September 5, 2018

The NYT versus Trump.

Here's a link to the NYT front page in case you want to click on any of these links:

From the anonymous op-ed, "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration/I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.":
Meetings with him veer off topic and off the rails, he engages in repetitive rants, and his impulsiveness results in half-baked, ill-informed and occasionally reckless decisions that have to be walked back....

The erratic behavior would be more concerning if it weren’t for unsung heroes in and around the White House.... It may be cold comfort in this chaotic era, but Americans should know that there are adults in the room. We fully recognize what is happening. And we are trying to do what’s right even when Donald Trump won’t....
Unsung heroes? This person is singing about his own heroism. We just don't know his/her name, because he/she has got to stay hidden to continue sabotaging the work of the President the deplorables elected.


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n.n said...
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n.n said...

There is no plausible reason to concentrate our federal government in DC with today's communication networks. In fact, it is arguably a security risk.

Yes, the seat of government should be diversified, geography, not color. A vaccine of sorts. Part of a spatial risk management protocol.

Yancey Ward said...

If this person really is a somebody, his identity will be revealed within a week. I predict, though, it will turn out to be someone none of us have ever heard of- probably a speechwriter or aide to a cabinet member.

n.n said...

NYT is the Anti-enema. Antima.

Francisco D said...

"Inga denies the existence of entrenched bureaucracy?"

Inga is the perfect Democrat.

She denies the existence of anything that does not fit her internal narrative and believes in anything that does.

She and her fellow travelers allow the Democrats to be unhinged because they know that the "base" is intellectually and emotionally unable to abandon them - sort of like a chronically abused spouse.

Bay Area Guy said...

Who cares about the opinions of this anonymous loser in the White House? Has anyone voted for him for office?

chickelit said...

@n.n.: The NYT is an imodicum of truth?

Freeman Hunt said...

Papers used to have gossip columns, didn't they? Should have brought that back for a day and put it there.

eddie willers said...

Only skimmed the thread and I am sure somebody had to make the observation that if Mueller had the goods, this wouldn't be happening.

Ray - SoCal said...

Can writing patterns be used to figure out who this is?

narciso said...

Forget the quarantined plane in New York on this:

Darrell said...

The hacked original letter had seven references to white people smelling like wet dogs and the line "Although not a high-ranking Administration official..."

The author is one step closer to being identified.

chickelit said...

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration/I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.

I suspect that the author is sitting to thwart history, yelling Stop!

glenn said...

Once again the first comment from a blog post about the McCain funeral. I went back to find it and couldn’t, outherwise I would happily give the writer credit. He did a better job than I ever could of explaining why us deplorables are p***ed

“The people in that cathedral gave us $20T in debt, $800B trade deficits, 9/11, repeated wars in foreign lands, the hollowing out of our industrial base, disrespect for our institutions, disrespect for us as a people, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, a foreign invasion never before seen in our history and racial tensions as bad as they have been in a long time. Screw em.”

Jon Ericson said...

Fellow Patriots:
What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5.
Stay the course and trust the plan.
Protective measures are in place.
Remain BRAVE.
We knew this day would come.
United We Stand (WW).
Conspiracy no more.

Jon Ericson said...

Doe, a deer, a female deer

The Crack Emcee said...

Freeman Hunt said...

"Journalism has cratered. It's a bit depressing, but the plus is that a person needs to read much less of the news because it's so worthless."

I repeat: my TV stays on, but, the sound stays DOWN.

Ann said...

"Unsung heroes? This person is singing about his own heroism."

That's typical NewAge narcissism at work. Who appointed Deepak Chopra a "thought leader"? Deepak Chopra. They're also big on making problems, so they can solve them.

I hate those guys.

The Crack Emcee said...

If I'm right, and the Democrats ARE now a cult, they're basically announcing their NewAgers have infiltrated the White House - just as Scientology once infiltrated the IRS - who else would announce it, domestically, but a cult?

We may have some diffi-cult days ahead....

Bruce Hayden said...

I expect worse, since we are now in the election stretch, with two months to go. And the Russian collaboration story is blowing up in the Dems and MSM (redundant) faces. Turns out the Russian collaboration was with the Crooked Hillary campaign and the DoJ/FBI, and the Russian oligarch involved has ties to Comey, Mueller, and his lead prosecutor, Andrew Weissman. And Weismann was apparently working with Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele before the election, apparently at the behest of his former boss, ADAG Bruce Ohr. Which is to say that the Mueller prosecution team very much appears to have been put together not by Mueller, but by the same cabal that created the Trump/Russian collusion hoax in the first place as part of their "insurance policy". Which is to say that the Mueller investigation was spun off of the Trump/Russian hoax and Crooked Hillary email cover up, when the Trump Administration was finally able to start gaining control of the DoJ and FBI from the Obama Administration and the Deep Staters running it before. We pretty much know that thi was going on, esp with the Strzok/Page text messages a year ago, but was all but confirmed last week with the Testimony of Bruce Ohr last week before several House committees.

Meanwhile we learn that the real threat was from the Chinese, and not the Russians, a reality that has been studiously ignored by the Dems and the MSM (again redundant). A senior staffer to Sen Dianne Feinstein for a decade turns out to have been a ChiCom spy, and it appears that Crooked Hillary's illegal server had a virus installed from the very first that sent every email of hers apparently to the Chinese. Trump would have done better joking about asking the Chinese (and not the Russians) for the 30k missing emails of hers, that were never turned over to the FBI, because the Chinese appear to have every one of her emails, from before she became Sec of State, to after she left office, and her server was shut down (plus those of her staff, such as Huma Abedelin who also had accounts there). Also ignored is that the head of security for the Senate Intelligence committee, James Wolfe, had been leaking classified information for an extended period of time, and had traded such for sex with a female reporter - including what appears to have been an unredacted 4th Carter Page FISA application (possibly doctored with a fake date used to catch him leaking).

As noted by others, it is looking probable that Trump is going to declassify the FISA Warrant applications, to see what the NYT saw almost a year ago with the Wolfe leak of the warrant application to their reporter. And I fully expect that we will see that the Clinton financed Steele Dossier was the major source for it, that the FBI and DoJ massively lied by omission in the application about its provenance, and about the relationship between Page and the FBI, etc, and that the bulk of the redactions were to protect the guilty at the DoJ and FBI, having nothing to do with sources, methods, etc (more akin to the redaction of McCabe spending $70k for a conference room table, around which they plotted their "insurance policy"). All in time for the 2018 elections. And bolstering that, the OIG should be dropping their FISA abuse report soon - my memory is that it was supposed to have been out before the end of August.

readering said...

Is there an aluminium foil shortage?

Bruce Hayden said...

"If I'm right, and the Democrats ARE now a cult, they're basically announcing their NewAgers have infiltrated the White House - just as Scientology once infiltrated the IRS - who else would announce it, domestically, but a cult? "

Normally, I think that you are somewhat of a conspiracy theorist, like a friend of mine who sends me Q posts most every day (today's involved Lindsay Graham's discussion with Judge Kavenaugh about being able to arrest citizens who conspire with the enemy, and the supposed 40,000 sealed warrants we have been waiting for for months). But I don't like or trust the Scientologists any more than you do. My favorite story is that they sued the Cult Awareness Network out of existence, netting their 800 numbers as a significant portion of their damages. Thence, for awhile, when people would call those 800 numbers to complain about some cult or another, the Scientologists answering the phones would try to convince them to join. Nearing 25 years ago, I worked against them for a bit, when they were running around the country suing people for copyright infringement who were disclosing their secret scriptures (which obviously were written by a bad science fiction writer). The problem though was that before serving their Sumons and Complaints on these companies, they were executing ex parte writs of search and seizure for the defendants' hard drives. Most of the judges involved were fairly computer illiterate, so granted writs that were too broad, but even when not too broad, the Scientologists' attorneys greatly exceeded their limits to little cost to them. What they were really looking for were emails and address books so that they could further their jihad against former members involved in trying to out the cult, which was well beyond looking for copyrighted sacred scriptures.

But I am not convinced that voting Democratic is the same thing.

Ralph L said...

He would do well to break up D.C. and move it piece meal out into the nation.

Robert Byrd moved a fair amount to WV.

gadfly said...

So Bob Woodward brought down Tricky Dick with the help of "Deep Throat." Now he has enlisted a cabinet member who we shall call "Deep Shit." The plan will likely involve a gathering of the conspirators visiting with Bobby Three Stripes to get the Special Counsel team to activate the New York State Criminal Conspiracy Law - an offshoot of the Federal RICO Act.

Any New York prosecutor can drop this bomb just because they can act without the bureaucracy that Federal prosecutors might encounter. Using NY State RICO investigators, supported by Mueller's experts, will effectively declare "No Trump" on this deal in order to bring the Trump/Kushner organization down while rendering The Don powerless as a sitting president.

Unknown said...

> So I think the person was brave, like the underground French resistance of WW2.

Like Colin K, he gave up *everything* for what he believed in.

Just like Batman flying off with a nuclear bomb in that last "good" movie.

The NYT is backing up Woody's book...

This is the timed work of narrative engineers.

Journo-listers are a "making a wave" in the crowd.

Unknown said...

Not everything, not yet

K has nothing

but a big pile of Nike money
a line of clothing
a collusion lawsuit against the league
Magazine covers and tv time

for all he has given up as a 3rd string injured list QB.

Millennials should be called

"Generation Fake"

Ralph L said...

I just love this Kaepernick video, particularly the unguarded receiver at the bottom doing Jazz hands and then Yosemite Sam.

rehajm said...
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rehajm said...

Talk about pretzel logic- this anonymous source doesn’t reveal their identity for fear of losing their job in a full employment economy. This precious job where the boss is crazy and you have to do all his work for him

Matt Sablan said...

This is ridiculous. Any Republican President that doesn't completely clear out every employee they can when elected from here on out is just begging to be #Resistanced.

tim in vermont said...

That video gives me an idea for a new Nike slogan: "Just Blew It."

tim in vermont said...

Didn't read the thread, so sorry if this has been cited already.

It concedes Trump's accomplishments are big. Early in the piece, the author admits that the Trump administration has had significant success on the issues most important to American voters. "Many of [the administration's] policies have already made America safer and more prosperous," he writes. Later, he makes a list: "effective deregulation, historic tax reform, a more robust military and more." Perhaps the author doesn't see it that way, but peace and prosperity are any president's two most important accomplishments. . - Bryan York

tim in vermont said...

My favorite line is that there is no "deep state" only a "steady state" that resists democratically elected presidents and is not accountable to voters. I wouldn't give a nickel for the difference.

Jess said...

I'm amazed the NYT would print a "editorial" by someone admitting to the crime of sedition. Maybe they're involved with the sedition, and really don't have a clue of the serious nature of trying to overthrow a President by ignoring the rule of law.

It's a good headline, and it might yield a few extra bucks, but I doubt it pays for the attorneys, after the criminal investigation starts.

MayBee said...

Imagine this being written by an Obama official.

Michael K said...

gadfly is having another seizure. Will someone get the Thorazine syringe ?

gadfly said...

Althouse wrote the following about a conspiracy theory at 6:33 AM CDT:

... I would think that there is no real person behind the famous anonymous op-ed. I'd think it was a concocted composite based on the Woodward book and motivated by the Woodward book. Look how that little thrown together collection of paragraphs is now drawing more attention than the book Woodward labored over, which dominated headlines on Tuesday. Wednesday, this column comes out. What is in the column that couldn't have been extracted from the book and worked up into an op-ed purporting to be from a senior official in the White House?

I wrote my theory involving Bob Woodard at 3:54 AM CDT:

So Bob Woodward brought down Tricky Dick with the help of "Deep Throat." Now he has enlisted a cabinet member who we shall call "Deep Shit." The plan will likely involve a gathering of the conspirators visiting with Bobby Three Stripes to get the Special Counsel team to activate the New York State Criminal Conspiracy Law - an offshoot of the Federal RICO Act...

@Michael K attacked me...
gadfly is having another seizure. Will someone get the Thorazine syringe ?

But I see no criticism of our hostess, Michael??

Birkel said...


Trump is POTUS.

Drago said...

The best days are when our very own Poor Man's LLR Chuck, gadfly, suddenly appears!

Hilarity always ensues!! And yet, even the hilarity cannot drive additional traffic to gadfly's very sad little blog.

Unknown said...

Could someone explain to me why Trump's order to kill Bashar Al-Assad would be a bad thing? He is an evil little shit and deserves to die.

chickelit said...

@unknown: Do the aftermath.

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