২২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৮

"Men, Tell Us About Your High School Experience."

Fill out this form, just in case you want to tell on yourself before anybody else does.

The NYT wants you to trust it with your information:
We want to hear from men about their high school experiences. A Times editor may contact you with follow-up questions. No information you provide will be published without your permission.
But Christine Blasely Ford didn't want her name to come out, and yet it did. Is the Times more trustworthy than Dianne Feinstein?

Given the stakes these days and the low standard of what counts as sexual abuse — like Cory Booker's reaching for a breast a second time — why would anyone volunteer anything? I understand the value of having an open and honest conversation about these things, but hasn't that route been closed off by the shocking dire consequences to Brett Kavanaugh (and Al Franken and Louis CK, etc.)?

But the NYT has a form it would like you to fill out. The first question is:
Did you ever, as a teenager or younger man, behave toward women in ways you may now regret? If so, how? And how has that experience stayed with you over the years?
Won't this drag in a thousand "Cat Person" and Cory Booker stories? If you've got anything in the Kavanaugh-as-told-by-Blasey category, you'd have to be irrational to put it in writing. Or maybe just old or dying and not looking for another step of professional or social advancement.

২১৮টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   218 এর 201 – থেকে 218
h বলেছেন...

I never in our 35 years of marriage thought that my (now) ex-wife was mentally ill. But I do see (in the separation and ultimate divorce) that she was quite easily led (I would say mis-led) by her friends (bookclub friends, church friends, online friends) and her "advisers" -- psychologists, acupressure practioners, support groups. They encouraged her to leave the marriage and make that separation permanent -- "Go Girl" "You're so brave" "I'd never have the courage to do what you are doing." My point here is that her "mental illness" was in being so easily led, in failing to have the strength of her own convictions. And I think I see this a lot, and much more prevalently in women than in men.

Having seen this in my own life, I am (of course, and to an outsider, suspiciously) more likely to interpret other people's lives through this prism. But it is how I see the Kavanaugh accuser: making a false accusation because it increases her status among her friends and advisers, perhaps not even realizing that the false accusation is false, and so strongly supported by her close group that she is actually incapable of honestly evaluating her own memory.

So to other men: be very wary of this kind of woman who is so easily influenced by her peer group. How to figure that out? I dunno.

narciso বলেছেন...

Actually the fuster case is much more creepy than that excerpt suggests:


narciso বলেছেন...

Some details here:


Unknown বলেছেন...

"So to other men: be very wary of this kind of woman who is so easily influenced by her peer group. How to figure that out? I dunno."

I think that I just realized that Sex Robots aren't just something that we are doing just because we can do it, I think that there will be a serious demand for them in the very near future. As if Alimony and Child Support and non-custody weren't enough.

narciso বলেছেন...

Yes but you've seen blade runner, they aren't without complications.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I foresee a future business opportunity, sort of a sperm donor/sex robot business. A woman who wishes to be a single parent sponsors a sex robot for a man with the profile she desires. The man takes the sex robot home for the night, and the woman has the rights to the semen in the returned robot.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"Dear NYTimes,

I saw that you wanted stories from men about high school, but I think you will my entry as a female to be enlightening. I graduated from Sleepy Hollow High School (I am not making this up!!!!). From 9th grade until I graduated, I had a very, very handsy relationship with a star athlete who would later win a gold medal for the US. I tried very hard to stop this activity, but he was very, very persuasive and I could not keep his hands off of my privates. I told him repeatedly that it was immoral and would likely lead to blindness. I even told him that if he didn't stop, I would someday cut off his testicles. He refused to back off. He has stalked me for over a half-century. I couldn't even look in a mirror without him staring over my shoulder. It has caused me great, great distress. I want to thank you for allowing me to share my story.

Yours Sincerely,

Caitlyn J.

narciso বলেছেন...



h বলেছেন...

I will tell the truth:

We know that a Delaware senator beat his wife, but that does not disqualify him from the Senate because he is a liberal Democrat.
We know that a NJ senator admitted to groping a girl against her will, but that does not disqualify him from any higher office because he is a liberal Democrat.

If Barack Obama were to be nominated to the Supreme Court, it would be racist to look at his behavior during high school and college, because he is a liberal Democrat.

But any accusation against Kavanaugh is disqualifying for him to be elevated to the Supreme Court because he is not a liberal Democrat.

In fact, there is not even one person on Trump's list of 25 (or is it more) potential nominees for the supreme court that is qualified for the Supreme court because they are not liberal Democrats. But we can't oppose nominees on that basis, so we will find other plausible (or plausible to the stupid people) grounds for opposing those nominees -- they are Catholic, or they are Catholic women who adopt children, or we have found a person willing to accuse them of shoplifiting, or something else (I'm getting tired).

mikee বলেছেন...

I deeply, deeply regret not making passes at several young women of my acquaintance in High School. I was too unsure of myself, and looking back a few years later realized they were indeed waiting for me to make the first move, (which of course would have been to request their consent for me to make the first move, and to make each and every subsequent move, followed by communication with them the next day, week, month and years since then, hoping and recording that they still extended me the consent they had given me the night before).

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Just remember Ritmo what you think doesn’t fucking matter. The party and the fake liberalism you think you’re a part of is run by sexless disgusting hags like Inga, with their charmless combination of authoritarianism and soppy sentimentality. White men need not apply unless they want to be zero-t PC enforcers like Creepy Freder. So you can scream all day on Althouse’s boards as long as she’ll have you. Eventually you’ll look at some ugly toad wrong and Rapey-eyed Freder will show up and tell everyone how he always knew you were a Nazi. There will no one to help you. NO ONE.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

I was very untoward a one Fawn Leibowitz.

Fritz বলেছেন...

Final named "witness" denies knowing about incident or Kavannaugh.

"As the Senate Judiciary Committee staff negotiates with attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of a past sexual assault, over a potential hearing on Thursday, Republican staffers are working to interview those who may have information about the alleged incident.

CNN has learned that the committee has reached out to a longtime friend of Ford named Leland Ingham Keyser.

“I understand that you have been identified as an individual who was in attendance at a party that occurred circa 1982 described in a recent Washington Post article,” a committee staffer wrote Keyser earlier this week.

On Saturday night, her lawyer, Howard Walsh, released a statement to CNN and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“Simply put,” Walsh said, “Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford.”

The lawyer acknowledged to CNN that Keyser is a lifelong friend of Ford’s."

Bob Beckel's ex-wife. . .

mccullough বলেছেন...

Ford’s friend said she didn’t know Kavanaugh and doesn’t ever remember being at a party with him. Looks like she wouldn’t lie for Ford’s Resistance Lawyers.

So a small gathering. 3 boys and 2 girls. She doesn’t remember it. Doesn’t remember ever meeting Kavanaugh. But she “believes her friend.”

Her friend who studied psychology for years. Who waits thirty years to tell anybody. And she tells her husband of 10 years about it in marriage therapy.

Put aside Kavanaugh. What kind of person drags regular people into the national spotlight? This woman is her friend and now she has to get dragged into it? Smyth.

Ford is an incredibly selfish person.

And since it was 5 people at the gathering, whose house was it? It almost has to be one of those 5 people. It wasn’t Ford. Unlikely it was Kavanaugh (he’d recognize the description of the house he lived in as a teen).

So whose house was it, Dr. Ford. She would know if it was her friends house. So was it Hudge’s house or Smyth’s?

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Lawyer Katz: Dr. Ford of course will never forget this gathering because of what happened to her there.

Only where and when it happened.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

ChiDiFi could garner Republican vote doing reverse McCain and vote 👍

Payback time bitchez.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I was in high school at the same time as Kavanaugh. My high school had 1000 students per grade. I never got close to any such behavior, nor ever heard of it happening, which everyone would have heard about from the victim, the perp, and everybody there if it happened. Things may have changed, but it just wasn't something boys at did that age did at that time. That was a time when virtue signalling as a feminist guy paid off with the ladies without having to sell your nuts away. Treating women poorly, and especially like that, was a losing play. Everybody knew this. Kavanaugh was certainly too smart to not understand that. I would bet that Kavanaugh was, as his women friends at the time describe, a guy who played this right by being the nice guy to get access to the ladies. Every intelligent guy I knew understood this.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I believe those adolescent females in Salem Massachusetts circa 1692 really saw witches.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   218 এর 201 – থেকে 218   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»