২ অক্টোবর, ২০১৮

At the Afternoon Café...

... I couldn't get to everything I'd wanted this morning. I'd meant to work my way through "'The trauma for a man': Male fury and fear rises in GOP in defense of Kavanaugh" (WaPo), and I've got a lot more to say about stoking the fear of masculine anger and the fear of fear. I mean "Male fury and fear"... aren't half the books about Trump called either "Fear" or "Fury"? What is really going on? But that will have to wait a bit. How can it wait, when everything is an eeeemergenceeeee these days? Courage! And pick your own topics, including bland and ordinary things that don't inspire the slightest quiver of trepitude. Trepitude???

৪৯১টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   491 এর 201 – থেকে 400   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Agreed. He showed considerable restraint considering what they've done to him and to his family.”

Hahahahaha, he showed restraint? If he would’ve been any more hysterical he could’ve stroked out.

Achilles বলেছেন...

anti-de Sitter space said...
Car companies are barely in business.

And, not much of the economy.

Coal, same.


Drop in the bucket compared to what is about to happen to Cab, Uber, Lfyt and Truck drivers.

And all of the third world countries are going to go straight from poverty to ... what? without probably the biggest rung on the economic ladder available to the poor and unskilled.

Not much will change when cars are cheap and freely available to everyone because it takes no humans to make them compared to when we don't need cab drivers.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

I guess certain folks have never been on the receiving end of a false accusation designed to ruin one's life. I have no connection to the boys on the Duke Lacross team, but I certainly am adult enough to show some sympathy towards their struggle to recapture their good names.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

they show Lubbock having a background of mountains.

For Hollywood craggy mountains = somewhere out west.

Having lived out here most for most of the known past, I get to laugh at how Monument Valley is a few minutes drive from Pikes Peak or Albert Turkey.

Besides its own butt-like name, Lubbock is surrounded by weirdly named places -
- Pep
- Earth
- Sudan
- Spade
- Pettit
- Barwise
- Lorenzo
- Heckville
- Whiteface
- Ropesville **
- New Deal
- Woodrow
- Wilson

** CO has Stringtown, almost near Climax, but those names aren't weird at all.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Agreed. He showed considerable restraint considering what they've done to him and to his family.”

Hahahahaha, he showed restraint? If he would’ve been any more hysterical he could’ve stroked out.

Says the woman who viciously abused hundreds of her defenseless elderly patients and voted for a rapist.

Rick বলেছেন...

Hahahahaha, he showed restraint? If he would’ve been any more hysterical he could’ve stroked out.

It's revealing when the progs criticize Kavanaugh but have no comment about the hysterics screaming at Flake. They support anything from the left while pretending anything from the right breaks some sort of standard they have invented and support only for that moment. Similarly when left wing professors post hate screeds about white males the left argues free speech. But when a non-leftist professor supports due process, a core Western value, he is threatened with the full support of the establishment. Free speech principles apparently no longer apply.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Regarding anger.

There are many different types of anger and different ways to deal with that anger.

You can have the hot headed flare up immediate reaction. Insult=fisticuffs.

You can create group anger. Insult an entire group of people= banding together and retaliation by that group. Congratulations!. You just forged your enemy into an army who now has a target. YOU!

Then there is the hot simmer. Insult= smiling, planning and effecting revenge My personal style...a dish best served cold and with relish :-)

Reactions to anger also depend on who you are defending. Yourself? Your children? Your friends and family? Many people who would otherwise be stoic, become the hot headed type when the targets are their family. This is Kavanaugh and I admire him greatly for showing his anger in public.

No matter how stoic or slow to anger a person is, if they are provoked enough the resulting reaction will not be pleasant for the provoker.

Unfortunately, this is what is happening now to white men, men in general and to the women who love those men. If the left and the Feminazis think that there are not going to be consequences.....they need to think again. Think long and hard about the results of their actions. IF they can think at all that is.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Not Climax, Leadville, which is also not a weird name.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

5 minutes to Leadville but 10 minutes to Climax.

mikee বলেছেন...

Althouse says, "Courage."
I'm with the guys saying, "What's the frequency, Kenneth?"

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“...but I certainly am adult enough to show some sympathy towards their struggle to recapture their good names.”

Kavanaugh should’ve behaved as if he had nothing to hide, far less anger, far less tears, far less belligerence to questioning Senators, his behavior belies his innocence. That was the behavior of an entitled spoiled brat only child caught with his hand in the cookie jar and demanding he deserves to have as many cookies as he wants because in his own opinion, he was such a good boy ( ha). One would not have to believe in his innocence to feel sympathy, but his behavior indicated he was unworthy of sympathy, he had a public temper tantrum. I feel sympathy to the women who are having their names drug through the mud because they spoke up about what happened to them at the hands of the prep school drunkards.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"GDP Now 4.1 percent,"

What is the total size of the US economy? Around $20 trillion?

What do the Rs in the swamp borrow every year? A bit less than a trillion?

So, take away the part of the economy that is being funded by financing (and, eventually, interest( to be paid by future Americans, and then we're in close to, if not actually, in the hole.

Even Keynes wasn't that liberal, in an economy that was economically stable.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

" How come liberal men don’t seem to be so outraged on a daily basis regarding women?"

Because they are taking it in the ass from eachother, or with a strap on from disgusting morbidly obese old alcholic hags like you Inga.

Liberal men is an oxymoron.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

Another day, another report on Muslim terror--by O's buddies, this time:

"France said on Tuesday there was no doubt Iran’s intelligence ministry was behind a June plot to attack an exiled opposition group’s rally outside Paris and it seized assets belonging to Tehran’s intelligence services and two Iranian nationals."

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

The Fords wanted to create a marriage-counseling record about Kavanaugh in order to use against him if Romney won the 2012 election and then nominated him to the Supreme Court.

However, the Fords were concerned that the marriage-counseling record eventually might be exposed to investigators or even to the public. The Fords did not want their sexual relationship to be exposed.

Therefore the Fords concocted the two-door pretext for the marriage counseling. If the marriage-counseling records were ever exposed, then the records would contain mainly arguments about the house's second front door -- not arguments about their sex life.

That's why her lies about the second front door are very important in figuring out the plot against Kavanaugh.

Renovation Records Undercut Ford's Exit-Door Account

Jim at বলেছেন...

Hahahahaha, he showed restraint? If he would’ve been any more hysterical he could’ve stroked out.

And stupid people like you would've announced his guilt if he hadn't shown righteous anger.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“It's revealing when the progs criticize Kavanaugh but have no comment about the hysterics screaming at Flake.”

Were those two hysterical women candidates for the Supreme Court? Who needs to have a judicial temperament, those two women or someone who wants a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land?

madAsHell বলেছেন...


I just received a text message from Emily. Emily is a Move-On volunteer. She says......

"No matter where we come from or whether we're white, Black or brown, most of us work hard for our families."

Why is Black capitalized?? Yeah....it's a rhetorical question.

n.n বলেছেন...

First, it was the burdensome baby. Then, it was Jew Privilege. Now, it's the angry male Jew. These people are plumb loco.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“No matter where we come from or whether we're white, Black or brown, most of us work hard for our families."

Why is Black capitalized?? Yeah....it's a rhetorical question.”

madAsHell, is just that, it’s outrageous that someone capitalized Black! Oh oh oh, the outrage!!!11!

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


I just read a comment on this thread commenting on a text where "B" was capitalized in "Black," but "white" and "brown" weren't typed w/ capitalized first letters.

Why is it important to jabber about "Black" capitalization??

Yeah....it's a rhetorical question.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Some of you have been interested in the second door scenario. Here is an excerpt fro RealClearInvestigations:

Palo Alto city records show that a building permit for an additional room and exterior door was issued to Ford and her husband on Feb. 4, 2008 — more than four years before the May 2012 therapy session where, she says, she first identified Kavanaugh as her attacker.

All the remodeling, including a new bathroom, was completed by February 2010. The only additional permits issued to Ford at her Palo Alto address are for “solar panels” on the roof, a “solar hot water system” in the garage, and an “electric vehicle charge station” for the driveway — all of which were issued after 2012.

Other documents, including health care-provider registration records, reveal that a marriage counselor listed Ford’s home address as her place of employment, ostensibly using the extra room and door for her clinical practice. That marriage therapist, Sylvia Adkins Randall, sold the home to the Fords in 2007, but continued to maintain the address for her business.

Contacted by phone, Dr. Randall expressed concern about her real estate transaction and prior relationship with Ford being reported.

“I don’t want it to be mentioned,” she said. “It’s personal.”

Randall is a licensed therapist who specializes in treating “disturbing memories from the past.” She supports Ford and described her allegation against Kavanaugh as “credible.”

Also casting doubt on Ford’s story is the fact she installed no such escape door at a second home, which property records show she and her husband own in Santa Cruz, Calif., less than five blocks from the beach.

Yet she recently told a close friend, according to media reports, that she has resisted purchasing a home without a second exit from the master bedroom. Without it, she said she would never feel safe.

“Obviously, something happened that traumatized her so much that she’s afraid of being trapped,” her friend Jim Gensheimer, a photojournalist who worked for the San Jose Mercury News, told the Los Angeles Times on Sept. 19.

Property records show Ford and her husband, Russell Ford, bought the beach house in 2007. This July – the same month Ford sent a letter to Feinstein accusing Kavanaugh of attacking her — Ford applied for permits to build a front porch and new decks at the home, located on Seaside Street in Santa Cruz. There is no application for a second front door, however, and the recent permits are the only ones applied for since 2007.

No evidence has emerged of any other exterior door construction at either of Ford’s homes, authorized or not.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Democrats are going to come face to face with the truth shortly.

West Virginia, Missouri, Florida, Nevada, Arizona and North Dakota are "toss ups."

McCaskill is already transitioning to her future. You will know which of these are lost because they will vote no.

The ones that vote yes still think they have a chance.

They gave up on Indiana being a "toss up."

Ohio, Wisconsin, and Montana have 3 incumbents that are shitting their pants about having to vote against Kavanaugh.

If they vote against him they are looking for new jobs.

Tina Smith has to get people in Minnesota to vote for her and Keith Ellison at the same time.

Have fun with that.

Menendez is finished. Nobody wants to vote for the pedo who only likes the newest youngest girls.

Michigan and Pennsylvania are actual tossups.

Over under if Kavanaugh is confirmed: 59 Republicans

Over Under if Kavanaugh is defeated: 62 republicans.

He will be confirmed and get a surprising number of democrat votes and we will never hear another word about this fiasco until the election.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

I told you that the allegations would roll in to Chris Coons...

Here they come.

It's desperation time.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Who needs to have a judicial temperament, those two women or someone who wants a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land?"

Kavanaugh has already demonstrated sustained superior judicial temperament while on the court as attested to by.....liberal lawyers!


And now that the hoaxers lies are unraveling in front of our eyes, just like Ingas beloved russia hoax dossier, we can expect even more pivots to new complaints.

This Swetnick chick is even more of a lunatic lefty liar than Ford!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Coons and Flake - the fraudster boof bros.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Conservative... has been dialed up to 11 for at least the last three or four years.

Inga of the pussy hat avatar said that people!

LilyBart বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
The conservative male as evidenced by the rantings of males here, has been dialed up to 11 for at least the last three or four years. So much angst and anger over those feminist devils! How come liberal men don’t seem to be so outraged on a daily basis regarding women?

Ravings of a lunatic.

Rick বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
Kavanaugh should’ve behaved as if he had nothing to hide, far less anger, far less tears, far less belligerence to questioning Senators, his behavior belies his innocence.

This is not just wrong but stupidly, obviously wrong. The Democratic Senators questioning him are allied to people making up obvious lies attacking him. Seriously we're supposed to pretend to believe he organized an openly-known gang rape circuit. And so other people allied with both the liars and the Senators pretend opposing those attacking you is somehow a problem.

How absurd.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"No evidence has emerged of any other exterior door construction at either of Ford’s homes, authorized or not."

All jurisdictions require (and have for a long time required) egress windows from bedrooms. And, that's just the minimum. The operable windows could be very large, and on a first floor. I'd like to send our con sleuths back to the Zillow floorplans, or whatever it is E Wehlan-types go to, to look for such in these floor plans. If these rooms had no escape, yull have yur smokin' gn.

Drago বলেছেন...

Not only are the Ingas projecting hilariously again, as always, she and her dem pals are desperately trying to transfer dems record in women to the republicans.

So much so that they had notable Weinstein fanboy and defender Matt Damon project lefty-isms onto Kavanaugh.

Because of course they did.


Rick বলেছেন...

Who needs to have a judicial temperament, those two women or someone who wants a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land?

He has a judicial temperament. People are lying about him and playing games with his career and reputation. He called them on it.

Only idiots believe this is somehow a problem.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

ads says that everybody should go work for Google calculating eigenvectors on web space matrices or whatever they do there. Leave all of the rest of the work to the wogs overseas.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Funny. I was about to speculate that Howard writes like a girl and he was probably Inga. Then...Inga pops up and Howard disappears. LOL.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Ravings of a lunatic.”

Yes, Lily Bart, Kavanaugh did come across as a lunatic and anyone who thinks his behavior was perfectly acceptable needs to have their head examined.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"Leave all of the rest of the work to the wogs overseas."

No, we can do this sorta stuff here. But, it won't be wogs. Machines.


Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Funny. I was about to speculate that Howard writes like a girl and he was probably Inga. Then...Inga pops up and Howard disappears. LOL.”

No I am not Howard. Howard is a 2nd Amendment supporter and has said so many times here in the past.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Ask Drago if he thinks Howard is me, lol.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Flake might just be the most hated man in Arizona. So it sounds like he'll stay in DC doing what swamp creatures do. Maybe he'll make enough from lobbying and 'consulting' to get his nose fixed. We'll be glad to be rid of him at any rate.

Rick বলেছেন...

Luckily we have Inga to explain how non-proggies can best advance their interests. Surely she knows best.

wholelottasplainin বলেছেন...

Howard said...
Andrew is too stupid to understand Kipling's call for stoicism. Bart the Tongue O'Kavanaugh was anti-stoic

How far did Mike Dukakis' stoicism and sangfroid get him during the 1988 POTUS election,when he coolly discussed a hypothetical regarding his wife being raped?

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"So it sounds like he'll stay in DC doing what swamp creatures do."

Increase national debt (almost a trillion a year) while giving new tax breaks that largely land on the richest, who happen to be the big GOP funders.

He'd need to stay in office for that.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Ask Drago if he thinks Howard is me, lol."

There is no possible way Inga is Howard.

Howard has far too much familiarity with military matters

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Renovation Records Undercut Ford's Exit-Door Account

Wasn't "Exit-Door Account" part of Hitchcock's prime statement, along with "The Birds on a Train", "Suspicion of the Man Who Knew Harry", "Psytigo" and "Dial WRE for Wrong Rear Entrance"?

LilyBart বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
Yes, Lily Bart, Kavanaugh did come across as a lunatic and anyone who thinks his behavior was perfectly acceptable needs to have their head examined.

I think he showed admirable restrain considering the outrageous the uncorroborated accusations that had been leveled at him were, and considering how the Dems on that committee has manipulated the situation for maximum damage to his nomination, and ultimately to his life.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Howard is capable of intelligent comments and arguments. Inga isn't.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Snort. Inga calling somebody else a lunatic.

That's rich.

Drago বলেছেন...

"Renovation Records Undercut Ford's Exit-Door Account"

All actual facts and witness statements undercut Fords moronic and laughable hoax self-hypnosis generated "artificial" memories.

Rick বলেছেন...

Blogger tcrosse said...
Howard is capable of intelligent comments and arguments.

Not that he's shown here.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

No I am not Howard. Howard is a 2nd Amendment supporter and has said so many times here in the past.

Well....he did seem to be a little bit smarter.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Snort. Inga calling somebody else a lunatic.

That's rich.”

What’s rich is Jim telling me yesterday that he is going to get his wife to punch me in the face. Too cowardly to do it yourself? Or are you afraid I’d kick you in the nuts before you even got your fist or your wife’s purse anywhere near me?

Jim is a hysterical ninny.

Gramof3 বলেছেন...

I will address this to Howard since his comment was directed to me. The professor is a self described socialist and has become very concerned with the social justice/political correct movement. You don’t have to read the book...that’s how we all remain ignorant. And it has nothing to do with the current discussion of beer in college 35 years ago if that is what interests you.

I am not a snarky, condescending commenter. If you don’t find my comments worth your time to read, skip over them. I just enjoy an interesting and intellectual discussion without name calling.

The book can be found on amazon with a bit of history regarding the author.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

" How come liberal men don’t seem to be so outraged on a daily basis regarding women?"

You can't get laid or even paid if you disagree with the Borg. When you liberal ladies are not around they drink beer and dress up in your clothes to do sketch comedy mocking you all. Don't get angry, though, it's all they have to make them feel free and independent.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

The operable windows could be very large, and on a first floor. I'd like to send our con sleuths back to the Zillow floorplans, or whatever it is E Wehlan-types go to, to look for such in these floor plans. If these rooms had no escape, yull have yur smokin' gn.

How does that square with CBF saying she entered marital therapy in 2011 because of an argument over a second door?

I am not suggesting a smoking gun, but the longer this goes on, the more cracks appear in the CBF narrative.

IMHO, she may be neurotic (well she is a Democrat) but she's not emotionally disabled. She is simply an actress playing a role.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Inga pretending that if BK hadn't shown anger, she wouldn't have been in front of the line claiming his lack of anger proved his guilt because any innocent man in his position would obviously be angry, is pretty hilarious. That argument at least would've been reasonable and I'm sure its the one lefties hoped to get to make, but when BK didn't oblige, they had to come up with this pathetic "temperament" fall back argument. It's so pathetic, in fact, that it gives the whole game away all by itself, as if we needed more proof.

Michael বলেছেন...

Mercifully the world is not full of Ingas. The press would have us believe that women are as a group that stupid. They are not, as we shall see. Sane, normal, women see their sons and husbands and brothers as potential targets of thirty year old insane fabrications. They do not like it. Sane, normal, women see bullshit. As we shall see it is not only men who are furious.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

BTW Frak D et. al.,

I don't care to fuss about what Ford said re her therapy sessions. But, if you have an exact quote re what she said re her getting into therapy sessions, I'd be interested. E.g., "I went to marriage counseling because I wanted a bedroom door but my husband wouldn't give me a bedroom door." Or, whatever the quote is.

Aside from that, have any of you cons been pushing the idea that Ford and her family are CIA operatives? AKA part of the deep state conspiracy?

Mike Savage has been pushing this on his radio show w/ what seems to be specifics re Ford's family. According to him, nobody has refuted his claims.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

As I said above:
Howard is capable of intelligent comments and arguments.
He's also capable of flinging ridiculous playground taunts from the monkey bars, which is what makes people think he could be Inga.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"The second edition of Bartlett (1859) at page 71 essentially repeats the first editions definitions for "Catawampously or Catawamptiously," but includes two additional examples, including this one from an 1857 speech by Frederick Douglass:

There is something cowardly in the idea of disunion. Where is the wealth and power that should make us fourteen millions take to our heels before three hundred thousand slaveholders, for fear of being catawamptiously chawed up?"
- https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/355001/what-is-the-origin-of-cattywampus

Ken B বলেছেন...

Ann plans ahead. Remember when she derided To Kill A Mockingbird? Because it's centered on doubting an accusation, and presumption of innocence.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Sane, normal, women see their sons and husbands and brothers as potential targets of thirty year old insane fabrications. They do not like it. Sane, normal, women see bullshit. As we shall see it is not only men who are furious.”

Sane normal women love their daughters as much as they do their sons. Sane normal women won’t dismiss other women’s allegations out of hand. Sane normal women would be horrified by Kavanaugh’s behavior at the last hearing. It was disgraceful, if I were his parents or wife, I’d be mortified.

gilbar বলেছেন...

The new look of the democratic party... Cat Womyn

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger etbass said...

Anger is not always a fault or weakness.

Jesus got angry at the money changers in the temple for taking advantage of people. Anger at injustice is to be applauded.

This type of macho emotionalism is still endemic to the middle east. The so-called "Holy Land" is the most violent and oppressive portion of the "modern" world.

Thanks for making my point crystal clear.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

I don't care to fuss about what Ford said re her therapy sessions. But, if you have an exact quote re what she said re her getting into therapy sessions, I'd be interested. E.g., "I went to marriage counseling because I wanted a bedroom door but my husband wouldn't give me a bedroom door." Or, whatever the quote is.

Aside from that, have any of you cons been pushing the idea that Ford and her family are CIA operatives? AKA part of the deep state conspiracy?

!. Ford selectively released one therapy note to the WaPo. She refuses to release that or other notes to the Senate. Thus, we cannot know what was said in her therapy sessions. BTW, she contradicted her own therapy note.

2. As far as a quote, have you been paying attention to the hearing? It's on YouTube if you missed it.

3. I am not clear on the CIA connection. There have been allegations that her father was CIA and that she was involved in Stanford's CIA internship program. The records have been scrubbed, so we will have to wait for confirmation. I am not making any allegations until I see more definitive information.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“This type of macho emotionalism is still endemic to the middle east. The so-called "Holy Land" is the most violent and oppressive portion of the "modern" world.”

Honor killings, where even women join in and help their lunatic husbands kill their own daughters.

Rick বলেছেন...

Sane normal women won’t dismiss other women’s allegations out of hand.

Womens allegations aren't dismissed out of hand. It's a shame half the country lives in FantasyLand where hypotheticals developed by the most extreme activists on campus replace reality.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Sane normal women won’t dismiss other women’s allegations out of hand.

No, we don’t dismiss them until it becomes pretty clear, that unlike in the case of Clinton and Teddy Kennedy, to name two offhand, there is no corroboration and a lot of incentive to lie.

Would you be angry if somebody accused your son of arranging and participating in a gang rape not only without evidence, but in the most unlikely of circumstances? No, of course not,

I don’t care, I am pretty sure this is over and you guys have lost. Unless you can come up with something real and verifiable.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Sane, normal anyone would want to get on the record interviews with a questioner who is probing. Regardless of man, woman, father, mother, etc.

The Rs are acting like they've got something to hide. If there was no worry, there'd be no fuss re looking for facts/data/info. So, it is logical to ask what must be hidden w/ this haste? Presumably: bad stuff. So. It is logical to ask, is it good to have a lifetime appointment for someone who can only succeed by hiding bad stuff?

Turns out logic doesn't always prevail. Tribalism.

Different strokes fer different folks.

Carry on.

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Agreed. He showed considerable restraint considering what they've done to him and to his family.”

Hahahahaha, he showed restraint? If he would’ve been any more hysterical he could’ve stroked out.

Bart's reaction was ordinary and expected. Things like what was flung at Kav, in most men, would easily inspire a violent reaction that is near impossible to control. I'm sure I would be telling every democratic senator to go FUCK THEMSELVES. Indeed, Bart failed the supreme stress test, but most of us men would as well. For a SCOTUS nominee, we expect more restraint.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"I don’t care, I am pretty sure this is over and you guys have lost."

As of today. You assess who lost.

But, W's war was assessed contemporaneously, and then later too. What many had thought was a win, they later thought was not.

Food fer thought.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


So, you have no quote to backup what you claimed she said?

Gk1 বলেছেন...

I see the democrats are trying to hold their shakey coalition together by pretending Kavanaugh will bow out any day now. Hah. Keep hope alive!

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said... Sane normal women love their daughters as much as they do their sons. Sane normal women won’t dismiss other women’s allegations out of hand. Sane normal women would be horrified by Kavanaugh’s behavior at the last hearing. It was disgraceful, if I were his parents or wife, I’d be mortified.

Yeah and my wife who is a very harsh judge of women, said to me that she knew Kavanaugh was lying based on the grim face his wife kept making. Did you detect something similar with your Fem-dar? I really wouldn't trust hairball's opinion, but since you and I are the same person, your opinion means alot to me.

Francisco D বলেছেন...


So, you have no quote to backup what you claimed she said?

You are asking me to research a quote that almost everyone on this site is familiar with. It was in her Senate testimony, which I watched. It may also have been in the letter she sent DiFi.

If you have not been paying attention, do your own homework. Watch her testimony so you can make a somewhat intelligent comment.

I don't think you are a serious person.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


Yur the one who can't come up w/ a quote to support your claim. You tell me it's easy to come up w/ such a quote. But, still you can't support your claim.

Logic is tricky. Bluster is easy.

Rick বলেছেন...

If there was no worry, there'd be no fuss re looking for facts/data/info.

This is of course completely false. If Democrats had forwarded the accusation so it could have been investigated this might be true. But Democrats used it to delay and create hysteria.

When you have to lie to support your conclusions it's an implicit admission your conclusions cannot be supported with the truth.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Yeah and my wife who is a very harsh judge of women, said to me that she knew Kavanaugh was lying based on the grim face his wife kept making. Did you detect something similar with your Fem-dar? I really wouldn't trust hairball's opinion, but since you and I are the same person, your opinion means alot to me.”

Since they say you are my smarter persona, I’d say yes your wife was on to something. I saw horror on her face and on the faces of the women seated around him that apperead on camera. His wife looked like she wanted to run, run run.

StephenFearby বলেছেন...

I hope the FBI reads this important article by Paul Sperry on RCI before they interview Christine Blasey Ford.

"...Ford testified last week that she had never revealed the details of the alleged attack until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband. She said the memories percolated up as they revisited a disagreement they’d had over her insistence on installing a “second front door" when they had remodeled their Palo Alto, Calif., home."

"...But documents reveal the door was installed years before as part of an addition, and has been used by renters and even a marriage counseling business."

'...The door was not an escape route but an entrance route,” said an attorney familiar with the ongoing congressional investigation. “It appears the real plan for the second front door was to rent out a separate room."'

Very well-researched piece except for Sperry's assertion that the real CA licensed psychologist who sold the house to the Fords in 2007 continued to practice there by renting out space in her former home. Sylvia Adkins Randall, PhD let her CA license lapse in 2008 after she moved to Oregon.


Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


The Ds were shitty to not quickly forward the info.

And, it's true that it is only fair to do a very thorough investigation of all leads re BK because this is for a lifetime (could be 40+ years) appointment on the highest court.

Both can be true. Two wrongs don't make a right. Especially re a lifetime appointment, and there is the fact that Rs (aka GOPe folks) can come up w/ all sorts of alternatives that will do their bidding just as well. Actually, do it better, sans an uninvestigated history of drunken rage, obvious politicking, lying and smarminess.


Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Inga...Allie Oop said......I’d say yes your wife was on to something. I saw horror on her face That's the exact word my wife used. She also said she looked like she wanted to kill Bart. Old Wives Tales... they are truer than you think.

Molly বলেছেন...

Nothing moderates modern feminism more than having an adult son. (except for that one mom, I remember who wished that her sons would do something, I don't remember what, that made them less male, or less alive).

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"I don't remember what, that made them less male, or less alive"

Sit while peeing?

Drago বলেছেন...

Howard: "This type of macho emotionalism is still endemic to the middle east. The so-called "Holy Land" is the most violent and oppressive portion of the "modern" world."

Ah yes, "The so-called "Holy Land"'..

How interestingly non-specific..not to mention false.

Us the Holy Land more violent than Chechnya?

Gee, I wonder if there is a common theme in all these conflict areas...if only we could put our finger on it...(we can of course, we just have to whisper it so as not to trigger Inga)

Drago বলেছেন...

"Two wrongs don't make a right."

There is only one wrong here, and its by the party of Clinton/Weinstein/Ellis.

Howard বলেছেন...

adss: if u want your woman to clean the bathroom, you can only piss standing up outside the house. it's a reasonable tradeoff

Francisco D বলেছেন...


You could have found this if you were paying attention or if you put in 60 seconds on Google. I am producing it so others are not taken in by your childish game playing:

“I had never told the details to anyone until May 2012, during a couple’s counseling session,” Ford said. “The reason this came up in counseling is that my husband and I had completed a very extensive, very long remodel of our home and I insisted on a second front door, an idea that he and others disagreed with and could not understand. In explaining why I wanted a second front door, I began to describe the assault in detail.”

She then told Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) that she suffered from “anxiety, phobia and PTSD-like symptoms” as a result of Kavanaugh’s alleged assault 36 years earlier, during which Ford claims the nominee groped her on a bed, tried to remove her clothes, and put his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. She also said she suffered from claustrophobia.

Ford also claimed that the house, due to its second door, is “now a place to host Google interns. Because we live near Google, so we get to have — other students can live there.”

These claims caught the attention of reporter Thomas Lipscomb, who wrote an article for RealClearPolitics* questioning Ford’s second-door story.

He asked why the Ford’s needed couples counseling over a remodel job that received a building permit in 2008 — four years before the counseling session where she brought up the alleged sexual assault. Lipscomb also took note of her mention of Google interns.

“Now that she mentions it, the additional remodeling in effect added a self-contained unit to the house, with its own entrance, perfect for ‘hosting’ or even possibly renting, in violation of the local zoning,” Lipscomb wrote. “Perhaps a professional office might be a perfect use, if an illegal one. And in the tight Palo Alto real estate market, there are a lot of games played for some serious income.”

Perhaps Ford wanted the second door so that Google interns weren’t coming in her home on the way to their living space, because she’s afraid of young men ever since her alleged sexual assault. Lipscomb notes that nothing he wrote about the second front door indicates that Kavanaugh didn’t attack her, but feels her explanation for it could use some more details.

Howard বলেছেন...

I'm with ya Drago. Monotheism sucks and the third attempt is the absolute worst by light-years. When Muslims get washed by Christianity, they become Italians, Spanish, Mexican, etc. Not without macho problems, but definitely not insane.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Nothing moderates modern feminism more than having an adult son. (except for that one mom, I remember who wished that her sons would do something, I don't remember what, that made them less male, or less alive).”

I have an adult son. He’s very masculine, very independent and I couldn’t be prouder of him. He’s a Democrat, belongs to a union and is a Journeyman Millwright, makes terrific money, just bought his own home as a single young guy. Just what is “modern feminism” anyway?

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


I don't want that.

If I was more poor, such that that wasn't a third party thing, I'd rather do it myself. What's so hard about a little cleanup? Maybe thirty seconds every week?

Anwho, people should buy a Kohler Numi. It has a self clean thing that it does. Win-win. [Although, it doesn't self-clean piss poor aim.]

Narayanan বলেছেন...

I want to help out Inga on judicial temperament...
She's trying to say
*Judge K should have brought his gavel and pad or borrowed from Pelosi and told senators of his choosing "I am holding you in contempt" *

Rick বলেছেন...

Two wrongs don't make a right

This is irrelevant. Your claim was that the only possible reason for denying the investigation is knowledge it would uncover something. Once that is proven to be stupidly false you change the subject.


Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“...we just have to whisper it so as not to trigger Inga).”

Drago, you for sometime now seem to be under the impression I like or approve of the way male Muslims treat women. I know you think it makes your arguments sound more credible, but honesltly there comes a time you need to drop the lies and exaggerations.

Drago বলেছেন...

Its very very important that we take seriously all claims from Swetnick, the violent, child threatening group sex addict.


Thats going to play very well!

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Drago, you for sometime now seem to be under the impression I like or approve of the way male Muslims treat women."


Too too funny.

Rick বলেছেন...

honesltly there comes a time you need to drop the lies and exaggerations.

Says the person who claims the religious right wants to create the HandMaid's Tale in America. And who claimed all Republicans think as Todd Akin did they're just smart enough to not say it publicly.

Leftists expectations of reasonableness always apply to others, never to themselves.

Howard বলেছেন...

Inga: I think easily triggered republican men see radical feminism in every woman who doesn't drink their brand of Kool Aide. They can't tell a shield maiden from a snowflake. Poor guys, they really missing out ;)

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“They can't tell a shield maiden from a snowflake. Poor guys, they really missing out ;)”

Ah Howard, your wife is a lucky woman.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

You know what I don’t hear? The beating of the war drums. Thank you God that Hillary is not president Can I get an amen!

She came! We saw! She lost!

iowan2 বলেছেন...

anti-de Sitter space said...

So, you have no quote to backup what you claimed she said?

You're coming very late to the party expecting someone else to do your thinking for you.
Molly Hemmingway has written a lot about the details of Ford's alleged experiences. Several other writers have done good work also

Drago বলেছেন...

Rick: "Says the person who claims the religious right wants to create the HandMaid's Tale in America. And who claimed all Republicans think as Todd Akin did they're just smart enough to not say
it publicly. "

Inga has stated flatly that Trump voters are all nazis.

Considering the vast vast majority of military retirees and active duty personnel voters voted for Trump, well.

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger tim in vermont said...

You know what I don’t hear? The beating of the war drums. Thank you God that Hillary is not president Can I get an amen!

She came! We saw! She lost!

This is a reasonable realpolitik observation. Phish Food Time!

Spiros Pappas বলেছেন...

Sarah Palin almost invented a word. Remember "refudiate," which won Oxford Dictionary's Word of the Year Award in 2010? And here's another word that will never enter "our lexicon": gormandizer or a person who is a glutton. What wonderful words!!!

StephenFearby বলেছেন...

@Francisco D 5:30 PM

“Now that she mentions it, the additional remodeling in effect added a self-contained unit to the house, with its own entrance, perfect for ‘hosting’ or even possibly renting, in violation of the local zoning,” Lipscomb wrote. “Perhaps a professional office might be a perfect use, if an illegal one. And in the tight Palo Alto real estate market, there are a lot of games played for some serious income.”

The comments by the locals who live in Palo Alto to these two articles say it is legal to rent out a part of your house. (The author of these articles is trying to spin the pro-Blasey narrative. Most of the locals aren't buying it.)

Palo Alto Daily Post
September 25, 2018
Building permit shows Christine Blasey Ford really did put a backdoor on her bedroom


Palo Alto Daily Post
Palo Alto building permit backs up Ford’s testimony
September 29, 2018


Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Michael বলেছেন...

Sane, normal, women see the story change and see the lie. The second front door? Alas, built before the alleged difficulty with the husband and the analyst. Doesn't remember how she got there or how she got home and yet decades later remembers Kavanaugh and one beer. Normal, sane, women would slap their daughters for making up such lousy lies. Normal, sane, women know bullshit when they see it. And they know the world has lots of crazy ladies.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Holy shit about the Quebec election, too. Dems better hope that it’s not a harbinger. I thought that the Canadians hated Trump, yet they seem to agree with him.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Inga has stated flatly that Trump voters are all nazis.”

Wow Drago, this is the type of lying I was referring to. How does this sort of thing help you? I don’t understand Howard being able to treat you as someone worthy of a discussion. Stop being a hysterical ninny Drago and exaggerating like a 10 year old.

Trumpit বলেছেন...

All you Schlump lovers out there ought to know that your lover has been exposed as a big tax cheat. No surprise there. Al Capone could not be prosecuted for murder, so he was convicted for income tax evasion in lieu of capital murder. Will schmuck Schlump be impeached or is he above the law? "We don't pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes," stated the late hotelier Leona Helmsley, aka "the queen of mean" before she was convicted of tax evasion.


tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Trump stood up for Canadian and Mexican workers, demanding that good exported to the US from those countries had to have higher local content. Canadian steel, Mexican steel, not Chinese steel.

And just possibly steel ROI sucks because of Chinese dumping? Naah! ads knows that’s not a factor!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Hah, Trump’s parents followed the laws as written to pass on wealth to him. What you meant to say was that you don’t approve of the tax laws in play at the time.

Rick বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
Stop being a hysterical ninny Drago and exaggerating like a 10 year old.

10/2/18, 5:54 PM

There she is again criticizing people for exaggerating after claiming the religious right wants to create the HandMaid's Tale and that all Republicans agree with todd Akin.

Perhaps she distinguishes herself with the belief she wasn't exaggerating.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“There she is again criticizing people for exaggerating after claiming the religious right wants to create the HandMaid's Tale and that all Republicans agree with todd Akin.”

Marshall, lol. You’re a dope.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The Trumps’ tax maneuvers met with little resistance from the I.R.S., The Times found.

But tax experts briefed on The Times’s findings said the Trumps appeared to have done more than exploit legal loopholes.

- New York Times

LOL. So they filed their taxes and the tax filing was acceptable to the IRS, but not to the politically motivated “tax experts” the New York Times rounded up.

And where did the NYT get these “confidential tax documents” that they are distorting anyways?

Rick বলেছেন...

You’re a dope.

When you can't dispute the facts change the subject. I agree that's your best tact. But everyone understands it's an admission.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I find it amusing that people think the Trumps prepared the strategies for the estate transfer and all the tax minimization strategies themselves. An estate that large is given its own state and federal tax teams by the revenue departments- if there were anything "dubious" or looked like "fraud", it was most certainly challenged by the auditors and ultimately approved, maybe after negotiations, maybe not.

When you are that rich and have holdings that complicated, you hire accountants and tax lawyers to handle all of this- you literally couldn't do it yourself. The only part of that story that looks suspicious to me was the selling back of the shares for $10,000, but I do note that nothing I saw even supports the assertion that it happened that way- there was no documentation that supported the underlying implication that the shares were worth far more that $10,000 at the time of the sale. Just asserting that the apartments were moving briskly tells you nothing the capital structure- for all you know, the Trump shares had been diluted out in a reorganization and someone else/s owned most of the value. Believe me, if you file that loss with the IRS, they don't just take your fucking word for it- they make sure you really lost it.

Spiros Pappas বলেছেন...

An excellent, and very, very well written, article at The Atlantic:


Read it and change your minds about the bastard Trump nominated for the Supreme Court.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I see the FBI is rumored to be wrapping up the Flake investigation by late tomorrow. I have heard that Ford's lawyers are complaining that they didn't interview her, but I have to ask- why would they need to interview her- did she leave some key evidence unrevealed at the hearing last week?

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Politically, the best thing is for K to fail if a vote that will provide accountability (or a tea-leaf token of it) is taken.

Tough to know what horses are being traded, but I would hope William would agree with me seeing the horses ass' here is enlightening re D.C.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

I wonder: Is Lowell Weicker behind this Flake biz?

Gk1 বলেছেন...

The NYT Trump income tax story is another sure sign the democrats and the media are throwing in the towel on Kavanaugh and hoping another hail mary will turn things around in November. Oh my god, who the hell cares about trumps taxes? You know the NYT had been sitting on this until they saw a good time to use it but it looks like the cupboard is bare to toss this one out now.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...
So Mike K: do you think dragging Bart behind a horse helped him, the president and the republican party?

I'm starting to wonder about Howard. Is he this dense ? Who "dragged" who ?

Do you blame Republicans for what the Democrats have done to Kavanaugh ?

Are you that dense ?

Temujin বলেছেন...

I'm so angry about all of this I'm going to go out to a bar tonight and throw some ice at someone.

Drago বলেছেন...

Guildofcannonballs: "I wonder: Is Lowell Weicker behind this Flake biz?"

As it says in the political bible: the Almanac of American Politics: The Rockefeller Republicans you will always have with you.....

Drago বলেছেন...

Spiros Pappas: "An excellent, and very, very well written, article at The Atlantic:...."


That comment is so magnificently and unintentionally hilarious, it cost me a keyboard right there!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Tell you what Spiros, why don’t you make the arguments that the highly partisan Atlantic made in your own words and defend them here?

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Late to the party. Are we speaking about anger? Or liars? Or both?
Life is good, sometimes. Haha!

Althouse said...

Inga, you said something awful and got people talking, then you published — what? — 16 MORE COMMENTS JUSTIFYING YOURSELF.

It makes NO SENSE for one person to publish so many comments in a thread. You said something that sounded hateful and really wrong to me and to many other people, and yet you don't apologize, you just keep responding, comment after comment, as if you've got a lot to say and it's really interesting. Show some goddamn restraint.

7/23/18, 3:38 PM

Inga said...

Althouse, you are so transparent. You respond to Chuck and now to myself in this fashion while ignoring Drago and others who you are aligned politically with. Ugh, what a disgusting forum you provide and contribute to.

Ugh disgusting place. Yes it’s time I removed myself.

7/23/18, 3:42 PM

Inga said...

And Trump posts 22 tweets this weekend, the goddamn President Althouse loves so much.

LOL. What a dumb bitch you are Althouse. I’ve been restraining myself from saying that for a long time. How’s that for lack of restraint?

7/23/18, 3:47 PM

This is the type of commenter you should be going after Althouse. You direct your ire on people who comment in good faith, mistake it for bad faith and remain silent on this sort of dreck. This type of thing is dragging down your blog, not people who are here to express their opinions.

4/25/18, 6:05 PM

Inga said...


Yur only going to get Althouse more pro the kids.

Don't fuss about civility BS infractions.”

I wonder, is wildswan not affected by commenters like Full Moon, right here on this thread? Why fuss over a teenagers comments, when you have full ass grown man acting like a retarded newt?
3/24/18, 6:50 PM

Stop and think how ridiculous you've become. I'm

fine with becoming persona non grata. Your blog has

become the cesspool it once was. I'm pretty much

done here.
6/30/17, 6:33 PM
blogger.com profile07910151287310721405

Churchy LaFemme: বলেছেন...

Wow. Very powerful, very sad Adams Periscope

Drago বলেছেন...

Trumpit: "All you Schlump lovers out there ought to know that your lover has been exposed as a big tax cheat."

There is no one left to hear your mad rantings as Net Neutrality and Tax Cuts have already killed every American 27 times over.


Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


Frank still hasn't provided a quote to support his original claim: "CBF saying she entered marital therapy in 2011 because of an argument over a second door"

You folks keep filling in a for lack of a supporting quote w/ bunch o bluster. You don't fool me, or anyone else. Why not just admit that she never said that "she entered marital therapy in 2011 [or any other time] because of an argument over a second door."? You keep being wrong a lot, apparently thinking that your being wrong more and more will eventually make you not wrong.

Logic is tricky.

Drago বলেছেন...

tim in vermont: "Tell you what Spiros, why don’t you make the arguments that the highly partisan Atlantic made in your own words and defend them here?"

That would be similar to asking cut and paste loony Inga to do the same.

In any event, asking these rocket scientists to understand and defend what they link to and paste from guarantees hilarity ensues!

rcocean বলেছেন...

Tarpontude - skilled at catching Tarpon.

Rick বলেছেন...

Those are some pretty crazy comments. Did Inga really say she comments in good faith?

Drago বলেছেন...

rcocean: "Tarpontude - skilled at catching Tarpon."

Alternatively, an arrogant fish....

Drago বলেছেন...

Rick: "Those are some pretty crazy comments. Did Inga really say she comments in good faith?"


Usually after jumping on the ritmo bandwagon and/or after one of her many misunderstandings/lies are exposed and/or after someone actually reads one of Inga's many cut and pastes or links and finds the content directly contradicts or does not support the Title which Inga uses to buttress her "arguments".

This is obviously not a comprehensive list.


Gahrie বলেছেন...

It wasn't enough to drag Kavanagh's daughter into this shitstorm...now you have to go after his wife? Fucking ghouls the lot of you. You should be ashamed.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

You folks keep filling in a for lack of a supporting quote w/ bunch o bluster. You don't fool me, or anyone else. Why not just admit that she never said that "she entered marital therapy in 2011 [or any other time] because of an argument over a second door."? You keep being wrong a lot, apparently thinking that your being wrong more and more will eventually make you not wrong.

This is what we have to deal with. Why even bother?

See my post at 5:30.

Drago বলেছেন...

My favorite part of the latest lefty/dem lie/smear merchanting against Kavanaugh involves a lunatic lefty gal (are there any other kinds?) whose own father had to warn off one her many, many, many, many paramours because, quite literally, she was insane.

Meanwhile, on the lunatic lefty Ford front, we now know she is a crazed self-hypnosis advocate for recovering "artificial" memories and can't even keep the basic facts of her "2 front doors for safety" lie straight for more than a week.

Too, too funny.

Greg Hlatky বলেছেন...

"Over and over again courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging one's affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everybody does so, rich or poor; and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands: taxes are enforced exactions, not voluntary contributions. To demand more in the name of morals is mere cant."

Commissioner v. Newman, 159 F2d 848 (1947).

gilbar বলেছেন...

the trouble here is; many people (like me) have memories that go back before this morning.
These memories tend to place people like igna and howard in a bad light. if only we could forget

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"my post at 5:30" does not have Ford "saying she entered marital therapy in 2011 [or any other time] because of an argument over a second door"

Why not just admit the error?

We can all read.

Yur repeated error is compounding.


LilyBart বলেছেন...

Gahrie said...
It wasn't enough to drag Kavanagh's daughter into this shitstorm...now you have to go after his wife? Fucking ghouls the lot of you. You should be ashamed

They are shameless.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“It wasn't enough to drag Kavanagh's daughter into this shitstorm...now you have to go after his wife? Fucking ghouls the lot of you. You should be ashamed.”

Who is “going after” his wife? I haven’t heard one person say a negative word about the poor woman.

Drago বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

gilbar: "the trouble here is; many people (like me) have memories that go back before this morning."

The lefties indeed are history amnesiacs/contortionists, depending upon the scenario and the political requirements of the day.

For instance, you might say that the commie Khmer Rouge was a bit too violent in the mass murder of 3 million of its own citizens and burying them in mass graves in the country.

But aha! That's where the lefties get you, because right after you've convinced them to "remember" that happened, and right after you have to prove to them that no, the Khmer Rouge was not really the equivalent of the Boy Scouts of America, the lefties hit you with something along the lines of Hey, they did need fertilizer for their crops you know!!


Francisco D বলেছেন...

Why not just admit the error? We can all read. Yur repeated error is compounding.

Hillary! You need to lie down.

Her friends really need to stage an intervention.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"the Khmer Rouge was not really the equivalent of the Boy Scouts of America,"

'the Khmer Rouge was not really the equivalent of BSA,'


Not sexist anymore.

Drago বলেছেন...

Remember, Hillary never collapsed anywhere and especially not while climbing into that van and then being tossed in like a sack of potatoes!!

And anyone who says otherwise is a conspiracy theorist!!

Now, back to Brett Kavanaugh running a large, public, multi-year gang rape ring that terrorized half of Maryland yet no one ever heard about it until lately....


Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“The lefties indeed are history amnesiacs/contortionists, depending upon the scenario and the political requirements of the day.”

This is the exact thing I come away from these threads thinking almost day about you Trumpists. How can you continue to support the Fraud in Chief without the ability to fool yourselves?

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Who is “going after” his wife?"

Some people are ignorant of things for which they have no interest.

Others are ignorant of things that are simply beyond their ken.

And then there are those who are "professionally" ignorant.

Case in point.......

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "This is the exact thing I come away from these threads thinking almost day about you Trumpists."

The good news is that you've forgotten it by the next morning.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Francisco mostly wins this one- Ford didn't say it was why they were in couples therapy, but the door story was what she attributed going into the details of the alleged Kavanaugh assault during the sessions.

In any case, I think on Thursday Ford tried to inoculate herself by admitting that door was likely a second entrance to a separate office/living space. She more or less admitted that they were renting out the separate unit to "Google interns". She really should thank her lucky stars the FBI isn't interviewing her, and should hope no one at the IRS decides to see if she and her husband are declaring the rental income. A 1 bedroom apartment in Palo Alto is a pricey thing.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"And anyone who says otherwise is a conspiracy theorist!!"

I wouldn't call him that. WJC is more of a rapist that theorist.


Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Who is “going after” his wife?"




Michael K বলেছেন...

The crazy left is going the full Tim McVeigh any day now.

Two people were hospitalized after being exposed to a “white powdery substance" that was addressed to Cruz's Houston campaign office.

Ricin mailed to the Pentagon.

Who is “going after” his wife? I haven’t heard one person say a negative word about the poor woman.

The bedpan commando missed all the stuff about her being a town manager,

Rick বলেছেন...


I'm a little disappointed you didn't save her comment claiming the left just wants to live and let live. That was a good one!

And someone pass me my giant soda.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Inga: "Who is “going after” his wife?"




They are not me. They are not Howard.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I wouldn't call him that. WJC is more of a rapist that theorist.

I would say he is ‘the rapist” and not a “therapist.”

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"but the door story was what she attributed going into the details of the alleged Kavanaugh assault during the sessions."

That's what I 100% am saying.

And yet, I mostly lose by being exactly right.


Michael K বলেছেন...

Ford didn't say it was why they were in couples therapy,

That's why her therapist notes and even the name of the therapist are secret from Republicans.

Kind of like the FISA warrants. Only Democrats allowed.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Oh Full Moon! He’s the blog Historian, the keeper of the Inga and Ritmo archives, I’m flattered. ❤️

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“The bedpan commando missed all the stuff about her being a town manager...”

The local blog butcher Michael K has liver and spleen on sale today, first come first serve.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

The Lefty commenters here are aping Sheldon Whitehouse, Little Spartacus and Senator Stolen Valor.

Imagine if they had an ounce of credibility and two ounces of sense.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Good work Sitter!

Michael K বলেছেন...

Poor Inga. When her comments are shown to be ignorant she goes on to stupid ad hominem bluster.

You keep showing us how smart you are, Inga.

Michael বলেছেন...

Oh, my. The progs are calling the IRS incompetent for allowing the "questionable" tactics used by Trump family tax lawyers to reduce their estate taxes. And allowing low ball valuations. Goodness whoever would have thought that the IRS is so stupid as to not have their own appraisers.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Is it too early to start taking bets on when Doc Mike will announce his sleepy time? When he can't take anymore of the libs around here and he's got to read a book and count sheep.

Anywho, if the betting is open, put me down for 8:34 Standard Althouse time.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Poor Inga. When her comments are shown to be ignorant she goes on to stupid ad hominem bluster.

You keep showing us how smart you are, Inga.”

You really are a senile Michael. No sooner do you get done calling me the “bedpan commando” and show your arrogance, elitism and disrespect to the nursing profession, than you whine about me retaliating to your insult. You can hand it out but you sure cannot take it. You don’t remember me telling you that if you persist in disrespecting the nursing profession I will call you a butcher? Senility, such a shame. It’s too bad that whatever brains you may have had, they are now shrunken and your ventricles have become larger.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"Goodness whoever would have thought that the IRS is so stupid as to not have their own appraisers."

I'm sure their working on that nowadays: https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-tax/irs-funding-cuts-compromise-taxpayer-service-and-weaken-enforcement

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Seriously, what the fuck?

There was a terrorist attack at Ted Cruz's office in Texas. Ricin sent in the mail. 2 people in the hospital.

And the media yawns?

That's fucked up.

The ABC affiliate in Houston is covering the story.

But the WaPo has nothing to say?

I cannot believe the national networks are going blackout on an assassination attempt. Unbelievable.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

The doors thing is a lie but not so important.

This is more interesting

"She alleges that she struggled academically in college, but she has never made any similar claim about her last two years of high school.
It is significant that she used the word “contributed” when she described the psychological impact of the incident to the Washington Post. Use of the word “contributed” rather than “caused” suggests that other life events may have contributed to her symptoms. And when questioned on that point, she said that she could think of “nothing as striking as” the alleged assault."

Rick বলেছেন...

I cannot believe the national networks are going blackout on an assassination attempt.

They have to be sure it's accurate. It's not like this is a story about a gang rape ring.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Inga said ... Good work Sitter!


They have hijacked the thread, but there will be more threads.

I am eager to see the thread after Kavanaugh is confirmed.

I am especially eager to see the thread where there is overwhelming evidence that CBF is a SJW stooge.

Good times ahead!

Marcus বলেছেন...

So anti-de sitter space ridicules Jordan Peterson's daughter's carnivore diet which has put her severe depression and debilitating rheumatoid arthritis (hip and ankle replacements) into remission? What a silly cunt he is. But we knew that from his other positions.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I have seen news reports (NYT etc) about a ricin attack on Donald Trump, and the Pentagon, that happened yesterday. At least they're covering that.

The attack on Ted Cruz's office was today.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"There was a terrorist attack at Ted Cruz's office in Texas."

It was probably the Russians. Working to help the Ds. Just like they did for HRC in 2016. Who, in return, worked for them. Ever since they bought her w/ CGI funding.

Those Russians love helping the Ds.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Oh Full Moon! He’s the blog Historian, the keeper of the Inga and Ritmo archives, I’m flattered. ❤️

10/2/18, 6:51 PM

You are welcome.
Help, please. For the life of me, I cannot recall the time frame when you got pissed off and left, then came back as an unknown? Gimmee a clue?

Not gonna lie, you runnin' a close second to Crazy Mary in my list of favorites.
BTW congrats on the weight loss. Good job.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"So anti-de sitter space ridicules Jordan Peterson's daughter's carnivore diet which has put her severe depression and debilitating rheumatoid arthritis (hip and ankle replacements) into remission? What a silly cunt he is. But we knew that from his other positions."

Can you quote me ridiculing her?

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“BTW congrats on the weight loss. Good job.”

Thanks sweetie! It’s the fasting. Fast at least 20 hours in the day and you too will lose the unsightly inner tube around your middle!

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...


The issue was really why was the topic of the sexual assault broached during the session- the assumption from Francisco was the assault was why they were in couples therapy. Someone arguing in good faith would have made the minor correction as I described it rather than trying for 'gotcha'.

In any case, since I think it all but certain at this point that Ford is lying about why she wanted the door, what difference does it make- Francisco was highlighting how ridiculous the claim was in the first place.

Rick বলেছেন...

For the life of me, I cannot recall the time frame when you got pissed off and left, then came back as an unknown? Gimmee a clue?

It was after the comment interregnum - the summer after the Obama-Romney election. It wasn't that she got pissed though. Since she thought she achieved her goal permanently she let her true self and goal (of disrupting the blog) out a little too clearly. Since she knew people would remember she tried to hide herself.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

I wish I could do intermittent fasting.

I have crazy hours, w/ (at least) activity from 3:30 until 12:30. And, I like good eats.

Anywho, I'm fit and sorta-Keto. Even so, intermittent fasting is a cool thing to do, I know very close folks who can do it. Not me.

Any-anywho, I as a Keto person (sorta simpatico re meat eaters), am looking forward to Marcus never admitting his error re misstating my POV. It's funny when y'all won't admit yur errors.

Carry on.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Rick, you seem a bit obsessed with me. Maybe Francisco D can help you with that.

I must leave you folks now, too much mentions of the name Inga already on these threads. Get back to the topic.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Sitter, before I go, yes I do at least 20 hours a day and I shoot for 22. Some days it’s only 16, but overall fasting does some miraculous things on a cellular level. People would be well served by not eating so many times a day.

Rick বলেছেন...

anti-de Sitter space said...
It's funny when y'all won't admit yur errors.

Much like you admitted your error asserting only one possible reason to deny an investigation?

Left wingers' errors never have greater meaning, they simply fade away.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Uh-oh. Sweatnick enjoys and has participated in orgy sex. Father says she has psychological problems

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

That's right Yancey,

Words have no meanings. You can claim someone said something that they did not say.

And further, a person who makes a false claim re what someone else stated is mostly right.

According to you.

Logic is tricky.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"Much like you admitted your error asserting only one possible reason to deny an investigation?"

Do you have a quote where I asserted that there is only one possible reason to deny an investigation?

Ha ha.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"fasting does some miraculous things on a cellular level."

It can be a way to get to ketosis w/o eating a ton of fat.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

I said that CBF entered marital therapy to deal with the phony second door issue. We don't know that because she only selectively provided notes from one session to the WaPo. I was sloppy in my sentence structure. She might have, but she did not say so.

Once that issue came up, they were in therapy to deal with it, supposedly.

Maybe they were in therapy to deal with CBFs alcoholism and constant marital infidelity. There are credible accusations of her being a cum bucket in high school, sort of like Inga's degenerate behavior as a student nurse.

I find it shameful that Inga is allowed to post here. She sexually abused senior citizens. Old folks don't lie!

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

There was a time many years ago when nobody in these threads would make statements that contradicted the factual record.

Back then, if some newcomer slipped up and made this sorta error, they'd be piled on. And, they'd learn that that slop would work, so they got better.

Now, you new folks just make up stuff and stick w/ the wrongness when you can't support your flim flam.


chickelit বলেছেন...

“But the WaPo has nothing to say?

I cannot believe the national networks are going blackout on an assassination attempt. Unbelievable.”

Easy to understand if the perp was/is a Beto beta. That would damage Beto’s campaign. What, you think the WaPo isn’t partisan?

chickelit বলেছেন...

Shorter PJ&B: The truth is subjunctive.

wholelottasplainin বলেছেন...

anti-de Sitter space said...
Sane, normal anyone would want to get on the record interviews with a questioner who is probing. Regardless of man, woman, father, mother, etc.

The Rs are acting like they've got something to hide. If there was no worry, there'd be no fuss re looking for facts/data/info. So, it is logical to ask what must be hidden w/ this haste? Presumably: bad stuff. So. It is logical to ask, is it good to have a lifetime appointment for someone who can only succeed by hiding bad stuff?

Turns out logic doesn't always prevail. Tribalism.

YOUR "logic" sure as shit doesn't always prevail.

Lets parse your statements:

"The Rs are acting like they've got something to hide."

Oh really? You mind telling WHAT behavior on the R's part supports that assertion?

"If there was no worry, there'd be no fuss re looking for facts/data/info."

OH really? What is this "fuss" you're referring to so cryptically? The R's let Ford testify. They used a neutral party to interview her. They let the FBI investigate Ramirez and the other woman. NO ONE has corroborated any of their stories.

"So, it is logical to ask what must be hidden w/ this haste? Presumably: bad stuff."

Oh really? What "haste"? There are no more credible witnesses or allegations to investigate. WHAT bad stuff? You're essentially saying, "there's gotta be a crime somewhere, and the Senate should postpone the vote until they find one." That's not "logical".

"It is logical to ask, is it good to have a lifetime appointment for someone who can only succeed by hiding bad stuff?"

Oh really? You are simply assuming without evidence that Kavenaugh is "hiding" something bad, when he has been investigated SEVEN TIMES now by the FBI.

Sheesh. You have the critical thinking skills of a cherrystone clam.

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
FullMoon বলেছেন...

People would be well served by not eating so many times a day.

They hear you in Venezuela.

Trumpit বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

anti-de Sitter space: "There was a time many years ago when nobody in these threads would make statements that contradicted the factual record."


Yep, a member of Team There Is No Such Thing AsObjective Truth actually wrote that.

Just now.

And right after every lying dem called Fords complete pack of lies "Her Truth"!

And we are right back to lefties saying Fire Cant Melt Steel!

Trumpit বলেছেন...

I predict that Trump's monumental tax evasion will bring down his presidency just like it ended Al Capone's criminal activities principally by putting him behind bars. Lock him up!


stephen cooper বলেছেন...

Trumpit, allow me to introduce you to Ross Perot, who founded the Martin Ginsburg Chair of Tax Law at Georgetown University Law Center.

Do some research ...
Aristotle said that all people wish to have more knowledge, or at least that they "desire to know."

Don't let Aristotle down: you are no troll you are a man!

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Former Democratic candidate for Congress and weatherman for WJLA Channel 7 in Washington D.C. Dennis Ketterer has sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee about Julie Swetnik. Swetnik has accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct.

In the letter, which was submitted as a statement to the Committee under penalty of perjury, Ketterer says Swetnik told him in the 1990s that she enjoyed sex with multiple men at the same time. Ketterer, who doesn't drink alcohol, says he met Swetnik at a bar on Wisconsin Circle. He was there to buy a soda after a goodbye party for a co-worker in 1993 and was having marital issues at the time. Swetnik approached him, they developed a conversation and ultimately a relationship.

“During a conversation about our sexual preferences, things got derailed when Julie told me that she liked to have sex with more than one guy at a time. In fact sometimes with several at one time. She wanted to know if that would be ok in our relationship," the letter states. “I asked her if this was just a fantasy of hers. She responded that she first tried sex with multiple guys while in high school and still liked it from time-to-time. She brought it up because she wanted to know if I would be interested in that.”

“Julie never said anything about being sexually assaulted, raped, gang-raped or having sex against her will. She never mentioned Brett Kavanaugh in any capacity,” he continued.

Ketterer said he is coming forward now due to the accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, which based on his experience with Swetnik, he believes are false.

"On Wednesday, Seprtember 26th, I heard that Mr. Kavanaugh had a third accuser. When Julie's name was mentioned as the accuser. When Julie's name was mentioned as the accuser, and due to the type of accusation, I was deeply troubled and felt a moral dilemma," Ketterer said. "As I watched part of the afternoon confirmation hearing the next day, and saw Mrs. Kavanaugh looking so sad I felt that she needed to know that in this instance, her husband was being mischaracterized...based on my direct experience with Julie, I do not beleive her allegations against Mr. Kavanaugh."

Ketterer also revealed he was a victim of sexual abuse as a child.

"I know what it's like to be sexually assaulted and not be believed. I was nine years old when it happened at the hands of my grandfather's best friend. I also know what it's like to be accused of something significant that I didn't do and not be believed," he wrote.

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