In explaining the debt to members of the committee, Kavanaugh noted that he is a “huge sports fan” and said that he bought four season tickets annually from the Nationals’ arrival in Washington in 2005 until 2017. He also bought playoff packages in 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2017.There's more in the article, going into written answers Kavanaugh gave to various questions, but WaPo forefronts the baseball question — which suggests the low impact of these other things. The baseball question makes him look good: he's got a wholesome interest in a classic sport and some great friends to share it with. Maybe the other material, further down in the article, makes him look even better. Otherwise, wouldn't WaPo have put it first?
He split the tickets with a “group of old friends” through a “ticket draft” at his home, Kavanaugh said. “Everyone in the group paid me for their tickets based on the cost of the tickets, to the dollar,” Kavanaugh said in the written responses to the Senate Judiciary Committee that were made public Wednesday. “No one overpaid or underpaid me for tickets. No loans were given in either direction.”
In 2016, Kavanaugh reported between $60,000 and $200,000 in debt, according to his financial disclosures, which was spread out over three credit cards and a loan. The debts were either paid off or dipped below the reporting requirements the following year.
But Kavanaugh signaled that his debt at the time was far lower than $200,000, saying in his written responses Wednesday that his debt was “not close to the top of the ranges” he reported on the financial disclosures.
And by "other material," I see he was given 1,287 questions — written questions, after long days sitting and answering the questions in person (questions that I thought got awfully repetitive). But I guess those in-person questions led to questions about his answers, and many of the new written answers are repetitions of the answers he'd already given. But this is new, we're told:
Kavanaugh told Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) that President Trump has called him twice to “offer words of encouragement” but added that “at no time did he ask for any promise or representation as to how I would rule in any case, and at no time did I offer any commitments.”Unremarkable. I guess one might muse about whether Trump talked about his own troubles and told Kavanaugh he's lucky, because he only needs to weather these few days of hearings and he'll be home free, unlike the President who's so unfairly battered every day.
Kavanaugh also tried to clarify lingering questions about his use of the term “abortion-inducing” drugs in describing birth control, in response to questions from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa).But were the plaintiffs in the case referring to all birth control drugs? I'm still confused about that.
Democrats have said Kavanaugh was referring to all birth control drugs. But Kavanaugh said he was only describing the position of the plaintiffs in the case.
Then there's the "snubbing" of Fred Guttenberg (the father of one of the Parkland murder victims):
“It had been a chaotic morning with a large number of protesters in the hearing room,” Kavanaugh wrote. “As the break began, the room remained noisy and crowded. When I turned and did not recognize the man, I assumed he was a protester. In a split second, my security detail intervened and ushered me out of the hearing room.... Mr. Guttenberg has suffered an incalculable loss. If I had known who he was, I would have shaken his hand, talked to him, and expressed my sympathy. And I would have listened to him.”
A show of high character is more important that high character, as indicated by the questions.
From now on, all Senate Republicans should vote 100% against any nominee of any Democrat President.
If the President is a Democrat and if the Senate majority is Republican, then no nominee will be approved. Period.
Kavanaugh is just a great guy. What other federal judge would go through all the time and effort of organizing a collegial and fun event like his baseball ticket draft? He just wanted to get together with some guys (maybe women too) and talk baseball.
And now its a federal case. Disqualifying!
Trust me on this: many, many Americans have noticed the circus grinder they put this guy through and they will notice in November. Has Nate Silver put that in his algo?
Althouse makes an excellent point here, "unlike the President who's so unfairly battered every day."
Every day the Mueller, the Deep State and MSM try to take down Trump. POTUS is working 18 hours a day and look at what he is getting done despite all this crap he gets every day. Opportunity cost never sleeps. If Trump could devote more time to the Nork's nukes, he might have a real deal by now. Lots of other stuff too.
This investigation and distraction is all planned and intentional. I consider it extra-constitutional. Vote Trump out in November 2020 but don't fight him like this every day. It's not American.
Mueller should do some productive work and start looking for Meade instead of harassing Trump.
What do you know? Turns out Kavanaugh is a fine, decent man. He's also totally within the mainstream and well qualified to sit on the Supreme Court.
Also, any nominee of any Democrat President should be subjected to questions that Kamala Harris has asked.
Have you ever talked to any lawyer of X law firm about this issue?
Commas. That's what I'm worried about. Has Kavanaugh been using commas correctly?
The attacks just get weaker and weaker. What's the next scandal? Kavanaugh was the banker in his office lottery pool?
That they ask the question, and he has to answer, with the details of his baseball ticket draft shows just how out of touch these people are. This is very common among serious sports fans. I think Paul Mirengoff at Powerline had a pretty detailed blog post yesterday about how common this is among people like Kavanaugh in DC. I have friends who have done this as well.
Wow, the Dems really have Kavanaugh now! (snort)
"Let your character be superior to the requirements of the job, not vice versa. No matter how great the post, you must show you are greater. Deep talent grows even deeper, and more obvious, with each pursuit." Written by a Jesuit in 1640 about Judge Brett Kavanaugh in 2018.
The story does say he paid the credit card balance off by year end but did he pay them off before the grace period ended and interest began to accrue? If yes then that’s a savvy rehajm approved no interest loan.
Was it an affinity card? Did he get miles? Also savvy.
Leftie congress critters prolly wouldn’t understand...
Some cards offer also offer zero interest with balance checks or for large purchases.
< If Trump could devote more time to the Nork's nukes, he might have a real deal by now. Lots of other stuff too.
I think the Norks are looking at all this with a fairly primitive, and or biased POV, and wondering if he will be impeached and they can relax and go back to bribing Hillary through their Chinese masters.
The damage the Democrats are doing to the country is still nothing compared to what might happen if they take the House in November.
That election will be as important as 1932. Maybe even 1916.
Perhaps there should be a law that demands that members of Congress explain their financial transactions since they were born in writing before they are seated. Just because.
Maybe he did what I always end up doing: you pay for something outright on your credit card, but everyone gives you cash (or equivalent) which you proceed to spend as if it's income. Then when it comes time to pay the CC bill, you don't have it anymore. Pretty typical thing to do.
rehajm said: "Was it an affinity card? Did he get miles? Also savvy. "
Yes, it would be if he did. If my friends want to get together with me next year and split up a row of Braves tickets at Suntrust Park I'll be glad to finance them on my Delta AMEX card. My wife wants to go back to London in May.
Welcome to the real world of con law, as taught, no doubt, in our premier law schools.
It’s funny that Senators don’t understand how season ticket shares for sports work.
They don’t understand because they never pay for tickets. The lobbyists and other business interests pay for them.
Was it an affinity card? Did he get miles? Also savvy.
When I heard about it I assumed he was getting sky miles or cash back. Though I have heard of some credit card companies disqualifying some purchases from their sky miles and cash back programs. For instance, a few years ago parents of college students started paying their kids' tuition with a credit card and paying off the balance before the interest kicked in, garnering lots of sky miles. That's not allowed any longer.
Wow. Reading the comments at the WaPo is very depressing. Nothing but hate, bitterness, and false accusations directed against such a thoroughly decent man. (Although there are responses to the comments that give a person hope.) These people are dwelling on an entirely different planet.
Ron Winkleheimer this still works on our credit card. We use the points to visit him at school and for him to fly home for Thanksgiving. Schools will charge a fee for credit card transactions so you need to keep that in mind.
My boss used to buy 4 weekend game season's tickets to the Sox. He'd keep one weekend day for himself, gift each of us with 2 tickets for one game, and then sell us the rest at face value. We had fun shuffling the tickets around to get together with each other to go to the games. I always bought the other 2 for the day I was gifted so my son could bring a couple of friends. Lots of camaradie over the tickets. I guess the Democrats don't want to spend time together.
Mike Sylwester said...Also, any nominee of any Democrat President should be subjected to questions that Kamala Harris has asked.
Ideally, Republican members would read verbatim from transcripts of this hearing. (Just kidding, ideally Republicans would not learn any lessons from Democrats.)
I really hope this is all a carefully contrived front, and the guy turns into Vlad the Impaler once we get him on the Court.
Democrats put payboys and crack on their credit cards.
So what.
Maybe Kavanaugh just wanted the frequent flier miles.
But were the plaintiffs in the case referring to all birth control drugs? I'm still confused about that.
Here, let me google that for you.
"which was spread out over three credit cards and a loan."
I bet they deliberately omitted the word "Home" from this sentence.
He's being thoroughly Borked. Can't wait to see what happens to RBG's replacement nominee!
Why are Democrats so hung up on personal legal credit card purchases?
Bob Boyd said...
I bet they deliberately omitted the word "Home" from this sentence.
My first thought as well. Did he also file an equity disclosure?
Oh, the burden, of a debt, once conceived.
Does he pay off the statement balance in full each month, pay the minimum on time to avoid an immediate penalty (and interest ramp), or refinance and carry the debt Forward?
Is he credit-worthy?
Ticket scalping is a high crime. Impeach Kavanaugh!
Is he credit-worthy?
Of course the goal here is to make him look fiscally irresponsible yet did anyone ask or did he disclose his credit score? Nothing they're reporting here is inconsistent with an individual making responsible or even savvy personal finance moves. I'd recon he's in very good shape credit wise...
Asking about the source of large debt sounds routine and reasonable to me, asking about who a nominee did or did not shake hands with is not reasonable.
Did Fred Guttenberg think he was so famous that Kavanaugh was supposed to recognize him?
Expect the Democrats to go ballistic over Kavanaugh's written answer about returning the toilet seat to the down position.
Scalia was confirmed 98-0. Ginsburg, 96-3.
At some point trump or some other president should just say NO - and say:
"No, I'm not going to force my nominee to answer 1,000 written questions. No, I'm not going to hand over 100,000 documents.
He'll show up for 2 days of hearings. And that's it."
And why are we STILL Waiting for the Judiciary Vote? I'm so tired of the whole goddamn process of confirming appointees and legislation grinding to halt so the Mighty Windbags of the Senate can talk about it forever, during their fatiguing 2 1/2 day work week.
Trump has let the Senate walk all over him.
Can't wait to see what happens to RBG's replacement nominee!
That day will be fun (not to wish ill on her which would be a different day).
I'm amazed at how patient Kavanaugh is, and I am impressed with how 51 GOP Senators have pretty much rallied to support him (knock on wood, Collins and Murkowski could still defect).
By delegating a lot of the detail work to Leonard Leo at the Federalist Society, Trump is on the verge of hitting two judicial home runs, whereas Reagan only hit 1 home-run, and two doubles.
George HW Bush hit 1 home run, and 1 massive strike-out.
George Bush hit 1 home run and 1 triple, but almost gave us Harriet Miers.
The games continue......
But were the plaintiffs in the case referring to all birth control drugs? I'm still confused about that.
Does it even remotely matter?
His saying "the plaintiffs' position was X" doesn't mean anything about him, does it?
The entire non-issue was disgusting cheap political point-making, that I can see.
Latest smear attempt on Kavanaugh:
The Intercept:
"...Different sources provided different accounts of the contents of the letter, and some of the sources said they themselves had heard different versions, but the one consistent theme was that it describes an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school. Kept hidden, the letter is beginning to take on a life of its own."
"...The woman who is the subject of the letter is now being represented by Debra Katz, a whistleblower attorney who works with #MeToo survivors."
Cherchez la femme and I'll show you the crime.
How many questions did the Republicans send to Obama's nominees? I don't know the answer, but I would still be willing to bet a nice chunk of change it was less than 10% of what the Dems just sent to Trump's nominee, who is by all accounts a straightforward quality judge of impeccable character.
This is another example of why when people say that both parties are the same, they are clearly wrong. One party is completely unhinged and duplicitous, and the other is no more unfair or crazy than most people.
"one consistent theme was that it describes an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school."
I smell Eau de Allred........again.
I think Kavanaugh has handled this (and the whole business) about as well as anyone could. And it is pretty obvious that he has done so, often in the face of vicious or idiotic accusations and insinuations. His patience and good nature shine through.
To the extent the Progs continue to complain and berate, they injure themselves. Good.
it describes an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school
When you're on the high-school basketball team, they let you grab them by the pussy.
It's a good thing that the USA has so many Democrats to preach to all of the rest of us about civility.
Kamala Harris is the candidate for Jim Carrey. The moron's moron.
I predict Guttenberg will be getting not just a handshake but a meeting with Kavanaugh.
I kind of wish Kavanaugh had just said: "Why should I shake hands with someone who implies I want kids to die?"
Because, I would be polite to Guttenberg and understand his pain, but no. Pain shouldn't justify insulting people like that.
If they had any evidence, this would be the headline on the NY Times front page.
Kavanaugh's getting the full Joe the Plumber it looks.
Kavanaugh has a right to face his accusers. Feinstein has made it that this woman now needs to be brought forward. No more games; no anonymous, years long investigations by the FBI.
Bring her forward and let's have it out; let's find out quickly whether or not parts of signatures were added/altered immediately instead of after the damage is done.
Feinstein chose to turn this woman into the centerpiece of the hearing; she can deal with the consequences of making the alleged victim have to stand up to scrutiny.
Damn, that guy is just so damn clean, reasonable, and polite. I'm really having a hard time hating him. I mean, did you see his kids? His wife? Disgustingly squeaky clean!
"it describes an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school"
He snapped her bra. Anyone want to bet against that?
his kids? His wife? Disgustingly squeaky clean!
No one is that strict. They're witches. Burn them... or concoct a sexual scandal and lynch them in the press.
The thought of members of our national legislature grilling someone about DEBT leaves me speechless.
Wasn't Kav supposed to be the boring, mainstream pick? Why not pick the crazy firebrand if they are going to get the same rotten treatment by Dems and RINOS?
Imagine the herculean efforts the Dem dirt diggers had to go through to find some vague anonymous accusation of something the nominee allegedly did in highschool at the 11th hour. Holy cow. You couldn't make this stuff up.
He snapped her bra. Anyone want to bet against that?
My dad has always been well behaved, but my mom is known to have pinched him. She's still a pincher. Kids express their affection in the darnedest ways. It's cute until the strap breaks and takes out an eye or boils form on the epidermis... is showing.
Why not pick the crazy firebrand if they are going to get the same rotten treatment by Dems and RINOS?
He's next after the Senate majority is 57 next year.
Then comes Ted Cruz as the next nominee when RBG takes her dirt nap.
"The thought of members of our national legislature grilling someone about DEBT leaves me speechless."
-- I mean, if it hadn't already been both thoroughly explained and no longer existent, it is the sort of thing you ask people about who are going to be in certain positions. But, really? This wasn't about doing due diligence; it is the kitchen sink strategy. There MUST be something to Bork him with, after all.
Then comes Ted Cruz as the next nominee when RBG takes her dirt nap.
Cruz is the best choice, IMO.
"Why not pick the crazy firebrand if they are going to get the same rotten treatment by Dems and RINOS?"
-- In which we see the predicted rightward drift, a la the Minister's Daughter.
I mean, if they're going to call Romney and McCain Nazis, despite those two playing nice, why not get someone who won't play nice and will still get called a Nazi? I'm not a huge fan of Trump, but I at least *understand how we got Trump.*
Nonapod exclaims: Holy cow. You couldn't make this stuff up.
Ah, but they do!
He dunked her pig tails in the ink well. Later she found that she came from a culture that shunned pigs--and the ink-stained hair ends were a constant reminder. Later she found her people shunned ink, too.
India-ink-blue hair ends signified a loose woman among her people. Men were always asking her for butt-sex. No wonder she writes Diane Feinstein now. Feinstein immediately informed China--as is her M.O. the last twenty years.
You know unless he was convicted of some felony in high school (30 years ago?) as regards this 'unnamed person of the female persuasion who refused to come forward until contacted by the democrats', I don't really care and neither should anyone with a functioning brain.
Also - if this is in regards to some juvenile event and the records were sealed - is it not some violation of law to disclose them? Maybe Mz. Althouse or some other person of lawyerly disposition could comment.
I just realized... she gave it to *THE FBI*? Yeah. If a crime was committed, shouldn't it be going to the local state cops? What federal crime are they really trying to accuse him of?
And, what federal crime *without a statute of limitations*?
Did... Did he murder someone!?
So, they've had the letter since this summer. I guess Feinstein was getting all Murder She Wrote or Colombo and just now realized who the murderer was!
Wisconsin Law grad Debra Katz is pulling an Anita Hill on Kavanaugh. This allegedly relates to an alleged incident in HIGH SCHOOL.
Georgetown Prep will come to Brett's defense.
Then comes Ted Cruz as the next nominee when RBG takes her dirt nap.
Even the Dems will be happy to confirm him just to get him out of the Senate.
No. Kavanaugh should force this issue. Make the letter public; what in it made it need to go to the FBI?
Besides, you know, that the FBI is known for being a leak factory with deep media strategies to hurt their political opponents. What federal crime, within the statute of limitations, was Feinstein wanting investigated?
If the event concerned two juveniles - then are not those records supposed to be expunged when they turn 18?
This strikes me as just another 'gotcha event'. Bring something up from the deep past that means nothing. Get everybody distracted with the new squirrel moment. Cause the candidate to retract their nomination because there isn't anyway to actually address the issue.
Besides - if there was anything there, it should have popped when he was being checked out by the FBI for his job with the Bush administration.
If Kavanaugh was a high-school junior or senior, then it should be investigated by the FBI.
If he was a high-school freshman or sophomore, then it should be investigated by state detectives.
F.B.I.= Federal Boob Inspector.
It's the only law enforcement function they currently have.
"What federal crime are they really trying to accuse him of?"
Being nominated by Trump.
So DiFi - the senator that had a known Chinese Spy in her employ for 20 years, who is not being investigated, wants the FBI to investigate something that occurred 30 years ago between two juveniles in high school because she does not like the politics of the President who nominated an individual to the Supreme Court.
Yeah, that's the ticket.
Was the high-school girl a Russian-American?
I'm just trying to connect some dots.
We can't vote for a SCOTUS candidate while they are under Federal investigation. That wouldn't be right.
And the Left is all about the right.
Diane Feinstein could have ignored this long-ago accusation as irrelevant.
That is what a civil US Senator would have done.
Feinstein is behaving as boorishly as Kamala Harris and Corey Booker behave.
it describes an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school.
You'll note it doesn't say they were in school together. Georgetown Prep is an all male school.
Kavanaugh was walking down the street when a woman asked him to babysit her 12-year-old daughter while she turned a trick. Everyone in town knew he kept his bike locked up on that corner. People say he was banned from the mall across the street after the incident.
If the FBI has the letter about the high-school incident, then the letter will be leaked to Trump-hating journalists very soon.
"Would like a piece of bubble gum Brett?"
"Gee, Becky, that'd be swell."
"Was that a veiled reference to your penis?
"You sick bastard."
"Men are pigs!"
I Thought we were confirming a SCOTUS nominee and were concerned with his judicial views.
Instead we're playing "This is your life"
Kavenaugh may have pinched Sally Jo in the bottom in Junior High - we don't want his kind on the SCOTUS. They tried to lynch Clarence Thomas for dating Anita Hill. So why not try it again?
Never get involved with girls called Deb Katz.
They're bad news.
The high-school girl's graduation gown is being tested for semen.
Things were so much classier in the old days, when they only went through your garbage, went to blockbuster to see what videos you rented, talked to old school mates about your pot smoking, and of course, tried to destroy you with anonymous allegations of sexual harassment.
Georgetown Prep is an all male school, but it has a sister school nearby.
Which means he was trying to make out with his sister, if you follow this logic.
Unacceptable outside of Hollywood.
So, what is everyone's take on the crowdpac funding being secured as a way to intimate Collins if she votes for Kavanaugh?
"You vote yes, we pour funding into your opponent's war chest."
That's the ticket.
I hope she tells them all to go to hell - her vote is note for sale.
I also hope the people behind it get investigated by every weaponized federal agency - thanks Obama - back to the stone age. I mean its only fair and just.
Senator Kamala Harris:
Have you ever discussed abortion with any girl from Central High School?
If Peter Strzok had not been fired from the FBI, he would have been assigned to lead the investigation of the high-school girl's accusation.
Mike Sylwester said...
"If the FBI has the letter about the high-school incident, then the letter will be leaked to Trump-hating journalists very soon."
Yup. And there's a just-revealed protocol of how they do this:
Damning New Strzok Text to Page: “The Times is Angry With Us About the WP Scoop”
By Sara Carter | September 12, 2018
'...Strzok wrote, “Also, apparently Times is angry with us about the WP (Washington Post) scoop and earlier discussion we had about the Schmidt piece that had so many inaccuracies. Too much to detail here, but I told Mike (redacted) and Andy they need to understand we were absolutely dealing in good faith with them,” Strzok texted to Page on April 14, 2017. “The FISA one, coupled with the Guardian piece from yesterday.”'
BTW, since the girl's version of Georgetown Prep (a boy's high school) is Georgetown Visitation Prep: probably won't take long for a girl who went to that school to rat out 2018's version of Anita Hill.
Is Kavanaugh guilty of trying to get to second or third base?
I'm sure he was too much of a gentleman to try for home plate (without permission).
I want the Kavanaugh vote to get done soon, because on the very next day President Trump will release the unredacted FISA applications.
"Mike Sylwester said...
The high-school girl's graduation gown is being tested for semen."
Maybe they'll find Hillary's.
@Arashi - yes! Overtime being done to convey the 'they're pushing it; it might be unseemly, but no harm, no foul' stance.
The threats are a nice touch.
These people are unhinged.
Feinstein would not have done this if Kavanaugh were Jewish.
Blogger Darrell said...
We can't vote for a SCOTUS candidate while they are under Federal investigation. That wouldn't be right.
This seems exactly right.
Even if it's a scrap of paper, with nothing on it, if it was handed over to the FBI, then they could use this argument...just to stoke the fire of hatred, at least, and to make the above as a legal argument. It isn't about right or wrong with the democrats.
I see he was given 1,287 questions
One thousand, two hundred and eighty seven times.
Now, vote.
They like Collins in Maine. Good luck to opponent to be named later.
I’m not sure LL Bean could win against her.
Oh, for God sake's men, wake up, if you're going to sexually attack a women, use a cigar.
"If Peter Strzok had not been fired from the FBI, he would have been assigned to lead the investigation of the high-school girl's accusation."
Ha. So, true.
"Feinstein would not have done this if Kavanaugh were Jewish.'
Its not too late to convert. Know a Rabbi?
Washington Examiner:
"...Feinstein reportedly learned of the Kavanaugh allegations from a letter sent to her by Rep. Anna G. Eshoo, D-Calif. Feinstein also reportedly first learned of the allegations in July. If true, it means she has been sitting on this supposedly very serious matter for the better part of seven weeks."
"...BuzzFeed News said it contacted “the woman believed to be the subject of the letter.” The anonymous woman declined to comment."
If it didn't take long for Buzzfield to identify and contact 2018's Anita Hill, her name will likely come out sooner than later.
Courtesy of typical reddit liberal:(Apologies if Inga, Freer, et al) has already repeated this talking point.
"He got a girl pregnant in high school, perhaps even involving non-consensual sex. He supported her decision to or pressured her into getting an abortion. When his nomination for the Supreme Court was coming, he needed to make sure this secret from his distant past would never come out and he paid her off. In order to avoid detection, he bought baseball tickets, sold them to a political ally, and was then reimbursed - then used the cash to pay off the woman.
But then when Roe v. Wade became a central issue of Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings, the woman couldn't deal with Kavanaugh's hypocrisy and decided to come forward."
he bought four season tickets annually from the Nationals’ arrival in Washington in 2005 until 2017
.... which conflicts directly with ... In order to avoid detection, he bought baseball tickets, sold them to a political ally, and was then reimbursed.
Unless he knew in 2017 Kennedy was going to retire in 2018 and decided to forego season tickets at the exact moment he needed the hush money the most.
These people are insane. Completely and totally batshit insane.
I have received information from an individual concerning the conduct of Sen. Dianne Feinstein
That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision. I have, however, decided to publicly air this unsubstantiated anonymous rumor.
Oh me, Oh my.
Don't lose hope liberals. Steven hawking's wheelchair is available.
I'll add that I wish RBG no personal ill. I've got a soft spot for old ladies.
I saw just a few minutes of CNN's RBG special and was embarrassed for her.
They put her in a Victorian-type ball gown and rolled her around in a mock throne.
What next? His mother once discovered playboy magazines under his mattress when he was 12?
We won't be told if RBG is dead. They'll embalm her and keep her on the bench.
OMG - and there were stains on them - stains I say! Break out the torches!
Oh well. Next !
"The Federal Bureau of Investigation has declined to investigate Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over allegations sent to them by Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
Matt Zapotosky of the Washington Post quoted an FBI official as saying: “Upon receipt of the information on the night of September 12, we included it as part of Judge Kavanaugh’s background file, as per the standard process.” He also reported that the agency was not opening a criminal investigation into what Kavanaugh may or may not have done as a high school student.""
I assume she gave the letter to the FBI so they could leak it.
An investigation was never the goal.
Probably the best and truest comment yet on the Kavanaugh story (posted to the Daily Mail):
Nan Knows, Savannah, United States, moments ago
Pp00196... I am 60. Every single boy I went out with in Jr high and Highschool "tried something". Then and today I considered that normal. It's what guys who you like and like you do. Of course, no r@pe took place. After hands were removed and a strong no said, they backed off (often to try again on the next date). That's the way it was."
What next? His mother once discovered playboy magazines under his mattress when he was 12?
He read it for the articles.
Oh, for God sake's men, wake up, if you're going to sexually attack a women, use a cigar.
Oh, for God sake's men, wake up, if you're going to sexually attack a women, be a powerful Democrat who talks the talk on women's issues.
Fixed it for ya.
"An investigation was never the goal."
This is the Me Too era. So you leak it and hope other accusers appear.
"If the President is a Democrat and if the Senate majority is Republican, then no nominee will be approved. Period."
The GOP made it pretty clear that this was already how it is, long before Donald J. Trump was President. It's laughable to that you're in "From now on" mode because of Kavanaugh.
as pointed out in the next thread, Equifax employees raised concerns to the bureau, re possible hacks and they were ignored,
I read his book spooks in the 70s, and it was a revelation about private intelligence networks. the precursors to fusion, blackwater and orbis and haklyut across the pond
She's had the letter since July, reportedly, so if there was anything of substance it would have been leaked long ago. The only purpose of this 'disclosure' now is to influence the vote of any Senate fence sitters. Shame on those that are so easily manipulated.
Harrogate: "The GOP made it pretty clear that this was already how it is, long before Donald J. Trump was President."
You can find the list here of obama federal judge appointees approved during the last 2 years of the obama administration.
You're welcome.
The Democrats will demand the hearings be delayed. Anita Hill thought she would not have to testify.
They will out this woman once the lawyer has enough documents forged.
Michael K: "They will out this woman once the lawyer has enough documents forged."
LLR Chuck stands ready to lead the phalanx of lawyers representing this woman! Anything to advance the lefty/dem cause!
It's laughable to that you're in "From now on" mode because of Kavanaugh.
Harrogate, as usual, is laughable for his ignorance. I guess you are used to leftist blogs where no one knows anything.
Just opinions presented as facts,
"The GOP made it pretty clear that this was already how it is, long before Donald J. Trump was President."
Give us a fact or two to back your assertion, Harrowgate.
You do know how to support an assertion, don't you?
Strange that Feinstein's party insist on handing out condoms in public schools because teenagers will be teenagers, also seems to think High school sex should disqualify someone from the Supreme Court.
["If the President is a Democrat and if the Senate majority is Republican, then no nominee will be approved. Period."]
The GOP made it pretty clear that this was already how it is, long before Donald J. Trump was President. It's laughable to that you're in "From now on" mode because of Kavanaugh.
The last Dem nominee the Reps could have blocked and didn't was Elena Kagan in 2010. Since then exactly one nominee has failed. Left wing beliefs can only be maintained by a concerted effort to ignore reality.
It's all for the Circus effe3ct. Kavanaugh still sho-in. Feinstein will get her gallon of flesh showing the young turks angling for her seat she still has fang and claw.
Feinstein will get her gallon of flesh showing the young turks angling for her seat she still has fang and claw.
I agree. This is to show her left wing bonafides at 85.
Still a new low in smears.
Another nothing burger, but the point was to keep a negative narrative in the news.
BTW Have youse guys seen what may be the funniest tweet? ever.
harrogate at 5:34 PM
The GOP made it pretty clear that this was already how it is, long before Donald J. Trump was President. It's laughable to that you're in "From now on" mode because of Kavanaugh.
You misunderstood what I wrote.
What I meant was that the Republicans will vote 100% against any nominee of any Democrat President even in periods when the Biden Rule does not apply.
When Harris and Booker go low, Feinstein goes even lower.
Feinstein would not have done this dirty trick to Kavanaugh if he were Jewish.
Not only is Kavanaugh a Gentile -- he attended a Jesuit high school.
Diane Feinstein's dirty trick seems like something that John McCain would have done.
ALLEGATIONS are it when the D's decide on a witch hunt.
"Since then exactly one nominee has failed."
-- Thanks Joe Biden!
He seems like the kind of guy that buys.....SEASON TICKETS!
...and then forces street urchins born in bad circumstances to bring him PEANUTS and BEER and swab the piss troughs after the game!
"I'm not a huge fan of Trump, but I at least *understand how we got Trump.*"
Trump can't nominate another Trump. He needs to be the focus of rage.
The GOP made it pretty clear that this was already how it is, long before Donald J. Trump was President. It's laughable to that you're in "From now on" mode because of Kavanaugh.
Oh, bullshit. Dem nominees cruise towards confirmation. They always have.
The only case - the only one - was when the GOP decided to enforce the Biden Rule when it came time to replace Scalia.
Don't like it when your rules are used against you? Tough. Get used to it.
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