Tweeted Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-4) after 6 of his siblings made an ad endorsing his opponent.
Here's the ad:
Here's a WaPo article with more details:
In January, he drew bipartisan rebukes after he said he asked the Capitol Police and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to check IDs at the State of the Union to arrest and deport any undocumented immigrants in attendance...There are 3 more siblings who didn't appear in the ad. The parents support Paul. Paul is quoted: “To the six angry Democrat Gosars—see you at Mom and Dad’s house!”
The next month, Gosar said FBI and Department of Justice officials such as Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, former acting attorney general Sally Yates and former FBI director James B. Comey should face “treason” charges because of developments in the Russia investigation. In the summer, he spoke at a rally in London for one of Britain’s most notorious anti-Muslim campaigners, Tommy Robinson, drawing rebukes from Muslim American groups.
But perhaps his most notorious moment came in 2017 in an interview with Vice News, when he spread a baseless conspiracy theory that the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville that summer had been “created by the left.” He also brought up the common right-wing falsehood that the liberal philanthropist and financier George Soros, who survived the Holocaust, had collaborated with Nazis.
I think some of my lefty relatives would do the same if I ran for office.
What crazy relatives. I wonder what that family is all about!
I've disagreed with siblings on politics, but if they ran for office I'd support them 100 percent.
I'd support my brother and sister over the freaking Republicans, and they'd do the same.
I thought his response was pretty funny.
One of the heroes of the Soviet Union was a little kid who ratted out his "Counter-revolutionary" parents, and got them packed off to the Gulag.
He got a medal, and a love note from the fearless leader.
It's sad really.
I've never regarded politics as so important as to let it divide a family. Until this absurd "culture war" got underway, I don't think it did.
In my life, I've had personal friends from all across the political spectrum, from hard left to libertarian right. We disagreed sharply about political issues. But none of us considered ourselves to be defined by our political views.
Point of order: Soros *did* collaborate with Nazis. He admitted it on video, 60 Minutes no less.
The Soros collaboration thing is not a falsehood. He has addressed it himself, on the record, and has no regrets about helping the Nazis seize property from Jews.
BTW, thinking that the Neo-nazi's who showed up at Charlottsville, were Left-wing provocateurs, isn't "crazy".
You'll be amazed at how many KKK leaders and members later turn out to be FBI agents or Leftists who wanted to spy, infiltrate, and wreak havoc on a hate group.
Heck, look at how many "conservative" writers later turn out to liberals.
See for example; Gary Wills, David Brock, and Jennifer Rubin.
The thing with Soros and Nazis has been proved a million times.
Why are people still bringing it up?
It doesn't make Soros a Nazi - LOL!
This ad is perfect Leftism: it's disrespectful of family, it thinks rural = poor, and it's so busy telling us what we want that it never listens to our actual desires.
Our district cares about 3 things: military, farming, and recreation. Gosar is the most satisfying Rep I've ever had. My only regret is he's rumored to want McCain's senate seat and I'll lose him as my Congressman.
My family back in Wisconsin as well as friends’ families was/were terribly divided over the Walker recall and subsequent elections. Some these wounds are still fresh.
“Thou shalt not speak Ill of George Soros” is the clincher. Other commenters have already pointed out that Soros did indeed collude with the local Nazis — albeit at a very young age. He may have been even younger than Kavanaugh was.
I shall rely on the folks fro AZ to tell me how this race is polling.
@Kate: How is he doing in polls?
Gosar is my Congressman and I will be voting for him.
I just followed Gosar on Twitter. I see that he also tweeted a link to AC/DC’s “Problem Child.”
I live in a Hispanic majority district and it is a RED district. My Hispanic neighbors are Trump supporters. Take that, Leftist assholes!
They're disloyal, like all Democrats.
Is the article right about Soros? I thought his collaboration was established. Anyone know for sure?
The main organizer of the Charlottesville rally is a Leftist. A socialist.
Daring to say truthful things is a revolutionary act.
I see several posters have answered about Soros. So whatever else, we know the article is a lie.
Democrats have no family.
I have a couple of Democrat kids. One got nasty at at imagined insult to his lefty wife over the 2012 election.
He has since come back.
Since I am unlikely to run for office, I will not test the theory.
My only regret is he's rumored to want McCain's senate seat and I'll lose him as my Congressman.
I feel the same way about McSally. She will make a good Senator but I worry if Lea can hold the seat in AZ CD2.
I’m now thankful for the dysfunctional Thanksgiving I have...
These political ads feel so antiquated. Who do they still work on? Those people getting rides to the polls?
rcocean said...
One of the heroes of the Soviet Union was a little kid who ratted out his "Counter-revolutionary" parents, and got them packed off to the Gulag.
His name was Pavlik Morozov, or Pavka Morozov. More can be found on the net.
My Spidey sense is tingling now that wapo has called it a baseless conspiracy theory.
he spread a baseless conspiracy theory that the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville that summer had been “created by the left.”
I've been listening to "The Coddling of the American Mind" driving over to OC and was disappointed to get the standard leftist version of Charlottesville.
The Mayor ordered the police to step down and let the two groups mingle. Violence followed.
Trump's reference to "good people on both sides" referred to the people opposed to removing the Lee statue, not the minuscule "white supremacy" group, plus he repeated the slander that They were chanting "Jews will not replace us." They were chanting YOU will not replace us" as a white man demonstration.
For the left, politics has trumped family since 1789. Destroying families has been commie MO for more than a century..
So far, the American left has not seized enough power to follow the example of Stalin and Mao. But their instincts are the same: they have the absolute belief in their own rightness, they place politics above everything, and they would willingly sacrifice their blood relations.
I've disagreed with siblings on politics, but if they ran for office I'd support them 100 percent.
I don't know if I could do that (I have a pussy-hat marching sister, for example), but I certainly wouldn't make an ad against them like this one. This ad amounts to saying "We are a screwed up and dysfunctional family."
Yet another sign of an impending civil war. Keep going the way you're going, and you'll wind up where you're headed.
"Take that, Leftist assholes!"
Yeah, and I think they're evil.
I see several posters have answered about Soros. So whatever else, we know the article is a lie.
Our son and wife are rabid dems. They have been told they are only welcome if they can control their mouths. We have not seen them since. They have comlpletely list their minds and I have no trouble banning them.
In the United States, speaking your mind may mean being isolated and rejected as a “psychopath" by your family. But in China things were much, much worse. During the Cultural Revolution, family members would report each other for independent or dissident opinions. China's gangster regime would then kill these people. Sad! We don't do that.
Michael K said...
The Mayor ordered the police to step down and let the two groups mingle. Violence followed.
It goes deeper than that. There was a heavy Va State Police presence there that day that stood down as well. McAuliffe had to have been behind that.
["Take that, Leftist assholes!"
Yeah, and I think they're evil.]
Takes one to know one.
Anyone who can make the Hate Trump for being America's President types that bitter and angry simply by speaking out some obvious facts is a friend of mine.
If they don't like his politics, fine, don't vote for him. But to publicly endorse his opponent is just appalling. But not nearly as surprising as it should be.
What kind of blood thinners are those siblings on?
@Mike K,
You're rampant trolling is out of control. You've lost touch with reality. Your comments are pure gibberish and piggishness. Get help before you hurt someone or yourself! You need to be disarmed by force if necessary. You are mere rubbish who is addicted to licorice. Put the Ouzo down, Mike. That's an order.
“ You are mere rubbish who is addicted to licorice. Put the Ouzo down, Mike. That's an order.”
Don’t be such an anethole, Strumpit.
Maybe the ad is actually a clever way to help his candidacy. Because that is the likely result. Especially with his wonderful responses.
Well my sister got a lot of awards teaching elementary school, but I don’t think she’d make a very effective Congress person. And she knows my own flaws and weaknesses better than anyone but my wife, so I doubt she’d be enthusiastic about any candidacy on my part. Thus it goes even in families more close-knit than Gosar’s.
Spiros Pappas reminds us: In the United States, speaking your mind may mean being isolated and rejected as a “psychopath" by your family. But in China things were much, much worse. During the Cultural Revolution, family members would report each other for independent or dissident opinions. China's gangster regime would then kill these people. Sad! We don't do that.
Sadly, they are doing it again: China's Social Scorecards
He also brought up the common right-wing falsehood that the liberal philanthropist and financier George Soros, who survived the Holocaust, had collaborated with Nazis.
Layers and layers of facts checkers all let this through. He did collaborate, although he was young and scared and forced / pressured. But the left refers to this as false because they wish it wasn't true.
Remember this when they lecture you next about nuance. When the left cannot explain the full fact pattern they simply call facts false if they might lead people to conclude anything contra the narrative. Also recall that this is WAPO, a paper the left believes is moderate left rather than loony left. All the left wing nuts think they are moderates.
Is this a straight article or is it from an opinion piece, because there sure is a lot of editorializing going on in it!
I am Pavel Morozov and I approve this message.
There is serious dysfunction in that family- they likely truly hate their brother and don't think of him as one. If it is only his politics that has caused them to turn on him this way, then they should be deeply ashamed. I have to believe there is more to it than that- that he has brought this on himself by attacking them, too.
No wonder his family hates him.
My two oldest sisters were pretty rabid Clinton supporters and life-long Democrats, but I would never once think of assisting a political opponent if either of them ran for office. It is literally unthinkable to me that one would.
“Democrats have no family.
I have a couple of Democrat kids. One got nasty at at imagined insult to his lefty wife over the 2012 election.”
So Democrats have no family? This is about the dumbest thing you’ve said here. My Democratic children are happily married and have given me 5 grandchildren.
Put the Ouzo down, Mike. That's an order.
What ? An order for Ouzo ?
You are fun to mock.
I didn't see from the article if there are other siblings, but apparently Paul was the only one who actually reached adulthood in the family.
I should have said the only one of the siblings who reached adulthood in the family.
The siblings seem like very intelligent and accomplished people. What their brother did is embarrassing.
Michael K presents as the last guy at the table in 12 Angry Men, ripping up the photo and muttering, these goddam .. democrat .. kids. Drooping over his ouzo, it's he who is without a family, abandoned by them, just like this deplorable congressman.
“Our district cares about 3 things: military, farming, and recreation. Gosar is the most satisfying Rep I've ever had. My only regret is he's rumored to want McCain's senate seat and I'll lose him as my Congressman.”
We also have god and guns. Took a handgun class today, taught by the local judge. And, yes, he is apparently armed on the bench. Six kids home schooled, youngest starting college, with two of the boys in the service doing “operator” stuff.
Principles or principals. Tough call.
It probably depends on what is at stake.
For example, civil unions for all consenting adults, or political congruence (Pro-Choice or "=") for couplets.
Emigration reform for the natives at both ends, immigration reform after Planned Parenthood, or immigration reform before Planned Parenthood.
Democracy, personal responsibility and capitalism, or monopolies, shared responsibility, and single-payer.
Human rights or abortion rites.
Conservation and development, or environmental arbitrage, obfuscation, and selective reduction.
Character judgments, judge people as individuals, or diversity, judge people by the color of their skin.
Civil rights or warlock hunts and trials.
I listened to it twice, and while I saw denunciations of their brother, I saw no charges upon which the denunciations might have been based. In other words, "HE'S BAD!" is the entirety of their argument so far. They come off looking like people who don't know what they're talking about.
Not very convincing, just cringe-worthy.
With kids home schooled, youngest starting college, with two of the boys in the service doing “operator” stuff.
Yeah, so what? My Democratic children just sent my oldest granddaughter off to college. My oldest daughter is a Chief in the Navy, she’s also a Democrat. You folks don’t control the market on family, kids, college or the military and certainly not decency.
It’s one thing to disagree with a sibling about politics. Even to the point of not voting for him. But to cut a commercial opposing him? That is vicious. It says more about them than about him.
“We also have god and guns.”
The two go together like peanut butter and jelly, eh?
... FBI and Department of Justice officials such as Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, former acting attorney general Sally Yates and former FBI director James B. Comey should face “treason” charges because of developments in the Russia investigation.
The context of the recent revelation about Rosenstein is that he seemed to be accommodating President Trump's decision to declassify information about the RussiaGate hoax.
The purpose of the revelation was to intimidate Rosenstein from accommodating such declassifications.
If Rosenstein were to continue to accommodate such declassifications, then more revelations about his own anti-Trump actions could happen -- and he knows they could happen.
“It says more about them than about him.”
It says they know their brother and they have enough principles to not help in foisting him on the public. Good for them.
My oldest daughter is a Chief in the Navy ...
She must be deeply humiliated by you.
“She must be deeply humiliated by you.”
No, she’s actually thanked me for all I did in raising her to be a strong decent woman. I’m sure your son who’s in prison had a few things to say about how he was raised.
Seems like some of the stuff from the O'Rourke v Cruz thingy is more interesting.
Beyond fun ads and debate clips, The Federalist has a POV:
Socially acceptible dog whistles include the questioning of any information that has not been pronounced in the Media as true so that "we've never heard of that". That makes the bearer of the new information a Conspiracy Theorist, and as such a shameful person to be shunned by the group that goes along with all Media narratives.
So only the bold dare discuss the real live conspiracies that have been revealed about our secret government programs since ca 1988. But be diplomatic around family. No one honors a prophet in his hometown. And if Jesus could not change that, neither can you.
Anyone who supported Hillary, in any way, should hang their head in shame.
Leftists don't know shame and have no idea why Stalin would be proud of them.
You folks don’t control the market on family, kids, college or the military and certainly not decency.
And you folks don't have a monopoly on virtue.
- Krumhorn
Michael K there was a supremacist march before Charlottesville by about a month. No violence, it came off without a hitch. No violence. No nothing. The trial of the driver who hit the woman. will reveal more.
Got two leftist friends who i gave the Rotherham scandal facts to who had never heard of it. Nice people, very ignorant, much like the trolls here. It may be stone ignorance. Like Inga and Trumpit. Stone ignorant.
This ad is an extreme example of the left’s intentional conflation of political difference as moral failure.
That family went public with such vacuous criticism insinuating some unsubstantiated moral failure on their brother’s part truly epitomizes betrayal.
It says they know their brother and they have enough principles to not help in foisting him on the public. Good for them.
LOL – yeah, they got principles. The principles of Pol Pot.
it's he who is without a family, abandoned by them, just like this deplorable congressman.
What rock did you crawl out from under ? I'm in CA to visit kids.
Royal ass Inga has dozens of fake children.
She has one for every occasion.
Therefore, she always has Absolute Moral Authority.
Just ask her.
"You folks don’t control the market on family, kids, college or the military and certainly not decency."
The bedpan commando blathers.
Apparently we control the market on intelligence. It's a slam dunk.
My family always had far more substantial matters than politics to argue about. Theyre actually reasonably functional family if their only differences are politics. No unpaid loans, no broken promises, no abandonment issues, no failure to thrive. What a happy family!.....I'm wrong about weighty matters at least half the time. I don't hold grudges against people who have come to different conclusions than me about most issues. I'd have lived through Hillary's presidency with no more than mild to moderate annoyance.
Yuck! Surely that ad will backfire. Appalling.
I didn't see from the article if there are other siblings,
I've read that he has three more siblings who support him, along with their parents. (big family these days)
What amuses me is that nobody is talking about those siblings. His brother Paul, one the siblings mentioned in the ad, was the Democratic candidate for Governor in Wyoming in 2016 and is the current chair of the Wyoming Democratic Party. I cannot imagine why that is not being mentioned at all.
His brother Paul... and is the current chair of the Wyoming Democratic Party.
WaPo participates in warlock hunts, collusion with the DNC, and is not above stoking division in families.
The parents and one child have been deemed unworthy, but they are armed (arms, legs, and head) and have a voice to protest. So, no summary judgments, and trial by press will not progress as Planned.
First response when I looked:
Are one of your siblings a copy editor or proofreader? Because you sure could have used one. I’m pretty sure there aren’t three “p”’s in “supporter”
He responded by noting her missing final period and wrong verb case at the beginning.
Both tweets seem to have been deleted.
I would never attack my siblings in public for their political views, now matter what the view.
This is the sort of thing that makes me think we may end up having a civil war. There are too many people, like this man's siblings, who have simply gone insane. Imagine what they'd be willing to do to someone who wasn't related.
WOW. Now that's low.
The Congressman never considered that he might lose family over political differences.
But it seems that his siblings ARE willing to lose family over political differences.
I hope he wins. And I hope he invites me to his family's Thanksgiving dinner afterwards just for the entertainment value.
Who knew that a differing view on abortion is sufficient to stab a family member in the back.
I hope these siblings friends, co-workers and spouses recall their sense of 'loyalty'.
JFC - will right-wing falsehoods never die?
"Though a GOP donor in the 1980s and 1990s, Soros has been the right’s most feared opponent since he spent more than $25 million to defeat George W. Bush in 2004, leading one conservative website to call him “a prolocutor in the congregation of Moloch.” Disgraced former House Speaker Dennis Hastert even alleged that Soros’s fortune came from financing drug cartels overseas. Since then, Soros has spent billions on (largely progressive) causes from Ebola prevention to opposing torture and protecting LGBTQ rights abroad, and has donated to Democratic Party causes like Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns."
"On the day World War II ended in Europe (May 9, 1945), Soros was 14 years old, too young to even hypothetically apply to join the SS (which had a minimum age of 17), and roughly 10 years younger than Groening, the actual, real-life Nazi.
And for another, Soros is Jewish.
So how did a Jewish child become an SS officer, or, at the very least, complicit in mass murder, in the eyes of conspiracy theorists and President Trump’s son?"
"The Nazi conspiracy theories about Soros have two main allegations. The first claim is that Soros helped to send other Hungarian Jews to their deaths in concentration camps (as Glenn Beck put it in 2010: “Here’s a Jewish boy helping send the Jews to the death camps.”) And second, Soros stole from Jews who had already been deported or killed, taking their property and valuables.
Both of these allegations are untrue. But they serve as evidence of just how misunderstood the true horrors of the Holocaust can be — often deliberately."
13-year-old George Soros worked for two days for a Jewish agency that sent messages to some families to report to authorities. When they reported they were deported to death camps. "My father said, “You should go ahead and deliver [the summonses], but tell the people that if they report they will be deported.”"
In order to save his life Soros' father had him live with a Hungarian government official and pretend to be Christian teenage boy named Sandor Kiss. "While living with that Hungarian official — who did have the job of taking inventory at the homes of Jewish families whose possessions had been taken by the Nazi authorities — Soros accompanied him on one of those trips."
"George Soros is a Hungarian-born billionaire. He gives millions to left-leaning causes. He’s become a potent symbol on the far right, of nefarious dealings and a dark past. But he is not, was not, and has never been a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer."
Wouldn't it be nice if American Supreme Court nominees were given the same presumption of innocence that you are willing to give Soros?
My family would do the same. I'm the only non Lefty non atheist for Generations. And they're all crazy. I've known it for decades
How is this new?
IIRC, Gingrich's lesbian daughter allowed herself to be a cudgel against her father.
Reagan had some obstreperous kids.
And didn't McCain's girl also have issues of some kind?
Please note: all of them are Democrats. Ideology trumps blood and least for these examples.
About 95% of the responses to Gosar's tweet are negative. So much hate. Why would anyone run for public office these days?
Democrats Uber alles!
I love all my family members unconditionally. My sister and one of my daughters do not return that love. I pray for them.
A well worn description of the Civil War is that it “pitted brother against brother”.
I guess we’re in another Civil War.
Gosar is in no danger of losing. It’s one of the most conservative districts in the country. Barring a scandal of the dead-girl/live-boy variety, or a disaster during redistricting, the seat is his for life.
The Left defends Soro's Nazi past in the same lockstep manner as they did Alger's Communism..
I view Soros’s financial prowess as his gift. I view his one-sided philanthropy as a lifelong attempt to aussuage his own guilt.
"I've disagreed with siblings on politics, but if they ran for office I'd support them 100 percent."
Why? My family does not agree with my politics and I do not agree with theirs. However, we have no friction or animosity between us personally and get along fine. However, if they ran for office and I was able to vote for them, I would not automatically vote for them if I did not think they were the best person for the job, (according to my own opinion). Family is family, but voting for someone for office is something else again entirely. (That's like saying you'd hire a relative for a job just because they're family. That has led to many problems and even failed businesses.)
"'Take that, Leftist assholes!'
"Yeah, and I think they're evil."
And they think you're evil.
Who's right?
How do you know?
Thanksgiving dinner is going to be something else at the Gosars.
I would not partake in putting up a negative ad against my siblings running for office...unless I believed they were really bad or grossly unsuited for the job. (But they're fine, ethical people, so that wouldn't be necessary.)
After all, incompetents, crooks, and crazies do have siblings who are not that way and who may be voters.
Inga’s grandson is a rapist.
I just watched the ad. It didn't seem so negative. They seem sincer and regretful, but apparently, convinced it is important for the well-being of the state's residents to replace him in office. They're putting the greater good (as they see it) over personal feelings.
"My family would do the same. I'm the only non Lefty non atheist for Generations. And they're all crazy. I've known it for decades."
Maybe they've "known for decades" that you are crazy.
Who is correct?
How do you know?
"This is the sort of thing that makes me think we may end up having a civil war. There are too many people, like this man's siblings, who have simply gone insane. Imagine what they'd be willing to do to someone who wasn't related."
Yeah! Maybe they'd even have him killed!
Six out of nine siblings.
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