৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৮

2 views of Serena Williams.

1. The Atlantic: "Serena Williams's U.S. Open Loss Was Humiliating—But Not For Her/What happened to the superstar was shocking. It was not surprising."
Taking a game away from Williams for using the word “thief” during such a high-stakes match is unlikely to do much to quash the notion that a double standard exists between men and women in today’s competitive tennis field. And the stakes of that double standard can feel even higher for women of color....

To see Williams’s comeback after a traumatic birth stymied over seemingly minor infractions seems unnecessary and malicious. To see the devastation that those penalties wrought on two women of color at the top of their sport, during what should have been a joyous time, is heartbreaking.

During a post-game interview Williams was undeterred: “I’m here to fight for women’s rights and women’s equality,” she said....
2. New York Post: "It’s shameful what US Open did to Naomi Osaka."
Here was a young girl who pulled off one of the greatest upsets ever, who fought for every point she earned, ashamed. At the awards ceremony, Osaka covered her face with her black visor and cried. The crowd booed her. Katrina Adams, chairman and president of the USTA, opened the awards ceremony by denigrating the winner and lionizing Williams — whose ego, if anything, needs piercing....
ADDED: Another iteration of view #1. In The Cut (by Rebecca Traister): "Serena Williams and the Game That Can’t Be Won (Yet) What rage costs a woman":
As Sally Jenkins put it about [Chair umpire Carlos] Ramos, writing in the Washington Post on Saturday night, “He couldn’t take it. He wasn’t going to let a woman talk to him that way. A man, sure. Ramos has put up with worse from a man.” Recalling that just last year, Rafael Nadal had told off Ramos without it costing him a match, Jenkins went on, “But he wasn’t going to take it from a woman pointing a finger at him and speaking in a tone of aggression.”

Women have so much to point fingers about, so many reasons to speak in aggressive tones....

This has been the ask of women, and most especially, of nonwhite women, since the beginning of time: Take the diminution and injustice and don’t get mad about it; if you get mad, you will get punished for it, and then you will be expected to fix it, to make sure everyone is comfortable again....

[I was reminded of] something Brittney Cooper, Rutgers professor of women’s and gender studies, wrote in her book Eloquent Rage, her stunning paean to black feminist anger. “Watching Serena play,” Cooper writes, “is like watching eloquent rage personified.....”
IN THE COMMENTS: Bob Boyd said:
What I want to know is, why did they put someone in the umpire's chair who is not a professor of women's and gender studies in the first place?

You'd think, at this level of tennis, they could afford qualified people.
Lucien said:
The point is that Ms Williams was never really out of control. She knew from the start that she and her coach exchanged signals in every match, and had been correctly called on it. Her outrage was fake. What she really wanted to do was create an atmosphere of such emotional chaos that her young and inexperienced opponent lost it.

Because otherwise she was getting stomped.
I can believe that. I watched the video. I felt that Williams was trying — very hard — to intimidate the umpire. She was actively bullying him. Hey! That reminds me of Trump. People say he's lost it and is raging when he's using a style of emotional manipulation.

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«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   468 এর 401 – থেকে 468
Achilles বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt said...
Thank you for being on the vanguard of the fight against one progressive and another guy on the comments of this blog.

That is kinda like saying “Thanks for your service.”

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


"If I pretend I don't notice what an absolute, God-forsaken fuckup and general ration of Bad News your average, par-for-the-course black male is, maybe he won't call me a racist."

To Judge Black Culture We Must First Have A Yard Stick

What's yours?

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "I sincerely think you are the dumbest person on this blog."

I think that is perhaps the most perfect comment you've ever made.


Birkel বলেছেন...

My preferred metric is using benchmarks and lodestars.
Yard sticks are bad for measuring anything beside relatively short distances.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Now, a stick that you use to beat people after they have entered your yard with criminal intent... second to firearms.

Also, wait for them to enter your domicile if you use either the yardstick or the firearm.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...

"To Judge Black Culture We Must First Have A Yard Stick"

You're not getting the picture, Crack. You think it's about The Past. Look, the last century saw hideous crimes without number, committed by White People, upon the bodies of other White People. I'm not auditioning my gene pool for The Plays Well With Others Award. I just know that if you rent a house on my block, I'd better start thinking about selling mine. There goes the White Privilege!

Milwaukie Guy বলেছেন...


The fact that most Americans today know MLK best from his most shining moment is proof of what?

Is it really true that nothing has ever been done for blacks. Not the Freedman's Bureau? Not the "Great Society?"
Today, hundreds of thousands of government workers at the federal, state and municipal level are daily "devoting" themselves to helping black and other poor people. Many of them are actual black people themselves.

It certainly is not "whites" fault. Most of us honkies don't vote Democrat now, check your stats. Us not electing the Democrats caused the Civil War.

Most of the blacks I know are integrated into American society and I'm not surprised that they "don't hate everybody," nor even whitey. But, then again, my friends are generally working class or professionals and not h8ters.

American "whites" are also a melding of many different cultures and tribes. Blacks are not so special.

You bump into a lot of racists because it's always on your mind.

I can't even. Slavery died in the U.S. 150 years ago. Now we're all equal because, unless you're on the dole or the idle rich, you work so you can eat, etc. The race of the employer is not really material. People that don't want to work for others start their own businesses.

"Whites" can't stop the snake oil because we smoke pot and do yoga and believe Jesus, too. What makes you think whitey is so special?

We would all like people to be more rational when it comes to their public choices. Good luck on that.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

I'm not your lawn jockey, Fellas.

Of course, because then you'd be doing something useful.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

@Crack ... Thanks for link to Peter Hitchens

Have you read Diana West *American Betrayal* for USA version of the sordid mess?


Gahrie বলেছেন...

That's a lie. You can't do what was done to blacks in this country for centuries, and then set them loose in the hostile country with nothing, and think success naturally follows. It's madness.

Then why were Black families, communities and culture healthier before 1960 then they are today? Less drug use, fewer men in jail, a lower illegitimacy rate and no gangs to speak of.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

This thread has become deeply unpleasant, and the entire blog is moving in that direction. I don't need to specify the cause. If things continue on the present course I'll leave. I know my absence would be no great loss but I suspect I'm not the only one who feels this way. If that's what Althouse wants, so be it. Who am I to tell her how to run her blog.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

It was illegal for her to lose. Because reasons.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“This thread has become deeply unpleasant, and the entire blog is moving in that direction.”

Hear hear, it’s been that way for at least a year now.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Mueller is negotiating to stay out of jail as we speak.”

This is the kind of nuttery you people will have to get past. One conspiracy theory after another won’t save Trump.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

After threads like this I feel as though I should take a shower. It's sickening. One person is the polluter and corrupter of this thread and, increasingly, of the entire blog. One person, and one only. The rest of us contribute to and exacerbate the corruption and pollution by rising to take the bait. I have not and will not directly address that person for this very reason. And, as I said, if this situation continues unchecked, I will quit the blog entirely.

Scott M বলেছেন...

Nothing y'all think is true, and it's all coming apart, but you can't admit it. That really is the issue:

That's as accurate as "She'll run and she'll win in a landslide." You've lost far too much credibility to ever be taken seriously again.

brylun বলেছেন...

Atlantic and its ilk is pushing another version of "Hands Up Don't Shoot".

chickelit বলেছেন...

On the plus side, if Williams keeps losing, at least we won’t have see that hideous “cat suit” again.

brylun বলেছেন...

Nike should increase its exposure of Serena in their ads.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

It was illegal for her to lose. Because reasons.

It's also illegal to dig for dirt on the Clintons. Illegal. Can't do it. They are above citicizm and the law.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Blogger Roughcoat said...
"One person is the polluter and corrupter of this thread and, increasingly, of the entire blog. One person, and one only. The rest of us contribute to and exacerbate the corruption and pollution by rising to take the bait."

Oh, I don't know, Rough. Maybe this is that "conversation on race" they're always telling us we need to have. With axe handles, perhaps. But just the same, a conversation. Maybe two or three generations is long enough to pretend we've solved this problem. Crack doesn't think so, and neither do I.

En garde, Crack. Converse!

PJ57 বলেছেন...

Sorry, has anyone tested Serena Williams for steroids?? Look at her versus her sister.

chickelit বলেছেন...

“Mueller is negotiating to stay out of jail as we speak.”

I’m not seeing your proof, but it’s a nice thought at least.

Mark বলেছেন...

Maybe this is that "conversation on race" they're always telling us we need to have.

What we have seen here is NOT a "conversation."

Aussie Pundit বলেছেন...


You've made a few accusations about racism in this discussion. Without getting into a detailed examination of all the possibly offending comments, I think you've misunderstood many of them.

Several people expressed eye-rolling irritation that Serena Williams complained of sexism, and that the Atlantic followed up by playing the POC card on her behalf, seemingly as a blatant ploy to gain sympathy her, even though she was clearly in the wrong. Invoking sexism and racism in this situation is gratuitous and cynical. Therefore, expect cynical responses to it on social media. That's not racism - it's cynicism. It also provides an opening for people to reflect on how often these things are over-played when they are not warranted.

Anyone who is really in the fight against sexism should be appalled and dismayed by Williams behaviour, which by the way she doubled-down on later her press conference. It wasn't just an outburst. It was a deliberate strategy.

By invoking sexism to support her own desire for fame and wealth she dilutes the charge. The Atlantic and other journalists have had a similar effect on the issue of POC.

You can snipe at individuals in the thread all you like, but I invite you to try a good-faith discussion about the central issue that has gotten people upset. Hell, it might be the case that you have to admit that you agree with the sentiments of many here on the topic.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

So Serena is fighting for women's rights? Did she mention $1.85 mil runner up payday. She'll donate it to the cause, no doubt.

MayBee বলেছেন...

If you watch CBS Morning News (or whatever it's called), every week you will be given a new reason you are supposed to feel sorry for Serena. She really needs a new publicist. Her current publicist is turning her into Katie-Holmes era Tom Cruise.

Birkel বলেছেন...

For 1.85 million dollars US I would let Osaka hit me in the head with her racket, up to seven times. But I must be allowed to flinch and potentially even use my hands to stop the blows.

chickelit বলেছেন...

MayBee said...If you watch CBS Morning News (or whatever it's called), every week you will be given a new reason you are supposed to feel sorry for Serena.

Lots of corporate grandstanding these days...more so than before. But it's almost always on the left. I wish them ill.

chickelit বলেছেন...

CBS: Less Moonves could mean fewer loonies.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "This is the kind of nuttery you people will have to get past."


The hoax dossier crew pipes up!

Too funny.

Bill Peschel বলেছেন...

"That's not racism - it's cynicism. It also provides an opening for people to reflect on how often these things are over-played when they are not warranted."

Like when, on the Daily Show, Larry Wilmore played the race card by running it through a credit card machine:


stephen cooper বলেছেন...

"If you are still in the bar when the lights go on you are a loser" .... Jessica Chastain.

Serena WIlliams was still in the bar but did not notice that the lights went on, and she embarrassed herself and made everybody else feel uncomfortable.

Michael বলেছেন...

After the recent thunderstorms the Alabama River is running high and the marchers, now in the middle of the bridge, can see tree limbs and flotsam sliding downriver and but for the roar of the KKK bloggers who have closed in behind them could hear the river itself hissing. The bridge, of course, cannot be torn down because it is a national landmark even though this grave mistake was made without thinking of the evil namesake, the Confederate Brigadier General Edmund Winston Pettus ( Grand Dragon of the KKK it happens) whose honor the bridge was erected. In front Colin Kapaenik and the Crack Emcee, arm in arm, are deciding whether to kneel in defiance or proceed or to raise their hands in the courageous hands up don't shoot gesture. The parade halts while this is considered. The river roils beneath and the mean blog comments persist. The cool water of the river has met the tragic Alabama heat and the bridge in suddenly enveloped in a fog They decide to bravely push forward towards the phalanx of what they believe are Alabama State police in riot gear. The bridge is trembling. The Crack Emcee breaks into a run at the Troopers at the very moment Colin falls to a knee with half of his brave comrades following suit and the balance frozen watching the Crack Emcee's charge, his crazy suicidal charge. As he gets closer even the evil thuggish hillbilly bloggers who resist the Crack Emcee at every turn, whose very atoms are infused with the racism of their ancestors stirred now by the sight before them are as still as statues of their heroes in the town squares. The Crack Emcee does not pause to blog or even to paste a link to his nutty website but launches himself, a missle of truth at the Troopers. But there are no Troopers. Only a few pilons marking the closed left lane of the bridge and a twenty something black man with an orange vest and a a flag holding the traffic for the march to pass.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

"This is the kind of nuttery you people will have to get past. One conspiracy theory after another won’t save Trump."

From the Queen of No Self-Awareness.

You can't make this up folks.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Milwaukie Guy said...

"American "whites" are also a melding of many different cultures and tribes. Blacks are not so special."

You're comparing what whites did, naturally in the course of a lifetime, to what blacks were forced to do?

Oh, you are funny. I have no idea how blacks will ever debate, negotiate, or try to reason with people so stubbornly clueless.


Drago বলেছেন...

I just slapped together a PB&J.

Do you want to know why?

My guilt for my crimes committed over a 400 year period.

And I don't even want to tell you what the jelly on the sandwich represents.


Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "You're comparing what whites did, naturally in the course of a lifetime, to what blacks were forced to do?"

It seems like only yesterday that I was holding a gun to the head of Idi Amin and forcing him to eat one of his many wives and several of his cabinet ministers....

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I discovered another black guy today who's making an effort to navigate racists. He's much more impressive than I, though he's a Democrat. Had dinner with Charles Murray even.

That had to be fun.

Drago বলেছেন...

"Why its worth listening to People you disagree with"

What Step One is NOT: Tell them they are personally guilty for all acts committed by all people of their race for thousands of years and must be made to pay for it

What Step Two is NOT: Tell them you wish for racial genocide where they will all be killed.


Drago বলেছেন...

What's most interesting about the guy Crack linked to is there is a person people will listen to.

Because he isn't insane.

There might be a lesson there.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I'm not going to pretend my constant attackers on this blog are sane enough to deserve explanations at this point: I've seen and heard from enough actual sane people (like Freeman and others) to understand they see the dynamics at work, so there's no need. The crazies over-react, and continually expose their racism, and that's that.

You crazies can go on explaining yourselves, of course, trying to convince everyone their eyes and brains are malfunctioning as much as your own. It might bring you some solace, as you see your world disappearing into mine, but I doubt it:

I've been doing such a good job calling political balls and strikes lately - see Alex Jones, the direction of homeopathic regulation, various cults being exposed like NXIVM etc. - I doubt your "side" will ever make it to bat again in a little while. I'm on a roll.

And y'all are getting rolled. Trolled, too.

Kevin বলেছেন...

After all this time I just saw that the author’s name is Gillian B White. Lol. Are we sure this isn’t a parody?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Drago said...
What's most interesting about the guy Crack linked to is there is a person people will listen to.

Because he isn't insane.

There might be a lesson there.

If you knew anything about me, you'd know that - before I became a Republican - I was giving talks all over San Francisco. Somehow, joining up with you morons made me crazy - even in your eyes.

There might be a lesson there.

DavidD বলেছেন...

“most blacks have never traveled anywhere, thanks to America.”

What does this even mean?

What proportion of Americans have ever traveled anywhere?

The 3-1/2 years I spent in Germany were courtesy of Uncle Sam. A lot of people were there with me—Blacks, Whites, Puerto Ricans, Pacific Islanders.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Women's tennis is such bitchy soap opera bullshit. it's worse than wrestling!

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Aussie Pundit said...

"That's not racism - it's cynicism. It also provides an opening for people - who never reflect on white's crimes but focus on blacks to an uncomfortable degree while screaming they're not racist - to now reflect on how often these things are over-played when they are not warranted."


I told you - this is like the Democrats and Trump: until you engage with what's wrong ON YOUR SIDE you'll make no headway anywhere else because you have no credibility.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

DavidD said...
“most blacks have never traveled anywhere, thanks to America.”

What does this even mean?

It means they're too poor.

"What proportion of Americans have ever traveled anywhere?"

Enough to launch aviation as a business.

"The 3-1/2 years I spent in Germany were courtesy of Uncle Sam."

That's not travel, moron, that's enlistment.

"A lot of people were there with me—Blacks, Whites, Puerto Ricans, Pacific Islanders."

I hope they were smarter than you are.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Narayanan Subramanian said...

"@Crack ... Thanks for link to Peter Hitchens"

You're welcome - isn't that AMAZING? It's really got my head spun around hard.

"Have you read Diana West *American Betrayal* for USA version of the sordid mess?"

No, never heard of it. I'll check it out.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

"In The Death of the Grown-Up, Diana West diagnosed the demise of Western civilization by looking at its chief symptom: our inability to become adults who render judgments of right and wrong."

Wow - I say this daily.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

I have not and will not directly address that person for this very reason

I'll try. I've managed it so far with Trumpit.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "That's not travel, moron, that's enlistment."


Your experience overseas is meaningless because it was for the wrong reasons!!!

What a perfectly Crack sentiment!

Milwaukie Guy বলেছেন...

The "natural mixing" of whites reminds me of the troubles in Ulster and Bloody Sunday. We people of pallor have always gotten along so well with each other. It's a secret how we make it work.

None of my Black friends have ever gotten into an Ibo v. Zulu shouting match, so there's that. OTOH, Nigerian-Americans seem to have some trouble with African-Americans.

It's a great mystery. Have a good night, Mr. Crack.

DavidD বলেছেন...

Wow, a personal insult. I’m flattered.

How about the trips back and forth on leave in between? Do those count?

How about the trips to London and Paris in the meantime? Do those count?

Gee, somehow even poor people get to travel.

Get over yourself.

n.n বলেছেন...

We people of pallor have always gotten along so well with each other... Ibo v. Zulu shouting match... It's a great mystery

Anasazi vs Anasazi The Hutu-Tutsi cycle of retributive change. We didn't start the fire....

We have the knowledge. We have the skill. We have the will, maybe. In principle, we can do better.

Mark বলেছেন...

our inability to become adults who render judgments of right and wrong

So which is it? The inability -- or refusal -- to discern right and wrong, to recognize that there is objective moral truth? Or the condescendingly expressed inability to become adults?

You don't need to be an adult to recognize right and wrong, good and evil. Even children know that. It is the adults who, in fact, have given us relativism and make-your-own truth.

Aussie Pundit বলেছেন...


Aussie Pundit said...

"That's not racism - it's cynicism. It also provides an opening for people - who never reflect on white's crimes but focus on blacks to an uncomfortable degree while screaming they're not racist - to now reflect on how often these things are over-played when they are not warranted."


I told you - this is like the Democrats and Trump: until you engage with what's wrong ON YOUR SIDE you'll make no headway anywhere else because you have no credibility.


Instead of worrying about what people 'never reflect on', how about you just acknowledge the truth that whatever whites' crimes against black people are, the outcome of the women's US Open is not one of them. And start from there.

When you talk about credibility, one of the points repeatedly made in various ways in this discussion is that unfounded cries of racism and sexism undermine credibility too. That doesn't mean they don't exist - they do. Which is why we shouldn't allow the grievances of people who have legitimately suffered to be diluted by celebrity grandstanding on the issue.

Oh, and how about we drop 'sides' and just talk about the issues at hand, leaving 'sides' at the door.

Mr. Majestyk বলেছেন...

Well said, Aussie Pundit.

narciso বলেছেন...

That's a mix mash of truth and speculation, ignores the ribbentrop pact among other details, that made the western front the most likely major target.

readering বলেছেন...

Closing in on 500 comments. Who knew women's tennis was so popular with Althouse commenters? Part of the backlash against American football?

chickelit বলেছেন...

“Part of the backlash against American football?”

Seven Machos would have called it a “blacklash.”

Trumpit বলেছেন...

Roseanne Barr would have had a field day tweeting about Serena Williams' antics on the court. Blame everyone for your loss but yourself. She must have learned that from Hillary. Let your tennis talent do the talking for you. Breaking her racket was so John McEnroesque. People will remember that rather than her many trophies.

Tom Grey বলেছেন...

Thanks Ann,
It's BOTH Hillary-like, in complaining about losing and being beat, AND it's Trump-like in terms of emotional manipulation, as you say:
" I felt that Williams was trying — very hard — to intimidate the umpire. She was actively bullying him. Hey! That reminds me of Trump. People say he's lost it and is raging when he's using a style of emotional manipulation."

Williams also LIED - "I have never cheated! I would rather lose than cheat." -- when she knew she had been cheating, and had gotten caught. Lie, cheat, and lie about cheating, just like Hillary.

For both Williams & Trump, there is genuine emotion involved. The desire to win. It's just not the emotion that their words are indicating they are feeling.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Drago said...

Crack: "That's not travel, moron, that's enlistment."


Your experience overseas is meaningless because it was for the wrong reasons!!!

What a perfectly Crack sentiment!"

More dumb shit from the moron: I served - crossed the Pacific - as an enlisted person. I didn't determine where I'd go, what I'd do, or how long I'd stay. Because I was enlisted.

I've vacationeded - crossed the Atlantic - as a civilian. I decided where I'd go, what I'd do, and how long I'd stay. Because I was on vacation.

And you are the dumbest person on this blog.

FGH বলেছেন...

We've come a long way since Grantland Rice:

“It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game.”
― Grantland Rice

“Eighteen holes of match play will teach you more about your foe than 18 years of dealing with him across a desk. ”
― Grantland Rice

“Failure isn't bad if it doesn't attack the heart. Success is all right if it doesn't go to the head.”
― Grantland Rice

“You are meant to play the ball as it lies.”
― Grantland Rice

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

The Homeless Man's Jesse Jackson said:

""If you are sincere about your views of Trump, you are an awesome troll."

I am an awesome Troll."

Well, you do spend portions of your times living under bridges.

Bad dump tish!

Andy Krause বলেছেন...

Steroid Rage

Scientific Socialist বলেছেন...

Serena was getting beaten by a better player and unraveled. Kudos to Osaka for keeping her s#$% together.

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