August 1, 2018

Trump calls McCain "a man — I won’t mention his name. But a man..."

From the transcript of Trump's call-in to Rush Limbaugh's show today:
We had Obamacare repealed and replaced, and a man — I won’t mention his name. But a man at 2 o’clock in the morning went thumbs down, and he campaigned for years on repeal and replace. We had the chance. Nobody even spoke to him about it, because it was something that was unthinkable what he did, and because of that… But still, I have just about ended Obamacare. We have great health care. We have a lot of great things happening right now. New programs are coming out....
I thought it very interesting, that almost-phobia about saying the name — as if the name has mystical power, or perhaps a sense that's it's wrong to speak ill of the near-dead.

It was Rush's 30th anniversary show today, and Trump called in to congratulate him. Here, you can watch Rush react. He seems genuinely surprised to get the call:


n.n said...

a man at 2 o’clock in the morning went thumbs down, and he campaigned for years on repeal and replace

A man who who goes by many names. A maverick. To name him is to brand him.

Anonymous said...

Not naming has more power than naming. Let the listener remember who the "traitor" was without the speaker being accused of taking his name in vain. McCain's last act was a bad one.

Etienne said...

I think McCain is dead. No one has seen him in months.

Mike Sylwester said...

McCain should have retired long ago, just as Ginsburg should have retired a long time ago.

They are too very selfish, arrogant people.

Jon Ericson said...

Q calls him NO NAME.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 55f6a6 No.2359109 .
Jul 30 2018 15:57:32 (EST)
>Nicholas Rasmussen (IMPORTANT name to remember)
>Former Director of NCTC
Think FISA.
Think NO NAME.
WH visitor logs: NO NAME/HUSSEIN (dates?)
WH visitor logs: NO NAME/BRENNAN/HUSSEIN (dates?)
WH visitor logs: NO NAME/BRENNAN/COMEY/HUSSEIN (dates?)
Replaced by:
>Defense Intelligence Liaison to British Intelligence in London
Think UK.
Current Director of the C_A.
(UK bio removed)
>CIA's station chief London, UK
"Furthermore, Haspel is seen as a Russia expert and a close ally of Britain’s MI6, having being London station chief from 2014 to 2017."
The more you know.

Mike Sylwester said...

Continuing to occupy the important position of a US Senator while dying of brain cancer is colossally selfish and arrogant.

Chuck said...

"...we have great health care..."


What happened? When did we get it? We haven't even repealed any of the ACA yet. It takes 60 Senate votes to do that. Trump doesn't have them. Trump barely has 51 votes. Often, Trump can't get to 51.

I am not going down ratfucker Trump's rathole of talking about McCain. I want to shut this down as to, "we have great health care" now. What new health care law was passed? Exactly which Trump campaign promise on health care has been fulfilled?

Of course, neither the Rush Limbaugh program nor the Atlhouse blog are good places to talk about health care reform. The details of health acre reform are too detailed, too hard, and too nuanced for Rush Limbaugh, Ann Althouse or -- especially -- Donald Trump. Too boring. Bad for ratings.

The Bergall said...

Adults should get over pissing each other's cornflakes.

But then again this is politics which is void of adults.

buwaya said...

"neither the Rush Limbaugh program nor the Atlhouse blog are good places to talk about health care reform. "

The MSM or Congress or the Senate aren't either. Seeing what went on in 2009, or after.

Drago said...

LLR and "Dick Durbin cuckholster" Chuck is beginning to really lose it!

The conservative success of Trump and his policies are driving the hopelessly psychotic Chuck and his lunatic lefty allies right over the edge.

As predicted.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck is rapidly returning to his already well established Attack Children Via Vicious Rumor-mongering Mode.

An ugly period for which he never apologized.

His current tone mirrors that not-long-ago time closely.

Darrell said...

If Chuck held his breath, I bet things would change.
Expanding spray foam insulation, might make it easier.

Leland said...

Why give the man free publicity, especially when he is the man keeping us down.

Balfegor said...

Re: Chuck:

We haven't even repealed any of the ACA yet

Tax bill eliminated the mandate as of 2019 (at the moment, IRS is still enforcing this year, although there are legislative proposals to abolish it for 2018 too.) And the "short-term" limited coverage insurance policies have now been extended to up 364 days, with extensions to 3 years permissible -- either way, long enough to last until 2019 after which there's no mandate any more. So effectively, there's no reason to enroll in even a "bronze" Obamacare-compliant policy anymore, unless you really want to -- the mechanisms that coerced people into buying Obamacare have been dismantled, and people have been offered an escape route for 2018.

I'm basing this entirely on news reports, though -- I haven't read either the tax bill or the new rules, so it's possible I'm mistaken.

Jon Ericson said...

It's very important to Chuck that certain missteps of his superiors never be uncovered.

Drago said...

Again, how is it possible that every candidate in the Midwest isnt beating a path to Chucks door for SteveSchmidt/NicoleWallace level political guidance?


Darrell said...

As a rat, you'd think Chuck would be a little more cautious about making a ratfucker angry.

Drago said...

Remember, Chuck proudly and openly declared he was only here to smear Trump.

Hence the obvious lefty-inspired narrative lies, purposeful misrepresentations,
passionate defense of dems and vicious language and attacks on any person/personality in favor of continued republican success.

Anonymous said...

"Cheaper health plans with less coverage move forward" from the WSJ. The "less coverage" is really things that people don't need want - like maternity coverage for women with no ovaries.

Chuck said...

Balfegor said...
Re: Chuck:

We haven't even repealed any of the ACA yet

Tax bill eliminated the mandate as of 2019 (at the moment, IRS is still enforcing this year, although there are legislative proposals to abolish it for 2018 too.) And the "short-term" limited coverage insurance policies have now been extended to up 364 days, with extensions to 3 years permissible -- either way, long enough to last until 2019 after which there's no mandate any more. So effectively, there's no reason to enroll in even a "bronze" Obamacare-compliant policy anymore, unless you really want to -- the mechanisms that coerced people into buying Obamacare have been dismantled, and people have been offered an escape route for 2018.

I'm basing this entirely on news reports, though -- I haven't read either the tax bill or the new rules, so it's possible I'm mistaken.

Oh, excellent point. Via a spending bill (not a repeal bill), Congress and Trump have vandalized the ACA. But not truly "repealed" any of it. Trump said "repeal" so that is my starting point. That, and the terrific "deals" that Mr. Great Dealmaker was going to do.

Anonymous said...

The above is for Chuck and reinforces Balfegor.

Anonymous said...

@Chuck here's what Trump said: "But still, I have just about ended Obamacare. We have great health care. " I see nothing about repeal.

Jon Ericson said...

But enough about Chuck.
Don't make me post that definition of trolls again!

Chuck said...

Khesanh 0802 said...
"Cheaper health plans with less coverage move forward" from the WSJ. The "less coverage" is really things that people don't need want - like maternity coverage for women with no ovaries.

It's something worth discussing; far different insurance ratings and costs for different groups of people. We could make it a lot more expensive for young women to get health insurance. They are the ones who get pregnant; not the rest of us. Why should we pay for what we won't ever need? Let the pregnant moms, and all women who could become pregnant, pay for what they might use in health care.

When you get ready to sell that to the electorate, let me know...

Chuck said...

Khesanh 0802 said...
@Chuck here's what Trump said: "But still, I have just about ended Obamacare. We have great health care. " I see nothing about repeal.

Right. Maybe not today. Earlier, he has. Several times:

I'm Full of Soup said...

We do have great health care in this country which most everyone knows is way different than saying we have a great health insurance system.

Drago said...

LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "Oh, excellent point. Via a spending bill (not a repeal bill), Congress and Trump have vandalized the ACA."

The precise language used by Pelosi and the far left.

Once again, somehow, LLR Chuck adopts the looniest of the lunatic left tone and talking points.


The reality is LLR Chuck's democrat allies vandalized our nation with their power-mad healthcare power grab.

And LLR Chuck STILL hasn't gotten over Trump winning and working to rid us of this travesty which LLR Chuck defends so passionately.

Michael K said...

What happened? When did we get it?

Poor Chuck. He stamps his little foot and nothing happens.

Obamacare is being dismantled with no help from Congress, which as usual, lied about its promises.

Arizona will soon have two new Senators. Martha McSally is being vilified by LLR Republicans but Trump has endorsed her. I plan to go see if they need any volunteers. I've already donated to her multiple times.

Kelli Ward is better known in Phoenix but I keep hearing rumors that she is eccentric.

Freder Frederson said...

Well, there were two lies in that short statement (much more important than if you need an ID to buy groceries).

First that absent McCain's vote, Obamacare would have been repealed or replaced. Repealed yes (and of course two other Republicans joined McCain in voting against it, so it wasn't McCain alone), replaced, absolutely not. There was no replacement. Passing the bill would have thrown the healthcare system into total disarray.

Secondly, is that we have great healthcare. What Trump couldn't do by legislation he is attempting by slow sabotage. Nothing he has done has improved the health care situation, but has just made it worse and more expensive.

Drago said...

Field Marshal Freder and Philosophical Ally of Chuck: "There was no replacement. Passing the bill would have thrown the healthcare system into total disarray."

obamacare threw our healthcare system into total disarray with only fools like you and LLR Chuck and similar-minded folks so dumb you could be easily enough "Gruber-ed" into believing it.

buwaya said...

"Secondly, is that we have great healthcare."

You have excellent medical care. Its just extremely expensive. It was extremely expensive in 2009. ACA did nothing to make it less expensive.

rhhardin said...

Trump already called out McCain as a war hero grandstander and it stuck.

Drago said...

All one has to do is peruse the LLR Chuck and Freder missives to understand precisely why Gruber was so confident he could BS the public and why Ben Rhodes gloated about the stupidity of the lefty press corps and their core LLR Chuck/Freder audience.

tcrosse said...

It's a misnomer to call ACA "Obamacare". Although it happened on his watch, it was a confection of Congressional Democrats alone, with guidance from the Insurance and Pharmaceutical Industries.

Clyde said...

McCain = Beetlejuice.

Chuck said...

AJ Lynch said...
We do have great health care in this country which most everyone knows is way different than saying we have a great health insurance system.

So that means we had "great health care" under Obama and he didn't harm that part, right? It's just a big battle over insurance; have I got that right?

I am not much looking for a substantive fight; I am just trying to put Trump in his rightfully tiny rhetorical corner.

buwaya said...

Anyway, McCain is indeed unnamed in Q, this goes back it seems to the beginning.
Others Q doesn't like are names, initials. But not McCain.
Yet another of the little consistencies.

Yancey Ward said...

Guys, please cut Chuck some slack- if he has to pay out of pocket for his mental health care, he will have move out of his trailer park and into his Suburu.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

aka "No-Name"

or "Jock-strap McStain' by Dr. Phrog

Yancey Ward said...

My father and I drove up the Chicago during the first week of August in 1988 to find my first apartment- I started graduate school in September of 1988. We listened to one of the first nationally syndicated Limbaugh shows on the trip up.

Jim at said...

We haven't even repealed any of the ACA yet - Chuck

Your hatred of all things Trump makes you look really stupid.

The individual mandate - one of the critical components of the ACA - has been repealed.

It was one of the worst things about the Act, and without it the ADA is pretty much dead.

Wake the fuck up.

BamaBadgOR said...

Trump has long not mentioned McPain's name. He now also does not mention Cohen's name. They are both dead to him.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "I am not much looking for a substantive fight;"

LOL. As if you could offer up one.

LLR Chuck: "I am just trying to put Trump in his rightfully tiny rhetorical corner."

Ladies and Gentlemen, it simply does not get any funnier than that.

Right there.

Thanks Chuck! Sometimes it's fun having you around for just those sort of Napolean Complex-like comments.

Jim at said...

Nothing Obama has done has improved the health care situation, but has just made it worse and more expensive.

Fixed it for Freder.

Francisco D said...

"I am not going down ratfucker Trump's rathole of talking about McCain. I want to shut this down as to, "we have great health care" now. What new health care law was passed? Exactly which Trump campaign promise on health care has been fulfilled?"


If you stopped taking a shot of schnapps every time someone smacked your ass on this blog, you might figure out how to control your emotions and how to stay on topic.

Of course, for you the topic is always Trump. Toujours Le Trump; Siempre El Trumpo.

It is becoming a sick obsession.

Marty Keller said...

Comrade LLR said, I am just trying to put Trump in his rightfully tiny rhetorical corner.

My, my! Such a Sisyphean task! How's that working for ya?

Jon Ericson said...

Lord Voldemort --
Formerly known as Tom Marvolo Riddle and commonly referred to as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. The most powerful Dark wizard of all time.
Harry Potter stuff.
--Information for old people.

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trumpit said...

A sickeningly unctuous mutual admiration society. It was a if they were sixty-nining each other. Two insufferable pompous asses.

Michael K said...

Blogger tcrosse said...
It's a misnomer to call ACA "Obamacare". Although it happened on his watch, it was a confection of Congressional Democrats alone, with guidance from the Insurance and Pharmaceutical Industries.

True. The Democrats, not Obama who did not have a clue, (Brings up an old joke about identifying yourself to cash a check) decided to fix Hillarycare and get the insurance companies inside the tent. The bill was basically written by insurance lobbyists and 25 year old Democrat staff lawyers.

Anybody who has ever worked in health related insurance, knows insurance companies hate health care. What we have had since 1965 is not insurance. It is prepaid care.

What the insurance companies wanted was to be "Administrative Service Organizations." like the ones that run employer health plans.

An administrative services organization (ASO) is an organization that provides outsourced solutions to meet the administrative and HR needs of the client, with the client retaining all employment-related risks and liabilities.

They thought the government would function as the payer. They make their money by processing claims, which is why US healthcare is so expensive. They abhor the thought of actually paying claims. That is an open ended liability in the US system.

Why do you think Obama was paying them for losses with unauthorized funds ?

Drago said...

Trumpit: "A sickeningly unctuous mutual admiration society."

Enough about you and your pro-MS13 pals, what do you think about us?

traditionalguy said...

The strong Navy tradition of Q refuses to say Senator McCain's last name because that name is so highly respected in the US Navy for his grandfather, Admiral John S. (Slew) McCain and his father Admiral John S. McCain Jr.. They insist on calling unstable grandson Songbird for his activities at the Hanoi Hilton.

Slew McCain's initiative was the reason the First Marines got reinforcements and held Guadalcanal.

Drago said...

Michael K: "Why do you think Obama was paying them for losses with unauthorized funds ?"

Paying Insurance companies for losses with unauthorized funds is something LLR Chuck would call "magnificent".

Earnest Prole said...

John McCain is a weasel, but if you point that out he just might make point of rising from his deathbead to vote against your Supreme Court nominee.

Drago said...

tradguy: "Slew McCain's initiative was the reason the First Marines got reinforcements and held Guadalcanal."


Our John McCain graduated 894th out of 899th at Boat School and shouldn't have been allowed into flight school at all.

He should have been trolling around on a trawler somewhere a la "Ensign Pulver" where the damage he could inflict could have been minimized.

Drago said...

Earnest Prole: "John McCain is a weasel, but if you point that out he just might make point of rising from his deathbead to vote against your Supreme Court nominee"

With LLR Chuck cheering him every step of the way.

bagoh20 said...

"The details of health care reform are too detailed, too hard, and too nuanced..."

Agreed, and also those problems are multiplied by the fact that they affect the very lives of over 300 million diverse Americans, so it makes perfect sense to trust all that to a centralized system designed by politicians and their young unelected staff who know almost nothing about that subject or any other one besides politics, which they aren't even very good at.

Why don't we also let them decide what we eat, drive, and watch on TV. Those should be a lot easier to decide for us than our health care. Seriously, why would you trust these corrupt, self absorbed liars and cheats in congress to handle anything that you didn't need them to. They are some of the least capable people in our society, and then we want them to do this impossible job by committee? That's just crazy stupid. That system couldn't figure out how to make a sandwich, and I'm not kidding. Imagine them being asked to make a sandwich that we all would like and could afford. It's only a freaking sandwich! The cost would double the national debt.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Thanks for putting that up. I was in the Oklahoma City Federal Building for a SSD hearing during Rush's show today and I'm glad I got to hear that masterful performance from those two virtuosos. Speaking of the man whose name will go unspoken, I was in Oxford, MS in the fall of 2008, having just enrolled in the University of Mississippi Law School, when the unspoken one postponed the first presidential debate, held at the University's Ford Center, so he could, characteristically, showboat by riding to the rescue over whatever artificial crisis had been created in D.C. Good times. Of course, all's well that ends well and as I have stated on numerous occasions since the election of Comrade Obama, Obama is the best thing for conservatism since William F. Buckley Jr. I stand by that statement even more today.

Francisco D said...

I am still wondering how McCain really got the Fusion GPS dossier.

He strikes me as a vain, petty and vindictive man. He could not forgive Trump for insulting him. He forgives the NYT that pulls the rug out when he opposes Democrats, but praises him when he opposes Republicans.

I do not want to dishonor the dying, but McCain always struck me as a weasel.

Chuck said...

Jim at said...
We haven't even repealed any of the ACA yet - Chuck

Your hatred of all things Trump makes you look really stupid.

The individual mandate - one of the critical components of the ACA - has been repealed.

It was one of the worst things about the Act, and without it the ADA is pretty much dead.

Wake the fuck up.

Jim, that was a tax bill, passed on a straight party-line narrow simple majority vote. (A bit like Obamacare was passed on a pure party-line vote, but then the Dems had a supermajority in the Senate. At least for a while, until the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetss.)

I don't care if you want to argue that the ACA (not the ADA) is being damaged beyond repair. I am not arguing that point. Trump campaigned on "repealing and replacing" Obamacare. And a voter like me at that time just shook my head and said, "He can't do that. He'll never get 60 votes in the Senate to repeal and replace it..." And of course I was right and Trump was wrong. The Act has not been repealed, and it hasn't been replaced.

Chuck said...

Francisco D said...
I am still wondering how McCain really got the Fusion GPS dossier.

He strikes me as a vain, petty and vindictive man. He could not forgive Trump for insulting him. He forgives the NYT that pulls the rug out when he opposes Democrats, but praises him when he opposes Republicans.

I do not want to dishonor the dying, but McCain always struck me as a weasel.

Why should anyone forgive Trump? Seriously, when has Trump ever apologized to anybody? When has Trump ever confessed to an error? Who in public life in America has made such a career out of personal insults and reckless falsehoods.

Personally speaking, Trump is as "unforgivable" and more unredeemable than almost anyone I can think of in American history.

Jon Ericson said...

Chuck's mission: Let's change the subject. To me. Nevermind that large type in red at the top of the post. I must keep you from discussing that. I have no ego. Just a purpose. I mustn't let my superiors down.

buwaya said...

"He can't do that. He'll never get 60 votes in the Senate to repeal and replace it..."

Re 60 votes - you can fix that in November!

Michael K said...

"Slew McCain's initiative was the reason the First Marines got reinforcements and held Guadalcanal."

More sailors died at Guadalcanal than Marines.

A big thanks to Willis Lee who was a rare admiral who knew how to use radar in 1942. He and the Washington won the second battle of Guadalcanal.

Lee, who "knew more about radar than the radar operators",[11] used the SG radar installed aboard Washington to skillfully maneuver his ships during the night.

To Willis Lee went many accolades. "Audacious planning and execution" marked his operations, commented Halsey... Unlike Callaghan, Lee never allowed the action to degenerate into a nautical brawl, because he formulated a workable plan and adhered to it, even after every ship in his task force except Washington was sunk or forced to retire. Lee was never more incisive than in his own evaluation of his success: "We realized then and it should not be forgotten now, that our entire superiority was due almost entirely to our possession of radar. Certainly we have no edge on the Japs in experience, skill, training, or performance of personnel."

— Richard B. Frank, [12]

Michael K said...

Personally speaking, Trump is as "unforgivable" and more unredeemable than almost anyone I can think of in American history.

Chuck is a fan of John Wayne Gacy and other notables. He reveres Aaron Burr.

Tell us about your hero Woodrow Wilson. Then there is Henry Wallace.

Chuck's list of heroes is long and distinguished.

Drago said...

Francisco D: "I am still wondering how McCain really got the Fusion GPS dossier."

Whenever the dems need a republican patsy/schmuck to advance their goals or provide cover for democrat shenanigans, there are two things they do immediately: enlist John McCain (Keating 5/hoax dossier) and activate LLR Chuck.


Drago said...

Michael K: "Chuck's list of heroes is long and distinguished."

LLR Chuck went to bat strongly for despicable Stolen Valor dem lefty hack Sen Blumenthal.

And LLR Chuck did it with gusto.

Drago said...

Dick Durbin called US service members "Gestapo" and LLR Chuck went all in on defending him.

Anyone else seeing a pattern?

Drago said...

MS 13? Drug Cartels? Not so bad according to LLR Chuck.

Mass murderers? A-ok for Chuckie.

Trump? More "unredeemable" than almost any other Americans in history.

In. History.

Using the same language as Hillary. The exact same language.

But don't you dare accuse LLR Chuck of advancing lefty/dem talking points!


Tank said...

Trump is FUN.

Chuck is NOT FUN.

buwaya said...

The sheer hatred of Trump is quite strange.
I realize it is a class/culture thing, where honestly held.
And, note, I come from an "elite" background, haut bourgeois going back a century. Our lot would and do (superficially) consider Trump a boor, a huckster. But they wouldn't hate him for that.

There was a milder byblow of it with Sarah Palin.

The viciousness of that (re Palin) was surprising, astonishing. Similarly the reaction to the "Tea Party"; so the hysteria over Trump was something I anticipated to a degree - but just to a degree.

He would have been opposed by hook or by crook of course, and his enemies would use every dirty trick at their disposal, but the genuine emotionalism of so many, to such a degree? It is truly mad. Its something that I can acknowledge as an observation, but I just cannot understand.

Jon Ericson said...

There are trillions at stake.

narciso said...

And McCain was a party to it, a fact only revealed through the Jones memo.

Birkel said...

HFS and God damn, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, you are one worthless piece of shit. When your caregiver decides to change your diaper, do you shit yourself on purpose? Are you able to keep your bowels from violently releasing?

What motivates you to be a worthless shitstain every day? Do you just prefer to lie about your political orientation? Do you prefer to hide your sexual orientation? What, exactly, is it that you wish to hide from those who bother to read your worthless typing?

And how do your imaginary friends feel about your lack of genitalia?

Donatello Nobody said...

LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck: "Oh, excellent point. Via a spending bill (not a repeal bill), Congress and Trump have vandalized the ACA."

Is it possible to vandalize a shitstain?

buwaya said...

"There are trillions at stake."

Yes, but most of the truly passionate have no stake (that they are aware of) in those trillions. Mr. Steyer and his clients and suchlike are just a few people. They can buy the media of course.

Michael K said...

There was a milder byblow of it with Sarah Palin.

The viciousness of that (re Palin) was surprising, astonishing. Similarly the reaction to the "Tea Party"; so the hysteria over Trump was something I anticipated to a degree - but just to a degree.

The only time humans react this viciously is when food is threatened. Maybe mating as well.

There something going on. Palin was a warning. The vicious left went all in, from comedians to Obama.

I liked Palin because she reminded me of a city councilwoman I knew who was always sniffing out corruption in city government.

She was physically threatened by the city manager.

Palin made her name by sniffing out corruption in the Alaska oil contracts.

McCain did not defend her at all.

It fits a pattern that I haven't yet been able to see completely.

Michael K said...

"There are trillions at stake."

Yes, but most of the truly passionate have no stake

History is filled with examples of passionate underlings who perceive, sometimes only vaguely, that their livelihood is threatened.

I think the modern "elites" are practicing Feudalism.

A few at the top but many who think their rice bowl is under attack and I hope it is.

Drago said...

buwaya: "The viciousness of that (re Palin) was surprising, astonishing. Similarly the reaction to the "Tea Party"; so the hysteria over Trump was something I anticipated to a degree - but just to a degree."

It is interesting to note that LLR Chuck has invested significant amounts of time denigrating and attacking both Palin and the Tea Party movement, as well as all republican voters in general.

Not to mention attacking every effective conservative/republican out there.

Who can forget LLR Chuck going on the warpath to support Dick Durbin while attacking solid conservative Tom Cotten.

Even worse, LLR Chuck called into question Tom Cotten's courage and character even though Cotten is a 3-tour veteran of Iraq/Afghanistan, all the while LLR Chuck gleefully stepped up as Durbin's cuckholster even after Durbin slandered/smeared US troops.

That really tells you all you need to know about LLR Chuck.

narciso said...

It's why the 'outrage factory leaves me cold, chuck is still repeating some of the lies, a rank degenerate, up in Alaska conjured up.

narciso said...

Who did McCain go to the wall for, gitmo detainees under interrogation, he had a brief dalliance with quaddafi around 2008-9

narciso said...

Of course you know who McCain had hired as advisers back then Paul manafort.

narciso said...

Who gave more privileged to deripashas then, then he did in the month or two trump employed him.

wholelottasplainin said...

Drago said...
Again, how is it possible that every candidate in the Midwest isnt beating a path to Chucks door for SteveSchmidt/NicoleWallace level political guidance?


I've heard that Zombie Harold Stassen still calls in now and then.

wholelottasplainin said...

Thanks Chuck! Sometimes it's fun having you around for just those sort of Napolean Complex-like comments.


Yes! It's always hilarious to see him raise his impotent "Fists of Fury" heavenward. He's a lot closer than he realizes to Grandpa Simpson yelling at clouds .

narciso said...

Well Nicole is in her mime box, the other day she pretended to take ken dilanian seriously, btw Schmidt helped found mercury public affairs, the other outfit that was referred to ny prosecutors

Pookie Number 2 said...

ratfucker Trump

I knew Chuck was jealous of Trump, but all this time, I thought it was money, or fame, or power, or women.

Who’d have thought it was Trump honing in on Chuck’s love-rodent?

MadisonMan said...

I think it was nice of Trump to call in for Rush's 30th anniversary show.

Ralph L said...

McCain's nickname in his two years of boarding school was McNasty.
I believe I learned that in his own book, or he told a reporter.

Why does every Trump thread have to be about Chuck?

narciso said...

Well more like John gill in that trek episode, mark Salter would be Malachi in this scenario.

Howard said...

Trump giving Rush a reach-around.

Anonymous said...

@ Chuck When my wife was of child bearing age we paid the premiums called for for someone who was apt bear children. It was expected and no big deal other than the cost. Now my wife is too old, has had her ovaries removed and certainly does not need maternity coverage. I would have no trouble explaining that to any electorate you choose.

As far as Trump talking about repeal: we were discussing the comments he made to Limbaugh not comments in the past.

You really perturb me when you move the goal posts as you are so wont to do. Others tell me not to be concerned and I try to comply.

Anonymous said...

@Michael K I hope you can help McSally to victory.

n.n said...

Palin made her name by sniffing out corruption in the Alaska oil contracts.

McCain did not defend her at all.

It fits a pattern that I haven't yet been able to see completely.

McCain is a liaison between far right and left, a "maverick", to facilitate reconciliation of overlapping and convergent interests.

narciso said...

She'll probably admit, being the beneficiary of the prosecutors attack on leading figures in the party, but she wasn't far right in fact she had supported the domestic partners legislation, considered herself a feminist for life.

Narayanan said...

@Chuck ... Earlier you were writing speech for Trump. Why don't you also write bill that Trump can introduce in House of Representatives and Senate.
Also explain how he can do it from Executive branch

Narayanan said...

Lawyer should know Constitution, no?

cubanbob said...

McCain is a liaison between far right and left, a "maverick", to facilitate reconciliation of overlapping and convergent interests"

It takes a lot of booze to even begin to thinks this is true.

buwaya said...

Read Codevilla, and one can overcome ones disbelief in shared or overlapping interests. They exist. See who the Koch brothers are backing this year - they want a Democratic Senate/Congress.

Who would have thought that in 2008-2014?

eric said...

God Bless President Trump.

Ray - SoCal said...

Palin was seen as a turn coat - a conservative, working class woman - and a threat to the election of the promised one.

Palinising never became a verb like Borking, but it should have.

And both achieved their goals, short term.

Ray - SoCal said...

The use of lawfare against Palin is very similar to what is happening with Trump.

clint said...

I'd imagine we'll be hearing more of this, in the next few months.

The key subtext is: If you want President Trump to do the things that he was elected to do -- get out and vote in the midterms so he'll have the votes in Congress for things like funding the wall and repealing Obamacare and confirming appointees to drain the swamp.

Rusty said...

"There are trillions at stake."

Can't be said enough. The elites hate Trump because he stands to interrupt the flow of graft. That's why the LLRs are so viciously against him.
It wouldn'tsurprise me if Chucks job was dependant on the public payroll.

Craig Howard said...

It's funny. I remember the first time I heard Rush as clearly as I remember Kennedy's killing, the Challenger explosion, or the Towers falling.

I was on the NYS Thruway in 1991 returning to Buffalo from a sales call in Rochester. My co-worker was switching around the radio dial and stopped on 930 AM and said that this guy was pretty interesting.

I'd never heard "this guy". But as I sat listening, it began to dawn on me that he was expressing my own political opinions -- opinions I'd never heard on radio or TV in my entire life. I've listened ever since.

Now, comparing Rush Limbaugh's show to the earth-shaking events I mentioned above may seem silly or even shocking, but it was evidently so important to me that I remember the details some 27 years later. Amazing guy, that Rush.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

McCain turned himself into a HIllary corruption excusing assclown.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

McCain is a liar. He did campaign to repeal. He's nothing but an old bitter liar.

Oliver said...

How about that Jeff Flake scum going on vacation so the senate is in 49-49 tie and all judicial nominees must be broken by Pence, who must be in DC to do so, thereby depriving GOP members in districts that might not like Trump but do like Pence of his help campaigning.

He will go down in infamy like Snarlin Arlen.

Wilbur said...

@ Craig Howard:
What you describe is a common experience for a lot of people: Hey, there's someone in the media who's actually saying what I'm thinking!

mtrobertslaw said...

I never understood why some people consider McCain a hero By WW II standards he doesn't even come close.

Joe said...

Please, Please, PLEASE do NOT use auto-start videos.

Ann Althouse said...

"Please, Please, PLEASE do NOT use auto-start videos."

It doesn't autoplay for me.

I'll put it after a jump. Sorry.

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