It must be a truly bizarre experience to be Kavanaugh. You muddle along for fifty years, then wake up one morning and for some reason the lady from “Coyote Ugly” hates your ever-loving guts.— Daniel Foster (@DanFosterType) September 10, 2018
ADDED, upon actually watching the video: That was low-key and effective. Piper Perabo, who has a name, sounds and looks sincere, and she makes a calm, dignified plea for opposing the nominee. She isn't expressing a personal hatred toward Kavanaugh, but a completely justified concern that constitutional law that she cares about will change if he replaces Justice Kennedy.
Calling her "the lady from 'Coyote Ugly'" feels sexist. I think the word "lady" is funny and okay to use now and then, but you have to know it feels antagonistic, and you're taunting a woman just as she is speaking out about rights that quite specifically belong to women. And the choice of "Coyote Ugly" as the one film to name adds to the effect. Whatever that movie was about — I once knew — you're getting out the idea of women being judged by their looks and women being likened to a wild animal.
And — though this may sound like I'm judging women by their looks — I'd like to add that her look in that video is part of the message. I love the "no makeup" natural beauty and plain hair and makeup.
When I seek out mediocre actresses to determine the answers to complicated scientific and philosophical questions, please shoot me in the head.
I wish I knew what it was that Kavanaugh scared her more than.
being arrested
Of course, as cynical conservatives, we attribute a certain rationality to progs who relentlessly scheme to seize power and transvalue our values. But then we encounter data points that force us to consider that a fair portion of them are actually batshit crazy. How, exactly, are such women going to reflect on the "morality" of abortion--which, we have been told, is the point of inferring abortion "rights" from the Constitution?
Kavanaugh must be astounded at the great amount of Power he presumably will have.
If the law were Constitutional, why would she need worry?
Sebastian said...
Of course, as cynical conservatives, we attribute a certain rationality to progs who relentlessly scheme to seize power and transvalue our values. But then we encounter data points that force us to consider that a fair portion of them are actually batshit crazy. How, exactly, are such women going to reflect on the "morality" of abortion--which, we have been told, is the point of inferring abortion "rights" from the Constitution?
9/11/18, 8:12 AM
"Kavanaugh must be astounded at the great amount of Power he presumably will have."
Yes. He can single handedly overturn Roe v Wade and make abortion illegal throughout the USA. Without the concurrence of his colleagues, without even a case being brought to the court. And I've heard that he can throw out every illegal immigrant, all by himself. That's one powerful seat we're filling.
Are you twelve? Make a point or shut up and stop wasting others' time and pixels.
Why in the hell do we give so much attention and credence to these hollywood people? Who are they that they should have so much influence?
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
Are you twelve? Make a point or shut up and stop wasting others' time and pixels.
I didn't realize you were running short on pixels. But more--they're cheap these days!
She looks okay to me. Video won't play, which improves any actress.
No one should care what a third-rate and poorly educated actress has to say about a SCOTUS nominee.
Calling her "the lady from 'Coyote Ugly'" feels sexist.
Calling her the lady from 'Coyote Ugly' is wrong. The lady would have been the bar owner. The proper reference would be the girl from 'Coyote Ugly'.
Not sure that solves the sexism charge. Not sure I care.
Kavanaugh was unable to respond in any thoughtful way to the complaint, "I am what's at stake."
Which of Piper's movies would you choose to represent her other than Coyote Ugly? Beverly Hills Chihuahua? The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle?
Calling her "the lady from 'Coyote Ugly'" feels sexist.
Great. Now explain how it is sexist.
Men love “natural beauty” too. One of the finer things in life is waking up in the morning to a woman who wakes up beautiful. Of course it’s a rare thing and usually we rank other things higher, but makeup was invented to get past male filters on beauty so that a real relationship can begin. Men didn’t invent it anymore than women invented lifts for mens' shoes.
There is no such thing as sexism, Althouse, you poor little rich girl.
You're a very rich girl from one of the richest suburbs in the world.
Doesn't it ever embarrass you to carry on this way?
You were born into great wealth, privilege and power. I just learned that yesterday. Wayne, NJ. Palatial corporate campus capital of the U.S.
What a con artist you are. 50 years of bitching and you're Richie Rich!
Kavanaugh was unable to respond in any thoughtful way to the complaint, “I am what's at stake."
As one of the youngest children in a large and impecunious family, born pre-Roe, I guess I could stand up and say “I am what’s at stake.”
If the law were Constitutional, why would she need worry?
Because to the left, "constitutional" means "whatever five justices decide is constitutional".
Ann does not realize that the guy is the feral animal. He is willing to gnaw his arm off to get away from the ugly girl he woke up with without waking her up.
Like coyotes do to get out of a trap.
Who cares what some hot ditzy actress thinks about politics or law? She probably hasn't read a book in decades.
Kavanaugh and men like him are the best of what our society and culture has to offer. That many misguided souls fail to see this is more their problem than ours.
TiV said " makeup was invented to get past male filters on beauty "
The classic line is:
Women think verbally, and men think visually...
That's why men lie, and women wear makeup
Don't taze me, Sis!
Those eyebrows have been thoroughly tweezed, and I'll bet that isn't her natural upper lip.
What does pepper spray do to foundation and mascara?
Whatever that movie was about — I once knew — you're getting out the idea of women being judged by their looks and women being likened to a wild animal.
Did you once know what the phrase Coyote Ugly meant? Because apparently you don't now. The phrase implies that the woman is so ugly that the man would rather gnaw his own arm off to escape without waking her, in the same way that a coyote might gnaw its leg off to escape from a trap.
So it is the man being compared to a wild animal, not the woman.
So it is the man being compared to a wild animal, not the woman.
We are dealing her with another 19th amendment problem.
Althouse, tell me why I should ever take you seriously again?
You're still bitching that you suffered some sort of oppression and you were born into fantastic wealth and privilege in Wayne, NJ.
Don't you have any shame?
I suggest you drop these references to sexism. It makes you look like an ungrateful spoiled child.
I'll give you this. You have a tremendous reserve of spoiled brat chutzpah.
but a completely justified concern that constitutional law that she cares about will change if he replaces Justice Kennedy.
Completely justified? Constitutional law?
Awwww, it’s tough growing up.
Welcome to our reality. She’s finally figuring out things might change?
Perhaps I don’t like her world and want them to change.
Our Professor stimulates dialog saying: I love the "no makeup" natural beauty and plain hair and makeup.
I wonder how long it took her to do that "no makeup" look? Seems like the less it looks like makeup, the longer it takes to put on
Thanks gilbar. I should have played the video. I thought the answer was somewhere in twitter.
Calling her the lady from 'Coyote Ugly' is wrong. The lady would have been the bar owner. The proper reference would be the girl from 'Coyote Ugly'.
That's exactly what I was thinking. Haha
Blogger Gahrie said...
If the law were Constitutional, why would she need worry?
Because to the left, "constitutional" means "whatever five justices decide is constitutional".
9/11/18, 8:28 AM
So it is the man being compared to a wild animal, not the woman.
The woman is just being compared to Chthulu.
Who cares what some hot ditzy actress thinks about politics or law?
I’m sorry, I have read that sentence four times and all I see is “hot ... actress.” I know that’s sexist, maybe if somebody puts in a complaint to God about his faulty design of the male brain.
Explain to me why I should care what some actress has to say. She probably sucked off or screwed some disgusting fat slob to where she is. Now she wants to lecture me?
Doesn't it ever embarrass you to carry on this way?
This question is going to wrong way.
Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Explain to me why I should care what some actress has to say. She probably sucked off or screwed some disgusting fat slob to where she is. Now she wants to lecture me?
9/11/18, 8:39 AM
Says Bill, Republic of Texas, as he sits in a dark room in some Texas backwater, in front of his glowing computer, "enjoying" video of the same actress.
This attack on "the lady from Coyote Ugly" is benign, compared to the attacks from the ideological left on Kavanaugh.
Personally, I wouldn't have chosen that way to attack what looks to be a rather pretty woman who is being photographed without makeup in flat light. Instead, I would have asked her some very pointed questions about how 14th Amendment due process analysis justifies the majority opinion in Obergefell v Hodges. Or I might ask her if her concerns about the nominee had anything to do with his views on the Elections Clause and if she even knew the terms of the Elections Clause. And whether here views on stare decisis were different for Roe v. Wade, than for Citizens United v. FEC.
For all you folks protesting the "sexism" angle -- you might want to ask yourself why Daniel Foster chose that description, "the lady from Coyote Ugly"
He put together a catch phrase.
It associates the actress with a funny-sounding movie she once appeared in.
It's intended to trivialize her.
And, it seems, effectively so.
Craig said.
The last time I contacted my Senator to tell her how to vote she told me in no uncertain terms that she didn’t care.
Blogger Bill, Republic of Texas said...
Craig said.
9/11/18, 8:42 AM
Says Bill, Republic of Texas, as he sits in a dark room in some Texas backwater, in front of his glowing computer, "enjoying" video of the same actress.
Correct. I'm "enjoying" her just for what she is. A pretty thing to ogle. I'm not asking her to get outside her area of expertise.
@Althouse, Piper Perabo has appeared in something on the order of thirty films, but none has come close to “Coyote Ugly” in terms of box office. If she was billed as the actress who played Genevieve in “Slap Her, She’s French” would you know who she is. I would expect an elderly, retired lady such as yourself to avoid conclusion leaping.
I also note that she has a movie coming out next year — about a Secret Service agent who gets framed for murdering the President — and I don’t suppose a little extra publicity hurts. So I am cynical at two levels. First, that her activism is tinged with self interest in promoting her upcoming film, and secondly that Trump in the White House seems to bring out Hollywood’s interest in plots involving the murder of s President.
“For all you folks protesting the "sexism" angle -- you might want to ask yourself why Daniel Foster chose that description, "the lady from Coyote Ugly"”
Who the hell is Daniel Foster and why should I care? And I don’t care how good looking the actress is w/o makeup.
The video tells me she is articulate, a lefty and I'd do her. That and she is too lazy to fold her laundry.
Actresses (and actors) are generally trivial bone heads. I worked with a lot of them and, like just about everybody, they almost always fit their stereotype.
Actresses don't need to be trivialized. They come pre-trivialized, sort of like pre-washed blue jeans.
Looking attractive and sexy is her only job skill, and true to the spoiled brat insanity of U.S. white women, she refuses to even do that.
So whom should I side with? The lady who expects me to be convinced by the Argument From Personal Fright, or the guy who expects me to be surprised that suddenly becoming a national political figure includes having people suddenly become opposed to you?
I know that’s sexist, maybe if somebody puts in a complaint to God about his faulty design of the male brain.
Now if only Elon Musk had designed the human race, he could download a patch and we could all be what feminists want us to be! I think that the mammal brain has been evolving for over 200 million years, during that time, some unfortunate hacks have been hardwired into the human brain due to the regrettable fact that the animals that didn’t reproduce never had any genetic hand in shaping following generations.
Come on Chuck, Althouse wants her to look hot and not dumb. All those questions might confuse her.
Multipurpse Piper Perabo! Now with retractable cord, built-in sharpener and night-light!
When I seek out mediocre actresses to determine the answers to complicated scientific and philosophical questions, please shoot me in the head.
An actoid is liable to shoot you in the buttocks because poor gun control.
I don't want to jinx his confirmation. Lurking in the back of my mind is some political ploy or blackmail the Dems will use to force Collins or Murkowsky or some other weak-minded Republican to get cold feet and vote down Kavanaugh.
But if Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed, I like the destabilizing effect it will have on the Left as they fret and worry about Roe's continued viability as a precedent.
You must be kidding, but sadly you're not. What's "justified" and "dignified" by this starlet's "concern" that POTUS is an "un-indicted co-conspirator?" wtf? On the other hand, I think you might lighten-up on the sexism charge against that critic - he certainly sounds less 'sexist' than u do with all your favorable comments toward her - "make up" for heaven's sake?!
On my part, I have to say she strikes me mostly as a rather common Valley Girl type ...not to mention a not-too-bright actress playing a calmly earnest citizen - how's that for sexism and geographic bias?
There are only two important issues for the Supreme Court. Guns and Abortion. Kennedy was for both.
We don’t know how Coach K would rule on these.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua?
Like Wagner's music, it's not as bad as it sounds.
Wow! Althouse triggered this morning. Lots of "feels" in this post. "feels sexist" "feels antagonistic".
Actually made me laugh.
"Rights that specifically belong to women"! I always wondered about the rights of the baby that's getting ripped up to get out of the woman. Guess because they can't speak their rights aren't important.
Quoting Lady Macbeth "Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!" Is what I think of when people pretend "it's just a clump of cells,"
Who the hell is Daniel Foster and why should I care?
Your click.
See, that’s why I love this place. Piper plays “Genevieve de Plouf” in “Slap Her, She’s French.” I would say that refraining from using that movie in his snarky post ranks up there in the annals of male sainthood with turning down a “nobody’s gonna know” blowjob from your girlfriends prettier sister.
Note:Title has been changed due to modern sensibilities to “She Gets what She Wants” apparently.
"I think the word "lady" is funny and okay to use now and then, but you have to know it feels antagonistic, and you're taunting a woman just as she is speaking out about rights that quite specifically belong to women."
OK, how about I just call her a feckless cunt? It's OK for me to use that word, I identify as hysterical this morning.
You're right, Piper, it does only take two minutes to let them know that Kavanaugh's a solid choice.
"It's intended to trivialize her."
Try calling some leftist-minded female "Ma'am" or even better "Madam" (with the "d" sounded) and watch them go bonkers.
I doubt she's read the original complaint, researched the event, or read the final Supreme Court decision. If she did, she's know the Supreme Court didn't add some new right, or make an arbitrary abortion a constitutional amendment. The court only allowed abortion before fetal viability. If scientific research determines viability at, or near, conception, and the court reexamines the previous decision for reference, abortions by demand advocates will have a hard time defending their position.
And that's what it's doing.
Ah, liberals: Always with the feelings, never with the thinking. "Let your Senator know how your feel." She feels angry and unhappy because the people she likes are not in power. Sad! Yeah, she feels sad, too, and scared. So many feelings, so little thinking, other than the conspiracy-thinking of "this president is an unindicted co-conspirator!" I'm surprised she's not running for Governor of New York.
That's no lady!
First they came for the makeup. You're seeing A Handmaid's Tale act out in real time.....They long ago warned us this would happen if the Equal Rights Amendment was not enact d. Now this. I want to live in a world where Hollywood actresses can wear make up and have proper lighting.
If she were really into the natural look she wouldn't be dying her obviously brown hair.
Signed, Pants, Who Is Somewhat Vain About Her Naturally Blond Hair
"She isn't expressing a personal hatred toward Kavanaugh, but a completely justified concern that constitutional law that she cares about will change if he replaces Justice Kennedy."
That statement assumes that she has an understanding of constitutional law, which I seriously doubt.
Her concern is more likely that constitutional law will be applied if Kavanaugh replaces Kennedy.
She has a catchy name, but, as the years go by, how can you grow into the DA role with a name like Piper Perabo. Maybe she's hoping these kind of stands will help her shed the ingenue vibe.......If it's fair to look at Kavanaugh's past decisions, it's fair to look at her past roles......I remember her name and I remember the name of a movie she was in that I never saw. She's famous for almost being famous.
1. Men don't get pregnant.
2. Therefore men shouldn't decide whether or when women can get abortions.
3. The Supreme Court protects women's right to get an abortion anywhere in the USA.
4. Therefore the Supreme Court must be all-female. For otherwise it can't be trusted to protect women's rights.
5. And since some women have false consciousness, it must be all feminist female.
I love the "no makeup" natural beauty and plain hair and makeup
I'm sure it isn't cheap to keep the "natural beauty" look once your in your 40s.
It's the "for some reason" word group that is the stupidest element of the Tweet, by far.
@William, given what’s happening to the spermicide counts of Western men in response to estrogen in the water supply, when the Handmaid’s Tale does come to pass, it will be wealthy and well-connected women keeping a harem of young studs with viable sperm around the house.
Signed, Pants, Who Is Somewhat Vain About Her Naturally Blond Hair
Fine, but is it Naturally Curly Blond Hair?
If you are afraid that a Constitutionalist will nullify a law, you are admitting that it isn't really Constitutionally based, aren't you.
In 1900 the United States had a population of about 76 million people, and 9 Supreme Court Justices.
In 2017 the United States had a population of about 325 million people, and 9 Supreme Court Justices.
Let's just say, the court no longer represents the complexity of the country. Patents are out of control, copyrights are out of control, and the court is worried about the same issues today, that it was worried about in 1954.
Suffice to say, the Republic is doomed.
it will be wealthy and well-connected women keeping a harem of young studs with viable sperm around the house.
Back when I was still reading Science Fiction, there was a clever story about a nuclear accident that sterilized all the men on earth except for one yokel who was working in a lead mine at the time.
I've forgotten the title but it was a clever story. He was besieged by millions of women (who had not been sterilized for some reason) after his wife had a baby born a year after the accident.
The poor guy was so harassed by women that he finally sterilized himself with cyclotron. A few months later, all the other men in the world had spontaneous recovery of sperm counts. He was the only one still sterile. That story was written before modern feminism, of course.
Big Mike said...
@William, given what’s happening to the spermicide counts of Western men...
For the record, my spermicide count is zero.
"Lady from Coyote Ugly" is not accurate, compared to say, something like, "dumb lefty broad."
The idiotic, insane and asshole conduct of lefty activists has made me totally lose any sympathy I ever had for their causes.
Especially Hollyweird assholes. They want to shit on the deplorables live on TV and then think they can manipulate them into supporting their causes by being pretty and acting like they are informed, intelligent people on camera.
And the choice of "Coyote Ugly" as the one film to name adds to the effect. Whatever that movie was about — I once knew — you're getting out the idea of women being judged by their looks...
If this woman hadn't been judged by her looks she wouldn't have been in the movie or the video, and no one would know or care what she thought about anything. So just watching the video is sexist.
Michael K
Remember the movie "A Boy And His Dog" ( 1975 ).
Whole movie,
Piper seems like a nice gal. Physically, in this day and age, she is attractive. Probably, the physically ugly feminist Marxist Lesbians are somewhat skeptical of her commitment to "the struggle". So, yeah, I'd sleep with her.
But listen to her about politics, the Courts or Senate Committee hearings? Are you crazy?
...then wake up one morning and for some reason the lady from “Coyote Ugly” hates your ever-loving guts.
harrogate said...
It's the "for some reason" word group that is the stupidest element of the Tweet, by far.
No. It's the "wake up one morning" part that is the stupidest. She's hated him his entire adult life, even if she had never heard of him as an individual.
I was getting excited to watch the video until I realized she wasn't Piper Perri.
Well, put me in the column that regards our hostess as sexist, joining the racist description she has because she doesn't care about a illegal immigrant murdering someone who was a "white girl."
Bay Area Guy said...
So, yeah, I'd sleep with her.
The problem is, when she wakes up the next morning, she's gonna want to talk politics. If only there was something you could do so that you could get out of there without waking her, even though she is asleep on your arm...
The idiotic, insane and asshole conduct of lefty activists has made me totally lose any sympathy I ever had for their causes.
Especially Hollyweird assholes.
College professors fit in there somewhere, too
That one would be much beyond coyote ugly. Elephant ugly ?
Sex politics.
It's only bizarre if you are not aware of leverage games (e.g. diversity or color judgments).
That said, elective abortion is not bizarre, it's a wicked solution. #HateLovesAbortion
"born into fantastic wealth and privilege in Wayne, NJ"
Why do you think I went to the University of Michigan when I was the valedictorian of my high school class?
1. Men don't get pregnant.
5. And since some women have false consciousness, it must be all feminist female.
It's only logical.
I would say many women, including deplorables and "bad Americans". The same thing happens with privileged Asians, White Hispanics, and color-neutral blacks who are "necklaced" and lynched.
@Iggy is Blissful,
The problem is, when she wakes up the next morning, she's gonna want to talk politics. If only there was something you could do so that you could get out of there without waking her, even though she is asleep on your arm...
That poses a conundrum -- the subject who is both physically beautiful, but politically ugly.
My general rule is to never, ever, ever sleep with leftwing women -- even the good looking ones. But Piper is very hot -- she could smoke my pipe any day of the week.
It really is a paradox. Would the rule-oriented, principled man stick to his principle or succumb to temptation?
Maybe, there's a happy compromise. Have one's way with her, listen to her bullshit political rant, and then make to her watch in the nude old CSPAN videos of the Robert Bork hearings.
"...she's hot-- I trust her" -- Hansel, Zoolander II
A good, juicy role for Ms. Perabo would be the life of Norma McCorvey, aka Jane Roe. The more you know, the more you wish you didn't.
So..she thinks Roe vs Wade is about "equal rights".
So..she thinks Roe vs Wade is about "equal rights".
The quintessential power imbalance. The female chauvinists are on the wrong side of the issue, again.
Who gives a shit what some c level actress thinks about constitutional law? No one. That's why it's fucking funny to make the comparison between Kavanaugh, some bland, but brilliant jurist and someone idiot actress who just heard of him 5 minutes ago. She may have concerns about his jurisprudence, but it's also clear that she doesn't fucking know shit about it and that she's very uninformed about his actual views about that and a many other topics. She is literally just repeating leftist talking points and slander about Kavanaugh and Trump. She says the lines. That's her profession.
And Coyote Ugly was her most famous role, but it's still a movie that very few likely remember until its brought up and then we all can recall that it was a thing once.
I also don't wear makeup when I'm making poltical statements. I feel that makeup would compromise my authenticity.
The Dems blew their opportunity to block this, thanks to Harry Reid. They should look for another battle.
It's good that after having her naturally beautiful behind forcibly booted from the hearings, she is advocating a more sober procedural approach to others.
I suspect the Kavanaughs are choosing restaurants very carefully since daddy became Hitler.
Piper Perabo, meet Piper Palin -- I'm sure you two will have a lot to talk about.
There's an excellent reply in her Twitter feed:
"It’s gonna be ok. World isn’t gonna end, people like you have been fed so much propaganda over the years, they’ve convinced you the sky is falling. This has been the lefts rhetoric for last 35 yrs. Take a deep breath, understand propaganda is real, emotion is clouding your logic"
Piper Perabo in Coyote Ugly was about as fetching a young lady as you will ever see. Her video advocating against Kavanaugh wasn't the worst I have seen, but rather pointless overall.
Why do you think I went to the University of Michigan when I was the valedictorian of my high school class?
You were a football fan? Am I close?
This is the problem with attractive, nice sounding people. You attach undeserved credibility to them when they offer nothing new and merely echo talking points. She could even say nasty, hateful things and because she looks and sounds good, you give them a pass, or worse, elect them to office.
@Ignorance, autocorrect, compounded by my poor proofreading skills, strikes again!
I love these comments by: "..Blogger Biotrekker said...When I seek out mediocre actresses to determine the answers to complicated scientific and philosophical questions, please shoot me in the head."9/11/18, 8:07 AM
You're correct about this one actress! But my thinking is she didn't do this by herself. This is all about activists puttin up the theatrics of politics and their political narrative. Anyone who believes entertainers does need to be put out of their misery!
AA's comments about "Lady" hits me like her preaching to the PC choir - pure bullsit!
Attacking actress for looking like an actress when Trump boasts he picked nominee from central casting!
Piper Parabola would be a good name for a female scientist, who moonlights as a porn star.
Once again, I am so, so glad I have no idea who these people are.
Coyote Ugly? Whatever.
As I recall grandpa worked as a bush pilot after the war and flew a Piper Perabo.
The problem is, when she wakes up the next morning, she's gonna want to talk politics. If only there was something you could do so that you could get out of there without waking her, even though she is asleep on your arm...
I'm so glad someone is paying attention.
It's looking good for Kavanaugh. She should probably Move On.
Bullshite, Althouse. It was used as a reference point for anyone who doesn't remember any of the 3 or 4(or 30) movies she was in. You see 'sexism' in that the same that Coates guy seen racism in the white paint used in lane marking.
Kavanaugh gets to be Samson, the one guy who will bring the whole Temple down around everyones' ears. No Delilah required.
I know whenever I want informed opinion from someone well versed in Constitutional law, I always think, "Gee, I wonder what that girl from COYOTE UGLY and ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE is thinking?"
Several thoughts on this fool:
1. You and your partner use any of the forms of contraception available and you’d have nothing to fear. Or are you too irresponsible and selfish to do that?
2. Re AA’s “lady” comment, civility bullshit and PC to boot.
3. AA has disgustingly low standards when praising any abortion fanatic.
Finally, a question for AA, a serious one: at what point in the gestation cycle would you deem an abortion to be uncivilized? Not to mention , murder?
readering: "Attacking actress for looking like an actress when Trump boasts he picked nominee from central casting!"
Who is going to explain the substance vs appearance difference to readering?
And, more important, who is going to comprehend it for readering?
She’s saving up all her abortions for Mr. Right and doesn’t want anyone to take that dream away.
Crack mentioned Harry Reid. Do the Dems miss him yet? Heard he used his ill gotten wealth to buy a brothel in Searchlight, NV.
It's not 'reproductive health care' or whatever new braindead euphemism they've invented today, when reproduction doesnt occur.
At least be honest in your all-consuming desire to push the negative consequences of your irresponsible behavior onto a 3rd party.
re: Pro-Choice/selective-child/elective abortion
I think Althouse gets it. She wouldn't discuss it otherwise. It's a wicked solution to a hard problem which seems intractable. Abortion rites are natural rights. Thus the legal and safe argument for women with a "burden". I argue for education (biology instead of sexual rations indoctrination) and moral (e.g. self-moderation, personal responsibility) reform, for alternative choices, and social support -- without normalizing heterosexual dysfunction and progressive corruption -- for women who are barefoot and pregnant.
Thanks Ann, for making me realize that I can control myself and not destroy my own property by punching the screen.
If not for "Coyote Ugly", would anyone have a clue who Piper Perabo is?
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