১৫ আগস্ট, ২০১৮

"The narratives that painted Black Lives Matter activists as 'violent' have turned into legislation that targets black people, leftists, and other marginalized groups."

"The Dangers of Shunning ‘Bad’ Protesters" (The Nation).
Moderates are keen to promote only passive, nonviolent tactics under any circumstance, but fail to realize that when the police attack demonstrations that kind of resistance isn’t always an option....

The popular narratives that painted Black Lives Matter activists as “violent” have since escalated to new legislation targeting black people. Since Trump’s inauguration, lawmakers in 31 states proposed 64 anti-protest bills, some of them geared toward preventing protesters from blocking highways, a common Black Lives Matter protest tactic. Several of these bills proposed making it legal for drivers to run over protesters if they are blocking roads. These bills make formerly legal, even anodyne, forms of protest illegal, and in doing so, target marginalized protesters much more than others....

Given what we know about protest repression, it’s imperative to resist these harmful laws and narratives at all costs, and fight like hell for “bad” protesters. The Republican bill names anti-fascists, but it’s not hard to imagine the vague term “disguise” being applied to any number of garments commonly worn to protests. Maybe even pussy hats.

২৩১টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   231 এর 201 – থেকে 231
buwaya বলেছেন...

Any "side" can do this, this martyr-chasing.

The HRC side very nearly gave the Trump side some martyrs in 2016, in Chicago and San Jose. It was lucky for them that their undisciplined activists did not do so. There have been many accidental cases since, where things have come close.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"They gave the key participating agents, including the shooters, medals."

Indeed. And in all those years hundreds of thousands, millions, have been radicalized against the government.

Drago বলেছেন...

buwaya: "Indeed. And in all those years hundreds of thousands, millions, have been radicalized against the government."

No, not "millions" on the right.

The "millions" on the right now clearly recognize what has been exposed and will not support it going forward nor support those who pretend it doesn't happen.

But they aren't taking to the streets and burning down cities. So that "radicalization" you speak of isn't really "radicalization". It's the classic American "middle class radicalization" that is still willing to work thru the political processes.

However, if the deep staters and their allies are successful in removing a duly elected President just because they can, all bets will indeed be off. This will be because that great "middle" will recognize clearly that any vestiges of power that they had was also removed improperly by those same "authorities".

We are not there yet, but the lefties and the LLR's are toiling mightily to make it real...

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Bundy's beef was with BLM.

It gets so confusing at times.

John Henry

Drago বলেছেন...

Darkisland: "Bundy's beef was with BLM."

Every federal agency/intelligence service was weaponized.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Before one descends to organized warfare, its simply a fact that physical casualties on your side are victories for you. When they kill you, or at least harm you in some terrible way, it is the best possible propaganda against them. If you care to use it like that of course.

This is better for your political purpose than any other sort of sanction or oppression. Strikes against livelihood or career are not useful, they actually do deter, not encourage. There is no substitute for the bloody shirt.

This is unfortunate but true. We are a nasty species.

Real American বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Real American বলেছেন...

Legislation: "violence is illegal"

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

It is amazing to me that more than half a century after the decisive refutations of behaviorism (the notion that human beings are born empty vessels filled up by social conditioning), it remains the dominant ideology of modern sociology. So long as we refuse to accept that average differences in cognitive, affective, and social traits among the races exist, we will not only keep getting the wrong answers, we won't even be asking the right questions.

Henry বলেছেন...

buwaya said...
Any "side" can do this, this martyr-chasing.

That's a good formulation.

It's why I usually bow out of the back-and-forths.

L Day বলেছেন...

Reginald Denny was too decent a man to run over rioters. I saw what that got him.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"What a pile of garbage. I'd love to see simple equal enforcement of laws against leftist protesters who occupy, destroy, riot, assault, and attack police."

In most protests where the police engage in violent encounters with the protesters, the police are the instigators of the violence, (overtly or via undercover agents provocateurs).

Rick বলেছেন...

Completely delusional. I assume you're paid up to date on your dues to the John Birch Society.

Nothing after the 1950s makes any sense to Cook so he just ignores it.

Trumpit বলেছেন...

"...we won't even be asking the right questions."

You open your mouth and offensive, stupid shit come out. You don't want to ask questions, you want to tell us that niggers are stupid. Save if for your Klan meetings, honky.

n.n বলেছেন...

Antifa protested a small assembly of people protesting the demolition of historic statues at best or historic Democratic artifacts at worst. They set up a kill-zone targeting what they labeled "white supremacist", and sacrificed one of their own for an actionable narrative. The National Socialists were Antifa. They were Anticom, too. There can be only one left-wing ideology. The Nazis painted with broad sweeping strokes, not based on principle, but on color. The Nazis were diversitists (i.e. color judgments) and denied individual dignity. The Nazis were Pro-Choice and practiced a form of selective-child and recycled child with Planning and in their abortion chambers. That said, the Maoists killed more than the Soviets killed more than the Nazis, and somewhere in between there are Hutu wielding machetes, and Mandelas hanging necklaces on their competitors a la Hamas launching Fatah.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

"It is amazing to me that more than half a century after the decisive refutations of behaviorism (the notion that human beings are born empty vessels filled up by social conditioning), it remains the dominant ideology of modern sociology. So long as we refuse to accept that average differences in cognitive, affective, and social traits among the races exist, we will not only keep getting the wrong answers, we won't even be asking the right questions.

Yes. Nicely stated.

The once popular tabula rasa notion was just an idea from the 17th Century.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

If surrounded by an angry mob smashing your car and clearly about to get in to you, do you have the right to run them over to save yourself or your family? If so, at what point do you have that right? Before it will save you, or after it's too late? At what point is it to late or too early? I'm sure this is all easy to determine, and it's just your life at stake for being near "peace loving protesters", so make sure you get it right. If you over or under react, I'm sure everything will work out fine.

CWJ বলেছেন...


Because I have seen throughout history that little good has ever come from it, I have no desire to wave the bloody shirt.

Think about it, the most productive revolution in every way imaginable, did not politically take place until years after the Boston massacre, and over a year after Lexington and Concord. To be sure, there was an army in the field, but it served only to buy time. It continues to amaze me and be the full measure of pride that we did not go nuts until we at least nominally had the full measure of all the colonies on board.

CWJ বলেছেন...

Robert Cook in an asset to this blog and should always be soberly considered before potentially dismissed. Still, his two comments above suggest to me that his mindset is firmly fixed in the mid seventies.

Michael K বলেছেন...

In most protests where the police engage in violent encounters with the protesters, the police are the instigators of the violence, (overtly or via undercover agents provocateurs).\

Cookie, this is just a lie.

You are usually, even if far left, usually not a liar.

CWJ বলেছেন...

Michael K,

See my comment immediately above. Incorrect or not, it was received wisdom well into the seventies. I do not think Robert is lying. I think he believes it.

Michael K বলেছেন...

So long as we refuse to accept that average differences in cognitive, affective, and social traits among the races exist, we will not only keep getting the wrong answers, we won't even be asking the right questions.

Excellent point and genetics research is proving this every day.

It's not races, per se, as Ibos from Nigeria have high levels of mathematical ability.

There are clusters of traits. I'm not sure anyone has ever figured out why blue eyes have persisted in evolutionary terms.

The same leftists that protest Christian public events," have founding myths about intelligence and behavior.

Michael K বলেছেন...

CWJ, I agree but the myth that police are instigating violence is a dangerous lie that has gotten quite a few policemen murdered.

Murdered just for being in uniform. The same may begin to be a danger to ICE employees.

The level of violence in modern leftist circles is rising.

CWJ বলেছেন...

Michael K.,

I might agree about what is happening today, but
Robert's world view appears to have not progressed. His worldview makes not a dimes worth of difference as to what is happening today. His opinion even less so. beating up on him is pointless.

CWJ বলেছেন...

Let me change that to I do agree, not I might agree. So please do not think that I am playing devil's advocate.

Gospace বলেছেন...

bagoh20 said...
If surrounded by an angry mob smashing your car and clearly about to get in to you, do you have the right to run them over to save yourself or your family? If so, at what point do you have that right? Before it will save you, or after it's too late? At what point is it to late or too early? I'm sure this is all easy to determine, and it's just your life at stake for being near "peace loving protesters", so make sure you get it right. If you over or under react, I'm sure everything will work out fine.

Easy to solve on limited access highways. Any road where pedestrians are prohibited, anyone walking or standing on the road is assumed under the law to be 100% at fault if they're hit. If you break down and need to get out of the car- move to the other side of the guardrail or well off the road and wait for assistance.

wholelottasplainin বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
wholelottasplainin বলেছেন...

Robert Cook said...
"What a pile of garbage. I'd love to see simple equal enforcement of laws against leftist protesters who occupy, destroy, riot, assault, and attack police."

In most protests where the police engage in violent encounters with the protesters, the police are the instigators of the violence, (overtly or via undercover agents provocateurs).


I've often wondered why the image you use when posting here is so...ancephalic.

Now I know. We all know.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

I don't want to give Inga a smidge of acknowledgement because it will go to her ... head, but I was indeed conflating two pussy events: the women's marches were largely physically peaceful events, though their rhetoric was fascistic and violent. The Code Pink vagina-outfit wearing protesters are the ones who openly coordinate with violent anarchists who attack police, intentionally providing them cover.

I was conflating pussy headgear with pussy bodywear. One can see how this might happen: all idiot in pussy outfits look the same, as it were.

My favorite moment in leftist violence (because the cops weren't hurt and it is so telling of the mindset) was when anarchists swarming Tampa in 2012 flung bottles of water back at the cops providing them with the water in the intense heat (yes, the police had to keep the protesters hydrated as the protesters abused them). One black-masked anarchist wailed that the mini-bottles were too small (this is bullshit, he shouted) and threw then back at the cops handing them out.

He wanted a full-size drink.

Your people, Inga.

Meanwhile, across town, other anarchists used handcuffs with superglued locks inside PVC tubes to make a human chain attached at the end to the concrete birms outside one of the city's electrical power plants. They laid down on the asphalt, and only then did it occur to them that lying on asphalt in August in Florida really hurts. Also, the plant had another entrance.

The cops had to put tents over them and pour water on the protesters like beached dolphins as they spent hours extricating them from their idiot self-imprisonment. And the jerks continued abusing the police as they demanded to be released more quickly, calling them pigs and fascists as they lay on their backs on boiling asphalt demanding assistance.

Brains and class, Inga.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...


You open your mouth and offensive, stupid shit come out. You don't want to ask questions, you want to tell us that niggers are stupid. Save if for your Klan meetings, honky.

That is a foolish formulation. No group of people are "stupid." There is wide variance within any group. There are many blacks who are smarter than many whites. But that does not change the empirical fact that black Americans have a mean IQ approximately one standard deviation below the white mean. So while about 15% of white Americans have IQs under 85, around 50% of blacks have IQs under 85.

There are also numerous other traits in which average differences are observed among the races. The most obvious example to even the most casual observer is in the arena of sports. Black men are about 6.5% of the US population and are thus vastly over represented in the NFL and NBA. There is no one credible that I know of who believe this is due to racism against non-blacks. Blacks simply out compete other groups in a meritocratic system. Look at the dominance of East Africans in long-distance running and West Africans in sprinting.

The incidence of prostate cancer among blacks is around twice that of the white rate. Blacks have higher rates of both testosterone and free testosterone. Black males, on average, enter puberty a year earlier than white males.

Douglas B. Levene বলেছেন...

I'm having a hard time seeing blocking highways as a form of peaceful protest. Those protestors are using force to prevent other people from going about their lawful business.

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