The main link goes to a Reuters article, "Obama, Clinton among targets of suspected bombs ahead of U.S. election":
At least eight suspicious parcels were intercepted before reaching any intended recipients, including Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, former CIA Director John Brennan and prominent Democratic Party donor George Soros. Two packages were sent to California Congresswoman Maxine Waters, the FBI said. Investigators were trying to track down another suspicious parcel they believe was addressed to Obama's vice president, Joe Biden, a federal official told Reuters late on Wednesday.Does "None of the eight packages detonated" mean that the packages looked suspicious but were not actually bombs or that they were indeed bombs but the bombs didn't blow up? I see that what was sent to Soros was "detonated by police," which sounds like there was no test to determine whether the device itself would detonate, and that the evidence was destroyed, ostensibly for safety. Does that mean we don't and will never know if these things were real bombs?
None of the eight packages detonated, and nobody was hurt. There was no immediate claim of responsibility.
But news of the bomb threats heightened tension in a nation deeply polarized ahead of elections on Nov. 6.... Some leading Democrats were quick to accuse Trump himself of stoking the potential for political violence by frequently engaging in hyper-partisan, vitriolic rhetoric.... All of the targets are frequently maligned by right-wing critics....So the packages are something that work as a political springboard. If the question is who benefits?, the answer is the Democrats. As the post title indicates, this is great distraction. I remember when anthrax in the mail was able to distract us from jet airplanes flying into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon back in 2001. America is very sensitive to the intrusion that is the mail.
At an event in Austin, Texas on Wednesday, [former CIA Director John Brennan , one of the addressees of the packages] faulted Trump for frequent inflammatory rhetoric, saying the president "too often has helped incite some of these feelings of anger, if not violence, when he points to acts of violence. He should not be beating the tom-toms of anger and animosity and war," said the former CIA chief, whose security clearance was revoked by Trump after he criticized the president's summit earlier this year with Russian President Vladimir Putin."Tom-toms of anger"? Can I distract you with a discussion of political correctness? To my ear, "tom-toms of anger" sounds like you're talking about something like this.
IN THE COMMENTS: Tommy Duncan quotes the NYT article, "Pipe Bombs Sent to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and CNN Offices":
None of the devices harmed anyone, and it was not immediately clear whether any of them could have. One law enforcement official said investigators were examining the possibility that they were hoax devices that were constructed to look like bombs but would not have exploded.Why does the headline call them "bombs" if they might be fake bombs?
It's a plot by Amazon Prime.
You can send morse code with tom-toms of two different pitches. The indians never discovered that.
Have the Russians been blamed yet?
From the NYT:
"None of the devices harmed anyone, and it was not immediately clear whether any of them could have. One law enforcement official said investigators were examining the possibility that they were hoax devices that were constructed to look like bombs but would not have exploded."
I really cannot wait to hear Maxine Waters' comment in response to Brennan's plea to stop "beating the tom-toms of anger and animosity.
I will be eating a lot of crow if this turns out to be a false flag. I'm still on the crazy person theory... But the level of effort and organization in sending them out makes me think the person may not be technically crazy.
From the AP:
"The pipe bomb and white powder that forced an evacuation at CNN headquarters in New York City Wednesday morning were harmless, a law enforcement source told the Associated Press.
The purported explosive device was similar in construction to those sent Wednesday to former President Barack Obama, former attorney general Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D., Fla.), and Representative Maxine Waters of California. A package containing white powder was delivered later in the day.
The NYPD said the explosive devices were live during a Wednesday afternoon press conference but subsequent reporting suggests they were not functional.
All of the devices carried a parody ISIS flag featuring comedian Larry the Cable Guy’s signature slogan, “git ‘er done,” NBC News reported late Wednesday."
It's all a distraction. The aliens coming toward the border were a constant reminder to Democrats their poster children of despair were not only unwelcome, they were causing voters to vote against the supporters.
If I had to guess, I'd say the fake bombs were a planned effort by the Democrats.
From the NYT:
"Some bomb technicians who studied photos of the device that circulated on social media suggested that the bomb sent to CNN had hallmarks of fake explosives — the kind more typically depicted on television and in movies, rather than devices capable of detonating."
I guess I was right to be skeptical. Just when you think the Democrats can't go any lower....
I smell an October surprise intended to deflate "Jobs not Mobs". Just how would a right-wing crazy (There are a few, however, they're not mainstream like Democrat pussy-hat crazies.) find a mailing address for George Soros. And how could he coordinate the parcel's arrival times so closely?
The caravan participants are carrying pipe bombs. Combine the clicks.
Morning Joe this AM was expecting some contrition from the president towards the press. His morning tweet dispelled that notion in a New York minute.
I don't know that indians had a writing system. Maybe they could use romanji or something to translate into morse for tomtomization.
Maybe the Donks realized they’d be better of without Hillary and the rest of those baboons... and are disposing of them on their own.
Gotta admit that if they started blowing up their own loons, it’d be a win for everyone.
The bomber used couriers for some. That and postage could synch up deliveries.
The Dems Caravan Plan® wasn't generating the desired electoral effect so they pivoted to the BOMBS PLAN® which allows them to deploy the Violent Rhetoric Device® against Trump. Brilliant except it is unlikely to work against him, nothing does.
All of the devices carried a parody ISIS flag featuring comedian Larry the Cable Guy’s signature slogan, “git ‘er done,” NBC News reported late Wednesday."
I think that the bomb narrative has been overtaken by events. It's the eventual fate of most lies.
Tom Toms?
My granny always said she was part Cherokee. (this is a true statement, btw)
I'm triggered. Anything's possible now.
The targets accurately depict the left's idea of the right's mindset. So it's done by the left, on its face.
The right gets its point across by just reporting the left's agitprop verbatim. No violence is necessary.
You can send morse code with tom-toms of two different pitches. The indians never discovered that.
Tok Tik Ta-Tok Tok They may have discovered the oblique cutaway, however.
The right's bombs are tweets.
The right gets its point across by just reporting the left's agitprop verbatim. No violence is necessary.
Then the left calls that "diabolical genius." I guess because telling the simple truth is so counterintuitive to them.
Ernie Kovacs's Nairobi Trio needs to be vetted for blackface and gorilla
tom-tom related
They were fake bombs but according to Harry Reid they worked didn’t they?
According to a bomb disposal tech (at least he claimed such) who was commenting on Twitter, these were likely hoax devices meant to look intimidating but not actually bombs. The exterior wiring and timer apparently gives it away, which even to my own mind is stupid. I think most 'bombs' are of this nature.
I see "failed the Bradenberg" test in a few places on social media. Is tha5 today's meme?
If there wad any chance they were real, would they have let the presstitutes close enough to take pictures?
I think not
John Henry
Bombapalooza. From last night's Cafe post--
The Blue Wave has become the Blue Dampness.
The Democrats had to do something to make people forget about their Soros Invasion Caravan, that has been polling so badly. Fake bombs for coordinated fake news. Ever see a story spread so wide that was as developed as this one right from the get-go? Everyone had all the details and crews on the scene right from the start. Cops were giving details and showing pictures--violating their policy of holding back so that they could instantly spot false confessors. Within hours the story was playing like a four-day-old story. Journ-O-List is all grown now. Pre-planned coordinated fake news.
Had anyone seen clockboy recently?
John Henry
Reichstag Fire?
The Khashoggi story started out too fully developed as well. Right from the starting blocks it was aimed at Trump and his friendly relationship with the new powers in Saudi Arabia. Perhaps Erdoğan is running the AP now. Or the DNC.
There isn't a lick of difference between this fake bomb bullshit, than a black person writing the word "nigger" on their own door.
A package found at Robert DeNiro's offices this morning. "Bombs look movie props." DeNiro starred in "Wag the Dog".
Circulating on the web this morning:
"The clocks taped to the “pipe bombs” do not have an alarm function.
"Turns out, (we) were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.
It doesn’t even have an alarm function."
In other words, it can’t count down to anything. It’s literally just to make a “scary-looking” bomb prop.
The facts are, we know ONLY what the govt and the media wants us to know. I have no clue about the devices,(even that's a pretty strong term) or the targets. Are there other targets not being publicized? How many are copy cats? The Di Nero thing this morning, and the Biden letter, smells fishy. The reported details are matching the details reported yesterday. I just don't know anything, and the most frustrating thing is I will never know with any certainty that all the facts will ever come out. A narrative is being built as the hours tick by.
In other news, Segway Boy arrested for trying to buy lethal doses of radioactive material with the intent to harm.
But look away, nothing to see here because fake bombs and harmless white powder!
Anything is possible at this point, but the timing of this and the fact it was coordinated so that all of them were received on the same day sure seems convenient and suspicious. Laying 6-1 odds it was a false flag.
The Democrats are the Coyote to Trump's Roadrunner. Everything they get from the Acme company falls on their heads or blows up in their faces.
Bombs and drums are related by the sound. Bombastic.
It’s the media’s fault for quoting Trump that causes all this division in the country and who knows how all this will be diffused. Interesting to see just who gets locked up.
My guess:
False flag, and the guy will get caught based on the Larry-the-Cable-Guy stickers on the bombs. They were such a nice touch that he couldn't help ordering them over the internet, just for this project.
"Why does the headline call them "bombs" if they might be fake bombs?"
i'm going to believe that *IF* larry the cable guy, or joe the plumber, or any of the other stereotypical right wing loons had Actually done this....
They would have Got 'er Done
Toy fake bombs seems to point (as allans said) to someone painting on their own house
It’s the media’s fault for quoting Trump that causes all this division in the country
Its the media that ONLY quotes President Trump, when it suits their preferred narrative.
We found out over the weekend, the Democrat candidate for Governor of Florida has been under FBI investigation for corruption as Mayor. And the media has covered it with same blanket they use to cover the Gosnell film.
So as always, what the media chooses to keep from public view is a message of its own.
No explosive material, no timers, designed specifically for scary looking optics.
Media: Good thing these Trump bombers are inept!
Unibomber was more talented in this craft.
As stated, this is an easy one for the FBI. It shouldn't take more than a couple days to find the perpetrator.
If no suspect is in custody by the end of the week, that will tell you all you need to know about what this was, and who did it.
Richie Valens said it best in 1958:
I got your bomb right here
The correct phrase should be "silly looking fake bombs."
More better.
The "bomb" to De Niro increases my belief in the false flag hypothesis. Looking into it, I see that he is a Trump critic. I suspect that fact is much better known in the left-leaning community than it is in the right-leaning community. Why would anyone on the right see him as a worthy target?
We'll know its false flag when they don't catch anyone
Well, what if they do catch the person(s) responsible, and they turn out to be Democrats? Then what?
What would be the Republican's motive? To increase hatred of Republicans when they're winning? To make Obama, Hillary, and the rest relevant again?
This is a hare-brained scheme cooked up by the same kind of minds that thought a YouTube video would explain Benghazi. Or an army of invading illegals would make Trump look bad. DEMOCRATS.
Well remember the intercept guy who sent the bomb threats to the synagogues oh you dont?
Something to think about....Biden didn't get one.
It can't be a Democrat trick, because when they set out to kill government officials, they load their weapons with real bullets and shoot into the crowd. But let's talk about these fakes things.
And they are recycling the audio tape, with chapel instead of pompeo.
If they were real, one would conclude that at least one would have exploded.
The fake ISIS flag also has the mudflap girl silhouette. Very odd.
(the bombs look like something clock boy would make)
Caravan successfully pulled from all headlines.
What a relief for the Dems. Big leftist money. squandered. again.
When there is an attack the left wants to ignore, they push the whole "We just kept going....terrorism won't keep us from finishing our dinner!" line of bravery.
But when there is something they want to use, they overplay it. For example, brave CNN broadcasted from outside until 11 pm last night. The bomb was cleared by mid day.
Something to think about....Biden didn't get one.
"Hey, where's my bomb? Aren't I important enough? Hillary gets a bomb, Soros gets a bomb, even fucking Bobby De Niro gets a bomb, but I don't get a bomb. Call my press agent."
Curious George said...
Something to think about....Biden didn't get one.
Apparently one was addressed to him and put in the mail. With insufficient postage. So the postal service sent it "back" to the return address, which was DWS's office in Florida.
Roesch - did you see the movie about it? You should watch
Imagine if the R party had a Maxine Waters who was out there telling constituents to bully and harass anyone who disagreed with their ideology.
I suspect the R party would censure that person. Do the Democrats ever censure their own? NEVER.
CNN is a joke network. Started off Clinton News Network, still is.
Wait a minute... A Glenn saying just traipsed through by brain."I'll believe in global warming when those that are promoting global warming, act like there is global warming"
I'll believe this is a real threat, when those threatened act like they are in danger.
Who went into lock down yesterday for their own safety?
All of the targets kept their public engagements. Almost like they know what's really going on.
CNN is fake news.
Saying so is not telling someone to send fake bombs. It's a basic fact of life.
9 “bombs” - all Democrat “targets” - no explosions or injuries - Larry “The Cable Guy” stickers - 2 weeks before an election.
Draw your own conclusions.
"Open the package, Leo."
Watch the fake news TV lady with fake boobs gab about fake bombs.
This must be a corollary to Althouse’s civility bullshit. CBS being the goal if this is a false flag. Axelrod gives it away.
That's how you run a conspiracy: make sure all the fake targets know in advance so that they don't spit out their coffee in shock, and don't panic and cancel their important schedules.
The bombs are bombs because they appear to be bombs. Perhaps it will turn out that all or most were duds/decoys. Real bombs are dangerous, after all.
Funny how the "purported targets" are all the subject of Foxx and Etc smear campaigns.
“Two things drive the news cycle: when the media can make itself the story (CHECK!) and when the media can use the news to beat up on President Trump (CHECK!). Yesterday was a jackpot.”
--Liz Sheld
Something smells. Actually, the whole think stinks. Bombs in packages with stamps on them, but obviously they didn't go through any mail centers, so, someone/others had to hand deliver them, but nobody has a description of the couriers. It almost sounds like the recipients have had the packages for a while, then they all started to claim that they just got theirs. I'm not buying any of it.
Aldermen in Chicago used to break their own windows in their campaign offices when they were behind in an election. That shit worked more often than you would expect.
Jim Harvey said: "The bombs are bombs because they appear to be bombs"
I'm So Old, that i remember when building a clock that appeared to be a bomb (that you then delivered to a school) got you invited to the White House!
In the immortal words of S. E. Hinton: That was then, This is now
Iowan2 sez: A narrative is being built as the hours tick by.
Yes. It's a question oxen being gored.
I wondered what the postmarks [on the 'mailed' packages] showed but it looks as if there is no postmark and the stamps are uncancelled.
When the news first came out about Soros, Clinton, etc., receiving “bombs” through the mail I immediately predicted that it would turn out to be a false flag operation. No news that had come out since changes my mind.
Remembering the facts on that incident: the kid didn't make a bomb or fake bomb, he made a clock and a Fox-infected teacher decided it must be a bomb. MAGA.
As I stated yesterday, assuming these are hoax bombs - and given the information provided so far this seems more and more likely - this could go either way. A false flag operation would not shock me. Neither would a right-wing loon or a left-wing loon or a general loon. Loons do things for inexplicable reasons. A false flag by a loon would not be surprising either.
What would actually surprise me is if Trump had anything to do with it, which is the current media narrative.
That said, the reaction to this incident seemed a bit too coordinated to be an accident. I am not saying that they knew about this ahead of time, but it almost seems like there was a contingency plan in place in case something like this happened or the media and the Democratic Party simply have procedures for this sort of thing. Or perhaps they are just finishing each others' sentences, like some perfectly paired couple. Ugh, that last is actually the most disturbing of them all.
This deserves the performance art tag. I am going with righty because of the humor aspect, and the fake news angle.
One would imagine that all of these recipients of the silly looking fake bombs have security cameras, right? How hard would it to be identify who hand delivered these packages?
DWS has long been declawed. It seems like a lot of people desperately seeking renewed relevance.
tom toms?
The Tom Toms
Tommy and the Tom Toms
The Tom Tom Club
Blogger iowan2 said...
I'll believe this is a real threat, when those threatened act like they are in danger.
Who went into lock down yesterday for their own safety?
All of the targets kept their public engagements. Almost like they know what's really going on.
mockturtle said...
I wondered what the postmarks [on the 'mailed' packages] showed but it looks as if there is no postmark and the stamps are uncancelled.
Apparently one for Biden was intercepted at a Delaware postal facility. With insufficient postage.
CNN has a crawl: 'Manhunt continues for Serial Bomber attacking Trump Targets
There is a reason I don't watch the news.
I need to start buying some journalists tickets to Turkey.
Just a few weeks ago suspected ricin was sent to Trump and other Republican officials. This news disappeared after about a minute with essentially no concern expressed by the media or political left generally over its origin or relationship to their violence supporting rhetoric. But since they now have the opportunity to play victim and blame Trump it is the biggest story in America.
An anonymous juvenile delinquent managed to dominate the news cycle for an evening.
"American Mind Bombs"®
Ann, these were specifically designed not to explode, even though they contained all the necessary components.
"Performance art."
Well, the daily talking points Democrats were sending each other weren't working, so...
Rick said...
Just a few weeks ago suspected ricin was sent to Trump and other Republican officials. This news disappeared after about a minute with essentially no concern expressed by the media or political left generally over its origin or relationship to their violence supporting rhetoric. But since they now have the opportunity to play victim and blame Trump it is the biggest story in America.
Here's the suspicious package found at the Obama's
“I will be eating a lot of crow if this turns out to be a false flag. I'm still on the crazy person theory... But the level of effort and organization in sending them out makes me think the person may not be technically crazy.“
We got into a big argument right before she went to bed last night. Her position was that both sides have their crazies, and after all that has been done to Republicans, this wasn’t surprising. I was trying to get across the possibility of a false flag operation, and failed miserably. I think that she will be a bit more receptive today. We shall see.
Part of why I smelled a rat was that Obama and Clinton have lifetime Secret Service protection. This means, at a minimum, that every package they receive is professionally screened. And if a package addressed to them does explode, it is far more likely to injure or kill Secret Service than the designated target. No doubt some of the others, like the justly reviled Soros, also have professional security. None of the “bombs” blowing up strongly suggests hoax to me. As does much of what else we are finding out.
Also, a note - the USPS doesn’t need to use the return address to backtrack packages to their original USPS location, if a mail piece is tracked within maybe a week, because it has a database record for the mail piece. Even after that, much of the information is coded on the mail pieces along the edges, on the back, and in invisible ink. Part of the problem that they try to solve with both the database and the encoded addressing is that their sorting machines run really, really fast, and, one occasion, mail pieces are munched, partially, or even completely, obliterating the original addressing information. I ran into this info several years ago doing patent work (people think that patent work is dry and boring. Figuring out and learning all the background info is part of why it isn’t). Point is that the USPS people can figure out within minutes the point at which mail pieces entered their system by just scanning the correct barcodes. Someone could put “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Wash, D.C.” as the return address, and they would know instantly where the mail piece was dropped off. Which may be why the person sending out the packages apparently didn’t actually use the USPS.
AllenS asked: "Well, what if they do catch the person(s) responsible, and they turn out to be Democrats? Then what?"
That's an easy one. Trump will be blamed.
Not an expert. First thing I said (and posted) upon seeing the first released pictures- "Not a bomb. There's a wire going into each end." Obvious to anyone with any knowledge. Lo and behold, hours later someone with EOD experience, that is, an expert posts:
A few observations from a former bomb disposal officer (i.e. Me):
1. Proper pipe bombs don't have wires connected to both ends. That's dumb.
10:15 AM - 24 Oct 2018 from Washington, DC
So- fake bombs. Then, there's this observation:
ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋 · @NeonRevolt · PRO · 4 hours ago on Gab
Never, NEVER underestimate the power of #WeaponizedAutism.
So, by now you've heard that none of the "bombs" delivered to Dems today actually worked.
Turns out, #Anons were able to locate the actual make and model of the clock taped to one of the bombs.
It doesn't even have an alarm function.
In other words, it can't count down to anything. It's literally just to make a "scary-looking" bomb prop.
If that doesn't REEEEEEK of desperation, idk what does.
So- really fake bomb. Other observations, from all over by many, including me. About the picture- Who the hell stops evacuating a building to take a carefully posed shot of a pipe bomb that the building was being evacuated for? Why was the pipe bomb apparently moved to a nice empty table with Clorox wipes clearly visible? WHY WASN'T IT LEFT IN PLACE? What idiot handles and moves a pipe bomb of unknown origin? Something I saw today- Why were CNNs security cameras conveniently not working during the time the courier delivery of their pipe bomb was made? Sure would be nice to identify the courier, wouldn't it?
And, not a single target changed their itinerary for the day in response to the BIG THREAT. Almost as if they knew it wasn't real from the gitgo.
The "bombs" were packed with glass shards and "powder."
No mention about what kind of powder.
A real bomb does not have to have an alarm function on the clock device. Bombers (real bombers) used to solder wires to the hour and minute hands. When they touched, BOOM!
I really hope they catch this guy quickly so we can find out whatever the truth is. But if this person is even remotely intelligent it might prove difficult, especially if this individual didn't use the USPS or UPS or FedEx but instead some sort of smaller private courier.
PB said...
Ann, these were specifically designed not to explode, even though they contained all the necessary components.
No, they didn't contain the necessary components to explode.
Curious George links to: Here's the suspicious package found at the Obama's
LOL! Do you think this is real or photoshopped?
And, not a single target changed their itinerary for the day...
Why would a pipe bomb, mailed to your address, cause you to change your itinerary when you are not at that address? Sure, if your itinerary is known, make sure the people at your location know not to accept any suspicious looking packages mailed to you at that location. But someone mailing a pipe bomb to you at one address doesn't increase the chances that they will physically show up at another address to attack you.
Gospace said...
Not an expert. First thing I said (and posted) upon seeing the first released pictures- "Not a bomb. There's a wire going into each end." Obvious to anyone with any knowledge.
My first reaction was also why would there be wires going into both ends?!?
Of course, that doesn't rule out it being a real bomb. Stupid people can make real bombs, and people have an instinctive bias for symmetry.
Do you think this is real or photoshopped?
It's real.
Apologists say it's a sanitary pad or something like that.
And he used PVC pipe? Seriously?
Not saying you can't do damage with PVC, but you can do much more with steel, and it's not that much harder to work with.
The fact that they went with PVC pushes me over the top. Not only was this a hoax, it was definitely done by a liberal.
NBC said yesterday that not only were they fake, but obvious fakes. 23m ago, NYT still going with real bomb narrative. It must be like turning an aircraft carrier to change the narrative as new facts overtake it.
"Why does the headline call them "bombs" if they might be fake bombs?"
Democrat media.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
And he* used PVC pipe? Seriously?
*It is hard to admit we are sexist. I, for instance, would like to think that I possess genuine feminist bona fides...
...As such, I must acknowledge that the bomber could just as easily be a woman.
Ann, these were specifically designed not to explode, even though they contained all the necessary components.
No mention of gunpowder.
Literally a false-flag operation.
See, all the fake bombs are cover for the real bomb that will not be taken seriously.
Source, lots of stupid television shows.
"...As such, I must acknowledge that the bomber could just as easily be a woman."
-- We should go back to using "one" as a gender neutral pronoun. It would make this sound so much more proper. "And one used PVC pipe? Seriously?"
I dunno. I think John Brennan should be careful about using the words "tom tom".
With all the politically masturbatory words coming out of Brennan's mouth for the last several months, I have a mental image of John pounding his tom tom in the wigwam. So to speak.
Matthew Sablan said...
-- We should go back to using "one" as a gender neutral pronoun. It would make this sound so much more proper. "And one used PVC pipe? Seriously?"
What if the individual identifies as two or more? Don't you dare oppress us with the violence of your mononormative pronouns.
Jim Harvey wrote -
"Remembering the facts on that incident: the kid didn't make a bomb or fake bomb, he made a clock and a Fox-infected teacher decided it must be a bomb. MAGA."
Remembering the facts incorrectly. The kid didn't make a clock. He disassembled an existing clock, and put it inside a "pencil case," and then drew attention to himself even after being told to put it away by another teacher in an earlier class. One needn't be "Fox-infected" to be suspicious.
Not only was this a hoax, it was definitely done by a liberal.
You shouldn't reject the possibility it was a right winger only trying to scare Dems as it hurts your credibility. Even if you believe it will eventually prove true it's better to let the evidence lead.
Of course there are many other possibilities also. Shannon Guess Richardson sent actual ricin tainted letters to Barack Obama and others trying to get her then husband arrested. People are crazy.
Michael K said...
The "bombs" were packed with glass shards and "powder."
No mention about what kind of powder.
A real bomb does not have to have an alarm function on the clock device. Bombers (real bombers) used to solder wires to the hour and minute hands. When they touched, BOOM!
Ummm, uhhhh, no hands on a digital device....
NYPD issued a statement late afternoon yesterday saying the powder in the devices is inert.
Oh, no one mentioned that?
Also, Hey, they still might be real bombs sent by right wingers because of...reasons.
That's a great safety tip. Don't go near Occam's Razor. You might get cut.
When I wonder who might have access to all the addresses and the wherewithall to make veiled deliveries, it all comes up Kanye.
Bombs Sent to Biden and Robert De Niro, Latest in Wave of Explosives Sent to Trump Critics
Remember that the "truth" is worth $2 a week!
This is 15 minutes ago. Who is lying, NBC or NYT? Who is putting out fake news?
"All the news we see fit to print."
Rick said...
Even if you believe it will eventually prove true it's better to let the evidence lead.
I'm going where the evidence leads. I'm just getting there quicker than some. If this had been a hoax by a righty, they would have used steel pipe.
I think, given we've had bombs sent to people, ricin attacks, shootings and assaults on Congressional people, we shouldn't use "attacks" to mean "criticized." I saw "Trump Attacks Media" and realized that's... that's not clear wording.
The official says each device also had a small battery, similar to a watch battery. The official didn’t say whether the powder was explosive.
The official, who viewed X-ray images of the device, wasn’t authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
The FBI has said the packages containing the explosives were sent to former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Eric Holder, billionaire George Soros and CNN. . - AP
Democrats seem to be playing a giant game of chicken with reality.
I am saying that the genuine sense of humor shows that it was a righty. The return address to DWS bit is priceless, for example.
On the other hand, who but a lefty even knows what de Niro is jabbering about day to day when he's not in a movie?
Fake news of fake bombs.
Ummm, uhhhh, no hands on a digital device....
And so ? How do you set off a bomb with a "digital device?"
Aside from a cellphone, of course.
I will stick by my 50/50 that this is a false flag done by a Democrat. It increasingly appears that none of the devices was an actual bomb that could explode. Like I wrote yesterday, the device at Soros' residence was detonated by adding explosives to the device to disarm it remotely- this is done when and where it can be safely done without causing damage to surrounding structures.
The numbers, the details, and the deliveries themselves will quickly lead to the perpetrator- count on it. And I don't think there is a chance in Hell that his/her identity will be concealed for any reason- we will know who and why within a few days.
Sorry, the "Bombs" image phase is done this week! The "Caravan" image continues for the next two weeks. Can anyone tell us if the lead elements of the "Caravan" will make it to the U.S. border on election day? If not to bad - I was looking for fireworks from both sides of the political system.
How do they know that a suspicious package was mailed to Biden if they are still trying to track it down? I haven't heard that they caught the perp, so he/she could not confess to anything. How could they possibly know about the existence of a suspicious package that has not been delivered, unless they already know how many there are and where they are supposed to be... and the one they sent to Biden didn't show up. I bet that missing "bomb" has Democrat party members shitting their pants worse than a real bomb would. If a real LEO gets hold of the evidence before Democrat party members get the chance to destroy it, then we might just find out who is behind this latest act of Democrat party terrorism.
Curious to see if Jeff Sessions awakes from his comatose state to deal with this quickly. Or will we get: "We do not comment on ongoing investigations ...... that are likely to take several months/years/decades".
Michael K said...
And so ? How do you set off a bomb with a "digital device?"
Ideally you would choose a digital device with a timer (or alarm) and a dedicated output line for when the timer when off. If you were working with something that had no output line, but did have a timer and an audible alarm, then you could hook in to the audio line. ( probably have to use that to control a transistor, because you need more power to your ignition than you are going to get on your audio line. )
All of that appears to be beyond the abilities of the person perpetrating this hoax.
The numbers, the details, and the deliveries themselves will quickly lead to the perpetrator- count on it.
What if it doesn't?
When I started thinking about The Coal Train, I thought headlines would be filled with the NewAge shit I wanted highlighted, but - by the time I got it started - Trump was in and I could kiss that dream goodbye.
Bombs are good, though.
Tom-tom actually comes from dot Indians, not feather Indians.
Jeff Sessions cares about 2 things: Gay marriage and pot. He's an old timer who should be out to pasture.
Browndog at 7:52 said it for me.
The tell for this whole mess was the "bomb" sent to CNN, but no bombs sent to any other media outlets.
If you were a crazed right-wing fanatic, and you wanted to "send a message" to the MSM, then wouldn't you also go after the BIGGER outlets, like the NYT, LAT, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, etc?
This screamed "false flag" from the very beginning.
Okay, I'm going out on a limb here, and make a prediction: the bombs weren't sent by righties. They weren't sent by "moderate" Democrats in a false-flag operation. They were sent by a disgruntled BernieBro as an expression of rage at the "moderate" wing of the Democratic Party for what they did in 2016 & how they continue to obstruct the BernieBro wing of the Party.
Here's a big clue that I heard on right-wing radio this morning: all the packages had Debbie Wasserman Schultz as the return addressee. All of the targets except for Maxine Watters are moderate Democrats, and there's no love for Crazy Maxie among the predominantly white BernieBros.
Now, who really has an axe to grind against the now two & a half year fired head of the DNC? Righties? Nope. Bernie-ites, that's who. Who saw 2016 as the great betrayal by the institutionalized centrists of the Democratic Party, a betrayal that the Bernie-ites feel gave us Donald Trump?
So, the MSM is wrong -- it's not the Right. The Right is also wrong --- it's not a false flag. It's the expression of the "righteous anger" of the left wing of the Democratic Party against the center.
Interesting hypothesis- one I had not thought of.
If this had been a hoax by a righty, they would have used steel pipe.
The relationship between the evidence and conclusion could be tighter.
it's not a false flag. It's the expression of the "righteous anger" of the left wing of the Democratic Party against the center.
Good reasoning. It could be either, or just a nut, but your reasoning sounds pretty good.
Cellphones are common triggers since the device generates a current when it rings.
A digital clock even with an alarm might be difficult to use as the current will be small.
My experience with bombs is quite limited.
A hoax is far more likely and a BernieBro could be the culprit. Somehow this will still be blamed on Trump. Only the lefties will believe that.
Allahpundit over at Hot Air thinks the bomber is an "earnest idiot."
I am not going to dismiss the idea that it might be a Right Nut Job. We have stupid crazy people too, though not as riotous.
However, I need more than a 'Ford'* of evidence before I accept any conclusions reached.
*An amount of evidence undetectable by normal evidentiary standards, but IS detectable by the microscopic glare of cruel neutrality.
Well the good news is it appears who ever sent these hoax bombs will be caught soon by way of all the evidence they left behind. If people on Reddit can determine what make and model the "timer" was from the comfort of their easy chair imagine the police and postal agents with concrete evidence in their hands?
I think the normal reason for using metal pipe is to create shrapnel with the explosive device - much more damage than just a boom. So you can use PVC, thick wall cardboard tube, etc. and add nails and such for the shrapnel.
If you were actaully making a device.
Steel (or cast iron) pipe provides at least two advantages:
(1) Steel is more effective than PVC as shrapnel.
(2) If the bomb maker uses a propellant like smokeless gunpowder high pressure is needed to maximize the blast. Gunpowder is not an explosive unless it is in a confined space that allows it to create high pressure. Steel pipe would create higher pressure than PVC before bursting.
Thick wall cardboard tube is excelent for contaiing the pressure. I have some experience from the late 60's with two freinds from high school. We made our own gun and flash powder (one of us was a chemistry genius), and amused ourselves making things go boom.
Today we would be locked up, but then we were ony warned by our parents to not blow ourselves up.
Doesn't ISIS have online manuals for IED that give more detailed instructions - if you did not go to bomb school for snowflakes?
Why does the headline call them "bombs" if they might be fake bombs?
Why does CNN call what it produces "news" when it's mostly fake news?
Why would a pipe bomb, mailed to your address, cause you to change your itinerary when you are not at that address?
Goes to intent. The narrative being built by the govt and the media is to call this a terrorist attack.
We still don't know facts. But, as I said, I dont believe it is terrorism, until those targeted, act like they believe its terrorism. Going on the road in front of hundreds in a crowd at scheduled event, flies in the face of protocol for high value targets like Brennen, and Clinton's wife. The Secret service made a decision almost instantly, that they did not consider these bombs of any risk at all. They must have information that is not yet public. Ignore what we are being told, and see what actions those in power are taking. In this case, those in power have not changed their behavior. Thus there is no threat.
With a bit of work, you can find recipes for explosive devices all over the web. The hard part is getting some of the components for making the explosive iteself as most of them are tracked and you have to produce ID to acquire. In my day (late 60's) you could buy the necessary chemical compounds from supply outfits via the mail without any ID. Of course, you can also find recipes for making the explosive from everyday items as well.
"Tom-toms of anger"?
If only Warren's "I'm a real Indian" gambit had paid off, she could have immediately used this to deliver righteous indignation.
"The narrative being built by the govt and the media is to call this a terrorist attack."
-- The Scalise shooting was ruled 'not terrorism,' so that this is but the shooting wasn't will be a hard sell.
A real bomb does not have to have an alarm function on the clock device. Bombers (real bombers) used to solder wires to the hour and minute hands. When they touched, BOOM!
A device like that would trigger within an hour.
This reeks of Sasha Baron Cohen.
He has gone too far this time.
Here is the clock(again) on Amazon.
With "Be the first to comment" option.
I can think of a few good comments but Ima pass on the opportunity
Clock on Amazon
I see some people are still stuck on the idea that someone was actually trying to make a "bomb".
"-- The Scalise shooting was ruled 'not terrorism,' so that this is but the shooting wasn't will be a hard sell."
NYT says!: Hold my beer.
A real bomb does not have to have an alarm function on the clock device. Bombers (real bombers) used to solder wires to the hour and minute hands. When they touched, BOOM!
A device like that would trigger within an hour.
Yes. I have seen others that had one wire soldered to the hour hand and another to a screw in the dial.
Depends on what you want it to do.
Arashi said...
With a bit of work, you can find recipes for explosive devices all over the web.
This might not be the best week to start googling for such.
Really? A simple search for 'home made smoke bomb' or 'home made black powder' turns up many pages of results. I am fairly certain that every police entity in the US knows this. Looking is quite a bit different than making. Also, if you are into old school, just head on down to your local library and have a look at what you can find in print.
Just becasue you are informed about things, does not mean you are guilty of anything.
So if the FBI shows up at my house today - can I blame Althouse?
MAGA Bomber is now trending on Twitter...
And here is how one UK website is covering the situation:
FBI agents hunting for the so-called ‘MAGA bomber’ who sent 10 pipe bombs to Democrats and anti-Trump critics are focusing their investigation in Florida
Law enforcement sources told Reuters Thursday afternoon that they are chasing up leads in the sunshine state, and that they believe the bombs were sent through the US postal service.
Cops also said they believed the cruedly-built devices, fashioned from a digtal clock, wiring and shrapnel, had been designed to scare people rather than kill.
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2018/10/25/fbi-focusing-hunt-for-maga-bomber-in-florida-8075609/?ito=cbshare
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/
How much fake news can be crammed into a few sentences? MAGA bomber, pipe bombs, crudely-built devices...
A device like that would trigger within an hour.
Only an idiot would send bombs with timers through the mail unless they're designed to go off randomly.
People who want to kill people use triggers that activate upon opening. Any red-blooded, gun-owning, Trump supporter would know that.
Make Bombing Great Again!
Anybody who watched any of the coverage of the unabomber would now that as well - and I don't think he was a Trump supporter.
So either 'false flag' or really stupid human acting really stupid.
Also - if you wanted to send DeNiro one of these - why would you send it to his restaurant? I doubt he goes through the mail there at all.
What do the "mudflap ladies" tell you in the middle of the Arabic looking message?
De Niro knows about bombs. His last three movies, for example.
Head of FBI brings a package to the Unabomber in Federal Prison:
Christopher Wray: Ted we need your help to solve the case.
Ted Kaczynski: Let me look at the device.
Wray cautiously hands over the package.
Ted: This isn't a bomb.
Wray: It has a pipe, wires, and a clock.
Ted: It lacks explosive material.
Wray: But what about the pipe? And the wires? And the clock?
Ted: The pipe needs something to make it explode.
Wray: Yes, that's what the wires and clock are for.
Ted: I don't think you understand.
Wray: Look, if this is too difficult for you.
Ted: No, it's not too difficult. It's not a bomb.
Wray: So you're not experienced in this kind of explosive?
Ted: There IS no explosive. The thing can't explode. Clocks, wires, and pipes are not explosive in and of themselves.
Wray: So you don't know how the bomber was able to construct such a device?
Ted: There is no device. It's not a device. It's a bunch of parts which lack the essential ingredients for a bomb.
Wray: I see. It's quite sophisticated then. Some new type of explosive technology that we're dealing with.
Ted: Is there some benefit I get from helping you?
Wray: Perhaps. If we're able to tie this explosive to Trump, that is.
Ted: This is a very sophisticated device. If we lay the pieces out this way, they spell MAGA.
It's the BernieBomber. I thought we settled that here already.
Young Hegalian @11:59. So Obama is a moderate? And George Soros?... Guess again.
Eight or nine fake bombs sent to mostly high security locations that don't even look like real bombs. Not even a glance at Internet Bombmaking 101. Designed to get caught.
I thought I read somewhere that the lobby cameras system at the Time Warner building "weren't working" when the courier delivered the CNN "bomb." Is this true?
Here's a bulky package with what feels like a large cigar. Ooh, I'll open that first.
Just a reminder that you can get your copy of "The Anarchist Cookbook" through the Althouse Amazon portal.
If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right!
Does everyone realize that a fake bomb is not a bomb?
-Robert J. O'Neill (via twitter)
To answer his question...not many. It's now a hardened fact that bombs were went to Trump targets...via the media.
So, three possibilities:
1) Made by an idiot would-be-bomber who was too stupid to find decent instructions on the Internet.
2) Fakes that were supposed to be obvious upon investigation.
3) Devices intended to trick investigators into believing #1, while not posing any real risk.
You pays your money and you takes your chances.
Someone with legal acumen please answer this: when is a bomb not a bomb? I've seen a person walk into a gas station, stick their hand in their pocket and index finger out and attempt to rob the place, and although nobody believed them, they were prosecuted for armed robbery. If it's a cartoon black sphere with "BOMB" written on it, would that be a fake bomb? A pipe and wires with no explosive? Where is the line? Another example is powder in a letter maybe meant to be anthrax or maybe not. How can you determine intent when it's in the eye of the beholder? I'm not sure this question belongs on this increasingly flame centered board, but it used to be informational.
I bet the police are collecting a lot of dildo "bombs" today.
That is an excellent question, EsoxLucius. I would imagine the "armed robbery" is charged because it is robbery threatening gun violence, as seen from the victim's point of view- it only matters what the victim thought based on the perpetrator's actions.
Here, I would imagine the perpetrator will get charged with terrorism, bomb or no bomb.
Yancey Ward opines: And I don't think there is a chance in Hell that his/her identity will be concealed for any reason- we will know who and why within a few days.
Wish I had your faith in truth and justice and the American media.
Hell, we haven't heard the story behind the Las Vegas shootings and probably aren't likely to, either.
Thank you, Mr. Ward. I guess we'll all have to think about how our packages are perceived before sending them.
mockturtle: I wonder if anything could explain the Las Vegas shootings.
To answer a few questions:
A bomb is a device that explodes.
A potential bomb is a device capable of exploding.
A device that looks like a bomb, or is said to be a bomb, that has no capability of exploding, is not a bomb.
However, under the legal definition, this does look like an act of terrorism.
Lots of bomb triggers. The ones that have barometer triggers are the best.
Letter bombs are good, too.
Autistic cookbook has some good ones.
mockturtle: I wonder if anything could explain the Las Vegas shootings.
In September I was visiting a friend in Las Vegas and she told me a lot we've never heard about. For example, that the shooter was a former CIA operative and was running guns. There is more but it's probably not wise to repeat.
When I started thinking about The Coal Train, I thought headlines would be filled with the NewAge shit I wanted highlighted, but - by the time I got it started - Trump was in and I could kiss that dream goodbye.
Dammit, Crack! Every time you mention 'Coal Train' I get the urge to listen to Coltrane's A Love Supreme.
The hype and hysteria on NBC Nightly News is off the charts-
Panic is sweeping the country!
Straight out of the Politburo.
“Panic is sweeping the country!”
It’s the new sensation that’s sweeping the country! Number one with a bullet!
Thanks for this update on the latest Republican terrorist.
ABC's Brian Ross reported this morning that there is "a Jim Baum of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site... talking about him joining the Tea Party last year."
The Toothless State fellator's against this kind of thing, because if there's one thing he's against, it's force!
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