September 21, 2018

Does Trump's tweet attack Christine Blasey Ford?

On CNN, they're going on and on about how Trump has suddenly begun directly attacking Blasey.

The front-page of the NYT says he's ending his "days of restraint":
I guess they've been waiting for Trump to say anything that could be construed as an attack and hoping he'd go low. I don't think this is low at all, but the anti-Kavanaugh media seem to be working off a theory that says that any attempt to defend Kavanaugh is an attack on the alleged victim. No matter how restrained and deferential, any defense of him will be presented as an attack on her. Those who want Kavanaugh confirmed should resist that template, but they still need to be careful. The media are trying to provoke them into saying things that really will seem like an attack on someone who may be a real victim or that unsettle people like me who are invested in the larger #MeToo movement.

And this does get the "civility bullshit" tag.


Michael K said...

"You magnificent bastard. I read your book !"

Trump is fighting. And what's particularly delicious is that, like Patton standing over the battlefield as his tanks obliterated Rommel's, he's shouting, "You magnificent bastard, I read your book!" That is just the icing on the cake, but it's wonderful to see that not only is Trump fighting, he's defeating the Left using their own tactics.
That book is Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals a book so essential to the Liberals' war against America that it is and was the playbook for the entire Obama administration and the subject of Hillary Clinton's senior thesis. It is a book of such pure evil, that, just as the rest of us would dedicate our book to those we most love or those to whom we are most indebted, Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer.

Dan in Philly said...

The way Trump plays his enemies in the media is truly instructive and impressive. He sensed how they anticipated he would work this issue and instead of caving, he stood by his nominee. Instead of going low he didn't address at all until a subdued tweet which strikes at the heart of the problem, a lack of credibility. Instead of refusing to hear her, a hearing was scheduled. Her and their responses have likely rallied his base far more than their own.

daskol said...

After nearly a week of waiting, Trump points out the dog that did not bark.

jwl said...

I don't think Trump is attacking Prof Ford, he is trolling or mocking her.

Earnest Prole said...

As Terry Teachout recently noted, "We now live in a zero-sum society in which a fast-growing number of people believe passionately that there are only two sides to every important issue -- and that only one of them can possibly be right."

chuck said...

The wonderful thing is that Trump says what many think, and the Democrat propaganda organs look silly to all but the believers. In the end it will all come down to how many believers are out there, the actual events are irrelevant.

Freder Frederson said...

Of course it is attacking Ford (although more subtly than Trump usually does). He is calling Ford a liar. His "proof" is that such an attack would result in a complaint to the police. Which of course a bullshit proposition.

Leland said...

I think this is civility BS too: "Those who want Kavanaugh confirmed should resist that template, but they still need to be careful. The media are trying to provoke them into saying things that really will seem like an attack on someone who may be a real victim"

Real victims act like real victims. They, as Trump suggests and you understand, report crimes as crimes. They sit down with authorities and explain all they can about the events surrounding the crime. They, now willing to tell their story, want to tell their story to authorities and want to tell it first. They may still be afraid of their attacker, but they understand the process requires them to take a stand against them, and that they will be protected by the courts.

Real victims don't ask for a legislature to be the court and not the judiciary. They don't demand the accused be stripped of all rights. They don't demand the investigators work with whatever has already been provided. They may demand investigators work to their timetable, but they rarely get that request.

Blasey Ford may be a real victim of a heinous assault. But that status does not give her additional privilege to throw out our system of justice, so that she can make a point about an incident that even she admitted wasn't a big deal for 30 years of her life. I'm tired of being asked to show more and more indifference to her and her lawyer's demands. You got a delay. You got a forum to explain your story. You'll be given protection to make your claims. You likely will not even face a dilemma of having to tell the truth under penalty of perjury. Demands for more indifference are over. Time for Blasey Ford to make a stand or go home.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The democrat hack press will rush in to save their 11th hour liar. NO ONE will be allowed to ask her a single serious or tough question. Not without the DNC press calling you a bully.

She is an unquestionable victim. And her students think she is an unstable whack-job.

Qwinn said...

Earnest Prole:

That would be concerning, if there were any chance left that both sides were arguing in good faith.

That time is long past. The Left is simply blatantly obvious now that they seek America's destruction. The passionate people on the other side insist they don't want it destroyed. The answer is not for that latter group to moderate their position.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The lying bitch should be attacked, as it is obvious to everyone that this is a blatant lie used as a partisan rape of a good man's career and reputation. If stupid feminist retards like Althouse get the sads when this is pointed out, who gives a fuck. Anybody who pretends to believe this nonsense wasn't going to be voting Republican anyways.

The only thing this whole disgusting affair is that women should not be believed without evidence, and that due process is extremely important.

PM said...

If it were were were

Carol said...

Whoa, he just tweeted again...developing...

Roughcoat said...

Send in the clowns. There ought to be clowns.

Don't bother -- they're here.

Otto said...

Have you seen this Kavanaugh? He looks almost as wussy as Bob Dylan. My Texas daughter-in-law would have this wuss on his ass and the cops there in a second if he tried that on her.

readering said...

He's saying if there was an assault there would be a police report therefore if no police report the claim of assault is a lie. That is not a good thing to say.

mockturtle said...

Looks like Trump read the email I sent him yesterday. ;-)

She also wants Kavanaugh to not be present during her testimony. Does he not have the right to face his accuser in court? This woman appears to have some grave psychiatric problems and a Senate hearing is hardly to venue in which to air them unless she wants to be publicly mocked.

readering said...

Otto he was on the football team and captain of the basketball team.

Birkel said...

Freder Frederson paraphrasing:
How dare Trump call our side's lying liar a liar.
Such truth telling us a further assault on all women.
Shame on Trump for noticing.

Michael K said...

His "proof" is that such an attack would result in a complaint to the police. Which of course a bullshit proposition.

No, but it would probably result in telling a friend. Did you look at the year book entries ? Of course not.

She has zero confirmation and, if she is dumb enough to show up Monday, Kavanaugh will have a diary of the summer she was 15 and it will NOT include that party.

Come on Freder, not even you are this dumb usually.

Oh wait...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If she thought she was going to DIE! - why didn't she tell someone? anyone? her folks, the police, a best buddy?

Oh that's right. If anything happened at all, it was probably a drunken forgotten romp at one of her parties- and rape or sexual assault never happened.

Michael K said...

That is not a good thing to say.

Neither is a vague accusation 36 years later with no evidence, not even a friend who was told.

n.n said...

He's a warlock. Burn him.

Just the facts, ma'am.

Rapist. Murderer. And other brutish things.

Nonapod said...

The only question now is whether or not we've fully decended to the point where a mere vague, decades old, evidence free accusation is enough to completely end a career.

Personally I can't tell where we are. Is this the new normal? Have we regressed all the way back to the Salem witch trials? I guess we'll find out in November when all the swing voting white women make that call.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Poor Freder agrees - No one will be allowed to question the 11th hour hail mary pass.

GOP should roll over and die over the big lie.

It's also illegal to do any opposition research into Hillary Clinton. It's also illegal to beat Hillary Clinton in an election.

Michael K said...

Blogger Otto said...
Have you seen this Kavanaugh? He looks almost as wussy as Bob Dylan.

I had a similar thought. He looked like another Kennedy who would "grow in office."

This will radicalize him like it did Thomas. Thank you lefties.

Big Mike said...

She didn’t call the cops because she was underage and drunk out of her skull. And because she wouldn't have been invited to any more cool parties.

And perhaps because she had been the sexual aggressor?

mockturtle said...

I suspect this woman was prodded, like Anita Hill, to testify and she didn't realize how stupid it's going to make her look. She obviously had a memory blackout that lasted 30+ years and she was probably too drunk to make a sound decision at the time--as is so often the case with 'college rape'. They were probably both too blotto to remember anything. They were dumbass kids, after all.

Anonymous said...

Freder Frederson raped me.

gahrie said...

The media are trying to provoke them into saying things that really will seem like an attack on someone who may be a real victim or that unsettle people like me who are invested in the larger #MeToo movement.

Because some people will react emotionally, and not realize that "seem" is not the same thing as "are".

Laslo Spatula said...

"Does Trump's tweet attack Christine Blasey Ford?"

There is a certain rhythm there in her name.

John Wilkes Booth.

Lee Harvey Oswald.

James Earl Ray.

Christine Blasey Ford.

No point, really.

I am Laslo.

Otto said...

Yea we had a guy like that on our team, he was the place kicker. Remember that place kicker for the dolphins? That little swarmy Armenian was a tie salesman in the off season.I must say that he did have a strong leg but linemen think kickers are wusses.:-)

mockturtle said...

Freder Frederson raped me.

#MeToo!!! ;-)

n.n said...
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rehajm said...

Accuse >>> Sentence skips a few steps.

Even witches got a trial.

rhhardin said...

It's a good time to take gains on the #MeToo movement investment. Sell high.

n.n said...

Planned Coitus. The stigma of sexual relations leads to backroom sex and decades after regrets. Also, lower the age of consent to include adolescents and prepubescents for the same reason. They're just holes.

That said, without corroborating evidence, how do we know that Ford did not sexually assault the boys? We know that girls mature and develop sexual appetites sooner. #NoJudgment #NoLabels

Well, perhaps one: #HateLovesAbortion

Yancey Ward said...

It was probably best to remain silent, but she still hasn't accepted the Monday hearing, I suspect this is now over- the committee will move ahead and vote. Unless another accuser comes forth, Kavanaugh is sure to be confirmed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What the left need now is a throbbing memo.

Leftwingers are capable of any deceit, and feel entitled to use any deceptive tactic that can be imagined. For the common good.

TreeJoe said...

You've got to give credit to one of the most beautifully worded tweets I've seen him do.

Look at the all points compressed into those sentences:

- Did she file charges?
- Did her parents file charges?
- Did she not tell her parents?
- Are there ANY contemporaneous accounts to provide her claim some backing?
- Why don't we know the date, or even year, and place of the accused attack with any degree of certainty, yet we are treating her claim as real.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"He is calling Ford a liar."

That's what happens when you make an accusation and can't back it up. Out here in the real world.
Trump kept his powder dry until he saw that Ford's flush point had been reached. Now he's flushing. What are rabid Golden Shower Leftists going to do? Not vote for him?

gahrie said...

He's saying if there was an assault there would be a police report therefore if no police report the claim of assault is a lie. That is not a good thing to say.

But accusing a man of attempted rape and murder thirty five years later with no evidence and no clue as to where or when the attack took place is perfectly fine...right?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Even witches got a trial.

Witches and warlocks. That's true.

Only select babies and select third-world dictators are denied due process. #ProChoice

Ralph L said...

I'd like to know what the WaPoo planned to do with her story. Did they dismiss it until ChiFi spilled it?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

White Joy Behar raped me.

Nonapod said...

@ Laslo Spatula

The whole three name gunman thing is a trope. Or a maybe it's cliche. Or maybe it's further proof we're living in a simulation.

Big Mike said...

The whole Christine Blasey Ford narrative stinks to high heaven.

Kavanaugh can’t prove he was somewhere else on the night in question because not only does she — conveniently! — not remember where the party took place, she cannot remember when it took place EVEN TO WHICH YEAR.

Uh huh. Absolutely seared into her memory.

Why did she go upstairs to the bathroom? Those big McMansions bear the Congressional CC have main level powder rooms.

How did she get home?

And along with Mark Judge, it seems that Christine identified another friend of Kavanaugh ‘s known only as “PJ.” Well, Patrick J. Smyth has been identified, and, like Mark Judge, he has submitted a sworn deposition that nothing like what she alleges ever happened. So it’s one “she said” versus three “he said.”

She’s lying.

n.n said...

I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place!

Trump: #NoJudgment #NoLabels #HateLovesAbortion

Social justice adventurers: #Judgment #Labels #Choice

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

College rape now consists of the rape not actually occurring.

Real American said...

While some women may wait a long time to tell their tale of being sexually assaulted or raped (for whatever legit reason), the longer they wait the more difficult is becomes to prove/confirm/corroborate that it actually occurred, no matter how truthfully the woman recounts the story. Evidence is lost. People forget. Witnesses disappear. People make mistakes. Memories actually change. Waiting is NOT evidence that the story is true, however. If anything, it is evidence that cuts the other way.

I don't know whether Trump has kept up on the day to day with this stuff, he's been busy I'm sure dealing with Hurricane stuff, but either he didn't realize she never said anything for over 3 decades, and even then didn't mention Kavanaugh by name, or he's very slyly reminding everyone that there's no contemporaneous evidence of the alleged assault and there isn't going to be.

The bottom line is this is a judicial confirmation hearing, not a criminal court, and not a Soviet show trial. The responsible members of the Committee are trying to weigh their votes on whether Kavanaugh is fit for the court. They would like to hear from this woman but on their terms, not hers and not Diane Feinstein's. If she's not able or willing to discuss the her accusation with them, and answer serious questions, then they need to move on. Period. The next court terms starts October 1. He needs to be seated by then.

Rosalyn C. said...

Trump brings up a point that I've been thinking, that there is more to Christine B. Ford's problems with men than that episode in high school. People keep saying that women don't often tell anyone about sexual abuse, but this happened when she was a child, not a woman in the workplace afraid to speak out against a powerful boss for fear of losing her job. Likewise Ford was not like the child who has been abused by a family member and can't tell because the mother doesn't want to know or disrupt the family structure.

I've read Ford didn't want to tell her parents because she went to a party where people were drinking alcohol, but surely her loving parents would have forgiven her and come to her defense over a sexual assault. She was a fifteen year old girl from a well to do family. Something doesn't add up. And Trump is bringing it up, it's not an attack on Ford but he does point out there is more to this story.

tim maguire said...

Maybe not THAT low, but saying that she should have reported it to the police 35 years ago does fly in the face of everything we've been told by the #metoo crowd. And maybe she should have, but it's too late now and it doesn't mean she wasn't attacked.

I have to think Trump threw that in there to trigger a reaction. Which it did.

Otto said...

oops-Hall of Famer lineman Lou Groza.His brother, Alex Groza , was an all-american basketball player at Kentucky

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The bottom line is this is a judicial confirmation hearing, not a criminal court, and not a Soviet show trial.

**The left will dutifully blame Russia for their losses, but they have a long history of using the tactics of the Soviets for their efforts.

Yancey Ward said...

I have always been sure she was lying in large measure. For me, the biggest tell was specificity of the details designed to identify Kavanaugh with 100% certitude along with friends of Kavanaugh at the party, but then not remember where and when it took place. This always rang false with me- for myself, this story is only plausible if she states she can't be sure it was Kavanaugh along with all the other lack of detailed memories, or she identifies Kavanaugh with high certainty can nail down the where specifically along with at least well remembered month and year. The way the story is told appears almost totally designed to prevent any attempt to falsify it. In addition, the very fact that she seems to have never told any of friends or family at the time about the event really undermines her credibility with increasing intensity as the days go by now, but I am willing to accept that if she had no close friends at the age of 15 or 16- not all do.

TestTube said...

More importantly, where are Trump's tweets on Wacky-gate (or, as I have offered before, Wacky-quiddick)

A Senatorial candidate -- Jacky Rosen -- stands accused of Wackiness. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Is this a case of wackiphobia raising its ugly, hateful head? Or the first signs of a sinister conspiracy to irreparably wackify our most powerful and precious institutions?

In either case, how far has the damage spread? What will be the future? One can envision a future much like the Science Fiction Epic "Dune"

(Scene: 10,000 years in the future. The Galactic Emperor paces nervously in his throne room)

Courtier: Your Majesty, we anticipate the arrival of a Third-class navigator
Emperor: A third class navigator! Why would they send such a prestigious emissary! This must be very important indeed!
(Throne room doors open. A large, boxy structure glides into the throne room, accompanined by numerous bodyguards. Panels unfold to reveal the interior, a glass-enclosed room filled with smokey fumes, in which a strange form is dimly seen)
Emperor: What brings you on such a unusual visit, gracious navigator?
(the fumes dissipate to some degree, and we are able to see the strange form somewhat. The navigator is in the shape of a hideously mutated Daffy Duck!)
(The navigator bounces off the walls of the boxy structure, in the manner of a rubber ball, until finally it breaks the glass, and bounces off, ricocheting down the halls of the palace)
Bodyguard (who reveals himself to be Porky Pig): Th-th-th-THAT'S ALL FOLKS!

JAORE said...

If Mitch caves for - just a few more days - and the nomination falls past the election (or dies) the Republican turn out will die on thee vine.

Full disclosure, we have 3 sons and I fear for them in today's climate.

Carol said...

Actually in 1982 you wouldn't report. It was a whole different police culture back then. I was busted for pot and the first thing they did was search through all your stuff, and if they found birth control pills they accused you of being a hooker, as well as a dealer. It was nasty. They assumed the worst and made you feel like a worm. This was in Cali. I think it was SOP.

A couple years later in Las Vegas my ex bandmate was murdered. I was a suspect. A detective showed up at 4 am..then they called me in to the station for questioning. I knew her to be a nice Jewish girl, LACC graduate in music, who was trying to land a nice Jewish psychiatrist. We had roomed together. Never any guys over. They made her out to be some kind of whore because she was strangled in bed, and she was not a virgin! This was 1970s.

In 1982 the local police would gather in the back room of the VFW and get shitfaced every week. Just roaring drunk. It finally came out and they cleaned up their act. It's all different now, probably to all the 1990s PC and nascent metooism going on.

Sorry to be unhelpful here. I just think Trump and friends should drop that line of attack.

Bay Area Guy said...

Monday hearing transcript from testimony of Christine Blasey Ford:

Ted Cruz: Please state your name for the record.

CBF: You already know my name.

Cruz: Please state your address.

CBF: I live in Palo Alto -- where do you live?

Cruz: Dr. Ford, Where did you attend high school?

CBF: Holton-Arms. Go Lady Tigers!

Cruz: This is a delicate area, I apologize in advance, but we are merely trying to establish the facts. Dr. Ford, How many cocks did you suck at Holton-Arms?

CBF: I dunno, somewhere between 50-60. Party on!

Cruz: Is that your best estimate?

CBF: Sure, why not. Did anyone tell you you look like Grayson Allen of the Utah Jazz?

Cruz: Yes, they have. Dr. Ford, Do you know Brett Kavanaugh?

CBF: Yeah, he was one of the Georgetown Prep jocks.

Cruz: Now, Did you ever happen to suck Brett Kavanaugh's cock?

CBF: No, but I would have.

Cruz: Did you ever party with Bret Kavanaugh and the Georgetown Prep jocks?

CBF: All the time! And then one night, we went into a bedroom at this house, and I was drunk, and he fell on top of me on a bed, but I was not in the mood, so I said No, and then he put his hand over my mouth, and it traumatized me, and then he got up and left, and it was the worst 22 seconds of my life.

Cruz: Currently, how many cats do you own, Dr. Ford?

CBF: 4, why do you ask?

Cruz: No further questions.

JHapp said...

She is demanding that our senators, president and government obey her. Reminds me of that common phrase: "I will give all this to you, if you will bow down and worship me."

n.n said...
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n.n said...

Witches and warlock were granted trials without an obfuscating layer of privacy.

Babies are conveniently exempt from human and civil rights under the First (e.g. voice), Eighth (e.g. torture), Sixth (confrontation of witnesses), Second (disarmed), and Fifth (nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law) Amendments.

Kavanaugh is a mature baby. Under the Twilight Amendment he can be Planned (e.g. summary judgments).

5M - Eckstine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mccullough said...

Trump’s tweet is consistent with 70% of the US citizenry views. That’s why he tweeted it.

If this had been a near rape she would have told someone, likely her parents. She was a child of privilege.

A mentally-ill adult concots stories based on warped perceptions or “recovered memories.” Or a very manipulative one.

She can’t even pick the house out. Because that is something that would trace the ownership and we’d find out who lived there at the time.

She doesn’t remember the date, or let’s be frank even the year, because the actual event her bullshit version is based on was not a big deal to her at the time.

But she grew up in this area. There is no fucking way she can’t remember or at least now drive around the old hood and pick out the house

She is either mentally ill or a sociopath. Either way, her story is bullshit.

Trump put it very diplomatically. But that’s what he’s saying. The story is bullshit.

n.n said...

She is burdened by decades after regrets for a backroom relation, thus the need to characterize Kavanaugh as a mature baby, exempt from civil (and human) rights, and eligible for processing at Planned Politician or Planned Patriarchy. That is, under progressive liberal policies of selective-politician or selective-patriarch.

Matt Sablan said...

There has to be SOME standard of proof. A lot of assaults AREN'T reported, but if one is, that goes a long way to helping to build credibility. There are other ways to do it, such as medical records (like the woman Ellison allegedly beat has) or telling others (like Broderick did).

If there were no charges filed, then... what other evidence do we have that we can use to justify ruining Kavanaugh's life?

Francisco D said...

In 1983, I was at a party with Freder. He coaxed me to a room where we were alone and made an aggressive advance by grabbing my penis and starting to suck it.

I was so embarrassed that I did not tell anyone for fear of being labelled a homosexual. That fear caused me to forget the incident.

After extensive psychotherapy, I recalled the event and realized that it destroyed my ability to have meaningful relationships with women or men for that matter.

I now believe that Freder should pay for assaulting me.

Why would I lie about such an event at this point in time?

n.n said...

There is a certain rhythm there in her name.

... and rhyme. Red rover, red rover, send Christine Blasey Ford right over.

AllenS said...

Francisco, what you say is true. I've been inside stalls in a public bathrooms, and have seen stories of Freder written with a magic marker about him molesting young boys.

Michael K said...

Sorry to be unhelpful here. I just think Trump and friends should drop that line of attack.

Trump has a way of getting at the matter from other angles than head on.

For example

Is Trump’s expectation of a police report unreasonable? Some say so. On the other hand, there is a police report relating to one of the domestic violence complaints against Deputy Democratic National Committee Chairman Keith Ellison, in the form of a transcript of a 911 call that included a request for a squad car to come to the victim’s residence. So real victims do call the police–sometimes, at least.

Plus there are medical records now published. Watch for this to be the next theme.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I don't know, does her letter attack Kavanaugh? The obvious answer is no because anything more than 140 characters in paragraph form takes extra effort. But Twitter? Twitter is rape!!!

Trumpit said...

"I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place!" Show us your tax filings, Mr. President, so we can learn date, time, and place!

Schlump is and will always be a "dumbass" to use dumbass mockturtle's epithet for rich whitebread entitled pricks such as bad-boy Kavanugh. A Dumbass should not be a judge or POTUS. The vote should be 100 to none against him. Any Republican who votes for that likely rapist is an evil dumbass more so than they now are.

gahrie said...

The question isn't "Did Trump's tweet attack Ford?", it's "Can we convince people that Trump's tweet attacked Ford?".

Michael K said...

Francisco, are you sure that was not trumpit in the bathroom stall ?

Francisco D said...

There is no point in trying to figure out what happened with Ms. Blasey Ford.

She has not made a complaint under oath.

She does not recall the date of the incident.

She does not recall where the incident took place.

She does not recall how she got to the party and how she got home.

No investigative body on the face of the earth that would take on this 36 year old case.

Does any Democrat out there worry that this same accusation could be made against their son or spouse and thus cause them serious professional harm?

tcrosse said...

Francisco, are you sure that was not trumpit in the bathroom stall ?

Maybe it was Ritmo in the shower room with a pepperoni.

rhhardin said...

It's all about what plays in the soap opera channel, not anything else. What story soap opera women are most fascinated by.

They edit national debates. Politicians have to accommodate the entertainment choices soap opera women are making or get voted out.

Francisco D said...

"Francisco, are you sure that was not trumpit in the bathroom stall ?"

There was a second person there who bumped into Freder and caused him to fall down. This allowed me to get away. I think that person's name is Trumpit.

FIDO said...

This is not a believable story.

If you want people to believe you, give them a believable story.

But a SPECIFIC story can be refuted and attacked...particularly if it didn't happen.

But just a question: What does larger 'MeTooism' have to do with a specific woman? Does EVERY woman have to be correct for MeTooism to thrive? Are zero women allowed to be wrong or (gulp) liars?

What a delicate movement this is...that it's momentum is far more important than actual small things like the Rule of Law and actual Fairness (never mind Justice)

So what do you mean by that, Ms. Althouse?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place!"

Not an attack at all. Trump is merely stating what is common sense.

If you felt you were assaulted 35 years ago, you would have filed a complaint. If you didn't file a complain 35 YEARS AGO is is just too late now. Or...too fucking bad.

n.n said...

Kavanaugh will be denied civil rights under the Twilight Amendment (e.g. Obama spied, Clinton colluded, DNC denied, Journolists lynched) and processed under the Pro-Choice precedent. Yes, #HimToo, #HerToo, and #BabyToo.

tcrosse said...

Apropos of nothing, my favorite piece of legal boilerplate:
"Penetration, however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense."

gspencer said...

Trump's tweet is not an attack. It's straight-up mockery.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

mc @ 11:11


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If she filled in the blanks, it would damage her own narrative.

PhilD said...

Has she given any indication how she is so sure it was Kavenaugh? Did she know him from before, from after? Had he any distinctive feature? Was he a leader of the 'gang'?...

And apart from that, since when has a 'recovered' memory become a fact simply of itself?
All this supposing of course that 'something' happened and that her 'recovered memory' concerns a real incident and not some fantasy.

n.n said...

"Francisco, are you sure that was not trumpit in the bathroom stall ?"

All that is known is that there was at least one Ass (Democrat) and three or more holes (e.g. male, female, toilet) present.

FIDO said...
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Martha said...

Ford would testify first, Kavanaugh second; Independent lawyer would question both

FIDO said...

I am sitting here thinking of how many people I knew in other high schools. One? Two?

So the question not only how she knows Kavanaugh but is so sure it was him for DECADES...because when I don't meet people consistently, their names slip away.

Granted IF there was a rape, sure, it would sear into her memory...just like things like what he was wearing, where they were, who else was there, distinguishing characteristics.

Questions to establish credibility.

But she, hopefully, has lost that chance because rules are not made to be broken, even when 'abortion!'

How many more Rights does everyone need to lose so women can keep killing babies?

n.n said...

The Tripoli apology for social justice adventures: What difference, at this point, does it make?

The Pro-Choice apology for denying civil and human rights: Rites and Republicans.

Rabel said...

She didn't tell the police - that's understandable.

She didn't tell her parents - that's understandable.

She didn't tell her girlfriends - that's bullshit.

Michael K said...

Blogger rhhardin said...
It's all about what plays in the soap opera channel, not anything else. What story soap opera women are most fascinated by.

Yes, except this is for suburban women who usually don't watch soap operas and would be insulted to be told they do.

This is fo the "Woke" generation of women.

Here is the Chicago Tribune's contribution to the hysteria.

“I read about two different psychologists noting that Ford had told them about her distress over the incident long before Kavanaugh was nominated,” she writes. “I read about the polygraph test. She’s telling the truth, I said to myself, in a way that was neither outraged nor political, just matter-of-fact.”

Flanagan, the essay reveals, endured a rape attempt in high school.

“I told no one,” she writes. “In my mind, it was not an example of male aggression used against a girl to extract sex from her. In my mind, it was an example of how undesirable I was. It was proof that I was not the kind of girl you took to parties, or the kind of girl you wanted to get to know. I was the kind of girl you took to a deserted parking lot and tried to make give you sex. Telling someone would not be revealing what he had done; it would be revealing how deserving I was of that kind of treatment.

I wonder if she remembers the place and the year? I'll bet she remembers what she was wearing and the date and lots of details missing from the hit job on Kavanaugh.

"Long before" means 30 years after and the year he was brought up by Romney,

I'm sure the LA Times has similar pieces that appeal to women who once got felt up or was scared by a boy.

I just hope Grassley does not give in.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol said...

She didn't tell her girlfriends - that's bullshit.

True. Esp your best friend!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Good news for her is after this she can get a job with John Brennen on NBC.

mccullough said...

How do we know she or her parents didn’t file a report back in the early 1980s?

Trump’s tweet is somewhat ambiguous. Maybe he’s asking her and her parents to file one with the local police now.

Then she and her parents can get in the car with the detectives and find that house where the attack happened.

And when she can’t pick out the house, then the bullshit story looks worse.

traditionalguy said...

Trump spelled out the standard for judgement of an accuser. That only attacks the Title9 presumption that all female accusations are true and cannot be opposed . Only the punishment for committing that assumed crime is decided by women, of women and for women.

We need a Constutional Amendment that white men are citizens entitled to due process of law before their lives are destroyed to the Goddess of Baby Murderers. ( that is a real goddess ritually worshipped by HRC and her Coven of witches)

RMc said...

Freder Frederson raped me.

#MeToo!!! ;-)

I don't want to take sides until there's been a full investigation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's an excellent common sense tweet.

It will be dutifully pissed on by the corrupt left.

Bay Area Guy said...

Once in 8th Grade, I was slow dancing with this nice girl, Mandy, at the school dance. Well, she had sprouted nice, big boobs, so I boldly moved my right hand off her waist, and up onto her left boob for the remainder of the song. I think it was "Always and Forever" by Heatwave.

I feel so bad. I'm not sure I got formal consent.

Please somebody arrest me, before I do more harm.

PhilD said...

As for 'something happened', some fiction;

- Boy 'X' to girl: Do you want to go to the movies with me Friday night?
- Girl to Boy 'X': No
- Boy 'X' : Ok

Girl 30 years later, now a 'progressive':
- And he tried to lure me to a dark place where I was sure he would rape me and worse. I saw it in his piggy eyes. I felt as if he, and his gang, was going to murder me. I barely escaped. It was so traumatic that I forgot all about it until now.
- Who was it
- That women hater 'Y'

sparrow said...

Just trying to imagine the scale of the freakout if Ginsburg would need to be replaced by Trump. Every time I think the bottom has been reached someone finds a new low.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bay Area Guy - how dare you. You need to be re-programmed at the toxic male reprogramming center.

If you switch your party affiliation to D - you get 10 free exit passes.

BUMBLE BEE said...

fREDER, READERING... QUALITY CONTROL REPORTS...Your product doesn't meet set standards. George no-pay

Sam L. said...

Dems and their media minions! Can't believe a word they say or print.

Michael K said...

Maybe he’s asking her and her parents to file one with the local police now.

Then she and her parents can get in the car with the detectives and find that house where the attack happened.

Another possibility. I am told there is no statute of limitations in Maryland for sexual assault.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Why are you calling "them" Doctor? That is embarassing, it is their game.

Francisco D said...

"Freder Frederson raped me.

#MeToo!!! ;-)

I don't want to take sides until there's been a full investigation."

I think an investigation is called for. Until it is completed, he should be suspended from his job and be denied any opportunity for government assistance.

Vance said...

There's already more evidence against Freder than there is against Kavanaugh. Looks like Freder's doomed. He must lose his job and be barred from everything for life, according to this Democrat standard they are pushing.

tcrosse said...

I don't want to take sides until there's been a full investigation.

Nobody lies about rape.

n.n said...

Wacky Jacky. Heller feller. Ford bored. Brett wet. Ann fan.

Yancey Ward said...

"Just trying to imagine the scale of the freakout if Ginsburg would need to be replaced by Trump."

I think you would see attempted and targeted assassinations. Security would have to be increased significantly around certain senators.

The Crack Emcee said...

The sound is still down on my TV and I see no reason to change that.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trumpit said...

"All that is known is that there was at least one Ass (Democrat) and three or more holes (e.g. male, female, toilet) present."

Without submitting to an FBI background investigation, I believe that you have flushed your miscarriages down the toilet. Doesn't the fetus deserve a proper burial?

gahrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gahrie said...

Once in 8th Grade

Once in 7th grade, an 8th grade girl asked me to dance, (Wishing on a Star by Rose Royce) and she stuck her tongue down my throat. (I had no idea what a French kiss was at that point.) Turns out she did it on a dare, but apparently I now have the right to ruin her life. (If I could remember her name)

Bay Area Guy said...

Joking aside for a nano-second.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, age 52, has a PhD in psychology and is a woke Professor at some tiny little diploma mill (Palo Alto University).

We haven't heard her speak, we haven't read any of her published papers.

The one thing we know about her is that she sent to a letter to a leftwing congresswoman, claiming that at a party in high school -- 36 years ago -- Brett Kavanaugh laid on top of her, and put his hand over her mouth. That's it.

And she wants the FBI to investigate this incident.

Based on that alone, what are the odds that she is a maladjusted idiot?

I say high.

Anonymous said...

Raper Raperson's lack of response is an admission of guilt. Any future denial even more so.

n.n said...

you have flushed your miscarriages down the toilet. Doesn't the fetus deserve a proper burial?

Nature's choice, Trumpit. Fetus, offspring, baby, Christine or Brett... Yes. Why not.

Only Planned babies end up callously discarded (i.e. selectie-child) or cannibalized (i.e. recycled-child) for profit. The wicked solution is to remove the after-birth burden preemptively.

tcrosse said...

"Just trying to imagine the scale of the freakout if Ginsburg would need to be replaced by Trump."

If in a moment of fun Trump were to nominate Merrick Garland, then ipso facto Garland would become a threat to the rights of women everywhere, as well as a rapist and misogynist.

Rabel said...

"Maryland Code, Criminal Law § 3-322

a) A person may not:

(1) take the sexual organ of another or of an animal in the person's mouth;

(2) place the person's sexual organ in the mouth of another or of an animal;  or

(3) commit another unnatural or perverted sexual practice with another or with an animal."

Are you now, or have you ever been a fellatist?

n.n said...

Raper Raperson

What's in a name? That which we call a donkey by any other name is still an ass.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crack - LOL. Once you break the TV addiction, life gets much better. Well, or, it might be replaced by a web addiction.

Howard said...

Sex assault is reported about 1 in three. Trumps line of reasoning is weak, but the "loving parents" troll was a grand slam. Joe Bob says check it out.

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger readering said...

"He's saying if there was an assault there would be a police report therefore if no police report the claim of assault is a lie."

I think he's saying its "unverifiable" rather than a "lie".

That's the real issue. This is a "he said / she said" situation. He says it didn't happen. The burden should then be on CBF to provide evidence, otherwise this is the Duke lacrosse story revisited.

n.n said...

Trump were to nominate Merrick Garland, then ipso facto Garland would become a threat to the rights of women everywhere

Yes, by NYT rules of close association, that would be true. Trump has an unprecedented opportunity to paint them red. Hat tip: The Rolling Stones

Michael K said...

"Just trying to imagine the scale of the freakout if Ginsburg would need to be replaced by Trump."

If in a moment of fun Trump were to nominate Merrick Garland, then ipso facto Garland would become a threat to the rights of women everywhere, as well as a rapist and misogynist.

That would be a brilliant ploy. Wins the thread,

n.n said...

Even witches and warlocks have rights. Your either a baby hunter or weak.

Darrell said...

Telling someone to report a crime is an attack.
You have to be crazy to vote for the Democrats after this.

gadfly said...

If it sounds like a Trump Twitter Attack, it is. With his dangerously low IQ, he is mentally incapable of not counterattacking when he thinks that his ass is getting burned.

Why would anyone believe differently?

narciso said...

kingsman level blowout, this is why they are casting felicity jones in the bio pic, by mimi leder, who crashed and burned in the early aughts,

readering said...

Ginsburg's nomination was withdrawn for being a pothead.

mccullough said...

So wealthy girls of privilege only report sexual assaults 1 out of 3 times it happens?

This girl’s dad wasn’t some guy with no power.

Trump hit another weak spot in the story.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'd like to party with the Holtman-Arms girls!

Young, rich and horny is the way to go thru life, son.

Anonymous said...

Gadfly also a rapist. For sure. Can tell by writing style.

MayBee said...

I don't think this is low at all, but the anti-Kavanaugh media seem to be working off a theory that says that any attempt to defend Kavanaugh is an attack on the alleged victim

Yeah, it's interesting.

Jodi Kantor was on CBS This Morning talking about how brave it was of Ford to come forward. But it's only brave if it's true, which a reporter shouldn't be implying.

Kevin said...

Why does she have 3 names anyway? Don't we reserve the 3 name thing for serial killers and assassins?

Art said...

I am still waiting for an actual accusation from CBF that puts her at risk if a lie. She could file a police report where it happened even today. They would take the complaint and if the investigators believed it was attempted rape of a child they have no bar to investigating and charging BK.

She could show up in DC on Monday and actually make the allegations that are alluded to, but which she refuses to publicly state. As part of that appearance she could convincingly testify yo her version of the story. A sworn statement to the committee staff would work as well.

If either of these were done, her putting herself at risk of criminal or civil prosecution if she is lying, then you have an accusation that can be tested. Right now we have nothing but gossip and innuendo. Any time that someone constructs the entire scenario in such a way that a lie is not actionable one could certainly assume that the scenario is false. Any other assumption would be beyond reason.

If she will not at least make the an accusation under oath before COB today have the hearing Monday, let BK say his piece and call the vote. You cannot allow this type of innuendo with no sworn statement to blow up the normal operation of government

Big Mike said...

@Carol, depends on who’s who where lived, then and now. Potomac, Maryland, and the part of Bethesda around Congressional CC, are home to very wealthy and some of the most politically connected people in the country. Police would have tread cautiously, but would have noted the lack of adult supervision and the underage drinking, and quietly shut the party down. No record, especially since the teenagers’ parents could raise a stink that would impact the officers’ careers. And, after all, the other teenagers — probably including other girls! — would have testified that nothing happened. Even if Christine Blasey’s clothing was disheveled, she was unlikely to be the only girl there with disheveled clothing.

And Christine Blasey would have been ostracized at Holton-Arms and never invited to another party until she left Holton-Arms. Don’t think she didn’t know it.

Also, 1982, though it was only 36 years ago, had a different view of mishaps to drunken girls. You didn’t stay sober? You contributed to your own problems; so stay sober, dumbass. (Anyone really believe Christine Blasey had only one beer? I’ve got a bridge to sell you.)

narciso said...

it's a school where not a few reporters, anne kornblut '90, Christine Lagarde, who escaped punishment for her imf malfeasance, some like prince Abdallah's sister and Jacqueline Onassis, attended but didn't graduate,

Michael K said...

Blogger Kevin said...
Why does she have 3 names anyway? Don't we reserve the 3 name thing for serial killers and assassins?

Watch out for women with three names. It's even worse if the last two are hyphenated.

Not even Hillary Rodham Clinton is as scary as a woman with hyphenated last names.

readering said...


Art said...

Addendum to last:

BK has forcfully and completely denied all of the gossip and innuendo to Senate Judiciary Committee staff in a way that does put himself at risk if lying to be prosecuted for false statements.

CBF, your turn.

No more delays. Up or down, vote Monday.

Michael K said...

Blogger readering said...
Ginsburg's nomination was withdrawn for being a pothead.

That was when the Democrats were chest beating over the Borking.

Nina Totenburg scalp. I saw her on TV the other day. She has not aged well.

Ginsburg is a senior on the DC Circuit. Would have outlived Bork by a lot.

Times changed. Clinton and Obama bragged about pot but they have a D after their names.

n.n said...



readering said...

Ginsburg shows there's life after Supreme Court rejection. (Ditto Garland.)

Bork should not have resigned. He went off the deep end. (Met him as SJ. Very impressive.)

BUMBLE BEE said...

Howabout bullshit bullshit bullshit tag?

Jim at said...

He is calling Ford a liar. His "proof" is that such an attack would result in a complaint to the police. Which of course a bullshit proposition. - Freder

That's because she is a liar. And his 'proof' is a helluva lot better than hers ... which is none.

The only bullshit proposition is this who pile of crap is her story. And you know it.

Otto said...

Bulletin!!!!! Ginsburg claims she was groped by Abraham Lincoln

tcrosse said...

Bulletin!!!!! Ginsburg claims she was groped by Abraham Lincoln

When he was 17.

Basil Duke said...

True story: In the summer of 1983, or maybe it was early autumn, Freder and I were skinny dipping in a farm pond in central Illinois. Or maybe it was a small lake in Wisconsin. And it could have been 1985. Or not. But any way, we'd both had a bit too much Southern Comfort that night, and we all know that a tipsy Freder is a handsy little scamp. So I kept my distance, and kept dog paddling backwards as he breast stroked ever so subtly toward me. "Don't be afraid," he purred, "I just want to talk. You're even more fascinating when the moon glow shines off your forehead." I blushed and thanked him, but verbalized my disinterest in what I was certain was a Def Con 10 boner poised a few feet below the water's surface, aimed directly at my danger zone. Freder cut loose with that roguish laugh of his and assured me that "I'm not a fag! I like girls!" And then he lunged at me, ferocious and feral, like a fresh water hammerhead shark/wolverine combo Apex Predator. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the dock, naked, my buttocks slathered in axel grease and salty custard, and my scalp and anus bleeding profusely. It seems that Freder had, using his feet, deftly pried up a large rock from the lake bed, transferred it to his hand and then brained me with it, after which he raped me. His attack altered my life forever. I never feel 100 percent safe now when I'm skinny dipping with the guys, and the anal fissures still haven't fully healed. Freder must pay for his crimes! #metoo!!!! #I'mwithBasil!!!

FIDO said...

Oh Jesus Christ Basil, that was...hilarious and terrifying at the same time.

Well done!

tcrosse said...

I believe Basil Duke.

Big Mike said...

Back in 2002 I was at a technical conference at Monona Terrace Conference Center there in Madison. I had come into town early, and a friend on the Wisconsin computer science faculty invited me to a party. I was introduced to a bleach blonde law professor, who dragged me into a spare bedroom and closed the door, then she put her hand down the front of my pants. In vain did I wave my left hand with its shiny wedding band, she was just all over me. Finally I used an aikido move and broke free.

This so traumatized me that I had suppressed the memory for sixteen years, and only recently did I realize that the blonde law professor had to have been Ann Althouse.

See how that works, Althouse? And in contrast with Christine Blasey Ford’s “recovered memories,” we can establish a date and time and year. There really was a technical conference at the Monona Terrace in the spring of 2002, I really did know UW computer science faculty members in my field, and I really did go to a party on Saturday evening. So if you were out of town that Saturday night or otherwise could prove you were somewhere else, you’d have a defense. But in the name of fighting the “subjugation of women,” you are ready to accept that Kavanaugh doesn't even deserve to be able to prove he was elsewhere at the time of the incident.

Anonymous said...

"[A]ny attempt to defend [the accused] is an attack on the alleged victim. No matter how restrained and deferential, any defense of him will be presented as an attack on her." Exactly. Democrats are largely exempt because they are Democrats. I reiterate my comment yesterday. Feminism in its current form is inseparable from partisan politics.

mockturtle said...

Big Mike, so sorry to hear of your traumatic episode! It's remarkable that you are even able to write coherently after such an experience. Time and therapy will help. ;-)

readering said...

Big Mike is nuts

FullMoon said...

Nope. He is attacking the false narrative of the media. She did not feel it was worth reporting to her parents, much less the police. Or even mentioning it to her friend. Incidentally, to repeat, she emailed her best friend to ask if she had mentioned the attack. The friend, while sympathetic, said NO.

Of course it is attacking Ford (although more subtly than Trump usually does). He is calling Ford a liar. His "proof" is that such an attack would result in a complaint to the police. Which of course a bullshit proposition.

readering said...

The humor among commenters here. . . .Gosh

FullMoon said...

I do not know Big Mike but as a man, I believe him and will march until justice is obtained.

Francisco D said...

"Big Mike is nuts."


He is traumatized.


tcrosse said...

"Big Mike is nuts."

Nobody lies about rape.

Jim at said...

I saw Def Con 10 Boner open for Jefferson Airplane at the Fillmore East in '68.

Jim at said...

If Big Mike is nuts, then so is the precious Dr. Ford.

You can't have it both ways.

Caligula said...

Trum'sp tweet is an attempt to cast doubt on Ford's story.

Why would this be illegitimate? Is CNN and NYT really claiming that "questioning an accuser's claims" should be out of bounds?

Now, calling her a "whore" or "human garbage" would indeed be "an attack on Dr. Ford." But that's not what Pres. Trump did, is it? He's attacking her story. Her claims.

Journalists question people's stories and claims every day, but the President is not supposed to, because, umm, because Not My President/Resist Trump?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Democrats pounce!

Wait, why are we not seeing that kind of headline? We see "Republicans Pounce" and "Republicans Seize" and even "Republicans Try To Weaponize" headlines all the time.

Almost like there's some kind of bias at work, huh?

Trumpit said...


We work tirelessly to kick barbarian Trump to the curb. You can join him there.

Sam L. said...

I trust it is obvious why I dislike, despise, and distrust the media.

Freder Frederson said...

People on this thread sure have some elaborate homoerotic fantasies.

gahrie said...

I do not know Big Mike but as a man, I believe him and will march until justice is obtained.

I've already started knitting my penis hat.

tcrosse said...

People on this thread sure have some elaborate homoerotic fantasies.

Is there something wrong with that, or is Readering a homophobe as well as a rape-denier?

FIDO said...

I've already started knitting my penis hat.

I need more yarn.

tcrosse said...

I need more yarn.

Use steel wool,

Francisco D said...

"People on this thread sure have some elaborate homoerotic fantasies."


The homoeroticism is in your mind, not that there is anything wrong with it.

That reminds me of a story from a colleague.

She had a patient to whom she administered the Rorschach. All of his answers were highly sexual in nature.

She told him that she thought he was sexually obsessed.

He said, "What are you talking about Doc? You were the one who showed me the dirty pictures."

Michael K said...

Blogger readering said...
The humor among commenters here. . . .Gosh

I haven't even told my joke about the "NAN" embossed on the girl's jacket.

Lighten up !

Besides, it is so much fun to mock Freder.

readering said...

Thanks for sparing!

Looks like Trump's tweet had effect on Sen. Collins, who's in the "give-her-leaway-on-when-to-testify" camp.

Leland said...

New deadline, 10pm tonight. OODA loop getting tighter.

Quaestor said...

The media are trying to provoke them into saying things that really will seem like an attack on someone who may be a real victim or that unsettle people like me [Althouse] who are invested in the larger #MeToo movement.

Whoa, Nelly! I just had a vision of Althouse scanning a ticker tape with a pair of coke bottle lenses perched on her anosmic nose à la Gomez Adams

"Hashtag MeToo up thirty points! Up fifty! Up one thousand! Down twenty. Down one hundred. Down eight hundred. Hashtag MeToo bankrupt. Investors indicted.... Oh, well. Another exciting day for the She-Wolf, eh Meade?"

"C'est la guerre, darling."

"Meade! That's French!"

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"we will resist the nomination of 'Fill-In-The-Blank', by any means necessary.
"I was raped by Fill-In-The-Blank in high school"

Jaq said...

Washington, D.C. attorney Joe diGenova cryptically suggested that Judge Brett Kavanaugh´s accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, is about to be exposed in a news report about her life -- and that report will include damaging information about her relationship with members of the PGA Tour, bizarrely enough. “This is a joke. She is absolutely unreliable as a witness. And tonight, all over the country, PGA Tour members are talking about her," diGenova told Fox News´ Laura Ingraham Thursday night. “I can only tell you this. There is more news coming out every day about Dr. Ford,

Ha ha ha! This Trump presidency has been a ratings bonanza. I think the media shareholders are gonna demand that they prop him up instead of tear him down in 2020.

Jaq said...

"Meade! That's French!”

That was a good comment.

Jaq said...

Imagine if she had had a friend who testified under threat of prosecution for lying to a Federal investigator that she had found Ford, crying, bleeding from the lip, and with torn clothes in her room right after the assault was supposed to have occurred, and 5 other contemporaneous witnesses who also testified to federal prosecutors....

Oh wait, that was against a Democrat! That lying skank Broaddrick!

Jaq said...

think an investigation is called for. Until it is completed, he should be suspended from his job and be denied any opportunity for government assistance.

It’s the seriousness of the charge!

Jaq said...

Trump has an unprecedented opportunity to paint them red. Hat tip: The Rolling Stones

Trump is more like that Clint Eastwood character in High Plains Drifter that comes into that mining town and humiliates them, forces them to paint their own town red.

MaxedOutMama said...

Sorry, I think the media has run out the clock on this one, that people have already made up their minds, and that the issue is now a big plus for the Republicans.

People don't think it is a fair tactic, and they think it is a dangerous tactic. They think people in the media trying to push it have abandoned all sense and reason for political reasons.

The more the media attacks anyone who is not prepared to do the "the woman is always right" dance, the better for Trump and the Republicans. This is going to bring out the same crowd in the midterms that shockingly elected Trump in 2016. There is NO WAY that this does not hurt the Dems at the ballot box in November. No, no way.

MaxedOutMama said...


" Is this the new normal? Have we regressed all the way back to the Salem witch trials? I guess we'll find out in November when all the swing voting white women make that call."

I would think this would turn out more men to vote. I don't think this is going to be one where white women make the call. I would think Hispanic and Black men would want to vote against the party pushing this.

Any thinking man has to realize that if this succeeds, being a man is an ipso facto crime in America. They should be voting against that proposition. As for women - do women really want the careers and hops of their sons, brothers, friends laid mercy to the claims of whatever woman has a grudge? I don't think so. I think no one except radical lesbians, idiot causists and law professors could possibly look upon these tactics as safe or healthy for our society.

The Democratic party is a hissing and an abomination. The feminists who support this sort of thing are the same. They are the same bimbos who voted for Hillary Clinton. Really?

The Dems are just making people mad, disgusted, and fearful lest their demagoguery
wins the day.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Gahrie@4:18PM ...Penis hat, hmmm. How about cock hats, with a rooster comb?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Red with the rooster comb.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Cock hats.

Narayanan said...

I see that French have such situations under control ...
Kavanaugh will be ordered to sessions with Ford as his therapist. Win-win

Narayanan said...

Google helps Ford scrub internet presence but won't use street-view to find location?!

readering said...

Who would have thought Trump's tweet would be so quickly by former First Daughter (Ivanka made that a thing, right?) disclosure of decades ago sexual assault by prominent person?

Big Mike said...

@mockturtle, just vote for McSally, pleez!

Michael K said...

disclosure of decades ago sexual assault by prominent person?

Are you scheduled to testify as a percipient witness ? You seem to be the only one who knows what happened.

What year was it ? Whose house? Who else was there ?

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