৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৮

2 views of Serena Williams.

1. The Atlantic: "Serena Williams's U.S. Open Loss Was Humiliating—But Not For Her/What happened to the superstar was shocking. It was not surprising."
Taking a game away from Williams for using the word “thief” during such a high-stakes match is unlikely to do much to quash the notion that a double standard exists between men and women in today’s competitive tennis field. And the stakes of that double standard can feel even higher for women of color....

To see Williams’s comeback after a traumatic birth stymied over seemingly minor infractions seems unnecessary and malicious. To see the devastation that those penalties wrought on two women of color at the top of their sport, during what should have been a joyous time, is heartbreaking.

During a post-game interview Williams was undeterred: “I’m here to fight for women’s rights and women’s equality,” she said....
2. New York Post: "It’s shameful what US Open did to Naomi Osaka."
Here was a young girl who pulled off one of the greatest upsets ever, who fought for every point she earned, ashamed. At the awards ceremony, Osaka covered her face with her black visor and cried. The crowd booed her. Katrina Adams, chairman and president of the USTA, opened the awards ceremony by denigrating the winner and lionizing Williams — whose ego, if anything, needs piercing....
ADDED: Another iteration of view #1. In The Cut (by Rebecca Traister): "Serena Williams and the Game That Can’t Be Won (Yet) What rage costs a woman":
As Sally Jenkins put it about [Chair umpire Carlos] Ramos, writing in the Washington Post on Saturday night, “He couldn’t take it. He wasn’t going to let a woman talk to him that way. A man, sure. Ramos has put up with worse from a man.” Recalling that just last year, Rafael Nadal had told off Ramos without it costing him a match, Jenkins went on, “But he wasn’t going to take it from a woman pointing a finger at him and speaking in a tone of aggression.”

Women have so much to point fingers about, so many reasons to speak in aggressive tones....

This has been the ask of women, and most especially, of nonwhite women, since the beginning of time: Take the diminution and injustice and don’t get mad about it; if you get mad, you will get punished for it, and then you will be expected to fix it, to make sure everyone is comfortable again....

[I was reminded of] something Brittney Cooper, Rutgers professor of women’s and gender studies, wrote in her book Eloquent Rage, her stunning paean to black feminist anger. “Watching Serena play,” Cooper writes, “is like watching eloquent rage personified.....”
IN THE COMMENTS: Bob Boyd said:
What I want to know is, why did they put someone in the umpire's chair who is not a professor of women's and gender studies in the first place?

You'd think, at this level of tennis, they could afford qualified people.
Lucien said:
The point is that Ms Williams was never really out of control. She knew from the start that she and her coach exchanged signals in every match, and had been correctly called on it. Her outrage was fake. What she really wanted to do was create an atmosphere of such emotional chaos that her young and inexperienced opponent lost it.

Because otherwise she was getting stomped.
I can believe that. I watched the video. I felt that Williams was trying — very hard — to intimidate the umpire. She was actively bullying him. Hey! That reminds me of Trump. People say he's lost it and is raging when he's using a style of emotional manipulation.

৪৬৮টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   468 এর 201 – থেকে 400   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Birkel বলেছেন...

When do the deletions start?

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

"...Serena has battled "racism"? When did that happen?..."

I remember the tenor of many comments made about her in the era of the pretty white girls Maria Sharapova and Martina Hingis.

I will stand by the statement.

I am Laslo.

James K বলেছেন...

Western women are living the most empowered, pampered and privileged lives of any humans who have ever existed. Yet they have been in a constant state of anger since the 1970's.

I'm sure the irony was intentional, but still this gets a Fox Butterfield award.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

My father told me he would remove from the Jr High basketball team if he ever witnessed me, or heard of me questioning a refs call. This after I disagreed with a charge/block call. He explained, 1st, refs are human and make mistakes, 2cnd, I need to play better and not have the outcome of the game rest on one or two blown calls. It's called parenting, and my parents cared only about competition in the sense of what us kids got out of it, and if we did not continue to grow from the competition, there were chores to do on the farm. Something much more important than pitching a fit about something I had no control over.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Process crime ... FBI and USTA.
Or Bar coaches from play arena?
Or change the rules to allow tit for tat coaching

Penalty points assessed but applied in third set only ... Handicap

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...

"@Crack (10:31) if you really understood what Tom Sowell was saying, you'd get that he's warning you that those people -- like Inga -- who (figuratively speaking) pat you on the head and say "There, there you poor dear" are not your friends. They are your worst enemies."

The fucking patronizing here is off the chain. I left the Democrat Party is 2004. Do you really think I need you to tell me why that happened? Do you think I haven't see "Get Out"? (Do you really think I couldn't have written that movie - with all of it's metaphysical themes thrown in?) Here's the part you don't get:

You're no better than they are. You're not an option. You just prove the situation is hopeless - not that they're bad people. I knew they were bad. You're bad, too. They just haven't made "Get Out 2: The Tea Party". Now what?

Give me answer to that one, Smart Guy.

Achilles বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...
Achilles said...

"White racists need black PEOPLE to help them keep racism alive."


They were up to this shit loooonnnnng before blacks ever had a clue we could even dislike y'all.

Thank God for Stokely Carmichael.

Not all black PEOPLE are stupid racists like you.

Kinda funny that you stereotype and pigeonhole entire race just to try to lend support to your racist garbage.

Some black people want to get off the plantation. You want them to stay on the plantation.

If I didn't believe in individual determination I would agree with you. But I believe every black person has the ability to make their own individual decisions just like white people have the ability to make their own individual decisions.

But racists like you have to judge by skin color.

It is what racists do.

James K বলেছেন...

This post is about a Black woman who had a beef with a Hispanic man as she was losing a tennis match to another Black woman. Yet our resident racist fucktard has spent the whole morning trying to make it all about White racism against Black people.

But the umpire was clearly a white Hispanic (per NYT style guide). And Osaka identifies as Asian, which we know from our betters at Harvard is even more privileged than being white. So there you have it.

wwww বলেছেন...


3rd Comment:

"We'll call it going the Full Crack Emcee or alternatively the Full LLR Chuck (who is also well known for conjuring up all kinds of excuses for why he gets things wrong time and again."

Personal insults called out prior to any appearance on the thread of these people. There should be NO COMPLAINING when commenters throw out stuff like this.

Stop pretending it's all innocent & simply want a civil exchange of ideas when you got this crap trying to goad people into personal fights.

It's a reasonable response to burn up a thread in response to personal insults.

Birkel বলেছেন...

I wish the USTA forced players to update their height/weight measurements every year.

I do not recall Hingis was cute.
Sabatini was.

n.n বলেছেন...

Serena has a history of angry, emotional outbursts. Why are they trying to change the subject? This isn't the first time the object of her wrath was an "Oriental" woman. Diversity is a color judgment, selective exclusion. and nurtures prejudice.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

If bears were in charge, tennis is one of the sports that would be worse.

Achilles বলেছেন...

wwww said...

It's too bad she didn't get a warning before he took the game. It all was a great example of two people escalating the situation vs. de-escalating.


She was warned.

Then she lost a point.

Then she lost a game.

She lost the first set 6-2 before she freaked out.

She knew she was going to lose the match.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Annie C said...

"We are all just living on a rock hurtling through space circling the sun not knowing what all the laundry symbols on our tags mean but throwing them in the machine anyway and hoping for the best."

If anyone here really knew me, they'd know this is how I really feel, but - racists! - so, no: Get off my people, People.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Games can have rules and for fun.

Politics is life or death.

Trump knows this ... Democrats did not expect Republicans to figure it out and they have not only Trump and Deplorables

Achilles বলেছেন...

wwww said...

3rd Comment:

"We'll call it going the Full Crack Emcee or alternatively the Full LLR Chuck (who is also well known for conjuring up all kinds of excuses for why he gets things wrong time and again."

Personal insults called out prior to any appearance on the thread of these people. There should be NO COMPLAINING when commenters throw out stuff like this.

Stop pretending it's all innocent & simply want a civil exchange of ideas when you got this crap trying to goad people into personal fights.

It's a reasonable response to burn up a thread in response to personal insults.

I told you people years ago you would not like it when we started treating you like you treated us.

I am surprised people showed as much patience as they did.

The left has been personally attacking us for decades.

Civility Bullshit.

Will we have to become as violent as the democrats are to get you to stop being violent assholes?

wwww বলেছেন...

It’s like the people who run professional tennis don’t want the sport to have fans

-josh barro

btw-The tutu was hilarious.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

mockturtle said...

"I still question whether or not you are black, other than your avatar. Yo' mama!"

I am not going to repost one of those newspaper articles from the 1990s again, but I will acknowledge many conservatives think blacks are time travelers. Your new family members will appreciate that, in the future, I'm sure.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

If bears were in charge, tennis is one of the sports that would be worse.

But the tantrums would be much better, glorious even.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Annie said...

"Crack, you shouldn't have to be reminded that it is democrats who have the long history of lynching others, including other whites."

Annie, I do not have to be reminded of that - so why did you? Patronizing is NOT cool, y'all, and will NOT win you many black friends.

"Gahrie is not a democrat."

Gahrie is not a person.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Tiger lost his drive. It happens. We get older.

No grace.

n.n বলেছেন...

Trump plays the game and returns serves.

Drago বলেছেন...

wwww: "Personal insults called out prior to any appearance on the thread of these people. There should be NO COMPLAINING when commenters throw out stuff like this."


It is perfectly reasonable to draw linkages between those things are indeed linked or "of a piece"

I'm sorry if this is disconcerting to you.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

rcocean said...

"I didn't realize she was civil right icon."


Right over his head - and he lives in the same country, with the same history - all that.


Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "Gahrie is not a person."

My goodness.

Denying the very humanity of a fellow commenter.

One shudders to think of the rhetorical lashing wwww will offer up for such an offense.

I anxiously await wwww's verdict on this clear provocation......

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Too bad that the whole 2018 US Open Women's Championship is about Serena Williams, who lost badly in two sets rather than Naomi Osaka who won in an upset in two sets.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

White racists need black PEOPLE to help them keep racism alive."

But enough about Obama.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Patronizing is the new White-Splaining.
As a Native American, I wish TCE would quit Black-Splaining to me.

wwww বলেছেন...

Look you all Johnny Come Lately people:

He's not a Democrat. You would know this if you were long time reader of the blog.

Why some commenters Loose their Minds when seeing Crack on a thread, I don't know. You're alienating someone who supports Trump because you can't handle a couple of points of disagreement.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

"they never thought she would lose"

mockturtle বলেছেন...

You're alienating someone who supports Trump because you can't handle a couple of points of disagreement.

Crack tends to alienate himself.

Birkel বলেছেন...

wwww is Woman-Splaining with her Ovarian Privilege.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Чикелит said...

"Why the silly “African American” term?"

The ignorance on the part of whites is astounding.

"The term disconnects blacks from the rest of Americans."

No, we were already disconnected - and whites did that.

"Did a white collar conservative flashing down the street make up that term?"

No. But he also didn't ever say "Welcome Home" either, so figure yourself out - we do.

wwww বলেছেন...

"It is perfectly reasonable to draw linkages between those things are indeed linked or "of a piece" I'm sorry if this is disconcerting to you."

Personal insults & goading are not intellectual linkages.

It's not disconcerting as much as boring. People leave threads when they blow up into personal nonsense & back & forth.

Can you blame them? It's boring & a waste of time to read.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Gahrie said...

"The whole problem is a nutshell people."

I love that.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"@Althouse, I saw that one. It was so over the top I assumed it was parody. Are you sure it wasn't? (Not that I'm defending it.)"

I would assume it was a moby, but I really don't care. I didn't accept the form: second comment and containing racist language. If you think blurting out racist words is funny, I really don't care. I just don't want to see it screwing up the thread.

n.n বলেছেন...

Why the silly “African American” term? The term disconnects blacks from the rest of Americans.

Yes, it's a half-breed designation, which is ironically exclusive of native white, brown, yellow Africans. The purpose is to normalize color judgments, discrimination, and abortion fields under a regime to manage people's emotions, votes, and capital. American human rights leaders stood up to slavery and redistributive change. American civil rights leaders stand their ground against not so thinly-veiled diversity.

Rabel বলেছেন...

I sympathize greatly with Serena in this situation. She went through a difficult birth less than a year ago and has reported that she suffers from postpartum depression.

A female in her condition is simply not emotionally capable of dealing with the pressures of an elite level athletic competition. The gross hormonal imbalances raging through her body will eventually subside, but for now she would be well advised to go home, shed her Nikes and relax while she nurtures her baby and works to improve her cooking skills.


Oso Negro বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...
Oso Negro said...

"@ Crack Emcee - Crack, have you ever spent time in a black majority country? If so, I am curious how you felt there.k"

No, but you should've been able to guess that: most blacks have never traveled anywhere, thanks to America. They don't even get vacations.

No, I wasn't able to guess that. I don't know you well, but you seem an able fellow, so it is entirely possible that you might have gone.

If you've wondered if I've seen extreme poverty, then yes, I've been to the Philippines - America's whorehouse - and, if you're wondering if I've seen dysfunction, then yes - I've lived in France. But I experienced both of those phenomena long before, just by living here, where whites forced blacks to congregate with nothing.

I wasn't wondering if you had seen extreme poverty - although we don't really have poor people in the USA. Real poor people are skinny. I was wondering if you had the experience of being in the ethnic majority in a country. I have been to Africa, and felt quite comfortable there, but I feel comfortable almost everywhere. I have also spent a lot of time in Ukraine, where there are pretty much only white people and that is comfortable also. It feels very different to be in a majority of people like yourself versus a minority. I expect that fact alone causes people stress, despite the wonders of "diversity". Unfortunately, in the USA, there isn't anything much to do about it except try to live together or gather up in ethnic enclaves.

I almost went to Africa once, but - as I've stated here before - I have no idea where my people are from (other than "West Africa") so the opportunity left me more confused and troubled than feeling adventurous (Thanks, America!) My godmother had been countless times, so it's not a foreign concept - just a foreign place.

Here's what's curious: Why are conservatives constantly trying to disconnect American blacks from America? Why your focus on Africa - when we want to talk about American actions and American crimes and American history and American behavior and American culture? Talk about reparations - conservatives start jawboning about Africa - when Africa didn't violate their Bill Of Rights or say someone wasn't fully a person.

I am not in the least trying to disconnect American blacks from America. I am from St. Louis and my boyhood heroes were Lou Brock and Bob Gibson. In the USA, I have almost always lived near black people and it's comfortable. Galveston, Texas is a very integrated town. If you didn't like blacks or Mexicans, it would be a poor choice of cities. Like many folks, I am generally tired of race talk and would never have imagined 50 years ago that we wouldn't be further along by now. If anything, there seems to be a renewed sense of grievance. I fear that black Americans will never recover from their collective experience. I don't really see that as changing the topic.

wwww বলেছেন...

"wwww is Woman-Splaining with her Ovarian Privilege.

Note the goad & the personal attack: There is NO intellectual content. It's a personal goad, and thus Boring to Every One Reading the Thread.

I am posting these as an example to show Why These Personal Attacks cause the threads to Become A Huge Mess And Incredibly Boring.

A few commenters do it: They either (1) Want to blow up the threads or (2) Do not understand their actions are blowing up threads.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
n.n বলেছেন...

Serena has a history of anger management issues. If we were to follow the diversity racket path, it could be described as a conflict with Oriental people, and a condescending attitude towards people of lower social status.

Achilles বলেছেন...

wwww said...

Look you all Johnny Come Lately people:

He's not a Democrat. You would know this if you were long time reader of the blog.

Why some commenters Loose their Minds when seeing Crack on a thread, I don't know. You're alienating someone who supports Trump because you can't handle a couple of points of disagreement.

We know who Crack is.

He was kicked off the blog years ago because he derailed every single thread calling everyone everywhere a racist.

Republican and Democrat are labels. They change in meaning.

Their current meaning is Trump supporters vs. the globalists/aristocracy. The neocons and cuck wing of the democrat party have effectively removed themselves to openly campaigning for democrats as their globalist patrons have demanded.

There are a variety of people who say they support/vote for Trump who do nothing of the kind.

Progressives cling to these people to justify their increasingly violent thuggery and corruption.

Crack is a racist. Just like you progs. You can use him to justify your racism if you want.

We are not interested.

ga6 বলেছেন...

"Here's Big Mike thinking he's being cool.

Meanwhile, Bill Gates is out helping people."

Now we get a peak at one of Crack's grievances: if the white guy isn't coming up with the dough, re me he be racist.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Achilles said...

"Not all black PEOPLE are stupid racists like you."

You guys still haven't explained how this "racist" - your word - defended and voted for John McCain, or George W. Bush, or likes Trump, or Ann and Meade, or (big one here) Frank Zappa, or countless other white people now and throughout history. Meanwhile - you guys can hardly get a positive word out of your mouths about ANY BLACK PERSON, ever - but you consider yourselves the paragons of racial virtue and an example to us all. Explain that.

"Kinda funny that you stereotype and pigeonhole entire race just to try to lend support to your racist garbage."

No, I'm trying to break down your racial garbage by handing it back to you - that you guys haven't caught on yet speaks to your stupidity, which I still haven't found the depths of, but I will.

"Some black people want to get off the plantation."

I'm almost 100% sure most blacks hate that term, but - lo and behold - the NON-RACIST WHITES insist on using it. Explain.

"You want them to stay on the plantation."

I want us to be free - of you AND those you're politically against. You're both toxic groups of people with little attachment to reality.

"If I didn't believe in individual determination I would agree with you."

It's your beliefs that get you in trouble. I don't bother with 'em.

" But I believe every black person has the ability to make their own individual decisions just like white people have the ability to make their own individual decisions."

You are willing to overlook a multitude of things to reach that conclusion - which means you're insane.

"But racists like you have to judge by skin color."

No - I just judged your thinking - and it, too, is extremely lacking.

Birkel বলেছেন...

wwww did not understand the intellectual content because it was too busy Gyno-Splaining. The Who-whom distinction is plain.

So you made a substance-free retort. And the one you made was not Problematic.


Drago বলেছেন...

wwww: "People leave threads when they blow up into personal nonsense & back & forth.

Can you blame them? It's boring & a waste of time to read."

Your astonishing perseverance in the face of these devastating hardships is duly noted.

wwww বলেছেন...

"Crack tends to alienate himself."

I read the comments when he came back.

My take: People were incredibly rude to him. Originally he wrote about reparations for slavery. It's a intellectual idea, not a personal insult. People took that idea, and were personal & incredibly rude back to him.

Things escalated from there.

today he was called out & he had not yet written anything on the thread.

I can understand punching back. It's better to de-escalate or leave the thread, but oh, I get the temptation. Especially when commenters are personally rude.

And I'm sorry for dislocating the thread. I'll take myself off now, but I do think Serena's tutu was hilarious and awesome. She lost her temper in the heat of the battle, but there's been sketchy calls in the past at the open towards her. It's take a lot to come back from abdomen surgery so quickly to play at that level. the C-Section cuts through all those muscles.

Achilles বলেছেন...

wwww said...
"wwww is Woman-Splaining with her Ovarian Privilege.

Note the goad & the personal attack: There is NO intellectual content. It's a personal goad, and thus Boring to Every One Reading the Thread.

I am posting these as an example to show Why These Personal Attacks cause the threads to Become A Huge Mess And Incredibly Boring.

We note that you can't deal with the point he was making.

Whether out of an inability to grasp it or deliberate obtuseness you are choosing to avoid it.

It was a somewhat subtle point. I will give you a chance to figure it out for yourself.

Drago বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: " you guys can hardly get a positive word out of your mouths about ANY BLACK PERSON, ever"

I made several positive comments regarding Thomas Sowell but some black guys explained to me why he isn't really black.

I also complimented several very bright black students on their academic achievements while I was in school. But then groups of black guys who didn't perform well academically beat the living snot out of those bright kids for "acting white".

So I never made that mistake again.

Better to not draw attention to obviously gifted black students....for their own safety.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

Williams was claiming sexism, not racism. (Although, neither makes sense, she is just a poor loser.)

What was she going to do, go for ageism?

Birkel বলেছেন...


Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Crack is a mirror and a pretty good one too!

chickelit বলেছেন...

@wwww: Has Althouse ever posted on reparations? I don’t recall that she has and if she has it was not often. Therefore, Crack is mostly off topic and out of line for bringing it up so often. Reparations is a racist solution to past racism. That’s why it’s such a contentious topic.

n.n বলেছেন...

Africans were left poor and hungry by intra and inter-tribal conflicts (e.g. slavery), political corruption (e.g. minority regimes), and a legacy of social justice wars.

chickelit বলেছেন...

@Freeman: As you know, we profoundly disagree on your last point.

gg6 বলেছেন...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"If you respond to someone, naming them and trying to push them back when you know it's someone who responds to attacks, you are elevating and aggrandizing the person...."
OK, let's accept that as possibly true. But what are you doing when you do NOT respond to blatant bad behavior and breaking of the rules? Showing them approval and acceptance and encouraging more such behavior...yes? Or worse, be like sally Jenkins of the WAPO and excuse it as "competitive rage"...Well, yes, OK then, move along now, please, nothing to see here!!

pokerone বলেছেন...

I'll wait for the Bud Collins column on this kerfuffle. Wait...Maybe Don Imus can explain it for me...Wait...Why should I care about an elitist sport, why do you?

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Crack isn't necessarily a mirror down to the individual level but flips and amplifies the script common to plenty of comment threads. That's valuable.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt will studiously ignore the calls to destroy, for example, the Lincoln Memorial.
The slippery slope abides.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

The level of freak out in response to Crack is usually totally out of proportion. Same thing happens with Inga. It's a mystery.

n.n বলেছেন...


Worse, progressive reparations is justified by a color judgment, denies America's human rights leaders that sacrificed blood and treasure to end slavery, and civil rights leaders who today stand against diversity (e.g. Asian privilege).

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt will studiously ignore the calls to destroy, for example, the Lincoln Memorial.

Are there such calls? If so, I denounce them! I denounce them more strongly than even the talented and beloved Serena Williams denounced the calls of her referee.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Drago said...

Crack: "Gahrie is not a person."

"My goodness.

Denying the very humanity of a fellow commenter."

Yeah, I'm awful:

"I'm not a pimp/ I'm not a ho/ I'm not a person/ I'm the neighborhood freak."

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

wwww said...

"Why some commenters Loose their Minds when seeing Crack on a thread, I don't know. You're alienating someone who supports Trump because you can't handle a couple of points of disagreement."

Amen - but it's GLORIOUS!

Anne in Rockwall, TX বলেছেন...

I will never understand a psyche that bases their opinions of another being upon skin color or eye shape or body parts. Yet many people do just that.

Get to know another person, or listen to their opinions and ideas, read their words, observe their actions. Then you can hate them.

I've got laundry to do.

Achilles বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...
Achilles said...

"Not all black PEOPLE are stupid racists like you."

You guys still haven't explained how this "racist" - your word - defended and voted for John McCain, or George W. Bush, or likes Trump, or Ann and Meade, or (big one here) Frank Zappa, or countless other white people now and throughout history. Meanwhile - you guys can hardly get a positive word out of your mouths about ANY BLACK PERSON, ever - but you consider yourselves the paragons of racial virtue and an example to us all. Explain that.

You sound like Chuck. He is a racist too.

"Kinda funny that you stereotype and pigeonhole entire race just to try to lend support to your racist garbage."

No, I'm trying to break down your racial garbage by handing it back to you - that you guys haven't caught on yet speaks to your stupidity, which I still haven't found the depths of, but I will.

So you believe all white people are guilty as a race and all black people are victims as a race.

I differentiate between white people who support policies that would help black people and white people who want to keep black people on the progressive plantation.

"Some black people want to get off the plantation."

I'm almost 100% sure most blacks hate that term, but - lo and behold - the NON-RACIST WHITES insist on using it. Explain.

You are just mad because it is true. You and your progressive allies have kept it running through a variety of methods but it is still there. First it was slavery. Then Jim Crow.

Now it is Public Education, Fatherless families, and Affirmative action and the promise of taking other peoples stuff.

Same effect.

"You want them to stay on the plantation."

I want us to be free - of you AND those you're politically against. You're both toxic groups of people with little attachment to reality.

Pure projection.

"If I didn't believe in individual determination I would agree with you."

It's your beliefs that get you in trouble. I don't bother with 'em.

You avoid engaging them because they make clear you are a racist and I am not.

" But I believe every black person has the ability to make their own individual decisions just like white people have the ability to make their own individual decisions."

You are willing to overlook a multitude of things to reach that conclusion - which means you're insane.

This is your justification for being a racist.

"But racists like you have to judge by skin color."

No - I just judged your thinking - and it, too, is extremely lacking.

You hide behind race claiming everything is determined by skin color. You can't argue the subject in good faith. So like any other racist you just screech louder.

You and the progressive globalists and other race hustlers will be left behind. South Africa told your ideological brethren to beat it. You wont get anywhere taking whitey's stuff.

Birkel বলেছেন...

And the Washington Monument too, Freeman Hunt.
You support removing statues.
I remember.

I hope your effort to get the toothpaste back into the tube proves successful.

Howard বলেছেন...

Hey Achillies, what the fuck did war do to you? You are obviously hard working, intelligent and have common sense. That said, you are usually in full soap opera violent ideation fantasy cunt mode? What's this "we" shjit, Kimo Sabe? Are you the Prince of Whales or just a pussy-whipped abused puppy that cowers at home and bites the neighbors?

Howard বলেছেন...

Be careful colouring outside the lines, Freeman. You won't included in the "we" comments if you keep that up.

Marcus বলেছেন...

"attacking me when I'm keeping an open forum isn't a terrible ingenious approach."

Wouldn't it be "terribly"? I didn't see a comma. BTW, I'm not attacking.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

And the Washington Monument too, Freeman Hunt.

I'm against it!

Achilles বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt said...
The level of freak out in response to Crack is usually totally out of proportion. Same thing happens with Inga. It's a mystery.

Some people fight against racists and progressive jackboots.

Other people sit around and bitch about the people that protect them. From the peanut gallery.

There is all sorts of history the progs want to whitewash. For example:

How are the peanuts?

Achilles বলেছেন...

Howard said...
Hey Achillies, what the fuck did war do to you? You are obviously hard working, intelligent and have common sense. That said, you are usually in full soap opera violent ideation fantasy cunt mode? What's this "we" shjit, Kimo Sabe? Are you the Prince of Whales or just a pussy-whipped abused puppy that cowers at home and bites the neighbors?

There are two types of progs.

There are the wealthy globalists who have money and power and know what they are doing.

The other group is made up of people like Howard.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Thank you for being on the vanguard of the fight against one progressive and another guy on the comments of this blog.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt,
Fine. You stand against the obvious, logical conclusions of your previously espoused views.

Doesn't everybody?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Oso Negro said...

"I wasn't wondering if you had seen extreme poverty - although we don't really have poor people in the USA."

Anyplace ignorance exists can have extreme poverty. Most just don't see it. I see everything.

"Real poor people are skinny."

Agreed. But, we have them here, too.

"I was wondering if you had the experience of being in the ethnic majority in a country."

Nope - Richard Pryor did that for American blacks. In 2018, that's a shameful statement on America, all by itself.

"I am not in the least trying to disconnect American blacks from America."

My bad - that was an assumption. I shouldn't have said it. Sorry.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Achilles said...

"We know who Crack is.

He was kicked off the blog years ago..."

Was he?

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

"You stand against the obvious, logical conclusions of your previously espoused views."

Geometrically logical no doubt.

Milwaukie Guy বলেছেন...

Sorry, just getting to Althouse this morning and I'm going to jump way ahead. Apologies if I am repeating.

@Crack. Althea Gibson? I don't remember her one bit because I was only five years old.

Hey, even in the 50s millions of "white" parents were telling their children to treat everyone equally, even Italians, Poles, Jews, Catholics and Negroes.

In the 60s, the Civil Rights Movement had the support of millions of "whites," from sympathy to activism, against the Democrat's Jim Crow. For crying out loud, Voting Rights Act was over 50 years ago even though it did take longer for attitudes to change.

But today [Today!] the vast, vast majority of Americans do not give a crap about race. Racists are a tiny minority and aren't just "whites." Americans care about bourgeois values. I've personally known exactly one racist.

I will admit for myself that I disdain, and pity, the lumpen proletariat from all possible backgrounds, from trailer trash to Eurotrash, plus possibly sorta of the French. But it's never about race.

The world has changed. All those mean old racists are literally dead. Now, equal treatment is completely woven into our culture.

Stop living in the past, please.

Night Owl বলেছেন...

I've been lurking here long enough to remember when Crack criticized Althouse for always posting about race, and him trying to get people to stop always talking about race. But, if I remember correctly, sometime after the Trayvon case he got disgusted by all the race talk and decided that if you all want to talk about race, then he'd give you something to talk about.

And boy, does he ever.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

dda6ga dda6ga said...

"Now we get a peak at one of Crack's grievances: if the white guy isn't coming up with the dough, re me he be racist."

All y'all focus on is money. Bill Gates is curing malaria - and money is no object.

He is a better human being than you.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

wwww said...

"My take: People were incredibly rude to him. Originally he wrote about reparations for slavery. It's a intellectual idea, not a personal insult. People took that idea, and were personal & incredibly rude back to him.

Things escalated from there."

Now, the question is, if the attackers don't acknowledge that series of events (all whites, except Berkel, who, I guess, is going to be the Native American who sides with whites to sell out the others) are they racists?

My being black and alone has to be considered.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Yeah, Freeman Hunt.
I predicted an emboldened Left with no end to grievances.
And you thought confederate statues would be the end of things.

But the tearing down is the goal.
And the slope is slippery.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Drago said...

"I made several positive comments regarding Thomas Sowell"

You make many, many more against blacks - you're practically a firehose of racial nonsense - so your one conservative Kewpie doll doesn't make up for them.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt said...
If bears were in charge, tennis is one of the sports that would be worse.

But the tantrums would be much better, glorious even.

Freeman, that is one of the funniest sentences I have ever read on this blog.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt said...

"Crack is a mirror and a pretty good one too!"

I studied solipsism a long time: IT'S FUN!!!!

Birkel বলেছেন...

Malaria was cured but for Leftist fearmongering from the likes of Rachel Carson.
"Silent Spring" and "The Population Bomb" killed millions of Third World poor.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Чикелит said...

"Reparations is a racist solution to past racism. That’s why it’s such a contentious topic."

Because you can't solve a racial problem with a racial solution? That doesn't seem to make logical sense.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt said...Crack isn't necessarily a mirror down to the individual level but flips and amplifies the script common to plenty of comment threads. That's valuable.
The level of freak out in response to Crack is usually totally out of proportion. Same thing happens with Inga. It's a mystery.

From time to time, Althouse warns that she will not allow her comment section to become an echo chamber. So people like Inga and Crack exist to counter prevailing opinion. We know that Althouse is counter majoritarian. If Crack and Inga didn't exist, she would have to invent them.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Its good that Crack has come back. And talking racism.

It gives a lot of people something to write about.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt said...

"The level of freak out in response to Crack is usually totally out of proportion. Same thing happens with Inga. It's a mystery."

That they won't take this into consideration is amazing to me. They think they're reasonable people, but, it's pretty obvious, they haven't a clue what that means.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Because you can't solve a racial problem with a racial solution? That doesn't seem to make logical sense.

I refer you to John Robertson.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Its seems that Williams coaching only got her a warning.

Her racket toss lost her a point. Her calling the Umpire a "Thief" cost her the game.

Only the last one was important, and she would've lost anyway.

So all the jabber about sexism and racism actually meant nothing.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Crack wrote: I studied solipsism a long time: IT'S FUN!!!!

It's all fun and games until you fall in and drown. BTW, can you swim?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Achilles said...

"I differentiate between white people who support policies that would help black people and white people who want to keep black people on the progressive plantation."

If you're talking about any kind of "plantation" in 2018, most blacks are going to assume you're a racist. And they're probably are more right than the user would like to admit.

FIDO বলেছেন...

Asians are coming to the Republican party. Because we applaud merit, and don't give a shit about reparations and shaming little Japanese girls for a legitimate win.

Asians were always a poor fit for Democrats anyway. Not much of a voter bump, but they have a lot of money.

rcocean বলেছেন...

the response by the liberal newspaper columnists has been hilarious.

Evidently, you can't attack Williams for being a hot-head who broke the rules without including at least two paragraphs about Williams' valiant never ending struggle against "sexism" and "racism".

Precisely what "sexism" and "racism" she's been struggling against for the last 18 years is unmentioned. But anyway she's a victim. No matter what.

rcocean বলেছেন...

I wonder what McEnroe says about the whole thing. After all, he could beat Williams in Tennis.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "That they won't take this into consideration is amazing to me. They think they're reasonable people, but, it's pretty obvious, they haven't a clue what that means."

Crack takes time out from calling every white conservative commenter a slaver and murderer and personally culpable for human misery for hundreds of years and threatening genocidal war against the whitey's to lament the "unreasonable"-ness of commenters here.


You couldn't make that up if you tried!

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "You make many, many more against blacks"



Go ahead and list a few.

Shouldn't be too hard, since there are so "many, many" out there!

Of course, after you don't because you can't it will simply be chalked up to another day of incoherent Crack posting.

Similar to the sandwich board-wearing screamer down on the corner.

Michael বলেছেন...

Racial conflict on the Althouse blog!! A few with arms locked refuse to be cowed and stride forward. Ahead the dogs, the firehoses the Pettus bridge. And the rabble on the road's edge heckling.

A privilege to see such bravery, such persistence here on the Althouse blog peopled as it is with KKK and garden variety red neck racists who make no bones about their spending every waking moment thinking how to keep their dirty broken down hillbilly boots on the necks of black people. Quite amazing.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "All y'all focus on is money. Bill Gates is curing malaria - and money is no object.

He is a better human being than you."

So, it is money after all that makes someone a better person than others.

Sorry Mother Theresa. You didn't fund enough research so you don't count.

You know who else never funded any research to cure disease? Jesus Christ.

Drago বলেছেন...

Michael does an amazing impression of John Pickering!

Well played Michael. Well played.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Milwaukie Guy said...

"@Crack. Althea Gibson? I don't remember her one bit because I was only five years old."

One of the reasons why the Williams sisters are such a big deal.

"Hey, even in the 50s millions of "white" parents were telling their children to treat everyone equally, even Italians, Poles, Jews, Catholics and Negroes."

I know. But don't lie: MLK had 33% support the day he was killed. Whites have NEVER been onboard in this country. They like to pose and posture, but the heavy lifting is on us.

"In the 60s, the Civil Rights Movement had the support of millions of "whites," from sympathy to activism, against the Democrat's Jim Crow. For crying out loud, Voting Rights Act was over 50 years ago even though it did take longer for attitudes to change."

Patronizing - that's three call-outs in one thread. Will you guys stop now?

"But today [Today!] the vast, vast majority of Americans do not give a crap about race."

That's weird, because blacks are still broke and poor, because of what whites did - so your pulling away now seems awful evil.

"Racists are a tiny minority and aren't just "whites.""

I know. Whites want to call blacks who are rightfully mad about their abuse "racists" - because whites are weird. We learn to live with them anyway.

"Americans care about bourgeois values. I've personally known exactly one racist."

If you were black, you'd probably run into them more often. My tales of life in Yurp sure don't sound like white people's either.

"I will admit for myself that I disdain, and pity, the lumpen proletariat from all possible backgrounds, from trailer trash to Eurotrash, plus possibly sorta of the French. But it's never about race."

Another white person expressing condescension for others - I think Thomas Sowell really did nail y'all's problem: you can't help looking down on people for no good reason.

"The world has changed."

Sure, that's why 200-year old homeopathic concoctions are sold as medicine in pharmacies and people line up to pray to Jesus, huh? Because of all that change you imagine happening? Stop it: These are still medieval times - with high speed internet.

"All those mean old racists are literally dead."

So you've walked in my shoes, have you? What are your qualifications for that statement? Other than being white and no one can stop you from saying crazy shit?

"Now, equal treatment is completely woven into our culture."

Only a fool would say that. Fools said we were going to fight for freedom in WWII while depriving blacks here. Whites tell themselves all kinds of fantasies. That they try to force us to believe them to is a real reparational crime: Gaslighting.

"Stop living in the past, please."

Get out of Fantasyland, yourself.

Drago বলেছেন...

rcocean: "I wonder what McEnroe says about the whole thing. After all, he could beat Williams in Tennis."

Actually, that is a great idea.

Think of how commercially successful a McEnroe/Williams match could be. And no silly restrictions on garb or language or antics!

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

John R. Tunis would have been appalled by Serena's behavior.

Are any of you familiar with the writings of Tunis?

When I was young he was an important role in shaping my values and teaching me how to be a good man both in sports and in life.

He believed that sports should serve to build character, i.e. good character, and that character was the most desirable of traits from which all other good traits derived.

Good sportsmanship was his paramount concern as it was what separated good men from lesser men.

He actually believed that it wasn't whether you won or lost that mattered, but how you played the game.

I agree with this. Always have. Thanks, John R.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "Get out of Fantasyland, yourself."


Adventureland is where you want to be!

Gahrie বলেছেন...

That's weird, because blacks are still broke and poor, because of what whites did

Yes, it has nothing to do with poor decisions that Black people make...it's all Whitey's fault.

n.n বলেছেন...

he could beat Williams in Tennis

A masculine male, including male homosexuals, are on average physiologically stronger than a feminine female. But, to compete in a female sport, he would first have to identify as neo-female and don a cat in a hat.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Your comment about sandwich boards was insensitive to Howard Americans.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Her disrespect of Osaka was something to see. She’s earned the right to say anything she likes about the umpire — up to a point during the match and without limits afterwards. But there’s another player out there kicking ass, and the attempts to slow the game, gin up the crowd, raise the intensity level, and intimidate Osaka, it didn’t work.

Drago বলেছেন...

So, just to summarize: refusing to accept personal responsible for slavery hundreds of years ago and admit to personal guilt for the murder of millions over centuries makes someone a member of the new KKK....which is literally what now? 17 guys in a tree fort somewhere!

Meanwhile, noted commenter extols the virtues of racial genocide and is regaled by lefties everywhere!


That sounds about right.

rcocean বলেছেন...

"Think of how commercially successful a McEnroe/Williams match could be. And no silly restrictions on garb or language or antics!"

To make it more interesting, all Tirades would be judged on "Style" and additional points awarded if good enough.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Night Owl said...

"I've been lurking here long enough to remember when Crack criticized Althouse for always posting about race, and him trying to get people to stop always talking about race. But, if I remember correctly, sometime after the Trayvon case he got disgusted by all the race talk and decided that if you all want to talk about race, then he'd give you something to talk about.

And boy, does he ever."


This guy deserves a prize or something. Hey, Night Owl, go here. Put all the songs in a file, and then play them in order in a music player.

rcocean বলেছেন...

The real discrimination is against the Japanese player.

She clearly outplayed Serena but her victory has been overshadowed by Serena's antics.

Drago বলেছেন...

rcocean: "But there’s another player out there kicking ass, and the attempts to slow the game, gin up the crowd, raise the intensity level, and intimidate Osaka, it didn’t work."

Indeed. Osaka's ability to maintain her concentration in the midst of Williams' antics AND in front of an overtly hostile crowd was indeed magnificent.

Not "magnificent" in the way LLR Chuck praises obama (when he isn't busy praising Maddow or Durbin or Blumenthal), but actually magnificent.

What a competitor. And so young! The future of women's tennis is in good hands and with Serena no doubt able to remain competitive for some time to come we have the makings of a really interesting rivalry.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Her disrespect of Osaka was something to see. She’s earned the right to say anything she likes about the umpire — up to a point during the match and without limits afterwards. But there’s another player out there kicking ass, and the attempts to slow the game, gin up the crowd, raise the intensity level, and intimidate Osaka, it didn’t work.

I am reminded of Kanye West upstaging Taylor Swift at the VMA. But even West redeemed himself after being called a jackass. BTW, has Presdient Trump weighed in yet?

Birkel বলেছেন...

I believe Tiger Woods is in contention.
It would bring back some good memories to see him win again.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "This guy deserves a prize or something. "

I suggest we redirect any potential reparations destined for Crack to Night Owl.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Leo Durocher when he managed the Cubs threw wonderfully entertaining tirades at the umpires. He was THE master of kicking sand on the umps and coming THIS close to making physical contact with them while yelling his head off. But everyone, including Durocher, understood that it was all an act. The fans loved it and I think the umps were sort of into it too.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Never mind.
Tiger appears to have fallen out of the running.
Still, I like a good redemption story.

Drago বলেছেন...

Birkel: "I believe Tiger Woods is in contention.
It would bring back some good memories to see him win again."

Golf needs that excitement back again. And with the young players on the tour, like the Williams/Osaka rivalry potential, it makes for compelling TV....huzzah from the advertisers!

rcocean বলেছেন...

I forgot when Crack left, but it looks like he and his buddies are simply cutting and pasting the same comments from 5 years ago. "Everyone's a racist" "No, theyre Not" "Yes, they are"

All we need now, is "Shouting Thomas" to show up and start writing "What's wrong with you Crack?" 50 times.

LOL. Its Deja Vu all over again. Its the circus that never gets old.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

Its the circus that never gets old.

It got old.

Birkel বলেছেন...

So much more time on a Sunday without the NFL intruding.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

You have to understand the perversity of it: you can't get them to stop being racist by asking them not to be - nor can you do it by goading them - so, they're proving, it's hopeless:

A certain segment of whites - and it's a good portion of them - are going to be racist no matter what.

They have a billion rationalizations for it, too - both for and against race, supposedly - but the main feature is, they want things ON THEIR TERMS. If blacks come up with a solution, it's racist, but, if whites do - no matter how silly because their experience, with receiving their own racism, is pretty limited - that's the path forward, not being taken, because of Al Sharpton's low IQ or something.

It's terrible. But you better salute the flag anyway. Because it's magic.

Drago বলেছেন...

I couldn't help but notice that wwww beat a hasty retreat the very moment Crack offered up a comment that wwww, for the sake of consistency, would have needed to criticize.

But, with wwww being a lefty and Crack being, I believe, a black man, wwww instead chose to slink off and hide until such time as she could return without anyone noticing the hypocrisy.

Talk about the bigotry of low low expectations...

Drago বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee: "You have to understand the perversity of it: you can't get them to stop being racist by asking them not to be - nor can you do it by goading them - so, they're proving, it's hopeless:"

You are already on record as promoting, wishing for and desiring genocide against the whites.

We get it.

Drago বলেছেন...

one does wonder what will become of the black children, many from overseas, who were adopted by white parents in the coming Crack-promoted White genocide.

I hope there is some mercy shown to them and not punishment for the crime of being loved by white parents.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Чикелит said...

"It's all fun and games until you fall in and drown. BTW, can you swim?"

Funny you should mention that: I have to teach one of my best friends - a black man - how to swim now. Like a lot of blacks, he's terrified of large bodies of water (Gee, I wonder why?) and hasn't ever learned. It's tragic, and funny as Hell:

Watching him stare at the shallow end of the pool hilarious - but I don't condescend. He needs help.

This is the kind of shit whites are oblivious about - and it speaks profoundly to the damage done.

Anne in Rockwall, TX বলেছেন...

For crying out loud.

Y'all see Crack getting on his high horse and try to knock him off.

You see Crack looking down his nose at you and you try to stuff his nostrils with marshmallows.

He has told you he knows more than you, sees more than you, understands more than you and is a better person than you.

That's Crack.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Drago said...

"Crack takes time out from calling every white conservative commenter a slaver and murderer and personally culpable for human misery for hundreds of years and threatening genocidal war against the whitey's to lament the "unreasonable"-ness of commenters here."

Night Owl said...

"I've been lurking here long enough to remember when Crack criticized Althouse for always posting about race, and him trying to get people to stop always talking about race. But, if I remember correctly, sometime after the Trayvon case he got disgusted by all the race talk and decided that if you all want to talk about race, then he'd give you something to talk about.

And boy, does he ever."

2 + 2 = Drago's clueless.

Birkel বলেছেন...

I get the TCE performance art.
But it's not subtle and it goes well beyond making the main point.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

I thought this thread was about Serena Williams.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Gahrie said...

"Yes, it has nothing to do with poor decisions that Black people make...it's all Whitey's fault."

What poor decision - starting with "coming" here - did we make?

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
chickelit বলেছেন...

Funny you should mention that: I have to teach one of my best friends - a black man - how to swim now. Like a lot of blacks, he's terrified of large bodies of water (Gee, I wonder why?) and hasn't ever learned. It's tragic, and funny as Hell:

Tell him to keep moving like a shark.

I always thought it was BMI issue with blacks, especially males. To stay on topic, Simona Halep butchered her own buoyancy.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

This is the kind of shit whites are oblivious about - and it speaks profoundly to the damage done.

Navy Boot Camp, 1967, we were all required to pass a swim test. The black recruits (and a few white ones) were hesitant to get into the pool. It was explained to them that the Navy couldn't make them get in the pool, but could make them wish they had.
If somebody enlists in the Navy, they should figure there'd be water involved.

chickelit বলেছেন...

The angry lizard shows!

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Hey Achillies, what the fuck did war do to you? You are obviously hard working, intelligent and have common sense. That said, you are usually in full soap opera violent ideation fantasy cunt mode? What's this "we" shjit, Kimo Sabe? Are you the Prince of Whales or just a pussy-whipped abused puppy that cowers at home and bites the neighbors?”

Achilles has been saying for months now how Democrats would be going to jail by August 28th. What happened? LOL.

These threads are devolving quicker and getting nuttier by the day

mockturtle বলেছেন...

We know that Althouse is counter majoritarian. If Crack and Inga didn't exist, she would have to invent them.

OMG! Maybe she did!

Milwaukie Guy বলেছেন...


MLK had 33% white support in 1968. Those other 67%? They're pretty much dead. It's 50 years later. Today's MLK's white demo Q score, like 97%.

A lot of blacks are broke and poor because of the "Great" society policies of the Democrats in Congress and the Democratic politicians who have run cities with big black populations for most of my lifetime, my entire lifetime in my home town of Chicago. And they do it with the near unanimous support of these broke and poor black people. Not "the whites" fault.

BTW, in Chicago, some blacks have racist attitudes towards Asians and Arabs, with a dollop of anti-Jew. Every tribe has some people that really hate other tribes. It's not just a white weirdness.

I only know one racist because most all people are not.

I don't like the lumpen because they don't really want to work and are prone to criminality. My bad.

I think all people in all places have always and will continue to buy snake oil. We're not completely rational all the time.

Who's in Fantasyland?

chickelit বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
chickelit বলেছেন...



hstad বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said, "...And you guys, as usual, are left wondering why black people want nothing to do with you..." 9/9/18, 10:19 AM

Crack Emcee you are getting your emotions involved with taking sides. If "black people want nothing to do with...." then why are black players and other citizens of color, including Serena married to a white person? I find your comment to be self-serving. And as "Vinny" said in the courtroom, "....everything this guy just said is bull shit...."

Sorry to point you out, but you deserve it.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

While you guys are steady screaming "Rap's Not Music!" at every opportunity you get, I'm sitting here singing this old favorite, laughing at what a racist I am. You read that right:

I'M the racist. But Rap's not music.

That's how it works in non-racist America.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Annie C said...

"He has told you he knows more than you, sees more than you, understands more than you and is a better person than you.

That's Crack."

But how much of what I'm saying is believable? And how much is just looking at my fellow commenters and saying, "Oh yeah?" because they're off on some racist bullshit and no one else is saying anything? Imagine how that plays out in real life - I've lived that - have you?

That's the difference.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "While you guys are steady screaming "Rap's Not Music!" at every opportunity you get,..."



Roughcoat বলেছেন...

mockturtle opens up a new and intriguing line of speculation.

If she's right ... it all makes sense!

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack, when you create your many strawmen, what color are they?

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

"I thought this thread was about Serena Williams."

It may have been, but it's fallen past the event horizon of a crack hole.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Drago said...

"I couldn't help but notice that wwww beat a hasty retreat the very moment Crack offered up a comment..."

No, you're not paranoid [major eye roll]

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "2 + 2 = Drago's clueless."

Well, I think we've pinpointed precisely where Crack's "science" career went awry.....


Drago বলেছেন...

Seriously Crack, how many actually brainy black kids did you help "jump" for acting too white?

Matt বলেছেন...

What kind of 'champion' literally cries on the court/field/course whatever?

It was apparent early she was gonna be on the wrong side of an ass-kicking, as opposed to the ass-kissing she usually receives.

Drago বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Jim at বলেছেন...

Serena Williams. Always the victim. Even when she's threatening to shove a tennis ball down the throat of a line judge.

Poor, poor Serena.

Drago বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Birkel বলেছেন...


Drago বলেছেন...

Matt: "It was apparent early she was gonna be on the wrong side of an ass-kicking, as opposed to the ass-kissing she usually receives"


Williams is getting older after a most remarkable career lasting many years. Up and coming players are not able to chip away at her invincibility.

Quite frankly, that has to be tough on William's mentally. I give her a lot of slack due to that extended period of dominance and greatness but her antics in this last match are not worthy of a champion.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Clearly a "white" Asian.

Didn't you even bother to look at a picture of Osaka? Osaka is biracial, her father is Haitian.
- Freder

Fool. He was mocking you leftists for making George Zimmerman a 'white Hispanic.'

Do try to keep up.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

It must be hard work being a Symbol. That's a lot to carry around.

William বলেছেন...

Princess Grace was said to have been very unhappy in her later years. She drank a lot and mourned for the erosion of her beauty. Now that's a really sad story. Let's pause for a moment and reflect on the sorrows that afflicted Princess Grace. If Serena Williams thinks she's had it hard, she should try being a beautiful blonde princess for a day. And Princess Grace had it easy compared to Princess Di.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Birkel said...

"I get the TCE performance art.
But it's not subtle and it goes well beyond making the main point."

I don't think it does, Berk, because y'all don't stop. You're like the Democrats with Trump. Nothing gets through. Real talk here:

Post-Trump, I'm at war with friends on all sides - right and left, black and white, cops and civilian - because I'm the guy who said The Macho Response was needed and they don't know how I knew or what's up, so I figure I'm defiantly upholding a new NewAge-less middle for y'all (and even the president) to come around to - bye, Alex Jones, Hello, Jordan Peterson or someone - anyone - else. You guys are all on the extremes, fighting imagined demons, which turn out to be problems only for the rest of us, because you're always off to the next one. (BOO!) I refuse to be swept into the mediasphere's orbit. I keep telling you I'm The Watcher. The former foster child. An artist, and nothing more. I'm not shy about it. Y'all forget in your rush to crush the black guy. Not a good look for non-racists, my friend.

No, I don't think the point's getting through, at all.

eddie willers বলেছেন...

Climate change bested Serena.

Birkel বলেছেন...

You guys?
You have another guess?

Birkel বলেছেন...

Not a friend.
Not Berk.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack tosses himself in with Jordan Peterson!

It just keeps getting funnier and funnier.

Gee, I guess that explains the call for white genocide and assigning guilt by race........


William বলেছেন...

On a per capita basis, tennis produces more jerks than most other sports. Well, football, but they have the excuse of traumatic brain injuries. Serena is an aggressive, muscular player. Nothing wrong with that. She wins. Still such a style is more attractive in a man than a woman. I like woman tennis players who are dainty and cute. They don't even have to win their matches. I just root for them.....Serena has her fans, and some of them think she's sexually attractive. Sure, why not. It's a free country.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "No, I don't think the point's getting through, at all."


There is no "point".

You want cash.

Everything else is hilariously transparent and nonsensical gibberish and blathering.

But enough about your good points, lets chat for a moment about where you really come up short....

MB বলেছেন...

Shouldn't the two of them have united against the (all male) arbiters, chased them off the field, and shared the trophy?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

BTW - the latest track in the "UnMastered" series is up now - it's called "Interlude: The Black Whole (Between Two Oceans)" and it's probably for the best if you don't think about what it means too much:

Just know we're about to kick this puppy into high gear now.

Also, if you really do "get" the performance art aspect of this, consider hitting the tip jar: you bastards are a lot of work.

Finally, when the next song is released, I hope to also be debuting my new mega-project, ”The Coal Train” which I hope will make a dent - in something - so stay tuned: I'm trying to blow your widdle minds....

Mark বলেছেন...

So, about the demographics of the regular commenters at this blog --

I for one do not know what race, ethnicity, sex (assigned at birth or otherwise), age, nationality, etc. that most anyone here is. And to the extent that I have made assumptions, I have often been proven wrong, e.g. commenters I long thought were men eventually made comments indicating that they were, in fact, women.

Must be an amazing ability, a superhero power, to know these things definitively to be able to smear them as white racists.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Why would/should a world class solo competitor require strategic real time coaching. Wouldn't that be a part of the world class solo athlete's capacity? To suss out the offense presented and adapt accordingly? I don't watch tennis, but I do watch downhill skiing and I think this coaching thing diminishes the athlete. Somewhat below a snowboarder in my estimation.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Drago said...


There is no "point".

You want cash."

There's something wrong with a mind that can't see the amount of time I put in here wouldn't be worth the amount of money antagonists would give, right? So there has to be something more. Starting with you realizing how wrong you are in almost every supposition you come up with. Maybe my "point" is to get you to challenge yourself, Drago. Learn how to think and not to assume, for instance.

That, alone, would make it worth it.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Чикелит said...

"I always thought it was BMI issue with blacks, especially males."

Dude, you don't know. I got to walk fools through everything - they won't eat pork - whatever. I'm one of the few people who've traveled, seen things, and can still explain it like family. So I explain EVERYTHING. Constantly.

Now I'm teaching someone to swim.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "There's something wrong with a mind that can't see the amount of time I put in here wouldn't be worth the amount of money antagonists would give, right?"


The guys on the street corners spend lots of time shrieking at the world as well.

'nuff said.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "Maybe my "point" is to get you to challenge yourself, Drago. Learn how to think and not to assume, for instance."



Rusty বলেছেন...

What a moronic statement.
But sinc e it's by our resident grievance grifter I'll let it pass.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

tcrosse said...

"If somebody enlists in the Navy, they should figure there'd be water involved."

That doesn't ring true to me. People join the military for tons of reasons. I didn't think about it. Most of the guys I met in boot didn't. They were thinking about the break-up with their girl, or getting out of going to jail. I was out of foster care, with nowhere to go, and I wanted to be a artist. The Navy had a drafting program - that was it. I never considered anything past that. Didn't know much beyond that. I told you: whites take it for granted people think like you do when we're not doing that shit at all.

And, of course, they cancelled the drafting program right before I finished boot camp. Not a good beginning....

Rusty বলেছেন...

Blacks rarely go into the woods with whites for this reason.

This one.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Althouse is right: We are exacerbating the trolling by reacting to it.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

BTW - I wanted to be a draftsman because Mike Brady of the Brady Bunch was an architect, and, I figured, since I didn't see any in the ghetto, drafting might be a good back-up plan if this artist thing didn't work out.

Now, all you experts on race, figure that shit into your military recruitment strategies.

Drago বলেছেন...

Crack: "Now, all you experts on race, figure that shit into your military recruitment strategies."

There is nothing to figure out. You signed up, the Navy plugged you in where they deemed it best, you did whatever you did and then you got out.

Thats so boring and everyday sort of a story I almost fell asleep typing it up.

And being an architect requires a helluva lot more than basic drafting courses.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

mockturtle said...

"Althouse is right: We are exacerbating the trolling by reacting to it."

This is hilarious: They don't believe a word I say, but - once I say it's an act - then they believe every word I say. But they're not racist.

So am I a "racist" now, guys? If it's an act? I told you: figure yourselves out - you said I was. Am I now? Or are you? I don't think you know, and that's a problem, because you sound like you thought you were on pretty sure ground before.

I say you never were. You just like picking on blacks. Preferably isolated ones. I ask you to not to condescend. You ignore me. You heckle. You speak repeatedly of "plantations" even when explicitly asked not to - not a big ask.

Y'all really do need to stop trying to accuse me of something - a problem with racists - and sort yourselves out.

Birkel বলেছেন...

I wanted to be "Marvelous" Marvin Hayley when I was a kid.
But then I saw him get robbed by white judges against "Sugar" Ray Leonard.

Figure that one out.

Birkel বলেছেন...


The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Milwaukie Guy said...

"MLK had 33% white support in 1968. Those other 67%? They're pretty much dead. It's 50 years later. Today's MLK's white demo Q score, like 97%."

Yeah, but that's not true - it's because he's dead, too. Most whites know one passage, from one speech, given one day that whites just happened to listen, and they've been using that one "content of htheir character" line to beat blacks over the head with, in hopes we'll forget the other 99% of things MLK said that whites claim is either racist or to know nothing about. This is an example of how whites lie to yourselves.

"A lot of blacks are broke and poor because of the "Great" society policies of the Democrats in Congress and the Democratic politicians who have run cities with big black populations for most of my lifetime, my entire lifetime in my home town of Chicago."

That's a lie. You can't do what was done to blacks in this country for centuries, and then set them loose in the hostile country with nothing, and think success naturally follows. It's madness.

"And they do it with the near unanimous support of these broke and poor black people. Not "the whites" fault."

You made an adversarial system, didn't you? Then acted racist towards blacks - but then expected us to vote with you, but called us racist when we didn't - for good reason? But whites had NOTHING to do with any of it? You're insane, Man.

"BTW, in Chicago, some blacks have racist attitudes towards Asians and Arabs, with a dollop of anti-Jew."

I'm surprised blacks don't hate everybody. You should be giving us credit just for that - and you would, if you appreciated what this country has done to us.

"Every tribe has some people that really hate other tribes. It's not just a white weirdness."

Morons, blacks are from different tribes from all over West Africa - hardly a monolithic group - we're simply not like you, by your hand, and you simply can't accept that. You guys are weird to us.

"I only know one racist because most all people are not."

I get to bump into all of them, because they're not shy - like NewAgers, they get free reign - because you morons are more concerned about catching blacks than stopping racists, like that's something new.

"I don't like the lumpen because they don't really want to work and are prone to criminality. My bad."

If your family was forced to work, by whites, what's the likelihood working for whites will be attractive? Y'all act like you're some great prize we want to win, when it's just not that way. We want our lives.

"I think all people in all places have always and will continue to buy snake oil."

I can tell: whites will do NOTHING to stop it. I have to accept they're crazy that way. Snake oil and lying: the elixir of white society.

"We're not completely rational all the time."

I would like to change the amount of time we're in a rational state.

"Who's in Fantasyland?"

You are, I told you.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...
"If you think blurting out racist words is funny, I really don't care. I just don't want to see it screwing up the thread."

Words can be racist? I had heard that grammar is racist, I didn't know it had gotten down to the level of individual words. Sounds serious.

And what about blurting out "Heil Hitler" while teaching trigonometry? Is that funny? Or would it merit deletion?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

hstad said...

"Crack Emcee you are getting your emotions involved with taking sides. If "black people want nothing to do with...." then why are black players and other citizens of color, including Serena married to a white person?"

You see them - all married to super-rich-or-glamorous white people - but not all the side-eye they receive from blacks even when with the supposed cream of the crop? You blind, Baby. I think many of you, here, are willingly blocking out the real world so you can think your ideology is correct. American Life is not like on TV and in the movies, Guys. Wake up.

"I find your comment to be self-serving."

What else is new here? That you guys can't come up with any other ideas should tell you something - about you.

"And as "Vinny" said in the courtroom, "....everything this guy just said is bull shit....""

Good movie - but he'd be with me. 100%.

"Sorry to point you out, but you deserve it."

Sorry to always prove you guys wrong, but you're so mediocre in your thinking, you'll never get me:

I'm not your lawn jockey, Fellas.

Scott M বলেছেন...

It's a reasonable response to burn up a thread in response to personal insults.

Nope. The reasonable response is not to engage, go outside, and do something else.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Drago said...

"The guys on the street corners spend lots of time shrieking at the world as well.

'nuff said."

'Nuff said? You just proved you're an idiot.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Back to the thread topic:

It seems that Serena lost her cool and behaved badly. That is not the first or last time an athlete is going to do that. It's not a big deal, just an embarrassment for her.

The big issue is how the $1,000 a seat fans booed and took the spotlight away from a young (20 y/o) woman who had a huge achievement. To her credit, Serena seemed to understand that.

Birkel বলেছেন...

I am trying to understand why choosing one group of White Devils (Democrats) is better than choosing another group of White Devils (Republicans) when the comment was about Democrats creating policies that thwart black achievement and black initiative. Aren't both groups "them and y'all" in this line of thinking.

As for that adversarial system, I think it matches human nature best. And if you tell me human nature varies significantly by race, I reserve the right to call the reasoning, and the person, racist. Adversarial is how I would define the behavior of animal species everywhere.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Drago said...

"Being an architect requires a helluva lot more than basic drafting courses."

I sincerely think you are the dumbest person on this blog. Gahrie gives you a run for your money, but you truly do make my jaw drop in a sort of "DUH!" kinda way, because I simply can't believe a mind can actually be so slow and yet capable of writing at the same time.

Then there are those who still don't think I'm black - even with Google.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

The Crack Emcee said...
"This is an example of how whites lie to yourselves."

No Crack, this is how white people lie to themselves;

"If I pretend they aren't criminals, maybe they won't punch me in the face and steal my iPhone. If I pretend they're smart, maybe they'll do well in school. If I pretend they don't ruin everything they touch, and their countries aren't all, every last one, utter shitholes, maybe they won't destroy my neighborhood. If I pretend I don't notice what an absolute, God-forsaken fuckup and general ration of Bad News your average, par-for-the-course black male is, maybe he won't call me a racist. When he punches me in the face and steals my iPhone."

It's called Eat Me Last.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I sincerely think all of this noise just signals the dying of the light, for wrong ideas, like this:

We DIDN'T win the war! Like us all, PETER HITCHENS grew up on stories of Britain’s heroic victory over Hitler... but now, without questioning the bravery of our troops, he’s written a book challenging all we think about WW2

Nothing y'all think is true, and it's all coming apart, but you can't admit it. That really is the issue:

You can't admit it.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Achilles has been saying for months now how Democrats would be going to jail by August 28th. What happened? LOL.

These threads are devolving quicker and getting nuttier by the day

That was peak crazy week.

We are well into Mueller’s humiliation. The Democrats performed admirably during the Kavanuagh hearings. Hard to be more pathetic.

Declassification is in the pipe and the grand jury is working on McCabe right now. His indictments are imminent.

Mueller is negotiating to stay out of jail as we speak.

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