September 18, 2018

At the All-For-Naught Café...

... gnaw on anything but Kavanaugh.


MadisonMan said...

So nice to have rain today, and kill the heat. I know, I always say I hate winter. But hot days in September aren't fun either.

le Douanier said...

Dorks eat aristocrat pizza.

Alphas eat aristocrat doughnuts.

But, the lowest of all are those who eat yeast rings.


Ken B said...

Have you Americans considered what a mean spirited, dishonest, censorious country you are becoming? I lived in the USA for 20 years. I am struck by the change.

MayBee said...

I agree Ken B I fear we have a taste for ruining lives

Tommy Duncan said...

Interesting discussions today, with some politely terse exchanges and insightful, probing questions.

That said, I can't wait for the first frost to control the mosquitoes. In SE Minnesota we are trapped in our houses and cars after the big rains and hot weather.

MayBee said...

Ther’s An anti drunk driving ad I’ve seen where a 20 year old guy is trying to get a job and he’s being followed around by a little girl ghost Everyone turns him down for a job because he has a drunk driving charge I get that we don’t want people to drive drunk But what about the people who have? Do we want them to think they will never get a job? Do we want people to have no hope ever again? Who does that help?

Bay Area Guy said...

We can't talk about Kavanaugh here? Darn.

What should we talk about, then? Sex? Sports? The weather?

I'm reading "A War Like No Other" by Victor Davis Hanson. In essence, one group of Greeks (Athenians) fought against another group of Greeks (Spartans), so it does seem kinda, sorta like a Civil War. It would be like Redondo Beach fighting Newport Beach for 29 years.

Hey, at least the Persians never captured Greece.

Quayle said...

So, you think you can just post a cafe and we're all going to play into your hands.

le Douanier said...

"I agree Ken B I fear we have a taste for ruining lives"

That's called freedom.

The result is DJT as POTUS.

Que será, será

Lucien said...

Is anything bad going to happen to Michael Cohen based on multiple instances of secretly recording conversations with a client?

And what about Omarosa Manigault’s audiotape escapades?

Quayle said...
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le Douanier said...

"Do we want them to think they will never get a job? Do we want people to have no hope ever again? Who does that help?"

It helps everyone.

If yur looking at folks that you can hire, the ones who didn't kill a kid are better than the murderers. Such distinctions are, obviously, not trivial.

Quayle said...

""I agree Ken B I fear we have a taste for ruining lives"

That's called freedom.'

anti-de Sitter space loves freedom when he thinks he the lion.

Not so much when he's the gazelle.

Big Mike said...
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Big Mike said...

@MadMan, by contrast I was so glad to see the sun today at last! We have had so many days of rain out here. This has apparently been a historically wet year here in the north end of the Shenandoah Valley. My yard was poorly graded and the ground is saturated so there’s standing water in the lowest part of my back yard.

I am so grateful that Donald Trump responded to the Democrats’ demand that he “do something” about Florence, so he waved his hands and made the hurricane weaken to barely above tropical storm level pbefore it made landfall.


le Douanier said...

Being the gazelle sounds way more compelling than being a dude who has gals do his work for him. Second to being the gazelle, I'd want to be one of the gal hunters who actually do work.

IOW: Being chased is best. But if not that, I love the chase, too.

Anywho, different strokes fer different folks.

Birkel said...

Latest GDP NOW estimate: 4.4%.
Unemployment: 3.9%.

What are we complaining about tonight?

le Douanier said...

"My yard was poorly graded."

Get a D10, like Don Jr talked about in the convention speech. You'll fix it fast.

P.S., don't wear a suit, as shown re this tractor.

Birkel said...

DJIA: 26246.96

Darn, what are we bitching about again?

le Douanier said...

"What are we complaining about tonight?"

Almost trillion dollar deficit spending to spike growth (when the economy needs to stimulus), e.g. Keynesianism. Conservative 2018 = fraud.

le Douanier said...

The price of fraud always comes due.

Henry said...

The rain from Florence passed through Massachusetts today.

Birkel said...

A trillion dollar deficit, all on the books is less than the 1.25 trillion per year increase in debt averaged by Obama, substantially spent 'off the books' but still spent.

Tell me which social programs you prefer to cut and I might support you.
What next?

le Douanier said...

I've rolled a D8. But only as the loser boss dude who I'm sure is mocked after getting a chance to "play."

Anywho, the folks who've operated machines for many decades are F-ing awesome. IMHO.

Spiros Pappas said...

I don't think the Fed should raise interest rates or otherwise tighten monetary policy. Let the economy burn it up for a bit. We need inflation!

le Douanier said...


I'd cut the rents paid to government contractors and the tax benefits granted to rich folks who own DC (ouch, on the last one).

Plus, it is SAD! that you need to do an apples/oranges re who's deficit counts and who's doesn't. It seems like you should avoid flying the white flag so quickly.

Just sayin'

JPS said...

Ken B,

"Have you Americans considered what a mean spirited, dishonest, censorious country you are becoming? I lived in the USA for 20 years. I am struck by the change."

Sometimes it surprises me how many decent people are still out there. Spend too much time online, and I come away thinking we're all so consumed with hate. Then I step away and have perfectly pleasant interactions with non-spittle-flecked people, many of whom (I can bet with very good odds) hold political views far removed from mine.

Birkel said...

Lowering the real deficit (all spending on-book) by a quarter trillion seems a good start.
Tax revenues increased after the tax cut.
Do tell about the surrender.
I am delivering the good news.

le Douanier said...

The internet allows awkward folks a chance to jabber as if they were normal.

That's why so many here (and in similar places) are not cool people.

But, the flip of the coin is that normal/cool people can make fun of them in here. In real life our normalness/coolness results in tongue biting and evasive maneuvers.


MayBee said...

I agree, JPS.

traditionalguy said...

More interesting rumors coming out today are that Brennan and Clapper wire tapped Chief Justice Roberts to get blackmail material on his irregular adoptions and used it to get the unconstitutional
ObamaCare upheld. That was pure Obama KGB work which was also being done to Trump and probably to many others. The arrests for that cannot come soon enough.

But Roberts is safe now. And I bet he will hammer the FISA charade into what ever cooperation that President Trump and Sessions meeds in the coming Storm.

le Douanier said...

And, to make my point: meet Birk.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Anyone who handwaves off the damage smears and the stress of the horrible nomination process can do look up Miguel Estrada and his wife. Sad stuff.
It's all theater to most of us but these are real people. Whether you're "bored" of hearing it or not the unfairness of this kind of thing can cause real harm to actual human beings.

le Douanier said...

"unfairness of this kind of thing can cause real harm to actual human beings."

Locked in a room w/ a big dude trapping, disrobing, and suffocating you (as a young gal) seems sorta bad too. If we're gonna go all BHO and empathy-y.

Birkel said...

With a yearly GDP growth over 3% the United States will add more than $600 billion to our economy.

That is more than the size of Argentina's overall economy.

Spiros Pappas said...

Ted Cruz is only 47 years old.

n.n said...

Guilty until proven innocent is a Pro-Choice principle. So are denying human evolution, diversity (i.e. color judgments), cruel and unusual punishment, and summary judgment.

wholelottasplainin said...

traditionalguy said...
More interesting rumors coming out today are that Brennan and Clapper wire tapped Chief Justice Roberts to get blackmail material on his irregular adoptions and used it to get the unconstitutional
ObamaCare upheld. That was pure Obama KGB work which was also being done to Trump and probably to many others. The arrests for that cannot come soon enough.

More bullshit "rumors".

Yesterday it was "rumors" that the DOJ had secretly sought an advisory opinion from the Supremes, something it has NEVER done and is constitutionally prohibited from doing.

Now this one. Wanna cite a source, Skippy?

wholelottasplainin said...
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le Douanier said...

"What conservative congresscritters call on progs to get in the faces of Trump supporters?"

Wouldn't the better other-side corollary be a con telling cons to get in the faces of libs?

Seeing Red said...

Once again progressive Madison is one of the most racist/divided cities in the US.

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Birkel said...

If the American economy grows at 3.5% we will add $700 billion to the total.

$700 billion is more than the economy of Switzerland.

What was the bad news?

le Douanier said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
le Douanier said...

If the American economy grows at 3.5% we will add $700 billion to the total."

We're deficit spending almost a trillion. So almost one trillion of what we're adding to the size of the economy is being put on the credit card (w/ interest due such that the growth today will be much more expensive, when repaid).

buwaya said...

Another couple of milestones this week, in the general culture war.
That is, of massive monopolies that have converged whole industries, flexing their cultural power as monopolies.

- Amazon banned all the works (a dozen or so books self-published over a dozen years or more) of Dairoosh Valizadeh (Roosh), the pick-up artist. This was apparently because Roosh was growing up and getting philosophical, and political, and not so much about picking up chicks, but about, say, traditional gender roles. Such that the SPLC started calling him a terrorist. Granted the pick up artist lifestyle is a sinful slog that comes straight from Hugh Hefner. Roosh could have written for Playboy or Esquire, in their day. I could see him as a latter day Taki. But for certain in the culture war he will not be the first.

The next stop is to do the same, for say Jordan Peterson or Vox Day. An effective publishing monopoly is like that.

- The very popular Qanon subreddit was erased from Reddit, on openly political grounds, aligning with Reddits owners views. Reddit is of course not quite a monopoly in this field, but it is a more accessible and respectable venue than Voat or 8 chan, where Qanon has moved.

One by one enmity is mounting, and the sides are coalescing. This all is not simply a political war but a cultural one, fought in every possible front and including every possible subculture inconvenient to the hegemony. A full-spectrum war.

stephen cooper said...

Most under-reported story, fall of 2018 - there have been several confirmed reports of resurrection from the dead in China. Each of the resurrections was in a Christian milieu. This will not end in defeat for those who want the best for China. Trust me.

Most important general detail about the world most of us are missing - (this paragraph is long and feel free to skip it, but I know what i am talking about) .... remember how worried you were about the possibility that something someone you liked said on the internet would dog them for life? we are now about 12 months from an app that will deluge the internet with so many fake comments that every real comment will be defendable as a faked comment. Nobody who is not uber-NSA level talented and equipped will be able to tell the difference. And ,,, 6 months more than that, 18 months from now, the fake pictures (about one standard deviation harder to fake than fake comments) will deluge the real pictures. Thereupon, there will be a short period of a few years where computer hackers will triumph in internet land the way the cowboys ruled the range for a few decades between the Civil War and the Spanish-American War. Or not. It depends on whether there is an advantage to be had by people who strive for advantages.

And - I have known lots of talented people, and I live in a country with 300 million people, and speak a language that is spoken (from birth!) by half a billion people: and .....: Christina Rossetti was a better poet than any living English-speaker you probably have heard of. Her poems are heartbreakingly good, and if you don't like poems all that much, those Google image results for "Christina Rossetti quotes" are also good.

Achilles said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

"unfairness of this kind of thing can cause real harm to actual human beings."

Locked in a room w/ a big dude trapping, disrobing, and suffocating you (as a young gal) seems sorta bad too. If we're gonna go all BHO and empathy-y.

Please do not stop pushing this smear. Even when Ann specifically asks you to talk about other things.

It lets everyone in the world know what a piece of shit you are and it demoralizes people who would otherwise support democrats to see their political tribe act in such a debased and amoral way.

It is demonstrative that you are stupid enough to think this works for you.

le Douanier said...

"A full-spectrum war."

Assuming "full-specturm" means a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of Americans.

Yur funny.

I bet that there are some lib loons somewhere jabbering about how the antifa is being repressed by the man.

Math is tricky for loons. On both sides.

le Douanier said...

Yes Ach,

We've all seen your helpful advice to the libs.

Thanks for your aid to the resistance.

Carry on.

Birkel said...

Hey, I will join your program to cut social programs if you name them.
Can we start with Depts of Ed, Energy, HUD?
Maybe decrease government worker benefits and change civil service laws so people can get fired en made?

I am all for trimming spending.

wild chicken said...

In SE Minnesota we are trapped in our houses and cars after the big rains and hot weather.

It always amazes me how much better it is to live in western Montana than practically anywhere else.


9/18/18, 8:07 PM

Anonymous said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

Diarrhea of the keyboard

Achilles said...

anti-de Sitter space said...

If the American economy grows at 3.5% we will add $700 billion to the total."

We're deficit spending almost a trillion. So almost one trillion of what we're adding to the size of the economy is being put on the credit card (w/ interest due such that the growth today will be much more expensive, when repaid).

During the Obama era we were not just borrowing more money, we had lower interest rates and quantitative easing as well.

The fed printed a trillion dollars a year during Obama's years. They are tightening money supply now.


And the increased interest rates on our debt are more than being covered by the increased revenues the government is taking in due to the tax cuts on capital and labor the tax increases on rich blue state millionaires.

But I wouldn't expect you to discuss any of this in good faith or even really understand it. You are kinda dumb.

Birkel said...

"En masse" is not liked by spellcheck.

le Douanier said...

Almost a trillion dollar deficit.

Andrew said...

"Have you Americans considered what a mean spirited, dishonest, censorious country you are becoming? I lived in the USA for 20 years. I am struck by the change."

We're still the greatest country on earth. And in human history. By far. So suck on that.

Birkel said...

I figure if we cut government workers back to an average American worker's total package of salary and benefits we could save a few hundred billion.

Birkel said...

I like the freshly minted deficit hawks.
Waiting on their suggestions for cutting spending should be an Olympic sport.

Michael K said...

PBJ, I was very impressed with your opposition to the Obama "stimulus " package that doubled the national debt

Oh, wait...

buwaya said...

If I were a foreigner, looking for a genuine education as opposed to just a brand name credential, and not in a strictly technical field, I certainly wouldn't consider a US university. The US is not #1 in that, its schools are withered and poisoned.

And I expect that quite soon some Americans will start to leave the US, looking for free speech, and liberty in general.

William said...

I guess Taney wins hands down as the worst Supreme Court Justice ever. Iirc, Felix Frankfurter wasn't FDR's advocate on the Supreme Court so much as he was his spy. There was some kind of scandal about this, but it has been since consigned to oblivion. I can't think of any famous scandals involving Supreme Court Justices in recent times. Those guys must be really good at covering their tracks, or they really are as judicious as their outward behavior indicates.

PM said...

Before I post a thing here, I want the FBI to investigate.

stephen cooper said...

William ... I appreciate your honesty, but I, for reasons that are kind of sad, have followed the Supreme Court closely since the 1990s and I think you are ought to know ...

Souter was alleged to be trolling for male prostitutes when he was beaten up by somebody who was offended. (I think this allegation is false).

RBG is alleged to have known Clinton was a rapist but accepted his nomination.

Kagan is alleged to have lied about a doctor's report - a war crime level lie - about the effects of abortion after the second trimester, in order to fool the then-president into supporting violent anti-child abortion legislation.

Breyer is alleged to have known that Clinton was a rapist but accepted his nomination.

Scalia borowed ten bucks from a friend and forgot about it and when he was asked to pay back he laughed, thinking it was a joke. (I think this allegation is false)

Many people believe that Roberts is being blackmailed about something.

Birkel said...

Seat held by Democrats for 139 years just flipped to Republicans.
In Texas.
Where I am assured DUI Rourke will be as popular as Governor Wendy Davis.

stephen cooper said...

William, my point is, if you are at that level of power, people are going to lie about you.

Sometimes their lies will have a lot of truth, sometimes they will just be lies.

Just because they are powerful does not mean that the lies are not hurtful, and wrong.

wholelottasplainin said...

Jay Elink said...
MayBee said...
I agree Ken B I fear we have a taste for ruining lives
Who is this "we" you so blithely speak of?

When was the last time conservatives set out to ruin a Supreme Court nominee? What unsupported and anonymous charges have conservatives brought against progressive candidates and nominees?

What conservative congresscritters call on their base to get in the faces of Hillary supporters? To bring a gun when they bring a knife?

narciso said...

That is fascinating, Stephen Cooper, where did you hear about the resurrections

The Crack Emcee said...

"The video is weird almost beyond belief, and it makes Google appear like a cult in the rigidity of the doctrines held and inculcated by its leadership. At one point, everyone is instructed to hug the person next to him, as at a human-potential movement weekend. It’s enough to make a reasonable person of moderate temperament gag."

Boy, for a place that's said to be fine and dandy, I sure can find a lot of "looks like a cult" columns out there,....

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Listened to a NPR podcast that characterized Frankfurter as a rank conservative. The NPR kids just couldn't wrap their tiny statist minds around the idea that a wariness of government power might be a liberal value.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hey - I'm "a reasonable person of moderate temperament" and the rest of you are weird.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

The Roosh ban seems to have been short lived. I see a number of his books on amazon.

The Michael Scott Earle ban however continues.

Bay Area Guy said...

I'm a Ford, not a Lincoln.

narciso said...

Now back to the mutant star goat:

stephen cooper said...

narciso - I had not heard of the Chinese resurrections until last week. The only reason I heard about them was because Cardinal Zen has been so outspoken about why the Communist government should not be given the power to determine who will be a Bishop (and, God bless him, he is basically arguing against the position that the disgraced Cardinal McCarrick argued and fought for, and that poor Bergoglio, the great ally of the disgraced Cardinal McCarrick, has, even until today, accepted...he is old,poor Bergoglio (like poor me, for the record) not exactly full of love for all, so let us pray for him)).
Anyway, one of the supporters of Cardinal Zen - a person whose twitter feed I often read - pointed out that the church in China will do all right for itself, apparently they have living saints who, every once in a while, are able to, by prayer, bring back from the dead those who have recently died. And a church with saints like that in it is going to be all right ....

I prefer not to recommend any specific twitter feed or website, since this sort of information can often be distorted. (also I am not smart enough to find the one site that I found most trustworthy, but which I can no longer find....) If you want to know if I believe that there are Christians in China who are praying for miracles as impressive as resurrections from the dead, and receiving such miracles, well, I believe that. And since I believe that is going on, of course I believe it is underreported, But what I believe is not impressive to anyone else, simply because I believe it, I get that. Sadly, the internet is such a deceptive place, I do not want to recommend one place or another as verification. But if you do the research you will probably agree with me. Sorry I could not be more helpful.

narciso said...

No that's fine, it's still remarkable, and it's sort of logical outside of perhaps north Korea and Tehran, Christian are more persecuted there.

chickelit said...

“Que será, será”

Figgers that PBJ quotes a gay icon to make a point.

Achilles said...

Of course democrats are making a last ditch effort to block declassification of DOJ documents.

About time for those polls to start sliding back toward reality.

Pretty soon they will be demanding civility and asking why we can't all just get along.

I will be disappointed if I don't get to watch Spartacus, Jerry Brown's mistress and fauxcahauntas simultaneously try to hump a football like a bunch of retarded monkeys on Monday.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I watched the old Bond film "Goldfinger" tonight. Time between the end of the starting credits and the time you see a beautiful woman shaking her breasts for the camera? Less than three minutes.
Bond is not real life. Just sayin'.
The 60s Bond films are not very good. They are like Johnny Quest episodes with all of the parts being played by adults. They are juvenile fantasies, Bond never has a serious girlfriend, he has no life but adventure in exotic places, he has challenges that he always wins because he is James Bond, and he screws many strange, good looking women. Often these women are dangerous, until Bond conquers them with his penis. Also Bond saves the world, usually by accident or even in spite of himself.
The bond films are the male equivalent of the Hallmark Channel or a Harlequin romance.

walter said...

anti-de Sitter space said...The internet allows awkward folks a chance to jabber as if they were normal.
That's why so many here (and in similar places) are not cool people.
But, the flip of the coin is that normal/cool people can make fun of them in here. In real life our normalness/coolness results in tongue biting and evasive maneuvers.
Oh ' hard to live under constraints your enemies have endured for decades now.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I've noticed that PB&J always -- always -- backs off when questioned about anything that he posts.
He used to brag about being a wealthy businessman.
I once asked him how he made his money, since it is damn hard to turn ninety cents into a dollar without taking advantage of some anti free market method. I mean, Hell, I'll trade ninety cents for a dollar any time.
No response.
So I suppose he is a fraud.

Achilles said...

True investigative journalism.

Have fun with a few dozen of these videos coming out just before the election lefties.

I bet he actually does get fired.

Achilles said...

buwaya said...
If I were a foreigner, looking for a genuine education as opposed to just a brand name credential, and not in a strictly technical field, I certainly wouldn't consider a US university. The US is not #1 in that, its schools are withered and poisoned.

And I expect that quite soon some Americans will start to leave the US, looking for free speech, and liberty in general.

Don't worry buwaya. The worm has turned.

There is no country in the world that has a better liberal arts education system. The same globalists that are systematically poisoning our university system are in full control everywhere else in the world.

Only Japan maintains a small island of nationalism and freedom and honest education. But their college system is more of a finishing school than center for education. The hard work is getting in.

Europe is 100% globalist. China is the opposite of freedom.

India? I would believe they had a better university system if I didn't see so many visa students.

If you are interested in freedom and defeating the globalists there is only one front in that fight.

If the US falls the world is finished.

Yancey Ward said...

Going to defy Althouse:

Looks like Ford has thrown in the towel and won't appear on Monday, and Flake seems to accept that outcome and will support Kavanaugh in the committee vote and confirmation vote.

If Ford doesn't appear, the battle is over. I am guessing that in preparing Ford for the public appearance, the Democrats realized that she was a lunatic that couldn't be expected to stay on script.

Yancey Ward said...

In any case, here is some appropriate thread music for the end of this really bizarre day in America.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Sometimes it surprises me how many decent people are still out there. Spend too much time online, and I come away thinking we're all so consumed with hate. Then I step away and have perfectly pleasant interactions with non-spittle-flecked people, many of whom (I can bet with very good odds) hold political views far removed from mine.”

So true! Hanging around these threads too much gives one a skewed sense of reality. Real life is ever so much more civilized and upbeat, even deplorables aren’t so deplorable to your face.

Achilles said...

There are hallowed American cemeteries around the globe filled with men who did the right thing, you sexist witch. Go fuck yourself.

And look at that.

There is Inga wanting to just get along with the people she has been calling RacistBigotHitlerNazis for the last 2 years.

Just like I said would happen.

Even Inga knows the "resistance" is doomed. How soon can the documents be declassified? The Russia Collusion case is completely imploding.

Right on time. Just like I said it would.

Leftists caught paying for violence. Again.

Everyone sees you people for what you are.

Achilles said...

Here it comes:

News outlets seek Keith Ellison divorce records.

Ellison is going to sink at least one democrat senate campaign in Minnesota.

A serial abuser of women with 2 actual police reports of violence against different women running as a democrat.

We know why the leftists don't care about his actual violence against women while they jump on a 34-36 year old story where the accuser doesn't even know where that "assault" happened or even what year it happened.

We see right through you.

Achilles said...

Yancey Ward said...
In any case, here is some appropriate thread music for the end of this really bizarre day in America.

You guys need to stop being so melancholy.

This has been a wonderful day. Millions of people who were deluding themselves are clearly seeing the democrat party for what they are.

The democrat's actions are indefensible. People will still vote for them. But not nearly as many as before.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Even Inga knows the "resistance" is doomed.

November is coming.

As for getting along with people,’s something normal people do in real life.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Deluded people like Achilles thinks he has it all figured out, I can’t even make fun of him anymore, it’s too mean to do to someone so pathetically wrong about everything.

Bob Loblaw said...

The price of fraud always comes due.

It's true. That's why you got Trump.

gadfly said...

The Daily Caller reports that Soros-backed activists slipped cash to anti-Kavanaugh protestors ahead of the arrest of said protestors.

A conspiracy theory have now arisen (Rush said it) that Soros cash may have found its way to Christine Blasey Ford as well. So when the female assistants to Senate Committee members, who will question Mrs.Ford (if she really testifies),should include these these zingers: Please name the individual or group that is paying for your lawyer, your travel costs and any reward for making this testimony? If a group or organization is making the payments, is it financially backed by the George Soros organization? Altogether, how much will you be paid?

Bay Area Guy said...

"You smell that? Do you smell that? Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end.."
-- Lt Kilgore (Robert Duvall), Apocalypse Now

rehajm said...

GDP Now 4.4 percent -ty Birkel

90% of wage earners are receiving increased take home pay.

Companies are offering larger benefits packages in order to retain workers.

Broad market equity valuations near double digit gains. Nasdaq composite up 15.25% YTD.

IOW, household wealth improving in all major categories of wages, salaries, benefits, investments...

...and opportunities. Still more job openings than persons unemployed.

rehajm said...

In not Kavanaugh news- I hope those of you that were giddy yesterday have testimony speculation hangovers this morning.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Obama, (and democrat fantasists in general), deliver HOPE and little else. Trump delivers results. Stuff the working class can spend, or if they choose, plot their families' destiny. Democrats pass out free baubles, (i.e. Obama phones), to what ends? Coordinating Baltimore scale riots? Trump has lowered the employment ladder to the people the Dems vilify.
Idle hands are the devil's workshop.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Democrats promise Hope, Trump delivers change, spendable change too.

MadisonMan said...

It always amazes me how much better it is to live in western Montana than practically anywhere else.

Well, sure, if you can actually breathe when the fires aren't burning.

Narayanan said...

AllenS said...

Hey! Let's talk about me! According to 23andMe there is this news, that probably won't surprise any of you --

Allen S 's
Neanderthal variants
This is more than
90% of 23andMe Customers

The Crack Emcee said...

Bob Loblaw said...

"The price of fraud always comes due."

It's true. That's why you got Trump.

As the guy always bellyaching about fraud (I see you, Ann) I find this to be such a weird reading of things, considering we wouldn't have Trump if the Left hadn't already opened the door for him. Before Trump wondered about Obama's birth certificate, they wondered about 9/11 being an inside job. And, before he hired Dr. Oz to run his health program, Oprah brought him and Obama to the public's awareness - with "HOPE" as a political platform - that only left us with nothing in the end. Classic fraud.

No, when it comes to Trump, everyone takes the blame - especially the haters - because they're just like him, spewing bile and now being offensive just for existing, sinking as personally low as they can. At least, to anyone not caught up in their drama.

The only answer is to stop, but, like Trump with his Twitter account, they don't know how....

stlcdr said...

American Horror Story on Netflix is all-about-the-trump-election.

Rusty said...

Blogger anti-de Sitter space said...
"What are we complaining about tonight?"

"Almost trillion dollar deficit spending to spike growth (when the economy needs to stimulus), e.g. Keynesianism. Conservative 2018 = fraud."

But not a word about the previous eight years.
Hint; We don't need MORE deficit spending. What the economy needs if for the government to cut spending.

The Crack Emcee said...

The New Hip Churches are Fooling Google. They Pop Up as “Gay-friendly” — it’s a Hoax.

That does seem to be how they roll.

tim maguire said...

MayBee said...I agree Ken B I fear we have a taste for ruining lives

Certain forces are trying to make us more European. No second chances, no forgiveness, no understanding or mercy. They are not the majority, or even a plurality. They merely shout the loudest.

They wouldn't matter except we currently have the worst leadership class in our country's history. The people themselves ARE better than this.

robother said...

In light of the new NFL rule, shouldn't the NFL ban keeping stats on QB Sacks? In fact, shouldn't the NFL retroactively apply the rule, and strip any defensive players from the Hall of Fame whose entry depended on that vile behavior?

QBs are the elite of the football world. Like any elite, they should be treated with respect and deference by those of lesser draft pick status.

The Crack Emcee said...

Sen. Tim Scott calls race discussion with Trump 'painful,' 'uncomfortable,' but 'hopeful'

"Scott recalled that the President told him, ''Tim, I don't see what you see. What can I do to make things better?'"

The Crack Emcee said...

'The Evidence is Incontrovertible.' The RNC’s First Black Chairman Says Trump Is Racist

Bustin' out the vocab.

The Crack Emcee said...

GOP Rep. Mia Love calls Trump's 's---hole' comment racist: 'I can't defend the indefensible'

I can't believe the abuse I take on the Right - or on the Left - but the Right? Man, y'all's your own worst enemies.

Andrew said...

Not sure if it's true, but supposedly Thurgood Marshall was mentally decrepit at the end of his time on the court, and his clerks did all the writing. I heard this from someone who admired Marshall.

The Crack Emcee said...

"By their own admission, Diamond and Silk were lifelong Democrats whose conservative rebirth came after Trump descended down that gilded Trump Tower escalator in 2015 to announce his run for president.

Afterward, Diamond filmed a video on the iPad she got for her birthday, denouncing media outlets’ purported mischaracterization of Trump’s remarks referring to Mexican immigrants as “rapists.”

And just like that, the days of pro-Black Lives Matter talk on her and her sister’s YouTube channel stopped."

Ha! 1 video and they're now "white" folks' bonafide black conservative love dolls, but, I left the Democrats in 2004, and still face a billion challenges a day for disagreeing on a few black issues.

Y'all's crazy.

The Crack Emcee said...

Andrew said...

Not sure if it's true, but supposedly Thurgood Marshall was mentally decrepit at the end of his time on the court, and his clerks did all the writing. I heard this from someone who admired Marshall."

When he announced his retirement, a reporter asked, "Why?" and he almost-angrily barked back "I'm coming apart!"

I loved that.

The Crack Emcee said...

You guys are right - I'm with the wrong crowd. I won't coon for you. But, I agree, coonin' pays well:

The price of admission is $50 for the casual fan, $150 for the VIP treatment.

The latter includes preshow charcuterie, wine, beer, priority seating and a souvenir photo with the self-described “classy,” “sassy,” sometimes “nasty” pro-Donald Trump divas.

The duo’s notorious trinkets are available for purchase, too, most plastered with their faces — brown, bespectacled, feisty expressions.

T-shirts go for $30. Zipper pouches? $15. “Women 4 Trump” caps are $20 a pop, Christmas ornaments another $15 and church fans cost $5. Cash only.

The event staff isn’t shy about pushing attendees to open their wallets.

“We’ve got to keep these girls on the road!” Tessy, the show’s master of ceremonies, shouted at one point.

The Crack Emcee said...

“They don’t like us calling it the Democratic plantation,” Diamond shouted from the stage. “What else do they want us to call it?!”

“That’s what it is!” a white man in the crowd replied.

Gahrie must've been there.

The Crack Emcee said...

Y'all's kind of black people:

Diamond and Silk are far from alone. There’s a whole roster of lesser-known black social media stars playing the same game. They’re all entertainers, first and foremost, but most would have trouble winning America’s Got Talent. They sing poorly and rap worse. Comedy is their calling card, but even Fox News pundit Jesse Watters has trouble laughing at some their jokes.

The group includes comedians like Terrence K. Williams, who routinely stuffs his face with fried chicken on camera while telling black people who have a problem with police brutality to go back to Africa. His act was too much for Fox News recently, when Watters cut an interview short after Williams made a racist joke about New York Times editorial board member Sarah Jeong.

“[There’s] somethin’ wrong with those fortune cookies that Ling Ling is eatin’,” Williams said of Jeong, who is Asian-American.

Then there’s Henry Davis, who sings Dixieland tunes and pro-Trump songs while wearing a fluorescent orange mohawk wig. Davis says he recently secured a deal for his new book, titled Coon, which is due for publication later this year, according to his Twitter.

Oklahoma “country boy” Andrew Duncomb, also known as Black Rebel, is a staunch defender of the Confederate flag, which he wears on his clothes and routinely flies at conservative rallies — including the Unite the Right gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August 2017 — as he and the Proud Boys battle Antifa around the country, shoulder to shoulder.

(Duncomb told Mic he was unaware Nazis would be at Unite the Right, and that he does not agree with their cause.)

Pro-Trump YouTuber Tree of Logic, a former police officer and dominatrix, takes occasional breaks from dissecting the daily news to don an Afro wig with a low-cut top and become Shaquita Jackson, her “grape drank”-swigging, fried-chicken-and-butter-biscuit-eating alter ego.

The satirical Jackson character was supposed to be a one-time joke to mock Tree’s rival, Candace Owens, and her Turning Point USA boss, Charlie Kirk. But Tree’s pro-Trump fans loved Shaquita so much she keeps bringing her back to get their “white moneys.” Horny white men now send Shaquita cash via YouTube, which Tree said she plans to use to buy a new computer.

The Crack Emcee said...

Diamond & Silk are a perfect example of what this country does to black folks. They down, but they saw how a lie can make money, so, fuck it - they're laughing all the way to the bank. At white folks. Who are applauding them all the way, first as compatriots, and then as suckers, who can't admit they got taken.

White folks are too stupid not to want more than lies.

It's like someone's believing in Obama's "hope" all over again.

wild chicken said...

Well, sure, if you can actually breathe when the fires aren't burning

We got lucky. Only a couple bad days this year.

But last year it seemed like forever. If that continues I'll consider moving to eastern Montana.

Mr. Groovington said...

“Only Japan maintains a small island of nationalism and freedom and honest education. But their college system is more of a finishing school than center for education”

And India?

MadTownGuy said...

Ken B said...
"Have you Americans considered what a mean spirited, dishonest, censorious country you are becoming? I lived in the USA for 20 years. I am struck by the change."

This has ever been so, especially where politics is in play. From the Salem Advocate, Lincoln's hometown newspaper:

"The illustrious Honest Old Abe has continued during the last week to make a fool of himself and to mortify and shame the intelligent people of this great nation. His speeches have demonstrated the fact that although originally a Herculean rail splitter and more lately a whimsical story teller and side splitter, he is no more capable of becoming a statesman, nay, even a moderate one, than the braying ass can become a noble lion. People now marvel how it came to pass that Mr. Lincoln should have been selected as the representative man of any party. His weak, wishy-washy, namby-pamby efforts, imbecile in matter, disgusting in manner, have made us the laughing stock of the whole world. The European powers will despise us because we have no better material out of which to make a President. The truth is, Lincoln is only a moderate lawyer and in the larger cities of the Union could pass for no more than a facetious pettifogger. Take him from his vocation and he loses even these small characteristics and indulges in simple twaddle which would disgrace a well bred school boy.

What has changed, since the advent of social media, is the proliferation of meme factories.

Mr. Groovington said...

I spent a month in Bangalore and was shocked at the new developments for Apple, Microsoft, Google and others. They clearly think the education system is churning out competitive students. I went to Glassdoor, Bangalore for Google and compared it to the Google US and salaries seem to be about 30% of US domestic. I would assume productivity would show a similar gain, Plus, hiring is done on pure merit, free of the madness.

Mr. Groovington said...

And as regards homogeneity and nationalism, the beauty queen competition for all provinces happened when I was there. The winning girls looked like clones of each other.

Mr. Groovington said...

And the freedom isn’t bad either. The Muslim community thrives despite bombing women and children at the Hanuman temple in Varanasi, or shooting up tourists at the Trudent Hotel in Mumbai, a continuation of more than 600 years of carnage there.

Mr. Groovington said...


Mr. Groovington said...

Finanacially, GDP is growing faster than China. Spiritually, Modi thinks that when cows die they go to Heaven.

They’re in very good shape. The men can be bit rapey though. This was the answer I got when I asked why there were so few nightclubs. So, other than that.

The Crack Emcee said...

sodal ye said...

"Spiritually, Modi thinks that when cows die they go to Heaven."

And Indians invented plastic surgery because of Ganesh's elephant head on a human body. There's much, much more where that came from. Plus the ritual raping.

("They’re in very good shape.")

How they convinced anyone yoga is good for you, in light of the evidence, will have to be explained.

Big Mike said...

@Crack, “the plantation” is short hand for the following observations:

1) Black people are by far and away the most reliable identity of the disparate identities in their identity politics.

2) For most individuals, if they stray into the Republican camp despite their identity group “belonging” to the Democrats, the get some grief and bullshit, but not all that much. For example it’s accepted that women, even suburban soccer moms, may lean Republican in some election. To my knowledge no one treats Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio as inauthentic Hispanics.

3) There are two exceptions: blacks and gays. Conservative black people like Tim Scott, Tom Sowell, Claude and Shelby Steele, and Clarence Thomas are treated in the press and by other blacks as some sort of traitors to their race. And conservative gays have to stay in a different sort of closet.

4) The only thing that comes close as an analogy is the pre-Civil War plantation, where black slaves would rat out other slaves trying to escape, lest they have to do more work to make up for the missing individuals.

If the word “plantation” pains you, well life can be painful at times. The phenomenon is real, and picking a different word to summarize it does not make the phenomenon go away.

I get that neither you nor most other black skinned people want to accept that you, and especially your unthinking support for Democrats, bears any responsibility for the plight of black people today. But you need to remember that I am an old man. I know that things were different once. I remember when black families were strong and out of wedlock birth low.

I am not going to tell you how to vote; by all means vote your conscience. But don’t try to tell me that it’s all massa’s fault. Ain’t no night riders forcing you to stay with massa.

chickelit said...

@Lewis Wetzel: My working hypothesis is that PB&J is the same person as Titus. It’s actually Palladian’s idea from several years ago.

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