So reads a memo sent by Nixon's campaign to reporters after she lost the Democratic Primary to Andrew Cuomo.
But isn't high turnout what lefties normally say helps them? It gets very New York specific:
"[P]olling places were open for fewer hours in many upstate counties than in New York City and its suburbs today. Cynthia routinely polled higher in upstate, while Cuomo’s strength was in the counties where polls were open before work. Finally, there have been rampant reports today that many voters in Cynthia’s base neighborhoods (eg, Brownstone Brooklyn) were unable to vote in their polling locations," the memo reads.I thought upstate was more conservative than New York City. Or is it that there's a larger proportion of Democrats in NYC and they are mainstream Democrats, not lefties? Obviously, this is complex, and I'm not going to jump to say the Nixon campaign is looking for excuses. Another explanation for the loss in the memo is that there was a trend this week that was seen in Rhode Island and Delaware where lefty challengers lost:
"The trend this week in statewide primaries involving incumbents has been clear: the centrist, corporate-backed incumbent with a massive war chest and statewide name ID has won in blow-outs," the memo reads.New York gets trends from Rhode Island and Delaware? Seems like something New Yorkers wouldn't want to admit.
Another argument is just to say she got close enough a Siena College poll showed Cuomo winning by 41 points, but he only won by 32 points. So that was — her campaign had staked out — "a major embarrassment and significant under-performance for the two-term incumbent" that would cause "heads [to] be spinning in Cuomo Land tonight."
Voters chose Loony Left, not Ultra Loony Left. Either way, doesn't say much for NY voters.
I think her character image as Miranda Hobbs, Esq. probably hurt her the most. She was destestable in TV and that translated to real life.
At any rationale policy level, Gina Raimondo has been Rhode Island's best Governor in decades. Matt Browne had nothing to run on besides old bones and trivia.
Nixon's problem is that she couldn't run a Trumpian campaign of policy-free insults against Cuomo when that is what he deserved.
You know what had heads spinning in Cuomo Land last night? Champagne.
Is it not possible for women to lose gracefully and concede graciously?
Cynthia routinely polled higher in upstate, while Cuomo’s strength was in the counties where polls were open before work.
Out in the boonies the progressive left can't be corralled as easily by the big blue machine. But the NYS corruptocrats still win the day over the loons.
Upstate would be quite different in a general election. Like Iowa, for example, the Democrat primary in otherwise conservative areas brings out the loons.
Ace HQ headline," Mobbed-Up Trotskyite Cuomo Crushes Shining Path Maoist "Dick-less" Nixon in NY Primary"
I personally think Cuomo won because he promised to sue if SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade. Yes I know, but the Cuomo brothers seems to have the Guido gene.
High turnout helps Democrats but hurts Socialists. In primaries, Socialists do better in more conservative districts where the centrists vote Republican.
Having the name Nixon doesn't help.
The real truth is her ordering a cinnamon raisin bagel with lox, cream cheese, red onion and capers doomed her campaign.
It was closer than I predicted two months ago.
I hope this isn’t the end of her political career. I think it’d be pretty funny to see her, say, become president someday. I would even vote for her.
High turnout of Cuomo voters to be more precise...
a cinnamon raisin bagel with lox, cream cheese, red onion and capers
Only a deranged escapee from a mental asylum or a far left socialist would eat such an unholy monstrosity.
For someone like her to get almost a third of the vote could easily be spun as "sending a strong message." This excuse making is weak and unnecessary.
Those who work for Immigration and Customs - Cynthia consideres them "terrorists".
She's just another bubble-dwelling idiot. Poor NY. Bad choice or worse choice.
OK, so for the time being Dems prefer regular corruption and special-interest handouts to full-on socialism. Good to know.
The weird thing is that over thirty per cent of Democrats think she's qualified for public office. I don't know that much about her. She wasn't even the star of a tv show that wasn't even that popular. I never watched it. The only thing I picked up about her is that she's a really bad dancer and she hates Trump more than Cuomo.
Possibly her strategy was that only members of the LGBT community would vote.
Dammit, I lost because more of the Cuomo supporters voted against me!
I'm surprised that she didn't blame Trump. Must be a first.
The wrong voters turned out instead of tuning out.
What happened.
Most New Yorkers preferred an ordinary, decent criminal over a wild card like Nixon who's driven by an ideology she's making up as she goes along.
Her hippie socialist base still thinks it is 1972 so of course they can’t vote for Nixon.
"A dickless Nixon". That is funny, but sexist. All funnny stuff is banned.
Blaming loss on high turnout? Pretty sure there is hint in there someplace cupcake.
We won't have Nixon to kick around any more.
An alternate theory is having a TV show on our resume isn't the only requirement needed to win high office. That fact alone should cut the leftie Presidential field for 2020 in half, but it probably won't.
mockturtle said...
“Is it not possible for women to lose gracefully and concede graciously?”
Why would they when they believe it their hearts it’s never they’ve been found wanting but because of the patriarchy....or the Russians.
"He only won by 32 points."
"Cuomo, what is good in life?"
"To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women."
-- From "Cuomo the Barbarian," 2018
"to send a message to [President] Trump for the first time since his election."
Which is...?
Which is...?
Sour gay ladies don't win elections?
One more data point.
Perhaps tomorrow her staff will offer the theory that it had something to do with Russia, Facebook and Cambridge Analytica.
"A dickless Nixon"
This would be a good time for her to go tie one on.
Really, who cares what's happening in NY? Those people are crazy. In a few decades, it'll be Escape from New York starring Kurt Russell as Snake Plisken.
The funny thing about that "futuristic" thriller -- made in 1981, and set all the way in 1997!
Doesn't this demonstrate that even voting democrats don't, actually, like crazy?
The interesting race in RI is the senate race between Whitehouse and Flanders. Flanders may or may not turn out to be a contender, but he's probably the only Republican with a snowball's chance in hell to win anything. The odds are definitely not in his favor. The largest political party in RI is "none". No one believes the Republican, Allan Fung, will win against any Democrat for governor. While not particularly popular outside of Providence, Raimondo is more acceptable than the Bernie Bro who ran against her in the primary. A lot of the "none" folks chose a Democrat ballot to ensure Raimondo's safety knowing Flanders had his place locked up before the primaries happened. In November, with 47% of the voters, "none" will decide who wins across the board. Personally, I would have preferred Judge Flanders had taken on Raimondo instead, but he chose the senate seat instead.
Unsaid during the entire campaign:
Like Hillary Clinton, Cynthia Nixon is repellent, and you just can't run on that.
It would not surprise me if upstate Democrat voters are further to the left than New York City Democrat voters. If you look at the counties that went for Hillary, they tend to be dominated by college towns which tend to vote way left, and I suspect several others are places where New York City liberals live and they tend to vote way left as well. A lot of NYC Democrats are either union or minority voters who (a) are not nearly as far left and (b) tend to be encouraged to vote for the establishment candidate.
In addition, Cuomo was key in all the new gun laws which are detested upstate. Nixon would be, if anything, worse, but Cuomo is the face of those laws. How many upstate Democrats care about gun laws is another question, but I suspect there are some. When you live out in the boonies, you live by your gun or you die and get found several hours/days/months later by the authorities.
"I woulda won if fewer people showed up to vote."
Yeah, no.
In conservative districts, the Democrats tend to run cray cray. Utah's Mike Lee, for instance, one of the great liberal bugaboos of the Senate, had as his opponent last time a transgendered grocery clerk, who ran on forcing people to accept transgendered stuff.
Mike Lee spent most of the campaign campaigning for other Republicans. He won by like 50 points, because crazy is as crazy does.
Like Hillary Clinton, Cynthia Nixon is repellent, and you just can't run on that.
I agree with Crack! If you want to win how about trying a smile for fuck's sake?
Another democrat woman making excuses for losing. Is it genetic? Do they not play enough sports in their early years? What? :)
High turnout bad for Nixon, great for Dems. This will become more obvious November 6.
She ran better upstate, if she did (I am just granting the assertion as truth), because more Republican voters voted for her as the weaker of the two Democratic candidates.
I thought there other election that were supposed to send a message?
Occam's Razor:
She is a major Lefty but she isn't in bed with the Mainstream Democratic Party in NYC. She 'polls better' upstate because upstate HATES the Mainstream NYC Democratic Party.
Cuomo won by a smaller amount because he is a horse's ass who had diarrhea of the mouth earlier and even some blue collar Democratic Machine Democrats wouldn't vote for him.
She is an extreme lefty lesbian socialist who oozes SJW fanaticism. You think that sells to Staten Island and Wall Street? Who is left to support her, farmers in Upstate NY? They didn't show...because she is an extreme lefty lesbian socialist who oozes SJW fanaticism and Trump has shown even Democrats that they do not own any kind of high ground, morally or electorally.
Plus she was obnoxious as a television character and that seems to be who she is. Last think I liked her in was Amadeus where she was a maid with little screen time.
Her hippie socialist base stinks of patchouli.
I thought it was elderberries.
i hope she whines about 'voter suppression' also.
Ah Cynthia, this goes to show that you can't fool all of the voters all the time. Although your opponent smells like a fresh wind off a cattle feed lot.
OK, maybe the memo would be less nonsensical if we could read the actual memo, rather than others' reporting of it. So any commentary on it would be useless.
She is an extreme lefty lesbian socialist who oozes SJW fanaticism. . . . Plus she was obnoxious as a television character and that seems to be who she is.
All true. And yet she's better than Cuomo.
Don’t people realize that the letter that the New York State Democratic Committee sent to 7,000 voters was probably done to help Simcha Felder, not Andrew Cuomo. This was too small scale to have anything to do with the Governor’s race.
It was designed to increase turnout among avery select group of voters. It didn’t need to mention simcha Felder.
For background see
I thinmk it is qute possible this was slipped by someone close to Cuomo. Cuomo isn't supposed to be supporting Simcha Fedler (the Democrat who caucuses with the Republicans) especiall since he got the Independent Democratic Caucus to recaucus the Dem arty,
They were promised no primary challenges but they got them and 5 out of 8 lost.
It seems inexcusable to me to hold polling places in some areas open longer than polling places in others.
If the Cynthia Nixon voters stay home in disgust over the primary results...
Ahh, we can only hope.
The disparity in how Prof. Althouse reads this hearsay and how Prof. Althouse reads anything about President Trump is readily apparent. Different exegetical principles at work, by far.
Almost everyone claims to be neutral vis-a-vis the facts. Cruel neutrality is difficult and requires actual effort. There may be an aspiration to it here, but if so, cruel neutrality remains a distant aspiration.
Irrelevant. She was blown out.
"”A dickless Nixon". That is funny, but sexist. All funnny stuff is banned.”
Not just sexist, but worse - homophobic.
Diversity-diversity... more than one person voted.
"Cynthia Nixon blames her loss on high turnout."
Could have been worse if not for high voters.
It took running Hillary Clinton to allow "Grab them by the p-$$#" Trump to be elected. Without her criminality and odiousness, it would be impossible for him INITIALLY to get elected.
It took running Cynthia (I hate men) Nixon to allow 'America was NEVER all that great' Cuomo to win this election cycle.Aren't there any female Democrat candidates who are pleasant, pretty, not Socialist douchebags, nor man hating Lesbians?
Is the bench THAT THIN on the Democrat side? For the love of God, run Lacy Green! At least she is marginally less odious than ANYONE I mentioned including The Ozone Socialist.
It seems inexcusable to me to hold polling places in some areas open longer than polling places in others.
I'd agree; this seems....odd. I thought that there were rules for this, or is it primaries that can do what the heck they like?
I assumed it was a lame stone-chucking excuse, because of the way Nixon was crying about the loss.
All we need is me as leader
Tell the mob whom to beat
I'm gonna add a little angry
Make it easy for me to move your feet
I'm gonna add some social justice
So that the fascists won't have to hide
You might like to hear my slogan
I said die deplorables die
If I could hear those horns blow
Cynthia on the throne, yeah!
Cynthia got a message that's sayin'
All you voters, go home!
Vote the right way!
Dance to my music!
Dance to my music!
t seems inexcusable to me to hold polling places in some areas open longer than polling places in others.
Where was she in 2000 criticizing judges for holding polling places open in Democratic precincts because they hadn’t finished voting a la Ma and Pa Kettle’s kids posing for the panning camera then sneaking around the barn to get to the back of the line to be photographed again.
I am sure that Cynthia Nixon was outraged! What is the expression? A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged?
I am much ashamed for suggesting any cheating by St Al Armand Gore.
Speaking of Al Gore, isn’t he still collecting money on the zinc mine that Armand Hammer gave to his dad?
Armand Hammer (May 21, 1898[1] – December 10, 1990) was an American business manager and owner, most closely associated with Occidental Petroleum, a company he ran from 1957[2] until his death, though he was known as well for his art collection, his philanthropy, and for his close ties to the Soviet Union.
Imagine were Gore’s name something like “Trump”...
It’s good to be a Democrat! All of your sins are for the betterment of the people!
There was a host of Bernie supporters kicked off the rolls, Lydia polgreen and that snowflake kunst
This was one of those contests that you hoped they both lost. You would think that people in NY would be smart enough, or worldly enough, to be disgusted with Cuomo.......what am I saying?
"Primary Elections
In New York City and the counties of Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam, Dutchess and Erie, POLLS OPEN AT 6 AM - CLOSE AT 9 PM. In all other counties, POLLS OPEN AT 12 NOON and CLOSE AT 9 PM."
- NY State Board of Elections.
Weird. A noon opening?
Politically, New York is a corrupt insane asylum.
Go, read about their State Government, its a shit house.
But New yorkers love it. They revel in their corrupt leftism.
If I lived in upstate NY, I'd want to want to secede.
I've got to know two New Yokers at work over the years. And what weird is they gave me the same answer to the same question.
Question: When did you leave New York?
Answer: When I got Smart.
It's not about more liberal or less liberal. This is New York, where I grew up. Organizations directly supporting Cuomo (e.g. specific unions) will vote Cuomo. Those who aren't paying to play or competing with favored groups will vote for against Cuomo. The fact that upstaters are more conservative has no bearing in this choice. They are voting against Cuomo, not for Nixon.
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is reportedly planning to run for president in 2020 as a Democrat, setting up the potential for a billionaire-on-billionaire showdown.
Maybe we get our choice of fake Republicans Trump vs Bloomberg.
If I lived in upstate NY, I’d want to want to secede.
We had a diaspora instead, when Reagan said “vote with your feet,” I did, best advice I ever got from a politician.
Vermont = NYC leftism without the corruption and more cows.
@tcrosse at 11:09...
Lol and I see what you did there.
I initially thought, wow a lot of people didn't want her! What a wierd explanation for losing. Perhaps the noon start for voting was because of being agricultural based voters starting their morning tasks.
She didn't blame Russians?
Is it ever the fault of the Candidate when a female Democrat loses?
"Cynthia Nixon blames her loss on high turnout."
So she's blaming it on legal marijuana, just to be clear??
So she's blaming it on legal marijuana, just to be clear??
Reefer madness in a psychoactive progression.
It was that higher turnout for Cuomo what done her in!
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