So Walker is the one with the problem?! It seems to me he's destined to win another election, because the Democratic challenger — whoever it turns out to be — is getting such a late start and will be stuck with ridiculous positions taken trying to win the primary — notably, releasing half the prison population.
But WaPo dithers over Walker's supposed problems. "'This the first year he’s running in a midterm with partisan national head winds against him,' said Charles Franklin, director of the Marquette Law School Poll." There's a "blue wave" this year, you see.
You have to scroll down to the bottom third of the article to find out anything about the potential Democratic Party candidate, which is all I'm interested in, because Walker isn't going to lose unless he's challenged by someone who can beat him:
Although eight candidates remain in the race, many Democratic operatives and activists believe that only three have credible paths to victory. Polls show Tony Evers, the three-term state schools superintendent, is the front-runner. If he wins, an Evers-Walker race would become a showdown over Wisconsin’s spending on public education. But some Democrats wonder whether Evers, 66, is inspirational enough to lead the party to victory....But Evers will probably win in tomorrow's primary, because there are 7 other candidates, and none of them has polled very high, so there's no apparent way to go to the polls tomorrow and say, somebody other than Evers. (And I don't understand why "an Evers-Walker race would become a showdown over Wisconsin’s spending on public education." Evers and Walker have worked together on education, and in that context, Evers has said some nice things about Walker.)
"[Evers is] the same retread of the candidates that we’ve run in the past,” said Mahlon Mitchell, 41, who is president of the Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin and would become the state’s first black governor. “You can talk about a ‘blue wave’ . . . but you can’t just go up against [Walker] with the same old rhetoric.”Mitchell didn't participate in the candidates debate last week, so he doesn't inspire much hope that he can fight Scott Walker, but he does have the distinction of being the black candidate.
Kelda Roys, a former state legislator backed by NARAL and Emily’s List, also argues that she could put together a more effective Democratic coalition. She made national headlines in March by breast-feeding her baby in a campaign ad.So... there's a woman, and such a woman — she breastfeeds! But the Democrats put up a woman candidate the last time they lost to Scott Walker.
“We can get the real swing voters in Wisconsin, who are suburban married women, if we have a candidate they can relate to,” Roys, 39, said.That's the pitch? Voters "relating" to the candidate? What if you're not a suburban married woman?
WaPo discussed only 3 of the 8 candidates — the front runner, the black person, and one of the 2 women. What about the woman who's a dairy farmer? I guess the argument is that women should vote for the other woman, because suburban women are the swing voters. But don't rural and small town voters relate to the farmer woman? Identity politics is tough, so I can see why WaPo only skims the surface and pads the article out with material about Walker and details about the hinterland that is Wisconsin. At Friar Tuck’s restaurant, known for its $7 roast beef sandwiches and leather-backed bar stools....
The candidate who breastfeeds in a political ad is the ultimate dairy farmer.
But the Democrats put up a woman candidate the last time they lost to Scott Walker.
But did they put up a breastfeeding woman candidate before?
You know it could just be that in Scott Walker, the State of Wisconsin has an effective Governor who has done a very good job in that state and other than the drooling, spitting masses who get all the press, is well-liked by a majority of the citizens there. (though I do suspect that most non-citizens vote against him).
I don't live in Wisconsin, but the fact that someone breast feeds would not factor into my decision whether to vote for them or not.
The Dems have no bench and they have very little to offer except tons of free stuff...that Trump will veto.
And that has long been the failing of the Democratic party: it only 'wins' in ascendency.
Single Feminist Careerist women, Rich Gay men, Conservative Hispanic Catholics, and Pentecostal Black Urban poor...what do these groups have in common.
In days past, what bound them together, when they still had white union workers, was filthy lucre: the Dems, who were in charge, could dole out Family Leave Acts, higher Minimum Wages, Welfare, Free Immigration to all these groups.
But a couple of funny things happened. The last two Democratic Presidents have so alienated the voters of America that with only two years, they were saddled with Republican Congresses...
And when Dems won the majority in Congress...they were stuck with a Republican president. So...what could they offer?
But for a shining instant, Obama reigned! They had it all! And Obama called all the poor white crackers 'bitter clingers', and ruined healthcare for HUGE numbers of Americans...including the elderly.
One THOUSAND lost Democrat positions later and once again...what can the Dems offer anyone? Even if this unlikely Blue Wave churns up, they will hit The Breakwater Wall of Trump's Veto.
At this point the ONLY unifying element of these groups is...ahem...portrayed by Sarah Jeong: Hatred of White Men for real and imagined offenses to their dignity.
Otherwise they got nothing.
They are losing because they have no more unifying message except racism and lucre...and their pockets are empty.
I love roast beef sandwiches!
I always enjoy the anthropological bent of these sorts of articles in Eastern news outlets. I’ve lived in the east for 35 years (I’m a Gopher, not a Badger)- often when someone finds out where I come from I’ll get some variant of “ WOW, aren’t you glad to be living here in civilization rather than the backward shithole you come from? The Twin Cities, Madison and Chicago are usually the considered less “shithole-ey”, but if you live in Appleton, Duluth or Des Moines.... I find it amusing that when the Trumpster referred to “shithole countries “ outlets like the Wapo got the vapors. Most eastern liberals do believe there are shithole states, and not just Mississippi, Alabama, etc.
Not that I consider those states to be shitholes, mind you…
I apologize. The Democrats also traded hard on Liberal Guilt.
Well, when you have people blocking traffic, howling at the moon, destroying businesses, and BLM attacking and murdering police...that Liberal Guilt card gets a bit overdrawn.
Okay a lot overdrawn.
Okay, 'the clerk is pulling out a pair of scissors' overdrawn.
At least for half the nation. Which is why it is so amusing to hear Inga or Cracked use the word 'racist'. It's a rubber sword, more a symbol than a weapon anymore.
When everyone is a racist, no one is a racist.
So racism is a dog that don't hunt.
But White Hatred might work for them...for a while.
Dem campaign ad:
"Almonds Don't Lactate,
Democrats Do"
Note that all the "professional politics-watchers" INSIST that Trump-hatred will sink Walker.
Not true, of course. But it tells you how much influence the NeverTrump crowd (such as Charlie Sykes) has on 'reporting' and 'analyzing' the election.
If anything sinks Walker, it will be his careful avoidance of Trump's themes.
often when someone finds out where I come from I’ll get some variant of “ WOW, aren’t you glad to be living here in civilization rather than the backward shithole you come from?
I once had the experience of having a hairdresser in Potsdam, New York go on and on about how he could never live in the frontier wasteland that is Ohio, where I come from. Potsdam is north of the Adirondacks, in a region that’s as poor as Appalachia and as remote and cold as parts of Alaska. And the guy was cutting hair on his mother’s porch. Give me Ohio anytime.
'If anything sinks Walker, it will be his careful avoidance of Trump's themes'
Or the stink of failure. Walker crashed and burned in that race and the smell of loser is hard to wash off.
FoxConn is a lot less popular than he would like. When many school districts are forced to referendum to pay their bills, giving away billions for a factory in a corner of the state near Chicago is not the boon Walker wishes.
RGA didnt buy $5mil in TV time for no reason. Even they know Walker is in trouble.
I am sure vast numbers of Wisconsinites deeply resent Trump's attempts to get a fair shake on heavy industry from Europe, China, and our NAFTA partners.
Who is really for labor anymore? Who wants to build projects like Keystone XL and who wants to shut them down? Who wants to bring steel and heavy industry back into the United States? The Democrats' platform seems to be "Let's shut down heavy industry to save the planet and tax the rich instead of building things!"
I have heard from "liberals on the street" that all of the coal mining in the US employs no more people than JC Penny's. As if jobs that directly produce wealth and energy have the same impact on our economy as jobs selling shit from China and Viet Nam.
As someone who actually lives in the state the Post is reporting on, I have to say the Post's report is bad. I don't know of anyone -- outside of Politics -- who is really that interested in voting for a Candidate. I see signs, sure, but that doesn't mean much. One gets the feeling the reporter flew into Madison, drove somewhere, interviewed a couple people, then hightailed it back to Madison for the direct flight back to National, lamenting to friends that night at a bar about having to go to the Midwest.
Instead of putting the names of the candidates on the ballot, democrats should put the name of the demographic they 'represent'.
*Woke White Liberal
*Asian Non-Conforming Animal Rights Activist
*Lesbian POC Academic
On MSM political “coverage” facts on the ground are subservient to the established narrative in newsroom conversations, which conforms to the tribal consensus. Expecting accuracy of “reporters” of the WaPo stripe is asking for something of which they are intellectually incapable.
You're right, Althouse; candidates matter. No matter what sort of "wave" the pundits might predict, candidates matter.
But in the House of Representatives, and to a slightly lesser degree the Senate (where the pundits are most seriously talking about blue waves), we've got an awful lot of Republican retirements/departures.
So you're right about Walker; he won't be beaten. But will Tammy Baldwin be beaten? (I wish she had never been elected in the first place, as with Debbie Stabenow here in Michigan.) Will there be 30 or 35 seats in the House where the quality of the candidates is a tossup, or worse, for Republicans?
Tony Evers is Jim Doyle II.
RGA didnt buy $5mil in TV time for no reason. Even they know Walker is in trouble.
"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride."
The GOPe would have done better to keep a few promises than posture about Trump.
I don't see how a new mother will attract childless women who have lost confidence down there.
A dairy farmer is much too traditional for the Progressives. After all, she is OMG:
a capitalist...
I also recall that before Tom Barrett was the anointed candidate in a previous election cycle, Barbara Lawton tearfully dropped out of the race. Wonder if the PTB in the Party told her to give up the run
After all, she is OMG: a capitalist...
Are we sure she isn't giving the milk away for free?
Reminds me of watching the PGA Championship yesterday and the subsequent coverage. While Brooks Koepka won by a stroke, playing magnificently, Tiger Woods made an amazing comeback with shots reminiscent of the Tiger of old and came in second, one stroke back. So what was the ESPN headline? "Tiger Falls Short". LOL!
I started reading this blog when Scott Walker was running for governor the first time. He drew my interest to a blog being written from within Wisconsin. I still hope he makes a bigger run at being elected POTUS. I don't look at his last try as "losing". It was a big field, and I'm sure it was a learning experience for him. He's young, and he has time to work on his skills and try again. I'm still not registered as belonging to a political party, but I've totally lost interest in anyone who is running as a Democrat anywhere. There isn't a single candidate I'd even put my shoes on to go to the polls for.
Sydney: Potsdam, where God left his snowshoes.
"But WaPo dithers over Walker's supposed problems."
You had to read it to read that?
"That's the pitch? Voters "relating" to the candidate?"
Well, there are always people looking for the "best person."
"Kelda Roys, a former state legislator backed by NARAL and Emily’s List, also argues that she could put together a more effective Democratic coalition. She made national headlines in March by breast-feeding her baby in a campaign ad."
Isn't breast feeding a microaggression against the Trans Community?
At Friar Tuck’s restaurant, known for its $7 roast beef sandwiches and leather-backed bar stools....
Stool: A seat without a back or arms, typically resting on three or four legs or on a single pedestal.
Get your description of furniture right, then maybe I'll listen to you talk about politics. Maybe.
The Dairy farmer sounds good. She is responsible for thousands of milk giving tests every damn day. I bet she could make Wisconsin into a cheese producing state overnight. And that should get her the Packer fans votes. Just make sure she is not a Pelosi owned vote.
You’re still reading the WAPO?
Trump should have some fun and endorse one of the Dem candidates for the primary, while still saying he hopes Walker wins the election. He could say, "Among the Dems, I endorse the capitalist. Everyone else is nuts!" And just let the meltdowns commence.
Wisconsin's small family owned dairy farms have been going out of business since forever. We are awash in milk and that leads to small or no returns for milking. These large, large farms milking 2,000 and a lot more cows, are the chief cause of it. Milk subsidies per hundred weight the farther from Eau Claire, WI get larger and larger.
The press seems quite lazy regarding the large Democrat field. Our local paper (La Crosse Tribune) prints articles they purport to be about the Democrats, but they are really just hit pieces against Walker. In truth, The Tribune finds a way to publish a nearly daily Walker hit piece.
The media seems to prefer Tony Evers, who has at least some name recognition in Wisconsin. I'd prefer the comedy effect of Paul Soglin as the Democrat candidate.
"Yeah the place with leather-backed bar stools. You know it. No not the chicken place the one with $7 roast beef. No, I don't know the name. The one with leather backs on the bar stools. C'mon they are known for it."
"Kelda Roys, a former state legislator backed by NARAL and Emily’s List, also argues that she could put together a more effective Democratic coalition. She made national headlines in March by breast-feeding her baby in a campaign ad."
The Democrats need a coalition? Does that mean the identity groups are not currently united?
And how is breast feeding a campaign advantage in America's Dairyland? Poor farmers are struggling and she breast feeds?
Didn't Tammy Baldwin just make news by being the first congresscritter to breastfeed during a vote or something? And wasn't she the one who challenged Walker last time?
Tammy Baldwin won't be doing any breastfeeding, she crossed over a while back, if you know what I mean.
No, AllenS. Which "Change" do you mean?
“We can get the real swing voters in Wisconsin, who are suburban married women, if we have a candidate they can relate to,” Roys, 39, said.
The Democrats, it's a cult.
"Didn't Tammy Baldwin just make news by being the first congresscritter to breastfeed during a vote or something? "
Tammy Duckworth from Illinois.
The NYC dem primary was crowded and Bloomberg turned R because no real competition got Rudy to anoint and the rest is history. NYC the oh so smart re-elected a Dinkins and down it goes again. Or someone with greater priorities or he has a vision and that doesn’t include a city that works. Again. They voted for it, no whining. Every time they want to show how much they care, the city goes to pot. #nobailout
Too many Tammys.
(Kinda obvious, sorry)
70 year old’s working 80-hour weeks with rotating staff happens. Is 10AM ok? Or should I wake her or take a message now? Knowing the who, when and following, are not secret irrespective of snake oil, so called secure phones and state depts and trusted couriers. Should I wake her and deliver a message? knowing who’s calling and next words cannot be secret. Ditto State Dep, and trusted couriers. Better Guderian, OODA then a coin flip. Given you act immediately. If Nation is First. Then personal visits. Execs do not need an intermediary or State as we know them if you have an eidetic memory and Goog, knowing even those queries can’t be secured.
Tammy's in Love pops into my head every time, but I didn't remember the rest of the song, or that Leslie Neilsen! was the beau.
Blogger Ignorance is Bliss said...At Friar Tuck’s restaurant, known for its $7 roast beef sandwiches and leather-backed bar stools.... Stool: A seat without a back or arms, typically resting on three or four legs or on a single pedestal. Get your description of furniture right, then maybe I'll listen to you talk about politics. Maybe.
To a WaPo reporter, a stool is something you excrete before you do some fudge=packing with your bottom. Please keep up.
"But in the House of Representatives, and to a slightly lesser degree the Senate (where the pundits are most seriously talking about blue waves), we've got an awful lot of Republican retirements/departures."
True. might be the historically highest #
"But will Tammy Baldwin be beaten? (I wish she had never been elected in the first place, as with Debbie Stabenow here in Michigan.) Will there be 30 or 35 seats in the House where the quality of the candidates is a tossup, or worse, for Republicans?"
1. not likely
2. probable
This is how you get more Walker.
The old adage that you can't beat something with nothing will come into play in the general election. Walker will, no doubt, waltz right back into the Governor's office. Unexpectedly.
At Friar Tuck’s restaurant, known for its $7 roast beef sandwiches and leather-backed bar stools.
I can just smell the Brandy Old Fashioneds
Sounds like Evers is probably fine if he doesn't have Ocasio-Cortez show up to campaign for him.
My 88 year old cousin has just finished a 500-page book. Irish life and politics 1849-75.
It can be done.
Not by me.
The WaPoo strikes (out) again!
The Washington Post says:
The truth dies in darkness.
Diversity and prophecy. They did warn us that Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming would cause the oceans to rise and flood the lowlands near the sea. They invested in beachfront property anyway.
"Mitchell didn't participate in the candidates debate last weekShe made national"
So did the hoser bow out voluntarily? Or did he not make the cut?
"headlines in March by breast-feeding her baby in a campaign ad."
So you think kissing babies is impressive? Check this out!
mccullough said...The candidate who breastfeeds in a political ad is the ultimate dairy farmer.
I worked at the World Dairy Expo years ago and learned judging terms like: "Very dairy" and "milk wagon"
Neither Party at the national level seems to have a positive message about itself.(MAGA doesn't count because [a] that's not a Party message, that's a Trump message, and [b] both Trump and what's left of the Professional GOP are doing their best to keep arms distance from each other.) This leaves local candidates without a whole lot to work with other than arguing that their opponent(s) are bad people.
That's poison in wide-open field, and it's the big reason why we ended up with the ex-Democrat, faux Republican, pure Con Man that is Trump as President.
Scott Walker's biggest political problem is the national stage. Like Chimpy McBushHitler, he can be photographed in such a way that he kinda looks like a retard.
"Mike said...
Didn't Tammy Baldwin just make news by being the first congresscritter to breastfeed during a vote or something? And wasn't she the one who challenged Walker last time?"
That was Mary Burke, Trek Bike heiress. I see how you could get them confused. They're both idiots.
Secret Routers.
They are in the bushes ready to spring.
They will get Walker.
What's that crap about wanting to relate to a candidate?
I wouldn't want to be part of any state that would have me as a governor.
I have never been able to relate to a major candidate for Governor or President. The only ones who get that high in politics are from another planet. Just the fact that you want the job makes you unrelatable.
"Didn't Tammy Baldwin just make news by being the first congresscritter to breastfeed during a vote"
Not the err..lactating type.
She's famous (or should be) for her shitty responses to Brooke Baldwin re "migrants".
McCullough won the thread in the first comment.
Evers is the Superintendent of Education in Wisconsin. So he should be forced to explain his position on Act 10. Will he work for repeal or not? This is something he is trying to dodge. He doesn't even really want people to think of him as responsible for the schools, especially in Milwaukee and Madison as they are some of the worst in the country. He has had ten years to improve them. Done nothing.
And Evers would try to drive Foxconn from the state by regulations and demands and changing the Foxconn deal. Why should the workers have jobs? It just makes them uppity. Job training for the workers is OK, it doesn't involve dirty plutocrats. A need for job training trainers more government jobs and SIEU union dues and all good things.
And Evers wouldn't work with Trump or with "plutocrats" - he's promised that, meaning as little done as possible to bring more jobs to Wisconsin. "Business, we hate you pigs, we'll tax and tax and tax you." Is that the way to get jobs? Whose going to pay for 4 year kindergarden when you run businesses out of the state? And who needs child care, anyway, if there's no jobs to go to?
And try out basic income - real basic - $500 a month for Obamacare premiums, rent and heat. Or else food. Choice - that's a good thing.
Walker was the only candidate that I actually supported in the last election. Everyone else (save Trump) seemed the old 'same old, same old'.
I picked Walker because he FOUGHT.
But...he quit. Early.
Trump also fights and most surprisingly to me, he fights for things I like. I never expected that.
Walker likes to be a big fish in a small pond, I think.
It's WaPoo, please get it right.
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I have no idea who I’m voting for tomorrow. The democrat governor race doesn’t matter. The republican senate race matters and I don’t know who to vote for.
I wonder how often WAPO writes articles with the same tone about Kasich.
According to political consultant Hillary, the only way those "married suburban women" will vote for someone other than Walker is if their husbands tell them it's ok.
“Leather backed bar stools”. He may be referring to the patrons. Brandy Old Fashions will do that to you.
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