১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৮

"By any metric, Trump is in trouble."

Writes Megan McArdle in "Poll by sinking poll, Trump inches toward impeachment" (WaPo). The headline suggests that low poll numbers is a high crime or misdemeanor.

If polls determined who gets to be President, Hillary Clinton would be President. She had the clear lead in the polls. But under the Constitution, the presidency goes to the person who wins in the Electoral College, and there isn't another go-'round for that until 2020. So the only alternative is impeachment, which requires the House to vote based on "high crimes and misdemeanors," not whatever's in the current polls, which we know were egregiously wrong in 2016.

But what made me want to blog this is the first line of the column, "By any metric, Trump is in trouble," which is followed by:
A poll out from The Post and ABC on Friday shows that 60 percent of voters disapprove of the job he’s doing as president, a new low. But that’s just one poll; the polling average at statistician Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight shows Trump with a mere 53.4 percent disapproval rating, which is better than its 56.8 percent peak last December.
So there's an obvious "metric" — the famous Nate Silver metric — by which Trump is doing better than last December, but "By any metric, Trump is in trouble"?! Who is McArdle writing for these days? [THAT IS: Who is her intended audience? I know who her employer is.]
But a presidency is not in good shape when the best spin on the new poll is “It’s an outlier! Only 53 percent of the country thinks the president is terrible.” The poll is especially ugly for Republicans with midterms looming in two months.
No. 53 percent didn't say "the president is terrible." They said "disapprove" when asked whether they approve of disapprove. And they might disapprove of other options too, such as impeachment or even (if it could be magically possible) Hillary for President. Has McArdle compared the congressional approval poll average? I'm seeing 19.0 approve and 71.2 disapprove. I suspect that a lot of us don't like much of anything, but we've got to have something.

McArdle continues:
FiveThirtyEight’s forecast for the midterms puts the likelihood of Democrats taking the House at more than 70 percent. Their chances of taking the Senate are lower, but Republicans are hardly a lock despite a very favorable map for them. And if Democrats manage to eke out a majority in both houses of Congress, here is the poll’s really bad news for Trump: Half the country wants him impeached....
Voting for a Democrat instead of a Republican doesn't mean you want the drama of impeachment. But maybe the 2018 election can take the clear form that it's a referendum on impeachment. Would that help the Democrats? To me, it makes them seem too chaotic (which is the main thing that disturbs me about Trump).

McArdle recognizes that the Senate needs a supermajority vote to remove Trump, but her by-any-metric logic includes the way "these things have a way of taking on unexpected momentum." I think it's the opposite. No President has been removed by impeachment. This is a thing that has a way of losing momentum.

After the midterms, we'll be heading into the next presidential election. Is the first-year of run-up to that election going to be consumed with impeachment weirdness or can we have the straight-up political fight in which specific anti-Trump candidates stand up and say why they would do a better, more upright job of being President?

I saw how Democrats in Wisconsin squandered their anti-Walker fervor using the recall method in the middle of Scott Walker's first time, lost that, and then stumbled into the next regular election, and lost that too. It was partly the weirdness of the unusual procedure and partly the failure to develop a strong candidate to defeat Walker. Their anti-Walker fervor did not do what they felt in their hearts it just had to do. I scoff at that stupid drama. Let the Democrats put up a great candidate, like they didn't do in 2016.

More McArdle:
It’s all too easy to imagine a similar scenario for Democrats intent on impeaching Trump as they come up short looking for Republicans to help them make it across the finish line. But it’s not entirely impossible to picture a few Republicans going along....
We've gone from "by any metric" to "it's not entirely impossible." Come on! Were we not supposed to read this far into the column? WaPo is all headlines and first lines these days. Get your hit, and maybe you can face another day with Trump as President.
But even if Republicans hold the party line, what Trump faces in this scenario is bad enough: a public trial that he can’t avoid by firing the investigators, nor distract from with more Twitter blasts. One senses that public humiliation, especially at the hands of an establishment that has always looked down on him, is the thing that Trump fears most. Though far from certain, that humiliation is growing more likely.
Trump gets his energy from the deplorables — the humble people. The elite's going big on humiliating him will release tremendous energy, energy that Trump knows how to use. But government isn't entertainment, so I'd rather not see this grand drama play out. But these people who are hankering for it... I don't think they're picturing the fight and its repercussions.

To say "By any metric, Trump is in trouble" is to flaunt your lack of imagination.

২৩৯টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   239 এর 201 – থেকে 239
Darrell বলেছেন...

If the rest of the world pays back the United States for the space program--plus interest--they can have their little movie without the American flag.

Until then, fuck 'em.

Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

Can't understand the hope of some righties to have a president Pence. The guy has never shown any ability to lead, to persuade, or to articulate. He's most famous for getting lectured by a dipshit actor who insulted him and America in front of hundreds of people. And Pence took it and said thank you. Pence is another Graham, Sessions, McConnell- republicans without testicles.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Can't understand the hope of some righties to have a president Pence. The guy has never shown any ability to lead, to persuade, or to articulate. He's most famous for getting lectured by a dipshit actor who insulted him and America in front of hundreds of people. And Pence took it and said thank you. Pence is another Graham, Sessions, McConnell- republicans without testicles.”

What is not to understand? He knows his place. Trump and the Deplorables do not.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

My problem with the upcoming Neil Armstrong movie is that they have a white cis-gender astronaut being portrayed by a white cis-gender non-astronaut.

I am Laslo.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Inga is on a roll. Where's walter and Howard?

Hilarious. What did anyone expect Armstrong's sons to say ?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Michael Fitzgerald said...
Can't understand the hope of some righties to have a president Pence.

I agree., He caved quickly on the RFRA protests in Indiana.

Trump's not going anywhere.

walter বলেছেন...

Michael K said...You and walter and Inga make a great team. History began yesterday.
You are a bit confused there, Doc.
Adjust the meds or think/try a little harder.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@FullMoon (2:45), there are 11 Senate races where there is an incumbent Senator forced to sit around Washington while facing a tough reelection race. Two of these are Republicans (Cruz and Heller), and Cruz seems ahead but less than comfortably. That leaves eight Democrat Senators. Four Democrats are ahead, but not at all comfortably (Manchin, Baldwin, Smith, and Menendez). Two Democrats may be okay, or not, because there are no recent polls to show what's happening in the race (Donnelly and Tester). The other three Democrats are in deep shit, behind their GOP opponents in the polls and losing ground (Heitkamp, Nelson, and McCaskill). Those nine Democrats want to be back in their home state campaigning, and that's 19% of the entire Democrat caucus.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Presumably they had to make it a bit different from the original 1969 studio version.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Michael K said...You and walter and Inga make a great team. History began yesterday.”
“You are a bit confused there, Doc.
Adjust the meds or think/try a little harder.”

Isn’t this what I’ve been saying about Michael K for the past 6 months? See what I mean?


Darrell বলেছেন...

By any metric, the Left is finished.
Too many on-camera interviews in the past two years to hide.
Too many stupid things that repulse voters said.
Another Red Wave is coming.

Gk1 বলেছেন...

Considering Hollyweird has to increasingly rely on foreign re-releases and DVD sales to make their nut, it was probably a dollars and cents decision to minimize the U.S flag to make it more commercial for export markets. What they may be discovering to their sorrow is half of the country thinks it was a premeditated slight and proof of systemic anti-americanism. I am not sure how they disprove a negative at this point.

Darrell বলেছেন...

I saw the real thing. I'm not going to waste my money on the soy version.

Michael K বলেছেন...

walter doesn't like to be compared to Inga.

I can understand that.

Sorry about it, big guy.

Darrell বলেছেন...

The world had it's trip to the moon--George Méliès' A Trip to the Moon (1902). You know the one where the spaceship lands in the left eye of the man in the moon.


mockturtle বলেছেন...

A trip to the moon on gossamer wings,
Just one of those things.

walter বলেছেন...

Michael doesn't like to be caught in a ridiculous statement..so he doubles down on it.
Sorry big thinker.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Here's the thing that Megan and Inga refuse to yet understand: Trump voters and supporters are silent in their support, they don't want their cars and homes vandalized, and they don't want to be ostracized professionally or socially. But they do vote, and they do own most of the firearms in this country.

Gk1 বলেছেন...

Was it Slate that started the "Impeachometer" back in the late 90's to gauge Bill Clinton's likelihood of being impeached? Have they started one for Trump? I'm not sure I found it all that reliable when even after it was verified Bill's spoo was on Monica's blue dress Slate still put the odds around 55%. I think William Saletan wrote it.


narciso বলেছেন...

Saletan was also an apologist for the future rendition of Elian supervised by Greg Craig (Why is that name familar) and Eric holder.

narciso বলেছেন...

So the times came up with an even more convoluted narrative to cover the delegations about ohr and deripaska.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The left is just as short-sighted about impeaching Trump as they were about impeaching Dubya. They would have gotten Dick Cheney then and would get Mike Pence now. Both are probably more hated by the left than the White House occupants they served.

Michael বলেছেন...

McArdle is usually pretty sensible, and her being with the WP probably causes some of their readership to be at least exposed to some center-rightish or libertarian ideas they might not otherwise see. I think this column is her just "paying the rent" to Pinch and the Editorial Board.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Mike Sylwester said...

My favorite metric is the number of conservative justices in the federal judiciary.

You obviously mean Trump is performing a hostile takeover of the judiciary. With the aid and support of Senate Republicans. That's what I read today in the MSM, so it must be true.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

By any metric? By any metric?? When did the US subscribe to metric system? Ah never. Well maybe the drug dealers.

Ken Mitchell বলেছেন...

"Voting for a Democrat instead of a Republican doesn't mean you want the drama of impeachment."

False. Every Democrat voter knows that if they vote for a Democrat for the House, they're voting for impeachment. It's the primary promise that Nancy Pelosi has been running on.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Here's the thing that Megan and Inga (and walter and Howard) refuse to yet understand: Trump voters and supporters are silent in their support, they don't want their cars and homes vandalized, and they don't want to be ostracized professionally or socially.

I don't care about social ostracism because, aside from the local Tucson newspaper and WSJ comment threads on Facebook, I can't find any Trump haters. Except here, of course.

Now, I have a couple of leftist kids but they have been very quiet lately.

Anonymous vandals are no doubt around so I don't put stickers on my car, aside from Arizona Defense League.

We do have a number of keyboard commandoes, but I have no concern that any of those pussies would ever show up at my door.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

"By any metric, Trump is in trouble."

Nah, he is an old guy who is nice to his middle aged wife. He is kind to his children. I pray for people like that every day (I pray for Obama every day too, for Obama who also - by the metric - is nice to his middle aged wife and is kind to his children - who also. like Trump, is in that charmed ring of people who we can all easily hope the best for, even if we disagree with their views on constitutional controversies).

Here are people who are in bad shape by some metrics -

Father Wojtyla was a great guy, and it was not his fault that, when, seven or eight decades after he decided to abjure the wonderful family life he could have had, and became a celibate and continent and saintly priest; a few years after he was canonized as a saint, it turned out that several of the powerful cardinals of his church - who may have supported his canonization - were very very bad people. While I hope he is in heaven, according to the metric of "was his canonization free of the taint of participation by people who covered up for pedophiles", he is , by at least that metric, in trouble. Oh well, I am praying for him, so there is that.

Obama never ever apologized for supporting the most brutal forms of abortion (ripping apart babies who could easily have survived on their own, because the mother, for reasons that poor Obama thought the "CONSTITUTION" protected, waited too long before asking a doctor to kill her almost-born baby.) I pray every day for that sad little vain angry man, too.

Poor John McCain, who was a brave man, forgot to say he did not want a fancy funeral (no good person wants a fancy funeral, take my word for it) at which people who never were as brave as him took the opportunity of speaking at his funeral to disgrace themselves, speaking ill of others. YOU DO NOT DO THAT AT A CHRISTIAN FUNERAL !!!!

Aretha has nothing to worry about on this score. Sure the line of expensive pink Cadillacs was disgraceful, and disrespectful to her generally poor fan-base, but God Bless her anyway, Plus her funeral let the few remaining Clinton fans see the smallness of poor Bill Clinton, as a warning to those who think that lechery is something we do not need to abandon.

Don't get me started on poor Bergoglio, a better friend to the people who prey on the powerless than he is to the victims and to those who defend the victims. It is all too sad. He too would be appalled, at the age of 25 or 35 or 45, to see what he has become in his prosperous narcissistic cold-hearted old age. I pray for him to remember the kindness of his youth!

Pray for me too, it is not easy to understand people as well as I do. Really it isn't.

rcommal বলেছেন...

New president elected in November 2024 and installed in January 2025. Until then, it is what it is. History suggests reality, especially since November 1992 and inauguration day in January 1993. Time to accept the era in which we live, which started quite a while ago. Time to suck it up. Time to live a life mostly not based on politics, at all.

walter বলেছেন...

Rt1 Rebel said...Here's the thing that Megan and Inga refuse to yet understand:
Michael K said...Here's the thing that Megan and Inga (and walter and Howard) refuse to yet understand:
Mk indulging in telling rewriting of others' posts and illogical associations..indicating grand mal cerebral in-fart-ions.
Double down. Frickin' double down, Doc!

walter বলেছেন...

Really Cooper?
I don't think he "forgot" a thing..

rcommal বলেছেন...

Everyone gets eight years. In retaliation, at least. So it goes, so it is.

30yearProf বলেছেন...

Some of the "Deplorables" are anything but.

Often from "humble" beginnings, they got into good Universities (during the competitive fever of the Baby Boom), often went to graduate school, got professional jobs or started businesses (or both), slaved for their families for years, and made it.

Some are very well off but all are smart and tough. And, never forget, they HATE THOSE WHO TRIED SO HARD TO HOLD THEM DOWN -- politely, of course. But fervently.

The biggest error in war, court, or business is to believe in your own wishes and underestimate the enemy.

Once I was just an opponent. Now I am an enemy of the Left. I have time, money, energy, and a concrete reason to make a difference. Just you wait!

grackle বলেছেন...

Criminal Conspiracy and Obstruction of Justice along with various minor crimes. It’s been mentioned thousands of times already by the talking heads.

Depends I guess on the talking head and/or what is considered a “talking head.” I’ve not seen any evidence of conspiracy or obstruction by Trump and neither has the commentor.

Listening too hard to the silly babble of the talking heads while simultaneously longing for Trump’s downfall will only add to the frustration felt in some quarters since Trump’s election. What it must be like to be teased over and over again: NOW we have him! Oh, wait, he got away … next time, next time, NEXT time for sure!

For a good legal picture of the so far wildly unsuccessful soft coup of Trump go to YouTube and view this latest Mark Levin dissection of the Deep State and Not So Deep State. Spoiler: Trump is in no legal trouble whatsoever.

Their main hope is the mid-terms. If the Democrats win the house they’ll try to tie Trump up with numerous attacks using the committees. There would be dozens of investigations, lasting as long as the Dems control the House. The committees and their staffs would become veritable leak factories. The MSM would cover nothing else – scoops every day!

Their other hope is Mueller. I doubt Mueller has any evidence of anything but he’ll have to invent something after all this time and trouble and my expectation is that it will be as futile as, for example, all the stuff supposedly negative to Trump that has been leaked, implied, alleged and invented so far.

So I’m not too worried about impeachment. But Deep State will have to do something; their game will be up if Trump evades the coup now being attempted. Years of work wrecked by a rank outsider … the prospect of having their own lives ruined once Sessions is gone and a legitimate Attorney General takes a look at the shenanigans by the more visible members of the Deep State … They will become even more desperate. I worry about them killing Trump.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Amazing how people focus on one average as win or lose. For 2018 imo it'll be who do you trust to choose a lifetime of Court Justices? In 2016 it was who would discourage abortion, but not end it, save for allowing the states to limit late term abortions which some voters believe with an anti-gun fervor is murder. T said as much with his and evangelist’s friend’s reference to Paul’s 2nd. The free will lecture in the bible. “ in order to be saved we must allow great evil in the world nor force charity.

gg6 বলেছেন...

Wow, I've always thought pretty positively of McArdle - has she gone to the dark side?! This certainly makes it sound that way. Very disappointing. But then it's been a very winning week for my cynical realism side with Bush, and Obama leading the shameless and hypocritical McCain Eulogy Festival. And then there's the Pope! Maybe there's something in the water these days?

stan বলেছেন...

Democrats are pushing hard for civil war. I don't think they are going to like what happens when they light the match.

stephen cooper বলেছেন...

Walter - I read the link you posted.

I was surprised that anyone, faced with their inevitable and near death, would "hold meetings" about their funeral, seeking to harm the reputation of others.

Often, in the four gospel accounts, we read of people who face death, either their own (you can read all the examples: Lord, heal me ... from leprosy, from constant bleeding, from paralysis, and so on) or who are desolated at the death of their children, but still hopeful enough to seek a miracle (remember, for example, the beloved servant of the Roman centurion ... Domine, non sum dignus, un intres sub tectum meum, sed tantum dic verbo, et sanabitur anima mea", and others) ... and, although "all the world" and "all of us" are depicted in the Gospels, I do not remember any person described in the Gospels, even the most clueless, "planning their funeral" as a way to insult others, as a way to score political points .

And it is even sadder that poor McCain did not know, at least when he was planning his funeral, that his foolishness would be evident to anyone who realizes that his "eulogists" were mostly pro-abortion liberals, or war-monger neocons --- and would not have shed a single tear if his parents had aborted him, in a world where that would have been his fate .... Let's hope that, at some point before poor McCain, let us pray for his soul,died, he realized that it is just wrong to want to have Bill Clinton the unrepentant rapist, and similarly nasty people, pictured as his main mourners ....

Sad!, and even sadder, in that McCain was, at one point in his life, a very brave person. Anyway, thanks for the advice to read the NY Times.

Caligula বলেছেন...

"By any metric, Trump is in trouble."

BUT the metric you've chosen is, umm, polls. And polls didn't work so well for the 2016 election, did they?

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   239 এর 201 – থেকে 239   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»