The NY Post reports. You've probably already seen this. I didn't get around to blogging it yesterday. I'm just blogging it now because I have a question that I'm not seeing anyone else asking.
I'm familiar with the problem of living in an apartment building with a locking entrance door. You worry that someone who doesn't belong there will use the opportunity of your opening that door to enter the building without a key. But you don't know everyone in the building so you don't know when someone is using this method. Okay. So what do you do? I know what I did. I would check out my surroundings and not go up to the door if someone was near me. I'd wait until I could use my key and get the door to close behind me before anyone else would have the opportunity to follow me in. I'd do the same thing on the way out. Unless I knew a resident coming up to the door, I wouldn't go out in a way that would create an opportunity for someone to go in. This is simple self-protection, and it doesn't require ever confronting anyone or making anyone feel disrespected.
But what's the point of confronting someone after you've created the opportunity for entry without using a key? If you're afraid the person is a criminal, confronting them might increase the chance that the person would attack you. And in the case of the woman in this recent incident, after letting the man in and treating him in a way that you wouldn't treat a good person, why would she get in the elevator with him and go up into a more private space, perhaps even to unlock her door, where she could be the victim of a push-in attack? Her behavior isn't consistent with the suspicion she expresses. If she's really is suspicious that he's a criminal — which is what her words expressed — why didn't she get the hell out of the building?
I know there have been several stories like this lately, and it always seems to be white women. I agree with everyone who thinks that it's horrible to make black people feel they're going to be regarded as intruders when they are doing completely ordinary things, but I would also like to understand what is motivating these white women to become confrontational? It's not consistent with feeling vulnerable and afraid, unless they are also delusional and think police will always instantly appear and save them from the conflict they create.
1 – 200 of 322 Newer› Newest»Theses kinds of news stories are part of what Steve Sailer has termed "the war on Beckys."
What’s Your Type?
I would check out my surroundings and not go up to the door if someone was near me. I'd wait until I could use my key and get the door to close behind me before anyone else would have the opportunity to follow me in. I'd do the same thing on the way out.
Seems like a PITA to have to do that every time. From a legal standpoint, is it a residents responisibility to prevent the egress of ne'er do wells?
More expensive places just use a doorperson I guess.
I don't think it's crazy to think that it's a problem to confront someone after they have entered. The vast majority of criminals and nogoodniks are just looking for an easy path to an easy score. Confronting them at this point would usually lead to something like "Oh, I think I'm in the wrong building" or "I'm just here to see a friend." Confronting someone at this point wouldn't lead to a physical confrontation in most cases, even with someone whose intention was mischief.
but I would also like to understand what is motivating these white women to become confrontational? It's not consistent with feeling vulnerable and afraid, unless they are also delusional and think police will always instantly appear and save them from the conflict they create
No woman must be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.
Experience has taught these women that they can behave anyway they want and not have to fact the consequences of it.
This is all an issue at work places as well. Unless you work somewhere that requires badging in/out, it's a pain to close each door behind you when someone is "tailgating" just to verify they belong there. In the morning at my work I'd guess about half the people in the building got in without swiping a security badge.
Obama's grandmother was a "typical white person" and might be concerned if she didn't recognize him.
My mother, when she was 90, was followed into a revolving door at a downtown department store by a man who locked the door so it would not rotate and stole her purse.
Our gracious and classy Hostess asks: "...but I would also like to understand what is motivating these white women to become confrontational?"
About 15 years ago, there was a young activist woman, Rachel Corrie, who, tragically, but stupidly, tried to stop an Israeli bulldozer, and got run over by it.
At the time, I thought, "Very sad, but, jeez, how crazy can you be?"
Since that time, we have learned that out of the entire universe of American Women (170 Million or so), there is a small, subset of mostly white, crazy cat women, who get radicalized in college, get all sorts of bad ideas floating in their brains, and then act on these bad ideas.
The woman in this article typifies this dynamic.
Blacks get suspicion because blacks have a high crime rate. Dress civilized white and blacks will do better. It's not actually the skin color but the aggregate markers that are used to supply missing information.
If she's really is suspicious that he's a criminal — which is what her words expressed — why didn't she get the hell out of the building?
Changing that up a bit: "If she was suspicious of her date's intentions, why did she follow him into his apartment?"
That second question is not allowed anymore: it's now called blaming the victim, not simply good advice.
I'm trying to understand what she did wrong. He evidently didn't have a key ("key fob"), and she didn't recognize him. In any apartment building without a doorman, tenants are encouraged not to let strangers in. Seems more like he played the race card.
She seems drunk.
I would also like to understand what is motivating these white women to become confrontational?
They are officious busybodies.
Since that time, we have learned that out of the entire universe of American Women (170 Million or so), there is a small, subset of mostly white, crazy cat women, who get radicalized in college, get all sorts of bad ideas floating in their brains, and then act on these bad ideas.
See also: the gringa terrorista. Though in her case it sounds like she learned the stupid at home.
And I will add: Yes, trying to avoid those situations as Althouse suggests is good advice, but sometimes they happen anyway. I usually try to 'profile' the person, and (Israeli-style security) ask a polite question like "Who are you going to see?" or "Can I help you?" Or I will see that the person has key in his hand, and doesn't appear suspicious.
This bothers me a lot; people just hang out by both the front and back doors. It has reached the point where I've gone, had dinner, come back and the same people are there. Despite us having security.
What am I supposed to do if I watch security pass by and do nothing? I'm not going to physically stop them from pushing in, and considering our doors are often propped open or just not locking properly, it is frustrating.
Just a rant.
She was fired from her job.
She might be Cherokee
It's not just women who confront people when they shouldn't. Men do it all the time. Sometimes they get beat up or killed.
Assholes will be assholes whenever given the opportunity.
This is such a dumb thing to go viral. In a sane world these two people would hash out their differences and maybe become friends. The guy didn't do anything wrong in the video, of course, but to me there's something icky about filming these minor encounters and broadcasting them for Internet fame.
Ultimately, while she may have been unfair to him or even was racially profiling, she wasn't violent or threatening. To the rest of the world it should be a big fat nothingburger.
Once, when I was delivering a pizza, through a miscommunication a woman got very angry with me for parking where I did and threatened me with her husband. I just got out of there as soon as possible. I wasn't trying to be rude but once the situation escalated I couldn't fix it.
Her husband ended up calling my work. He sounded pretty haggard. I think he had this problem a lot.
White women scared of everything. News at 11.
@Matthew Have you gotten your license to carry yet? Sounds like it might be a good idea. Sooner or later YOU are going to be the target of one of those people "hanging around".
"Seems like a PITA to have to do that every time. From a legal standpoint, is it a residents responisibility to prevent the egress of ne'er do wells?"
Let me guess: You're not a female.
As for the why, I would guess that some people just panic (particularly with the stress of feeling like you have to be rude to someone, which is certainly awkward for most), and do dumb things. I agree that it makes little sense in the abstract, but people can be dumb in the moment.
I haven’t seen the video, but I know that women are constantly being told to listen to their guts and take precaution, don’t worry about being obligated to be “nice,” so there’s definitely a confusing message out there.
I’m glad to live in the suburbs.
I'll go even further: Not only did she do nothing wrong, but he was an a**hole. He should have thanked her for her diligence in helping to keep the building safe, introduced himself, showed her his key and ID. It seems more like a setup that he filmed it and made a big public thing about it.
It only seems like more of these things are happening because its social media and everyone is video-capturing all day long. 10 years ago an idiot makes fun of a heavy person at the gym. Today that same idiot records her mockery on iphone or another person nearby records it and it goes viral and a 5M people see it. It all started with the dog poop girl in Seoul. Stupid and thoughtless people do thousands of stupid things like this every day; the ones that get caught on video go viral. I don't think the videos represent a trend or signify anything.
I don't think the videos represent a trend or signify anything. . . except a cheapening of our culture. Sorry I left that off.
Ann, have you ever worked in a secure building? Part of the employee training is usually to not allow people in on your card swipe/keypad entry. Usually, you are not to confront such people, but you are required to alert security.
It has been a long time since I lived in such building with key entry, but part of the lease contained the clause that it was my responsibility to not facilitate such unkeyed entries. Like you, I also made sure I wasn't being followed in, but I did once have to actively close the door on someone who was loitering nearby waiting for someone with a key- as it turned out, he did live there, but had stepped out with his keys. I felt bad, but it wouldn't have stopped me in the future.
I watched the video- he claimed to have buzzed himself in. Maybe she missed it. In any case, she should not have been fired- she was actually doing what a good resident of the building would do in such a circumstance. And if he hadn't lived there, would she have been fired then? I don't think so.
Had an experience a few months ago that might be relevant. I was coming off a flight and walking along the people-mover. Some guy was obviously in a hurry and came up behind and rolled his bag where it caught the back of my foot a little as he pushed past me. Annoying but I wasn't gonna make a deal of it. Meanwhile the woman behind me (middle aged and white, if you're keeping track), said something at the guy under her breath ("say excuse me" or something). At this point we're off the people mover, and the guy hears her and turns around, becoming quite confrontational "What's that? You say something? etc". At this point she's just kinda mumbling more explanations about politeness, and I'm now annoyed with both of 'em. Him for being him, and her for making a bigger deal of it all than necessary.
So I look at the guy, and say very directly "She said, you should say excuse me before you push past someone. I think I heard you say excuse me, but it was after you were past." So the guy says "Sorry." but he's still turned around walking backwards and glaring at the woman. So I said "You wanted to know what her problem was. Now you know." And at that point, he says nothing, and tears off away from us.
Now the woman says something I found insane at the time, and enlightening perhaps after I thought about it. "He was a lot nicer when you started talking. Women always have it rougher."
This seemed crazy to me, because my heart was thumping, and I felt I'd just narrowly avoided having to fight (in a freaking airport... what a nightmare!). I just looked at her like she had three heads and went on my way. Later I realized she'd completely missed the subtext of what me and the guy were saying to each other, which was all about threats of physical violence. It makes me wonder if recent attempts to encourage women to be more assertive (a good thing imo) and less agreeable has caused some of them to act without the restraint that men have traditionally learned by being more or less constantly at risk of physical violence from each other from the age of about 10 years old onwards.
It seems more like a setup that he filmed it and made a big public thing about it.
Yeah, I kind of agree. Maybe he had reasons but the employer of the woman seems to have over reacted. I wonder if she has a legal case ?
I’m glad to live in the suburbs.
Me, too. Tucson's newspaper has a daily crime report.
I live in the most crime free area and also, one of the few that voted for Trump in 2016. Coincidence ? I don't think so.
Theses kinds of news stories are part of what Steve Sailer has termed "the war on Beckys."
Sailer made an interesting observation that the "War on Beckys" was suspended during the "believe the wimminfolk" era (of Trump!) w/the nutty psychologist.
What’s Your Type?
I was racially and sexually profiled in a Type I error a couple of days ago while walking the dogs; a white cop pulled up alongside us and said "Sir, did you just throw something into that yard?"
It didn't make national news, though. For some strange reason.
I agree with Lyssa. Why would anyone want to live in that kind of environment if you didn't have to?
Well, maybe the idea is that women have been inspired to feel that their safety concerns are the highest priority and that they are doing the right thing when they challenge men To me, that doesn't make sense, because if you really feel the man could be dangerous, you shouldn't stand around taunting him.
Anyway, I'd like to suggest that the man could have allied with the woman and made safety a shared concern. Instead of going hostile, but photographing her and putting it up on line, where it hurt her tremendously, he could have gone to a higher ground. Realizing that women do feel physically vulnerable and hope their building is safe, he could have said, when she called it "her building," "It's my building too, and I want to feel safe here too. We both do. We should both care about whether we both are safe and feel safe. I'm a black man, and I suffer thinking you're suspicious of me because of that but I also understand that women worry about whether they're safe. We both want the same thing, and I want to help you feel safer."
Ironically, a person who would say that is probably more likely to be evil that one who did what he did, because it could all be a lie and intended to lull her into more vulnerability.
It's fun to imagine the comments here if an uppity black man were blocking the white woman's legal entry to her own property.
That’s a really interesting observation, Cameron. I wouldn’t have said anything, but I probably would have had the same response as the woman - yeah, the guys straightened up when a man spoke to him. What you described wouldn’t have made me think threats a violence were at issue. Fascinating.
I doubt anyone here would react any differently- women burglarize, too.
I think the reason some women are willing to confront people who may be criminals in this manner is due to a combination of grrl power propaganda and thinking they are invulnerable because they "know" that men can't hit them.
At least Cameron or the other dude didn't have a cup of ice handy.
"If she's really is suspicious that he's a criminal — which is what her words expressed — why didn't she get the hell out of the building?"
It's your white woman privilege that lets you believe that the police will protect everything, and that you can just run away from protecting your stuff and others' who you now have left at the mercy of the intruder.
It would anger me if I was the guy, but I also found myself identifying with both people, and see her as simply stepping up to protect her stuff and that of her neighbors. She was trying to be a good neighbor. If everybody runs away, the bad guys take everything, and do what they want. Criminals of all races often count on the reluctance of white people to confront and challenge them.
It may have been racist, but so are the crime statistics, and she may well have acted the same way toward a white man if he looked like a young delinquent or a homeless looking person who looked out of place, and she may not have reacted that way if the black guy was dressed like a business man, a woman, or a clown.
We should not be so quick to blame racism for what might just be reasonable suspicion. If you instantly assume the white person is racist when there may be other reasons why they are less than respectful of a black person, then that is actually racist. What would be the reaction if the woman here was black? Would it still be racist of her?
The progress of diversity or color judgments (e.g. racism, sexism) has created a confused situation that casts doubt on the significance of even sequential events. That said, knowing her unenviable position, the good man who could not confirm his authorization to the building, would have thanked her and declined entry.
Let me guess: You're not a female.
I'm a dude, yeah. And I didn't intend to pass judgement. I was just thinkning that it's hard enough being responsible for ones own safety, let alone everyone elses.
@Ron Winkleheimer:
I think the reason some women are willing to confront people who may be criminals in this manner is due to a combination of grrl power propaganda and thinking they are invulnerable because they "know" that men can't hit them.
I think your first reason is spot on. Women in this country have been fed a steady media diet of butt kicking babes that are completely divorced from the actual physics of hand-to-hand combat. At the height of the Ronda Rousey hype (before she was ko'd by Holly Holm), people were speculating that she could defeat Floyd Mayweather in a no holds barred fight.
And I think this is really just a subset to the insane intellectual project of trying to convince the world of the ludicrous notion that men and women are the same. Transmania is only the latest symptom. Pretty soon all the women's sports record holders will be people with Y chromosomes.
The new racial fissure:
-white women and black men.
I doubt anyone here would react any differently- women burglarize, too.
As Farmer says, selective reporting. White women are the latest group fed into the SJW/NPC maw.
"I know there have been several stories like this lately, and it always seems to be white women. I agree with everyone who thinks that it's horrible to make black people feel they're going to be regarded as intruders when they are doing completely ordinary things, but I would also like to understand what is motivating these white women to become confrontational?"
In a nation of 300 million people, something like this undoubtedly happens hundreds of times a day. It might make more sense to ask "Why do the MSM publish stories about white women annoying POCs, but suppress stories about POCs physically attacking, robbing, raping and murdering white women?"
"Anyway, I'd like to suggest that the man could have allied with the woman and made safety a shared concern."
That is what I did a few weeks ago when challenged to show my keycard upon following a guy into the office building's bike safe room. I thanked him for his vigilance. We are both white guys. Biking to work is "stuff white people like", as the bumper sticker says . . .
I was also flattered that at age 67, I still appear dangerous.
"it always seems to be white women". Yeah, it does, doesn't it? Funny that!
As for the inconsistency. At a place I worked every had to show a badge. The door would unlock upon scanning. It was common to go through the door with another but check they had a card. Ann suggests waiting, single file, instead.
"Seemingly Mundane"... Everything seems mundane till shit jumps off. You have viewed and read "seemingly" little of an event. What are the environmental factors? You're looking in a vacuum, purposely. Maybe calling the cops was a better choice than deploying a 240 grain hollowpoint. But you see all...
Ann Althouse said...
"Anyway, I'd like to suggest that the man could have allied with the woman and made safety a shared concern. Instead of going hostile, but photographing her and putting it up on line, where it hurt her tremendously, he could have gone to a higher ground. Realizing that women do feel physically vulnerable and hope their building is safe, he could have said, when she called it "her building," "It's my building too, and I want to feel safe here too. We both do. We should both care about whether we both are safe and feel safe. I'm a black man, and I suffer thinking you're suspicious of me because of that but I also understand that women worry about whether they're safe. We both want the same thing, and I want to help you feel safer.""
Hilarious. I'm surprised rhhardin hasn't brought up our collective 86 IQ as a good reason why that speech wasn't possible. Can you imagine expecting the stupidest people in America (possibly because whites kept education from us for centuries) to also have to do psychoanalysis for poor option-less white people? What a burden.
You know what I do when I see black people almost anywhere? I leave them alone because - get this - I don't know them.
Just like I do white people.
White women are the latest group fed into the SJW/NPC maw.
Something is broken when the USA women are dominated by white girls next door
-- The Guardian - Hope Solo
Overtly diverse. The "white girls next door" are, in fact, progressives' next target.
They tried to force HIPAA information out of my sick wife when we were at the urgent care. By they, I mean the nurse we were trapped in the room with. I told her we didn't want to share certain information because of privacy issues. She got really mad at me, jumped up fast (my startle reflex is through the roof---wife has to drive), and stomped out of the room.
I got very upset, walked out into the lobby and started raising hell. I told them I was disabled, and no one helped my wife...or even asked me to leave as I got more and more frustrated.
Finally I got mad enough and threw a clipboard into an empty chair and demanded my wife be brought out, and we went home.
Now? I have been arraigned for throwing a clipboard. Apparently that is harassment.
I have to go to court again soon to deal with this.
Here is how throwing a clipboard into an empty chair turns into harassment. The receiptionist claims I threw it at her. From one foot. Right? If I threw it at her from one foot then I promise I would have hit that target.
Any advice anyone might have for me would be appreciated.
"I would also like to understand what is motivating these white women to become confrontational"
A simple explanation is that white women are less afraid of black men than they used to be, and the confrontationism we see from some of them is based on a feeling of superiority not fear. I would imagine that is the way racism worked before the surge of crime in the 1960s.
I suppose it's possible that this is not racism, that she would have confronted a white man in that situation too. I think that women are more comfortable confronting male strangers than men are at confronting male strangers, due to the social norm of men not hitting women.
Plus, in this case, an even simpler explanation is that she thought her little dog would protect her.
And I think this is really just a subset to the insane intellectual project of trying to convince the world of the ludicrous notion that men and women are the same. Transmania is only the latest symptom. Pretty soon all the women's sports record holders will be people with Y chromosomes.
We finally agree on something.
Basically this is a group of women using the process as punishment.
Blogger bagoh20 said...
"What would be the reaction if the woman here was black? Would it still be racist of her?"
Yes, it would still be racist of her to think that young black males have a higher propensity for criminal behavior than young white males. That is one valid definition of racism, assuming traits on the basis of race. Of course, black women are well aware that black men are more likely to be dangerous than white men, and routinely act on that knowledge. But the white-hating Left Fascist press doesn't care to talk about that.
Any advice anyone might have for me would be appreciated.
I'm not a lawyer but spousal and disabled abuse might interest a lawyer.
Lyssa, when two male strangers are having that kind of confrontation, violence is pretty much always on the table. 99.9% of the time it doesn't come to that of course, but the threat that it might is always there. In my case the percentage is even lower precisely because I don't mouth off to guys who bump me when they run through the airport.
"It's fun to imagine the comments here if an uppity black man were blocking the white woman's legal entry to her own property."
It would be kind of stupid of that man. The statistical probability of a white woman robbing a building occupied by uppity black men is less than the odds of being impaled by a unicorn in a volcano.
The statistical risks from a typical unfamiliar black male are so much greater than from other people that treating confrontations with them the same would be foolish. We all know this. People of all races do, and they all react to it similarly, including Blacks themselves. Just ask Jessie Jackson. Much of what is called racism today is just common sense.
the man could have allied with the woman and made safety a shared concern.
Exactly. Under normal circumstances, the individual who could not demonstrate authorization would request notification to an authority who could verify his claim. That's how it works in a normal environment. But, diversity creates an irreconcilable imbalance, which forces climate change that is generally inhospitable. So, step one is prescribed, and step two is proscribed. It's a black "hole" for profit.
Ernest Prole outs himself.
Thanks Michael K. I can, I think, create a ton of process problems for the doctor. I havent 100% checked, but I think I can file an ADA complain with the Justice Department, and my wife can do something similar with HIPAA. It might not stick; but the process is the punishment.
Also, I tend to think that throwing a clipboard into a chair and calling it a bitch are expression. The correct response to that would seem to be to ask me to leave.
These ladies were "afraid" but never asked me to leave, never got a doctor, and stood there and glared at me while I waited on my wife. They were most certainly not afraid.
I wonder if taking me to court over expression is an attempt to stifle mine.
The real reason for this guy's experience and others' who are treated differently because of their race is the behavior of so many young black men, who he unfortunately gets lumped in with. The same thing happens with whites and racism. They are assumed to be racist because some are, but I don't think that is as fair, because it seems to me that Blacks are at least as racist as any other group, while whites are not even close on the criminal behavior level.
Time for a beer summit?
N.N. said Overtly diverse. The "white girls next door" are, in fact, progressives' next target.
This X1,000,000
It is total schadenfreude for me that this is eventually where this will go down the rabbit hole of identity politics. The NPC/SJW privileged US white woman - quite literally the most protected wealthiest virtue signaler on earth - and represented within the leftist/liberal camp by likely an over 45% margin will become the "odd woman out" even within their own political community.
I am going to love watching the "Beckys" go nuts with every other minority-identity-pink-polka-dotted they thought they had some kind of hierarchy-leverage over.
Ocasio-Cortez and Kamala Harris are just the beginning. Hillary and Elizabeth are going to be the last "Beckys" running for office in that crew. Serves them right. No sympathy. Ever. And by the way girls, us on the right don't want you either. We divorced you for Asian brides remember. Eff. Off.
an uppity black man were blocking the white woman's legal entry to her own property
Our society, with cause, defers to women, grandmothers, mothers, and daughters, in cases of physical imbalance. That may change with the progress of neo-females and masculine females (i.e. females with masculine physical attributes).
Anyway, I'd like to suggest that the man could have allied with the woman and made safety a shared concern. Instead of going hostile, but photographing her and putting it up on line, where it hurt her tremendously, he could have gone to a higher ground.
See guys, the problem isn't the actions of the woman, the problem is the man who hurt the woman by trying to make her responsible for her actions.
Can any of you, defending this woman, tell me where I can start demanding white people prove themselves to my satisfaction until I feel safe and it's OK?
Since some of you adamantly won't do it even online?
Dave said...
Any advice anyone might have for me would be appreciated.
Work on your aim...
I'm with you crack, but its not a race issue now; its gender.
Work on your aim.
Reverses it, doesn't it? If you are gonna do the time, do some crime.
By the same...what is it Lyssa you lawyers call it...fact pattern; By the same fact pattern used to make me a criminal tosser of clipboards, I could file harassment charges against the original nurse who demanded our information. It seems to me when she jumped up, she lunged at me. Seems like harassment.
I have to meet with a city attorney, he respresents her for free of course, to do a pre-trial conference.
I think the first thing I need is whatever he has...IOW some discovery.
Not sure when I can ask for these things.
Does anyone know of a good site that can walk you throw that entire process of a criminal proceding starting with arraignment and going forward to judgement?
It's kind of funny that she's a "Hilary" and a "Mueller."
"Can any of you, defending this woman, tell me where I can start demanding white people prove themselves to my satisfaction until I feel safe and it's OK?"
Sure. If you find yourself in a trailer park full of Harley's and want to know what happened to your crystal meth.
If you're afraid the person is a criminal, confronting them might increase the chance that the person would attack you. And in the case of the woman in this recent incident, after letting the man in and treating him in a way that you wouldn't treat a good person, why would she get in the elevator with him and go up into a more private space, perhaps even to unlock her door, where she could be the victim of a push-in attack? Her behavior isn't consistent with the suspicion she expresses. If she's really is suspicious that he's a criminal — which is what her words expressed — why didn't she get the hell out of the building?
I'm guessing her dog gives her confidence. Sometimes fear is channelled into aggression. It's a fight or flight response.
Wait a minute. She got fired from her job?
For this?
This happened sometime back, but it happened in my building. Some homeless guy was going through the trash cans looking for deposit bottles. The trash bin was a few steps from the front door and enclosed in a waist high fence. A neighbor opened the front door with a key.. She didn't take particular note of the homeless guy. The guy was apparently fairly athletic for a street person. In a sudden, fluid movement he was able to throw himself over the fence and force the woman inside. The woman, however, had knowledge of the martial art of screaming. She screamed like crazy, and the homeless guy ran off. She was extremely scared, but she didn't report the incident to the police. That's how things were back then.......Some people suffer catastrophic losses because of insufficient suspicion. The woman is elderly by now. She's probably one of those old white women who clutch their purses in the presence of black men.
"Can any of you, defending this woman, tell me where I can start demanding white people prove themselves to my satisfaction until I feel safe and it's OK?"
Here's another case: If some white people want to take away the 2nd Amendment rights of black people, that's probably some racism right there. You should challenge that shit.
Dave said...
I'm with you crack, but its not a race issue now; its gender.
She's still white, so there's still a crazy power dynamic blacks have to live with as long as that's the case. I know, you see yourselves as kind, gentle creatures everywhere, but there's a history (and behaviors) familiar to us.
Enough we don't trust as easily as expected.
Can any of you, defending this woman, tell me where I can start demanding white people prove themselves to my satisfaction until I feel safe and it's OK?
Everything I said in defending the woman had nothing to do with race. Tenants should scrutinize strangers coming into the building regardless of race, sex, age, etc.
Now in practice, if I see a young woman with young children, I'm going to give her less scrutiny than, say, a young man alone, regardless of race. Again, race has nothing to do with it.
Go fuck yourself. My dad is plenty black and so was my grandmother.
Is there any evidence (i.e. not a witch hunt) that diversity was a motive for entry and subsequent actions?
Just like Warren crack, you are hurting very badly the people you claim to want to help.
So let me reiterate, brother, go fuck yourself.
This reminds me of the story in town about Shelob whatever-her-last-name is, who's running for Congress here, having the police called on her while she was out canvassing, and everyone was all "Oooh.....horrible horrible, someone called the cops because a black woman was in the neighborhood" and Candidate was all "I was out there with my Mom and kid and boo hoo hoo" and it turns out that that house has had lots and lots of police calls about it because it was a crack house, or former crackhouse, or some kinda drug den.
Of course, that followup never really got reported.
First Story. Okay her name is Shelia Stubbs. Sorry about the typo above.
Dave throws a clipboard at Crack from one-foot away and misses. You want advise, Dave? Grow a pair
What course of action do you suggest Howard?
Wait a minute. She got fired from her job?
For this?
She was fired for being white:
“The Tribeca-STL family is a minority-owned company that consists of employees and residents from many racial backgrounds,” officials with the company, an apartment complex in St. Louis, said. “We are proud of this fact and do not and never will stand for racism or racial profiling at our company.”
(Tribeca-STL has no association with the apartments where she lived.)
I was confronted when slipping into my apartment building behind an employee there. I didn't see the point of letting the door shut and unlocking it again. I recognized him, but he didn't recognize me. He challenged me, and I told him where I lived, and he let it go, but he was very suspicious and stern about it at first, even though I'm almost as white as Elizabeth Warren.
If I truly suspected someone of slipping in to commit a crime, possibly a violent crime, I wouldn't want to get too close to him, or let him know my suspicions. I'd call 911 anonymously, for my immediate safety, and to keep from being the racist busybody of the week in a viral video.
Even so, I don't think this is a problem of wypipo generally, or of white women particularly, oppressing po blak fokes jess fo bein blak; it's simply a very rare occurrence that we see more of now because of cell phones and social media.
We may wonder why so many white women end up getting involved in these things that (seemingly) are none of their business, but maybe we should also ask why so many Blacks and SJW relish the opportunity to put Deplorables in their place, record what are often trivial actions by all concerned, and get white fokes ostracized and fired for "racism".
"I would also like to understand what is motivating these white women to become confrontational"
Huh? Some people have no problem being confrontational. Maybe just born that way.
Man ,woman, black, white, red or yellow.
Dave said...
"Go fuck yourself. My dad is plenty black and so was my grandmother.
So go scrutinize them as they go about their lives. I don't.
a minority-owned company that consists of employees and residents from many racial backgrounds
An oxymoron followed by a legal disclaimer. Progress is one step forward, two steps backward. "P"rogress seems to be more of an evolutionary than monotonic process.
Dave: Get help for your lack of emotional control. Testosterone might help. Ask your endocrinologist.
I dunno, I don't think this crazy woman should get fired, but jeez, her approach was terrible.
I was taught to not confront people -- except if you were prepared to start swinging, and possibly get the short end of the pummeling stick.
If this woman was truly afraid, I'm sympathetic, but she had other less confrontational options. Confronting the guy and demanding he divulge his apartment unit seems so pushy and rude (at least to me).
And, of course, the converse of this dynamic is true -- I was on BART last night, and this dude was on his skateboard, on the train, bumping into people, eating cheetos, making a mess, and all the folks were just cowering and shying away.
Dave said...
"Just like Warren crack, you are hurting very badly the people you claim to want to help.
So let me reiterate, brother, go fuck yourself."
I repeat: I leave people alone. I don't presume they "don't belong" anywhere. Why? Because I don't know them. I don't assume a hoodie on a black guy equals a criminal. I don't assume a white guy equals the KKK. I go about my life and allow them to go about theirs.
Land of the free and the home of the brave, you fucking cowards.
BAG: I feel for ya. BART is Fallujah with human waste substituted for lead
No crack, I'd rather spend my time helping black teenage males get to work. I pick them up in Dallas when I see them walking to their jobs. I volunteered for big brother, but no response yet on that. I also teach them how to write web code, and place them into nice jobs.
I practice direct affirmative action by helping young black men when they are willing to accept it.
Can any of you, defending this woman, tell me where I can start demanding white people prove themselves to my satisfaction until I feel safe and it's OK?
Paranoia is paranoia. They both feel paranoid. She's scared of him and he's scared of her. The guy is being very polite but he's also filming everything she does. And, of course, he plans on uploading it to the internet and attacking her that way. What makes this video interesting to people (I wager) is that it's an aggressive woman and a passive-aggressive man.
And note that passive-aggressiveness wins out. The woman is fired. If she can't make her rent she might have to move out of the building.
That's the culture we're in. Very little aggression and violence in most people's lives. But a hell of a lot of passive-aggressiveness, mistrust, and anger.
"Later I realized she'd completely missed the subtext of what me and the guy were saying to each other, which was all about threats of physical violence."
Or she didn't care if either one of you stomped the other and left him bleeding on the floor. She'd be all right.
If this woman was truly afraid, I'm sympathetic, but she had other less confrontational options. Confronting the guy and demanding he divulge his apartment unit seems so pushy and rude (at least to me).
I'm guessing you don't live in a large unattended apartment building. Tenants are instructed not to let strangers in. Sure it's best to avoid confrontation, but when one is confronted nonetheless, waiving in a stranger to one's building is not obviously the right answer.
I agree with the comment about the dog giving her confidence (even though it's tiny!). I was once mugged on my Brooklyn block by two teens who jumped me from behind. They had first passed a woman walking her very large dog and she had turned to watch them out of suspicion. She started to walk towards us, calling out. They took another look at her dog and ran off.
Blogger Saint Croix said...But a hell of a lot of passive-aggressiveness, mistrust, and anger.
Got any non-anecdotal evidence for that because life in the real world is pretty sweet as far as I can tell. Most people are nice and polite. It's the deep state who wants you to think we are going to hell in a handbasket.
Seems like you Howard, actually.
Dave said...
"No crack, I'd rather spend my time helping black teenage males get to work. I pick them up in Dallas when I see them walking to their jobs. I volunteered for big brother, but no response yet on that. I also teach them how to write web code, and place them into nice jobs.
I practice direct affirmative action by helping young black men when they are willing to accept it."
Then here's a piece of advice: Keep the bullshit to yourself, because you're going to trip up on it, and then all your good works will be for nothing. As Lincoln said, what's the point of knowing True North, if you're only going to end up in a swamp?
I don't know if you want a cookie, or what, but if you're doing shit to make a point, I don't care - I'm not: It's my life. And I don't need white people demanding to know who and what I'm doing whenever they feel insecure because they outnumber me and someone ALWAYS FEELS INSECURE. Hell, I've had white roommates who flinched around me for the first few years we're together, so fuck you.
Let mothafuckas be free.
I know; you refuse to stop your racism. Thats fine. I'm going to fight back.
I got very upset, walked out into the lobby and started raising hell. I told them I was disabled, and no one helped my wife...or even asked me to leave as I got more and more frustrated.
Finally I got mad enough and threw a clipboard into an empty chair and demanded my wife be brought out, and we went home.
Now? I have been arraigned for throwing a clipboard. Apparently that is harassment.
I have to go to court again soon to deal with this.
Here is how throwing a clipboard into an empty chair turns into harassment. The receiptionist claims I threw it at her. From one foot. Right? If I threw it at her from one foot then I promise I would have hit that target.
Any advice anyone might have for me would be appreciated.
Haha! Good one.
You stood there yellin and screamin and calling people names and shit. You try to justify your behavior and minimize it as throwing a clipboard.
Now you start wanting to sue or something because you act like a jerk and intimidated some women.
Sure would like to hear what the nurse has to say.
1. The apartment building is in a high crime area in downtown St. Louis.
2. The confrontation occurred at the exterior entrance, after dark.
3. Who opened the door? He claimed he fobbed in but how did the woman come to be standing in the open glass doorway without opening it herself or hearing/seeing him unlock and open it? The electronic security lock is just to the left of the door.
4. Althouse asked why the woman would follow him into the elevator if she was afraid. Watch her eyes in the video. Listen to her voice. She wasn't afraid. In fact, there's a strong possibility that she was initially flirting with the handsome young black man and the fob questioning was just a means of getting a conversation started.
I ain't walking on eggshells for any of you.
Grow the fuck up.
Yeah, yeah they flinched at you?
Now Howard what was that about balls?
Crack, I was physically attacked and fought another man because I defended a black friend verbally. A white supremacist stood up and attacked me.
You are an asshole.
No, pleae don't. let that sweet sweet racism shine baby.
I didn't read all the comments, but here are three words that explain it: O.J. Simpson.
Dave said...
I know; you refuse to stop your racism. Thats fine. I'm going to fight back.
The next time you're at the airport and a white family insists t you carry their bags, you tell me about my racism.
Jesus, you're too clueless to have black relatives.
Growing up in New York City, I learned at an early age that building security was mostly an illusion.
Getting into a building with buzzers just requires persistance: just keep pushing, and someone will just buzz you in without bothering to talk to you. Of course you may get yelled at (or even threatened) before that happens, but, mostly people are passive and aren't going to look for trouble: persist and you'll get in.
And in the unlikely event that you're challenged, just say someting like "I was looking for Ms Gutierrez in 4A." And if there's no gutierrez in 4A, well, "Sorry, she used to live here."
A doorman building is just a little more of a challenge. Here the trick is to walk into the building as though you own it. Because, doorman buildings are usually large (small ones can't afford doorman) the building staff often won't recognize all the tenants by sight.
That, and, the custom is for each tenant to offer a hefty tip to each, and because challenging a tenant just might jeopardize that, if there's doubt you won't get challenged.
Why? Laziness + adolescence. It's quicker to just go up the elevator than wait to be approved, and sometimes the person I came to see in the buzzer building wasn't home and I wished to wait inside (out of the rain and cold).
People who live in buzzer buildings are told to never, never ever just buzz someone in, yet there always seem to be some who will. And perhaps the management of doorman buildings might create incentives to challenge when in doubt, but
If that's you they do that to crack, I will come over there and carry them.
Once again the value of segregated housing is made self evident.
Stick with your own kind.
Dave said...
"Crack, I was physically attacked and fought another man because I defended a black friend verbally. A white supremacist stood up and attacked me.
You are an asshole."
Dave, I was attacked by Nazis in France, countless whites in America - I once had to fight a 300 pound white guy when I had a severe back injury because HE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME - and you think I should give you an award for doing what whites in America should be doing anyway?
Fuck off, Dave.
Got any non-anecdotal evidence for that because life in the real world is pretty sweet as far as I can tell. Most people are nice and polite.
I think that's right. Most people are nice and polite.
It's my perception that assaults and other acts of violence are way down in our society. But people getting fired for petty shit, bad words or comments made on the internet, are way up.
Crack, if you should choose to, you take the last word.
I'm having a bit of a bad day today; but I am going to go back and reread everything you said.
Have a nice day, Crack. I'm sure you will. :)
langford peel said...
"Once again the value of segregated housing is made self evident.
Stick with your own kind."
Yeah, because - for some reason - leaving people alone is just too difficult a concept for some people to grasp....
It's in the plot of many movies to have a character hit lots of buzzers to gain eventual entrance into an apartment building. And the plot of others to stand around and be let in by another resident or visitor.
In my Brooklyn building we used to insist on deadbolting the front door so no one would just buzz.
Howard's reaction to Bay ARea Guy
BAG: I feel for ya. BART is Fallujah with human waste substituted for lead'
I don't even live in the bay area, but I have experienced this after emerging from the BART at night near the civic center.. SF is a toilet and many of it's inhabitants are trashy punk-ass children without any adult supervision. or zombies + toilet.
No it's not crack. Why can't you just leave white people alone.
We are tired of your bullshit.
Pop back a forty and watch some day time TV.
I'm guessing you don't live in a large unattended apartment building. Tenants are instructed not to let strangers in.
You are correct. And, after much cogitation, maybe I'm wrong about this woman. But, I still think her approach was poor. She did not show any street smarts, and actually escalated, rather than defused the confrontation.
The whole thing stinks and is very unfortunate and handled all wrong - but she lost her job?
That's insane. Hey honey, your whole life is now in the toilet because SJW is woven into our fabric now. NO forgiveness. Off with your head.
Once again the value of segregated housing is made self evident.
Stick with your own kind.
Yeah, because black people never commit crimes against black people.
And white people never commit crimes against white people.
Africa was a wonderful spiritual place--a Black Panther nirvana--until whitey showed up.
Europe was always so joyful and nice. White harmony!
white women or liberal tolerant progressive white women?
"It's fun to imagine the comments here if an uppity black man were blocking the white woman's legal entry to her own property."
Didn't we go through this when Obama beat out Hillary for the nomination?
Secure building entrances make people whacky. I'm glad you have it all clear in your mind as to secure building entrance rules and etiquette, but others are confused an agitated by them.
In 1976, I was delivering pizzas in Bowling Green, OH. I approached a building with a secure entrance. A resident approached at the same time I did, she let me enter with my pizza. I located the door of the apartment that ordered the pizza. When the customer opened the door and found me there with the pizza, he became agitated. He asked me how I got in the building. I told him. He then proceeded to berate me and complain loudly about my "defeating" the security of the building. None of it made sense. People are crazy.
Dave said...
"Have a nice day, Crack. I'm sure you will. :)"
Dave, I can't fight your assumptions, and if my "racism" is the best you can come up with to describe my experience, then I'm not going to waste a breath trying to convince you otherwise. Misconceptions are part of the package, my friend, as that black guy and white lady show, so don't expect an old hand like me to wrestle the truth out of it for you - I got it, and that's good enough for me.
I leave people alone. That's the only answer I have for people. I let them argue on the street without assuming who's "side" I'm on. I make no assumptions of guilt. I think people who do, and get their asses kicked, deserved it. Just leave people alone. Learn to be secure in yourself. Stop putting your fears on other people.
That's the least "racist" thing I think you can do.
Have a good day, yourself.
Africa was a wonderful spiritual place--a Black Panther nirvana--until whitey showed up.
Europe was always so joyful and nice. White harmony!
Color harmony. Resonant frequencies... sympathetic frequencies are stable until they progress to a catastrophic failure. Bridges and people have been lost to these physical and social phenomena.
As long as we’re trucking in stereotypes, Becky lives in a luxury loft in downtown St. Louis, so the chances she’s a Hillary Clinton/Elizabeth Warren supporter approach 1:1. But it's certainly chivalrous for the men here to defend her simply because she's white.
Make America Mayberry Again!
"It makes me wonder if recent attempts to encourage women to be more assertive (a good thing imo) and less agreeable has caused some of them to act without the restraint that men have traditionally learned by being more or less constantly at risk of physical violence from each other from the age of about 10 years old onwards."
-- This is a popular (but as far as I know unproven and untested) theory on the Internet.
I would also like to understand what is motivating these white women to become confrontational?
I think you're wrong on what is changing. This type of event has always occurred hence the busybody stereotype. The change is that many blacks are video-ing their everyday interactions and publicizing those they consider racist.
"Africa was a wonderful spiritual place--a Black Panther nirvana--until whitey showed up."
Or until whitey started handing out substandard educations, creating such monstrosities, but - as usual - acting like the bastard has no parentage. "Whitey on the moon."
"Europe was always so joyful and nice. White harmony!"
Andrew Jackson. James Polk. Andrew Johnson.
All the people they killed can be excused because whites weren't kind to each other. Nice and breezy that is.
Zen Buddhism is clearly not the only way to wipe the mind clean as a Kamikaze.
Crack: "Dave, I was attacked by Nazis in France, countless whites in America - I once had to fight a 300 pound white guy when I had a severe back injury because HE DIDN'T BELIEVE ME"
I once had to fight a 300lbs guy (actually twice) and neither time did I have an opportunity to question why this was happening.
I do think there's something to the "people who've been in fights understand the things you say and do to avoid fights" line of thinking, but I don't think it is a gender issue. I have had male friends who were very privileged who never realized that the sort of snark or attitude that they could give their parents or neighbors was unacceptable. I was a relatively good kid, but at least had been in enough kid-level fights that I knew how to lower tensions and how to let people save face and walk away.
People who've never been in fights don't generally develop the understanding of what it means to let someone get the last word in, and how it is worth it, if the other choice is wounding their pride or self image and forcing a confrontation.
It's the deep state who wants you to think we are going to hell in a handbasket.
Are those the guys and gals with masks in Portland?
They would not do that to drivers in Arizona because Arizona drivers are mostly armed.
I loved the story of the poor dope who tried to carjack three different cars in Texas and the drivers were all armed, They didn't shoot him but he didn't get a car.
I do kind of like the thought-experiment that I think Crack mentioned upthread: what would teh reaction be if a black chick was confronting the black dude.
For that matter, how might the black dude have reacted differently?
It doesn't really matter anyway of course since both the woman and the dude are now both Native American.
And no, I don't care if my calling out Warren for her nonsense is upsetting to LLR Chuck or not!
(I firmly believe something like 40%-60% of these sorts of small scale one-on-one fights could be solved by saying 'I'm sorry' or 'You're right.')
HA! The woman's ex-husband is Black!
I stand by my flirting suspicion.
Watch the eyes!
You have to realize that white Amrtica really doesn't want to associate with blacks. We do not mind Negros. You know suit and tie and church lady hat wearing Negros who live in their own self sufficient communities and leave the rest of us alone.
Brooker T Washington not Kayne.
Make Blacks Negros Again!
If we all went back to the 1950's it would just be paradise.
"It's not consistent with feeling vulnerable and afraid, unless they are also delusional and think police will always instantly appear and save them from the conflict they create."
Scared White Women...calling the cops on whales...
I have to disagree with you, this is perfectly consistent behavior when you are afraid and you trust the "system" will protect you, because it has always protected you.
there's a strong possibility that she was initially flirting with the handsome young black man and the fob questioning was just a means of getting a conversation started.
HA! The woman's ex-husband is Black!
So, she is diverse. I wonder how she would treat a white Hispanic man in the same situation.
It would not surprise me to discover that Hilary Brooke Mueller is a registered Democrat, and thinks of herself as not at all racist. I've known too many women like her in the Washington, DC, metro area -- lecture me about the need to buy American while they're driving Volvos and Infinitis, lecturing me about how illegal aliens pay taxes while they quietly avoid paying the taxes they themselves owe on their Hispanic maid and nanny.
Drago said...
"I once had to fight a 300lbs guy (actually twice) and neither time did I have an opportunity to question why this was happening."
I was ducking bullets at lunch time in Jr. High. I was stabbed in the back, in what would now be called a gang fight, later in my teens. On the other hand, I once pulled a guy's eye out, in my Punk days. The last guy I fought, around 2015, almost lost his life.
Now I leave people alone and want to be left alone. I think it's for the best.
Remember: where I come from, they shoot you for "disrespecting" footwear.
"Sooner or later YOU are going to be the target of one of those people "hanging around".
-- Most of them are a third or fourth person on a lease who shouldn't be on it so they don't have a key, or someone visiting waiting. But, I don't want to have to play "is this person a criminal or a legitimate resident" roulette.
It's not consistent with feeling vulnerable and afraid, unless they are also delusional and think police will always instantly appear and save them from the conflict they create.
What is your point? Clearly white (Indian and Korean) women CLEARLY are that delusional.
They start confrontations with violent undertones from the women, and excuse their actions LATER as 'Oh...lawdy lawdy...I was afraid for my LIFE Officer!'
We had that Indian Doctor. We had that Reporter in Philly. We had that video of those three drunken Brits trying to muscle through a doorman in London. We have this woman.
Because people SIMILAR in philosophy to Althouse, with that 'believe all women' swill, give them a lot of moral cover. And I'm pretty sick of it.
Women who behave horribly, ala this woman, Ford and those other accusers, Jackie, Mattress Girl, and Chocolate Fudge or whatever that Duke stripper was named, all think they can get away with this and many Lefty women cover for them! (Althouse is on the correct side of the issue, where she wasn't a couple weeks ago)
Same with Black people protecting and making a martyr for some guy sticking a gun in someone else's face who gets shot. No, he was a CROOK! He took that risk upon himself.
Yet if this woman got knocked on her ass, why do I think that the vast majority of Althouses former co-workers would rail against the violence of men instead of the stupidity of THIS woman?
Drago said...
"I do kind of like the thought-experiment that I think Crack mentioned upthread: what would teh reaction be if a black chick was confronting the black dude."
Unless it's Candace Owens, I can't see most black women caring what another black person does. We aren't all Jesse Jackson at the ATM.
"For that matter, how might the black dude have reacted differently?"
He probably would've been less likely to film it.
"It doesn't really matter anyway of course since both the woman and the dude are now both Native American."
If you guys were serious - and not just dumb ideologues - it would make you a lot more likable.
"And no, I don't care if my calling out Warren for her nonsense is upsetting to LLR Chuck or not!"
Which makes you different from liberals, how, again?
We have to realize that there is a black middle class and we need to learn how to recognize its members, even when they wear hoodies. She probably got fired because management recognized that she was unable to process the situations she would find herself in at a company with a lot of middle class blacks.
And, as Althouse says, the woman's behavior was truly strange. You don't follow people around if you think they are dangerous. Or if you think they are neighbors. And if they start filming you, and you keep on insulting them, that is the stupidest move of all.
Matthew Sablan said...
(I firmly believe something like 40%-60% of these sorts of small scale one-on-one fights could be solved by saying 'I'm sorry' or 'You're right.')
Did any of you see the gay Trump supporter who got fired for harassing a black Lyft driver?
The black guy's racist because this kind of thing happened to him.
Anyway, I'd like to suggest that the man could have allied with the woman and made safety a shared concern. Instead of going hostile, but photographing her and putting it up on line, where it hurt her tremendously, he could have gone to a higher ground. Realizing that women do feel physically vulnerable and hope their building is safe, he could have said, when she called it "her building," "It's my building too, and I want to feel safe here too. We both do. We should both care about whether we both are safe and feel safe. I'm a black man, and I suffer thinking you're suspicious of me because of that but I also understand that women worry about whether they're safe. We both want the same thing, and I want to help you feel safer."
If women want empathy, they need to display empathy.
1st world problems. The tedious, it hurts.
'Did you let so and so into the building? No? oh my stars, I didn't even know he lived here. Where am I, under a rock? I guess I'm so focused on fifi taking a crap out front, I never noticed the hot guy in 402. Now, I'm out of work. Dang, I screwed up my whole life over the guy in 402.'
The new racial fissure:
-white women and black men.
There is this quote by Kissinger that I feel a certain karmic kinship too. And I feel pretty bad by thinking it, but having been castigated by both for forever, it's almost unavoidable.
Crack: "Which makes you different from liberals, how, again?"
Oh, not at all. Plus we all look alike. You know, typical white people.
Distinct in all of human history as the worst sorts and all those horrific traits are passed along genetically has you've been at pains to point out.
You'll go far. And so will anyone who listens to you.
Why women?
Jordan Peterson talked about this once. He said that when men disagree, there is always the underlying potential for the matter to become violent -- and that this potential causes men to develop general protocols to keep arguments from becoming violent, at least in most cases.
But he asked -- how can I argue with a woman? There is no way for a rational man to react when a woman ups the ante in ways that men typically do not. Honorable men don't hit other men, and they sure don't want to slug women.
Traditionally women may have been more accommodating -- too deferential, perhaps, according to current feminist thinking. There seem to be more angry women now (don't ask me why), and they begin shouting and screaming and filing police reports in situations where such would have been unthinkable before.
Several years ago one of these women convinced herself that our 10-year-old son was menacing her eight-year-old daughter (it was the other way around; the girl had a crush on him and had been pestering him for months). The mom phoned me up and SCREAMED at me so loudly that my husband could hear her up on the next floor. There was no dealing with her, so our husbands traded manly barbs for a while, and I explained the matter, in detail, to the squishy school principal and another administrator who tried to placate her until her irrational rage had spent itself.
I learned later that this is her usual MO. She probably gets what she wants more often than she should because, again, there are no understood norms for fighting with women who are willing to dial the hostility up to 11.
Crack: "If you guys were serious - and not just dumb ideologues - it would make you a lot more likable"
I didn't establish the 1/1024ths rule.
wildswan said...
"We have to realize that there is a black middle class and we need to learn how to recognize its members, even when they wear hoodies."
No, you need to learn to LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE. Poor people have a right to live unmolested. Mind your own business.
"She probably got fired because management recognized that she was unable to process the situations she would find herself in at a company with a lot of middle class blacks."
And then there's the black dude who just got killed in his own apartment - by a white woman - and another one who called the cops because,...have we covered whites using the police as a weapon yet? That happens, too, y'know.
"And, as Althouse says, the woman's behavior was truly strange."
"You don't follow people around if you think they are dangerous."
I know I don't.
"Or if you think they are neighbors. And if they start filming you, and you keep on insulting them, that is the stupidest move of all."
White people have been doing so much y'all aren't aware of, and blacks are almost exhausted talking about, it's a wonder this place produces any trust, anywhere, at all.
Just leave people alone.
Why the pick up of these type stories?
Safe target.
Why ignore black on white crime? Politically incorrect.
White girls bleed a lot.
Book also available through the Althouse portal
An ex employee of mine in dc got mugged by some teenage girls, and required reconstruction surgery, due to her head injuries. And still has nasal injuries.
What an amazing thread! A person almost needs to keep a scorecard to follow it.
@Dave - Men aren’t allowed to be angry in public anymore. You fucked up. My advice - find a sympathetic psychologist to explain your condition and apologize profusely.
@Crack - I enjoy leaving strangers alone, until they start fucking with me. I’m in your camp entirely. I would be delighted to have you as a neighbor.
@everyone - delusional white women! They are a hazard !
I was in a foreign country and this lady had a ATM card. She was from NE India, and so had no Hindi and very little English literacy...I think.
But she had the PIN number. So then proceeded to empty that account, which I found a bit odd.
So did I just help a pick pocket or some lady who left a drugged man in a bedroom somewhere?
Another time, I saw this man who had an ATM card with the magnetic stipe clearly taped on to the bottom. The ATM was having a lot of trouble reading it, and I confronted him about maybe having a fake card. He starts yelling at me about false accusations.
It appears this was his FIRST bank card and he was trying to keep it for sentimental reasons.
Since I am a white man, and not a white woman, I apologized, surreptitiously checked the card to see it WAS that old, and wished him a good day with no hard feelings.
Because I'm a fucking adult and can face the prospect that I might be wrong about something.
And a little something about giving someone the benefit of the doubt and the ugly perniciousness of totally unfounded accusations.
Except unlike Ford with the persuasive husband, I DID have some foundation: a very strange looking card.
So was I a fool twice? Once? Neither?
I don't know but this woman made a Federal case out of something that could have been cleared up MUCH more easily. "What is your apartment number?"
BAM, spot check. Not fool proof but far less confrontational than this.
In a self-assessment of my flirting theory I have to admit that my understanding of the inner workings of the mind of a chubby blonde city-girl with a black fetish is roughly on a par with Althouse's understanding of the inner workings of the mind of an MLB second baseman.
Professor Althouse,
There was a widely-noticed tweet that happened this morning that you haven't yet commented on.
It seems that you are beating around the haystack, as it were.
Of course, I understand that it IS your blog, and you get the final yea or neigh on what gets published on it.
Nor would I want to saddle you with this responsibility. You have a stable output as it is. I don't want to stirrup anything.
Yet I think it is a topic that we, as commenters, must eventually face. In Twitter, it seems to be the mane subject of conversation.
I stayed at a friend's isolated cabin in Oregon once, and he went to run an errand. I got up and made coffee, got online, normal shit.
He comes home and his neighbor - who lives far away down a hill - comes up all flustered and wants to know if my friend is aware a black guy was in his place earlier. Said he almost shot him.
That's when I walked out and introduced myself.
I think whites can be called "colored" at moments like that.
My company routinely sends out emails warning us to watch out for tailgaters and to check IDs if someone is following you. I've been asked by coworkers to show my ID. It can be a pain, but it's the right thing to do. Of course now that I'm as black as Warren is Indian, I guess I should get angry.
I don't think the lady in the video did anything wrong. I can see why the black guy sees it as a racial thing, but he could have defused the situation by simply swiping his fob.
Thank goodness the neighbor did not make a hasty, spur-of-the-moment decision.
Had he not reined in his impulses, it could have turned out very badly indeed!
Barbecuing While Black.
Oakland. Public park. Black group bbq-ing. White woman comes out of her apartment and tells them they can't bbq there. They ignore. She calls cops. News stories & editorials: Racism! Privilege! Fear of a Black Planet! etc. She's vilified. Pictures of her, etc.
What news outlets didn't report: The park has a designated space for bbq-ing. The group was not in it. So the white woman was nothing more than your typical neighborhood PITA. A crime in itself for sure - but no matter - Racism!
FullMoon said...
"Don't forget the nail in a board in your back when you were three years old."
No, that was around the age of 10, and my Foster Mother hit me with it. She also was good with throwing dirt clots at your ankles.
I had a foster brother who was fond of heating metal chains over the stove and then dropping them on people's backs. A real sadist.
You guys tease me but you've lived lives of luxury.
It is all about how you present yourself.
Nobody has a problem with Amos. Or Andy for that matter.
Crack: "I think whites can be called "colored" at moments like that."
I think I remember that incident.
The neighbor put a call out on the All Whitey Net and we all discussed what he should do next. I think the final vote over whether or not to shoot Crack was 122,500,038 for and 122,500,247 against.
So, you know, it was a close one.
As usual similar themes have been foretold on Seinfeld. Jerry wouldn't let Phil into the building because he did not recognize him. Episode: The Strongbox.
Shorter Crack: I understand every single thing about every single one of you and you are all easily classified and grouped together but none of you know the first thing about me and I am a unique little unicorn.
Cameron, 1:45:
I'm way late to this, but I was interested in your first comment and the resulting discussion.
"the threat that it might is always there. In my case the percentage is even lower precisely because I don't mouth off to guys who bump me when they run through the airport."
The part I found most interesting about your airport diplomacy was this:
"I think I heard you say excuse me, but it was after you were past."
Subtle, but key: Giving the guy a face-saving exit. Well played.
Ray - SoCal said...
"White girls bleed a lot."
White people have a 400 year head-start on dispensing almost unimaginable maliciousness in this country, but act like A) any black expression of disgust, etc. is just "racism" and not in the least comprehendible or deserved, and B) their own innocence in the face of our brutality is a true expression of what's going on here.
Both ideas are poisonous.
Crack: "White people have a 400 year head-start on dispensing almost unimaginable maliciousness in this country..."
This is one of those times when your historical ignorance is most profoundly exposed.
Can we please have a moratorium on the phrase “white women”?
Drago said...
"The neighbor put a call out on the All Whitey Net and we all discussed what he should do next. I think the final vote over whether or not to shoot Crack was 122,500,038 for and 122,500,247 against.
So, you know, it was a close one."
I stayed with that friend for a while. Saw one other black guy the whole time I was up there.
And they're still scared.
Drago said...
"Shorter Crack: I understand every single thing about every single one of you and you are all easily classified and grouped together but none of you know the first thing about me and I am a unique little unicorn."
Shorter Drago: wisdom is a myth.
Crack: "Shorter Drago: wisdom is a myth."
Shorter Crack: I am as a God amongst mortals...but no one sees it.
Drago said...
"This is one of those times when your historical ignorance is most profoundly exposed."
That's why Thomas Jefferson was moaning at night, right? Because whites were so kind to us?
Sorry! I saw you addressed the infamous tweet as an update, several posts below.
However, I still think it Mare-its a separate post.
Crack: "That's why Thomas Jefferson was moaning at night, right? Because whites were so kind to us?"
There's that profound ignorance again.
What else was going on in North America in those days?
Drago said...
Crack: "Shorter Drago: wisdom is a myth."
Shorter Crack: I am as a God amongst mortals...but no one sees it.
Drago, you're not a person.
Good point on society not knowing how to deal with a lady that ramps it up to 11.
Especially if a minority does this to a White.
Ann posted, proudly, about chasing a guy in a wheel chair she whose behavior she objected to. She accosted him, followed him, talked to him, questioned him. Isn’t this woman doing pretty much the same thing?
Drago leave Crack alone. The guy is a treasure. He is endlessly entertaining.
The Slappy White of the Althouse blog.
Plus you have to have some sympathy for a poor guy who was so sexually inadequte that his wife had to turn to a new age beta to get off.
Imagine going from Urkel to Deprak Chopra,
It's no wonder that the guy is all fucked up.
Rick: "The takeaway here is that Crack thinks there are 400 year old white people in this country even as he rants about other people believing in mysticism nonsense."
What you need to remember is Crack thinks he is building a case for everyone to fork over cash to him.
In the end, this is nothing more than a street corner hustle towards a shakedown payoff.
Though I wish Crack would hit big time success somewhere out there to help relieve his immediate cash flow problems so we wouldn't have to continuously assume responsibility for his lack of success.
Crack: "Drago, you're not a person."
That's usually where the lefties and the race-baiters go.
langford peel said...
"Plus you have to have some smypathy for a poor guy who was so sexually inadequte that his wife had to turn to a new age bata to get off."
Between examples like this, and the demons who, say, demand Melania leave her husband, etc., why would anyone think I'd find either party attractive to join?
Anyone who says it's liberals, who know no bottom, are fooling themselves.
"That's why Thomas Jefferson was moaning at night, right? Because whites were so kind to us?"
He was moaning because he was fucking his black slave. Your typical Democrat.
Drago said...
"In the end, this is nothing more than a street corner hustle towards a shakedown payoff."
Again: There is absolutely no reason, for any black person to drop their guard, living with such as this.
I'm gone - Enjoy the madness: you deserve it.
lp: "He was moaning because he was fucking his black slave. Your typical Democrat."
Actually we don't know that.
All we know is that the descendants of Sally Hemings carry a marker that was carried by Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson's brother and Thomas Jefferson's father.
What we do know is the descendants of Sally Hemings are indeed Jefferson family members. We just know which Jefferson male was the patriarch of that line.
You should have your own party Crack.
Separate but equal.
Let's call it the Do-nothing Party.
That's the ticket.
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