legitimate application of the Biden rule.

Democrats agreed there is no reason to have this process in an election year.

Howard said...

Garland wasn't even given the opportunity to defend himself. O-Mike going for soap opera argumentation to touch tim in vermont nerves to inspire voting in droves. you go girl

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Merrick Garland was a victim of the Biden rule.

The left, though, are endlessly butthurt over it and feel they are owed.

Go whine to Biden. It's his rule.

Henry said...

Howard said...
O-Mike: I agree, that is why the FBI is on it. I have also said the republicans made a mistake by not letting FBI do it's thing from the jump which IMO, led to Kavanaugh getting dragged over gravel behind a horse. You can't un-ring his pitiable performance. No matter what FBI decides, some reps might vote no because his lack of cool under pressure.

I agree 100% with this assessment.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Biden Rule

WASHINGTON — As a senator more than two decades ago, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. argued that President George Bush should delay filling a Supreme Court vacancy, should one arise, until the presidential election was over, and that it was “essential” that the Senate refuse to confirm a nominee to the court until then.

Howard said...

but the Biden rule goes against due process. The Senate rules are not and don't have to be constitutional. That's my point.

Now, there is a legitimate political argument that the Dems overstepped the mark and they will pay. I get that. We will see who is right and we will all live with the outcome, which can't be too bad because we live in Disneyland with Oxy and guns

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When the left make up the rules, those rules only apply to their current application. As soon as the game changes, the goal posts are moved. History is erased.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Better throw some ice on that"

le Douanier said...

That dork relies on lobster data? To make conclusions re people?

How about some serotonin data re people re various sorts of conflict/competition?

There are ways to ethically do this.



His daughter only eats meat.

LilyBart said...

My husband noticed in this opening remarks that Kavanaugh said he was ruined. Not that he might be ruined - that he WAS ruined. I think he has a point. He'll never get away from these charges. And Ford's story is inconstant and has no corroboration, Rameriz doesn't have a strong memory of who the guy was in her story, Swetnick is a loon, and throwing ice and using high school slang? Oy. But he is ruined. His life will never be the same.

Even his kids' lives are forever changed - what people are going to think and conclude when they apply for college or a job, or when their boyfriends want to introduce them to their parents?

The Democrats had the opportunity to review these charges privately. But they wanted to use them politically - and they don't care if they ruin a man's life. I hope they pay for this - dearly. I hope there is real justice in this case.

le Douanier said...

red meat

Lyle Smith said...

I grew up in Lubbock during my teens. It was apparently a popular diver’s education thing to have you drive the cemetery where Buddy Holly is buried and exchange drivers at his gravesite.

The film about Holly and the Crickets is always a hoot because they show Lubbock having a background of mountains.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LilyBart said...

Achilles: where was Merrik Garland's due process?

What was he accused of? He didn't get a hearing - that's all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Are you a total dumb-shit Howard? Merrick was never falsely accused of a crime.

Merrick was a victim of timing and the Biden Rule. That's it.

Due process only applies when someone is being accused of something.

Howard said...

Blogger Achilles said...

Then Trump will renominate him.

The Republicans that vote no will be removed from the party. Flake is already gone.

Every red state democrat will lose. The over under for a generation will be 60 republican senators from 30 red states. Democrats will not hold a majority for decades.

Kavanaugh will get 62ish votes in January after the election.

That's one opinion, but it does reek a bit of a canabinoid pipedream of a boyscout, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard is not clear on what "due process" means.

Jaq said...

Democrat taunts are mothers milk to Republican campaign strategists. Democrats can’t break themselves of the habit though.

LilyBart said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Howard is not clear on what "due process" means.

I think that's pretty obvious.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Howard said...”Garland wasn't even given the opportunity to defend himself.”

Defend himself against what? He wasn’t accused of anything. I’ve got no problem with politics. It’s the “politics of personal destruction” that is disgusting and dangerous.

Bay Area Guy said...

I love this new tactic by the Left. Because Kavanaugh got angry in response to false accusations designed to smear him, and since the accusations are falling apart, well, Kavanaugh lacks the temperament to sit on the Supreme Court.

It's good to mad every once in a while!

Howard said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rick said...

Howard said...
Garland wasn't even given the opportunity to defend himself.

Garland needs no defense since he was never attacked. He's more than welcome to publicize his calendar to prove he was not at the party.

le Douanier said...

"Every red state democrat will lose. The over under for a generation will be 60 republican senators from 30 red states. Democrats will not hold a majority for decades."

Depends on what majority means.

Some folks think that in a democracy (or representative republic) there is a connection between political governance and the majority of the governed.

Some folks say a tyranny is not good. Any tyranny.

Diff strokes fer diff folks.

Michael K said...

by not letting FBI do it's thing from the jump which IMO, led to Kavanaugh getting dragged over gravel behind a horse

Come on, Howard. You know this is bullshit.

DiFi sat on that weak accusation for six weeks and sprung it at the last moment.

I know you guys are pissed about Garland. Did his wife commit suicide like Miguel Estrada's wife during the 23 months the Democrats filibustered his nomination so Bush would not have the first Hispanic nominee?

Or filibustered Janice Rogers Brown so Bush would not have the first black woman nominee ?

You know better, You are not stupid like Inga.

Jaq said...

Remember what happened to Dukakis when he was “stoic” in response to a hypothetical about his wife getting raped? I wonder if even L’il Duce would have remained stoic in the face of a gang rape accusation from somebody he likely never met that the newspapers all pretended to take seriously?

Howard said...

So Mike K: do you think dragging Bart behind a horse helped him, the president and the republican party? That's another opinion that you might get from day-drinkers, but not a serious man like yourself, Doc

buwaya said...


Your system and culture are now actively suppressing “gumption”.
This extends from your families to your schools to your businesses.
This is a huge cultural change.

You need to be in the thick of it to really see it I guess.
Otherwise it is too easy to assume the platitudes of your youth still apply.

Howard said...

Dukakas wasn't stoical, he was professorial which is another aspect of emotional thinking... fake erudite.

Jaq said...

Some folks say a tyranny is not good. Any tyranny.

Now the Constitution is “tyranny.” Of course Democrats could move a little bit back to the center. Maybe support American union labor and heavy industry in the fact of Chinese dumping of steel, for example...

But the ChiComs bought and paid for the Clintons in 1996, and they apparently bought the whole party at the time.

chickelit said...

Is there any objective news that got Howard so riled today or is he just taking something out on the commenters?

Jaq said...

Dukakas wasn’t stoical, he was professorial which is another aspect of emotional thinking... fake erudite.

Which is what you would have accused Kavanaugh of had he remained calm in the face of the outrageous behavior by the Democrats. I will go with the action that energizes the Republican base, since Democrats were dead set against him even before he was named.

Jaq said...

We are just having some fun, chickenlittle, nobody has thrown any ice on anybody yet.

chickelit said...

So happy that Trump singled out Feinstein ( love his pronunciation, btw). She deserves to go down in a whimper.

Howard said...

tim arguing by predicting a reaction from an event that didn't occur to erect his strawman. Ben & Jerry's time.

le Douanier said...


Could go either way.

But, a nice guardrail is to keep some connection between the government and those that they govern. Best not to just rely on hope that the government will do the just thing, sans political accountability. It's also a complicating factor when the folks running the government is substantially funded by and supportive of corporations (which are people too (we are told), but not voters). IOW, if the Rs want to continue taking out for a spin their total domination of political power of the Fed Gov, they may want to avoid dumping on the majority of American voters. Hence, avoiding tyranny.


Howard said...

It's been fun guys. Gotta go. If you want, you can say I ran away scared with my tail between my legs if that makes you feel better ;^)

rhhardin said...

It's most likely that Kavanaugh was angry at lack of due process, which he said is fatal to democracy. That's what I'm angry about.

Just as you can't make everybody rich by printing and handing out money in spite of what women may think. An occasion for anger.

Achilles said...

buwaya said...

Your system and culture are now actively suppressing “gumption”.
This extends from your families to your schools to your businesses.
This is a huge cultural change.

You need to be in the thick of it to really see it I guess.
Otherwise it is too easy to assume the platitudes of your youth still apply.

You were addressing Howard, but he isn't intelligent enough to respond properly.

I agree our kids are being set up to fail. The next generation of doers will not be heavily represented by people born and educated in the United States.

But people who want to do things, to openly compete and innovate, either come to the US or Israel.

China and Europe are dominated by entrenched bureaucracy that protects established businesses. They will never lead the world.

The only way a country can overtake the US is to embrace freedom. Both economic and individual.

At that point we have already won.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Flake goes to K Street - I say we sue.

le Douanier said...

"If Flake goes to K Street - I say we sue."

What if Althouse's six packed, blue eyed boyfriend cashes in?

JaimeRoberto said...

Kavanaugh's temperament is just fine. He didn't jump across the table and strangle anyone like I would have done if I had been accused for rape. The Democrats can go fuck themselves.

Jaq said...

One of the more amusing things about Howard are his malapropisms. It’s like he doesn’t understand the meanings of so many of the words he uses here, but he has seen other people use them, so they must be good words to use! It’s cargo-cult debating.

rhhardin said...

Richard Epstein, a never-trumper, is angry about the process too; he does lectures on why due process.


Most densely informative podcast I've ever heard.

Jaq said...

if the Rs want to continue taking out for a spin their total domination of political power of the Fed Gov, they may want to avoid dumping on the majority of American voters.

Or the Dems could move a little bit more to the center to try to appeal to voters outside of their urban islands... Naah! Like I said, maybe support workers in heavy industry in Wisconsin and PA that Obama had written off.

“Those jobs are never coming back! I don’t have a magic wand!” - BHO

Big Mike said...

Angry? Yes. Fearful? Not when I am enraged. Stupid: Howard and Henry, beta males. And anyone who believes Christine Blasey Ford, the fabulist.

tcrosse said...

One of the more amusing things about Howard are his malapropisms.

I suspect that "Howard" is actually more than one person. There are differences of style.

LilyBart said...

JaimeRoberto said...
Kavanaugh's temperament is just fine. He didn't jump across the table and strangle anyone like I would have done if I had been accused for rape

Agreed. He showed considerable restraint considering what they've done to him and to his family.

"Its not personal, Kavanaugh, its just politics". --Dems and Media

le Douanier said...


Heavy industry is extremely automated v decades ago. W/ much more to come.

Likewise, jabbering about saving coal is not a situation where a truth-teller non-pol is draining the swamp.

Of course, this flim flam does, undeniably, viscerally affect you, and many others.

Which is not a good thing. IMHO.

rhhardin said...

Women don't like large angry men, is the reason for the meme.

Earnest Prole said...

As I predicted more than a year ago, it will be Trump's tax returns and not the Russian collusion delusion that brings him down. If a corrupt prosecutor can't find something there, he belongs in a more honest line of work.

le Douanier said...



I think Howard may have been more capable re word play than you suggest. Presumably his reference to Cohen and Greenfield coulda had one eye on yous.

rhhardin said...

The tax return get to ask you about income from illegal businesses, avoiding the constitutional claim that you're being made to testify against yourself, by it being forbidden to release the tax return.

Take away that release restriction, and you've got a constitutional right not to report income.

Jaq said...

Heavy industry is extremely automated v decades ago. W/ much more to come.

And it should be Americans running the equipment, not ChiComs, but, like I said, you Democrats have written off workers in Wisconsin, Ohio, PA, Michigan, maybe even Minnesota. I already pointed that out with the Obama quote, so I don’t get why you are belaboring it. I understand.

Money manipulators on the Manhattan’s Upper East Side make their millions and billions whether the work is done by Americans or Chinese, same with Chicago, etc. So the same warning goes for you you had for me, blue bloods in the blue states need to remember that they are part of America too. That’s why the Constitution is written the way it is.

Bay Area Guy said...

Let's have the vote! Up or down; in or out. The GOP will net 4 Senate seats (I predict), giving them a 55-45 edge come January 2019. At that point, they'll be 2 more years of Trump judges confirmed - no filibuster, thanks Harry Reid!

Jaq said...

I can’t figure out though, why if the work is so worthless, Europe and China and Canada and Mexico, to name a few, fight for that work for their workers tooth and claw.

Jaq said...

Why didn’t Canada just abandon their auto industry in the AFTA NAFTA negotiations? It’s all gonna be automagic anyways/

le Douanier said...


Yur saying the same thing as BHO. I.e., those jobs aren't coming back. Automation.

How about focusing on the industries that are generating massive ROI and paychecks in 2018? Instead of the marginal, visceral manipulation fodder?

Even if the truth hurts?

Rabel said...

I see that The Newspaper of Record is accusing President Trump of cheating on his taxes when he was three years old.

I'm more impressed with the man every day.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Agreed Bay Area Guy @ 2:56

The leftwing machine are pushing hard for the man they just destroyed to drop out so they don't have to vote.

Screw them.

Time to vote.

le Douanier said...

Car companies are barely in business.

And, not much of the economy.

Coal, same.


le Douanier said...

Honest Q: has anyone studied the total US automaker sales to US governments (from local dog catcher to the thing DJT rides around in)?

If these sales were removed from the bottom line, would the car co.s but substantially worse?

It's nice to have these rents. If yur selling to the gov.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I read the NYT hit piece.

Thin and details and proof - thick on Trump hate. thick on tired.

le Douanier said...

Full-thick seams better than just partial thick (tip-thick, mushroom-like).

So I've heard.

Earnest Prole said...

you've got a constitutional right not to report income

Genius! It's a pity Al Capone didn't have you as his lawyer.

le Douanier said...

Wesley Trent Snipes, too.

rehajm said...

Yah- I’ll run it by the MST spouse after Oct 15 (tax deadline) but sounds to me like NYT is describing what in loose 1970s and 1980s regulations are legit trust setups, transactions and valuation techniques, and one brazen violation of NJ gaming rules. NYT then wafts them up into a big dark puffy word cloud for the consumption of a hopefully suspicious voting public.

Ken B said...

Graham had an interesting idea. If BK loses, renominate him and let the voters have their say. I think this might be a very good idea on its merits as well as favorable to the GOP.

Howard said...

Blogger tcrosse said...

One of the more amusing things about Howard are his malapropisms.

I suspect that "Howard" is actually more than one person. There are differences of style.

Interesting. Some crank (rc??) a few weeks ago accused Drago of penning Howard comments as a "Mr. Hyde". I was flattered because I'm a fan of Drago's sense of the ironically absurd.

At the further risk of Crack's wrath, I will admit to being an astrological Gemini which better explains your conundrum.

Howard said...

Also, Tcrosse: I do indeed have a coathanger sticking out my ear. This always terrified me until I saw "My Favorite Martin" and was comforted that Ray Walston might be my Baby Daddy.

rehajm said...

Just one suspicious example- NYT would have you believe Trump Sr. tricked IRS by sneaking around and making his young children landlords, but in actuality he made them not ‘essntially’ or ‘effectively’ landlords as NYT says, but ‘factually’ made them ‘trustees’.

Chuck said...

Althouse, the subject of Kavanaugh's reference to the drinking age in Maryland came up and it occasioned my citing my adversaries to your son John's correction of Will Saletan in Slate.

Kudos to John on that one. The really big things to me are that Saletan has been:

~Forthright enough to accept the suggestion and make the update/correction;

~Honest in his reporting of the corrected notion(s), and;

~Shockingly representative, of left wing media in the making of that mistake. It is ALL OVER THE INTERNET! Slate's false and misleading headline repeated in different forms, in page after page of Google hits on a search of "Kavanaugh Maryland drinking age" or some similar search. All of them left-wing commentaries on how Kavanaugh "lied," and how that means that Jeff Flake can't support him. It's bullshit, and your son John gets huge props for trying to correct it.

le Douanier said...

"of a hopefully suspicious voting public."

Is this the voters who are suspicious of a swamp-infested gov that creates shortcuts and cutouts and liquidation-benefits for the rich, connected and powerful funders while placating the so-called 99% w/ visceral BS and a never-ending pile of debts?

Or, is this the voters who are worried that blackies and MOOOOOslims and wetbacks are gonna implement shariaKwanzaaFarrak reparations so ghetto mommas can have Cadillacs built in China?

Gramof3 said...

I am more of a passive reader than someone who comments so I hope I am making this comment in the appropriate place.
I want to challenge anyone who wants to understand the left and what is coming, please check out the book Springtime For Snowflakes, written by NYU professor Michael Rectenwald. He is a sounding an alarm over what he sees in academia and our ensuing culture..

Howard said...

Blogger rhhardin said...

It's most likely that Kavanaugh was angry at lack of due process, which he said is fatal to democracy. That's what I'm angry about.

Confirmation that Rom Com expert rhardon has a soap opera operating system. This is proof that ALL of your Soap Opera comments and talk of how "guys" think is just a cover. I always thought it was the ARES Hams who were the wannabe's. I always had so much respect for the aspy low-power CW backpackers and you destroyed that... forever.

le Douanier said...

"It's bullshit, and your son John gets huge props for trying to correct it."

Ross Douthat did the same in the NYT.

Presumably w/ greater reach.

Howard said...

Blogger Gramof3 said...

I am more of a passive reader than someone who comments so I hope I am making this comment in the appropriate place.
I want to challenge anyone who wants to understand the left and what is coming, please check out the book Springtime For Snowflakes, written by NYU professor Michael Rectenwald. He is a sounding an alarm over what he sees in academia and our ensuing culture..

On first blush, this sounds like a myopic view of reality. I think most people's experience with academia is to ignore the bias with BEER, like Bart.

le Douanier said...

As if this point re the drinking age is anything but a diversion from anything remotely meaningful.

WJC was seen as a loser for successfully parsing lawyerly-ly. Re what 'is' is.

But now, proven R-pol-liar-smarm is a hero for the same.


etbass said...

Anger is not always a fault or weakness.

Jesus got angry at the money changers in the temple for taking advantage of people. Anger at injustice is to be applauded. What you do with that anger is what's important. Judge K. would have been thought guilty if he had not demonstrated the utmost indignation at the unfairness and breach of simple justice to which he and his family have been subjected.

If he had brought a grenade into the hearing room and tossed to Sen. Whitehouse or Blumenthal, it would perhaps have been thought by some to be excessive. Not me, but some, maybe.

Jim at said...

It’s like he doesn’t understand the meanings of so many of the words he uses here, but he has seen other people use them,

Yep. Cuck being his favorite. Clearly doesn't understand the word. Uses it as an insult against people are the precise opposite of cucks.

le Douanier said...

"Jesus got angry at the money changers in the temple for taking advantage of people."

Right, the Rs and BK are angry w/ the money changers in the temple.

Logic is tricky.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The conservative male as evidenced by the rantings of males here, has been dialed up to 11 for at least the last three or four years. So much angst and anger over those feminist devils! How come liberal men don’t seem to be so outraged on a daily basis regarding women?

rehajm said...

It's fair to be critical of the system, as legal estate planning to minimize taxation is huge business but in Trump's case one thing it doesn't have to be: illegal.

The question I would ask is why would anyone resort to illegal schemes when the legal schemes from the 70s and 80s were so generous you wouldn't need to?

rehajm said...

GDP Now 4.1 percent, consumer confidence at an 18 year high, small business confidence breaking records. A little more interest coming in your saving and interest checking accounts. A big gain coming in your year end 401(K) statement.

Sebastian said...

"But they wanted to use them politically - and they don't care if they ruin a man's life"

Yes. Nor do the Dem enablers care: the Althouses speculate about dark sides, without a word about the ruin, taking sides with the sisters, regardless.

Angry or not, we must take sides. I mainly feel contempt, myself.

Even the GOPe notices. Even Lindsey Graham objects. But perhaps Collins and Flake will yet Flake out.

Reminds me of that great line:

"A medal, a postcard; and all that was asked in return was anger and a sense of injustice."

It's about us, now.

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