I'm trying to think of how her allegations should be handled, and I want like cases to be treated alike. When will one allegation from long ago justify delaying the Senate confirmation process and the opening of new investigations?
The answer cannot be: when the accuser has elite status!
I'm thinking of how Paula Jones was denigrated 20 years ago. "If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find," James Carville said famously.
[Carville] with Hillary's assent — set the tone on how the Clintons would treat women who dared accuse former President Clinton of sexual harassment....So what is the standard we are creating? How will we apply it in the future? I'm seeing analogies to Anita Hill, but how is Christine Blasey Ford like Anita Hill other than that she's challenging a Supreme Court nominee? Anita Hill worked with the nominee (Clarence Thomas) in a professional context. That was not in question. With Blasey, we only have her assertion that she was once in a room with Brett Kavanaugh. How will we treat other women who assert that they were once with the nominee? What is the principled plan that we can agree on?!
[Paula Jones] wasn't fancy or rich, just a working woman sexually harassed by Bill when he was governor of Arkansas. But she was denigrated by Clinton's top advisers as "trailer park" trash, as someone so craven she'd crawl on dirt for the cash to slander Bill.
She was telling the truth. It was a straightforward sexual harassment case. If Bill had been a private-sector CEO, he'd have been fired.
But Hillary and Bill fought back, using the "nuts and sluts strategy," denigrating Jones and others, including Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and the intern Monica Lewinsky.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 303 of 303Trump loved the Clintons until he didn't.
Khesan, when Ritmo shows up I will get back to my DeGaulle biography.
@readering, so is that how you got your current position? You polished up the handle on the big front door?
Or were you thinking of the Major General’s song in Penzance?
Blogger readering said...
Trump loved the Clintons until he didn't.
Vice versa. He was doing business in that city. They controlled it.
Come on. You are smarter than this.
You rarely win or lose these things. He bought out his partner. Everyone happy.
"1) This will not _ruin his life_. He's already a federal judge. He's got a great family. Even if he doesn't get this position, he'll have a lucrative career. I'm not sure what standard of life-ruining you're going by, by even if believing her entails that he doesn't get the seat, his life isn't ruined. Cry my a damned river."
-- Forever being branded a sexual deviant is pretty ruinous. And, if the Democrats are serious, he'll lose his judgeship, and be pretty much unemployable for fear of boycotts, etc. I mean, if people are treating it seriously. Or, do you think that there's a LOWER level of certainty needed to be a Supreme Court justice than a regular federal judge?
"Honest question: has there been any public explanation as to why this letter was released? Not as to why it was held as long as it was, but what happened to get the letter public when it got public?"
-- Feinstein gave it to the FBI and journalists, and it started leaking.
Blogger Michael K said...
"it is more important to get this process and this seat right."
That's why I think Roe v Wade has poisoned the country's politics. It should be overturned. You leftists consider the Court the only branch of government you still hold. You can't win elections with nuts like Occasional Cortex and so you rely on the Court for your social purposes.
I am pro-choice and have done abortions but the politics of Roe v Wade are as bad as Dredd Scott.
9/19/18, 4:00 PM
I have no idea where this non sequitur came from. I don't consider the court a branch of government held by the left. I also haven't said anything about what getting this right means, though I am pretty sure that having committed a sexual battery is some kind of strike against a candidate.
I will confess that, maybe unlike you, I would prefer my judges generally to be more concerned about the law than about politics. It's absolutely conceivable that a court opinion could be an earnest and accurate read of the law but politically unpopular. (This isn't surprising if you know me; one of my favorite essays about judging is a Scalia piece.)
Big Mike I was thinking of "I never use a big big d. What never? Hardly ever."
But so many great songs!
"And is the date of the attempted rape being moved forward away from the summer and into the school year?"
-- No date was provided; people assumed summer because she was wearing a bathing suit under her clothes, according to her. That's the beauty and frustration of not having a date or location attached.
The Clintons didn't control New York but two sets of sleazes fixated on money and women were made for one another.
This is a very stupid take, Ann. It has nothing to do with status and everything to do with the affiliation of the target.
All Democrats are good; all Republicans are evil. That’s all.
Enjoy voting for Kamala in 2020.
If we believe the accuser, Kavanaugh will also probably have to stop coaching, especially girls teams. If, of course, people actually believe the accuser and don't just "believe" her as a useful blunt instrument to hit someone they don't like with.
Here's 7 facts, then 1 opinion.
1. In Nov 2013, Sen Harry Reid abolished the filibuster for federal judges (except SCOTUS)
2. 52 Dem Senators voted for this; 3 did not (Manchin, Pryor, Carl Levin.)
3. Based on this rule change, Dems confirmed 3 judges to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.
4. In Nov 2014, Dems lost the Senate.
5. On March 16, 2016, President Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the vacant SCOTUS seat.
6. Sen. Mitch McConnell refused to hold a confirmation vote on Garland.
7. In Nov 2016, Donald Trump became Prez. The GOP kept the Senate. They confirmed Gorsuch to SCOTUS, after the Dems tried to filibuster his nomination. They will likely confirm Kavanaugh soon.
Opinion: Thank you Harry Reid! You got 3 DC Circuit seats, but gave up 2 future SCOTUS seats. What a maroon! Well done.
>>-- Forever being branded a sexual deviant is pretty ruinous
Forever being branded a sexual deviant is pretty ruinous, unless you are Democrat.
“If we believe the accuser, Kavanaugh will also probably have to stop coaching, especially girls teams.”
An outrage!
I don't consider the court a branch of government held by the left.
You either haven't thought this through or you are not being truthful.
I would prefer my judges generally to be more concerned about the law than about politics.
I'm sorry but you just set me laughing. Are you really this un self aware?
The whole Democrat hysteria we see is based on a fear that Kavanaugh might vote to reverse it. Read your own sources, for god's sake.
Why do you think DiFi grilled the Catholic appeals court judge? She's a woman and should be immune to Democrats harassment.
Do some reading for god's sake !
The Atlantic is no right wing rag. Even if they do send me free copies hoping I'll subscribe.
Dianne Feinstein sat alongside other senators at a hearing on Wednesday and questioned two federal appellate-court nominees. She was particularly anxious about Amy Coney Barrett, a law professor at Notre Dame: Feinstein was not convinced that Barrett would uphold Roe v. Wade given her traditional Catholic beliefs.
“The dogma lives loudly within you,” Feinstein said. “And that’s of concern when you come to big issues that large numbers of people have fought for for years in this country.”
You can't be this ignorant.
Scott Anderson sarcastically suggests: Enjoy voting for Kamala in 2020.
My cousin and her husband in California--both Liberals!--say Kamala Harris was the worst Atty. General California ever had.
Can Ford can use the word chagrin with any degree of accuracy that will satisfy the punctillious Professor Althouse?
If her daddy's rich take her out for a meal.
If her daddy's poor just do what you feel.
-Mungo Jerry
"An outrage!"
-- It is, if there's no proof. Of which, at the moment, there is none. All three of the witnesses she named -- none remember it.
The date? The location? Mysteries. Her story? Changed when she talked to her therapist; she also apparently has a friend who is saying she lied about not telling anyone until the memory was recovered in therapy.
Why should we in anyway harm Kavanaugh's life on an accusation as flimsy as if I accused Leonardo Di Vinci of stealing my lunch?
Scott Anderson sarcastically suggests: Enjoy voting for Kamala in 2020.
My cousin and her husband in California--both Liberals!--say Kamala Harris was the worst Atty. General California ever had.
When has that ever been a factor?
My son is a trial lawyer in the Bay Area and thinks Gavin Newsom is his hero.
abortion ... will still be legal and the partisans can fight it out at the ballot box every election
I object. Elective abortion, short of self-defense, is a wicked solution to an albeit hard problem. It is a human rights issue of an order greater than slavery. Pro-Choice a quasi-legal, religious doctrine that circumvented the Constitutional order that removes the natural rights to carry out cruel and unusual punishment, to deny life and liberty without due process, to a defendant who is objectively wholly innocent of all charges. A human life who is #labeled, #judged, denied a voice, disarmed, and sentenced to capital abortion for light and casual causes.
How many of us would choose abortion over life, given the Choice at that early stage in our evolution?
When and by whose choice does a human life acquire and retain her right to life?
That said, Pro-Choice is a general philosophy of selectivity and opportunism that is not limited to elective abortion. It is the establishment of a progressive path.
No, neither slavery, nor diversity, nor cruel and unusual punishment, nor summary judgments (e.g. warlock trials), nor capital abortion of the wholly innocent, are tolerable. However, unlike one-child, selective-child represents normalization, and will need to be resolved through moral (i.e. behavioral) and education (i.e. knowledge) reform.
Here we go:
"A woman who claims to have been classmates in high school with Brett Kavanaugh's accuser wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday that the "incident did happen" and it was talked about at the school for several days after it allegedly happened.
The story quickly went viral after NBC News published a report on the claim from Cristina King Miranda — who lives in Mexico — titled: "Accuser's schoolmate says she recalls hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident."
In a now-deleted Facebook post, King had originally claimed:
Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me, I did not know her personally but I remember her. This incident did happen. Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine's vivid recollection should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true...
...If Kavanaugh truly has the integrity mentioned by those who support him, then he should be just as courageous as Christine and stop trying to dodge the accusations, admit his actions from so long ago, speak from the heart, and apologize.
However, by the time NBC News published its report, King had already appeared to start walking her claim back, writing in a now-deleted Facebook post:
To all media, I will not be doing anymore interviews. No more circus for me. To clarify my post: I do not have first hand knowledge of the incident that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford mentions, and I stand by my support for Christine. That's it. I don't have more to say on the subject. Please don't contact me further.
King posted similar remarks on her Twitter account, writing: "I graduated from Holton Arms, and knew both Brett Kavanaugh and Mark Judge. Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me, I remember her. I signed this letter. The incident was spoken about for days afterwords in school. Kavanaugh should stop lying, own up to it and apologize."
Several hours after posting her tweet, she deleted it, and when called out about why she deleted it, she responded: "Hi all, deleted this because it served its purpose and I am now dealing with a slew of requests for interviews from The Wash Post, CNN, CBS News. Organizing how I want to proceed. Was not ready for that, not sure I am interested in pursuing. Thanks for reading." "
I think this is going just as planned by DiFi and Co. Once they accepted that they couldn't stop Kavanaugh, they had to figure out how to get something of use from this whole process.
And they've figured it out. When/if Ford testifies the mean GOP senators might ask her questions. Old white guys berating a victim - it's every progressive's dream and makes great video for campaign ads. Not saying this will turn the house or senate, but it will move a significant number of female votes over to the Democrats.
Blogger Achilles said...
Howard said...
Achilles is so hysterical the obvious diagnosis is his excess combo of pot and testosterone has pushed him into estrus. Maybe his doc can proscribe Femara.
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me
I think I'll go eat worms!
This is brilliant analysis.
Totally persuasive.
I understand we all have different standards and measures for intelligence.
Just trying to help, brother
And I just want to say to the men in this country, just shut up and step up. Sen. Hirono D- Hawaii
Keep pushing it, leftists.
Keep it up.
Not saying this will turn the house or senate, but it will move a significant number of female votes over to the Democrats.
I seriously doubt it. Any woman who would fall for this crap would be voting Democrat already.
Mike K: I gotta hand it to you, you have smart kids. You must have married up (that's just a joke)
So now we have all these lefty classmates claiming they heard about the incident way back when ... which directly contradicts Ford's own account that she told nobody about it until her therapist in 2012.
I don't know if they're really this fucking stupid or they think the rest of us are.
Blogger Howard said...
Mike K: I gotta hand it to you, you have smart kids. You must have married up (that's just a joke)
I do and I did. I assume you are referring to my leftist trial lawyer son.
Interestingly, his wife teaches Psychology at a small Bay Area college and probably knows Ford.
I'm not about to ask her.
Full Moon,
And if you go to MSN the headline is still there.
That said, Pro-Choice is a general philosophy of selectivity and opportunism that is not limited to elective abortion. It is the establishment of a progressive path.
Did you ever hear the expression, "The perfect is the enemy of the good?"
She was particularly anxious about Amy Coney Barrett, a law professor at Notre Dame: Feinstein was not convinced that Barrett would uphold Roe v. Wade given her traditional Catholic beliefs.
Barrett will be the RBG replacement unless it is Cruz.
I think that it is very telling that BK’s accuser so far has very carefully not made any public allegations that could subject her to civil liability or criminal charges
Her letter to DF was not a public statement. DF released it under the Speach and Debate Clause and so no civil liability. She has never filed an actual complaint with any police agency so that she could not be charged with filing a false report.
I will give some credence to accusations made by people against non-public persons in mass media or against anyone in a sworn complaint to police or other authorities where a false statement could mean jail or prison.
Anyone who carefully makes the charge is such a way as to not put themselves at risk if lying is lying.
"I also was saving lives, comforting the sick and looking at useless elitist assholes like you"
What an absolutely terrifying prospect to be sick and you find out that Inga is your nurse!
The only lives you saved were the ones you gave the wrong medication to, but realized your error and called for doctors to pull your fat ass out of a jam.
You should stick with bedpans and enemas, Inga.
The perfect is the enemy of the good?
I phase it as the good is the enemy of the best but it's the motto I live by!
I saved her high school yearbooks.
Exclusive research and analysis at https://cultofthe1st.blogspot.com
What an absolutely terrifying prospect to be sick and you find out that Inga is your nurse!
To borrow from Churchill:
"If you were my patient, I'd prescribe you hemlock."
"If you were my nurse, I'd drink it."
Where in the degaulle bio, in his early period with German armor, the resistance era or later?
To borrow from Churchill:
"If you were my patient, I'd prescribe you hemlock."
"If you were my nurse, I'd drink it."
I thought it was:
Lady Astor: If I were your wife, I'd poison your tea.
Churchill: If you were my wife, I'd drink it.
Same principle.
Christine Ford can look forward to a fine career on the Commencement Speech circuit, as a tireless warrior for the Rights of Upper-Middle-Class Women. She'd just better be careful not to muscle in on Hillary's share of the action.
What I find interesting is the Soros linkage. But it would be difficult to find any Hive activity these days without some linkage to Darth Soros.
The lead anti Cavanaugh organization defend justice is headed by an ex staffer to Feinstein and klobuchar.
Didn't we go through this embarrassment procedure with a Rugby team not long ago? What with the regular appearance of "teachers" fucking high school boys, I'd say there was something amiss in this "teacher" thing. I had a 5th grade nun in grade school who'd tuck my shirt in down to my knees. Like a teacher can't be a slut, oh no, she's a college graduate! Get the therapist, teacher and "friend" who appeared and feed them to Gowdy. On television.
Cult1st said... [hush][hide comment]
I saved her high school yearbooks.
Exclusive research and analysis at https://cultofthe1st.blogspot.com
Can't we call it snobbishness instead of elitism? It doesn't have anything to do with being elite at doing anything - it's just being a member of the club.
Ann, how dare you. Dr. Ford is a doctor, for God’s sake, an honorific every single media person is happy to give her.
But sadly, Dr. Ben Carson doesn’t usually get it.
Would love to hear Jon Lovitz's take on these accusations.
"Christina King, one of Ms. Ford's classmates,"
She has now retracted everything. Deleted posts, etc.
Where in the degaulle bio, in his early period with German armor, the resistance era or later?
About 1938. He has made his peace with Blum who was a pacifist but is realizing, too late, that France has to rearm.
DeGaulle is quite accurate that Poland is "nothing and is double dealing."
Why Chamberlain ever made that Polish guarantee is a mystery. It is about the equivalent of Austria's Ultimatum to Serbia.
"Also, the idea that professors, as a group, are especially personally honest is laughable. I'm not saying that they're worse than average, but I certainly wouldn't rank them better than average."
I find them at less honest than average, not all of course, but you have to factor in that many universities and especially some disciplines require dishonestly and only pay those who sufficiently deceive their students, and the public in general, so they have more than an average incentive to dishonesty. Being dishonest in business, for example, will usually cost you ,if not ruin you. Many professors could not make it at all in their discipline without being dishonest. I suppose some are just stupid or miseducated, but that's not much better.
Blogger readering said...
The perfect is the enemy of the good?
I phase it as the good is the enemy of the best but it's the motto I live by!
A phrase only a trial lawyer who defends bad guys could say.
Dems have always loved them some McCarthyism doncha know.
The yearbooks were pretty interesting. No wonder all her stuff was scrubbed.
My daughters lived pretty dull lives by comparison. They all went to private school but this sort of stuff was pretty much verboten.
Probably the east coast privileged culture. Also parents seemed to be gone a lot.
When we went on trips, the teenagers went with us.
Matthew Sablan said...
["And is the date of the attempted rape being moved forward away from the summer and into the school year?"]
-- No date was provided; people assumed summer because she was wearing a bathing suit under her clothes, according to her. That's the beauty and frustration of not having a date or location attached.
It is not correct to say people "assumed" summer. She asserted summer in an interview with the Washington Post:
After so many years, Ford said, she does not remember some key details of the incident. She said she believes it occurred in the summer of 1982, when she was 15, around the end of her sophomore year at the all-girls Holton-Arms School in Bethesda. Kavanaugh would have been 17 at the end of his junior year at Georgetown Prep.
Thanks Fullmoon.
Interesting about the Holton-Arms yearbook.
I am glad to see it isn't a Catholic school. A very small relief of course.
Even in the US, in those days, one would not see such boastful references to drinking and sex in a Catholic school yearbook. And not to this day, or of a few years ago, even in San Francisco.
I wonder what the bloggers would say if Obama had nominated a black man accused of attempted rape when he was 17?
Look at Full Moon's link about the school year books.
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
I wonder what the bloggers would say if Obama had nominated a black man accused of attempted rape when he was 17?
You mean like the rappers he entertained at the White House?
Those rappers ?
Or this rapper ?
And not to this day, or of a few years ago, even in San Francisco.
Yes, my daughters went to Catholic high school. Episcopal grammar school since the Catholic Church did not build elementary schools until quite recently in Orange County.
I think that it is very telling that BK’s accuser so far has very carefully not made any public allegations that could subject her to civil liability or criminal charges
Her letter to DF was not a public statement. DF released it under the Speach and Debate Clause and so no civil liability. She has never filed an actual complaint with any police agency so that she could not be charged with filing a false report.
I will give some credence to accusations made by people against non-public persons in mass media or against anyone in a sworn complaint to police or other authorities where a false statement could mean jail or prison.
Anyone who carefully makes the charge is such a way as to not put themselves at risk if lying is lying.
After Munich he had to make a commitment, he didn't expect the Molotov pact would direct the bulk of German forces westward.
@Michael K,
"Why Chamberlain ever made that Polish guarantee is a mystery."
It's one of the keys to WWII, but that's for a separate thread. He felt humiliated by what the Nazis did to Prague after his "Peace in our Time" speech.
Back to this loony Professor Ford.
Have you guys heard of Palo Alto University? No, not Stanford University in Palo Alto, but Palo Alto University. That's where she teaches. It has 1000 students. Only teaches psychobabble. It used to be called, Pacific Graduate School of Psychology, until 2009.
It's a pure fool factory. No doubt, she's a 50-year old, psychotic cat woman.
Is that a mean thing to say? Yes, it is. But it's also mean to anonymously sink a good man's reputation with 36-year old bullshit claims of teenage dry-humping at a party.
The Senate Judiciary Committee says they have not yet been given the whole letter
'You file criminal charges against a man who commits sexual assault and/or rape against you, and prove it in court, or it didn't happen."
Does this apply to other alleged crimes? How about HRC, the "lock her up" lady? Since no charges have been filed against her, does this mean we have come to the end of your whining and can we assume nothing happened?
"Mutaman" has another one of those blank profiles so popular with trolls.
I'd like to see a Republican TV ad like this:
A montage of headlines of UVA, Duke Lacrosse and Tawana Brawley with the VO "Fake accusations have real consequences for the falsely accused."
Clip of Sen. from Hawaii telling men to STFU.
Footage of Democrat circus at Kavanaugh hearings, "I am Spartacus!"
Scary music, need some help on the best visual here, "If the Democrats take Congress then every man in America is at risk."
Statue of Liberty graphic, "Vote Republican even if they suck."
To the progressives a lie in service to the cause is not only justifiable, it is a sacrament to be celebrated.
Would be interesting to see Dr. Ford’s social media postings -to bad they were conveniently scrubbed!
I'm not a pro lawyer. But. Claiming you client testifying is contrary finding the truth seems counter productive to building said client's credibility. Maybe the lawyer was misquoted.
This just gets better all the time!
"The attorney for Kavanaugh’s accuser says that having the accuser testify under oath at a Senate Judiciary Comittee hearing would be 'contrary to the Committee discovering the truth.' ”
Some of these responses that find sexual abuse charges rational after 35 years are just the opposite because of the time expiration outside the statue of limitations. There is not a single police agency in the entire country that will spend a minute more on the charge than it takes to read the complaint. But the liberals want to score on the emotions derived from complete reliance on the Christine Ford charge that begins and ends with unfillable holes and a "he said,she said" muddle that can never pass the "innocent until proven guilty" test.
So the Senate Committee should immediately cancel their hearing to even review the obviously not guilty ruling that even an assemblage of partisan fools must decide. Christine could in a detail like pubic hair on a coke can if she wants to be famous like Anita Hill. Lets get on with an up or dan vote on Kavanaugh.
I disagree. This is all politics and politics requires acting. Let the hearing commence and see what happens.
Would be interesting to see Dr. Ford’s social media postings -to bad they were conveniently scrubbed!
Her year book was saved.
Katz isn’t a lawyer. She’s a Dem operative. A lawyer represents the client’s interest. A Dem operative represents the Dem party’s interest.
Ford is not getting good advice. A lawyer looking out for her interest would tell her that, based on what’s she said, it is not worth coming forward. It would create havoc to her and her family’s life. But maybe Ford is that much of a cult member of the Dem Party.
But I doubt her husband is. Hopefully he cares more about his sons than he does about his wife’s political cultism. The husband is the weak link here.
Katz didn’t anticipate blanket denials from Kavanaugh and his high school friends. Putting aside the multiple stories about how many boys attached her and what year (it was late teens now it’s 15) the story is that it was a party or gathering in which it was Ford and four boys, including Kavanaugh and Judge (now it was just “high profile members of DC society which doesn’t describe Judge well).
It is very easy for them to say “I was never at a party or get together with three other guys and one girl.” A good lawyer would have told her client that, regardless of when or where it happened, it is very easy to deny, and you can bet your ass they will deny, ever being at a four boys to one girl get together.
So without a date or location, this story is worthless. Katz led with her chin on this one. She’s not even a good Dem operative. Soros must be furious.
"Feinstein gave it to the FBI"
The FBI is a colander.
I wonder what the bloggers would say if Obama had nominated a black man accused of attempted rape when he was 17?
If he wasn't accused until 35 years later, and the accuser "couldn't remember" the time or place, I'd say ignore it.
From yearbook link:
In conclusion, please look again at the page above. In the final passage, the joy of passing out and forgetting everything you did the night before is praised:
“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion. Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”
Good times!
Trump loved the Clintons until he didn't.
The Clintons (and the rest of the Left) loved Trump until they didn't.
Michael K said...
I don't consider the court a branch of government held by the left.
You either haven't thought this through or you are not being truthful.
I would prefer my judges generally to be more concerned about the law than about politics.
I'm sorry but you just set me laughing. Are you really this un self aware?
The whole Democrat hysteria we see is based on a fear that Kavanaugh might vote to reverse it. Read your own sources, for god's sake.
Why do you think DiFi grilled the Catholic appeals court judge? She's a woman and should be immune to Democrats harassment.
Do some reading for god's sake !
The Atlantic is no right wing rag. Even if they do send me free copies hoping I'll subscribe.
Dianne Feinstein sat alongside other senators at a hearing on Wednesday and questioned two federal appellate-court nominees. She was particularly anxious about Amy Coney Barrett, a law professor at Notre Dame: Feinstein was not convinced that Barrett would uphold Roe v. Wade given her traditional Catholic beliefs.
“The dogma lives loudly within you,” Feinstein said. “And that’s of concern when you come to big issues that large numbers of people have fought for for years in this country.”
You can't be this ignorant.
You know that I am not literally the Democratic party, correct? You know I'm not Diane Feinstein in a sock poppet account? The entirety of your comment is blathering insanity. Old man, you've lost it. Go back to reliving your moderate achievements of decades ago.
Matthew S said
- It is, if there's no proof. Of which, at the moment, there is none. All three of the witnesses she named -- none remember it.
The date? The location? Mysteries. Her story? Changed when she talked to her therapist; she also apparently has a friend who is saying she lied about not telling anyone until the memory was recovered in therapy.
For the hivemind left - Her lies only add to her credibility.
The entirety of your comment is blathering insanity. Old man, you've lost it. Go back to reliving your moderate achievements of decades ago.
Ritmo, is that you ?
You obviously are not capable of intelligent discussion. Sorry I wasted my time.
At least Ritmo doesn't waste my time.
Try to get help.
Senile so-called doc Michael K is arguing with his idol, Craig (Venter). Maybe they have nothing left to "bond" over.
You should accept the fact that more than one person in the world thinks you're an ignorant and arrogant asshole, K. Let that sink in.
By the way, I never realized that people assume college grads with majors didn't graduate unless provoked to answer otherwise. I guess the fact that you do speaks to how little you presume others think of you. But at least in your case they/you would be justified.
K can't remember if he was supposed to insult me for graduating college or not. His first insult on the matter was how I was supposed to work with my hands, as apparently his very hands-on, handsy grabby son (or son-in-law or whatever) did. Then he figured out last night that because I didn't protest some charge for which there was no evidence and that no one accused me of... (DID you in FACT GRADUATE?!?!) I therefore must have failed at something.
That's pretty ingenious reasoning. For a senile paranoid narcissist.
This is all politics and politics requires acting.
Only if you're a liar.
Or gullible. Or delusional.
Supporting Trump and Trumpianism generally requires all three.
Craig said...
1) This will not _ruin his life_. He's already a federal judge. He's got a great family. Even if he doesn't get this position, he'll have a lucrative career. I'm not sure what standard of life-ruining you're going by, by even if believing her entails that he doesn't get the seat, his life isn't ruined. Cry my a damned river.
You think this charge is enough to keep him off the Supreme Court but not enough to remove him from the circuit court.
These people are so utterly transparent and disgusting.
"Cry my a damned river."
You think this charge is enough to keep him off the Supreme Court but not enough to remove him from the circuit court.
Now what else did you want to cry about? Anything re: your favorite Republican rapist-judge?
Matthew Sablan said...
I'm not a pro lawyer. But. Claiming you client testifying is contrary finding the truth seems counter productive to building said client's credibility. Maybe the lawyer was misquoted.
The same lawyer defended Bill the rapist while he was trashing nut and sluts and dragging 100$ bills through trailer parks.
The lawyer was not misquoted.
She just has the same view of what the law is for as all the other leftists.
But, of course; cue James Carville about Paula Jones and what you can get when you troll through a trailer park with $100 bills.
It has ALWAYS been in part about status, and in the most vile sort of way, truly feudal: the elite gets to do whatever it wants with or to the commoners, whose role is to take it, whatever "it" may be. Take sexual advantage or make accusations, either way. The serfs need to know their place.
And though Althouse may be coming late to this realization, I daresay millions of people voted for Trump because they understood, emotionally even if they could not articulate it, that the elite condescension and condemnation includes this aspect.
Blogger President Pee-Pee Tape said...
"Cry my a damned river."
You think this charge is enough to keep him off the Supreme Court but not enough to remove him from the circuit court.
Now what else did you want to cry about? Anything re: your favorite Republican rapist-judge?
I only have one request.
Tell as many people as you can this is what you think Democrats should be.
Never stop talking.
At least until the election.
Does this apply to other alleged crimes? How about HRC, the "lock her up" lady? Since no charges have been filed against her, does this mean we have come to the end of your whining and can we assume nothing happened?
Are you suggesting that there are equal amounts of evidence between what Ford alleges and what Hillary has actually did?
Besides, we had Comey himself state categorically that she committed the crime. Just no partisan Democrat DOJ attorney was brave enough to bring charges against her.
I only have one request.
Yeah, and I only have one of you: Shut Up.
Just shut up. Everything you say is dog shit.
It's done.
ritmo has become a parody of himself.It was bound to happen.
Per your ad, "If the Democrats take Congress then every man in America is at risk."
I would also say and every mother's son is at risk. We have 3 sons and two grandchildren that are boys. It scares the hell out of me. And not because they were not raised to respect women.
I come from a long line of people who worked for their “advanced degrees”, employed them judiciously, and deserved the encomiums that came with them. Unfortunately the “degree” has lost its luster. A PhD degree today can be based on what a high school senior could have written fifty years ago or what might then have been a collegian’s senior thesis. Today, even inside the academy, a degree is called a “credential” and its holders often have to pathetically insist that their students “call me doctor” or “call me professor”. When I was in college we called each other “Mister”, students and professors. Yes, it was that long ago but there was no question about who had the knowledge and experience. That was apparent. Today, unfortunately that is a question. An “advanced degree” awarded today is not much more that a good attendance award. There is nothing inherently elite about it or the person who holds it. In this case, it is not even a PhD.
To show proper respect for regular people of all colors and for fairness sake in general, the media needs to refer to everyone with their appropriator honorific - Mr. Ms., Miss, Mrs., etc - in addition to certificate-based honorifics like "Dr."
Currently, reporters usually refer to regular, non-credentialed people by their last name alone. Changing this will be one step towards helping overcome what is primarily a WHITE privilege.
This effort will help provide a more level playing field for people who have not had the privilege of a college education.
Ritmo and "Craig" both resort to ad hominem bullshit when their logic fails, as is usually the case early on.
Fortunately there are quite a few intelligent commenters, some of whom I learn from, so I keep coming back.
Ritmo, and now "Craig" are easy to scroll past.
Craig is the idiot who isn't sure this is a partisan hitjob or not.
No no. It's the target's political identity that matters. If a leftie, then the accuser, whether elite or not, will be dismissed (by the press and the celebrities). If the target is on the right, then the accuser, whether elite or not, will be embraced.
"A fair amount of right wing hysteria on this page. As per usual."
I am assuming you are using the term "right wing hysteria" in the approved "liberal" sense of the term? (And by "liberal" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellator.") That is, "any thought or sentiment too pro-freedom for me."
Conflict of laws issue. Internal affairs doctrine says follow the law of incorporation, usually Delaware, not law of HQ if California and differs from Delaware.
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