August 14, 2018

Wisconsin primary results.



Lewis Wetzel said...

What bothers me about Scoglin and other 60s relics is that all of the amazing things that occurred between 1965 and the present didn't change their ideas one bit. Even ignoring the surprising geopolitical and economic events of the 80s, 90s, & 2000s, you would think the process of maturing would lead to some radically new outlooks.
They have enormous, unwarranted confidence in the shape of the future, though at any given time in the past there predictions of the future would have been wrong.
Conservatives like to talk about the past, Leftists like to talk about the future. Leftists have consistently painted pictures of the future that were dystopian unless their political agenda was followed (they are still at it), and their agenda was not followed, and today we are doing quite well here in the middle.
I don't know that there is a similar phenomenon on the Right, other than possibly religious conservatives or hard core Libertarians (I'll put the Libs on the Right for the moment).

Ann Althouse said...

Nothing’s close.

It will be Evers challenging Walker and Vukmir trying to unseat Baldwin.

Original Mike said...

Soglin lives down the street from us. We would not have liked living next to the governor. Looks like we won’t be having that problem.

Birkel said...

Walker got the same number of votes as the top 8 Democrats combined.
As of the current reporting.

Birkel said...

Some down ballot races show many more Democrat votes than Republican votes.
Secretary of State, for example.

BarrySanders20 said...

Walker matches up well against old white guys. He has to be pleased with this. He's never taken any race for granted and will work hard. A new video from a supporter who fancies himself musically gifted should put him over the top.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“State schools Superintendent Tony Evers holds a strong lead over Republican Gov. Scott Walker in a hypothetical fall match-up, according to the NBC News/Marist College Poll released Thursday.

Evers leads Walker, 54% to 41%, the poll showed.

Just 34% of Wisconsin registered voters say Walker deserves re-election, while 61% said someone else deserves a chance in the job.”

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Baldwin was supposed to be vulnerable, as a relatively low-profile Democrat in a state that voted for Trump. But early polling has shown her ahead of both Vukmir and Nicholson by 10 points or more — and it doesn’t help that Republicans have spent months beating up on their own.”

Drago said...

"Just 34% of Wisconsin registered voters say Walker deserves re-election, while 61% said someone else deserves a chance in the job.”

Walker has NO path to Gov's mansion!


Drago said...

Inga now linking to "right wing rag" Vox.

Tsk tsk

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga now linking to "right wing rag" Vox.”

Hahahaha, Drago thinks Vox is a right wing rag.

steve uhr said...

Across the river, Keith Ellison, friend of Farrakhan, easily won the primary for state AG.

Lewis Wetzel said...

How did Vox do in its 2016 presidential election prediction?
The polls are split between Hillary Clinton winning and … Hillary Clinton winning in a landslide
. . .
Clinton is leading almost every national poll
. . .
The state polls look either good or great for Clinton
. . .
The forecasting models view Clinton as an overwhelming favorite

Drago said...

Inga: "Hahahaha, Drago thinks Vox is a right wing rag."

Its amusing that you think that works.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Its amusing that you think that works.”

If what works?

le Douanier said...


Now they've got an Arthur Brooks podcast.

Suggests someone over there can make a good call. Hopefully not a broken clock being right twice a day thing-y.

le Douanier said...

And, their Weeds podcast can be okay.

OTOH, they once started jabbering about how Seattle and surrounding areas needed to do a better job of taxing high earners, cause there's so many of those associated with that city.

Totally oblivious to the easy chicken:egg timeline. IOW, there are lots of rich folks because the taxing situation doesn't kill a person fer being rich. Change that taxing = make few rich folks.



Howard said...

Inga: Drago is bein funnin you. Vox is a squack-box for the DNC very poorly disguised as a "straight-shooter" data-based journalistic integrity Edward R Murrow serious source for fair and balanced analcyst

Drago said...

Lewis: "How did Vox do in its 2016 presidential election prediction?"

Thats before they became a "right wing rag".

However, it was AFTER the lefty morons there in the early days LITERALLY reported that those dastardly Israelis had built a bridge that connected the West Bank to Gaza but those darn Israelis wont let the poor Arabs use this fictional bridge!

That was one for the record books! Though there is always increasingly stiff lunatic lefty competition for most moronic reporting!

Howard said...

Lewis is being cocky like the democrat party in 2016.

Howard said...

Best republican ad ever would be a audio-visual mashup mano a mano Trump versus Ezra Klein mixed and produced by the Crack MC

Drago said...

Howard: "Inga: Drago is bein funnin you."

Not quite Howie.

After my posting a link to Voxs reporting on the antifa violence that Inga spent most of a day denying ever happened, she helpfully explained that only "right wing rags" that not even Althouse uses were making such claims.

Hilarity ensued.

That was the final fallback position before Inga went into "what does antifa have to do with liberals" mode.

A good time was thence had by all.

Drago said...

Howard: "Best republican ad ever would be a audio-visual mashup mano a mano Trump versus Ezra Klein mixed and produced by the Crack MC"


Howard said...

Sorry I missed all your inside baseball victories over Inga today, Drago. You know her job is to keep yopu tied down so you can't do any real damage to the cause.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago, you are devolving daily. Now you claim I said that not even right wing rags like Vox said so? Huh? Vox is a right wing rag? You keep saying this daily. Are you coo coo for Coco Puffs?

Why don’t you go and find the comments that prove what you are trying to say here?

Drago said...

Howie: "Sorry I missed all your inside baseball victories over Inga today, Drago."

Yesterday amigo. Yesterday.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“After my posting a link to Voxs reporting on the antifa violence that Inga spent most of a day denying ever happened, she helpfully explained that only "right wing rags" that not even Althouse uses were making such claims.”

Drago, such a liar! Why do you lie so much lately? You used to just exaggerate, now you resort to outright lies? What is wrong with you?

You are once again making the thread about some imaginary dispute you have with me. I’d rather talk about the subject matter of this blogpost

walter said...

Inga...Allie Oop said...
“Its amusing that you think that works.”
If what works?
Believe her. Has no idea.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Bryce won the Democratic primary for Ryan’s seat. I think he has a very good chance of winning this. Wouldn’t it be amazing if Dems flipped both houses?

Drago said...

Howard: " You know her job is to keep yopu tied down so you can't do any real damage to the cause."


You and I both know that this blogsite, as fun as it might be at times, is just a Mr Roberts political rust bucket carrying minor cargo far away from The Action..

walter said...

That Evers is gonna light shit up.

Drago said...

Walter: "Believe her. Has no idea."

It does seem convincing..

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Believe her. Has no idea.”

Actually Walter, I know exactly what he’s trying to do and I’m not going to make it easy for him. If he wants to twist and spindle every interaction he has with me, he’s going to have to work to try to get his lie to land safely. I like shooting down his lies while they’re in the air.

walter said...

Bryce (Iron Stache) certainly has an impressive "record".

alan markus said...

From Inga's "scary" article linked at 9:38 PM

In the Republican U.S. Senate race, Kevin Nicholson led Leah Vukmir among likely voters, 38% to 35%, within the margin of error. Among all GOP voters, Nicholson led 38% to 28%.

75% Precincts reporting, Declared for Vukmir at 52%/Nicholson at 41%

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“That Evers is gonna light shit up.

Walker! Mr.Personality! Brown bag man, sexy.

walter said...

Foxcon vs more $$ for education..

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Walker is done in Wisconsin. People are ready for a change. Walker has been polling terribly for quite sometime now.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Despite Foxcon.

walter said...

You heard it here first folks.

Howard said...

Blogger Drago said...

Howie: "Sorry I missed all your inside baseball victories over Inga today, Drago."

Yesterday amigo. Yesterday.

Thanks, I check the tape because this detail is important to verify

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Howard said...

Blogger Drago said...

You and I both know that this blogsite, as fun as it might be at times, is just a Mr Roberts political rust bucket carrying minor cargo far away from The Action..

That's exactly what they want us lab rats to think.

Big Mike said...

“State schools Superintendent Tony Evers holds a strong lead over Republican Gov. Scott Walker in a hypothetical fall match-up, according to the NBC News/Marist College Poll released Thursday.”

Would that be the same NBC/Marist poll that showed Nicholson ahead of Vukmir by 10 percentage points? (With 3/4 of the precincts reported Vukmir is ahead by 11 percentage points.)

Drago said...

Howard: "Thanks, I check the tape because this detail is important to verify"

Perhaps we should have Box Scores.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago is very intense when he’s trying to win some victory ( in his own head) over me.

He seems to think it’s quite important. Maybe I should be flattered that he thinks it’s of such value. I pretty much just observe him and try to trip him as he’s zipping back and forth frantically, lol.

Birkel said...

To be fair, Royal ass Inga types a lot of things she later pretends not to have typed.
It’s unfair of Drago to mention her falsehoods.
Shame! Shame! Shame!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

John Couvillon
John Couvillon
WISCONSIN PARTISAN TURNOUT: Trump carried Kenosha County 47-47% in 2016. Tonight, 56-44% preference for Democrats in primary.
9:51 PM · Aug 14, 2018

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Craig Gilbert
Craig Gilbert
30 yrs ago, in 1988 - the last time WI had big contested primaries in both parties - Dane County produced around 18,000 GOP votes and 52,000 Dem votes.
so far tonight it has produced around 18,000 GOP votes and more than 100,000 Dem votes.

Birkel said...

Wait, you mean primaries pitted people of different parties against one another?
Royal ass Inga usually cuts and pastes a better grade of nonsense.

Drago said...

Birkel: "Royal ass Inga usually cuts and pastes a better grade of nonsense."

By tomorrow it will all have been a dream....

wwww said...

John Couvillon has interesting numbers but I don't see the final numbers in turnout.

MN has some interesting races.

Both senate candidates in Montana have the same haircut.

Drago likes to turn everything into a personal fight. He wants your attention. so does Birkel. it's weird but whatever.

wwww said...

Trump carried Kenosha County 47-47% in 2016. Tonight, 56-44% preference for Democrats in primary.

I don't know Wisconsin.

what do these numbers mean?

wwww said...
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wwww said...

so far tonight it has produced around 18,000 GOP votes and more than 100,000 Dem votes.

that's a interesting number. esp. in a close state. but incumbency gives a big advantage.

wwww said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wildswan said...

Crack could do some sample music on six chords in search of a party. Then they find one down - in New Orleans doing a funeral.

I think that Vukmir's win shows that Walker will be very strong in the election. People aren't looking for some outsider to get in and do reform - among the Republicans. Now the Democrats - it's a cult.

Michael The Magnificent said...

...and Vukmir trying to unseat Baldwin.


I've met Leah maybe a half a dozen times. If some Republican was running for office, or fighting off a recall in SE WI, Leah would be there lending support and firing up the volunteers. When the Tea Party held a rally in Madison, Green Bay, or Racine, Leah was there to deliver a speech and fire up the base. And back before CCW passed, I had visited her in her office several times, several years in a row, and she and her staff were always gracious class acts.

She's a proud conservative ball of energy that won't take no for an answer. Mitch McConnell is going to have his hands full, because Leah is a do-er, not a talker.

Good for you, Leah, make us proud.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Howard said...

Lewis is being cocky like the democrat party in 2016.

8/14/18, 10:06 PM

No, I am saying that the future is unknowable. I have no idea who will be governor in Wisconsin in 2019. Polling is often a misused tool.
The ploy of pitting a named politician against unnamed opponents (as Inga quotes) is bad methodology. You are pitting a person with known faults against an imaginary opponent with no known faults.

Lewis Wetzel said...

So I am guessing that Inga called the 2016 presidential election correctly?

Francisco D said...

"Walker is done in Wisconsin. People are ready for a change. Walker has been polling terribly for quite sometime now."

That may be true. I don't pretend to understand Wisconsin politics.

After following national politics for the last 50+ years, I have come to think that people vote for Republicans to fix the Democrats messes (e.g., Giuliani in NYC, Reagan after Carter, Trump after Obama). Once those messes are fixed, they vote for the Democrats who promise them free unicorns.

Rinse and repeat.

Yancey Ward said...


It is always a mistake to think Inga is playing dumb.

Yancey Ward said...

In any case, this comment thread is bookmarked for reference in November.

Clyde said...

Out of curiosity, does Wisconsin have "open" primaries where people can vote for candidates of either (or both) parties despite whatever their party registration may be, or closed primaries like here in Florida, where people can only vote for the party they are registered as? I ask because it looks like 54% of the people who voted in the Governor primary races voted for Democrat candidates. Since Walker was a shoo-in, could some Republicans have voted in the Democrat primary to stir things up? If not, then those numbers should be troubling to Walker. He's got some work to do to get out the Republican vote in November.

Merny11 said...

Clyde we have a closed primary in Wisconsin. I am concerned for November, as here in the Fox Valley area I encounter a lot of irrational hate for Walker - largely leftover sour grapes from the teachers union.

Original Mike said...

Clyde, the Wisconsin primary is an open primary. You can vote Democrat or Republican, regardless of registration, though you have to pick one ballot, a Democrat or a Republican. You can’t choose one from column A and one from column B.

Clyde said...

Thanks for clarifying that for me, Original Mike.

Original Mike said...

You bet. I thought about voting democrat so I could vote in the dem governor’s race but decided voting in the Repub senate race was important.

Big Mike said...

Apparently there are clips of Evers praising Walker. Should make for interesting campaign ads.

Jim at said...

Washington state had its primary last week. Since then it's been non-stop Blue Wave!!!! coming - a tsunami, even - in the press.

Now, it may turn out that way come November, but people are putting way, way too much stock in races in the middle of freakin' August.

Normal people - the independents who decide the margins - are in summer mode. Vacations, back-to-school shopping ... whatever. The last thing on their minds is politics.

Seeing Red said...

If WI tosses out Walker, and things stagnate, do you think they’ll learn a lesson?

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