August 8, 2018

"You all know who these individuals are, they come into your homes every day, sleep with you every night. Grandparents, parents, siblings, significant others — you know who they are."

Said Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, quoted in "Why Chicago PD can't get more residents to identify gun violence suspects" (USA Today).

"I believe karma is (vengeful), you feel me? One day you’re going to reap what you sow," said Romell Young, explaining why he wouldn't name the person who shot him in the leg. USA Today says that his "no-snitching outlook sheds light on the complicated dynamic" in Chicago, where, "[o]ver the weekend, at least 72 people were shot in the city, including 12 fatally, but police did not record a single arrest in any of the incidents."


Oso Negro said...

The Democrats who run Chicago just need a little more time to fix this.

Jaq said...

So he wouldn’t name his shooter because he plans to get revenge and naming the shooter will just make him a suspect. Total breakdown of law and order.

Jaq said...

I find it hard to believe that residents of these neighborhoods on the whole want to live without law and order.

Ralph L said...

People won't snitch unless they know there will be an arrest, and the police can't arrest until people snitch. They're snucked up.

Jess said...

The black community never trusted the police for protection. While this distrust was probably founded by experience, it led to an anarchist sub-society, with criminals as much in charge as elected officials.

Philosophical discussions won't cure this problem. Brutal tactics, strong law enforcement efforts, and armed private citizens is the only cure. When criminals know their efforts are futile, their activities dwindle. In the end, a trust is built with a community and law enforcement. Instead of being victims, people become involved, and know they have a method to stay protected.

Mark said...

In most places, people don't shoot up other people all the time and it has nothing to do with the possibility that those other people might snitch. It is because most people have a basic sense of right and wrong.

A lack of cooperation with police is not the cause of the Chicago murder culture. More than family members identifying shooters or families encouraging their members to cooperate with police, family needs to teach their kids to STOP SHOOTING PEOPLE.

The problem is that we have progressed beyond good and evil. Chicago is at the forefront of a "do whatever you want" culture.

Jaq said...

Chicago is re-learning why coppers sometimes busted heads. It may not be theoretically perfect justice, but people gotta be able to raise their kids. The Democrats’ approach is genocide in the form of Planned Parenthood and population replacement.

Jaq said...

Democrats abandon law and order therefore the rest of law abiding America must abandon their guns. Makes sense. Most of history is brutish, must of human history has been dominated by violence and thuggery and rule by warlord. It’s “authentic” human behavior. I wouldn’t be surprised if the death penalty killed maybe less than one percent of the innocent people that the lack of firm justice now kills.

Ralph L said...

New York criminals fled to Chicago. If Chicago cracks down, Milwaukee will be flooded, then it's Go West, Young Thug.

AllenS said...

Me? I'm going in the other direction to address this black on black crime. Make it not a crime for a black to kill another black. There are probably more good black people in these neighborhoods than bad, so let them take care of the bad people. The reason now that they don't do it, is because of the police arresting them.

You feel me? (God, what a stupid statement!)

Shouting Thomas said...

"The black community never trusted the police for protection."

Take a look at the sub-Saharan culture that is blacks' homeland. Kleptocratic government and Big Man tyrants are the rule. I don't think trust is the issue. A very large percentage of the black community sympathizes with the gangs and assists in shielding them from the law.

Since your reward for snitching in Chicago is death, few apply for the snitch job. Since the Democratic Party and the cops are allied with the black gangs, you can be sure that your snitching will be reported to the proper gang "authorities."

exhelodrvr1 said...

"The Democrats who run Chicago just need a little more time to fix this"

And higher taxes.

Jaq said...

About 20 years after Roe v Wade, the murder rate began to drop. So score one foe genocide!

Jaq said...

My above comment was intended as sarcastic, BTW.

Phil 314 said...

A good start would be to start prosecuting straw buyers.

Critter said...

I saw a story a few years ago about a family where 3 generations of males belonged to the same gang. That’s right - grandpa was still loyal to his gang just like dear old dad and the teen.

Changing something that’s been central in your family culture for 3 generations is of a whole different order of magnitude.i don’t think anyone knows how this can be done. Really sad.

My name goes here. said...

Jess said...
"Philosophical discussions won't cure this problem. Brutal tactics, strong law enforcement efforts, and armed private citizens is the only cure. When criminals know their efforts are futile, their activities dwindle. In the end, a trust is built with a community and law enforcement. Instead of being victims, people become involved, and know they have a method to stay protected."


This would all go away, in a generation, if all children grew up in a two parent household.

All this, imho.

Glen Filthie said...

Blacks that shoot other blacks should get free guns and ammo.

And I should get a job at the NYT.

The Crack Emcee said...

"I believe karma is (vengeful), you feel me?"

At some point, somebody should demand fools stop saying what they believe and deal in reality.

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont said...

"So he wouldn’t name his shooter because he plans to get revenge and naming the shooter will just make him a suspect. Total breakdown of law and order."

I wonder where blacks got that from?

Ralph L said...

if all children grew up in a two parent household.

Aside from the massive cultural change required, how can that happen with so many of the sperm donors in prison or jail? Not enough adult men to go 'round, regardless of their decency.

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont said...

"I find it hard to believe that residents of these neighborhoods on the whole want to live without law and order."

Considering The Great Migration was all about blacks looking for law & order (and not finding any) you'd be right.

The Crack Emcee said...

Jess said...

"Brutal tactics, strong law enforcement efforts, and armed private citizens is the only cure."

Oh - that's new [rolls eyes]

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

family needs to teach their kids to STOP SHOOTING PEOPLE

kids who grow up to shoot people aren't taught much of anything by their families, I think

Shouting Thomas said...

So, now that Althouse is caught up again in your Mau-Mauing Radical Chic, you're back, huh Crack?

This game is eternal, isn't it?

The Crack Emcee said...

Mark said...
"In most places, people don't shoot up other people all the time and it has nothing to do with the possibility that those other people might snitch. It is because most people have a basic sense of right and wrong."

But when one group of people make you slaves, then force you into a life of crime during Reconstruction, not to mention the nation's ghettos - and then even force kids to go to prison in the 60s to get our Civil Rights in our own nation - I think a pretty good argument for whites creating this situation can be made.

I mean, I ain't got what MLK said I'm entitled to - I ain't even sitting with little white boys and white girls - because, even now, I can usually only do what they let me, outnumbering me and all, and I don't want that.

Good times.

Shouting Thomas said...

But when one group of people make you slaves,

Blah, blah, blah...

Same old scam. Crack, don't you ever get tired of scamming liberal white ladies?

The Crack Emcee said...

And, even now, you don't want to fix it - you want violence. I say let the deceivers rot in Hell - y'all want to protect their Free Speech rights.

You are the problem.

Shouting Thomas said...

I've been reading Iceberg Slim's "Pimp," Crack.

The game hasn't changed a bit. Just the hip jargon.

Shouting Thomas said...

You've got violence, Crack.

And, you're welcome to it.

Blaming whites for everything and kissing the gangs' asses is killing guys like you.

And, I can't say you don't deserve it.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

But when one group of people make you slaves, then force you into a life of crime during Reconstruction, not to mention the nation's ghettos - and then even force kids to go to prison in the 60s to get our Civil Rights in our own nation - I think a pretty good argument for whites creating this situation can be made.

Don't think anyone would disagree with that. What do we do now, though?

Rob said...

I feel him.

AllenS said...

Crack, maybe you and people like you are the problem. One thing for sure, you and people like you will never be the solution.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm retired to the top of a mountain in Ulster County, NY, Crack.

Gun violence is virtually non-existent here. In some years, not a single murder is recorded.

Ulster County, hippie paradise that it is, is 84% white. We whites don't murder one another, nor do we have any romantic attachment to gangs. Pimping is not really an ambition of a lot of white guys.

You guys ought to try this out.

Sebastian said...

"no-snitching outlook sheds light on the complicated dynamic"

It's not complicated. Blacks prefer to protect their own rather than having evil law enforcement impose order.

The rest of society has moved on--for the past couple of centuries.

Parts of the black middle class have also moved on, by moving out, of course, seeing the benefits of civilization.

The real racism today is our collective willingness to let Chicago be (and Baltimore and . . .).

buwaya said...

It is a huge pileup of surplus labor.
Plenty of people all living together without an occupation or economic value. They have nothing better to do than to prey on each other.

The traditional solution would be to give them something to do.

Gaius Marius and Julius Caesar recruited the Roman mob into their legions, and if they survived gave them land in the provinces.

Some such solution should be possible.

Rick said...

Ralph L said...
People won't snitch unless they know there will be an arrest,

Arrests aren't good enough, nor are convictions since convicts come home eventually. A friend of mine's son was robbed (with others) for his phone and wallet by two youths one of whom was known to him and his friends while the other was not. Her son testified against the one he knew, the other was never identified (he was the one with the gun). Twice he has been confronted by the convict who is back after two years in prison. I suspect if he knew the outcome he wouldn't have testified and this is exactly what drives the locals reluctance to support police. In fact his father counseled exactly this.

Fernandinande said...

Black murder rate was higher ... when there were more "intact families".

Don't think anyone would disagree with that.

I think it's nonsense. "Let's kill each other in personal arguments because white people!"

My name goes here. said...

"Gaius Marius and Julius Caesar recruited the Roman mob into their legions, and if they survived gave them land in the provinces.

Some such solution should be possible."

So you are saying we form an American Foreign Legion, take those with no work opportunities in Inner Cities, and have the AFL invade Canada (or Mexico), have the AFL impose order and give land to the Legionnaires?

I mean, this might work.

The Crack Emcee said...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

"Don't think anyone would disagree with that. What do we do now, though?"

Why can't we re-engineer what we think we know and discover what the truth is - together? Why must one group of Americans think "slavery was a long time ago" or "we only use 10% of our brains" when the truth of our lives is discoverable?

That's the first half of reparations, BTW.

I don't know why logic is so difficult for so called "educated" people, but it beats violence and I don't want to live in lunacy anymore:

That's why we're going crazy.

The Crack Emcee said...

Sebastian said...

"It's not complicated. Blacks prefer to protect their own rather than having evil law enforcement impose order."

I repeat - I have 3 white friends who became cops: One is a casual racist, the other an out-of-touch prep, and the last a psychopath.

I wouldn't have wished any of them had become police officers, and they didn't discuss their choice with me, for good reason:

I know them.

The Crack Emcee said...

Fernandistein said...

"Let's kill each other in personal arguments because of the situational stress obstanent white people have put us in by segregating us with the poor and stupid and violent for generations!"


AllenS said...

Let's have a round of applause for the return of the Crack.

buwaya said...

A national labor service, to recruit "urban" workers to fill positions nationally may be a start. There is great demand for illegal immigrant labor all over, else they would not come. California agriculture has a great need of manual labor. There are small towns with butchering and meatpacking industries dependent on illegals.

And much else, as we know.

There are of course going to be problems with discipline and productivity. In large part this is why illegals are preferred. But this, I think, can be overcome with a systematic propaganda and correct supervision, of living arrangements and habits as well as on the job.

Ralph L said...

You go to war with the cops you have....

A thankless job few people want in some cities and towns.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rick said...

"Twice he has been confronted by the convict who is back after two years in prison."

I knew a guy who killed my friend's father in front of a large crowd of us - at a party, and over what record would be played - and, to everyone's amazement, he got 6 years.

I can't believe you guys don't understand blacks knowing there's no justice in this place. Never has been. Probably never will be.

And it's been this way since slavery.

buwaya said...

Well, certainly not a foreign legion, as the problem seems to be surplus labor in parts of the US. Inefficient distribution of labor resources, lets say.

The Crack Emcee said...

As Kurt Andersen says in "Fantasyland", Americans have always been untethered from reality, they just can't admit it.

I'm stuck in it, surrounded by it, damned to it.

buwaya said...

There is no justice anywhere, for the powerless, for those without economic value.
The world (usually) treats people according to cost:benefit.
The way out is to acquire economic value.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm stuck in it, surrounded by it, damned to it.

Yes, and you created that reality, and only you can fix it.

And, even now, you don't want to fix it

This scam is so attractive to liberal white women, isn't it Crack? There's always pussy in that line.

"Fix me, baby. Please."

An adult man pleading with other people to fix his life, and he doesn't even see how pathetic this is. Nor does he see that millions of black guys playing out this scam might be the reality that needs to be fixed.

buwaya said...

Americans, mostly the decision-making sort, are untethered from reality because they are far from the edge of survival.

It takes some travelling to less fashionable places to understand that.

Shouting Thomas said...

Of course, for the pimp that pathetic appeal to the whore is always the prelude to the beating, isn't it?

buwaya said...

How about "labor legions?"

Paramilitary organizations that can be contracted to staff specific work-sites/functions, under military discipline. Pay to consist of room and board, a small stipend, barracks living, and a substantial grant (forced savings) at the end of a hitch.

Big Mike said...

There’s no solution unless and until the black community itself demands it and effects it. I see no way to impose a solution from outside; the solution must come from inside. Allowing the honest citizens to be armed (Illinois is now a “shall issue” state) seems like a reasonable first step, Getting rid of short sentences for crimes like murder seems like another, but then one has to close your heart against people who lament that “too many of our young men are in jail.”

buwaya said...

Desertion or expulsion from the "labor legion" would mean abandonment of the end-of-hitch grant.

Sadly Roman-style land grants are an obsolete idea as small farms aren't viable, within first-world personal income expectations. As in "forty acres and a mule".
For most people its just a quick way to bankruptcy.

buwaya said...

Paramilitary style labor systems are quite common.

You find them all over the third world. You find them, or what amounts to them, in the Middle East, where they import millions of contract workers. And for that matter in Africa. There are such in Angola, Nigeria, etc., where skilled labor is short, they import laborers from Bangladesh and the Philippines, etc.

My grandfather ran a Malayan plantation (@1913) with indentured Chinese coolies. They lived in barracks and were ruled by their Tong bosses.

Fernandinande said...

"From left, Xavier Tate, Aurelius Canada and Romell Young listen to their trainer for the length of a job interview disclose at the Cook dinner County Detention heart[sic? They're trying to say "jail"] in Chicago."

JackWayne said...

Seems to me that Chicago has always been snitch-free. It took out-of-towners to clamp down on the Mafia back in the 30’s. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Caligula said...

It's hardly reasonable to expect people to snitch when doing so puts themselves and their families at extreme risk, and especially when intimidation of jurors may result in the accused walking anyway.

What's important to remember is that you're racist if you imply that the social chaos that reigns in many minority neighborhoods might somehow have something to do with this.

My name goes here. said...

"Sadly Roman-style land grants are an obsolete idea as small farms aren't viable, within first-world personal income expectations. As in "forty acres and a mule"."

Fair enough. But let me go back to my original idea.

So instead of a foreign legion, we make it be for citizens only.

Instead of 40 acres and a mule they get a house, in a state they are not from. So the Chicago members of the legion get a nice paid for house in Michigan. Or Virginia. Or California. More years of service makes for a nicer house in a more desirable location. Desertion means no house.

I am still ok with them invading Canada or Mexico.

Owen said...

Buwaya: your idea about an indentured labor force is not exactly new, as your own references make clear. In its strong form I guess it shares into slavery —the very scourge that we fought to abolish. But, yes, economics is an iron law. Either we make ourselves useful or we will be pushed aside.

What little reading I have done about life in the Great Depression (about the Civilian Conservation Corps, and Orwell’s books, and my own relatives’ reminiscences) tells me that —as you say— most people in this country have no real clue how hard things can get. As a species we are fast learners but maybe even faster forgetters. Insert mandatory Santayana quote here.

Seeing Red said...

Chicago, a progressive city with progressive ideals.

Seeing Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Seeing Red said...

Jane Byrne stopped Beirut by the Lake. Daley had control. Rudy stopped NYC from deteriorating. But by all means, let’s have open borders. Progs like living the gritty life. Makes them feel alive. SF has needles and shit.

I prefer not living in Old World conditions.

Quaestor said...

I wonder where blacks got that from?

Crack is inviting us to think of the Sicilian criminals' code known as omertà, Southern Italian dialect for manliness or virility, and thus conclude Chicago's current lawlessness drives from its history of Mafia (i.e. Italian) criminality and by extension whites in general.

Very convenient. However, I doubt more than one in a hundred young black males could identify Frank Nitti, whereas ninety-nine in a hundred can identify Biggie Smalls.

Quaestor said...

Isn't the hallmark of humanity, the thing that sets mankind apart from the beasts, his agency, his capacity for making moral judgments? If so does not the denial of agency, as in Crack's I wonder where blacks got that from? become a form of dehumanization?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"But when one group of people make you slaves..."

Which group was that? LOL!

Jupiter said...

Gosh, how did this get to be about blacks? We were just talking about a bunch of people in Chicago who won't report the people who shoot them to the police. No one said anything about blacks. You people must all be racists!

LordSomber said...

Chump don't want the help, chump don't get the help.

gahrie said...

But when one group of people make you slaves...

Fucking African Muslims......

gahrie said...


Name a nation or culture that does not have slavery and racism as part of its legacy.

Fernandinande said...

Saudi Arabia crucified Elias Abulkalaam Jamaleddeen in the holey-moley city of Mecca.

The Crack Emcee said...

gahrie said...

"Name a nation or culture that does not have slavery and racism as part of its legacy."

You're looking at the subject through the wrong end of the telescope:

Name another nation claiming to be a democracy, where all men are equal, and they made people into subhumans to justify that outlook under those circumstances.

Then name another one that had black women sucking their babies and whatnot.

Y'all should really stop trying to wiggle out of this - it makes you look soooooo guilty.

The Crack Emcee said...

Quaestor said...

"Crack is inviting us to think of the Sicilian criminals' code known as omertà, Southern Italian dialect for manliness or virility, and thus conclude Chicago's current lawlessness drives from its history of Mafia (i.e. Italian) criminality and by extension whites in general.

Very convenient."

My grandfather and his brother worked for Pretty Boy Floyd in Oklahoma.

prairie wind said...

What was it like in Italian neighborhoods during Prohibition?

The Crack Emcee said...

Quaestor said...

"Isn't the hallmark of humanity, the thing that sets mankind apart from the beasts, his agency, his capacity for making moral judgments? If so does not the denial of agency, as in Crack's I wonder where blacks got that from? become a form of dehumanization?"

What you guys can't fathom can fill volumes: didn't I tell you I know blacks, now, who don't know what taxes are? It's not that they lack agency, but America's got them in a situation - kids went to jail in in the 60s as a GOOD THING under this situation, so who's to say different? - but you take it for granted we all think like you, because you think we're all free of the situation. And that just ain't so.

You are the jailers and I'm begging you to free the cage with reason. Mental slavery is as bad as the physical kind, if not worse.

The Crack Emcee said...

Y'all don't grasp that, if you were in the same situation, you'd be doing EXACTLY the same things.


FullMoon said...

Bla bla bla bla.

You name a guy, he might get arrested. He might be held without bail. He might not have twenty or thirty family members and friends gonna keep you from testifying against him.
Go ahead and bet you life on it.

Slavery this, brutality that, bla bla bla.

Oh, best of all is always "If it was me, I woulda.." and, "I got guns, better not come around my neighborhood"

You know who names the guy? His friend who gets busted and makes a deal..
"Why should you be sittin' here, lookin' at joint time while he out on the street livin' large, maybe likin' your woman?"Laughin; at you? Least you can do is get him in here, keep you company"

FullMoon said...

My grandfather and his brother worked for Pretty Boy Floyd in Oklahoma.

Elizibeth Warren is Cherokee

FullMoon said...

I didn’t have parents or siblings to spin lies for me,

My grandfather and his brother worked for Pretty Boy Floyd in Oklahoma.

Howard said...

This is a typical Althouse post designed to make her racist readers feel superior to inner city blacks. It's necessary food for their self esteeme

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Howie thinks iggners are the master race.

Jaq said...

As Kurt Andersen says in “Fantasyland", Americans have always been untethered from reality, they just can't admit it.

And yet somehow we seem to be a very successful people. Forrest Gump like bumbling to fantastic success, I guess.

for their self esteem

Project much Howard? It’s a rhetorical question, BTW, the answer is obviously yes.

Jaq said...

Bigots of all stripes are in it for the self esteem boost. That includes the likes of Howard and Char Char.

Jaq said...

Howard paints with a broad brush. He could write for Trump.

walter said...

Typical Howard post above on such things offering nothing but "You're raaacist"

Rahmbo was on the Chicago news today appealing to "the power of the pulpit".
i.e. giving up.
I love how he wanted to join a recent where the organizers want him to step down.

But if you're white, you really have no way to relate to the shut up with your "concern trolling". Then when you don't say anything, "I noticed that! You don't care!"
Hey..someday that amorphous bro summit will happen and we all define reality once and for all.
Their Police chief seems to have the best message..and he has the acceptable race cred to not be summarily dismissed.

Howard said...

Obviously touched a nerve.

walter said...


Big Mike said...

Oh Crack, stop whining. There was a better educated, more robust middle class black society in the mid-1960s than exists today, with vastly lower rates of out of wedlock births, and vastly lower crime rates. You could look it up if you weren't afraid of what you’d find. I as around then, so I know. And those people were not only a half century closer in time to slavery, but they were dealing with the remnants of Jim Crow. Your problem is not that once upon a time there was slavery, your problem is that the modern Democrat party cannot exist without blacks being poor and utterly dependent on government programs. For fifty years they’ve been pissing on your head, and telling you it’s raining — and you believe them.

Vance said...

Crack, what's your solution? Mandatory reparations, wasn't it? Give black people tons and tons and tons of money stolen from white people? Turn the blacks into the slavers and the white people into the slaves, right? That will "Fix everything!" Right?

We've spent trillions on blacks since Johnston. Trillions. And what have we gotten for pouring this unimaginable amount of resources and wealth into this hole? Nothing: violence, destruction, mayhem. Outsiders cannot walk through inner city black communities without taking their lives in their hands. Nor can blacks.

Blame whitey all you want, Crack, but it's been 40 years since Johnston, and your people have robbed the rest of us blind, playing on "Poor pitiful us, descendants of slaves! You owe us everything!" There's not a single American today who was a slave, unless they were enslaved overseas, or it was a criminal pimp.

There's only two solutions here: The first is mandatory slavery again, tearing out the black gangs and forcing them through some sort of servitude to gain some respect for themselves and a sense of responsibility. It's a variation of Buwaya's plan. Mandatory peace corp, something.

The second way is that the blacks are going to have to accept responsibility for their own problems. My ancestors were driven at the point of a gun into a desert and left to die. Instead of whining about it, we got to work and made the desert blossom as the rose. Take responsibility for yourselves, Crack. I don't care that it's not fair that you are where you are--I didn't put you there, and no one else alive today did either. If there were anyone, it's the left that put you there. What are you people going to do about it?

I spent time in the inner cities: Camden, Trenton, Atlantic City. I've lived in the projects. I've heard the constant gunfire all night long. Nothing, but nothing, is going to change until you and yours accept responsibility for yourselves. Right now, you are the Palestinians, always complaining about the evil oppressors--the whites in your case, the Jews for Palestine. The Jews gave the Palestinians everything--water, power, greenhouses, nice homes, etc when they left the West Bank (maybe it was Gaza, I can't remember) in the late 70's I think it was. The Palestinians promptly destroyed it all and turned it into a Ghetto. That's the problem, Crack: Your people are ghetto people, and no matter what we give them, they will turn it into a ghetto. We could take a huge chunk of Chicago and resettle them in Park City, Utah--a luxurious place with everything, and in less than a year it would be a ghetto. And the murders, the rapes, the gangs--all would be there. Because you people need to learn to be responsible for yourselves, and not expect anyone else to solve your problems, because we can't do it, short of enslaving you all over again and taking away your ability to choose anything. None of us can force your people to make better moral choices. And even if we succeeded temporarily through brutal tactics, it wouldn't last.

Go figure out how to change your people's culture of wickedness and sin, and then and only then will anything really change. Pouring more money stolen from anyone else will certainly not do it. Oh, and lest you think this is racism, there's plenty of black people who have done exactly as I have suggested and they have escaped the hellholes of the inner city.

Fernandinande said...

"The puppies were peeing on the porch. The pee ran down the porch to the neighbor’s", he explained.

Police say Young and the neighbor exchanged words before the neighbor shot and killed him because of white people. said...

The murder rates in the black communities across the country will not go down until blacks themselves value each other's lives. Black lives should matter all he time, not just when it's convenient to use as an excuse to get some camera time.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Did I say something wrong?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Vance said...

Go figure out how to change your people's culture...
Oh, and lest you think this is racism...

I have a problem with assigning the task of fixing his people's culture to Crack. All people of good will should care about all people.

Having said that, I agree that it is a problem of a certain culture ( not all of the black community, and not just the black community ) which will only be solved by the people in those communities making better choices. The rest of us can be supportive, and can avoid making things worse. Which is why we have a moral obligation to vote against Democrats.

Vance said...

Ignorance, that is true: there is nothing unique about black culture. Palestinians are the same way: turning wherever they are in into hell holes while blaming all their problems on someone else. A lot of Native American reservations are the same way. In fact, it's even worse for the Native Americans than the blacks: they are literally on a camp.

But again, whose fault is it now? The Mormons and the Jews were given barren wastelands to live in. They have succeeded wildly at making the deserts great. The native americans were conquered by the Spanish, mostly, and also the Americans. And ever since, they have wallowed in misery. Vietnamese came here in boats with nothing after Democrats let North Korea win. They could have whined about their state (and many, many of them have very legitimate grievances against Democrats). But they went to work and built their communities out of nothing as well.

Blacks need to do the same thing. And its certainly possible. Crack may not do it himself, but he's aggressively blaming whitey for not fixing it. We can't fix it--only blacks can fix their problems.

Oso Negro said...

Perhaps the black people of Chicago have exactly the amount of justice they want, and the shooting rate reflects that. Maybe neighborhoods should be clearly marked, and the police should stay out of the ones that are "self-policing."

langford peel said...

Black culture is toxic to a functioning society.

langford peel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
langford peel said...

When black culture and values reaches a tipping point there can only be destruction and despair.

We have seen it again and again.

Detroit. Baltimore. Now Chicago. Even the NFL.

Self segregation is the only viable response.

8/8/18, 3:57 PM Delete

Jaq said...

Obviously touched a nerve

You could use that response for any response to any comment you might make. I could even say that my response to you “touched a nerve” since it brought the idea of “touched a nerve” into your consciousness. Or you got if from your troll manual as the next response in the flow chart.

That’s the beauty of a charge like “racist” any response at all is proof of guilt, as is no response. You will have to define racist for me before I will respond to the charge, for example.

The Crack Emcee said...

tim in vermont said...

As Kurt Andersen says in “Fantasyland", Americans have always been untethered from reality, they just can't admit it.

And yet somehow we seem to be a very successful people.

Functional insanity is a real thing. The constant desire to pat yourself on the back is probably a symptom.

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said..

"Oh Crack, stop whining."

Oh Big Mike, stop being an old cranky obstanant white guy with a chip on his shoulder about getting America from under the weight of the generational oppression it deals out.

"There was a better educated, more robust middle class black society in the mid-1960s than exists today, with vastly lower rates of out of wedlock births, and vastly lower crime rates."

And KKK rides, and you couldn't drive across the country in peace, and had to have a "Green Book" to find a safe place to sleep (who knows who will sell you gas) and Sammy Davis Jr. couldn't sleep in the hotels he played in and, good GOD, Man, it was just PARADISE. With intact families that were soon to break under the stress - whites had nothing to do with.

"You could look it up if you weren't afraid of what you’d find."

Like a feminist looking for a fistfight: I'm so scared. Why you'd phrase that, in that way - to me - is a mystery. And a sure sign you're not debating in good faith.

"I as around then, so I know."

Fool, I'm 57 years old. I KNOW what's happened. I lived it. As a black person.

"And those people were not only a half century closer in time to slavery, but they were dealing with the remnants of Jim Crow. "

Telling me about my own family and friends and - my story - is the height of your arrogance, so far. I'm sure you'll continue to embarrass yourself further.

"Your problem is not that once upon a time there was slavery, your problem is that the modern Democrat party cannot exist without blacks being poor and utterly dependent on government programs."

I'm a Republican. Have been since 2004. And my "problem" is you guys are dumb as rocks, and too presumptuous to see or admit it to yourselves.

"For fifty years they’ve been pissing on your head, and telling you it’s raining — and you believe them."

And the Republicans have been a piss-poor substitute, so what does that make YOU?

langford peel said...

Chicago is lost to normal people. Only those sections where black culture is not indulged and excused can a minimum level of safety be attempted but not assured. Now black culture is forcing its presence on the monied sections and the rich have the eternal choice of the civilized facing the savages.

Fight or flight.

I believe Chicago will choose flight.

The signs are alrady there. The police are in the fetal position. They can't get enough detectives to investigate the murders that are overwhelming their city. The politicians are spineless. Pandering to polititical correctness and throwing their citizens to the wolves.

Soon it will be Baltimore by the lake.

The Crack Emcee said...

Vance said...

"Crack, what's your solution? Mandatory reparations, wasn't it? Give black people tons and tons and tons of money stolen from white people? Turn the blacks into the slavers and the white people into the slaves, right? That will "Fix everything!" Right?"

Man, you guys are so uniformly misinformed - and obnoxious - when reparations are the topic.

"Tons and tons of money"? Said who? You dream shit and then act like blacks made you think it. You're all insane.

"Turn the blacks into the slavers and the white people into the slaves, right?"

Pure insanity. Reparations is nothing more than getting us all on the same page, historically, and a righting of some wrongs through money. Your horror scenarios say more about your fears, guilt, and racism, than anything blacks are suggesting - which is reasonable and would hurt no one.

Y'all's freaks.

langford peel said...

"And KKK rides, and you couldn't drive across the country in peace, and had to have a "Green Book" to find a safe place to sleep (who knows who will sell you gas) and Sammy Davis Jr. couldn't sleep in the hotels he played in and, good GOD, Man, it was just PARADISE."

Glad we can agree.

I would be happy to forgo the KKK rides though if you just stick with your own kind and leave the rest of us alone.

Doug said...

No snitching.
And then when the stack of black bodies is high enough, it will be labeled 'genocide'. Whites guilty.

Doug said...

The Crack Emcee said: Y'all don't grasp that, if you were in the same situation, you'd be doing EXACTLY the same things.

Yeah. Good thing we don't constantly bad-decision ourselves into the same situation.

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