August 10, 2018

The perfection of press vanity.


mezzrow said...

A legend in his own mind...

Humperdink said...

Nobel Prize in the offing.

Laslo Spatula said...

If you view Acosta as a representative white person then Sarah Jeong's racial critiques seem apt.

I am Laslo.

mccullough said...

Acosta is the parody of the progressive newsman like Colbert was the parody of the conservative newsman in the Daily Show.

Ralph L said...

He's not sucking in his gut, so it ain't quite perfect.

Shouting Thomas said...

Makes me glad I cut cable over 7 years ago.

Never watch anything on cable, unless I'm out at the gym or a restaurant.

The major network job of distilling everything down for mass consumption seems out of date.

MayBee said...

I'm glad his special brand of news coverage is working for somebody. (him)

Chest Rockwell said...

To quote Ben Shapiro, "Jim Acosta loves him some Jim Acosta."

Mr. Forward said...

Not the enemy if we are laughing at them.

Temujin said...

The media/press have become sad figures. They see themselves as the voice of truth, reason, and fact. Yet they are viewed by a majority of the public as mostly as biased hacks, or in some cases, simply former comedians or political operatives (what a weird mix). The more prestigious the organization (i.e. The New York Times), the more bizarre the disconnect. With those at CNN one wonders how they ever got to see themselves as serious news people. Even in it's best days early on, it was a network that seemed to want to be taken seriously more than it actually was taken seriously. People have joked about CNN for literally decades now.

These days I can't take Thomas Friedman any more seriously than I can Trevor Noah. Frankly, they sound the same. Occasionally I'll read Sharyl Attkisson and get reminded what an actual reporter does.

Mea Sententia said...

This reminds me of that photo of all the journalists on the plane looking lovingly at Hillary Clinton, with the caption, "find a love who loves you as much as the press loves Hillary."

Humperdink said...

Kleenex in the center of the table is a nice touch. Surprised the box has any left in it.

Sebastian said...

"The perfection of press vanity."

Deep down, progressivism itself is a vanity project.

Not that this clown would have a clue.

But who benefits from the circus? Cui bono?

Dave Begley said...

He's an idiot and he doesn't even know it.

But how in the world could such a moron rise to such a high level in the news business?

TrespassersW said...

Why are CNN's ratings in the toilet?

'tis a mystery.

Ralph L said...

The fire alarm where "the star" can't miss it is another nice touch.

Bob Boyd said...

Invites comparison to a device for cleaning the human vagina.

gspencer said...

Jim, you could work that mirror for days on end, and it still won't make you truthful or decent.

Anonymous said...

Must be one of those days, though. His antacid it showing.

MayBee said...

You wanna be a star? You gotta hate on Trump. The reporters know this, too. Just like they knew you could hang out with stars by inviting them to Obama's WHCD. There's only one real way to celebrity these days.

(although to be fair, Andy Cohen will have Megan McCain on his Clubhouse)

I'm Full of Soup said...

Have you ever met or known of a smart, informed person who also majored in journalism?

Crimso said...

[Acosta, while gazing into the mirror] "My God, it's full of stars!

Rob said...

Acosta wisely brought his Zantac along. With so much bile, of course he suffers from acid reflux.

Clyde said...

Enemy of the people?

Probably not.

Enemy of the truth?


Comanche Voter said...

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the biggest jerk of all?

And the mirror replied--It's you Jim.

rhhardin said...

I don't know that it's vanity so much as playing to his audience. He may not take it seriously at all.

Some newspeople know that their audience consists of idiots.

tcrosse said...

Tell Mr. DeMille I'm ready for my close-up.

Humperdink said...

Reminds me of all the other stars who play pretend for a living.

stevew said...

Hey Jimbo, we didn't forget that you're a self-absorbed douchebag.


daskol said...

he may be vain and dim, a single-looper. still, Have to credit him for sincerity. he believes his own bullshit. eats his own dog food. he is what he says he is and damned if he’s not proud of it. no airs for Jim Acosta, or all airs depending on you look at it. it’s Jim Acosta all the way down.

Amadeus 48 said...

The latest entry in Alhouse's House of Horrors.

MountainMan said...

Temujin said: "These days I can't take Thomas Friedman any more seriously than I can Trevor Noah"

I saw in the Twitter cesspool yesterday an article about Friedman calling upon all journalists and news organizations to join together to drive Trump out of office.

A question for some of the legal experts who comment here: Does anti-trust not apply to profit-seeking news corporations? Why would Friedman's suggestions not be some type of anti-trust violation? Does 1st Amendment get around that issue? I often wondered several years ago when Journalist was exposed why that was not illegal coordination among competitors. I know in the manufacturing environment I worked in this type of coordination among competitive businesses would get an investigation from the FTC with the potential for substantial fines and possibly jail time.

Wince said...

Jim, it’s your viewers who should be taking Zantac for their heartburn.

chuck said...

It's been seen before.

Gahrie said...

Somebody needs to tap this asshole on the shoulder and remind him he's not supposed to be the story. He's more of a glory hound than Sam Donaldson ever was.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's all about you, Jim. The Colbert show is the perfect place for the high minded ego driven leftwing journo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We need more award shows.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

That is some laugh-out-loud shit. At some point we’ve probably all sat in quiet awe, wondering how the biggest, most demonstrative, douche in the room doesn’t realize he’s a douche at all. Still, I’m glad these guys are airing it out for all to see.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Poor Jim was almost beat up at a Trump rally by a little old lady.

Meanwhile - Here are Jim Acosta's peeps.

tim maguire said...

chuck said...It's been seen before.

Good call. Here too.

Rick said...

Revealingly he's on a satirical comedy show claiming to bring real news.

narciso said...

I've related before how Friedman got his first major story wrong blaming a pro Israeli militia for an atrocity they didn't commit, how does he know, he didn't repeat that mistake in his book.

Yancey Ward said...

Gahrie makes the right comparison- and I wish I had thought of this:

Acosta is making Sam Donaldson look humble and camera shy, and that is an amazing feat.

William said...

There's no insult you can direct at him that will not further serve to ennoble him. As he reads through the insults, he marvels at the courage and endurance with which he endures such abuse. It reminds him a bit of the way in which Christ endured his flogging. Christ with his crown of thorns and Acosta with his razor cut hair are willing to suffer to make you better people.......Can anyone make out what the Tshirt says? I think it's a coded message for his followers. That's why I can make it out.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"I'm gonna do a good show today, because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me!"

victoria said...

Love you, Jim Acosta. Keep on fighting the good fight!!

Vicki from Pasadena

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

victoria said...

Love you, Jim Acosta. Keep on fighting the good fight!!

Vicki from Pasadena

One of Jin Acosta's 27 viewers weighs in.

GRW3 said...

Dear Diary...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Blogger MountainMan said...

Temujin said: "These days I can't take Thomas Friedman any more seriously than I can Trevor Noah"

The only time I agreed with the NY Times' newest addition to their editorial board was when I read her tweets about how dreadful the NY Times and Thomas Friedman are.

The Crack Emcee said...

I told a friend of mine I don't watch Colbert anymore, because Colbert said he'd be fair and hasn't done so. My friend thinks that's a sign I've gone crazy. "He's funny!" he says.

That's like hanging with Nazis because they were fashionable.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Are journalists supposed to be fighting for the corruptocrat party?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fitzgerald said...

Smug faggot kisses own ass, details at 11.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

what would an Insurance Policy look like?

Media on board.

mtrobertslaw said...

"Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who is the Fairest of Them All?"

Anonymous said...

The smugness, the smugness, it burns...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

" Of all the dressing rooms of all the studios of all the towns of all the world,
he has to walk into mine"

--Reflections of a Downcast Mirror

Chuck said...

Where is the particular vanity in any of this? Acosta was going on a national talk show. It is a shoutout to Acosta's followers that that will be happening, and they can tune in and see it.

The photo is not vain; it is an ordinary and perhaps even un-made up Acosta, pre-show. It isn't even a slefie of/by Acosta. Someone else took the photo. Acosta's expression is modest; it is not vain. The text is straightforward information; not vain.

Are all reporters supposed to be sackcloth-wearing monks? Is that it.

There should be no mistaking this; this is Althouse trolling her Trumpist-base audience. But let's not give Althouse too much blame, or credit. I presume that Althouse does not pick up the Jim Acosta Twitter feed, and that she was clued into the Trump-base reaction to this from Mediaite or the Daily Caller. Where they had already jumped on the pro-Trump reactivity. And it worked for Althouse the same way that it worked elsewhere in TrumpWorld.

And so I am giving this post our Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome tag.

By the way, have you guys seen the vanity oil painting of Jim Acosta? Freaking hilarious!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...


Drago said...

"Brian Stelter republican" and #StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "Where is the particular vanity in any of this?"


Perfect comment by Chuck. Absolutely perfect.

But only absolutely.

Drago said...

I strongly recommend that Althouse every now and again offer up a post on: "LLR Chuck comment or comment by random leftist chucklehead on rabid left wing hate site--You Decide"

It would be a real head scratcher to figure out to whom to attribute the comments!!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

'Summer's Eve' pitch man makes last minute adjustments

Drago said...

On the other hand, the leftist hate comments don't quite contain enough self-regard as LLR Chuck's to make it a difficult task, so forget my previous recommendation.

Drago said...

If this keeps up Li'l Dickie Durbin is going to get jealous of Jim Acosta in garnering so much of LLR Chuck's cuckholstering affection.

readering said...

Althouse clickbait.

Drago said...

readering: "Althouse clickbait"

This just in, noted Blogger posts topic designed to draw eyeballs and clicks.

Leftists seek fainting always.....

readering said...

This always in. Readering comments, Drago responds.

Howard said...

Colbert was never funny, but Acosta is hilarious.

Known Unknown said...

What a dick.

Known Unknown said...

"That's like hanging with Nazis because they were fashionable."

Hugo Boss knew how to dress psychopaths.

Martin said...

Asshole meets dick-wad. That's entertainment!

Oh, and I don't like their politics, either. But even if I agreed with them, they are just dreadful people.

victoria said...

Known Unknown, You shouldn't say those kind if things about Trump.... They may be true, but it's not nice.


Vicki from Pasadena

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Victoria comes right back at you with a 3rd grade rejoinder and - giggles too!

It's always a pleasure reading her deep and thoughtful comments.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Sorry, Victoria, but Acosta's true and only love is for Acosta. He ain't got none to spare for little old ladies from Pasadena.

Known Unknown said...

"Known Unknown, You shouldn't say those kind if things about Trump.... They may be true, but it's not nice."

Trump is not a dick. Trump is an asshole.

Friendo said...

What a fucking ninny

victoria said...

just as Trump loves no one other than Trump. The rest of the world be damned.

Vicki from Pasadena

Drago said...

readering: "This always in. Readering comments, Drago responds."

Oh yeah, well you...uh....oh...I see what you did there.

Why youuuuuuuu I oughtaaaaaa.......

Drago said...

The good news out of all this is that LLR Chuck now has a new pattern to use for his CNN Heroes wallpaper at his home.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...


I'm happy with his presidency. Too bad for you.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And personally, I don't care who Trump loves or doesn't love.

Unlike silly liberal women, I don't want the president to be my boyfriend, or my bestest gal pal.

narciso said...

we're on our third round of sanctions against Russia, a pair for cuba and Nicaragua and Venezuela, extra pressure against the sultan,

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm having a hard time with the press these days. I'm not sure if Trump has anything to do with it, because I wasn't happy before he started talking about it, but they're so wrongheaded, it's dangerous. Here's an example from Vox:

"This weekend in Washington, DC, a second Unite the Right rally will convene. No one is really sure how many white nationalists will attend, or if the counterprotesters will greatly outnumber them."

Bullshit. The First Unite The Right rally had about 100 participants. They were vastly outnumbered by counter protesters, which is why one guy got his car to even the odds.

See, Vox is framing this as a national crisis, when it's really evidence racism is dying. Which, if you ask me, is another example of whites causing a problem. When I explain this to my black friends, they totally get it, but it's not what we see on TV or hear on the radio. Not even on stations like NPR.

I wrote elsewhere of the sadness I feel, that Michael Brown didn't get a chance to mature, and I feel the same way about young people trapped in white supremacy. I agree with Trump, that there are good people "on both sides", though we may not be seeing the best of them, right then and there. And I also know we're not giving them an adequate number of options for other choices to make. Not really. We're merely stoking the flames. That's how tiki torches get lit.

We should stop this silliness and make a good-willed effort to re-engineer our missteps.

Like telling Ezra Klein to cut it out.

Known Unknown said...

"We should stop this silliness and make a good-willed effort to re-engineer our missteps. "

The media feeds on ignorance and conflict -- yet they never face the consequences of either one.

mtrobertslaw said...

At her next press conference and without saying a word, Sanders should unveil a poster-size photo of "Acosta and his Mirror" displayed directly in front of the podium. That will bring down the house. And then she can begin the press conference just as if nothing happened.

Bill said...

Narcissus at the pool.

JohnAnnArbor said...

♫ He's so vain, he probably thinks the story's about him, he's so VAIN ... ♪

Rockport Conservative said...

That really is the picture that says it all.

McCackie said...

Is this a section in a Dictionary headed with HUBRIS?

excessive pride or self-confidence.
"the self-assured hubris among economists was shaken in the late 1980s"
synonyms: arrogance, conceit, conceitedness, haughtiness, pride, vanity, self-importance, self-conceit, pomposity, superciliousness, feeling of superiority; More
(in Greek tragedy) excessive pride towards or defiance of the gods, leading to nemesis."

Rabel said...

I'll bet you could get a hell of a buzz from licking that tabletop.

gilbar said...

I was wondering where to put this link, then thankfully:
JohnAnnArbor said...
♫ He's so vain, he probably thinks the story's about him, he's so VAIN ... ♪

Carly Simon's Brother is an ASSHOLE

Media Society Page photographer (who happens to Carly Simon's BROTHER!) gets BANNED from Martha's Vineyard Restaurant for harassing Bill Murray!

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