It is a startling reversal for the party, which only a short time ago imposed punishing fines on most couples who had more than one child and compelled hundreds of millions of Chinese women to have abortions or undergo sterilization operations.
The new campaign has raised fear that China may go from one invasive extreme to another in getting women to have more children. Some provinces are already tightening access to abortion or making it more difficult to get divorced....
“Women cannot decide what happens to their own ovaries,” one user complained on Weibo, a popular microblogging platform, after Jiangxi detailed the abortion guidelines in July.
August 11, 2018
"To put it bluntly, the birth of a baby is not only a matter of the family itself, but also a state affair."
Said the official Chinese newspaper People’s Daily, quoted in "Burying ‘One Child’ Limits, China Pushes Women to Have More Babies" (NYT).
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 251 of 251"Men should make being married and having children be very very very attractive to women."
Why the hell would we want to do that? Besides, unless you are the elephant man, all you have to do is ask them, or just import one of those sporty foreign units that still comes with the popular amenities and a much lower cost of ownership .
Tim In Vermont said...
"China isn’t communist anymore, they changed their letterhead and some job titles and now they are single party fascists. "
Yes. Democrats new found respect.
Michael K said... [hush][hide comment]
Howard, unlike Full Moon, is usually not always looking for a fight,
Cry baby eyes.
You stated as a fact that there are few new general surgeons and even less women.
I linked to proof of twenty seven living, breathing, real life general surgeons under fifty .MOST of them women
Then, you cried. and called me evil, disgusting vile names, again, while insulting the very doctors I linked as a group.
You are not a nice man, Dr. Mike.
It's continually boring and hilarious to watch the resident leftists wrestle with fake ghosts and red herrings.
Romney is going to take your tampons!
Trump is going to ban abortion!
Bush is going to usher in theocracy!
We have as much chance of banning elective abortion, torture, and exploitation of the wholly innocent as we did to ban slavery. Less with selective-child/Planned Parenthood since its normalization in the popular culture, the Democrat Party backing again, indoctrinated denial of human evolution (the near-frame process), and advocacy by the NYT et al.
China isn’t communist anymore
They are still left-wing ideologues, and retain monopolies and practices in the most lucrative sectors of the economy. Still, there has been welcome progress since their epiphany that they are not mortal gods. Ending one-child/selective-child rites was an extraordinary rejection of a critical doctrine in their failed [secular] religion.
There is only one real book on Fertig, the very novelistic "They Fought Alone", by Keats. Its great of its kind, of the guerrilla memoirs, and the one with the most literary merit.
A more general survey of what was actually the main guerilla front in that struggle is "The Intrepid Guerillas of Northern Luzon" by Norling. It serves as a good introduction to most of the struggle. A lot of men are mentioned, many of which published their own memoirs, and its got an excellent bibliography.
Some outstanding ones are "The Crucible" by Yay Panlilio, written in a breezy 1940s journalistic style, but both dramatic and charming. "Lieutenant Ramsey's War", Edwin Ramsey, is ghostwritten but excellent. "Cushing's Coup", Barreveld, is the story of perhaps the bloodiest island in that struggle, Cebu, and the greatest guerrilla coup, the taking of the IJN "Plan Z".
There are many, many others. There is tremendous material here for endless tales of adventure. All of this, all these American heroes, are forgotten today.
You stated as a fact that there are few new general surgeons and even less women.
I didn't say that and you seem to relish flame wars.
One of my best students, a Chinese national female is now a breast surgeon.
Kaiser has been second class medicine for a long time but Obamacare has devastated medical practice to the point that it is more attractive to US graduates. They tend to choose shift work, which is typical of Kaiser.
I used to do expert witness work for Kaiser, too. Then they got annoyed when I sided with a plaintiff and dropped me as an expert.
Kaiser uses only nurses anesthetists, for regular cases, for example. One case in which I sided with the plaintiff involved the death of a 35 years old man having a pilonidal cyst removed, a 15 minute operation.
You are obviously an expert on Kaiser so use it in good health, especially in good health.
Flail away. I'm done with you.
There is only one real book on Fertig, the very novelistic "They Fought Alone", by Keats.
Good, that is the one I'm reading.
I was introduced to him by WEB Griffin whose novel "Behind the Lines" fictionalized his exploits. Griffin (Butterworth) apparently knew him and, like many of his novels, is quite good on details.
They are still left-wing ideologues, and retain monopolies and practices in the most lucrative sectors of the economy.
It is pretty much a Fascist system, which is what communism usually evolved into.
The difference is that much of the economy is run by the PLA, which I guess you could call communist
"To put it bluntly, the birth of a baby is not only a matter of the family itself, but also a state affair."
Isn't everything?
Are we to infer that the state does wither away under communism after all?
“Maybe women found out that they could pursue vocations other than childbearing... and liked the idea. Men should make being married and having children be very very very attractive to women.”
I deal frequently with 65+ year-old women who chose not to marry and/or have children. Infirmity and poverty have a way of bringing your choices home to you in no uncertain manner. There’s nothing attractive or fulfilling about the final couple of decades of these women’s lives.
Hundreds of millions of Chinese lives butchered or forced to undergo sterilization. Meh.
Protecting human life. An INTOLERABLE OUTRAGE!
Purely anecdotally, among most of the young men a I know, it’s the live-in girlfriends who start the campaign for marriage and children. The culture changes but, oddly, human nature does not.
“I deal frequently with 65+ year-old women who chose not to marry and/or have children. Infirmity and poverty have a way of bringing your choices home to you in no uncertain manner. There’s nothing attractive or fulfilling about the final couple of decades of these women’s lives.”
And unmarried childless elderly men fare better?
Jesus what a cry baby.
Obviously you do not like being informed.
I simply said kaiser in SF and Sc has a total of 27 general surgeons and provided a link. Most, if not all, under 50 and mostly female.And you go off name calling and pissing your pants. You are beginning to look like your pal Ritmo with multi unrelated paragraphs having nothing at all to do with what I said.
But your anecdotes are all you need, I guess.
Do not bother me again.
BTW, did you ask your son in law if his '33's are Model A's?
Michael K said... [hush][hide comment]
You stated as a fact that there are few new general surgeons and even less women.
I didn't say that and you seem to relish flame wars.
One of my best students, a Chinese national female is now a breast surgeon.
Kaiser has been second class medicine for a long time but Obamacare has devastated medical practice to the point that it is more attractive to US graduates. They tend to choose shift work, which is typical of Kaiser.
I used to do expert witness work for Kaiser, too. Then they got annoyed when I sided with a plaintiff and dropped me as an expert.
Kaiser uses only nurses anesthetists, for regular cases, for example. One case in which I sided with the plaintiff involved the death of a 35 years old man having a pilonidal cyst removed, a 15 minute operation.
You are obviously an expert on Kaiser so use it in good health, especially in good health.
Flail away. I'm done with you.
“it’s the live-in girlfriends who start the campaign for marriage and children.”
It’s odd then how it’s the women who are being blamed for not marrying and having children isn’t it? The majority of commenters on this thread were putting the onus on women for the declining birth rate.
Now, stop bothering me, ya old crabapple !
Michael K said...
Howard does not know enough about Medicine to realize that women tend to work 27% less than men in practice and all new doctors work far fewer hours than we did.
General surgery is, along with general internal medicine, the most demanding of long hours in Medicine.
Hence fewer women and also fewer new doctors. A few years ago a general surgeon (female) I knew told me that she knew of no general surgeon in San Francisco under 50 years old.
Out of the world's 196 countries, the US is one of only four that has no federally mandated policy to give new parents paid time off. That burden is placed on individual states and employers.
So your solution to a low birth rate is to adopt the social policies of countries with even lower birth rates?
If we want more children, get the government out of student loans. Put the risk back where it belongs. The young can’t afford to buy houses because they’re swimming in debt for stupid classes.
Put reasonable limits like most of Europe has on abortion.
The majority of commenters on this thread were putting the onus on women for the declining birth rate.
That’s where it should be.
Fascinating thing about fertig as the leading expert in insurgencies he wasn't included in post war planning in the Philippines, it was left to Lansdale to salvage the situation
he wasn't included in post war planning in the Philippines, <
Fertig, in the account I have read so far, commanded 30,000 troops by 1945 and was never promoted.
The jealousy of the Big Army has persisted and is seen in Afghanistan.
We're total hypocrites for criticizing other cults for doing what we allow our own to do.
The majority of commenters on this thread were putting the onus on women for the declining birth rate.
Oh, I think that is the correct place to put the blame.
I have five grandchildren, none from my daughters. They don't want children. Too much work.
That is criminal incompetence, but you see it with the matter in Cuba where the contact with the brigade and my late distant cousin was a German speaker, who knew little of insurgency or it's antidote, the subsequent whitewash the Kilpatrick report was scarce on input from lulynch or robertson
On progressive liberal women, maybe. Femin(s), yes. But extremism including diversity (i.e. color judgments), selective-child (i.e. denying life deemed unworthy), and denying science (e.g. process of human evolution) is a product of NYT et al, domestic, and foreign influence.
Tom Friedman, call your service.
The leftists authorized one-child. The leftists aided and abetted (i.e. normalized) Planned Parenthood. They still do, and hold millions of lives captive to their ideology and secular ambitions.
Lynch, now he and colonel volckmann and bank did have some insight into counterinsurgency doctrine, yet it seems they decided that conventional tactics would work in Vietnam see Iraq and afghanistan
The NYT is steeped in the prophecy of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, and is faithful to the theory of evolutionary creation, but denies the process of human evolution in the near-frame (i.e. scientific logical domain). They voluntarily and with forethought deny the progressive corruption and unprecedented violation of human rights of selective-child but are critical of one-child. As if there is a difference between the outcome and consequences of an individual or minority regime committing elective abortion of a wholly innocent human life. #HateLovesAbortion
Blogger Michael K said...
You are obviously an expert on Kaiser so use it in good health, especially in good health.
Everyone I know who had major medical issues while at Kaiser had a bad experience, including death and near-death. I call it Borg Medecine
With a PPO, you have enough choices so you can find a non-assburger, non-automaton, non-bureaucratic doc that still enjoys his work and has some common sense and pride in workmanship.
Crack: you didn't get the memo, but being a hypocrite is hard-wired into the psyche.
We should stop teaching sex education in schools and teach biology. The former seems to loses something in science (i.e. near-frame) and self-moderation.
Blogger Michael K said...
I have five grandchildren, none from my daughters. They don't want children. Too much work.
I got 3 grands, none from the daughter. She does work too much, but her problem is that men with low testosterone are unacceptable and she lives in Boston where all the high "T" dudes are banging Titus.
"And unmarried childless elderly men fare better?"
Better? I couldn't say. They make fewer demands on our services by far. Too proud to ask? Indifferent to the decline? Fatalistic?
For all the feminist prating about men expecting women to serve them, at the end of the day men are less likely to expect anything from anybody.
Griffin (Butterworth) apparently knew him and, like many of his novels, is quite good on details.
I have read almost everything WEB has written, including the M*A*S*H* sequels. I love to read the man's writing. (His son, not so much) But holy Jesus the man needed a decent editor. If I ever win the lottery, I'm going to buy the rights to his work just so I can edit them myself.
I said:
“Nor does Inga address falling happiness levels in women. They have bigger and better careers...and are unhappy.”
Inga responded:
FIDO, how about some citations to back up your assertions?
I find it funny that the Cut and Pasty Queen, who can find the most obscure slurs and counterarguments against Trump, who is can microscopically analyze the legal proceedings far more 'thoroughly' than Althouse herself, is suddenly going 'Duh...what's a Google' about an issue which has been reasonably common on the nightly news, in Feminist publications, the NYT, The Guardian, the Daily Mail, dozens of psychological studies, etc.
Even Jessica (Tits) Valenti wrote about this.
But, I can see your trouble finding it. It isn't written about in The Nation, Mother Jones, and those vicious emails sent by the unwashed Marxists.
But be of good cheer. When I typed in 'women unhappiness statistics', I only got 9.5 MILLION hits.
So if you wander the internet, you might eventually run into it.
You'll IGNORE it, but you'll run into it.
Inga Responded to this:
“Fine. Let me know when they start demanding 50% of roofers and ditch diggers be female.
I haven't seen any progress in the last four decades about equality in these fields...”
There is nothing wrong with allowing a natural progression of women into the fields that suit them physically and mentally, no matter what that field is. I don’t see any women “demanding” 50% representation in fields that have been traditionally male. If it happens naturally, more power to everyone.
Inga goes "Duh...What's a Google?" once again.
ALTHOUSE herself has, IIRC, linked to Feminists DEMANDING 50% female participation in STEM fields. GOOGLE's Liberal Oligarchs demanded it and Althouse covered THAT too and you were there. This 'fecklessly naïve' routine you have is tedious and unconvincing. Your lies are usually better than this.
Translation: If a job is indoors, lucrative, and not particularly physically difficult, I as a woman, will demand that we be given access to it at 50% rates, even if, in general, women suck at this job (see STEM)
If a job makes me sweat or I can't do it in heels, then I will allow 'market forces' (i.e. women not wanting it or being any good at it) to normally function."
This is having your cake and eating it too, a classic Feminist trope.
It’s odd then how it’s the women who are being blamed for not marrying and having children isn’t it? The majority of commenters on this thread were putting the onus on women for the declining birth rate.
I will grant Inga one point: It is the women who have control of whom they have sex with. It is MEN who ask a woman to marry or not to marry. So declining marriage rates are probably the fault of men*
But onto the second point of Inga's factless assertion.
Does a man get to choose when a woman has sex in the Western World?
Does a man get to choose if a woman takes a pill or inserts a diaphragm?
Does a man get to choose if a woman does or does not choose to abort a fetus, no matter his preferences?
So with all this in mind, who IS responsible for falling birth rates? Who 'owns' fertility?
For Inga, it is always 'White Men'. For intelligent and objective people...well...that is an inconvenient discussion, isn't it?
"If only you were attractive and rich enough, romantic and liberated enough, of COURSE I would marry you and have tons of your least one."
*The question that Inga refuses to ask is 'why are men declining to ask women to marry as often'.
One need only see the Divorcerape statistics (70% initiated by women because their men weren't Christian Gray) to niggle out the start of an answer to that question.
So Inga, why aren't women making marriage attractive for men anymore?
Michael K. brought up the Florida International University bridge collapse:
"Women can be astronauts, engineers, CEOs, viable candidates for the highest office in the land, etc..
They can even design pretty bridges."
That caught my attention also. I have tried to understand what happened, but it's a complicated thing, there are so many things that could have gone wrong. My suspicion is that whatever the proximate cause, the real problem was the design, which had basically no redundancy, and required the contractors to do everything exactly right, and the people supervising it to be aware that the design demanded that the internal steel cables be tensioned in a very specific way or that putting the tension on in the wrong order or a little different than the sequence in the plans would literally break the bridge.
It's possible that the people supervising it weren't fully aware of the unusual nature of the bridge they were constructing and thus broke the bridge without even realizing it.
What I can sense though is a coverup. I have some doubt we are going to get an honest appraisal of what happened and the full list of all the people that maybe should be held responsible.
Because although the female-owned and disproportionately female staffed design firm that designed this is almost certainly at fault there are also the people who reviewed the design and approved it.
Three I ssues I see driving birth rates:
1. Biological clock. Women are getting married later, so decrease in fertility during marriage.
2. Divorce has made marriage less attractive to males. The book men on strike desks with this.
3. Alternatives to marriage for sexual satisfaction have gotten cheaper.
Sex is Cheap and It’s a Buyer’s Market—If You’re a Man
It was never so easy to have sex. But that's the problem.
By RACHEL LU • September 14, 2017
In the future, sexbots will further this trend.
"The state is everything, the individual is nothing"! - Vladimir Lenin
"Each according to their ability, each according to their needs"! - Vladimir Lenin
"Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime." - Lavrentiy Beria
"One man with a gun can control 100 without one." - Vladimir Lenin
"Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy." - Mao Zedong
"The goal of socialism is communism." - Vladimir Lenin
"The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses." - Vladimir Lenin
"While the State exists there can be no freedom; when there is freedom there will be no State." Vladimir Lenin
"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao Zedong
Those commies are so, you know, in control! And note, Mao was a Lenin disciple.
And next thing you know.... Soylent Green is People!
female-owned and disproportionately female staffed design firm that designed this is almost certainly at fault there are also the people who reviewed the design and approved it
The former is the issue, but not because of their sex. There is no general principle that creates a monolithic class of females who will make engineering mistakes, Choose to abort their fetus, offspring, baby, etc. We should not indulge in diversity or color judgments unless there is a commonly held principle or behavior attributable to the individuals as a class.
Blogger Michael K said...
“I have five grandchildren, none from my daughters. They don't want children. Too much work.”
Howard said...
“I got 3 grands, none from the daughter. She does work too much, but her problem is that men with low testosterone are unacceptable and she lives in Boston where all the high "T" dudes are banging Titus.”
I’ve got five grandchildren, all from my daughters. One is an attorney, she has two kids. One is a stay ay home mom with a degree in art history, she has three kids. One is a Navy Chief, she had no children.
n.n., I've thought about this since I posted that and wondered whether I should have brought it up. But as I think about it more, yes, it really should be said.
Once upon a time this sort of thing would have been the subject of late night jokes. That would have been kind of unfair because this is just one group of women, not all women, but still seems a bit appropriate since it's such an obvious observation and it is one heck of a screw-up.
Today the only reason I even know about this is because I read the comments on Youtube videos about the bridge collapse, which normally I would not read, but then there were a lot of engineers commenting. Today if you even mention something like this in a news or opinion article, you are probably risking your job, and that is a bad situation.
Given that this engineering firm seems have been kind of feminist and that they apparently deliberately only hired female engineers, with a few exceptions, then it really does seem appropriate to mention their sex.
They were making their sex obvious judging by their advertising. Of course that all changed once this happened.
So Inga, why aren't women making marriage attractive for men anymore?
To ask the question of that snarling bint is to answer it.
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